Larian Studios
Posted By: Hamsandwhich Questions about Divinity 2 - 27/07/08 09:50 PM

One of the best things about Divine Divinity is the rich skill system -- it sets it apart from games like Sacred. I loved the fact that you could steal, pick locks -- and also that folks would get mad at you. I liked the faction system too -- in other words, I like how Divine Divinity incorporated more hard core RPG elements into an action-rpg feel.

I know that Divinity 2 will be in 3D, but I seriously hope the skills, etc., don't change too much -- that was a perfect blend in my opinion. I don't want it to be pure hack-n-slash -- I quit playing Sacred for exactly that reason.


Posted By: Ragon_der_Magier Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/07/08 12:10 AM
I also do hope that the Larians cautiously preserve the charecteristics, the heart and soul of the original div , as also described in the "5th Anniversary article" Alrik posted in the other thread, and what made it unique as the fantastic mixture it turned out to be - the humor, the loveable NPCs (and at least a few of the more significant old ones we´ve grown so fond of wink ), the offering in different playstyles, the world, the GIC (Game Improvement Quests) that helped filling it and gave the player a feeling of home and close ties to his environment, the little neat and more personal quests and so on... - while translating it into a 3D environment that seems to be obligate way to do it nowadays.

Don´t make it a Gothic-in-Rivellon, please.

Evolution is the key - no revolution!

Look how Piranha Bytes tried the latter... - and fell flat on their noses, even losing their original IP in the aftermath!

All elements have to be carefully improved while maintaining the delicate balance of gameplay elements and creating a sound overall composition.

Anyway, i hope they know what their doing!
Posted By: Rincewind Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/07/08 01:19 AM
It will indeed be a delicate balance... Rivellon is "home" for many of us in ways that just don't apply to other RPG worlds. To maintain the integrity of div and its universe, while implementing the technological wonders that have since massively raised the bar in computer gaming, is truly an onerous task.

And welcome to the forums, Hamsandwhich! wave
Posted By: Neverstorm Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/07/08 06:20 AM
Those weren't really questions in my opinion, but we'll run with it!

I do have to ask; will this game be like The Witcher? While I found the game highly enjoying, I felt bored with it around ACT III and I don't want that to happen in Divinity 2. |: So, yeah?

I am not as informed about Divinity 2 like everyone else around here, so I'm sorry if it has already been stated. ^^; But I do know about the Moral Dilemma thread, which I found just excellent. laugh
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/07/08 08:18 AM
There's a lot of speculation, Neverstorm, but not a lot we actually KNOW about Div 2 for certain, yet. The Larians are still playing things very close to their chests.
Posted By: Hamsandwhich Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/07/08 01:27 PM

Neverstorm -- I guess those weren't questions. smile -- but I was tired, and... well... you know. I stumbled across the first Divine Divinity just a few months ago -- I was blown away with how accessible it was.. but it was also like an onion -- it seemed to have endless layers. And the little things really impressed me. I *liked* the fact that I could interact with almost every object on the screen. One of my pet peeves with RPGs is you walk into a beautiful room, castle, whatever -- and there is only one thing to interact with (a chest normally) -- feels patronizing.
Posted By: Neverstorm Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/07/08 03:45 PM
Didn't mean it that way. XD But understandable. And trust me, I liked how open Divine Divinity was, but sometimes it could get awful annoying with all the rotting food and the alike. It feels like you can loot it but no. XD Maybe it is just me lol.

Well, hopefully there'll be something to go by soon... right?

Also, I wouldn't mind to have a "Special Box" for the Next RPG, which would include the original Divine/Beyond Divinity games. ^^; That would be epic.
Though then it would probably take longer on production time, so yeah. I would like that, but it's a wishful thinking for a fool. ^^;
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/07/08 06:34 PM
Never know. 'Collected editions' happen all the time. Might have to wait a bit, though.


Hamsandwhich - welcome to the forum smile
Posted By: second45 Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 29/07/08 12:16 PM
hey i am new here on the page... but i have a few questions and gripes about divinity.

- first off Divine Divinity is an AWESOME game. very little i can say bad about it.

- Will there be a third installment of the Divinity saga???

- Beyond Divinity is a truly horrible game. it is nothing like Divine Divinity.... The concept idea was pretty original, but the actual game play is irritating and extremely boring. *for one there is not enough to do and not enough monsters to kill. *also being locked in to certain quest, no matter what, is frustrating. *the difference in leveling up between divine divinity and beyond is huge... beyond divinity is all messed up in that field. *the way actual combat takes place is bad as well.

- PLEASE take notes from Divine Divinity when creating your next game. (NOT BEYOND DIVINITY)

- i bought divine divinity having never even herd of it before.... it just looked interesting and WOW it blew me away. I was so excited to find out that there was a second installment i bought it right away... wow beyond is sooooo bad. i went back to playing divine divinity and never touch beyond EVER.

- i hope there is a sequel and i would also be interested in any other RPG's Larian puts out.

well i am done!!!
Posted By: Raze Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 29/07/08 08:15 PM

There will be a third game, which we've been calling DD2. There should be an official announcement about it "very very soon".

Did you make it out of act 1 playing BD? Near the end of act 1 the game starts to open up a bit, with more quests and freedom of movement. The next couple acts are primarily outdoors, with a lot of freedom. There are extra monsters to kill in the battlefields, and the hardcore difficulty level doubles up on some types of monsters (once you switch to hardcore, though, you can not lower the difficulty).

