Larian Studios
Posted By: vectorbased Science Fiction cRPG?? - 12/01/18 12:41 AM
First, I just want to say Divinity:OS Enhanced Edition and Divinity: OS2 are without a doubt my two favorite games. Bravo to Larian for such excellence in these fine games.

I've really enjoyed the Fantasy IP but I am also a HUGE fan of Science Fiction and want to suggest that Larian Studios develop another cRPG with a science fiction type setting.

The game could feature things like Sentient robots, Various Alien Races, Hacking, Lightsabers and "force type" powers, Classes such as the Medic, Hacker and Bounty Hunter. Guns, lasers, various alien weaponry... surfaces could be replaced with Ion, Plasma, Temporal effects and Alien Toxins.

Most importantly, the game should have all the humor and charm of Divinity Original Sin 2 but in a sci-fi setting where the lady vengeance is an Intergalactic spaceship!

I'd preorder the heck out of that game
Posted By: Firesong Re: Science Fiction cRPG?? - 09/02/18 10:23 AM
Yes, I would too, but only as long as the graphic style is not only about cold halls and similar things.
Posted By: Nivv Re: Science Fiction cRPG?? - 02/03/18 08:01 AM
Yes, I would love it too. HUGE bonus points from me, if there is a playable biped insect race, that are not a dang evil or mindless hivemind race, and that actually look like insects too and not humans with chitin! Way too many fictional works make insects or reptiles the mandatory bad guys.
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