Larian Studios
Posted By: YoungFreshNewbie Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 06:54 PM
Thought I might as well start the topic.

Bug: When picking Traits in the character creation menu, only the first half of the word is highlighted. It looks like the indentation of the words is not recognized somewhere, so it thinks all the words are starting farther left.

This is frustrating before one realizes what is wrong because it seems like traits have no description.

Edited in Bug 2: Scarlet's hair clips through the "Well-Made Bonnet" item significantly.

And Bug 3: DoT kills still appear to not give experience, or at least no experience prompt. I will test this further.

Annnnd Bug 4: With 10 Int and 1 water magic skill, my wizard is healing for 28 per turn with the basic heal. That's... kind of a lot.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 06:55 PM
Update 1.0.114:
Branch + Branch = Staff (random) Can still be made with only 1 branch.
Posted By: Cromcrom Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 07:00 PM
Scarlett as a cleric starts the game not at full HP with basic choices. 36/43 vitality.
Posted By: Gyson Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Cromcrom
Scarlett as a cleric starts the game not at full HP with basic choices. 36/43 vitality.

I've seen this problem with Warrior and Ranger choices as well, prior to today's patch.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 07:27 PM
Attacking Junius or Bibius from far enough away doesn't result in combat.
Killing this way only nets XP if both are killed.
Killing Bibius first and walking up to Junius results in a dead Bibius speaking.
Killing Junius first results in a silent Bibius.
It's possible to have 2 dialogues about killing innocents. 1 for killing Bibius and another when you kill Junius.

Dead Bibius Speaks Vid
Posted By: YoungFreshNewbie Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 07:30 PM
That video gives a "this video is private" error. Just FYI.

Edit: Now it is working for me. Weird. All right, whatever. Lol
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by YoungFreshNewbie
That video gives a "this video is private" error. Just FYI.

That's weird it's set to unlisted and works even if I log out of Youtube. Maybe it hadn't fully updated when I posted.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 08:09 PM
Guards dying to effects don't reward XP. Not sure if intended. Tested by setting the ground around Junius on fire and he died as a result.
Placing items in slot 0 and pressing the 0 key doesn't work.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 09:06 PM
- When arriving at the Homestead, I had Scarlett tell Zixzax that she had no intention of helping him, but Roderick didn’t have the option to disagree.

- Jahan has no “sitting” pose on chairs. When you tell him to sit he telepors to standing inside a chair. EDIT: At least for the dining chair in the Hall of Heroes. Madora sat just fine.

- If Jahan/Madora is the lead character and has an exclaimation mark, when you talk to one of the main characters, Jahan/Madora’s portrait appears twice.

- If Jahan, separated from the party, is the one who uses the teleporter pyramid though, when he arrives, it’s Roderick who gets the dialogue choice. After you pick, the camera pans to wherever he is and you see the Situation Bonus: -100 above his head.
Posted By: Elwyn Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 09:17 PM
- Madora is unable to sit down on a bench. Instead of sitting, she is just standing in the middle of the bank
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 10:59 PM
If you choose to let the Charmed Orc live (or lose the conversation) and then teleport the orc away and kill her, she apparently resurrects herself and goes back and kills the guards.
Also if you attack the Orc after choosing to let her live both guards are against you. Shouldn't the one who said to kill her be on your side??? I understand the one who is in love with her attacking but the other guy wants her dead.

Minor heal potion = Minor heal potion = Medium heal potion works having only one potion.
Posted By: JFSeiki Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 11:02 PM
Just noticed speaking to Maxine, if I spam select the same chat option she jumps over and over, as often and quickly as you press it, can't recall anyone posting that so here it is.

K seems to be standard graphical bug I just hadn't noticed before due to chat not having zoomed in, for speaking to anyone they repeat the same animation when you select a response, and if you read like I do they tend to look a little silly stopping less than halfway through an animation then immediately starting it again.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 11:26 PM
Okay, played for a few hours. First off, it's immediately clear that some important issues got fixed in this build, even though they didn't necessarily get mentioned in the changelist:

+ You can now scroll down and to the right regardless of any interface elements. Thank you for this, it really improves the playing experience.

+ Markers can now be put on the map simply by pressing Enter instead of having to click Accept. However, I'm still not sure how to remove them, does anyone know? Perhaps this should be more obvious.

+ There is now a quicksave message. This is an improvement, but I think instead of a pop-up I would prefer a discrete message in the top corner of the screen, the way most modern games do it.

+ The healing spell is no longer completely useless.

+ Flare no longer has unlimited range.

However, some problems still persist and it seems that some new ones were created. Fortunately, the latter should be easy to fix. In no particular order:

- Enemies sometimes still make saving throws against elemental damage after they have died.

- Dead enemies will turn into either a body or a grave, presumably depending on the way in which they died. I assume this is not the intention.

- Markers persist even after starting a new game. This was actually fairly useful for me, but again I'm assuming it's not intentional.

- The Resurrect Scroll is still called 'Resurect Scroll'. It's missing an R.

- The economy is broken because random junk items mostly sell for either 11 or 16 gold. Loot a bunch of random crates and you will have enough money to buy new equipment. Just outside of Cyseal, I found some wheat worth 31 gold. It's too easy to get money in this build.

- Completed quests still don't get filtered automatically, this seems to be a difficult problem to fix since it's one of the only major interface problems still around after all the updates.

- Sometimes there is no option to say 'I'll take my leave' when you start a conversation, meaning you have to click something else first.

