Larian Studios
Posted By: Almarane Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 19/12/13 10:18 PM
Hi there !

You can post your bug reports here for update 1.0.45 ! It will be clearer for the devs this way =)

I will try to make a list of already found bugs, so you won't have to repost them :

  • Character customization only works for Armour
  • In character creation, you cannot remove the skill point from Lockpicking if you are a Ranger, from Single-Handed and Two-Handed if you are a Warrior, from Telekinesis and Willpower if you are a Wizard (game does not display "inherited from...")
  • In battle, only the character dealing the killing strike gets XP.
    (Temporary fix : If both characters are really close, they both get XP)
  • One of the sheeps goes "Moo".
  • Loading a savegame will sometimes cause items to disappear.
  • Damage stat stuck at 1-2 and Blocking stat stuck at 0% when out of combat (works fine in combat)
  • Guards Bibius and Junius become invisible if you choose to not kill them
  • Double clicking container will sometimes make them move instead of opening
  • Tornado trajectory unpredictable
  • Tornado will hurt the caster
  • Earthquake casted on caster, not on mouse
  • Partner will sometimes walk on his own
  • Wilbur sells Inn Key for 1 Gold
  • At x57 y139, the "Hidden Hatch Key" name is displayed if pressing Alt
  • "Gold" will not be displayed if pressing Alt
  • Breakable door at x423 y129, does not lead anywhere
  • When talking to NPCs with unsheated weapons, they will say the player to sheat their weapon. If the player answers they will not, nothing happens. Then they will not ask players if they want to be escorted. If the player goes past them, they will attack the characters.
  • Splitting Arrow skill does not collide most of the time
  • You can walk through a wall of this house :
  • Fog of war comes back after a reload or changing region
  • Lore rings turn into +1 armor ring
  • Necklaces act like rings
  • Crab Matriarch's AI acts weird when teleported
  • There's a house out west with a bomber, fighter and mage. My mage spent the first turn teleporting the fighter away from the bomber, but that didn't leave her enough AP to escape the blast herself, and because she only had 5 HP, she died. The fighter finished off the skeleton fighter, but the mage charmed him. That was interesting, because now BOTH the controllable characters were down, so the game automatically resurrected Scarlett and Charmed!Rod charged her to engage her in battle. I found that kinda hilarious, but it's clearly odd behaviour. I had little choice but to nuke him with Winterbreath, which made him drop ALL his inventory (which was a lot of stuff to pick up by hand afterwards, let me tell you).
  • In a battle, music from an exploration track started playing at the same time as the battle music.
  • if the player you're controlling dies in a fight, the battle music stops and you get the "battle over" sound effect, even though your other party member is still in combat.
  • Fight at X:151, Y:287 - the burial mound. The game thought there were two extra black cultists in the fight which weren't on the map. I got a couple black screen flickers, which I believe happened because the game was switching to those non-existent characters for a second when their turn came up, then realizing they weren't actually there.
  • Invisible legionaire spotted in their encampment
  • When the Air Elemental's duration expires, her model is left behind on the field.
  • Fight at x284, y313 : one of the undead boar does not engage fight when the player comes from the southeast
  • Axe acting like bow :
  • -People no longer care if you steal stuff
  • Loading save taken while NPCs at harbour are putting out the fire, NPCs stand there instead of trying to put it out (quest not broken)
  • Loading save taken when fire is put out at harbour, NPCs will just stand around the boat
  • Damage in window is not changed when drawing/sheathing bow
  • I have had problems after making a choice while talking to NPCs, Mendius (outside King's Crab Tavern) and Evelyn (inside Therylon's Clinic) but could not reproduce. It switches to Roderick and chat closes, switching back to Scarlett continues the chat. Scarlett was in F1 position.
  • Sometimes the circle at the position you tell character to move to does not appear or is not fully visible when you click far away from characters
  • If you open Jake's Coffin and the dog is dead, the game acts as if the dog is not dead
  • In the cemetery, you can punch people through the tombstones
  • Eglandaer's Key appears in his trade list for 1 gold
  • Character weight does not update when you drop, pick up items
  • Sometimes clicking up/down buttons in windows jumps bar way too far
  • Gold does not seem to stack properly, you end up with multiple piles. You can split gold but not stack it
  • When you load a game, second character does not follow unless you switch to them
  • When you drop a scroll, the scroll spell does not disappear from the spell-bar
  • Sheathing/drawing animation can be cancelled by moving quickly but game still registers the sheathing/drawing
  • Man Of Iron ability appears to give poison resistance, description says physical resistance
  • When characters ask you to sheath, can still choose normal chat options and talk to many animals as if you have Pet Pal talent
  • Scroll bars not placed properly or seem invisible in trade windows
  • Can access containers (book shelves) of Evelyn's House from outside of the house
  • New completed quests not automatically being filtered
  • Not being able to scroll down if your cursor is near the skill bar
  • While trying to attack Esmerelda's chest in the Inn, it bounced out the room and eventually out through the back wall and into the street.
  • after talking and trading with the spellbook seller in the market, when I returned to him later neither character was able to enter into either conversation or trade with him.
  • Killing the other Player Character gets the killer XP.
  • In the marketplace, Roderick slipped on some ice (from a battle long ago when I killed some citizens - not sure why the ice remained in the first place). While he was down Scarlett walked into the mayor's house. Roderick appeared so I switched to him to talk to the cat. I noticed Scarlett was missing and when I switched to her, suddenly both of them were back near the ice where Roderick slipped on.
  • Cannot spend points on a lvl 10 stat
    (Temporary fix : reload)
  • When the crab matriarch summons a new crab, it does not necessarily also joins the fight if the distance between the crab matriarch and the both characters is too large
  • Sometimes a legionnaire would try to attack an orc which has been killed by my character in the previous turn.
  • If a summon, like a Fire Elemental lands the killing blow to end combat (and maybe still has AP left over), you remain in control over it when real-time resumes. This is not a problem, except that you can tell it can pick up items, and it will do so, and when the summon duration ends, the elemental dies, and the items vanish back into the ether
  • Elementals can get XP in combat but will not level up
  • I had moved the "Healing" skill to one place on the bar, and I later tried to drag a Summon Earth Elemental Scroll to another place on the bar, and the icon for dragging it showed the Healing icon.
  • Leading automatically switches back to Roderick, even if he is et as the second player.
  • Opening a chest in Eglandear's inn room while he is here will make him attack player, without warning. If player flees, then come back, Eglandear will instantly attack them.
  • If you kill Eglandear in his room before he tells you about his plan, the quest log will diplay that you killed him so he could not harm anybody, and you should tell Victoria she's safe (even if you did not know that he wanted to kill her). When you talk to Victoria, you cannot tell her about Eglandear.
  • Going to Homestead the first time (the normal way) while having old savegames, Zixzax will automatically skip the explanation part of his dialogue when in the Homestead, replacing it by the "You are still here ?" dialogue, then going to the observatory.
  • If your characters argue between themselves during a dialogue, only the first one can say "Ok, we'll do it your way"

Game Breakers :
  • Loading a savegame will sometimes cause the game to crash.
  • Crash during the battle with the three crabs in Black Cove
  • Crash when crafting
  • Attacking a charmed Cultist at Evelyn's lab will stuck the game in the combat, even if all ennemies are killed
  • Crash when mooving items back and forth between the two characters' inventory
  • If you save while the orc boat is landing and load the save, the orc boat is stuck, no orcs spawn, the single orc fighting the guards dies, there is no combat and Arhu does not comes out of the town gate
  • When you combine two items, if compound gets placed in inventory and you already have one and they stack on one slot, the game crashes
  • If both players are killed with one single spell (friendly-fire), characters does not resurect and the game is stuck
  • The game crahes if you sneak and then save and then reload
  • If player have old save games, player will be able to teleport to homestead from the begining of a new game. If they do so, Zixzax AI will display quest's text in the wrong order and will not go to the observatory. The game seems to not allow the player to use the observatory's teleporter to come back in Cyseal as long as Zixzax is not here. So the player is blocked in the homestead.
Posted By: Luca78 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 19/12/13 10:27 PM
Thanks smile. Reposting:

(minor?) Character Creation

Armour / gloves / boots can be customized in character creation

It seems to me that customization only works for armour.
Posted By: arkand Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 01:14 AM
One new bug it seems to me with the new build is the character selected at the start of the fight gets xp and the other character doesn't.
Posted By: Inanna Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 01:21 AM
Not sure if it's a typo but I have a sheep in game that goes *moo*.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 01:48 AM
The game now seems to crash for me every time I try and load a saved game. Yes, they're all from this version.

