Larian Studios
Posted By: inc bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 08/07/14 11:27 PM
so i started this game recently and i actually enjoy it because i like the ap system /2 characters etc the setting everything but the game is just so buggy right now (atleast the build i have) and i can't help but QQ. For example skeletal archers can shoot you through walls regardless of high/low/medium ground while you (as the same archer) get a message " target invisible " and thats not even the worst part, the worst part is when you miss with 100% to hit on a knocked down target as a melee (char swings you lose ap but it doesnt hit) and when you have 3 points (requires 3 to hit) then you hit but it actually eats a point cause the game lied you that you need 3 but you needed 4 cause you had to move with 1 ap

those are just minor things there are so many more annoying things especially how hard it is to spot where poison/fire fields start and where they end and how your char just walks over them all the time as it pleases, its hard to target enemies that are too close (yeah i know i can press B but its still an annoyance) and so on

and lastly about the game balance, fighters are just useless and horrible early game (atleast up to lvl 12 i dont know how its like later) and i dont see whats the point of them? They're boring and underpowered and should get a buff and better/more skills.. i dislike how half of the skills are some magical skills (crushing fist for example shouldve been a melee skill but it could be better to compensate and maybe an actual fist). The elements in this game are way too strong which renders fighters useless because a mage does a lot more damage from a lot safer place and has a lot more defense and healing and absolutely everything and you can just play with the enivorument and everything while as fighter you cant do anything. I started the game with 2x fighters then i decided to reroll to sorc/archer to try how its like then i stopped because of how easy it was even on hard mode (altho there were encounters where i did die a lot but that was because of other stuff).
I hate how if you fight in fire or poison field as a fighter then every step you take is shitload of damage and overall their dmg is crappy (sure bully + knockdown is good and can 100-0% mobs but thats not what i mean) and they take so much damage its just ridiculous.
I decided to be stubborn and play a fighter with a mage support just so i can have access to enivorument spells and in the end i end up killing more with my cleric who only has Flare as offensive skill simply because i always carry Oil barrels and also use the ones that are on the field and they end up killing more than my actual fighter does cause hes usually just meat shield + grabbing attention but thats not even what i made him for (and hes horrible at it since hes so squishy atleast currently).

I feel like the game is undertested or the testers are horrible or i dont even know what to say? It could be a lot more enjoyable than it is with some more look/work, look at how my last fight went with my fighter+cleric - fight starts and mobs are on approximately 18 meters (when the fight starts), im first on both chars cause leadership 5 on cleric and 1/2 on fighter so initiative+. I delay my turn to see what happens and so enemy moves -
enemy mage casts ice needle and freezes my fighter for 2 turns
enemy archer freezes my healer for 2 turns

2 turns later (im still alive, lone wolf etc) enemy mage stuns my fighter for 3 turns and enemy archer knock downs my cleric (and both of them have bodybuilding/willpower leveled + items)
i load game cause i died at that point since i was getting hit the entire time

next fight , delay with fighter i do fortify on him and wait so enemy comes in and freezes me the usuals hit but my cleric is hidden this time so i cast warm up on fighter (to break freeze) at which point he gets stun by the enemy mage twice in a row for 3 and 2 turns , at some point my cleric also got frozen by the archers

next load game is literally the same and in this particular encounter the mobs have 6 or so 90% land rate CC skills and its like 2vs8 or so already so its pretty unwinnable, however ive had experience with badly designed games like this and the best way to win is just to leave the slowest char like 40 meters away from the battle around bunch of walls and draw the mobs with the faster char and run towards ur fighter whos hiding inside close quarter space and you end up fighting instead 2v8 as intended in smt like 2v4 or so and they are also forced to go melee range so thats how i can proceed but i still find it stupid and i dont believe those fights have been played or tested enough because 3x archers with special arrows and 2x mages and like 3 zombies or boars or whatever with 6 CC spells are supposed to be killable normally (arent they?) and not by cheesing hard

my point here is that if anyone actually played the game he'd see that this is just not right and that certain classes (even enemies) are way more OP than other classes and btw im a hardcore rpg player and also mmorpg pvp player so i can think outside of the box and yes i can stack shields and pots and everything i can also use summons to draw attacks and attention but i don't wanna play with summons simply because i dont like them so im forced to just because theyre OP? I Also dont wanna play w/o lone wolf because i dont like that warrior and mage companions who are utterly horrible and obnoxious

the end
Posted By: Gregarious Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 08/07/14 11:34 PM
I honestly do not understand people saying fighter/knight are underpowered. Battering Ram/Crushing Fist are incredibly useful. Plus high armor, body building, will power, a good weapon, and they're just a killing machine. Cure Wounds is an amazing heal in dire situations. Let's not forget Whirlwinding next to 3-4 enemies. I haven't learned it on my main character yet, but Madora does 140-180 to all enemies around her at level 9.