- I made Roderick sleep in one of the beds in Thelyron's clinic. There were some animation problems as part of his body clipped through the bed. I assume this holds true for many other character/bed combinations as well.

- Suggestion: an optional autosave feature. I am assuming this will get implemented anyway, but I think it would be useful even in the alpha.

- There is still no Game Over screen when both your characters die.

- I can still walk through the horse carriage in the side room in the warehouse.

- If you load a game while playing, the message still reads 'you will loose all unsaved progress' instead of 'you will lose all unsaved progress'.

- When you ask Reginald about the story of the talking head, he mentions 'hubub' instead of 'hubbub'.

- This one might be due to my own lack of understanding of the trade mechanics, but Arhu kept refusing my offer even though his attitude was at 0 and the two sides were evenly balanced in terms of value. I couldn't figure out why.

- During the mayor's tour of the library, at one point he talks about 'Vicotria' instead of Victoria.

- You still have to spend all skill points before the leveling arrow goes away. It should be enough to just allocate however many you want while saving the rest for later if desired.

- One of the bookcases in Evelyn's house (the one that doesn't contain her diary) only seems to be accessible through the outer wall of the house.

- There is a graphical glitch with two-handed axes where characters like to wield them in a rather unorthodox fashion:

[Linked Image]

- Suggestion: different icons for regular books and skill books. I assume this is in the works anyway, but still.

- It is not clear to me what the difference is between Dust Devil and Whirlwind, except that the latter does more damage.

- My party got stuck inside the lighthouse and was unable to leave through the door opening. The only way I managed to get out was by using the Teleporter Pyramid. I have no idea what triggered this bug. The door itself was destroyed during the fight in front of the lighthouse, maybe the debris were blocking my path, but somehow only when I wanted to leave.

- It is possible to gain infinite Exploration XP. This is the case in Esmeralda's back room and
Esmeralda's secret room
at the very least. You can just run around in circles there and trigger the XP over and over.

The last two issues are the most serious ones since they are potentially game-breaking. Again though, this build seems to be an improvement in many ways. It introduced new bugs as well, but they should be much easier to fix.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 11:38 PM
Cat Arhu doesn't say anything when you say Tell me more about yourself.
When you attempt to sit on the stool outside of Esmeralda's, you sit through it. I always thought it was a table holding the apple, book, and bottle, but it's apparently a chair.
Posted By: SteamUser Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 11:44 PM
Bug - Coding

Priority - Medium / high

Cecil's council room still has a rather vicious memory bug in it (mentioned before regarding the door). Quicksaved in there before dialogues / mass looting, game crawled to a halt, and hung while I was looting the table before the door. Reloaded - game started slow, crashed by the time I left & entered the inn. I was using <alt> to highlight the heist both times, however on the second reload I didn't loot any items.

Both times, had to alt-tab out, to see the windows "this program has stopped responding..." pop-up (without the internal crash reporter triggering). Looking at resources, memory usage went from ~1 gig > 1.4 gig on both occasions from this room.

Something in here is odd/breaking stuff, only this build has resulted in crashes, however. Prior builds had this slow-down / game-breaking "unable to use anything" result, the client hanging is new.


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Crates now seem to have a much lower % chance of containing items; the majority are empty. Could just be luck. 9/10 empty so far.


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Docks area just west of the burning boat now has a rope blocking access to the crates - you can port them, but only at a weird angle. i.e. you can't port them over the rope, but you can port them inside the area, and smash them.


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Muddy boots vanished! Could be a content change, but they're not by the fishing boat to the east area of the docks.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Medium

To second the "no XP on environmental damage", oil barrels don't attribute DoT damage to invoker (i.e. character that forces them to burst), neither do they trigger hostility or criminal behaviour. Will test this further, with ++environment damage, looks like a good way to kill off vendors with no penalty.


Bug - Mechanics / Code

Priority - Medium

Triggering the fish thief conversation, on a 1st time new game of this build, no quickloads, resulted in multiple (3-4) traits unlocking and being randomly given +, on both characters. Up to this, I skipped the bridge NPCs (i.e. "take me to the wizard") and had only done the rain / burning boat quest.


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Getting the two bridge guards (J&B) to escort you results in them dematerialising when the orcs + cultist spawn. They simply vanish, and on speaking to Arnu, the journal isn't updated (nor do you get XP).
Posted By: Yohdono Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 11:46 PM
The "kill the chicken" dialog choice triggers infinitly.

There are some issues with portraits on dialogs, sometimes Scarlett (speaking character) is in both windows, somtimes it's just transparent. Happened in the market with the sheep owner.

Still, great improvment for 32bit users, thanks and keep up the good work !
Posted By: JFSeiki Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 31/01/14 11:53 PM
Currently when I've spoken to Sam about Maxine, go speak to her, then come back to Sam to take the quest further, after I exit the dialogue it starts combat with everyone in the area.

Fleeing combat and coming back seems to fix it for now.
Posted By: JFSeiki Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 12:04 AM
I've just gotten to Esmerelda's rooms, haven't been able to duplicate the above mentioned infinite exploration exp. Also in reference to another above mentioned bug, found muddy boots in same old place.

Quick saved and reloaded, xp bug seems to be doing it now. First time was because scarlette was alone, seems when she walks in it only triggers the one time, but keeps doing it for other characters that run in.
Posted By: SteamUser Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by JFSeiki
Also in reference to another above mentioned bug, found muddy boots in same old place.