Other than having 2 characters, BD's combat mechanics are fairly similar to DD. Most of the time I had both characters selected (2 warriors or warrior/archer), and directed them to attack as one.

A fair number of people prefered DD to BD (to various extents), so I assume that had an influence on DD2's design.

Welcome to the forum. wave
Posted By: wolfspawn Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 11/08/08 09:16 AM
where in the time line wil DDII play out
could it be before the divine one(lets not forget the dragon armor set)
the DD world has seen more wars than iraq if i remember correctly
Posted By: Raze Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 11/08/08 07:55 PM

ED continues where DD left off. Presumably it will be set about 20 years later, to avoid conflicting with the BD story line (especially if the main bad guy from BD is to be a factor in ED). Alternately, it could take place sooner than that if it is mostly focused in other parts of Rivellon.
Posted By: Xapphire Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 03:05 AM
Personally, I miss the feeling of Rivellon. It was that farmland, city, town, feeling that had me going. All the small different personalities, the reputation you had, and little events that took place. That had me going, the music, and the quests that didnt matter, but led you to greatness. That's all I miss, If you can bring that back stronger and better, then this would be a strong game that would rise in popularity.

Games these days are based around action and effects, about items and your individual physique, were a game like "Divinity II Ego Draconis" brings back those amazing stories you always loved, that rpg feeling, whether it was in that small house in the center of town, becoming a master of the thieves guild, or stealing a kids piss from a monastery, Divine Divinity had that aspect of what makes a roleplay game, I hope they bring it back. Not only is it a great story, but the character choices and options you have, they are unbelievable, with a interactive environment, though the 3 class limit wasn't much, you guys made the absolute most of it, not limiting the class to abilities, but rather physical powers and passives. And your class hardly effected the actual story and on-going adventure, a true master piece.

"My big question; will they bring this back, better, and stronger."
Posted By: Tulkas Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 11:20 AM
I would just like to ask one thing. In typical Action RPG games like Diablo your strenght and chances of winning are mostly based on the hours you spend playing the game gaining exp and gathering new items. Is there any chance that this game wont be like this? For instance look at the game called Revenant where the skill of player should be most important to overpower your enemies. So will there be any manual fighting techniques or combos for each hero that can be used by players to show that you need more than your level and items to win?
Looking forward to your anwser.
Regards smile
Tulkas from Divine Divinity PL site
Posted By: Draghermosran Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Tulkas
I would just like to ask one thing. In typical Action RPG games like Diablo your strenght and chances of winning are mostly based on the hours you spend playing the game gaining exp and gathering new items. Is there any chance that this game wont be like this? For instance look at the game called Revenant where the skill of player should be most important to overpower your enemies. So will there be any manual fighting techniques or combos for each hero that can be used by players to show that you need more than your level and items to win?
Looking forward to your anwser.
Regards smile
Tulkas from Divine Divinity PL site

Revenant, if I recall correctly the Demo was bloody hard
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Tulkas
where the skill of player should be most important to overpower your enemies.

Excuse me, and - regardless of what Larian will ever do - this is something I don't like at all.

No offense.

I always believe it should be up to the character you play, not the player you charact, so to say.
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 03:09 PM
I think in all games it's a combination of both, honestly. You can just 'brute force' your way through many games, but mostly you won't. You'll manouvre, you'll trick and trap and use guile - all of which are down to the player's skill. And you'll use everything your character has, so there's plenty of that, too smile

Even in Diablo it's about far more than just how fast you can click the mouse button.
Posted By: isorun Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 04:43 PM
I agree with Elliot. When a player lacks the skill, he just uses a walkthrough or cheats or any other kind of help to continue the game. I needed help with some games, cause I lacked the skill while at some points in a game, your character just isn't skilled enough yet to beat a specific goal.
There are very few games out there where it actually comes down to button smashing your way through the game, most of them require at least some skill or strategy to complete.
Posted By: Tulkas Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
Originally Posted by Tulkas
where the skill of player should be most important to overpower your enemies.

Excuse me, and - regardless of what Larian will ever do - this is something I don't like at all.

No offense.

I always believe it should be up to the character you play, not the player you charact, so to say.

I'm not sure if you got me right. The player in the game is you. And - like in Revenant - that would mean it's alot up to you how you use your attacks (combos) which could be mixed with your hero skills and items. It's all about the manual posibilites of your hero which I welcome in any Action RPG. It's more about HOW you use your hero skills than WHAT skills you just use by a simple click.
Elliot_Kane is right. I just hope we will get good proportions in the game and lots of various clicking manoeuvres smile
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 07:32 PM
I'm not sure ED will be an action-RPG. A lot of what I've read on here about choices and consequences thereof point to it being a 'True' RPG.
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 09:35 PM
Personally, I'm sticking to the rule I once read :

In one kind of RPGs you are defined by what you have (items)

in another kind oof RPGs you are defined by what you are (talents.

This evening I learned a third variant :

In another kind of RPGs you are defined by what the NPCs see in you.
Posted By: Tulkas Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 10:26 PM
If ED will be and RPG thats fine with me. I like DD and games like Baldurs Gate so no problem.
What's a NPC?
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 12/08/08 11:12 PM
Alrik - who your character is as a person is more important than items or talents. The best description of an RPG I ever heard was 'freeform acting'. That about sums it up smile
Posted By: Shades29A Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 13/08/08 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Tulkas
If ED will be and RPG thats fine with me. I like DD and games like Baldurs Gate so no problem.
What's a NPC?

an NPC is a Non-Playable Character
like Shops, ppl that hand out Quests, Contacts, etc; ...
Posted By: Freaker98 Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 13/08/08 07:22 AM
Hello everyone, been a long while but i will be around more now with the announcement of Divine Divinity 2. I hope everyone is well.

