Larian Studios
Posted By: morgret Act 4 freeze up at beginning - 22/02/05 08:15 PM
At the begining og Act 4, just after encountering a Mutant,and immediately after slaying it, the game freezes up before it can go to the programmed cutscene. I have done a hard shut down to clear the memory, erased old save files and restarted many times. Still freeze-city. Just when I thought Imight get to the end without any more mishaps due to a bug, this happens..Any ideas what might be going on?....Morgret
Posted By: Raze Re: Act 4 freeze up at beginning - 22/02/05 10:20 PM
Your followup post would have been better placed as a reply or edit, rather than a separate topic;

Addition to my previous post (freeze in act 4 beginninng...) If i cllick on f1 f2 or f5 I can now see my characters (I saw nothing but background before.) The map key works (A) as do some others, but I cannot move my characters, though they deem to a'breathe"; that is, be alive and not frozen.I read a previous posted answer about deleting the Acts Dynamic forlder files. Is this a work-around that will help me?

Which mutant (location) is it that triggers the problem? Do you know which cut scene is suppose to start then? Did you try different ways of killing the mutant (weapon vs spell), or having a different character do so?
A couple people had a similar problem with the traveling merchant in act 3, who had his goods stolen. If they killed the mutants first, killing the air elemental would cause a hanging cut scene (or maybe that was the other way around), but if they killed them in the opposite order it would work properly.

Beyond Divinity maps

Deleting the files in the dynamic folders may help (couldn't hurt, anyway), but this doesn't really sound like that is the problem. The dynamic folders are;
'..\Beyond Divinity\Acts\Act1\Dynamic', '..\Beyond Divinity\Acts\Act2\Dynamic', etc.
These folders are used as a cache for the game. Files are created / copied there from the save game folder when you load, and written / copied to those folders when you save a game. The files will be re-created as required the next time you start Beyond Divinity. If there was a corrupt file in those folders, deleting the files should fix the problem.
Posted By: morgret Re: Act 4 freeze up at beginning - 22/02/05 11:52 PM
-*- The action is at the bare ground in front of the entrance to the Academy, where "we" are attacked by a level 29 Guardian mutant. Following advice given, I used different characters and different weapons and spells to kill the Guardian. As soon as it falls dead, the mouse cursor disappears and I cannot move my characters on the barren landscape, and the character boxes are gone from the upper right of the monitor as they are when a cutscene is about to begin,which it does not. Though I can now see my fighters after I press f1, 2 and or 5. So now what? I have fought through many bugs to get this far, and the end is in sight, I would hate to uninstall without getting to the Big Finish ( I hope there is one.)
Posted By: Raze Re: Act 4 freeze up at beginning - 23/02/05 12:16 AM
When the screen focus moves to the left of the academy entrance, there should only be a brief delay before a Raanaar ghost appears, walks over to the door and uses the password to get in.

Have you tried killing the mutant in different areas (you can even run onto the lava)?
Maybe, though not likely, if the screen focus moves less, or more, the cutscene will continue?
Posted By: morgret Re: Act 4 freeze up at beginning - 23/02/05 06:33 PM
Sorry, I tried all of the above and nothing works. When I deleted to the recycle bin the dynamic files, I could no load the game at all.. So, I will keep trying and maybe someone will hit on a fix or I will get lucky.. There is always the uninstalll button....
Posted By: Raze Re: Act 4 freeze up at beginning - 23/02/05 10:03 PM
As long as you do not delete the 'dynamic' folders, deleting the file within should not cause any problems.

Did you check your PM? (click 'My Home' in the top menu bar, then 'Received Private Messages')
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