I'll prune all old save data manually, but I only have 1-2 saves, mostly just use quicksave.

Hmm ~ notes state explicitly that save states have been fixed; I'll start with a "vanilla" folder structure.
Posted By: JFSeiki Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 12:09 AM
I deleted the save and cache files before the patch today, just in case.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 12:15 AM
  • Minor healing potions don’t stack in Jahan’s inventory.
  • The carpet at the house in x:50, y:130 requires some very particular placement about where you’re allowed to move it.
  • The tombstone lid in the basement of said house is even more picky about where you are allowed to set it down.
  • You repeatedly get exploration experience from the basement of the x:50, y:130 house.
  • Snorri: If you offer to fight him, you get the victory dialogue immediately afterward. Without the fight actually happening.
  • Nearing the lighthouse, Rod and Scarlett give the usual dialogue “the father we go, the more bodies we find…” and then Madora and Jahan repeat it. Also, this place also has the repeated exploration experience bug.

Originally Posted by SteamUser

Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Crates now seem to have a much lower % chance of containing items; the majority are empty. Could just be luck. 9/10 empty so far.

Funny, in v102, I complained about mostly empty containers/crates, but in v114 I've noticed an increased drop rate from containers, not a decreased one.


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Docks area just west of the burning boat now has a rope blocking access to the crates - you can port them, but only at a weird angle. i.e. you can't port them over the rope, but you can port them inside the area, and smash them.

I suspect those are a bonus for Telekinesis users, although I have not tried that out myself yet.


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Muddy boots vanished! Could be a content change, but they're not by the fishing boat to the east area of the docks.

Possibly a deliberate change. They were considered quest items (and unsellable), but I don't remember an associated quest.


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Getting the two bridge guards (J&B) to escort you results in them dematerialising when the orcs + cultist spawn. They simply vanish, and on speaking to Arnu, the journal isn't updated (nor do you get XP).

Are you sure that they vanished? When they reach a certain point, and see the orc on the beach below, they're scripted to say essentially "screw that" and run back to the bridge. They never follow you to the beach fight.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by SteamUser

Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Docks area just west of the burning boat now has a rope blocking access to the crates - you can port them, but only at a weird angle. i.e. you can't port them over the rope, but you can port them inside the area, and smash them.

If you are referring to the two crates and a barrel, you can teleport them over the rope. I did this as you can't peek in them like you could before.

As for lower loot rates, they have been down quite a bit since it went early access. I feel I had WAY more stuff prior to that build and it has gotten better, but still low. I'm just tired of every fourth or fifth barrel giving me a barrel lid. I know they are used to make shields but serious I don't need 20. Well ok I do since I sell them, but I'd rather see other things.

Originally Posted by Stabbey
Minor healing potions don’t stack in Jahan’s inventory.

They stacked fine here. He had one so I sent him two from Madora and they stacked to 3.
Just tested having him loot one and it stacked.

EDIT AGAIN: Running to and from the lighthouse grants Exploration XP. Got it going in, leaving to talk to guards, again when I followed them back and again upon leaving.
Posted By: Texoru Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 03:19 AM
New Bugs on 1.0.114:

- You can walkthrough giant shells on the start of the map
- Can't lift the boxes, barrows or open them on the docks where they are behind the ropes
- When trading with Elsmeralda the items doesn't show the full price properly, it will constantly go up by a few coins when trying to exchange
- The items still have random stats such as an plate armour has 8 armour and another one with 12 armour with the same description.
- The Scimitar sword doesn't require any skills which was required to get 3 one-handed skill. (Over Powered)
- The 2-handed sword (better version) now requires 10 strength to wield it should also acquire increasing the skills for the 2-handed sword.
- The constant exploration xp bug in Elsmeralda house, where you and your characters gain XP multiple of times by walking out and in. (This applies to the secret hide out and the room of the trap door).
- The two new recruits cant sit on benches ( Just read through the bugs section and it may seems only in some benches, the one I was outside of Elsmeralda House.

Serious bug: (Must be fixed soon)

- The door to the mess, chicken mission constant bug where my characters keep repeadily talking to each other increasing the compasionate manner by 1 over and over. This is also if your chose the heartless way, even if the chicken is dead they are still constantly talking to each other about the chicken.

Old bugs that still hasn't been fixed:

- The character still can overlay with the giant stone door.
- The pole on the captain ship on the docks, your character can still climb on it
- The Inventory system set still not working
(I havent go further yet to check some older bugs)

Will check some more later as I only headed to Elsmeralda house as that constant exploration XP bug is one of the major bugs on the game, right now. Now the biggest major bug is with the chicken mission!

Hope this helps a bit!

Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Texoru
Can't lift the boxes, barrows or open them on the docks where they are behind the ropes

You should be able to either teleport the crates over the rope or teleport someone across the rope to loot them. I was able to do both. Didn't try using telekinesis to move them however.
Posted By: Texoru Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by lokitrixter
Originally Posted by Texoru
Can't lift the boxes, barrows or open them on the docks where they are behind the ropes

You should be able to either teleport the crates over the rope or teleport someone across the rope to loot them. I was able to do both. Didn't try using telekinesis to move them however.