Originally Posted by arkand
One new bug it seems to me with the new build is the character selected at the start of the fight gets xp and the other character doesn't.

At the moment, XP is messed up, and I think XP is only shared if both party members are in a VERY close proximity to each other - so it shares fine with two warriors, but too far apart and only the one who gets the kill gets the XP. It's something that will be corrected later.
Posted By: jmoon Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 03:31 AM
In my game Damage display is stuck at 1-2 regardless of weapon and my Blocking % is stuck at zero with any shield equipped.

I also experience disappearing items on loading a saved game.

Overall 1.0.45 seems like a good baby step forward.
Posted By: ParanoidJack Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 03:45 AM
First, I'd like to thank Larian Studios. Loving the game so far.

Second, there are some minor spoilers here... so far warning has been given.

The game is now far more prone to crashes. I never had a crash until todays update... since the update I have submitted numerous files after crashing to desktop. Yes, of course I started a New Game after today's update.

What appears to crash the game?

-Loading a saved game at times. I've deleted several which may have been corrupt. There was a Quick Save and two Saves from the menu screen. Since deleting those I have not had the issue again.

-Crash to desktop inside the cave known as the Black Cove. During combat with a group of three crabs which pop out of the ground (an ambush) the game crashes to desktop. I've duplicated this four or five times submitting a file all but the last time. On a side note this happens no matter which fork in the path you take (left or right).

-Crash to desktop while trying to create a second meal using a single fish at a campfire/cooking fire. From what I have gathered it appears to be the item/inventory that is causing the crash. If I create a meal and then put it in the other player characters inventory the crash doesn't happen. But if my inventory already has a meal in it the game crashes to desktop.

-Crash to desktop/game freezes while talking to Desdemona concerning Samson when you reach the end of the dialog and she suggest that we go speak with him. Duplicated and it appears to be the script which teleports you to the lighthouse may be broken. As soon as you click on the last dialog option which ends the conversation the bug happens.

Other bugs noticed while playing the game.

-When using a pumpkin to make a meal at a campfire the pumpkin vanishes and no meal appears in the inventory.

-When your inventory reaches a limit the game continues to allow you to pick up items but those items are not accessible/do not show in the inventory screen unless you are trading. And unfortunately you can't trade them because the trade window is also bugged and won't allow you to click on them.

Merry Christmas to all!
Posted By: Von_Rotten Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 08:40 AM
Guards Bibius and Junius become invisible (except for their weapons and shields) if you choose not to kill them and leave their original spot. They actually shift in between invisible and visible.

When double clicking containers sometimes it thinks you are moving them instead and will toss the object and the objects contents will appear.
Posted By: lwl12 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 10:02 AM
I also experienced the invisible guards if you let them escort you to the town.

Do the Tornado and Earthquake spells work correctly? Tornado seems unpredictable and always injures the character who casts it or his companion next to him. When casting earthquake it doesn't matter where I click, the spell gets cast centered on the caster.

In Evelyn's lab, in the first encounter with the cultists, I charmed one and killed the rest to end the battle. Then I attacked the charmed cultist who was following me. Fight started but even after killing the guy, the game never ended the combat even though no enemies were around. In the end I had to reload the game.
Posted By: X-tasy Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 10:49 AM
I experienced multiple crashes when crafting. will not craft untill new patch now frown
Posted By: Almarane Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 11:52 AM
First post edited
Posted By: Dralec Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 12:01 PM
Same as Stabbey: I crash whenever I try to load a save, except in my case it is not sometimes but systematically.

And I also saw Bibius and Junius become invisible except for their weapons, like Von_Rotten.
Posted By: Sydius Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 12:51 PM
I found a clipping bug in the town: there's an abandoned house where you can walk through one of the walls. You don't even have to use teleport to enter.

Here are a few pictures about it:
Posted By: Nimue_de Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 01:01 PM
While the map itself is lost on every reload, the custom markers I placed on it persist even when starting a new game. Kind of handy, but probably not intentional smile

Edit: This only seems to happen when old savegames are present. I noticed that conversation options were messed up too (Arhu was willing to discuss the murder at the town gate instead of his study), so I deleted all old saves and started another new game. The markers are gone now.
Posted By: X-tasy Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 03:03 PM
Yeah i noticed that in the abadoned house but its was there from the beginning.

I teleported myself into the house and couldnt believe that my mage just walked through the window while the ranger had to take damage. laugh
Posted By: Garod Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 03:21 PM

Agree with earlier post this build is a bit more unstable, crashing now quite frequently.
At least the steam bug reporting is now working for me correctly.

Noticed increased crashes while:
- Crafting still seems to be an issue and crashes almost everytime
- Moving items back and forth between inventory of the 2 main chars

Also having item issues quite frequently now:
- all my Lore rings turned into +1 armor rings. Necklaces seem to think they are rings too
- When the spaces in your inventory are full and you try to pick something up they vanish. No message nothing. After that items of the same type you pick up vanish even if you do have space (happened with animal hide for example)

- While nerfing the Elementals was absolutely the right thing to do, I think they are slightly under powered now. I've got 10 points in water, and 7 points in Summoning and I'm assuming I cap my elemental at the same level as me. It does 1-2 damage and is dead after 1 solid hit from a level 5 creature (I'm lvl 5 as well)
- Fireball is still OP'd and make fights pretty easy for the most part. Would suggest here to not have it deal 100% damage in the entire 4m radius but degrading damage from eppicenter.

Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 03:38 PM
New from 1.0.47:

  • I teleported the Crab Matriarch a bit to the side. It survived the fall, but the next turn, it seemed to attack the wall, and then it died. Huh?
  • There's a house out west with a bomber, fighter and mage. My mage spent the first turn teleporting the fighter away from the bomber, but that didn't leave her enough AP to escape the blast herself, and because she only had 5 HP, she died. The fighter finished off the skeleton fighter, but the mage charmed him. That was interesting, because now BOTH the controllable characters were down, so the game automatically resurrected Scarlett and Charmed!Rod charged her to engage her in battle. I found that kinda hilarious, but it's clearly odd behaviour. I had little choice but to nuke him with Winterbreath, which made him drop ALL his inventory (which was a lot of stuff to pick up by hand afterwards, let me tell you).
  • In a battle, music from an exploration track started playing at the same time as the battle music.
  • Which reminds me: this is not a new bug, but if the player you're controlling dies in a fight, the battle music stops and you get the "battle over" sound effect, even though your other party member is still in combat.
  • Fight at X:151, Y:287 - the burial mound. The game thought there were two extra black cultists in the fight which weren't on the map. I got a couple black screen flickers, which I believe happened because the game was switching to those non-existent characters for a second when their turn came up, then realizing they weren't actually there.
  • I saw an invisible leigonairre wakling through their encampment. It was a floating sword above a shadow.
  • When the Air Elemental's duration expires, her model is left behind on the field.
  • There was a great big fight at (X:284, Y:313), but I approached from the southeast, and one undead boar to the west didn't engage with the rest of the group, I guess it was too far? Something to tweak somehow.

Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 04:36 PM
After loading up a save that I use for my livestream I found that my warrior's axe was replaced with a Composite Falcon Bow, really nice for my ranger but the image is still that of an axe, so running around with an axe-bow is pretty awesome. Also found a pan that has the tool tip image of an Orcish club, all this found during a stream.
[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

Had an issue starting the game today and had to validate a bunch of files and it had reset certain quests and items as well. Kind of nice as I wanted different outcomes but still messes with the continuity.
Posted By: theNILE Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 05:26 PM
(I will try not to include other people's bugs)
(Some software such as DXtory can cause crashes)

v1.0.47.0 Bug list

-If you save while the orc boat is landing and load the save, the orc boat is stuck, no orcs spawn, the single orc fighting the guards dies, there is no combat and Arhu does not comes out of the town gate
-When you combine two items, if compound gets placed in inventory and you already have one and they stack on one slot, the game crashes

-People no longer care if you steal stuff
-Loading save taken while NPCs at harbour are putting out the fire, NPCs stand there instead of trying to put it out (quest not broken)
-Loading save taken when fire is put out at harbour, NPCs will just stand around the boat
-Damage in window is not changed when drawing/sheathing bow
-I have had problems after making a choice while talking to NPCs, Mendius (outside King's Crab Tavern) and Evelyn (inside Therylon's Clinic) but could not reproduce. It switches to Roderick and chat closes, switching back to Scarlett continues the chat. Scarlett was in F1 position.
-Sometimes the circle at the position you tell character to move to does not appear or is not fully visible when you click far away from characters

-If you open Jake's Coffin and the dog is dead, the game acts as if the dog is not dead
-In the cemetery, you can punch people through the tombstones
-Eglandaer's Key appears in his trade list for 1 gold

Review of v1.0.45.0 Bug list
-When you load a save, all the fog returns
-Character weight does not update when you drop, pick up items
-Sometimes clicking up/down buttons in windows jumps bar way too far
-Gold does not seem to stack properly, you end up with multiple piles. You can split gold but not stack it
-When you load a game, second character does not follow unless you switch to them
-When you drop a scroll, the scroll spell does not disappear from the spell-bar
-Sheathing/drawing animation can be cancelled by moving quickly but game still registers the sheathing/drawing
-Man Of Iron ability appears to give poison resistance, description says physical resistance
-When characters ask you to sheath, can still choose normal chat options and talk to many animals as if you have Pet Pal talent
-Scroll bars not placed properly or seem invisible in trade windows
-You can walk through this window in Cyseal (209,129)
-Can access containers (book shelves) of Evelyn's House from outside of the house

Posted By: X-tasy Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 05:36 PM
I found a Slashing axe at the lighthouse with 51-108 !!! dmg strengh 10 needed but for a lv 3 character thats not bad (sadly that was my 2 mages test).
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 05:45 PM
I haven't experienced any instability or crashes so far - that said, I haven't tried crafting yet. The game also feels much better with the music and updated sound effects.

I know these have all been mentioned before, but the three main bugs hampering my enjoyment right now are:

- Fog of war resetting every time you load or exit a building
- New completed quests not automatically being filtered
- Not being able to scroll down if your cursor is near the skill bar

Sadly, none of this has been patched yet.
Posted By: Garod Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 06:00 PM
Crafting get's you better stuff X-Tasty,
just made an axe with 288-302 and a scyth with 190-408 damage smile
go to the forge and then drop an axe into the forge which will give you an ingot then take the ingot and put it on the anvil..

Although results seem pretty random at this point in time in what you get... I got some good stuff and some bad stuff, but then at this point you can infinity reforge items by simply "smelting" the axe back.
Posted By: foobarry81 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 06:42 PM
Crafting: combining bear hide and the dagger that is in Roderick's pockets from the start makes the game crash.
Posted By: El Zoido Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 08:35 PM
So I guess I should restart instead of loading a saved game also after the latest music update?
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by El Zoido
So I guess I should restart instead of loading a saved game also after the latest music update?

Try it. If it crashes when loading, then you need to restart, yes.
Posted By: El Zoido Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 09:11 PM
Well it loads, but on a certain other side in the dimly lit regions of the net, one of the Larian guys said after the 1.0.45 update that saves might load but strange things will happen, so I'm not sure what to do...
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 09:33 PM
Oh, yes, you should not load any saved games from before the 1.45 patch. You're probably okay to load 1.45 games in 1.47, I think that only added music. Be glad that you can load - I can't.
Posted By: Garod Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 10:03 PM
didn't really have any issues with loading saves from earlier patches, just some items were a bit funky for the rest it's working fine.
Posted By: corwin Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 10:45 PM
While trying to attack Esmerelda's chest in the Inn, it bounced out the room and eventually out through the back wall and into the street. Weird. Also, after talking and trading with the spellbook seller in the market, when I returned to him later neither character was able to enter into either conversation or trade with him.
Posted By: Ceribaen Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 11:22 PM
Haven't seen this mentioned and maybe there's something I'm missing but...
Started new game.
Playing around with wizard skills - killing the other character gets you both xp.

If you kill both characters at the same time (ie with a fireball), seems to be stuck in combat with them both dead - and there's no 'game over' or restart or anything. Just both character portraits sit there with a skull beside them and nothing ever seems to advance from there - only option was to quit out and restart the game entirely.
Posted By: Ancoron Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 20/12/13 11:47 PM
While being invited to join the fabolous five I needed to switch characters to continue the dialoge.

Everytime when a character gave a negative statment about the offer he no longer could continue the dialoge only the character that replied positivly could advance the dialoge.
Posted By: El Zoido Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 12:07 AM
*I noticed the dialogue bug Ancoron described as well...
*Also music is acting a bit wonky. In comat I get both the ambient and the combat music playing simultaneously.
*Just had to restart because audio was bugging out completely all of a sudden.
*Every pile of gold I pick up is treated as a separate item, I can't combine them.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 02:27 AM
A work around for the crafting multiple items crash: Carry around a barrel and keep your items in there and when you craft a stackable item place it in barrel and then craft the next one. When you take the item out of the barrel and back into your inventory it'll stack and then place it back in the barrel. Once you have a barrel in your inventory slot just right click to open and add things to it.
Posted By: lwl12 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 10:16 AM
Some issues I'm seeing on the 1.0.47 build:
  • When I load a saved game, Scarlett doesn't follow Roderick even though their icons are chained together until I first switch to her and then switch back.
  • In the marketplace, Roderick slipped on some ice (from a battle long ago when I killed some citizens - not sure why the ice remained in the first place). While he was down Scarlett walked into the mayor's house. Roderick appeared so I switched to him to talk to the cat. I noticed Scarlett was missing and when I switched to her, suddenly both of them were back near the ice where Roderick slipped on.
Posted By: Nimue_de Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 10:59 AM
Advancing stats past 10 doesn't seem to work. Scarlett just levelled up and I wanted to raise her intelligence to 11. I could allocate the point and click OK, but her intelligence got reset to 10 immediately and the point was gone.