Battering Ram can be used not only to knock enemies down, but also to close the gap. I started with a Knight/Cleric combo and I use Madora and Jahan with them, and my Knight kills more enemies than any other character, while soaking up damage, keeping everyone else safe.
Posted By: Actionhanz Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 08/07/14 11:45 PM
finished it on hard. 2 melees 2 range/caster. Never got a problem at any moment of the game, most times far to easy, ridiculous easy in the end. Melees just destroy everything. But go on blame other people even the devs for your incompetence....
Posted By: Judecca Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 12:08 AM
Melee do ridiculous, absolutely broken amounts of damage past level 10, OP. On top of basically ignoring the basic 4 elements which you can usually get around level 12-14.

My condolences that you seemed to miss out on this.
Posted By: inc Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 12:22 AM ok look the first few minutes (the first fight) and tell me its winnable? I showed how to beat it afterwards (from first try) while complaining to a friend in skype/venting and i wonder if the game testers took all that into account (like running away to mess up npc AI and such) when playing it?
(also i noticed u can see another bug in here, when you're casting a skill and if you press another skill during animation you lose your AP but nothing happens)

@gregarious yeah yeah you're talking about so many skill points which you simply dont have up until atleast lvl 10 +

@ actionhanz my incompetence for sure go be condescending on forums to make urself feel better

I said im playing with lone wolf and my first playthru i went to 12 lvl or so with archer/mage and madora and jadude but i dont like them and its fairy easy with archer with so many special arrows and with 2x mages with all the utility and the spells and madora was barely ever doing anything since she could hardly ever pass the AOEs whicvh always killed her anyway

edit: i just moved to the next fight bunch of thugs (i can finally use bleed woah what an useless skill, imagine that rogues actually have bleed and poison and in the first 10 hours of the game everything is immune to that) and how does the fight start? I charge, fail kd, buff up myself fortify , wildfire etc, enemy gets turn? KD 2 turns on warrior KD 3 turns on mage after 2 turns stun 3 turns on warrior and mage is already dead from poison + burn aoe during the kd and i didn't move past my initial action so yeah totally fun and now i'll have to cheese it again just like i did in this video

edit: 2nd attempt (without cheating/cheesing) my warrior gets KD for 3 turns (first try) and enemy has bunch of AOE which got blocked by barels i moved so their melees (enemy melees are always useless because who cares about them?) charged me and after i fortified my warrior i also teleported the enemy inside the fire aoe and he died cause leaving the fire aoe did like 160 damage to him (4 /5 hits ) cause melee so useful? anyhow my mage gets stunned next turn for 2 turns, my warrior's kd ends (finally after 3 rounds) and he gets new KD by another enemy (for 3 turns) and my mage gets KD for 2 turns as well and my warrior lost 220 hp by 5-20 damage melee attacks on fortify without moving even once during the entire fight and my mage had one turn (with saved up AP) and that was it

Posted By: Shaki Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 12:49 AM
Warriors are pretty powerful actually. They can be very useful in early game, because mages dont have much spells yet, and when for example fire mage encounter fire skeletons, he is completely useless, while fighters can do pretty nice dmg to most kinds of enemies. Also they have great early CC (knockdowns!), and very powerful healing spell. And later in the game, with man-at-arms talents, they are amazing tanks, and with skills like flurry and tenebrium enhanced weapons, they can do INCREDIBLE amounts of damage. From what I've seen, are classes in this game can be very powerful. You just need to learn to use them properly.

Edit: About the video: I see your mage have ability points in air - so why dont buy some skill like blitz bolt, lure enemies to river, and stun them all? I won this fight that way, without any problems.

Also about warrios - it is kinda funny when you whining about how warriors are useless and it's the devs fault, when you attack skeletons with slashing weapon O_o Isn't it kinda obvious that they would be far more vulerable to crushing damage? Get a hammer bro.
Posted By: Peter Ebbesen Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by inc

and lastly about the game balance, fighters are just useless and horrible early game (atleast up to lvl 12 i dont know how its like later) and i dont see whats the point of them? They're boring and underpowered and should get a buff and better/more skills..

This is a classic PEBKAC* issue.

If you examine the man-at-arms skills more carefully and consider their tactical use together with buffing magic while using good weapons (that your crafter has improved, of course) and armour (that your crafter has likewise improved), you'll swiftly realize that front line man-at-arms fighters with a mage in support are just about the best thing since sliced bread even from the early levels, and growing ever more powerful as they level up.

The mage has more options and is essential to control the terrain (though an archer can do in a pinch given enough special arrows), but in terms of damageoutput, no mage comes even close to delivering the damageoutput of a supported man-at-arms wielding a 2H.

* Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.
Posted By: inc Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 12:58 AM
As far as ive seen mages are just as powerful early game and if anything warriros are utterly horrible cause they die to every single aoe in the game and on hard difficulty all mobs abuse it (and so do you with your non-melees)

enemy archer throws burning arrow for 30 damage with dot for 25(x2 turns) on my 200 hp lone wolf warrior, then enemy throws poison arrow on him (while hes still burning) so poison+fire exploison about 130 or so damage and he literally gets oneshotted from 15+ meters away 1 archer mob while the 3 melees with it didnt even reach me and even if they did it wouldn't matter because melees just suck compared to ranged

@Peter so im basically forced to always have a mage to support me ? Isn't that what i was complaining about? >_> If you wanna start the game with 2 fighters you'll go nowhere.. perhaps they should put a sign "if you play on hard mode then you should pick atleast one mage"
Posted By: Dogi Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:07 AM
Well going by your video and some things you've said you're either on an outdated GoG version or on a pirated version. The AP eating glitch was fixed already.

Secondly you delayed your first turns even though there were obviously several ranged enemies nearby. You have to expect to take a lot of damage if you do that and possibly have characters frozen/stunned.

Thirdly, if both characters are lone wolf you should have gotten Glass cannon so you can at least take actions equal to 4 people. If you choose to make the game harder on yourself without understanding how it functions you shouldn't come and cry about it. you should have done something such as attempting to free the nearby archers/mages or setup a smokescreen so they couldn't see you, or knock them down, or make it rain and use lightning to stun them. You had a ton of options.

You also shouldn't complain about possibly needing a certain character type for hard mode when it's called hard mode. And you should give your melee guy a 2H weapon if you want better damage out of him. Like double the damage. And warriors start out not as strong since they simply don't have the AP to do much early, but later MaA skills are completely and totally broken to the point where you can kill a boss in one turn with them. You're nowhere near far enough in the game yet to make any proper judgements on character builds/strength
Posted By: Peter Ebbesen Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by inc

@Peter so im basically forced to always have a mage to support me ? Isn't that what i was complaining about? >_> If you wanna start the game with 2 fighters you'll go nowhere.. perhaps they should put a sign "if you play on hard mode then you should pick atleast one mage"

No, you were whining that fighters were ridiculously underpowered and useless, making a general statement about the state of fighters in the game, which is something completely different from complaining because a party performs better when it consists of members that complement each others strengths.

If you are going to play hard mode dual lone wolf, you'd be a fool - or very, very, confident in knowing the ins-and-outs of the game - not to have at least one of the two have access to at the very least low-level magic, just as you'd be a fool not to have anybody able to deal significant physical damage.

Whether you achieve this by having a dedicated full warrior and full mage, or use the common battle-mage/battle-ranger style where both characters have access to some magic and int 8, while focusing on physical damage is up to your preference.

(Then again, if you want to make it easy for yourself, both of your lone wolves will also pick up man-at-arms 5 regardless of what they are specializing at for the incredibly helpful resistances.)
Posted By: inc Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Dogi
Well going by your video and some things you've said you're either on an outdated GoG version or on a pirated version. The AP eating glitch was fixed already.

Secondly you delayed your first turns even though there were obviously several ranged enemies nearby. You have to expect to take a lot of damage if you do that and possibly have characters frozen/stunned.

Thirdly, if both characters are lone wolf you should have gotten Glass cannon so you can at least take actions equal to 4 people. If you choose to make the game harder on yourself without understanding how it functions you shouldn't come and cry about it. you should have done something such as attempting to free the nearby archers/mages or setup a smokescreen so they couldn't see you, or knock them down, or make it rain and use lightning to stun them. You had a ton of options.

You also shouldn't complain about possibly needing a certain character type for hard mode when it's called hard mode. And you should give your melee guy a 2H weapon if you want better damage out of him. Like double the damage. And warriors start out not as strong since they simply don't have the AP to do much early, but later MaA skills are completely and totally broken to the point where you can kill a boss in one turn with them. You're nowhere near far enough in the game yet to make any proper judgements on character builds/strength

Im probably on an outdated version which i should fix.

Secondly yeah i know i was just showing what happens but even if you don't delay your turns the same thing happens (trust me i've tried before that, unless you can get to a fight without facing all enemies at the same time it will always happen)

Thirdly i dont have trait for glass cannon just yet , i dont have lightning and even if i did lighting + rain id stun just one (probably) and there are still so many free , i really didnt have a ton of options

fourth yeah so bad classes go home? That wont ever fly in a non-single player game but i see/understand your point here anyway, as for not being far enough to judge - why not ? the first half of the game is also a part of the game so how come it suddenly doesnt count..

perhaps i should just go with what i see as strongest as im playing on hard mode and not really care about balance because maybe its balanced over other difficulties but whatever..
Posted By: Shaki Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by inc

i dont have lightning and even if i did lighting + rain id stun just one (probably) and there are still so many free , i really didnt have a ton of options

Dude, you have a rain spell. Really, electricity + water, isn't it obvious? And in the fight from your video there is a river. You cast lighting spell on puddle/river and all enemies standin in it are stunned.
Posted By: inc Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:28 AM
My mage doesn't have lightning learned because i decided not to kill and steal from npcs this time like i did on my previous playthroughs so i can't afford to buy all spells so i bought the more viable ones.

