Larian Studios
Posted By: Lynn Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 11:40 AM
Today we’re very happy to announce the next game in the Divinity Universe: Dragon Commander! Dragon Commander blends our favourite genres together and is a game of massive dragon combat, epic turn-based strategy and immersive role-playing.

Details on Dragon Commander will be revealed next week during GamesCom 2011, the world’s largest trade show for interactive games and entertainment, but to tickly your imagination, we’ve just launched a teaser site showing off some in-game footage.

Click here to see it in action.
Posted By: PraxxtorCruel Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 11:42 AM
Posted By: Arokh Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 11:51 AM
What can I say, first impression certianly looks lke immersive dragon combat and a bit like the flying fortresses in ED / DKS. They also are 'proper' dragons with four legs...

Edit: Lar has just posted some info which answers some of my questions so I will move my comments to that thread.

That dragon on the right looks like it's wearing a jetpack..
Posted By: PraxxtorCruel Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 11:53 AM
How large are the dragons in this game specifically the one you shall be controlling. DKS was great although I felt as if the dragon was a little too small but I guess that was necessary.
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 12:22 PM
So this is basically a look into the past ?

Anyway, the idea sounds great ! smile

It reminds me a little bit of ... the game called "Homeworld", without its story, of course ...
Posted By: Lar_q Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 12:23 PM
Everything is huge in this one. if we get an opportunity, we'll do some comparisons later.

And yes, jetpack, well spotted. A lot of it is Maxos-age technology mixed with magic, and an afterburner behind a dragon gives for some interesting gameplay - it's one of the reasons everything is huge.

I put some more details here
Posted By: Eriksharp Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 01:00 PM
Holy shit. Shut up and take my money. xD
¿Systems? ¿Xbox360 & PC?
Posted By: melianos Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 01:00 PM
I can't like the facebook page. Is it normal or just a problem with my computer ?

Jet-packs on Dragons ? Well... yeah...
Posted By: HeLLBirD Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 01:29 PM
There seems to be something wrong with facebook. Can't like any link, not only those of DC.
Posted By: Lynn Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 01:36 PM
Please try to like the page later on, there's indeed a probleem with Facebook.

Thanks! hehe

EDIT: it's fixed, please try again smile
Posted By: Libertarian Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 03:19 PM
Holy crapola, this looks positively amazing. I'm not a huge fan of strategy games these days, but the strategy/RPG hybrid gameplay does sound pretty exciting.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Hassat Hunter Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 06:41 PM
Looks like Freelancer with Dragons from the movie on the site 0_o.
Guess I'll have to wait how *that* can be combined with turn-based combat. And if the Dragon Combat isn't as bad as it was in DKS...
Posted By: JerreyRough Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 06:43 PM
[Linked Image]
Damn, +1 fan! I really, really love Steampunk and fantasy and this is just... awesome! I've never played your games though, so I'm going to have to look more into them heh. Also, do I see elements of dieselpunk in there?

Looking forward to this, might even preorder collectors heh.
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 07:18 PM
What's "Dieselpunk" ???
Posted By: Gwenio Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by lynn
Today we’re very happy to announce the next game in the Divinity Universe: Dragon Commander! Dragon Commander blends our favourite genres together and is a game of massive dragon combat, epic turn-based strategy and immersive role-playing.

Details on Dragon Commander will be revealed next week during GamesCom 2011, the world’s largest trade show for interactive games and entertainment, but to tickly your imagination, we’ve just launched a teaser site showing off some in-game footage.

Click here to see it in action.

Awsome. Those are some of my favorite things to so this is just perfect.
Posted By: Morbo Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Libertarian

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]
Posted By: JerreyRough Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
What's "Dieselpunk" ???

I'll try and not go off-topic too much, but its a subgenre like Steampunk, just even lesser known. Steampunk usually has steam-powered devices, Victorian architecture/designs, and typically takes place in the 1800s, as you probably already know. Dieselpunk is 1930-1950s era technology, thus it has a more "modern" feel yet still has many of the odd devices and awesome vehicles. The best example of Dieselpunk is the movie Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Dieselpunk is often confused with Steampunk, though I'm hardly suprised that it is. Its slowly making its way into mainstream audiences though, like Steampunk.