Yes just realised when reading the bugs thread, thanks.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 04:19 AM
Was able to buy this from Arhu using an exploit of putting something into sell window and then dragging this on top of it.
[Linked Image]

EDIT 1: Stardust Herb + Mortar and Pestle = Stardust (According to Mortar Madness Book) It displays as Pixie Dust. But to get Pixie Dust you are supposed to mix Stardust and Bone Dust, which works.

EDIT 2: Moving the pots in Roberts' place only moves the pot but the plants continue to float where the pot used to be.
Posted By: Cromcrom Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 05:48 AM
Tomato awfully looks like apple. Or is it the contrary.
Great update Larian, it fixed many many issues, making the game much more enjoyable. Keep up the good work hehe
Posted By: Doublefreud * Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 10:45 AM
Entered in a fight with Madora on my side (North Cyseal - First Woods)
Some zombie goats, one undead archer and an undead mage. I should have died with the last arrow but resurrected automatically and died with the next arrow, ten times. Finally, the archer missed me.
Then, the character could damage ennemies but ennemies acted like they hit me but didn't do damages.

Sorry for my poor English, I could explain it in French if you prefer.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Texoru
N- When trading with Elsmeralda the items doesn't show the full price properly, it will constantly go up by a few coins when trying to exchange

If I am interpreting this correctly I think you may have had the same problem I did when trading with Arhu. He kept saying my offer was insulting even though the values on both sides of the trading screen were evenly matched and his attitude was completely neutral. The price going up is actually due to the NPC's attitude slowly dropping. Something is wrong here, I am pretty sure NPCs are supposed to automatically accept your proposal if you give them as much as or more than what they're asking for.
Posted By: Chapon Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 01:20 PM
The game crashes during the fight with Evelyn and her escort in her lair. Usualy when my character is about to hit a target. Also savegames made during the fight can not be loaded and crash the game.
EDIT: It also crashes when fighing Orcs at the very north part of the map at the beach. Few turns are fine, then when my character (usualy a melee one) is about to hit the enemy, the game crashes.
Posted By: Snakeox Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 01:21 PM
Hi, here are some bugs (and sorry for my english):

-Mage robes are invisible, you only see the underwear of the character who wear them.
-Scarlett has some difficulties to wear hat and helmet cause of his haircut.
-Seem that you can have some exploration xp reward twice.
-NPC will keep saying that an offer is insulting if you try to buy some items from them.
Posted By: rez368 Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 01:50 PM
I've just picked up Evelyn's pouch which should contain the key to her house and I cant seem to open it and my lockpicking skill isn't high enough so I'm effectively stuck.

edit: I managed to open it only after putting it in a skill slot. The game should allow to open it from the inventory or just not pick up the bag in the first place.
Posted By: Cromcrom Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Doublefreud *
Entered in a fight with Madora on my side (North Cyseal - First Woods)
Some zombie goats, one undead archer and an undead mage. I should have died with the last arrow but resurrected automatically and died with the next arrow, ten times. Finally, the archer missed me.
Then, the character could damage ennemies but ennemies acted like they hit me but didn't do damages.

Sorry for my poor English, I could explain it in French if you prefer.

I had the same issue in a fight, but with my only two base chars. Scarlett rezzed a lot of time Under undead archer fire, and then she became unkillable. Maube she became unkillable when I entered another fight, while the first one was not over yet.
Posted By: Maali Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 02:20 PM
- Arhu can appear both in human and cat form at the same time in his quarters. Not Game-Breaking.

- Tactical retreat enables players to jump through walls and get to otherwise unreachable areas (i.e. Evelyn's house, we managed to solve Jake's murder without going through any of the regular steps by abusing Tactical Retreat). Game-Breaking.

- Reputation malus is not applied properly. We murdered half of the Legionnaires in Cyseal, including Aureus and only recieved a -3 on our reputation for killing the first guards. Not Game-Breaking.

- Succeeding a resistance roll when getting hit with an elemental ability when you are already affected by one results in cleansing the character from negative states. Not Game-Breaking.

- Some elemental damage skills do not trigger the Talking statues even if they should apply the correct elemental effects. Not Game Breaking.

- Dietmar challenges players to a fight when met but never actually triggers the fight sequence. Not Game Breaking.

- Various texture ground holes in Evelyn's hideout resulting in the character falling into a void zone. Not Game-Breaking, but fairly annoying.

- Unconsistencies with auto-rez DURING combat. We could have been able to kill Arhu using the bug, since he always killed Jahan and Jahan would resurrect automatically right afterwards. Potentially Game-Breaking.

- Arhu has behavior issues in combat and will force end turn every turn after using blitz bolt. Potentially Game-Breaking.

- Companions do not seem to trigger most of the special places exploration markers, but still get the group XP for it, resulting in infinite XP loops in various places, including those already mentioned as well as others (Lighthouse, Broken Way Gate, Arhu's failed experiment cave, Talking Statues). More detailed information should be posted by my co-op partner later on. Extremely Game-Breaking.

[Edited: added bugs]
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Maali
- Arhu can appear both in human and cat form in his quarters. Not Game-Breaking.

I assume you mean at the same time?

Posted By: Maali Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Maali
- Arhu can appear both in human and cat form in his quarters. Not Game-Breaking.

I assume you mean at the same time?