Edit: When I restarted the game after a crash and reloaded the save, levelling up went as it should. Not sure what caused that hiccup the first time...
Posted By: X-tasy Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 11:51 AM
The game crahes if you sneak and then save and then reload. DO NOT SAVE WHILE SNEAKING !!!!
Posted By: Elwyn Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 12:53 PM
Bug in the very first crab fight:

When the crab matriarch summons a new crab, it does not necessarily also joins the fight if the distance between the crab matriarch and the both characters is too large (eg. wizard and ranger combination)

Legionnaires and orcs:

Sometimes a legionnaire would try to attack an orc which has been killed by my character in the previous turn.

Not sure whether this is a loot bug or not: I have just entered Cyseal in a new playthrough but have already found something like 15 animal hides in the crates and containers.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 02:46 PM
- If a summon, like a Fire Elemental lands the killing blow to end combat (and maybe still has AP left over), you remain in control over it when real-time resumes. This is not a problem, except that you can tell it can pick up items, and it will do so, and when the summon duration ends, the elemental dies, and the items vanish back into the ether. So the elementals shouldn't be allowed to pick up items.

- Elementals can get XP in combat. That probably shouldn't happen.

- I was reorganizing my skill bar. I had moved the "Healing" skill to one place on the bar, and I later tried to drag a Summon Earth Elemental Scroll to another place on the bar, and the icon for dragging it showed the Healing icon.
Posted By: Almarane Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 05:04 PM
First post edited

Note 1 : Keep in mind that this is a bug reports' thread ! I won't add your suggestions in the first post to make the reports clearer for the devs =)

Note 2 : I won't be able to do this after the Christmas's Holydays D= Can someone do this after the next patch ?
Posted By: zentr Dialogue Typos - 21/12/13 05:56 PM
Sailor at x:242 y:-6 (or any sailor on docks)
Response (#2) to: 5. Can you tell me about the attacks upon the harbour.
"That burnng ship.." > "That burning ship..."
Also, "armageddon" > "Armageddon"
Consider changing "harbour" (British spelling) to "harbor"

ZixZax x:139 y:51
"Follow me the observatory post haste." >
"Follow me to the observatory post haste."

Pablo x:253 y:30
Response to 5. Tell me about the Legion.
"Thanks to the legion there's hasn't been..." >
"Thanks to the legion there hasn't been..."
Also, "Legion" capitalized or lowercase throughout?

Cecil x:742 y:203
"Yes, Vicotoria's come a long way" (both name spelling and possessive) >
"Yes, Victoria has come a long way."

"JoinParty" > "Join Party"

Septimus x:317 y:185
"And the Cysaelians..." > "And the Cysealians..."
"...with such horros haunting..." > "...with such horrors haunting..."
Posted By: El Zoido Re: Dialogue Typos - 21/12/13 06:01 PM
Well, if we are now reporting spelling errors... wink

The quest log entry about the mad wizard/ghost/whatever in the cave on the beach spells Bellegar "Belligar".
Posted By: zentr Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 07:01 PM
After I asked Jahan to "JoinParty" things went downhill.

It started when I looked at Esmeralda's attic area upstairs. Jahan, in his pleated white skirt, got mad and told me not to. I did it again, then he wanted to attack me. I would kill him, then he came back.

I went outside. Others wanted to attack me. Jahan started fighting for me. Scarlett caught on fire somehow.

I used flee a couple times. Bulls on parade...slipping in oil.

We kept getting attacked. Turn orders got mixed up, I think.

Eventually the townspeople killed us all. It was rather fun.

I can't recall everything in exact order. I can't reproduce. But I thought I should share my adventure/mishap. Xmas
Posted By: El Zoido Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 08:42 PM
* Leaving the Black Cove via the cave entrance teleports me to an unfinished(?) room on some barebones map, which I can only leave by going to the Homestead.
* Trying to go to the Cyseal Starting Area waypoint by using another one brings up a warning that I tried to leave the alpha area and places me at the bridge at the harbor gate.
* Likewise trying to go to Cyseal East places me at the same spot (whithout warning).
* About half the map of the cave with Arhu's failed experiment is missing (not the 3d-map, the auto-map)
Posted By: TMPhoenix Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 09:04 PM
- When toggling between characters in the inventory screen the "currently equipped" tooltip displays info on the character you had selected when opening the inventory.
- Unclear how to remove entry from slot on quick bar.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by El Zoido
* About half the map of the cave with Arhu's failed experiment is missing (not the 3d-map, the auto-map)

I don't think the map is missing, I think the map is working fine: it's just that it thinks that half the cave is underwater. Note the splashing sounds as you walk through the cave.
Posted By: meme Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 11:01 PM
I used the spell of rain on the burning ship and the game crashed frown
Even worse I tried to send a bug report but their server returned a "503 - bad sequence of commands" so I guess bug reporting is not working.
Posted By: macburn Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 11:36 PM
- the black background you see while inside houses changes to white when I scroll to the side too much (resolution 2560x1440), also happens in some caves...

- when I leave a house or cave with one character, the other character does not appear at the same spot as the first. instead he comes running from off-screen

- casting the chain-lightning spell sometimes causes my mage to switch to a different spot than the one she was standing on, usually a few meters away

- if I trade with a character that has many topics to talk about (more than 6 or 7) and close the trade window, I only see the first 6(?) topics, all others disappear. After I choose one of the remaining topics, the rest reappears

- at random intervals the audio suddenly gets messed up. suddenly the volume increases significantly and the music gets extremely distorted. it has a great shock effect, since one second I'm running around in a (more or less) peaceful forest, listening to soothing music, and the next there is a blaring, screeching noise in my ears frown
has anyone else experienced this or am I alone with this problem? I have no idea what causes this since I can't see any pattern. Maybe the game doesn't like my soundblaster x-fi?

Even with the problems the alpha naturally has, I already love this game and am looking forward to the next iterations. So glad I backed this!
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 11:36 PM
Here's a weird bug with the AI that is... well, the video explains it better. The event starts about the 38 second mark.

Crab attacks wall and loses.

Posted By: Terry Carter Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 21/12/13 11:45 PM
Found an issue where if I alt-tab out and back in, I can not re-talk to NPCs. New NPC's are fine but after that I cannot talk to the same person twice.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 12:52 AM
I haven't tried it with all the shield spells and such, but [Element] Shield turns the target invisible, so you can only see the effect of the shield and any armour they're wearing.

EDIT: Also, I tried shielding an Elemental with a second Element shield spell, but it didn't show up as one of the buffs/debuffs beside the portrait, only the first shield was there.

Sometimes the graphic for the "Wet" status doesn't show up.
Posted By: bargeral Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 01:18 AM
One of the sheeps goes "Moo".

Well, it's a sarcastic sheep with a sense of absurdity. Not a bug IMHO. Just funny writing.

ABP (Already Been Posted)
Map: Did not save discovered area between sessions.

Bookshelf and Desk containers are barrels.
Character Creation: Talents pop up text area is not aligned correctly - it is not indented as far as the text.
When you redecorate the observatory as fire then enter it you are standing in flames and taking damage and in a dialog box unable to move.
Skybox missing or obscured from floor texture in homestead. Up by the northwest.
Bibius and Junius: if you let them escort you they still accuse you of defying the legion, and the one legionnaire that checks on them says "what happened here" as if they were dead at the bridge.

Prior version bug? I noted this in a prior version, but can't find it now. Including it for OCD reasons, and I'm curious if anyone one else saw it.
MiniMap: Show Legend button does nothing. (Was this button removed in the patch, I can't find it now.)
Posted By: Warik Yacent Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 04:21 AM
Sound problem,

I was on the dock looking at the boat on fire, went I decide to try to freeze the fire, not think twice, I froze the whole group. Then for some reason the got mad and attacked us! LOL. They kill Roderick (the girl), so sometime after they kill her and before I finish the combat, the music got really load (like at MAX) and sounded really distorted, I try to lower the sounds in the game via the setting, except setting the volumes at 0 the sound was always at max. Save the game, close the game, start the game, load the save game and it's OK now.