also as if all enemies would go into the water at the same time for no reason

and also sorry bout this thread, my bad for wanting all classes to be viable and good and have different pros and cons but still fit in on lone wolf HM , i should go some cookie cutter build like 2x mages + jahran + madora and kill everyone on turn 1 since they wont be able to move from infinite freeze (ice needle spam) or knockdowns(bashing boulder so OP) or just poison clouds + fire explosions which do so much damage from 15+m away

its okay that my warrior does 40 damage with some rare axe while my mage(which was intended to be a healer but has fireball to be able to burn stuff) can hit 6 mobs at same time for 65 damage + burn so yeah go compare 40 vs 390 damage + all the burn damage afterwards which would be atleast 50 on each mob so thats 300 more so basically 690 damage in one button click vs 40 damage, sure i may be exaggerating but theres some truth to it.

Whats the only thing warriors are viable for? to carry oil/poison barrels, nothing else
Posted By: Shaki Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by inc
My mage doesn't have lightning learned because i decided not to kill and steal from npcs this time like i did on my previous playthroughs so i can't afford to buy all spells so i bought the more viable ones.

also as if all enemies would go into the water at the same time for no reason

and also sorry bout this thread, my bad for wanting all classes to be viable and good and have different pros and cons but still fit in on lone wolf HM , i should go some cookie cutter build like 2x mages + jahran + madora and kill everyone on turn 1 since they wont be able to move from infinite freeze (ice needle spam) or knockdowns(bashing boulder so OP) or just poison clouds + fire explosions which do so much damage from 15+m away

Dude, i'm doing my second playthrough, 2 lone wolf fighters on hard, and so far i've finished first map without any problems... And there are people who are playing single char, and also manage to win fights... You just trying to play this like Diablo, and sorry, but that kind of rambo-like approach won't work on normal difficulty. If the fights are to hard for you, just switch to easy, this option exist for a reason. Not everyone enjoy hard tactical and punishing combat, no one is goin to call you a wuss or noob because you don't like to plan before every fight and spend hours on learning tricks and spells combos.
Posted By: temje Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:41 AM
I apologize for the tongue-tied, English is not my native language.
I read from the beginning.
Gentlemen, you have ignored some of the posts topic starter.

I fully agree that the animation treatment in the soldier not authentic in any case. As well as stunning fist. It's just madness.

For the remaining items on the complexity of the game - I know the feeling, bro. I also play only warriors and also with a lone wolf. And, already knowing the force "leech" in combination with "zombie" has decided that they will not take up their nerf.
However, I have a few tips for you, which will differ from pounce opportunists using simple solutions in the form of mages and archers.

When a lone wolf you get a lot of abilities that would be easy to sacrifice in the beginning of the game in a few perks rogue or ranger. Rogues have invisibility, and which will come closer and accumulate points in 3 moves, and archer have races at 15 meters. I believe that with these skills, you manage to enjoy the game, until justice is served.
So, I believe that the game should not be as soon as possible to begin with battles with enemies. I mean, yes, you go to the city and you will have a battle with the orcs, if you missed the cave. But then, you have many choices of where to go and what to do. You can go to the well, to get the ore - to make weapons to sell (or the other way, with pictures) Then, to buy food and nakraftit more quality food. I'm sure plenty of food to eat early resist. And further, since this sample.

I hope for you, this post will be useful for both me yours.
Posted By: inc Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:42 AM
Im playing on hard mode since i installed the game (i've never played any other difficulty) just like every other game i've beaten so far (xcom i+i , FTL advanced edition and so on) and i won't give up i'll win the way i want to win but you're just plain trolling right now by talking shit and implying that im playing on normal and that im bad or some rand om crap whatever you're trying to imply

you know how i won my last encounter which i died to like 5-6 times in a row because no matter what i did i eventually got perma stunned and died? I ran near a corner forced all enemies to come close, threw a barrel with my warrior and shot a fireball with my mage and they all died.

Viable warriors, balanced game, yo. Carrying barrels big contribution.
Posted By: Dogi Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:47 AM
All classes are viable, all class setups are not though. If you wanted 2 pure melee you'd have to understand it would be hell and relying on scrolls early on. Then you'd coast into easy mode once both know flurry and whirlwind.

What you have going right now is perfectly fine and many people are doing it, like many many people are doing mage + sword n board warrior with the mage buffing and both lone wolf and they are doing just fine. You just need to get in a better habit of controlling the battlefield. Go get some money and learn lightning bolt or get some scrolls of it for your mage. Make it rain before the battle begins, cast lightning bolt at whatever puddle has the most enemies in it to stun them right off and start the battle with that instead of just walking into it. Start using chilling cold to take others out by freezing them and ice lance as well since while the rain is up its super easy to freeze and remove them from battle for a few turns.