Yes indeed. Edited post and added some other issues.
Posted By: TMasterP Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 03:15 PM
I moved some furniture around in the healer's house (Theolryn, something like that), and he called the guards on me. My characters couldn't move, but the guards initiated the conversation that landed me in jail. I made the deal with devil to get out of jail, and then proceeded to the mess hall where I tried to take a tomb. The chef saw me and called the guards, and I was frozen again. But this time, when the guards ran in, they did not initiate a conversation. So, we were all just left standing there. I couldn't move or click on anything or anyone. Had to re-load the game.
Posted By: SteamUser Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 03:54 PM
[Note - deleted save directory, so no possibility of prior "contamination"]

Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Dagger + branch = spear; still doesn't consume the dagger. Possible to craft multiple spears all worth a lot for trading.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - High

Getting Councilman Cecil to go up the stairs, no trigger of conversation when following him, making the NPC unresponsive (and quests unfulfillable). Charlene becomes unresponsive (speech bubble is present).

Possible cause - no idea, did get caught stealing by Charlene once before she went back upstairs. Entered, went up stairs, recruited Jahan, went downstairs. Spoke to Cecil, chose option 3, "show library" before any other options, then entered back room & trigger XP reward (+loot), which triggered twice, triggered Charlene thief response one time (she then went back upstairs). Charlene is recoverable by speaking to her with Jahan ("minion!" response), however Cecil remains stuck in limbo. Doesn't respond to theft (Victoria does); not fixed by reloading.

Possible cause - Charlene post-theft auto-dialogue went back upstairs. Broke trigger? (A la rats?)

-Restart required.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 05:54 PM
Okay, I more or less finished the Alpha with the current build. Additional observations:

- As mentioned, nothing happens if you ask Arhu to tell you about himself.
- If you initiate conversation with Scarlett as Roderick or vice versa, the other character will sometimes be selected after the dialogue ends.
- The game crashed as I was fighting two dogs outside of Cyseal. My party also randomly exited and re-entered combat during this fight.
- Roderick had 251/208 Vitality at one point, not sure if this should be possible.
- In the fight with the skeletons and the mage in the ruins immediately north-northwest of Cyseal, one of the skeleton archers shot the poison barrel next to him on his first turn even though we were approaching from the opposite direction. A poor tactic, as several skeletons were poisoned by this and we were unscathed.
- If you Phoenix Dive to inaccessible locations, the enemies near the location will receive damage, but you will still be standing in the same spot.
- It is a bit hard to use melee attacks on enemies stuck in ice crystals, some sort of auto-targeting option would be useful.
- In the cave with the Sparkmaster, you can hear the sound of water splashing as you walk through it, even though there is no water in sight.
- Fear is a bit overpowered in the sense that it lasts quite some time, and undead creatures should probably be immune to it.
- All Watcher statues are healed by fire and I'm not sure why. It makes sense for the fire statue, but why is it also the case for the other ones?
- The fleeing chest says 'hihihihi' at one point, I don't think this is commonly used as an onomatopoeia in English.
- The Waypoint Shrine at the northern beach doesn't seem to work.
- Evelyn's Lair: the conversation with the first group of Black Cultists gets triggered as the fight is already going on. It also led to a glitch once; Jahan was walking up the stairs (during combat, as said) when the dialogue with the cultists was triggered, and he kept walking during the conversation until he somehow ended up on what I assume to be a different level of the map:

[Linked Image]

As you can see from the combat bar at the top, he also triggered combat with the second group of cultists on his way to the different dimension. He was stuck when his turn came up and I had to reload.
- You can still only equip one ring at a time even though there are two slots available.
- There is a Black Cultist called 'Citizen', I'm assuming this is a mistake.
- I would say that 'Smelly Panty', 'Smelly Scarf' etc. implies that the suspects have poor personal hygiene. This is funny but probably not the intention. Perhaps something like Evelyn's Scarf would be better.
- Every companion triggers the flavor comments separately. For example, all four of them will exclaim 'those footsteps are enormous'. I think this is related to the infinite XP bug, it seems that individual characters trigger certain events separately and sometimes repeatedly.
- One of the flavor comments in the Black Cove reads 'carefull, dead orc'. That should be 'careful'.
- The description of Sidewinder is somewhat misleading since as far as I can tell it completely negates the flanking penalty and does not merely decrease it.
- During the skeleton/orc fight in the Black Cove, my sound effects disappeared for no apparent reason.
- If you move your cursor over the knocked down icon next to the character portait, the text reads 'Character is knocked down on his backside' even when said character is female.
- I might be missing something, but the Indestructible ability doesn't show up in the list of modifiers for your Armor Rating.
- Finally, major bug when I exited the Black Cove. I ended up in the Character Creation room with the fireplace, where I could walk around freely in and outside of the half-finished building. The map also had a sped-up day/night cycle (looks good). I am assuming this is not meant for our eyes. I only managed to get out of there by slipping a Teleporter Pyramid to Jahan/Madora, who had correctly re-entered the overworld map.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 06:05 PM
I had the Snorri thing happen in a previous build. I wasn't really reading what was said but on a later play through I saw it said that we challenged him to an arm wrestling contest and lost. Then we had to fight. Does your quest say the same or is it possible to win the arm wrestling and negate having to fight?

I think the "Smelly" tag is meant as a HINT on what to do with the items.
Posted By: Kirin Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 06:07 PM

1: Infinite exp while walking with companions into hidden rooms (some give 17300 or so exp, so getting lvl 40++ takes around 5-6min), works for both companions.

2: Perks are not given to both main characters if one of protagonists was too far away when the conversation was innitiated.

3. Locked doors can still be broken with any weapon or spell. In case guards are watching, they can be "moved" to a different location with a teleport spell.