Fun game to play.
Posted By: Caroigne Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 05:00 AM
You can give elementals items, the items disappear when the elemental despawns.

You can teach elementals skills via books; these skills are likewise gone when you next summon the elemental.

Trying to drag an elemental's weapon to your character's inventory crashes the game, regardless of whether the elemental has despawned.
Posted By: bderooms Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 09:43 AM
  • Same issue here, once Roderick died (in the storage room of the barracks in my case), the music became distorted.

NPC Interactions
  • If I manage to charm Sergeant Curtis into letting me take a look around in the storinghouse and I succeed he still stops me when I want to walk in. Maybe intended but I would expect him to let me walk in if he says: "take a look around".
  • A bit similar as the bulls, if I talk to Curtis with my weapon sheated I get barely no conversation options, when it is drawn I can suddenly ask about Cyseal, Jack's murde about himself, etc.
  • After loading a save where Curtis liked me he suddenly tells me to go away since he doesn't want people to see him talk to the likes of me.

Skill Abuse
  • I think someone already mentioned this, but with rush I can sometimes get in houses (I actually wanted to attack the door with rush, but I just got in Evelyn's house.. getting out is something else :p).

Breaking Bugs
  • In an attempt to create potions I threw these potions on the ground and then dragged some ingredient over it.. (Drunaede or something like that?). The game crashed right after.
Posted By: El Zoido Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 12:22 PM
The music bug I sometimes get in combintion with the other bug where combat music plays while the normal ambient track plays as well.
When the fight ends, I get very distorted audio at high volume.

Some strange thing in the black cove:

I managed to bypass the ominous black gate (are we supposed to? I used the pyramids...).
At the end you meet some npc who teleports away with your char.
He only picked up Roderick, however, leaving Scarlett behind.
It was not possible to switch to Roderick, using Scarlett's pyramid did nothing, and the possibility to go to the Homestead was gone as well, leaving me trapped in the cave.
Posted By: Aramintai Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 01:14 PM
Here are some bugs that I've encounered:
1. Revealed map is not saved when you load the game or enter from another location
2. Buggy traits - after a certain (or maybe a certain amount) point they start to dissapear or characters start to get the wrong or double traits during dialogues.
3. The game crashes after you talk to Desdemona and she wants to go see her husband at the lighthouse.
4. Quest givers not always recognize their quest items. For example, I had to drop Victoria's Amulet and cat's collar on the ground and pick it up again for the elf and the cat to recognize that I have them.
5. Quest mark (yellow one) doesn't show up on the map. Same goes for Evelyn's journal - her beach lair is not marked anywhere.
6. Music sometimes gets all scrambled and high pitched. And sometimes you can hear two tracks at the same time.
7. Teleport skill exploit - you can teleport an npc from one point to the other and he\she won't react to it. For example, in the harbor garrison I teleported all guards far away from the guarded door and then just strolled into the room and stole everything. And after that sold everything to the same guard who was guarding that loot - he was happy to barter.
8. Frozen, burnt etc. surfaces not dissapearing after the battle.

And maybe not a bug either but sneaking animation is kinda weird when you steal items - the bush just goes from vertical to horizontal. Is this how it supposed to look?
Posted By: Inanna Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 03:41 PM
Not sure if this has been mentioned but I'm still having the Homestead button disappear sometimes.
Posted By: Anis Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Almarane

  • If player have old save games, player will be able to teleport to homestead from the begining of a new game. If they do so, Zixzax AI will display quest's text in the wrong order and will not go to the observatory. The game seems to not allow the player to use the observatory's teleporter to come back in Cyseal as long as Zixzax is not here. So the player is blocked in the homestead.

Probably related:
Loading a game then going back to main menu and starting a new one seems to mess with the game world. Stuff I found so far:

-All previously found waypoints are unlocked
-It's possible to mention Arhu's failed experiments when meeting him the first time
-The charmed orc quest does not start
Posted By: henryv Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 10:20 PM
I don't know if this was reported already. You could still get 400 xp in doing the rain dance from the burning ship quest even if the ship sank already (the ship is already halfway sank + NPC dialogue tells the ship sank).

Also, killing your partner (roderick/scarlett) will yield you 250xp for both of the parties, revive her, kill her, give another xp, rinse and repeat.

UPDATE: tried doing the second bug, and my scarlett is now dead. RIP scarlett. Your death was not in vain though... cause I got 6k+ exp from you laugh

[Linked Image]

I'll try soloing everything now.
Posted By: gbnf Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 11:01 PM
Was in the Cooks cellar & Scarlett stole at Roasted Pork Dish. Madoc objected, then Roderick & Scarlett agreed that source hunters need all the assets they could get. Scarlett checked two containers for other supplies while Madoc objected again. Then Madoc attacked Scarlett. I had Scarlett teleportation spell after avoiding Madoc's attack, but the spell was blocked. I had Scarlett physically attack Madoc twice but she missed both times. When Roderick's turn came up all of his skills disappeared from his scroll bar (Rush, Whirlwind, Fear, Inspire). So I decided to flee combat. All three of us were teleported somewhere & a very loud noise started blaring from my speakers (rather annoying). I turned off my speakers and left the game. I hope this qualifies as a bug report.
Posted By: bargeral Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 22/12/13 11:40 PM

Quest dialog with Mendius does not end it just disappears. The quest box is closed and I cannot select any more text but I cannot walk or use inventory items. The go to homestead button returns a "You can't go to the homestead while in a dialog" error.

Edit- it seems to be related to the dual dialogs. I tried a few times and if you avoid the them you are fine. Several times the dialog ended but I switched to the other character and there was a dialog option still -
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 23/12/13 06:35 AM
The skull cave at X:54 Y:48 has an interesting bug. When I entered the first time during a stream it crashed. After entering after reloading it goes fine. But exiting through the same way leads into a weird room which opens to a glitchy world. Eventually you can be returned to the main entrance of Cyseal. Have repeated this glitch multiple times. See video for a clearer idea of what's going on.
Posted By: Loxorz Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 23/12/13 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by lokitrixter
The skull cave at X:54 Y:48 has an interesting bug. When I entered the first time during a stream it crashed. After entering after reloading it goes fine. But exiting through the same way leads into a weird room which opens to a glitchy world. Eventually you can be returned to the main entrance of Cyseal. Have repeated this glitch multiple times. See video for a clearer idea of what's going on.

I think that you managed to find a way into the character creation room (yes, it exists in-game), probably through some incorrectly connected area transition portals.
Posted By: Windemere Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 23/12/13 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by lokitrixter
The skull cave at X:54 Y:48 has an interesting bug. When I entered the first time during a stream it crashed. After entering after reloading it goes fine. But exiting through the same way leads into a weird room which opens to a glitchy world. Eventually you can be returned to the main entrance of Cyseal. Have repeated this glitch multiple times. See video for a clearer idea of what's going on.

I have the same problem that drops me into that exact area from the black cove exit. I have to use the waypoint at black cove to leave or I'll end up in this zone.
Posted By: Von_Rotten Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 23/12/13 02:49 PM
When loading an area, fog of war resets when you load back into previous area.