About Divine Divinity 2:
I really look forward to the game since DD1 was one of the best RPG's i have played to this day.
One thing does concern my though, the game looks pretty amazing and i'm 99% sure my system won't be able to handle it but still i got to ask. Have any system requirements been made public yet? Anyone have any idea what requirements we would be looking at?

Thanks in advance.
Posted By: Macbeth Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 13/08/08 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by Freaker98
Hello everyone, been a long while but i will be around more now with the announcement of Divine Divinity 2. I hope everyone is well.

About Divine Divinity 2:
I really look forward to the game since DD1 was one of the best RPG's i have played to this day.
One thing does concern my though, the game looks pretty amazing and i'm 99% sure my system won't be able to handle it but still i got to ask. Have any system requirements been made public yet? Anyone have any idea what requirements we would be looking at?

Thanks in advance.

Hello, Freaker98, good to see you again!

Lar has made a comment about the system requirements and here it is:

Regarding system specs - the screenshots you are seeing come from Geforce 8800 dual-core systems running in full HD (1080p). Our target is to have it run on 7800 cards. Because the game also runs on an Xbox360, it's more optimized than if it'd only have been a PC game. A 360 game has to be able to run from DVD using only 512Mb, so the benifits for the PC version are clear.
Posted By: Freaker98 Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 13/08/08 07:42 AM
Ah as i suspected the game won't be for me when it gets released, i will probally play it a few years after release when i have a new computer. Oh well what can you expect with a system of this age.

I still remember playing DD1 for the first time, my system at that time could barely handle it.
Personally i would have settled for alot less graphical sweetness, for me graphics is the least important aspect of a game.
Posted By: Lynn Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 13/08/08 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by Freaker98
Hello everyone, been a long while but i will be around more now with the announcement of Divine Divinity 2. I hope everyone is well.

Welcome back too! welcome

It's not Divine Divinity 2 it is Divinity 2 opa
Posted By: Freaker98 Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 13/08/08 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by lynn
Welcome back too! welcome

Thanks smile

Originally Posted by lynn
It's not Divine Divinity 2 it is Divinity 2 opa

All i can think is why change it from Divine Divinity to Divinity 2?
It has to have a reason? You are not Divine anymore devil ?
Posted By: HandEFood Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 13/08/08 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by lynn
It's not Divine Divinity 2 it is Divinity 2 opa

Great, now we'll never distinguish between D2 and D2. The first one is an action RPG in a fantasy setting, and the second is... oh, wait...
Posted By: Morbo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 13/08/08 09:47 AM
I will alwys call it DED :p
Posted By: Raze Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 13/08/08 07:10 PM

All i can think is why change it from Divine Divinity to Divinity 2?

Divine Divinity was originally called Divinity: Sword of Lies, but the publisher changed the name to the slightly repetitive name it is now known by. If people have any opinion of the name, I think it is generally considered to be somewhere between a bit silly to just dumb (made a couple 'worst name' lists for games), and a lot of the reviewer I recall seeing started off with a comment on the name.

It has to have a reason? You are not Divine anymore

Well the main character is no longer the Divine One, anyway.
Posted By: Freaker98 Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Raze

All i can think is why change it from Divine Divinity to Divinity 2?

Divine Divinity was originally called Divinity: Sword of Lies, but the publisher changed the name to the slightly repetitive name it is now known by. If people have any opinion of the name, I think it is generally considered to be somewhere between a bit silly to just dumb (made a couple 'worst name' lists for games), and a lot of the reviewer I recall seeing started off with a comment on the name.

The name has not really bothered me but now that i think of it Divinity: Sword of Lies would of been a much better name. It just sounds more appealing and probally the sales would of been better too.

Originally Posted by Raze
It has to have a reason? You are not Divine anymore

Well the main character is no longer the Divine One, anyway.

I hope they give more attention to being evil this time because in Divine Divinity being evil was really not meant to be a part of the game. It was not rewarding at all.
When a game can be played Good or Evil it adds alot of replayability for me, it like doubles it.

I also have a question about the engine in D2. Is it a pimped Oblivion engine or the default one?
If it is pimped this means that the system requirements went up?

Another question, will Divinity 2 be based upon Beyond Divinity? Because i only played Divine Divinity so i don't want to miss out on anything for not playing Beyond.

Thanks in advance
Posted By: Draghermosran Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Morbo
I will alwys call it DED :p

I've been calling it D2:ED
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 11:08 AM
Every time I read D2 here, I must think of Blizzard ...
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 11:53 AM
Time to put on the wintter heatting, Alrik? laugh
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 05:22 PM
No, the storm heating. wink
Posted By: Raze Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 07:03 PM

Another question, will Divinity 2 be based upon Beyond Divinity? Because i only played Divine Divinity so i don't want to miss out on anything for not playing Beyond.

AFAIK ED will be based on DD. BD was more of an aside than a direct continuation of the plot. Also, since Larian is presumably hoping to expand their sales, I doubt there will be anything critical requiring that either of the previous games have been played (though there will probably be references to various characters, places and events).