4. Crafting lvl 5 needs improvement as weapons have only 2 choices for each material (iron/steel) and quality of items is below average comparing to items available at a vendor.
Overall luck stat has also no affect on crafting.
Some of the recipies do not work as well .. crafting "bar" goes through but no item is generated.

5. Two handed weapons are significantly weaker than any one handed wep. Damage difference is minimal ... i.e. two handed sword would have only 5-10% more dmg BUT
- 4 ap to use instead of 2-3ap for single hand
- no shield
and animation for two handed axe is bugged, main hero is holding it by the blade (not the handle).

6. Warrior skill +50%, -25% accuracy, +2ap for abilities use is USELESS!
Warrior skills are high cost as is, and -25% accuracy does not get mitigated by anything (not gladiator, not 15str, not 5 in weapon skill), so with this skill active your warrior would do what .. 1, maybe 2 hits while without this skill, he would do 3-5

7. Intelligence needs a nerf. When int is 15 nearly every skill cost 1 ap.

8. Skill phoenix dive is doing fire based damage but that damage is not affected by fire mastery. Meaning if you have fire 5, you will do same damage with phoenix dive as if you had fire 0.

9. Crabs in the cove are still not attacking anything.

10. Armor raiting needs to be adjusted ... it caps at 95 but the efficiency of it seems to be non-linear. Until you get about 40+armor, its only a little better than being naked. However, if you are at 60/70+ mobs can't do much at all.

11. Melee vs Caster again ...
Caster needs 15int, 15endurance and everything else into speed.
2 stats caped will make you a caster with ~4.5k hp, 1ap for nearly every spell, and 25+ap

Melee needs to have 3 stats capped (str, in addition to int/end) to "catch up".

In other words, casters would rock much, much earlier (tens of levels) than any melee.

Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 06:11 PM
Hmm, edited out the Snorri thing since it's quite possible that I simply wasn't paying enough attention.

I know the Smelly thing is meant as a hint, but I would say it implies that the objects smell bad. Perhaps a different adjective would be more appropriate?
Posted By: SteamUser Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 08:30 PM
Bug - Content / Mechanics

Priority - Low

There was a low (125xp) exploration reward just (north) east of the ruined hut, south of the barracks / training field. It no longer triggers.


Refutation of bug

Priority - Low

A user reported that trading with the mortician caused a game crash / bug. I cannot duplicate this; he simply has no inventory.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Low

Unsure if this is to do with the mortician, however tool tips on items whilst trading ceased to work for me after trading with him. Tooltips in inventory worked fine.

[Edit - this is fixed on a reload, so might be to do with the mortician]


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Arnu in cat form has a ! weapon in her inventory that does incredible damage. Currently saving up gold to see if it's tradable. (I suspect it won't be, but it shouldn't be in his inventory - I know why it is, which points to cats not having equipment dolls!)


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Jack the chickens' broken behaviour has been reported (+7 bonus) - however, if you 'farm' this bonus while staying in the kitchen, and then opt to kill him, the cook will run off to murder him. Jack was in the barracks when I triggered this (I suspect Jack was heading for the nearest exit, i.e. the barrack's stairs) - leading to being able to mass loot and so on.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Low / Medium

Once you have 'ported a chest a single time, you cannot port it again. Tested on the chest found in the centre of the market square. Not sure if this applies to other items flagged criminal, will test further.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Low

Char has Bold:3 / Timid:1 and is using a +1 to sneak item, with 0 in the base stat: only gets Sneaking skill:1, listed as from gear. Conclusion - timid isn't adding +1 correctly.
Posted By: Dr Koin Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 08:32 PM
Maali's co-op partner here.

Originally Posted by Maali

- Tactical retreat enables players to jump through walls and get to otherwise unreachable areas (i.e. Evelyn's house, we managed to solve Jake's murder without going through any of the regular steps by abusing Tactical Retreat). Game-Breaking.

I simply jumped in Evelyn's house, then I jumped down the cliff from the nothern burial mound to the pink tree, then onto the beach, used reveal spell, killed Evelyn, solved Jake's murder o/ Nice for some speed-running videos, not as nice when doing a regular game.

- Some elemental damage skills do not trigger the Talking statues even if they should apply the correct elemental effects. Not Game Breaking.

Confirmed at least for fire arrows as far as I'm concerned.

- Companions do not seem to trigger most of the special places exploration markers, but still get the group XP for it, resulting in infinite XP loops in various places, including those already mentioned as well as others (Lighthouse, Broken Way Gate, Arhu's failed experiment cave, Talking Statues). More detailed information should be posted by my co-op partner later on. Extremely Game-Breaking.

This is the big one.
Let me illustrate it in video :

( This video has been posted as "unlisted", meaning it can't be found by regular search or browsing my channel. Only you here on this forum should have the link. )

It indeed seems like the companions can trigger the exploration XP gain but aren't receiving any flags for that, resulting in them being able to infinitely trigger the XP gain event.
Probably not very hard to correct, but that's the single biggest bug we found in this build so far.
In combination with the smoke-jump described earlier, "finishing" the main quest can be done in a few minutes by avoiding all quest dialogues and the whole investigation while still clearly being over-leveled for the content.

This seems to be happening everywhere you gain exploration XP save for the Way Gates discoveries. We confirmed it so far for :
- The Lighthouse ( where this video was mainly captured )
- The non-working way gate in the beach near Evelyn's lab secret entrance ( last part of the video )
- The 4 talking statues
- Arhu's Experiment cave entrance

Various feedbacks :

- Jahan feels more balanced. His healing now may be a bit too powerful though. But only a BIT.