The reason why I said Dieselpunk is because that red faction has a lot of features typically found in Dieselpunk, like a lack of dirgibles instead having jet engines keeping things afloat.
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 10:58 PM
Okay, thanks, I see.

I think some post-nuclear gammes would fall into that category, I guess ?
Posted By: breed Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 11:31 PM
Nice announcement! I hope to see this on my Box, if you get us the same quality (even if it's not an RPG) like on TDKS... it will be a succes for sure.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 11/08/11 11:48 PM
You'll enjoy the game guys I guarantee it laugh
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 12/08/11 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
Okay, thanks, I see.

I think some post-nuclear gammes would fall into that category, I guess ?

Yes, some of those games could indeed, though it really depends. There is an even further and smaller sub-genre called "atompunk" that those games would fit into though, like Fallout. Early cold war era, that one is.

So any of the devs confirm if my dieselpunk guess is correct, incorrect, or if this is the first time they've heard of the word "dieselpunk" :P.
Posted By: JerreyRough Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 12/08/11 05:01 AM
*Whoops, didn't log in. That last post is mine sorry. Didn't know you could even post without an account here, noob mistake. First forum I've come across that has that.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
Okay, thanks, I see.

I think some post-nuclear gammes would fall into that category, I guess ?

Yes, some of those games could indeed, though it really depends. There is an even further and smaller sub-genre called "atompunk" that those games would fit into though, like Fallout. Early cold war era, that one is.

So any of the devs confirm if my dieselpunk guess is correct, incorrect, or if this is the first time they've heard of the word "dieselpunk" :P.
Posted By: Demonic Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 12/08/11 03:27 PM
I'm hoping (if we can't turn into human form) that we can land on ground as a dragon and fight with tooth and claw! That'll be awesome.
Posted By: WotanAnubis Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 12/08/11 09:09 PM
I'll be honest. One of the reasons I liked Divinity II so much was because it scratched an itch Overlord didn't. Being an incredibly powerful... uhm... being and being the absolute ruler of your very own magical island made me feel like I was actually, genuinely in charge for once (even with Talana constantly nattering in my ear).

RTSs and God Games don't really give you that feeling, because you have no avatar in the gameworld and you're fairly disconnected from the action. Dungeon Keeper came pretty close, what with allowing you to be as cruel or as kind to your minions as you liked.

So, I guess, what I'm trying to say here is that, if I get actually roleplay my very own Dragon Knight while also commanding vast armies (or just one vast army) and perhaps even get my very own highly customizable base on a magic island of my own, I might be very interested indeed.

But we'll see.
Posted By: Demonic Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 12/08/11 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by WotanAnubis
I'll be honest. One of the reasons I liked Divinity II so much was because it scratched an itch Overlord didn't. Being an incredibly powerful... uhm... being and being the absolute ruler of your very own magical island made me feel like I was actually, genuinely in charge for once (even with Talana constantly nattering in my ear).

RTSs and God Games don't really give you that feeling, because you have no avatar in the gameworld and you're fairly disconnected from the action. Dungeon Keeper came pretty close, what with allowing you to be as cruel or as kind to your minions as you liked.

So, I guess, what I'm trying to say here is that, if I get actually roleplay my very own Dragon Knight while also commanding vast armies (or just one vast army) and perhaps even get my very own highly customizable base on a magic island of my own, I might be very interested indeed.

But we'll see.

Yes, you grew powerful in Divinity 2 whereas in Overlord, you were fairly weak against some enemies and couldn't progress without your minions. Divinity 2's Battle Tower offered no customization whatsoever whereas with Overlord, there was MUCH reason to visit your Dark Tower. I spent hours battling in the dungeon with resurrected enemies, I could upgrade my weapons and armor there, visit my private quarters and look at the horde of gold I have amassed and I could also visit the minions in their pits and cast spells down there. With skill, good armor and a good weapon, you can take down a Rock Giant alone. In fact, by the end of the game, my Overlord could handle himself in many fights and his spells were quite powerful too. Yeah, he was never as powerful as any of my Divinity heroes but he could control an army and fight, Divinity 2 didn't allow that.

