Larian Studios
Posted By: Libertarian Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 12/04/11 11:05 PM

Third-person with dragons, so it may interest some Divinity fans.
More videos!

Dynamic Environments:

Hydra Boss Battle:

Story Interview:

Posted By: virumor Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 13/04/11 01:35 PM
If it's not console-exclusive, I'm interested.
Posted By: Demonic Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 13/04/11 03:25 PM
It's not really a full RPG. It contains some RPG elements and is set in a free roaming world. Still, it looks pretty good. I'm interested to see how this turns out...

More information here:

In a nutshell, Dragon’s Dogma is an open-world action adventure set in a world of swords, sorcery and enormous, deadly monsters. “When I was at junior high school I was really taken in by The Lord of the Rings, so I’m sure that has had a strong influence,” explains Hideaki. “You can expect to see a lot of those creatures from Greek and Norse mythologies that fantasy fans will be familiar with.”

“While we don’t share a common history and mythology, Japan has had access to the same pop culture experiences over the last 30 years, and I think that Japanese people do like fantasy games, movies and books. Because of that, we have the same working knowledge of myths and creatures such as the Hydra and the Griffin and people in Europe and America do.”

Dragon’s Dogma has been in development for three years and currently has more people working on it than any other Capcom game. “This is a game that I have wanted to make for many years,” Hideaki adds. “I’ve never felt that we had the technology in place to take on a project of this scale. Now, we have consoles powerful enough and a development team at Capcom knowledgeable enough to bring this vision to life.”

Your three accomplices in monster-bashing are a key part of the gameplay and are known as Pawns. You can issue commands to them using the directional buttons and they respond with tips along the lines of “Orcs hate fire” and “deploy the rolled-up newspaper” (I made the second one up), and they can develop abilities of your choosing. Interestingly, there are more than 200 individual NPCs in the game world, each with spoken dialog and a full 24-hour daily routine, and any of them can be recruited as Pawns and then customised to your needs.

The graphics look a little wierd to me. Its like they tried to look like Dragon Age 2, but came up a little short. Other than that, it peaked my interest.
The environments look a lot better than in Dragon Age 2. The characters, however, do not.
Posted By: Annada Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 27/06/11 02:38 AM
it peaked my interest.
Posted By: Twilight Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 27/06/11 06:18 AM
I like the archer animations and "spells" or whatever that chick did to make those explosive arrows. Will definitely be getting this if only for the partner evolution process, because that's it's main selling point, and a damn good one.
Posted By: Arokh Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 27/06/11 10:40 AM
Japanese RPGs seem a bit weird for my tastes but that looks like it's going to be decent. Ill be keeping an eye on that, thanks for the heads up.
Posted By: Twilight Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 27/06/11 03:16 PM
JRPG's are really good if you are into that sorta thing. Infinite Undiscovery is one I would recommend.
Posted By: Vondred Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 27/06/11 03:53 PM
Console only?... A title I'm sure to miss.

Also, Infinite Undiscovery was really good.
Posted By: Twilight Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 28/06/11 01:56 AM
I think I must be opposite of everyone. I play console games more than PC...

And because I just want to, I have been looking up possible monsters for this game that are of Greek/Norse mythology. So far, I have as possibilities: Phoenix, Gorgon's (Or Harpies), Medusa type deal, Lamia (If you are a fan of the FF series, these are the snake women), Centaurs, Cerberus, Chimara/Manticore, Minotaur, Sphinx, Faries (Or Shee's), Sirens, Panes (Mr. Tumbus), Trolls, Giants, Cyclopes, Grendel (Those who have read Beowulf, those who haven't, think Dragon), Banshee, and there's also a "Great Tree" in Norse mythology, so it wouldn't surprise me if I ended up fighting one of those too...

Posted By: Demonic Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 28/06/11 02:13 PM
My mistake, it seems it's an action RPG where you can choose your gender and class (and perhaps even construct your face) from the start. Early previews didn't say anything like this but it looks like that's changed. I'm certainly keeping an eye open for this one. The dragons certainly look great.
Posted By: Andy H Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 12/07/11 09:20 AM
if they bring the fantastic action fighting of devil may cry 4 to an rpg then it will be a hit with me
I wanna do a game called "Angel may laugh".
Posted By: Demonic Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 12/07/11 10:52 PM
Devil May Die? DMD?
Posted By: Demonic Re: Capcom reveals new RPG, Dragon's Dogma - 29/07/11 09:00 PM
New Videos: (Griffin fight) (13 minute gameplay showing companions, inventory, more combat and another boss fight)

All in all, I'd say the combat looks really well done but I'm not exactly excited about the companions because they constantly repeat the same dialogue. Overall though, it looks like Dragon Age: Origins meets LOTR.
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