North of town where you battle "cute dogs" the music somehow played beyond full volume and sounded more like static, was also playing more than one music track at a time.
Posted By: hairyscotsman Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 23/12/13 07:52 PM
Talked to Eglandear and went downstairs. Quick saved before my characters chatted to decide on the blood feud. They then chatted and decided on helping Victoria. Talked to the cats, then went to Arhu's and accidentally provoked him into attacking when my sneak failed when stealing. Loaded quick save and the characters have exclamations showing above their heads but get no option to chat to each other.
Posted By: krakenmoth Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 23/12/13 09:45 PM
Thank you for the list of bugs - I can second many of them ... and as yet I have found no unique ones!
SO many thanks for all your hard work & thanks also to Larian for this game - looking forward to a persistant map most of all smile
Happy Holiday season to all
Posted By: Caroigne Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 24/12/13 01:45 AM
There is a fight in a cave with four goblin bombers; shortly before the fight the two characters mention the oil barrels nearby and to "watch your fiery temper."

I couldn't get combat to start normally with any result other than them going first and exploding on whoever was in front, resulting in no experience.

It would be nice to be able to initiate combat from further off.

The bug happened when I decided to summon an elemental to initiate combat for me. I stood both characters far enough back that the goblins couldn't reach them in a single move, and summoned the elemental very close to them. This broke them; they walked up to the elemental and then force-ended their turns, despite the fact that they could have gotten a lot closer to us, exploded the elemental, or both.

Then I got to explode them (for exp!), which made me happy. However, the AI glitch part was clearly unintended. wink
Posted By: Ruhen Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 24/12/13 09:42 AM
- When you quicksave during a fight, your safegame gets corrupted and the game crashes on loading. Still have to repeat this, but be carefull when saving anyway smile
- When using the standard Ranger attack in a fight, the game often crashes. Not sure if this is related to the bow I have equipped or something else. Didn't have time to experiment yet.
- Ice surfaces are sometimes hidden below other big, stone objects (eg. below the central circle at the watcher statues). Nonetheless you still trip on the Ice.

And many of the before mentioned problems I encountered too. All in all, very playable and stable! Thanks Larian smile
The only thing that I am really annoyed about is the amount of time the ice is present (currently indefinitely it seems). This is really annoying especially since my Source Hunters seem to be extremely clumsy on the ice and constantly slip. I like the mechanic during a fight, but I think this should be removed/tuned down inbetween fights.
Posted By: macburn Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 24/12/13 11:47 PM
I may just imagine this, but if you walk instead of run on ice the characters don't fall on their backs. They should make the ice melt after some time though, since it's still annoying when you have a slippery surface after you've already cleared an area.
Posted By: Draffutt Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 25/12/13 02:01 AM
Here are the issue's I have noticed within 10 mins of playing

1) Player does not start at full health
I started:
Scarlet: Warrior (Health start at 10/12)
Rodrick:Wizard (Health start at 10/10)
and as you can see scarlet wasn't at full health

2) When the inventory ('I') is open if I click on the portraits on the left the inventory does not update to current selected charater. I have to either A) use the left right arrows of the portrate inside the inventory screen or B) close the inventory of the current avatar click on the other avatar to open

3) When you have your inventory open and you mouse over items it does not reflect how is currently active. For example for a better explaination: Example: Scarlet start off with a training sword and Rodrick a quarterstaff and I pick up a Wolf staff; Now I open up the inventory to Scarlet and click on the right arrow to switch over to Rodrick. Even thou Rodrick is the active 'menu' when I hover the mouse over the Wolf staff it states currently equiped training sword when it does a comparison of wolf staff vs. training sword. It should have been wolf staff vs. quarterstaff since Rodrick is the active charater.

4) If I hit the 'esc' key then select 'options' hitting 'esc' again after this does not bring me back to the prior menu. I have to click on the 'back' to return to the prior menu

5) If you open up the controls menu the 2 buttons next to 'cancel' are not labeled and appear not to do anything

6) There appears to be no distance requirement to automatically close these containers after you open crate/barrels. I was able to open and leave them open long after I was no longer in range this could potentially be a usuable exploit

7) If I hit 'esc' key to bring up the menu and hit 'esc' there is a long delay before the menu disappears. But if I click on 'resume' the menu instanstantly disappears.

8) Near the entrance there is a level 5 door but when you open your map there is no door marker to mark this door. Even thou the legend states there is supposed to be a 'door' icon to identify doors

9) Quest: Guards at the bridge: if you don't kill the guards according to the mission text it states you will follow the guards to the wizard. But what actually happens is the guards follow you and only for a short distance before they disappear and reappear back to their starting point. Either the text needs to change or the guards action.

10) I know this is nit picking but near the Guards at the bridge there is a brown block in the dirt (going to assume a piece of the bridge) with stretched textures

11) When you find and pick up gold in crate/barrels/sacks they don't stack and are not stackable
Posted By: Von_Rotten Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 25/12/13 10:49 AM
I noticed in one area, north of town when I wen't down through a hidden hatch, every time I tried to pass an item to another's icon, it would "catch" objects and try to transfer those instead.

If I tried to pass a health potion and it crossed over a crate, it would try to pass the crate into the inventory instead.

If I didn't hover over any object it would try to transfer a "?" icon instead.

Haven't noticed that issue on the normal map yet (above ground)
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 25/12/13 05:23 PM
When at the burial mound before speaking to the archaeologist I went into the hatch and explored the basement. Used the Teleporter Pyramid to get back to town and retrieve the Blue Teleporter Pyramid. The Quest Log for The Lost Archaeologist updated that the archaeologist died when I refused his request. Went back to the house with the archaeologist and he was alive and able to complete the quest fine. Quest Log still shows that the archaeologist died.
[Linked Image]

Originally Posted by Draffutt

3) When you have your inventory open and you mouse over items it does not reflect how is currently active. For example for a better explaination: Example: Scarlet start off with a training sword and Rodrick a quarterstaff and I pick up a Wolf staff; Now I open up the inventory to Scarlet and click on the right arrow to switch over to Rodrick. Even thou Rodrick is the active 'menu' when I hover the mouse over the Wolf staff it states currently equiped training sword when it does a comparison of wolf staff vs. training sword. It should have been wolf staff vs. quarterstaff since Rodrick is the active charater.

I've noticed this but if you opened the inventory with Scarlett and then use just the arrow to switch it still thinks you are on Scarlett. If you hit the F key associated with the second char then it will show properly. It should probably auto switch with pressing the arrow but using the F key is a quick way to change.
Posted By: Aramintai Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 27/12/13 12:15 AM
Another bug (thanks to lokitrixter for figuring this one out) - if you craft/combine items to make a new item that is already in your inventory the game consistently crashes because of item stacking. For example, dough+oven=bread stacks with another bread in your inventory and crashes the game.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 27/12/13 01:09 AM
Doe, a deer doesn't have any dialogue. You can talk to her and have options for tell me about yourself and a goodbye option. Tell me about yourself doesn't result in any dialogue.

Sam's collar doesn't leave inventory after completing his quest.
Posted By: Blackstone Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 27/12/13 01:21 AM
Minor Errors
- border-scroll doesn't work right all the time, especially downward often stucks
- Can not add one stack of gold to another one
- quick-save (F5) first time leave me with an all-black game-screen, only the overlays (map, inventory, quick-slot) remain visible,
after quick-load, everything was fine and the error doesn't appear another time

Typing Errors
Pablo-Dialog (harbour):
Me: "Can you tell me about the attacks upon the harbour?"
Pablo: "That burnng ship?..." -> I think it should be "That burning ship?..."
Posted By: Baudolino05 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 28/12/13 09:10 AM
I haven't read the whole thread, but this bug is not listed in the first post:

- People don't react to the teleport spell. You can teleport them how many times you want and they keep talking to you like nothing happened.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 28/12/13 09:39 PM
If you put the ship out using the Rain Scroll from the beach south of the entrance after getting the treasure chest Pablo and 3 Citizens still go to put it out. They get stuck in trying to put it out and cannot be spoken to.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 28/12/13 10:33 PM
Bertia repeats her "oh hey Source Hunters are here!" dialogue if you talk to her a second time. You also can't report finding a dead sheep even if it's right in your inventory.