PS, go play BD anyway. kitty
Posted By: NeroJB Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 07:34 PM
You know BD never captured me the way DD did...I dont know what it was but I couldnt get into it. Anyone know if there are any plans for a more open beta...either mailing discs or a DL...I would go visit the studio but its a reaaaly long wait for the next ice age.
Posted By: LightningLockey Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Freaker98
Ah as i suspected the game won't be for me when it gets released, i will probally play it a few years after release when i have a new computer. Oh well what can you expect with a system of this age.

I still remember playing DD1 for the first time, my system at that time could barely handle it.
Personally i would have settled for alot less graphical sweetness, for me graphics is the least important aspect of a game.

Don't make any judgments about your pc handling it until you try the demo. I'm sure you'll be able to tone down the graphical features. Larian showed the highest quality screen shots for the game players that constantly update their systems with the latest hardware. It can be 6-12 months before a demo even comes out (and will be worth the wait).
Posted By: Raze Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 10:15 PM

You know BD never captured me the way DD did...I dont know what it was but I couldnt get into it.

How far did you get? There start to be more quests and NPC interaction once you get to the citadel near the end of act 1. The story starts to unfold more in act 2, where there is a variety of scenery and a much more open environment.
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 11:25 PM
I completed BD and except for the neat twist I wasn't really very impressed by it. I think the skills system was over-complicated and the sense of being free that was so much a part of DD was just not there in BD.

I doubt I'll ever play BD again, but I still dig out DD from time to time even now. It was just a vastly better game, IMO.
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 14/08/08 11:56 PM
I still replay BD every now and then. Acts II and III really shined for me. There was not enough roaming in the 1st and final acts I thought. But the world of BD is one where you're always the outsider, and you're always locked into the main driving quest of escaping from a hellish and alien place. I remember wandering around the Act I battlefields (the only green forest area in the game) listening to some haunting acoustic guitar music on the soundtrack, thinking, ahhh now this is nice. That and the imp village really epitomize the game for me.
Posted By: Jeffredo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 15/08/08 01:44 AM
I've found several mentions of using "the Oblivion engine" for the game. I'm assuming Larian bought a license for the Gamebryo engine? If so, will it be modified from what Bethesda did? I hope so. As great as Oblivion looked it had vicious hitching and stuttering.
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 15/08/08 02:52 AM
Apart from users mentioning it in the forums here, I've only found one instance where this was mentioned, and that was in German. From the Gamestar article : (translated): "Divinity 2 is set on a strongly revised version of the Gamebryo Graphics engine, which was already used in Oblivion."

So, by 'strongly revised' I guess we can assume it will be optimized and have the wrinkles smoothed out.
Posted By: Freaker98 Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 15/08/08 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by LightningLockey
Originally Posted by Freaker98
Ah as i suspected the game won't be for me when it gets released, i will probally play it a few years after release when i have a new computer. Oh well what can you expect with a system of this age.

I still remember playing DD1 for the first time, my system at that time could barely handle it.
Personally i would have settled for alot less graphical sweetness, for me graphics is the least important aspect of a game.

Don't make any judgments about your pc handling it until you try the demo. I'm sure you'll be able to tone down the graphical features. Larian showed the highest quality screen shots for the game players that constantly update their systems with the latest hardware. It can be 6-12 months before a demo even comes out (and will be worth the wait).

Yeah i know there will probally be the option of toning down the graphics but i had taken that into account already.. Only thing i can hope for is that i can buy a new computer by then.
Posted By: Morbo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 15/08/08 11:08 AM
I would like to know how "grand" the magic spells are going to be. In 3D it always seems a bit less grand than in 3D. I would love to see some very power spells (like lightning storm or magic hammer) that change the environment when you cast them. (dark clouds appear ... )
Posted By: Merendrious Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 15/08/08 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Morbo
In 3D it always seems a bit less grand than in 3D.

Does not compute. *Brain Implosion*

But I get what you mean. In 2D, when you cast a thunderstorm spell, it looks like a thunderstorm. Dark clouds filling up the sky, then lightning strikes everywhere, 100% pure awesomness.
Then in 3D it suddenly looks like a few lightning thingies coming from the sky.

Or some very powerfull spells still look like you're throwing fairie dust around. And then suddenly this fairie dust hits a huge and powerfull enemy, and he drops dead. I don't know where fairies get their stuff, but I want a cut of their supply
Posted By: Morbo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 15/08/08 02:16 PM
Woops it was 2D indeed. Also level 1 magic skills would have to be different then level 5 magic skill. I remember games where the damage between 1 en 100 was the same effect. I am sorry but a fire spell of level 1 would hurt a bit, but with a fire spell of 100 should leave the enemy vaporised.
Posted By: quasimodo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 15/08/08 08:25 PM
So my question is this: Is the gameplay going to be WASD movement and crosshair targeting FPS/OTS style like Oblivion or are we going to be able to zoom out and have mouse click movement and targeting like the original DD? One thing I really liked about The Witcher was that it had both options.
Posted By: LightningLockey Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 15/08/08 08:53 PM
I've seen in this thread about it being playable on an xbox 360. Does that mean this will support a controller of some kind instead of the mouse? Or would I be better off using a mouse if the game was like Sword of Lies where you click and drag stuff?
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 15/08/08 09:25 PM
So my question is this: Is the gameplay going to be WASD movement and crosshair targeting FPS/OTS style like Oblivion or are we going to be able to zoom out and have mouse click movement and targeting like the original DD? One thing I really liked about The Witcher was that it had both options.