I'm interested in this game because it sounds like it'll be covering new ground. The RPG elements...I'm hoping they allow for great in-depth customization of our Dragon Knight.
Posted By: WotanAnubis Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 12/08/11 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Demonic
Yes, you grew powerful in Divinity 2 whereas in Overlord, you were fairly weak against some enemies and couldn't progress without your minions.

It wasn't really that, for me. In Overlord you're constantly being bossed around by pretty much everyone (especially Gnarl) and you have no choice but to obey. You may look like Sauron, but you're not in charge.

Contrast this with Divinity II. Yes, OK, Talana constantly tells you where to go and what to do, but she's older and more powerful than you, so, whatever. Sentinel Island, too, forces your hand, but her actions are designed to impress upon everyone that you are her absolute ruler. And your servants actually act like servants who respect your power. All of which combines to make you feel like you're actually the one running things for once.

Unlike Overlord where you feel like you're just a glorified errand boy.
Posted By: Demonic Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 12/08/11 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by WotanAnubis
Originally Posted by Demonic
Yes, you grew powerful in Divinity 2 whereas in Overlord, you were fairly weak against some enemies and couldn't progress without your minions.

It wasn't really that, for me. In Overlord you're constantly being bossed around by pretty much everyone (especially Gnarl) and you have no choice but to obey. You may look like Sauron, but you're not in charge.

Contrast this with Divinity II. Yes, OK, Talana constantly tells you where to go and what to do, but she's older and more powerful than you, so, whatever. Sentinel Island, too, forces your hand, but her actions are designed to impress upon everyone that you are her absolute ruler. And your servants actually act like servants who respect your power. All of which combines to make you feel like you're actually the one running things for once.

Unlike Overlord where you feel like you're just a glorified errand boy.

I actually found that The Dragon Knight seems to get played. Talana tells him where to go, what to do and even tricks him and traps him into the dimension with The Divine One. Even after that, The Dragon Knight is told where to go and what to do by The Demon Man.

Overlord? Yeah, you're bossed around by Gnarl but you don't have to obey him. He asks you to do evil deeds but you can be good. He asks you to kill elves at one point and let the elves die but you can save their entire race. Just as you can be good - saving all - you can also be bad - killing all in your way - and if you really want to compare freedom, then Divine Divinity has more than either game offers. The Divine One abilities were far more interesting than dragon abilities in Divinity 2. Further more, you could summon a small army if you wished and raid whatever village, town or city that suited your fancy (save for one fort).
Posted By: LightningLockey Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 04:50 AM
It sounds like land will be live action combat.
Air will be both the RTS (Age of Empires) and Turn Based.

Sounds very promising and perhaps we'll actually live the battle that sent the Lord of Chaos into Hell. It would be very interesting to play the prologue to Sword of Lies (a.k.a. Divine Divinity). I remember years ago I'd be daydreaming about the events prior to Sword of Lies when only the demo was out.

Very promising, indeed.

BTW, in the next video can we get more than 13 seconds of actual in-game footage?
Posted By: epicdragon345 Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 05:59 AM
Is it downloaded or buy the disc?
Posted By: Raze Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 10:32 AM

Probably both. Publishers have not been announced yet, though, let alone distribution methods.

Welcome to the forum. wave
Posted By: Nemisis_Dragon Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 12:36 PM
Interesting smile
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by WotanAnubis
I'll be honest. One of the reasons I liked Divinity II so much was because it scratched an itch Overlord didn't. Being an incredibly powerful... uhm... being and being the absolute ruler of your very own magical island made me feel like I was actually, genuinely in charge for once (even with Talana constantly nattering in my ear).

Well, I don't think Divinity 2 was meant to be an "Overlord" game.

and playing absolutely powerful characters - this is typical for Action-RPGs where the main goal is (imho) nothing but power-levelling and power-gaming.

And, there are just too many of this type nowadays.

It seems to me as if EVERYONE who wants to play does this only for ONE reason . To be the most powerful EVAR !!!111!!11 being within a game.

And "the industry" just caters these things.

Which is - by the way - in my poinion the source of the hatred for games like Drakensang or outright - as many say - "childish games" like pure "adventure games" (like Monkey Island, for example), which contain *nothing* in the way of power-levelling ...

I often have the impression as if power-oriented games are king and everything else is considered just childish, immature crap.