- Resurrect skillbook requires Way of the Ranger ranks. I would have expected Sourcery ranks.

- Bows, crossbows, Survivor :
* The Marksman Stance ( +50% precision, -25%damage, +2AP to cost of skill ) is downright useless, I can see no reason to ever use it. You hit ok from a distance anyway with the eagle eyes trait, and ennemies tend to move toward you, reducing the distance. 50% ranged precision is not worth the damage redution and AP bonus cost. The previous iteration ( 1 reserved AP per turn instead of +2ap cost ) was a tad more balanced while still not super-useful.
Maybe make it a next-attack buff only with no damage and AP penalty, costing 1 or 2 ap, simply enhancing the precision of your next attack ?

* Standards attacks cost maybe too much AP. With a few points in Intelligence, a special arrow will deal more damage and cost less AP to use. This is especially true with crossbows, where one fire arrow can cost down to half AP a standard attack does.
My guess would be that Larian wants archers to use special arrows ( making the rank 5 of Way of the Ranger very useful ), but it doesn't come out as very intuitive. Maybe make special arrows a bit more powerful and costly to use ?

* Way of the ranger rank 4 ( -1 ap to standard attacks ) doesn't seem to be reflected upon the ranged weapons tooltips, while INT influence appears on the skill tooltips.

- Stats :
* They feel quite balanced now, with maybe a little bias toward intelligence. A caster could only need int, the rest being bonus, while a melee or archer would want at least strength or dexterity AND intelligence.
I guess this is countered by the fact most "correct" spells have cooldowns, leaving the mage with not really much to do between CDs except casting one of those base, low-damage spells. So he would have to learn to use an actual weapon to really shine.

* Any chance to get a preview of how a stat gain is going to influence other stats ? Like how putting a point in intelligence could show us the reduction in AP cost for our skills ( if any ) before we confirm ? With every stats now being quite useful, it would help knowing how they are actually going to change our character.

- crafting : crafting items does not seem very useful unless you dish a lot of points in the ability. Every items you will find will be of a better quality than what you can craft. What's more you'd need to get some very specific ingredients to craft a very specific weapon. I never found a second sinew to try and craft a bow, but I found some very good crossbows by defeating foes.
Maybe give a little boost to what you can do with the Crafting skill or give the option to salvage items, or even a visual / UI hint as to what "level" of item you can craft with your actual / next rank of Crafting ?
Posted By: rainy nights Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 09:13 PM
Oh lord infinite exp bug is terrible, for now i'll stop exploring. :P

Also there's something in eglandaer's room, I was there before meeting him (crushing the door to steal some things) and when he returns to that room my characters are stuck outside.

Even though there's no door anymore ('cause I destroyed it) I cannot pass and go to him.

Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dr Koin

- Resurrect skillbook requires Way of the Ranger ranks. I would have expected Sourcery ranks.

I think Sourcery is a special plot-activated skill that can't actually be used until a certain point in the main quest (past the end of alpha content).

- Bows, crossbows, Survivor :
* The Marksman Stance ( +50% precision, -25%damage, +2AP to cost of skill ) is downright useless, I can see no reason to ever use it. You hit ok from a distance anyway with the eagle eyes trait, and ennemies tend to move toward you, reducing the distance. 50% ranged precision is not worth the damage redution and AP bonus cost. The previous iteration ( 1 reserved AP per turn instead of +2ap cost ) was a tad more balanced while still not super-useful.
Maybe make it a next-attack buff only with no damage and AP penalty, costing 1 or 2 ap, simply enhancing the precision of your next attack ?

I agree, Precision Stance is worthless. You're basically never far enough away that your chance to hit is low enough to be worth lowering your damage to boost it.

You could copy the Warrior's Power Stance and have increased damage with reduced chance to hit, but well, that would be copying the Warrior.

If you want a bow-focused stance, what might be interesting is replacing it with a "Double Shot" Stance that has a higher AP cost and a higher chance to miss, but shoots twice.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by rainy nights
Also there's something in eglandaer's room, I was there before meeting him (crushing the door to steal some things) and when he returns to that room my characters are stuck outside.

Even though there's no door anymore ('cause I destroyed it) I cannot pass and go to him.

The same thing happened to me in the lighthouse. As far as I can tell the debris of a destroyed door can block your path, but only if you first go to a different area and come back later. I tried it with the door in the warehouse and it happened:

[Linked Image]

Obviously a pretty serious bug.

I'm also finding that (quick)loading can mess with NPC patrol routines. Specifically, they often just seem to stop moving at all. That's how I was able to destroy the door in the warehouse without the guards noticing. Clearly this is highly exploitable, as you can quicksave at the right moment to make stealing even easier.

Finally, here's a screenshot of my two main characters after they were teleported to the Character Creation screen when they exited the Black Cove.

[Linked Image]

This is reproducible and I'm surprised I'm the only one to report it so far. That's not supposed to happen, is it? Note how it's night, by the way.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by SteamUser

Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Arnu in cat form has a ! weapon in her inventory that does incredible damage. Currently saving up gold to see if it's tradable. (I suspect it won't be, but it shouldn't be in his inventory - I know why it is, which points to cats not having equipment dolls!)

