Larian Studios
Posted By: Haplo Killing Dagon Slayers? - 07/07/11 06:34 AM
I haven't played Divinty II in a month as it wanted me to kill my Dragon Slayer friends.

Is there any way around this or am I done?
Posted By: conjurer Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 07/07/11 07:21 AM
there is no way around it it's part of your destiny... you are going to follow a different path
Posted By: Demonic Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 07/07/11 03:48 PM
LOL, you have to do it.
Posted By: Sigs Minock Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 07/07/11 07:40 PM
you could sneak around to the side and jump over the wall and try to sneak into Maxos Temple... but i think you have to fight them.
Posted By: Demonic Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 08/07/11 12:03 AM
Yes, you do. The door remains locked until they're dead.
Posted By: Procrastes Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 08/07/11 04:34 PM
It's a tough choice. I like the fact that the game really puts you on the spot: You can't avoid it or roleplay yourself out of it - you have to either kill them, or let them kill you.

The american standup comedian Emo Philips once said": "Probably the toughest time in anyone's life is when you have to murder a loved one because they're the devil."

The fact that the Dragon Slayers are thoroughbred fanatics and merciless killers with absolutely no room for compromise or reasonable thought, has been debated already on this forum (it may even be where I got the abovementioned quote). It puts an interesting spin on things, for the player character. I had some serious trouble figuring out why my player character had let herself be drafted into the organisation to begin with!
Posted By: pall Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 08/07/11 05:13 PM
Aren't slayers rtrained from childhood? I remember someone told us that in Farglow.
Posted By: Haplo Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 09/07/11 04:32 AM
I want to remain with the Dragon Slayers, I relate with them more.

So I tried leaving the battle and getting around them without killing them, but yeah, the door is locked and it seems they have the key for some unknown reason.

Being forced to choose a role-playing path is pretty lame. I guess I'm done with this game.

Posted By: Hassat Hunter Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 09/07/11 04:52 AM

Posted By: Raze Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 09/07/11 04:57 AM

If your character was that committed to being loyal to the slayers, he or she should have committed suicide immediately after meeting Talana and becoming tainted with dragon powers.
Personally, no matter how loyal I wish to be to a particular group, having them try to kill me kind of overrides that.

The point of the game is playing a dragon slayer who becomes a dragon knight. It would have been nice if Larian had the resources to add multiple quest solutions for main plot quests, so you could find a non-violent way to deal with the slayers. If you read the slayer's handbook, though, they are not exactly inclined to be forgiving or understanding (almost completing their intended genocide for the actions of a single dragon knight, etc).
Posted By: Sigs Minock Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 09/07/11 08:34 PM
Blame Rhodes. she was the one that ordered the fight. if she had only listened to reason, and not so blindly devoted to the whole "Dragon Slayer" credo [imo- the whole Dragon Slayer order was started Damian loyalists to keep Dragons and Dragon Knights out of the public's favor], you could have reasoned with them and avoided killing them.
Posted By: Silverdragon Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 10/07/11 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Sigs Minock
you could sneak around to the side and jump over the wall and try to sneak into Maxos Temple...

You can't. I tried that a year or so ago. As soon as you jump down (or get close to the door) the cutscene starts, you are transported in front of the dragon slayers, and you have to do the usual fight.

There's no talking to fanatics.
Posted By: Demonic Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 12/07/11 09:14 AM
LOL, OP is giving up on the game because he doesn't want to kill murderers? The Dragon Knights are the good guys, I've had to spoil this for you OP because you clearly think otherwise. If you want to roleplay, let them kill you because that's what they want to do. You've been shown the evil of Damien and even when you tell them that you must stop Damien, they still don't listen. They deserve death.
Posted By: pall Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 12/07/11 01:22 PM
Actually not all dragon knights are good.... but nevermind.
Posted By: Silverdragon Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 12/07/11 02:32 PM
Not all Dragon Knights are good, not all Dragon Slayers are evil (but most are fanataics).