A few days ago I saw an entry on the animated TV series "My Little Pony" : "Are you man enough to see it ?"

Action-RPGs which are solely based on the premise of building an overly-powerful "Über-Lord" (which is quite a good translation of the title "Overlord", by the way) are nothing for me - aspecially since I favour story over everything else.

But "the induistry" follows this call : They do more and more graphically excellent power-building games with only a shallow to non-existent story.

This can be fun - but so-called "story-oriented players" want a story, too. And "the industry" doesn't deliver it, because it is sooo easy to build a game, and leaving out any relevant story, because a story = more costs.

And don't ever dare to call the story of Blizzard's D2 a "great story" in my presence ! - Because in the adventures genre, there are far better stories to be found, not this hack & slash crap ...
Posted By: Gwenio Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by lynn
epic turn-based strategy

One important question remains: is it epic as in 4X (for those that do not know what that is, see this)?
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Gwenio
Originally Posted by lynn
epic turn-based strategy

One important question remains: is it epic as in 4X (for those that do not know what that is, see this)?

I doubt it will be a Civilization game, but with dragons. At least I hope not.
Posted By: Arokh Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 04:53 PM
I'm thinking homeworld with dragons with a bit of tactical planning from your battle tower as someone else said. You can then join in on the big battles if you wish.
Posted By: vivaxardas Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 05:23 PM
May be exploring and building part will be like in Heroes of M&M, with several heroes exploring the map, gathering resources, finding some relics and such, and it is be turn-based. Battles may be like in Medieval 2 TW, real-time ground (castle defenses and land units with some air support) against air assaults, and air battles only (zeps and dragons against flying fortresses), depending against who we fight (other armies, some wild tribes, or attack castles).
Posted By: Gwenio Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Gwenio
Originally Posted by lynn
epic turn-based strategy

One important question remains: is it epic as in 4X (for those that do not know what that is, see this)?

I doubt it will be a Civilization game, but with dragons. At least I hope not.

I was thinking more along the lines of Age of Wonders and Lords of Magic than Civ.
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 09:39 PM
Interesting Twitter-Bit :

@Larian_DC Dragon Commander
Talking about attention and gamer interest - the comments in this one sparked interesting debates over here....

The link goes to :

The comments there are interesting, too ... Because the majority seems to want to have turn-based combat ...
Posted By: Gwenio Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
The comments there are interesting, too ... Because the majority seems to want to have turn-based combat ...

If it had turn based tactics then there would be people complaining about that too, as they did with Elemental (though part of that was they had originally said the battles would be in reat time).
Posted By: Arokh Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 13/08/11 10:40 PM
Those comments are interesting alright. There's one or two idiots there who dismiss the game already; It's very difficult to form an opinion on what little info has been released. We can speculate on what it is like but for those people who say its crap already it would be better to wait till after gamescom before saying it will suck.

For me, personally I hate turn based combat games but however the other content will make up for it. Difficult to describe but I just get the feeling the game will be great and if Larian get their advertising right it will be a hit in 2012.
Posted By: vivaxardas Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 14/08/11 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by Arokh
Those comments are interesting alright. There's one or two idiots there who dismiss the game already; It's very difficult to form an opinion on what little info has been released. We can speculate on what it is like but for those people who say its crap already it would be better to wait till after gamescom before saying it will suck.

For me, personally I hate turn based combat games but however the other content will make up for it. Difficult to describe but I just get the feeling the game will be great and if Larian get their advertising right it will be a hit in 2012.

If I do not like strategy games, why does it make me an idiot? The game may be great as a strategy game, but I am not going to play it. I like a genre, not a developer. Yes, I am dismissing it, does not matter how great this game may be I am not going to waste my time playing a strategy game. Why should I jump with joy if I see that Larian are going to develop a strategy game?
I'll pick some RPG instead. Strategy games fans may rejoice, though. Good for them.

BTW, do you often get feelings like this, about a great success of some game? It is kinda super-weird, you know. I can't even imagine what it is like, such premonitions are beyond me.
Posted By: Arokh Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 14/08/11 11:26 AM
Well I suppose I could have worded it better but I didn't mean people on this forum. There's a good community here. What I meant was some of the comments on that site from one or two members who dismissed it already. Note I said "there's one or two idiots there who..." I have also seen other online debates about the game where someone said I won't buy it because it will suck donkey balls.