Just as you were complaining about getting knocked down too much and not doing anything, you can and need to be doing the same stuff to the enemies. You're also comparing your warrior's melee attack to a fireball spell from a mage in your last post, compare the fireball to dust devil or whirlwind and suddenly the warrior is doing a hell of a lot more. My mage with like 18 in can fireball for 150ish + 70ish burning per target. So 220x6 if 6 targets like you said. Meanwhile madora can walk in there and use dust devil for 300 per target, or whirlwind for 400 per target. or both back to back. Oh look who did more damage?

Don't complain that your low level and underskilled warrior isn't as good as a mage when you don't even have power stance on him and you aren't playing to his strengths.
Posted By: inc Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Dogi

Just as you were complaining about getting knocked down too much and not doing anything, you can and need to be doing the same stuff to the enemies. You're also comparing your warrior's melee attack to a fireball spell from a mage in your last post, compare the fireball to dust devil or whirlwind and suddenly the warrior is doing a hell of a lot more. My mage with like 18 in can fireball for 150ish + 70ish burning per target. So 220x6 if 6 targets like you said. Meanwhile madora can walk in there and use dust devil for 300 per target, or whirlwind for 400 per target. or both back to back. Oh look who did more damage?

Don't complain that your low level and underskilled warrior isn't as good as a mage when you don't even have power stance on him and you aren't playing to his strengths.

1: thats just relying too much on the mage to do all the dirty work and on certain spells but okay whatever. 2 for wwind vs fball, yeah but wwind is melee and fball also can be used to create enivorument stuff and what not while a warrior would lose most of his hp just getting inside a fire (if needed , not that id do it)

as for power stannce, does it work for skills? i found power stance useless (for auto attacks atleast) because it adds 1 point more for 25% damage but reduces 10% chance to hit which isnt even worth it, that 1 point has to be more than 35% damage for it to be worth it (or more than 25% for 2h and 33% for 1h if you have 100% to hit anyway) but if it works on skills then it could be good
Posted By: Shaki Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by inc

Viable warriors, balanced game, yo. Carrying barrels big contribution.

Come back when you finish the game. After some time mages doin almost no dmg due to spell dmg scaling only with level/inteligence/ability level, and warrior have massive dmg spike every time he finds a better weapon, especially when they can enhance weapons with tenebrium later. Near the end of the game, warrior can do ten times more dmg than mage. Very nice of you to talk about the cons/pros of the classes after only couple of hours playing, and fighting with few kinds of enemies. Sure, I can make a fire mage, go fight some burning skeletons, and then go rant on forum:

"Guys mages are useless, they heal enemies instead of damaging them, I cast fireball at fire skeletons and they are healed, WTF! Melee doin 50 dmg, mages doin -50dmg ?! Viable mages, balanced game, yo. Healing enemies big contribution.?!"

But this isn't really a constructive criticism, this is just whining.
Posted By: Dogi Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by inc

1: thats just relying too much on the mage to do all the dirty work

You chose lonewolf with a mage and a melee, what the hell did you expect the mage to be doing?
Posted By: inc Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Shaki

But this isn't really a constructive criticism, this is just whining.

I played a lot more than just few skeletons but keep exaggerating

I don't know whats the max level i assume its around 20 tho?(hopefully im wrong and the game is longer) and ive already had a grp that was lvl 12 or 13 or so before i decided to stop with it, even by then mages were still far superior and maybe you just dont have enough imagination to play one to the full potential the game offers for them
Posted By: ArtVandelay Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 02:11 AM
Just discussing the viability of fighters here is kinda beside the point.
The OP is right in that the game is incredibly buggy and has a lot of other problems.

Ever tried to land a Midnight Oil when standing on a beach?
The damn aoe indicator has almost the same color as the ground. frown

When I hold down ctrl, why doesn't it tell me exactly what element or aoe effect is on the ground beneath it? You sometimes simply cannot tell from just looking at the ground.

Why isn't there a double click safety system integrated?
Can't count anymore how often the cursor told me I would attack an enemy, then without even moving the mouse, the cursor jumps to movement the moment I click and I just walk somewhere without attacking, often getting opportunity struck.

The Philosopher on the graveyard? Good luck trying to read his book in the library. Its pages are blank. frown

Found Esmeralda?
Cool, because I found at least 2 occasions of dialogue suggesting she was imprisoned after the murder.
Strangely she isn't found in jail but in her shop complaining about the rats and the terrible conditions in her cell.

I'm not far into the game but I bet I can boost the list of bugs, inconsistencies and unfinished parts of the game to 10 full pages, in a week of playtime.

I really like this game, but I'm getting kind of sad that in the game industry of today, Quality Assurance simply is not invested into anymore, and something people worked on and got paid for, nowadays is simply put onto the shoulders of the customer.

We're basically playtesters that instead of getting paid for doing our job, pay the full price.

I have no doubt that this game has the potential to be one of the greatest CRPG's of all times with a lot more work and patches put in, and Larian seems to put in effort to patch and polish this game up, but I'm simply disappointed about what kind of construction sites called games get released at full price nowadays.
Posted By: Peter Ebbesen Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by inc

its okay that my warrior does 40 damage with some rare axe while my mage(which was intended to be a healer but has fireball to be able to burn stuff) can hit 6 mobs at same time for 65 damage + burn so yeah go compare 40 vs 390 damage + all the burn damage afterwards which would be atleast 50 on each mob so thats 300 more so basically 690 damage in one button click vs 40 damage, sure i may be exaggerating but theres some truth to it.