Agreed. In the Witcher I used WASD style for roaming and the isometric views for combat. I'm guessing since it will also be designed for the Xbox that over the shoulder will be the primary mode. I'm just hoping for mouse-driven movement as an option.
The official word?

Or would I be better off using a mouse if the game was like Sword of Lies where you click and drag stuff?

Now that would be interesting to see how they would incorporate the same level of world-interactivity as DD into the new 3D environment. You could click and hold on moveable objects and your character would step forward and grip it...if your strength was too low he would struggle and fail or else shove it forward or toss it around. Dip empty flasks into barrels of poison (or wine!) and add them to your inventory. What else? think
Posted By: quasimodo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 16/08/08 04:23 PM
I hope we get the option of point and click, I don't much care for pure Oblivion style gameplay. I was really pleased to see that Diablo III is going with the original gameplay.
Posted By: Jeffredo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 16/08/08 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by quasimodo
I hope we get the option of point and click, I don't much care for pure Oblivion style gameplay. I was really pleased to see that Diablo III is going with the original gameplay.

For the sake of my index finger knuckle joint I hope not. wink I actually like Oblivion's combat and spell casting.
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 16/08/08 08:34 PM
I prefer isometric, but for single character only stuff I can live with Tomb Raider style. Switching between the two at will would be great smile
Posted By: quasimodo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 16/08/08 09:13 PM
Options are always nice. That way everybody is happy. Oblivion felt too much like an FPS to me. For an RPG I like to point a target and let the computer use my characters stats rather than my own skill.
Posted By: Wyrdra Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 16/08/08 10:19 PM
I love how Oblivion handles swords and bows. I actually like how you can achieve different combos by strafing left or right and such while clicking attack.
Posted By: Equisilus Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 16/08/08 11:33 PM
I vastly prefer the point'n'click gameplay on the 3/4 isometric top-down zoomed-out viewpoint. smile Even going 3D, if the option is there, I'll be using that style.
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 17/08/08 12:03 AM
Same. I never once moved The Witcher out of isometric. I like yo know what's about to blindside me...
Posted By: Turok Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 17/08/08 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by quasimodo
Options are always nice. That way everybody is happy. Oblivion felt too much like an FPS to me. For an RPG I like to point a target and let the computer use my characters stats rather than my own skill.

The only thing that oblivion have is the engine, and when i notice that Divinity 2 was made with oblivion engine i was happy because are the same guys that made divine divinity, so it will add what lacks the original oblivion (quest, story, skill tree, etc).

In other words

Oblivion engine+divine divinity creators= awesome game, i am sure of that.

I just hope they don't limit themselves to make it work in consoles (it mean cut lot stuff, simplified quest system, simplified controls, etc) like most company's this days

Make the game thinking on a pc and not on a console, then make a port to console, not vice verse.

This is all i hope on divinity, if the game offer the same fun as the first one (quest stuff and action) i will be the first to buy it and buy a copy for my girlfriend as a present laugh
Posted By: Wyrdra Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 17/08/08 06:45 AM
I think a port from PC to console would be fine, if it uses Oblivion style gameplay. Something like Over-the-Shoulder or 2nd person view would be really cool. I don't know how you're going to use isometric view with the Oblivion engine(either way, it'd be cool), but not making it for consoles would be a bad decision. Not everyone in the world has $600 plus to make a computer fast enough to run a next-gen game like this. And many people use consoles because of that reason.

You'd be missing out on some big $ if you decide not to make for consoles, and I wouldn't be able to play it. frown lol
Posted By: Freaker98 Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 17/08/08 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by Turok
I just hope they don't limit themselves to make it work in consoles (it mean cut lot stuff, simplified quest system, simplified controls, etc) like most company's this days

Make the game thinking on a pc and not on a console, then make a port to console, not vice verse.

I agree
Posted By: Draghermosran Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 17/08/08 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Wyrdra
I think a port from PC to console would be fine, if it uses Oblivion style gameplay. Something like Over-the-Shoulder or 2nd person view would be really cool. I don't know how you're going to use isometric view with the Oblivion engine(either way, it'd be cool), but not making it for consoles would be a bad decision. Not everyone in the world has $600 plus to make a computer fast enough to run a next-gen game like this. And many people use consoles because of that reason.

You'd be missing out on some big $ if you decide not to make for consoles, and I wouldn't be able to play it. frown lol

its not just the Oblivion engine, its the Gamebryo engine, the one Oblivion used. Many games have been made on that engine, even isometric rts games. So I don't see why isometric wouldn't be possible. Secondly, its not just the oblivion engine... It's a by Larian heavily modified version of prolly one of the more recent builds of the Gambryo engine that Oblivion uses. Hence, better, more eyecandy and more stable.

Quite frankly I'm getting a bit tired of ppl comparing this game to Oblivion all the time, because the screenshots and the Engine. As the engine is important, Artwork is much more. And there is no doubt on my mind the guys at Larian will outclass Oblivion in that department.
Posted By: Khamul Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 17/08/08 11:15 AM
You'd be missing out on some big $ if you decide not to make for consoles, and I wouldn't be able to play it.

They'll be missing a lot of $ when they won't release it on multiple platforms. Software piracy kills developers who still release pc-exclusive games these days. Just look at Crysis. Game developers are obligated to release there games on multiple platform, because otherwise their games just won't make enough profit due to illegal downloading and copying.
Posted By: Draghermosran Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 17/08/08 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Khamul
You'd be missing out on some big $ if you decide not to make for consoles, and I wouldn't be able to play it.

