Larian Studios
Posted By: xjrtaz Flames of vengeance add on. - 10/01/11 12:47 AM
does how you complete Eco Draconis influence the add on?, i had a quick look and started at level 35 with no weapons/armour/inventory.
addmitedely i had not yet finished eco draconis (see my other post re protecting zeppalin), hence the question re influence.
I want to finish draconis but last level is nigh on impossible.

here's hoping!!
Posted By: vometia Re: Flames of vengeance add on. - 10/01/11 12:00 PM
I haven't started an FoV-only game, but those who did have suggested that your starting equipment tends not to be as good as stuff you may have previously collected.
Posted By: EvilVonBek Re: Flames of vengeance add on. - 12/01/11 01:13 AM
For not as good read atrocious.

It's like playing with the starting gear after getting used to Ulfthring
Posted By: enforcer Re: Flames of vengeance add on. - 12/01/11 01:23 AM
If you have the time I feel its much better to start from the begining of ego up to fov
At first I was alittle dissapionted that I couldnt use my old saves but now I dont mind losing my saves from the retail copy of ego when i switched to the steam version package the price i could beat for all three and found stuff that i missed first go around .I did start a character from fov but only played it shortly didnt feel the same starting in the middle
Posted By: EvilVonBek Re: Flames of vengeance add on. - 13/01/11 05:54 PM
Oh and if you mean the zepp run is stopping you all I can suggest is
try making sheild rushes at clusters of towers/nests/lightning, using the smart bomb ability (10k damage one), pull back and trim what's left/rinse/repeat
and if you mean the fight then
take out ygerna first with whatever your classes uberskill is ( ex arrows etc ), then fight behligirin as he's easier to kill out of the pair

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