Yeah, those numbers sound legit. You are only exaggerating slightly for effect. Let's look at one of my early saves for comparison.

The closest I have to the mage damageoutput is from level 5, so I'll take that for comparison purposes.

At level 5 (and yes, on hard), my STR 10 2H warrior using a blue level 4 2H sharpened weapon does 75-120 damage per 4AP swing (slashing 46-75, fire 7-11, +30% 2H, +10% leadership), and can be boosted for +50% damage for three turns with a level 1 witchcraft spell by a party mage or use power attacks for +25% for a 5 AP swing in the circumstances where the hit percentage allows (basically when knocked down in this case). He's also got Dust Devil (6 AP, cooldown 5), for a 60-97 slashing,7-11 fire AOE with radius 3m. The damage is reduced by armour, which means that effectively it is somewhat less than the figures listed, but on the other hand the attacks can also crit (and at this point the character had a 10% crit rate)

(When he gets to town he'll get a better level 5 weapon crafted, but this save was at the lighthouse and he'd just leveled, so I'm afraid that for this comparison he's actually doing less damage than he would, if his equipment was up to date.)

By comparison, my INT 11 mage's best singletarget is 36-40 fire or 38-41 air for 6 AP, and his best AOE at this point is small fireball (7 AP, cooldown 7 at this point), for 48-58 fire damage with radius 4m and a 45% chance of burning.

The big difference for both singletarget and AOE early in the game is that the mage's damageoutput has the disadvantage of being wimpy, costing much more AP per point of damage, but has the advantage of a 100% hit-rate, not being centered on the mage, and being able to take advantage of elemental status effects on the battlefield.

BE THAT AS IT MAY, if you claim that your 2H warrior is only doing 40 damage at a point when you are doing ~65 damage with a fireball, you are not just exaggerating for effort - you are either incompetent at using your fighter or, which seems more likely, making numbers up out of whole cloth to support your position, which is plain ridiculous. hahaha
Posted By: temje Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 02:30 AM
Guys, guys! You really miss the point.

Fist stunning looks and treatment warrior look NOT COOL!

Do you remember what it looks like? Heck, he's just torn out of Asura WRATH This is the most stunning fist?

This Warrior, dammit! His strike would knock out the soul from the body of a brute force, and not what that magic. Here's a blow,

Throwing Captain America shield, stunning - it is also a suitable punch! Yes, hell, even a stone's throw - kick. I do believe that my warrior obscenely cursed mummy of my enemy, from what he slips and falls than this nebesnyykrasny fist infernal magic Exterminatus 40000
Posted By: jfunk Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 02:58 AM
Sucks at game. Blames game. Plays on hard. Blames game for being hard.

Honestly, your posts sound like you are deliberately trying to find a strategy that sucks just so you can complain it failed. It's like you're not even trying to do anything well.

Posted By: JohnnySpaghetti Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 03:19 AM
wooooow gusy ur attackin doe dont attack new players imho

imho best is murdora + jahan + warrior/mage

den get leech + glass cannon + extra ability points (wizzy)

dump all in int fo wiz (PURE WIZZY!)

den covah floor with FIYAH an oils

block doors w/ summons

fite in places w/ only 1 exit (an block or FIYAH)

an u win most things

its gg no re

Posted By: JohnnySpaghetti Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 03:20 AM
forgot u need COMEBACK KID too (essntial)
Posted By: LordCrash Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 03:31 AM
It's pretty much indifferent how you level up your character. You can even win with a really badly skilled party as long as you use tacitcs and skills wisely and support each other.

The game is only hard until you get a hold on its system in the first view hours. Then it's actually kind of easy, but not that easy to become boring. With crafting and really good gear you get so powerful in late game that challenge isn't a big issue anymore.

I also don't understand people who think way too much about "builds" and where to put each single stat point at which time. Guys, it's not a PvP game! It really doesn't matter that much. Just roleplay and decide intuitively what to choose. Game is winnable on normal difficulty anyway.