They'll be missing a lot of $ when they won't release it on multiple platforms. Software piracy kills developers who still release pc-exclusive games these days. Just look at Crysis. Game developers are obligated to release there games on multiple platform, because otherwise their games just won't make enough profit due to illegal downloading and copying.

Yeah, illegal copies do make it hard on developers, but keep in mind that a console game is more expensive to develop, and in the case of xbox, for each game sold a part of the winnings go to Microsoft. So If I may guess, winnings per copy is still higher on PC games, but piracy does make it a hard public to make profit upon.
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 17/08/08 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Khamul
You'd be missing out on some big $ if you decide not to make for consoles, and I wouldn't be able to play it.

They'll be missing a lot of $ when they won't release it on multiple platforms. Software piracy kills developers who still release pc-exclusive games these days. Just look at Crysis. Game developers are obligated to release there games on multiple platform, because otherwise their games just won't make enough profit due to illegal downloading and copying.

Crysis sold over a million copies, which is not bad for a very high end game that won't even play on many gamers' systems, I'd say.

I've heard complaints about piracy seriously damaging their sales, but I'm not sure such claims hold up to close scrutiny...
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 18/08/08 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by LightningLockey
I've seen in this thread about it being playable on an xbox 360. Does that mean this will support a controller of some kind instead of the mouse? Or would I be better off using a mouse if the game was like Sword of Lies where you click and drag stuff?

I don't quite know, but the previews in the German-language tests always used an xbox-like controller, because they didn't have controls for the PC version yet - or so did I understad it.
Posted By: Lar_q Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 19/08/08 07:26 AM
*Currently* the PC version supports both PC & Xbox360 interfaces (they are quite different from each other). We still need to figure out if we'll support games for windows and if we do, that means we'll need to ship with controller support (as it's one of the requirements). The press demonstration happened with a 360 controller because we were just in the process of implementing the PC interface. The presentation at Leipzig will be using the PC interface.
Posted By: Sektor Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 19/08/08 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by "Lar_q"
We still need to figure out if we'll support games for windows...

And to avoid confusing everyone (like you did me, Lar wink ), 'games for windows' means that specific Microsoft-certification label that comes on game boxes (see this wikipedia link for more info).

Posted By: Merendrious Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 19/08/08 02:44 PM
Thanks for the explanation, my heart stopped for a second there laugh
Posted By: Morbo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 19/08/08 03:45 PM
Installs and runs properly on x64 versions of Windows Vista and is compatible with 64-bit processors (though the game itself can be 32-bit)

Posted By: quasimodo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 24/08/08 08:41 PM
Well I trust Larian to make a good RPG so the main question for me remains will the perspective and gameplay be Oblivion like, or will we get a "isometric" view with point and click movement and combat.

I was very pleased to see Diablo III sticking with their original format, and Sacred 2 having it as an option. I very much dislike WASD key movement and close up OTS view.
Posted By: Freaker98 Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 25/08/08 08:32 AM
Will Div2 have easily viewable skill trees? Will you be able to see all the skills from start?
I like when you can see all the avaible skills from start so you can plan how you will be making your character.
I think it worked pretty damn well in Div1 not to be confused with the horror in BD.
Posted By: Lar_q Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 25/08/08 08:41 AM
Right now you can see the entire skill tree from the beginning. We might add a few surprise skills which you discover later on in the game.
Posted By: Freaker98 Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 25/08/08 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Lar_q
Right now you can see the entire skill tree from the beginning. We might add a few surprise skills which you discover later on in the game.

Sounds good to me smile
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 25/08/08 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Lar_q
Right now you can see the entire skill tree from the beginning. We might add a few surprise skills which you discover later on in the game.

Coolness. This I definitely like smile
Posted By: Equisilus Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 25/08/08 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Lar_q
Right now you can see the entire skill tree from the beginning. We might add a few surprise skills which you discover later on in the game.

That's a nice touch, having surprise skills (although they'll be listed quite quickly, so people will be aware of them all the same). What's most important is having a viewable skill tree. Players like to plan their builds and it's nice to see everything in-game rather than having to reference an outside display.
Posted By: Lurker Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 26/08/08 07:59 PM
As you can transform into a dragon in div2 , I'd like to know a little bit more about the challenges that await you in dragon form. In most fantasy scenarios, dragons are among the most powerful beings. However, becoming more powerful as the game progresses is part of the fun in most RPGs. So will you

- become a young and inexperienced dragon in div2 , only gaining experience and power with time?
- only be able to transform into a dragon towards the end of the game, when you're already quite powerful in human form?
- fight foes that are similarly powerful, like demons, and div2 simply has a "high power level"?
- be confronted with some challenges that cannot be completed by means of fighting, even in the form of a dragon?

Most of the standard starter enemies like animals, goblins and orcs wouldn't be a challenge for a dragon (except maybe in the form of an army), so if you can transform into a dragon early on, you probably face challenges in div2 that are quite different from those in other RPGs?
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 26/08/08 10:27 PM
I'm just guessing, but I think space would be a pretty major restriction. Dragons are huge, so wandering into an Orc cave system in draconic form is pretty unlikely, I'd say smile
Posted By: DrunkenTofu Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 27/08/08 02:33 AM
Either that or I dunno... allow a dragon to shrink or something.