I find it good we have more between "White" and "Black", having to kill your friends who did nothing wrong while you did nothing wrong as well is called "tragic".
Posted By: Lancet Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 12/07/11 09:45 PM
Being forced to kill those dragon slayers isn't meant to be an RP choice. They hate you because you are a dragon, which is also something forced on you against your will. There's no option to rejoin them because no matter how much YOU wanted to, THEY only want to see you dead. That is their mission, and that is what they've been indoctrinated for years into believing.


The only dragon slayer in the game who seems interested in understanding you and learning the motivations of dragons is Kenneth, one of the Battle Tower servants, and even he's only willing because he's magically bound by the Island to be willing. He has no choice, his refusal will mean his death, and if chosen, he is probably bound even further to be unable to attack or kill you.

So basically, as long as you're a dragon (regardless of whether you wanted to be one or not), the dragon slayers are your mortal enemy and want you dead.
Posted By: Demonic Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 12/07/11 10:48 PM
Yes, not all Dragon Knights are good but they were made for a good purpose whereas the Dragon Slayers were not. The Dragon Slayers can be good people but what they are doing is an evil deed. BTW OP, you do get to speak to the dragon slayers you kill later on, as you meet them again, but since you have expressed that you're not playing the game any further because you have to kill people you've only known for two minutes, then there's no point in further discussion is there?

Having to kill Zandalor or The Divine would be more troubling and thankfully, nothing comes to that. Having to kill some random guys called Tom, Dick and Harry who you've only known for literally 2 minutes in the game is not troubling. The game claims I've known them for longer but you only literally speak with them for several seconds in the game and their role is rather minor which should make killing them (because they want to kill you) all the more easier.
Posted By: Divine Avenger Re: Killing Dagon Slayers? - 23/08/11 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Haplo
I want to remain with the Dragon Slayers, I relate with them more.

So I tried leaving the battle and getting around them without killing them, but yeah, the door is locked and it seems they have the key for some unknown reason.

Being forced to choose a role-playing path is pretty lame. I guess I'm done with this game.


I'm confused why would you buy a game that your not going to play, I'm sorry but it says on the back of the case that you play a dragon knight. You should have guessed something like this would happen when you started, The case say I'm the last dragon knight yet I'm playing a slayer ??????

Not giving the game a chance just because you have to kill the slayers I'm sorry but the slayers are mass murdering a** holes that deserve nothing but a good kick up the a**. I know full well that were you to give the game a chance you'd come to hate the slayers like us dragon kight's do. The state of the Orobas Fjords for example, when the Dragon Knight Orobas ruled the Fjords thay were a lot safer & secure & the people prospered. Then the traitor Slayers came & destroyed it all, now the Fjords are riddled with things that want to kill anything that moves. All because the slayers were too bloodthersty to listen to reason, I mean COME ON lord Arben's spirit should have said everything that needed to be said about there order. He even admited he was a bloodthirsty a** "how I relish it still the blade shining silver in the sun as it is huen into an enemys chest then brought up dripping in deep crimson. If the slayers were any normal people they'd be rooting in the dungeons beneath Aleroth or Rivertown. The only reason they get away with genocide is because people have been fooled intop believing a lie. There justification for qwenching their bloodlust is all on the account of the actions of 1 Dragon Knight. How could anyone feel bad about defending themselfs against orginisation that only thirsts for blood. If they were to succeed in their mission of making the dragons & dragon knights extinct who would they target next because their not soldiers or warriors their criminals. If they were true warriors then they'd be seeking out people that want to fight, if they were true soldiers they'd only be fighting if they were ordered to do so. What kind of commander would order Genocide no one in there right mind, only a bloodthirsty person would & the bloodthirsy only stop when there dead. So if your going to let the death of a few fanatics stop you from expiriancing a wonderfull game & the ability to sore the sky in dragon form then you should have read the back of the case befoe you bought it.
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