And on hard...well, if hard is too hard for you, then just reduce the difficulty. Games are no dick checks and it's not a shame to play a game not on the hardest difficulty level. Just play what seems fun to you but don't complain about bad balancing just because you obviously know too little about the game or because you want to squeeze the game in a certain corner it never wanted to be... wink
Posted By: JohnnySpaghetti Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 03:36 AM
heres 1 setup 4 u (nt boastin guys juss an example kk sry) 2 warrior/ 2 pure wizz
[Linked Image]

Posted By: Hassat Hunter Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 03:43 AM
Okay, let me get the OP straight... he's

* Nerfing himself by willingly going Lone Wolf
* Nerfing himself by willingly not using summons to support this lone wolf setup
* Playing on HARD
* Doesn't even understand the system

And expects that this, all above, isn't actually HARD at all... and thus the game needs to be adapted to make this more easily playable. We all see how if this is made "easy" for the OP the entire game will be a supercakewalk for everyone like each modern RPG for none-nerfers right?
So instead of neutering the game to support a willingly gimped expert build, let's try;

* Not using Lone Wolf, but spreading the pain.
* Actually use summons. They are there for a reason. Especially complaining about stuns summons are gold.
* Turn down to normal or easy.
* Learn the system

PROBLEM SOLVED. And the game didn't even need to be neutered to modern game cakewalk mode. We all win!
Originally Posted by inc
I feel like the game is undertested or the testers are horrible or i dont even know what to say?

Congratiolations on just insulting many a thousand players of the Early Access. I'm sure they're glad to hear we all were horrible and all.
my point here is that if anyone actually played the game he'd see that this is just not right and that certain classes (even enemies) are way more OP than other classes

No one here played Original Sin... of course not. Otherwise how could we claim we have no problems with it.
Also I want to saw 'no shit sherlock' on the other... especially with...
and btw im a hardcore rpg player and also mmorpg pvp player so i can think outside of the box

You should be well familiar with the concept that mages are the most dangerous of all and need to be taken out ASAP. Basic RPG-gameplay really, not sure why a hardcore gamer is surprised by this.

Why isn't there a double click safety system integrated?
Can't count anymore how often the cursor told me I would attack an enemy, then without even moving the mouse, the cursor jumps to movement the moment I click and I just walk somewhere without attacking, often getting opportunity struck.

If you notice it's doing something wrong, click the right mouse button and your character will instantly stop. If you're waiting for them to finish an improper movement command, it's not the game's fault. You can't loose more than 1AP to this if you're paying attention.
Doesn't mean it can't be improved upon, but it's definitely not as bad as people make it out to be.
I'm not far into the game but I bet I can boost the list of bugs, inconsistencies and unfinished parts of the game to 10 full pages, in a week of playtime.

Well, here's my challenge to you... DO IT.
I've posted extremely long topics with bugs on the beta (and again now), but 10 full pages, no I could not. So, give it your best shot... show me (us) how it's done. Note down all the bugs you find in a week, and see if it makes a 10 page report. We and Larian would all be grateful for your work.
Of course I know you wont, or if you try you wont get anywhere near 10 pages... but feel free to prove me wrong on that.
Posted By: LordCrash Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 03:59 AM
I want to see his "bug lists" for the various other RPGs and MMOs he claimed to have played. They must fill whole books if he already has 10 pages for D:OS only after a few hours of gameplay...

I guess he's doing it like that: "Hm, I don't understand that. What shall I do? Write it down as a flaw/bug or trying to understand it by better learning the systems? Now, I'm way too hardcore for that peasant's work. I just write it down and blame the devs, that's easier and grants more attention."

Pathetic... ouch
Posted By: Hiver Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by ArtVandelay
Just discussing the viability of fighters here is kinda beside the point.

Maybe better discuss that in one of the treads screaming that fighters are op or ones where mages are op.


The OP is right in that the game is incredibly buggy and has a lot of other problems.

Which then will be writen down by you... right?
I mean, "incredibly buggy"...? What, like facepalm3? Obliblion?
Skyrim? what?

Ever tried to land a Midnight Oil when standing on a beach?
The damn aoe indicator has almost the same color as the ground. frown

Wow... how horrible.
Almost the same color you say? Thats obviously a bug.
Every single thing you dont like is a bug. Right-e-o.

When I hold down ctrl, why doesn't it tell me exactly what element or aoe effect is on the ground beneath it?

Why would it tell you?
Are you dumb?

You sometimes simply cannot tell from just looking at the ground.

Green is poison, red is fire... mkay? Grey or bluish that looks like water is water, mkay?

Any other questions?

Why isn't there a double click safety system integrated?

Imagine having to click twice on everything you do in the game.
Thats why.

Can't count anymore how often the cursor told me I would attack an enemy, then without even moving the mouse, the cursor jumps to movement the moment I click and I just walk somewhere without attacking, often getting opportunity struck.

Zoom in a bit more, aim at opponents feet or circles around them.
Stop twitching. Play a isometric rpg as it should be played. Not as twitch fest hack and slash.

I know its rocket science but you can do it!
coca cola is supporting your generation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!! - !


The Philosopher on the graveyard? Good luck trying to read his book in the library. Its pages are blank. frown


Found Esmeralda?
Cool, because I found at least 2 occasions of dialogue suggesting she was imprisoned after the murder.
Strangely she isn't found in jail but in her shop complaining about the rats and the terrible conditions in her cell.

a small dialogue bugg. Congratulations you have found exactly one - and a small already reported one at that - bug... out of the "incredible amount".

I'm not far into the game but I bet I can boost the list of bugs, inconsistencies and unfinished parts of the game to 10 full pages, in a week of playtime.