Now it'd be awesome... having a dragon(likely of Western origins, right?).
Posted By: Lar_q Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 27/08/08 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Lurker

- become a young and inexperienced dragon in div2 , only gaining experience and power with time?
- only be able to transform into a dragon towards the end of the game, when you're already quite powerful in human form?
- fight foes that are similarly powerful, like demons, and div2 simply has a "high power level"?
- be confronted with some challenges that cannot be completed by means of fighting, even in the form of a dragon?

Most of the standard starter enemies like animals, goblins and orcs wouldn't be a challenge for a dragon (except maybe in the form of an army), so if you can transform into a dragon early on, you probably face challenges in div2 that are quite different from those in other RPGs?

You'll have to "unlock" your dragon form and all the perks that come with being a dragon knight (there's more than just being able to transform in a dragon but more about that later). Your first taste of what it feels like to be a dragon is on average after a couple of hours (depending on how you play) but the real unlocking happens after you've already done some questing.

The approach in general has been that ennvironment/antagonists/story/scripting nudge you in the direction of "use dragon"/"use human"/"use both", so yes, there are things in there which you wouldn't want to handle in a human form.
Posted By: isorun Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 27/08/08 09:53 AM
Will we be able to change from Dragon into Human form and back in mid-air? This could lead to a few interesting battle techniques :p
Posted By: Draghermosran Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 27/08/08 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by isorun
Will we be able to change from Dragon into Human form and back in mid-air? This could lead to a few interesting battle techniques :p

I'm sure those goblins would be overwhelmed with your special splatter attack
Posted By: Lurker Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 27/08/08 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Lar_q
You'll have to "unlock" your dragon form and all the perks that come with being a dragon knight (there's more than just being able to transform in a dragon but more about that later). Your first taste of what it feels like to be a dragon is on average after a couple of hours (depending on how you play) but the real unlocking happens after you've already done some questing.

The approach in general has been that ennvironment/antagonists/story/scripting nudge you in the direction of "use dragon"/"use human"/"use both", so yes, there are things in there which you wouldn't want to handle in a human form.

Thanks for the info smile

It's my impression that many RPGs become either a bit boring or a bit unfair at high power levels, so I'm looking forward to see which challenges you've come up with for the dragon smile
Posted By: Teksha Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 27/08/08 01:29 PM
How do I move in Divinity 2?
using WASD or with the mouse?
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 27/08/08 01:57 PM
WASD, check out the thread below this one, Leipzig Games Convention ; a new thread for controls may be in order.
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 27/08/08 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Draghermosran
Originally Posted by isorun
Will we be able to change from Dragon into Human form and back in mid-air? This could lead to a few interesting battle techniques :p

I'm sure those goblins would be overwhelmed with your special splatter attack

I was thinking the same thing laugh
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/08/08 03:40 PM
I wonder whether the change has some drawbacks or so ?

In my case, I'd need several minutes to accustom myself to a human form after having been in a dragon form for some time.

It's like being a frog before and then - as a human - trying to catch flies with your tongue ...
Posted By: pony Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/08/08 06:48 PM
what customization to character creation will be available ? Will there gender options and race ( just elves and humans would be fine ) ?
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/08/08 08:04 PM
...Is it just me, or does anyone else want to see Alrik trying to catch flies with his tongue? laugh
Posted By: Myrthos Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/08/08 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by pony
what customization to character creation will be available ? Will there gender options and race ( just elves and humans would be fine ) ?

From memory: There won't be a race option but you do have the option to select your gender. There won't be any differences in your stats though whether you choose a male or a female character. Just like it was in DD. You also can define the looks of your character. I think there will be enough options for that, but I'm not entirely sure to what lengths you can go.
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 28/08/08 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Elliot_Kane
...Is it just me, or does anyone else want to see Alrik trying to catch flies with his tongue? laugh

Ha ha ha !

Posted By: NeroJB Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 29/08/08 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Elliot_Kane
...Is it just me, or does anyone else want to see Alrik trying to catch flies with his tongue? laugh

lulz...Nice one EK

But to go back...changing back and forth in mid-air would be up really high (I am guessing there will be flying enemies btw) turn into a human, fall towards the bad guy, slash em with a giant two handed sword, fall a little and change back.

Uber rpg001
Posted By: pony Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 29/08/08 10:29 PM
i hope you would be able to do more then just spit fire balls in dragon from , i think ability of biting , scratching and tail lashing is necessarily too. By the way will dragon be just flying from or will you able to swim and walk in it too ?
Posted By: isorun Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 30/08/08 10:54 AM
I think Lar said somewhere that in Dragon Form, you will keep your Human skills, not sure though.
Posted By: HandEFood Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 31/08/08 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by isorun
I think Lar said somewhere that in Dragon Form, you will keep your Human skills, not sure though.

Watch as this mighty dragon carefully lockpicks the treasure chest without triggering the pointy dart trap. delight
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 31/08/08 01:00 AM
Or moves silently through the shadows, stealthy and unnoticed as he moves through the heart of the bustling metropolis... laugh
Posted By: DrunkenTofu Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 31/08/08 02:01 AM
Btw, remember the so-called "summoner dolls" that you could equip, train and upgrade in Beyond Divinity? Will they still be here in ED?
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 31/08/08 04:15 AM
I hope so! For the most part I thought the summoning system in BD was improved over DD, except for the fact that each doll was pretty much obsolete by the next act. You more or less had to start investing in a new doll in each act, and the points that went to the old one felt a bit wasted. With some tweaking of the skills this could easily be avoided.