So, I'm not saying you are an idiot nor anyone else here. It's pefectly fine for people to dislike games or a genre; from what some people might think is the best thing ever to someone else it may be the worst thing. The comments you made about the game are perfectly fine. Some other people though go the wrong way about expressing their dislikes with anything and by 'idiots' it was them I was referring to. You know the type of person who simply puts rude one liners without saying why they don't like it.

As for 'getting the feeling it's going to be great' It does sound good on paper and from the video. True the turn based strategy elements I turned my nose up at but I think the rest will make up for it. I may be completley wrong and for me it might turn out to be the worst game ever. It's just too early to form an opinion yet. And no, I don't often get feelings like that. It's just nowadays I have become bored with games and when something sounds genuinley interesting to me I keep a close eye on it. Also I enjoyed Larian's previous games so naturally I'd be interested in future ones.
Posted By: vivaxardas Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 14/08/11 05:58 PM
All right, fair enough. I wonder if Larian will develop a movie shooting capability in a real-time part of the game, like devs did with Medieval 2 Total War. It was a big reason for me to buy and play it, for shooting massive battles. With dragon fights it would be cool to be able to film things.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 15/08/11 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by epicdragon345
Is it downloaded or buy the disc?

It is safe to assume both. Larian invested in the "Larian Valut" for download option that they currently have Divinity 2 games on and I think some of the soundtracks. The way their luck goes for North American releases, we'll be downloading the English version months before a physical disc is released.
Posted By: LegionDraconis Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 17/08/11 11:48 AM
does anyone know if this picks up where flames of vengeance left off or is this a different story all together ?
Posted By: pall Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 17/08/11 02:09 PM
It's different story, in the past when Maxos was still around and dragon knights ruled the skies.
Posted By: Demonic Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 22/08/11 03:19 AM
Whatever you're selling. I AIN'T BUYING!


Damn it. The mods really need to disable this Anonymous posting.
Posted By: Divine Avenger Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 22/08/11 03:35 AM
oh but what if there selling the key's to an awsome amount of treasure, Then your Dragon Knight could upgrade the battle tower even more grin
Posted By: LegionDraconis Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 30/08/11 12:42 PM
Sounds worth a try even though ive sworn it off i dont know how many times i still keep going back so looks like ill be buying another.
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 01/09/11 01:19 AM
I'm actually reading the blurb so far as 'Fantasy: Total War' - so a turn based strategic map, but real time tactical combat.

To which my honest thought is - I have waited SO long for someone to make that game! Bring it on!
Posted By: Divine Avenger Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 01/09/11 01:29 AM
Oh yay the spambot is back

Unless your here 2 announce that a Gold edition of Dragon Commander will be released with added extras such as

Soundtrack CD.
A redeem code for custom euipment & / or DLC.
A potion that enables you to become a real Dragon Knight.
A fullscale Modle of a Dragon.
A deed to plot of land that has been contracted to have a full sized Battle tower built on it for your use.
A ticket to see Krill in Consert (yes Joram I'll share grin )
your very own Imp to order around
As well as a copy of Zix Zax Anciant Draconic to Common Rivellonin pocet Dictionery

Posted By: Demonic Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 01/09/11 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Divine Avenger
Oh yay the spambot is back

Unless your here 2 announce that a Gold edition of Dragon Commander will be released with added extras such as

Soundtrack CD.
A redeem code for custom euipment & / or DLC.
A potion that enables you to become a real Dragon Knight.
A fullscale Modle of a Dragon.
A deed to plot of land that has been contracted to have a full sized Battle tower built on it for your use.
A ticket to see Krill in Consert (yes Joram I'll share grin )
your very own Imp to order around
As well as a copy of Zix Zax Anciant Draconic to Common Rivellonin pocet Dictionery


I'd buy that for sure!
Posted By: born2beagator Re: Dragon Commander announced ! - 24/09/11 02:27 PM
Whaddaya know, I leave the forums for a few months and come back to a new game announced cool

Yey that means more waiting for us poor americans once its released in Europe frown
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