I also convinced
Roberts to give me the money to give Bertia for compensation for her sheep, but when I talked to her, she just got all huffy and ran off, there was no mention of money. I would have thought that should change something, or add a fresh dialogue option.

Sometimes exploration experience popups can obscure character dialogue pop-ups, like
digging up Jake's grave.
The dialogue text should be on top. That also happens when you read items from your inventory that prompt dialogue. The inventory window obscures it. Since you need to have the window open to use the item, that seems like an irritating problem.
Posted By: Norbyte Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 28/12/13 10:34 PM
If you have many items in your inventory, sometimes you can't scroll to the last row of items, so the items in the last row aren't accessible or visible (but they are still there, as the trade window shows them).

Also, scrollbars are missing from both the sell and buy lists when trading with an NPC.

Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 29/12/13 03:53 PM
You can stand off to the side and kill Junius without entering combat and Bibius does nothing and dialogue with him is impossible. Also doesn't trigger the dialogue between Scarlett and Roderick about killing innocents.
Posted By: Norbyte Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 29/12/13 04:41 PM
The journal shows a "[The archeologist died when we denied his quest]" for the "Lost Archaeologist" quest even if we haven't talked to him before.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 29/12/13 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Norbyte
The journal shows a "[The archeologist died when we denied his quest]" for the "Lost Archaeologist" quest even if we haven't talked to him before.

Yeah I found that and posted on it as well. You can still complete the quest if you go talk to him
Posted By: Norbyte Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 29/12/13 07:23 PM
When crafting from a container (ie. both ingredients are from a container) there is no crafting animation and crafting is completed instantly.

Also it is possible to "overflow" the container this way:
[Linked Image]
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 29/12/13 07:54 PM
I tend to keep my craftable items in a container but move what I want to craft to my inventory. I'm worried it would crash the game if there's no room in the container for the new item.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 29/12/13 09:20 PM
Bug: Water Shield hurts you when you apply it.

Black Cult quest spoilers for these bugs:

- When approaching Evelyn’s hideout, both characters said the “Looks like this is the place mentioned in Evelyn’s diary” “looks like it but where is the entrance?”

- One of the female black cultists in the cave doesn’t join in the first fight. After it’s over, the main characters say something that implies that Evelyn is dead (sacrificed her life), but she’s in the next room, so that’s wrong, that dialogue should happen after the Evelyn fight.

- When I talked to Evelyn, she gave her little speech, then combat started… and then she gave her little speech a second time.

- Also, when I was coming up the stairs from the bottom level of the hideout, the game crashed. I have no idea why, or if it will happen again because it takes HOURS to get to that point (since saves are broken for me).
Posted By: Raptor 2101 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 29/12/13 10:20 PM
I got a game "desync". At a given time in the game (don't know why) Scarlett was unable to talk to npc. (Persistent in savegame)
After this i start a fight against some orks. This leads toe the situation that roderick enters the TBS-CombatMode while scarlett stays in the RTS-DiscoverMode. I was able to kill all enemies without any reaction or entering the CombatMode

Savegame:Download QuickSave.rar
Posted By: Norbyte Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 29/12/13 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Raptor 2101
I got a game "desync". At a given time in the game (don't know why) Scarlett was unable to talk to npc. (Persistent in savegame)
After this i start a fight against some orks. This leads toe the situation that roderick enters the TBS-CombatMode while scarlett stays in the RTS-DiscoverMode. I was able to kill all enemies without any reaction or entering the CombatMode

One of the characters is indeed stuck in combat.
I cleared the status flags on the char; fixed save downloadable here, though I can't guarantee that the combat state was the only thing broken in your save.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 29/12/13 11:58 PM
- Bug: I opened a red "don't touch this" door in the jail, while in sneak mode. I was not detected at the time, nor after I left sneak mode, but as soon as I went upstairs, a mystery leigonairre told me to keep my hands off.

- Which reminds me of the invisible witness in Cyseal harbour who can see you stealing nails, even though I can't see where they are.

- I teleported a Wolf Horror at the Lighthouse, and it decided its priority target was a torch, part of the scenery. At least it didn't die mysteriously.

Main Quest:

I wanted to see if the story as presented offered you any leads to go forward if you have Esmerelda arrested (and don't interrogate her).

I presented all three pieces to Aureus before ever speaking to Esmerelda. I never showed her (or Septimus) any of the evidence. He said he would arrest her, but he did not. I didn't even get a log entry update.

I had not met Zixzax yet, so I tried to leave town to see if that would work, but even after visiting the homestead, Esmerelda was still in her shop like nothing happened.

EDIT: Maybe I had selected the wrong option, because after I talked to Esmerelda, then went to the homestead again, and back to Aureus, under "There's someone you need to arrest", I finally had the "Arrest Lady Esmerlda" option, and Aureus and my journal then told me to make her confess. Good, there is prompting.

Even if I did select the wrong option, which I doubt, It's still a bit unintuitive.
Posted By: Raptor 2101 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 30/12/13 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Norbyte

One of the characters is indeed stuck in combat.
I cleared the status flags on the char; fixed save downloadable here, though I can't guarantee that the combat state was the only thing broken in your save.

how did you do that. Is there some mysterius savegame watcher/debuger, i don't know laugh

edit: ok, it seems to work. Only the Mage/Spell trader at cecile market place denies to speek with one of my characters ...
Posted By: Norbyte Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 30/12/13 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Raptor 2101
how did you do that. Is there some mysterius savegame watcher/debuger, i don't know laugh

Magic! And some guessing on the save file format ... but mostly magic.
Posted By: Tahleron Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 01/01/14 11:49 AM
so i saved a game when my 2 characters wanted to talk to each other and i now have exclamation marks stuck above their head permanently (when i did it, i was upstairs in the tavern related to the conversation about the elf that wants you to kill the orc)
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 01/01/14 03:14 PM
When separated, both characters do share the waypoints they discover… but if separated, they can’t USE them. You get a message “you must gather your party before venturing forth”. That is a problem. You should be able to use waypoints within the same map without needing both party members present. If both characters are in the same proximity, they both use the waypoints, even without the follow-chain connecting them.

I might have reported this already, and it is obvious enough that Larian should already know, but the Experience Bar does not properly change when you switch primary characters.

- Occasionally, when an enemy mage (Fumbling Undead Mage) is all alone with no backup, they seem to think their best course of action is to close to melee range and try whacking things with their staff, even though they have not cast a darn thing all fight, and I know some of them can summon in zombie boars.

- You can pick up things in Esmerelda's shop without her asking if you want to buy them. I believe this is a consequence of the "ownership" flags being set to "unowned" on map reloading.


- Not only does Water Shield damage you, it also PERMANENTLY lowers your Water Resistance. EDIT: Not permanent, I think.

- Additionally, all the [Element]Shield skills don't really display right on your status screen. when I do get the effects to show up, it shows up as only a +5 boost. I have Defensive Magic 7. I'm sure shields should count as defensive magic... but if Defensive magic will end up being deleted I suppose this one doesn't matter.

- I found Pablo wandering outside the west gate of Cyseal Harbour, the one civilians shouldn't go past. I had saved the burning ship, but I had not gone this way yet.