Along the same lines, I hope we get a chance to add some NPC's to our party; not necessarily for the duration of the game (would be kind of hard for them to follow in you in dragon form - unless they rode you delight ), but at least for some major battles or quests it would be nice to have some companions to control/fight alongside.
Posted By: Raze Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 31/08/08 04:39 AM

I got the impression from a French preview that there would be some kind of unique creature(s) over and above the regular summoning spells, but it was only a short reference in a babelfish translation, so may or may not be accurate.

In BD the act 1 summoning doll could equip a crossbow, so kept out of harm's way can be useful throughout the game, even without upgrading. I only used it for the occasional tough fight (and as a mule, of course), and only upgraded it at the end of the main game (using the DK's skill points to learn the summoning doll upgrade skills).
Posted By: isorun Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 31/08/08 09:25 AM
Watch as this mighty dragon carefully lockpicks the treasure chest without triggering the pointy dart trap. delight

Or moves silently through the shadows, stealthy and unnoticed as he moves through the heart of the bustling metropolis... laugh

ouch I feel stupid now :hihi:

Still, it would be pretty fun to see a dragon sneaking through a city.

EDIT: another question just popped to mind: wil our character be speaking in some dialogs/cutscenes or is he/she just going to make combatsounds etc. but no real sentences?
Posted By: Lurker Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 02/09/08 10:27 AM
From the Game Banshee interview:
One thing I can tell you already, the gender of your avatar determines the gender of your dragon.

This made me wonder what impact the gender of the dragon will have on the game. Do male and female dragons simply look different? Do we get to meet other dragons, and their reactions will vary depending on gender?

I wouldn't expect most non-dragons to be able to determine a dragon's gender at all, so I first thought Lar's comment was just a joke ...
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 02/09/08 12:39 PM
Uh ? Mating dragons that encircle the character during flight ???
Posted By: pony Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 02/09/08 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Lurker
From the Game Banshee interview:
One thing I can tell you already, the gender of your avatar determines the gender of your dragon.

This made me wonder what impact the gender of the dragon will have on the game. Do male and female dragons simply look different? Do we get to meet other dragons, and their reactions will vary depending on gender?

I wouldn't expect most non-dragons to be able to determine a dragon's gender at all, so I first thought Lar's comment was just a joke ...

hmmm there should be some quests where you will take dragons for a date .
Posted By: Boneman Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 02/09/08 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by pony
hmmm there should be some quests where you will take dragons for a date .

And the reward is a cute little baby dragon! Of course only in case of success. Should not be too easy, though!
Posted By: pony Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 03/09/08 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Boneman
Originally Posted by pony
hmmm there should be some quests where you will take dragons for a date .

And the reward is a cute little baby dragon! Of course only in case of success. Should not be too easy, though!

if fail you get dragon STD
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 03/09/08 08:48 PM
Oh no! Itchy scales! laugh
Posted By: pony Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 05/09/08 02:49 AM
oh another thing i was curious about : as i remembered in old game you could consume food ( cool and realistic feature ) for health and manna you could also hunt animals for food . As a dragon (which is a big , naughty beasty with pointy teeth ,will you be able to devour cute, little critters like dears , sheep and milk maids for health and manna ?
which leads me to another question : will the world be as static as it was in old game (which was horrid ) You buy all the bear in the store and stock never gets refiled :'( . Will things like items in stores , herbs and monsters come back after time ?
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 05/09/08 03:30 AM
if fail you get dragon STD

And it burns when you...err..trying to make a fire joke here...


The shopkeeper's inventories did replenish, though often not nearly as quickly as I wanted them to. Herbs and plants regrowing makes sense with a reasonable time delay (a la the Witcher). Monster respawn is debatable. I kind of like the idea of "clearing" an area of baddies. I definitely wouldn't want monsters to respawn during the same game session (Sacred - ugh ouch) unless it was plot related.
Posted By: juanpablo87 Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 05/09/08 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by flixerflax
if fail you get dragon STD

And it burns when you...err..trying to make a fire joke here...


The shopkeeper's inventories did replenish, though often not nearly as quickly as I wanted them to. Herbs and plants regrowing makes sense with a reasonable time delay (a la the Witcher). Monster respawn is debatable. I kind of like the idea of "clearing" an area of baddies. I definitely wouldn't want monsters to respawn during the same game session (Sacred - ugh ouch) unless it was plot related.

...Diablo II... ouch
Posted By: DrunkenTofu Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 06/09/08 11:29 AM
Btw, I heard or know there's a female playable character too. What I'd like to see is a real female character, not someone who's overtly sexualised, someone who... basically looks and feels very human like that dude we see in the forum banner. *points up*
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 06/09/08 05:20 PM
Only one Fall-From-Grace, Raito smile
Posted By: thirion Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 06/09/08 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Raito
Btw, I heard or know there's a female playable character too. What I'd like to see is a real female character, not someone who's overtly sexualised, someone who... basically looks and feels very human like that dude we see in the forum banner. *points up*

you mean.. a female with a beard?
Posted By: Morbo Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 06/09/08 07:40 PM
compromise, the male hero is turned into a female dragon? (would deliver some funny dialogs)
Posted By: pony Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 07/09/08 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Morbo
compromise, the male hero is turned into a female dragon? (would deliver some funny dialogs)

Omg stop that sexually frustrated teenage dragon from hugging my leg XD
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Questions about Divinity 2 - 17/09/08 07:11 PM
I've got a question:

Do dragons of Rivellon have their own culture(s) ?

I'd suggest so; it would make the game far more interesting ...

Even social groups among the dragons could be possible ...
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