I bet you cannot even find your own butt.

I really like this game, but I'm getting kind of sad that in the game industry of today, Quality Assurance simply is not invested into anymore, and something people worked on and got paid for, nowadays is simply put onto the shoulders of the customer.

You are right... i should be payed inordinate amounts of money for my services.

Nothing should be left on the shoulders of customers as you are.



We're basically playtesters that instead of getting paid for doing our job, pay the full price.



I have no doubt that this game has the potential to be one of the greatest CRPG's of all times with a lot more work and patches put in, and Larian seems to put in effort to patch and polish this game up, but I'm simply disappointed about what kind of construction sites called games get released at full price nowadays.


Posted By: Cromcrom Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 05:08 AM
1/ this is Larian forum. Only thing allowed here by fanboys is praising. No criticism please.

2/ Game is perfect. It is the mother of all games. Those are no bugs, those are "features". There are no unbalances, it is you that sucks.
And as a proof, there are only 300 posts in "technical issues" section of the forum. 300 is very few, there could be 5000, so it is you who is wrong.


Posted By: Aspar Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 09:44 AM
I don't understand why wouldn't you use summons (for example).
They are there for a reason. The game is balanced when you use the tools it provides you. Nothing is balanced if you don't use the tools and then complain it doesn't work.
It's like no using the gas pedal of a car and then complaining it doesn't move.
When playing 2 lone wolves on hard you need to rethink your tactical approach towards battles.
I play like that (1 mage 1 fighter).
1. Mage is primary a buffer, controller, secondary damage dealer.
2. Fighter is main damage dealer, secondary controller.
3. Get Melee Power Stance, get bless, get the witchcraft damage buffing spell, get fortify. Buff fighter, CC (prepare for CC the battlefield) as much as you can with the mage.
4. Go in with the fighter, wreck havoc. Thanks to lone wolf you can take a hit or two before going down.
5. Use summons when you need time to recover. If you haven't noticed summons are not there to win you the fight directly, they are literally distractions for the enemy. The AI is obviously designed to put them as first priority and they immediately turn fire to them, so your party can use the gap to recover, rebuff, re-CC, eat food, drink potions.
6. Use cover, use teleport to get the enemy range/mage into a place where you want it.

The game is not easy with 2 lone wolves on hard in the beginning, no doubt, especially if you jump head in into big parties that are above your level. But it's challenging hard, it gives you the tools to win, just have to use your mind a bit and improvise. I find that extremely fun, invigorating and refreshing, having in mind what is the common "goo" of games we get these days, DOS is a real gem.
Posted By: LightningYu Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Cromcrom
1/ this is Larian forum. Only thing allowed here by fanboys is praising. No criticism please.

2/ Game is perfect. It is the mother of all games. Those are no bugs, those are "features". There are no unbalances, it is you that sucks.
And as a proof, there are only 300 posts in "technical issues" section of the forum. 300 is very few, there could be 5000, so it is you who is wrong.

1. But also the other Half are only Haters...

2. No one said it`s perfect. But you can agree - that complaint sounds a bit stupid(and i don`t say the OP is stupid, donï½´t missunderstand my point). It`s like if a Player Challenge himself on Dark Souls - Pick Deprived and sets as Rule he only play with Starterweapons and without any Armor or a Challenge(i`ve seen someone did it) where you don`t use a single Bon Fire! AND Then such People complain about the Game is too hard and imbalanced.
Sorry to say that, but thats really so stupid like People who play Games on Easy and bash a Game see... its too easy ...
And i`ve to say, by such actions i think everytime such Gamer do that things only they can bash that Game!
Hard and Lone Wolf are meant to be Hard!
And if they patch that easy because of one Guy here, who have a problem, the Game will be overall pretty easy!

Second Point: The Game have sold 160.000 Copies, in Steam it be played daily within 15000 Peoples and you say - 300 Posts here are significant. Sorry, the Big Problem is, in such Topics the Gamers who cry out first, are the Haters and Whiners. The Gamer who love/like/Enjoy the Game and find it well balanced, and play the Game instead of use a Forum!

And sorry again, English isn`t my native Language!
Posted By: Hassat Hunter Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 02:00 PM
Drat... seems blocking users doesn't help if they get quoted... I'm a sad kitty now...
I suggest you ignore the local strawmen throwing hate-breeder. I did. Atleast the other 'haters' actually add constructive points sometimes between their rants, he... nope.

Anyway, if you think Hiver was too mean to you, you can kill him ingame. Should help elevate frustrations wink.
Posted By: Ucross Re: bad and imbalanced + buggy rant - 09/07/14 03:02 PM
The OP is not as bad as a lot of the responses are making him out to be. I've watched a few videos online (youtube divinity original sin for playthroughs) and his 40dmg fighter and 60dmg mage is quite common and indeed reasonable.

As well, most of this other complaints are shared elsewhere in the forums. I agree the OP does it in an 'attacking' nature which is poor; however his basis does not seem contrived.
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