- You can target mines beyond your range to see them with Perception... but the spells seem to miss. They can also leave behind invisible burning patches (at least in Black Cove).

Posted By: mirek83 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 01/01/14 10:54 PM
Picked an axe, which by all means shouldn't be one-handed:
[Linked Image]
Posted By: BlackPhi Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 02/01/14 07:26 PM
The murder quest went strange at the end:
In the Black Cult cave, after I found the zombie Jake the quest log claimed that I had beaten Evelyn, even though she was not there. When I subsequently went back to town she was still standing in the doctor's house: the doctor would say how awful it was what she had done, but talking to her gave no options to do anything about her. Attacking her just gets the doctor and several guards coming to her rescue.
Posted By: Laulajatar Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 04/01/14 12:07 AM
I started a new game, saved immediatly and while saving/in the save screen got the help/tip window explaining how to move the characters. After that I couldn't save anymore, the game did not recognize me pressing the button after entering a name for the save file. Restarting fixed this.

I spoke to Unsinkable Sam and got my kitty love quest, but the fist log entry is about me finding a collar after fighting a crab, which I never did. After talking to Maxime and Sam again, I still get the quest update to find the collar.

My homestead looks a bit better now, but not quite right.

I can enter the abandoned house through the wall.

I guess overwriting saved games doesn't work properly. I made a new game, saved with the same name as a previous game and my quest stages and map notes got all mixed up. For the new game I then deleted everything in the folders LevelCache and Savegames.
Posted By: BlackPhi Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 04/01/14 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Laulajatar
I can enter the abandoned house through the wall.

Actually you are entering via the window, which I assume is the way it is meant to be.

Although one might wonder why one cannot break/force/pick other windows in other houses.
Posted By: X-tasy Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 04/01/14 02:37 PM
You have to kill Father Crab you just killed Mother Crab wink . You can definitly finish the cat quest. The first diary entry is just wrong. And i think entering through the wall/window is just a bug.
Posted By: ralf2117 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 04/01/14 06:55 PM
-When ur coming up to the burning ship but u dont turn left to the docks, just keep going straight, the quest doesnt appear in questtab. Then when u go back the ship is already burned.

- At the Marketplace u can kill the magic vendor without consequences.

- In the harbour warehouse , instead of picking the magic lock, u can just destroy the door and get in.

edit: just noticed i play the 1.0.47
Posted By: Darth Shrike Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 04/01/14 08:18 PM
This is for 1.0.47 (not sure if starting a new topic is the way to go).

When talking to Junius & Bibius I eventually let them "escort" me to the wizard. The dialogue exits and nothing happens.

A small overview:
- can't give move or attack commands (or draw weapons) to Scarlet or Roderick.
- can open inventory (but can't interact with anything , like reading the orders) / skill panel / ...
- The quest log is updated, apparently I had to kill the guards (while they are still standing there like nothing happened).
Posted By: Raze Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 05/01/14 02:21 AM

You should get the captain running out recruiting help for his burning ship shortly after going through the city gate. You have enough time to loot the immediate area and head to the docks, but can not delay too long.

Did you kill the guards in the warehouse, or teleport them outside? They reacted somewhat negatively when I destroyed a barrel there or attacked the door.

Darth Shrike;
If you agree to be escorted, you should be able to walk past, and the guards follow (for awhile).
Posted By: ralf2117 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 05/01/14 10:24 AM

Yes i killed the guards, forgot to mention.

About the fire quest,
if u run past it, u dont know its there, then the ship burns down while ur doing something else.
I dont know if there is a reward/achievement for completing all quests, might be a problem then.
Posted By: Darth Shrike Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 05/01/14 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Raze
Darth Shrike;
If you agree to be escorted, you should be able to walk past, and the guards follow (for awhile).

Nope, everything "freezes". I can click where I want, there's no ingame response of any kind.

I passed it by not talking with them, just slaughtering them from a distance.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 05/01/14 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by BlackPhi

Actually you are entering via the window, which I assume is the way it is meant to be.

Although one might wonder why one cannot break/force/pick other windows in other houses.

No, you are not supposed to be able to walk through walls or windows.
Posted By: Doublefreud * Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 05/01/14 08:01 PM
- When I summon an air elemental out of a fight, he stops moving. Maybe animation is the cause.

- I don't have "Go to homestead" button even after reloading
Posted By: ralf2117 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 07/01/14 01:06 PM

The renegate scroll description says its heals over 6000 turns.

The minimap, in the cave where u start ahru's failed expirement quest, is colored plain blue for the biggest part.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 07/01/14 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by ralf2117
The minimap, in the cave where u start ahru's failed expirement quest, is colored plain blue for the biggest part.

I think that's water. Notice that your footsteps in the cave change to splashes as you pass into the blue section of the minimap. It's still a bug, though.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 07/01/14 05:24 PM
Any sign of a new update, preferably one fixing the fog of war?
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 07/01/14 07:34 PM
This is just a complete dumb, uneducated guess based on things I pulled out of nowhere, but here's a guess as to what's going on.

Yesterday they probably had big meetings discussing the mountain of feedback and bugs to solve. That probably took between 0.5 and 1 days. Today, they're fixing bugs and maybe making other changes. This could take 0.5-2 days, who knows. After they've gotten enough done to make a new build worth it, then they'll do some in-house testing to make sure there's nothing game-breaking. There will be. It'll take another half a day to track down and fix the game-breaking bugs. After that, then they can update the alpha.

My guess is that they're still in the fixing bugs/making changes state, and are not at the point of having a new build ready to release yet.

And if you think the fog of war is an annoying bug, be glad you don't have the one I have that crashes games on loading 100% of the time.
Posted By: Larian_QA Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 08/01/14 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Stabbey
And if you think the fog of war is an annoying bug, be glad you don't have the one I have that crashes games on loading 100% of the time.

Have you tried renaming ..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin\ to something else like ..\Documents\Larian Studios\DOS

this resets all config options and savegames

You should be able to save/load again at this point. If not, be sure to let us know.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 08/01/14 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Larian_QA
Originally Posted by Stabbey
And if you think the fog of war is an annoying bug, be glad you don't have the one I have that crashes games on loading 100% of the time.

Have you tried renaming ..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin\ to something else like ..\Documents\Larian Studios\DOS

this resets all config options and savegames

You should be able to save/load again at this point. If not, be sure to let us know.

Nope, I changed the directory name, (and the game couldn't see the previous directory's saves, so I know I changed the right thing) started a new game saved it after the first couple tutorial messages were done.

It still crashes when loading.
Posted By: Dmitriy Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 12/01/14 05:38 PM
1) When I tried to leave the Black Cove through its entrance, instead of the beach I found myself at a work-in-progress area at the north of the main map.
2) When I talk to Desdemona in the Black Cove and end the dialogue about her husband, the game crashes.
3) I did not meet Evelyn at the lair, and afterwards she was still in Cyseal.
Posted By: krist2 Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 14/01/14 10:42 AM
I experience that keys an parchments (dusty parchments from burial mounds) disappear when I load a saved game.
Perhaps other items also
Posted By: krakenmoth Re: Bug Reports - Update 1.0.45 - 14/01/14 06:08 PM
Version 1.0.47:
As another has reported I saved immediatedly after landing on beach & through a tip/help message - saves have been odd ever since - I deleted some but now I cannot create a new save, and the images/icons associated with the overwritten ones continue to be the image of the previous file.
Not sure if this has been reported before but my grieving orc wants me to dig his brother up & when I do a)he goes hostile and b) the corpse had no armour to loot and c) on arriving at graveside the orc dissappears leaving behind his shadow & his axe (he sometimes reappeares during the fight)
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