It's possible through an exploit which I explain how to do in an earlier post. The damage is crazy and it's one handed so I use it with a shield on Madora. One hit kills.
Posted By: Kaur Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 09:59 PM
Seconded on the Black Cove thing. I got teleported there when I was playing in the previous version. Only my main characters got teleported, while my henchmen were left outside.
Posted By: SteamUser Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by lokitrixter

It's possible through an exploit which I explain how to do in an earlier post. The damage is crazy and it's one handed so I use it with a shield on Madora. One hit kills.

Not a post in this thread smirk


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Medium

Is assassin working? There isn't a "backstab" skill, so unsure how to get it to work. [Working on a fighter build with assassin / teleport abuse]
Posted By: Gutta Mane Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bittereinder

- It is possible to gain infinite Exploration XP. This is the case in Esmeralda's back room and
Esmeralda's secret room
at the very least. You can just run around in circles there and trigger the XP over and over. [/size]

The last two issues are the most serious ones since they are potentially game-breaking. Again though, this build seems to be an improvement in many ways. It introduced new bugs as well, but they should be much easier to fix.

This happened to me also (in a coop game, if that matters). We were able to get infinite exploration XP by walking back and forth between areas in the vast majority of places you get exploration XP.
Posted By: TearsDuct Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 11:07 PM
When I play DOS in coop mode, sometimes when I speak with some NPC, the dialog window appears black and I can do nothing to close it. The only thing is to leave the party and join in again.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Aramintai Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 11:48 PM
Here are some of the bugs I've encountered:
1. The cook and the chicken encounter repeats itself again if you try to talk to the cook after allowing the chicken to run away.

2. Arhu can be seen in his future cat form:
[Linked Image]

3. Weird weapon handling and strapping on back:
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

4. Arhu is selling something weird with exclamation sign:
[Linked Image]

5. Hall of Heroes has buggy minimap, also journal button is buggy:
[Linked Image]

6. Headgear (bonnet) doesn't hide the hair:
[Linked Image]

7. Flowers did not move with the pot:
[Linked Image]

8. Portraits during dialogues are dissapearing:
[Linked Image]

1. Fraps shows that the game has 30 fps cap. Please, if possible, make it at least 60 - the game will run much smoother and probably faster animation wise.
2. Skills icons for various similar skills like Rush and Battering Ram, or Inspire and encourage have the same icons. It's difficult to distinguish them, some alterations are needed. Different colours maybe?
[Linked Image]
Posted By: Raze Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by TearsDuct
the dialog window appears black and I can do nothing to close it.

Did you try hitting '1', or another number key?
Posted By: Aramintai Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 01/02/14 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Bittereinder

I'm also finding that (quick)loading can mess with NPC patrol routines. Specifically, they often just seem to stop moving at all. That's how I was able to destroy the door in the warehouse without the guards noticing. Clearly this is highly exploitable, as you can quicksave at the right moment to make stealing even easier.

I've encountered that as well. Quickloading at the harbor garrison seems to be stopping the AI routines - the guards started to just stand in one spot.
Posted By: Dr Koin Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Aramintai
Here are some of the bugs I've encountered:

2. Arhu can be seen in his future cat form:
[Linked Image]

I believe this is normal, the dialogue about his cat form sounded legit. Probably even a little foreshadowing since he mentions a witch could lock him in this form...

1. Fraps shows that the game has 30 fps cap. Please, if possible, make it at least 60 - the game will run much smoother and probably faster animation wise.

Well my fraps clearly showed 60 when I was frapsing my earlier video, and 120 when I was playing. Are you sure you did not lock your framerate while using fraps or something ?
Posted By: Aramintai Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Dr Koin

I believe this is normal, the dialogue about his cat form sounded legit. Probably even a little foreshadowing since he mentions a witch could lock him in this form...

Is it? I talked to him again later and he was in human form. Definetly something weird. I think his cat transformation should happen later in the game, not at the beginning out of the blue.


Well my fraps clearly showed 60 when I was frapsing my earlier video, and 120 when I was playing. Are you sure you did not lock your framerate while using fraps or something ?

I've figured it out - it's ingame's V-sync option that caps it. Why cap at 30 is beyond me though.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 12:32 AM
- The Ice Shard spell doesn’t seem to pierce, despite its 100% pierce chance.

- Picking up owned items in Esmerelda’s shop prompts the “oh so you want to buy this” dialogue, but the item is not added to her inventory so you can’t actually buy it.

- If you do that and cancel out of the trade, Esmerelda’s dialogue is set to that of a generic citizen, even when asking about Jake’s murder. Ending the conversation and talking to her again gives her her normal dialogue, though.
Posted By: TearsDuct Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by TearsDuct
the dialog window appears black and I can do nothing to close it.

Did you try hitting '1', or another number key?

Yes, but didn't happen nothing.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by SteamUser
Originally Posted by lokitrixter

It's possible through an exploit which I explain how to do in an earlier post. The damage is crazy and it's one handed so I use it with a shield on Madora. One hit kills.

Not a post in this thread smirk

Page 2 post #480910. Picture is included as well.

EDIT: As for Arhu turning into a cat it is listed in the patch notes that he will randomly change into a cat.
Posted By: Aramintai Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 12:49 AM
Not sure if it's a bug or lack of barter skill, but I can't seem to balance the trade with some vendors - the inital balance is set, but when I click on trade button I get the message that the offer insults them and they raise their side by a few coins. And it continues indefinetly - they alays raise their side.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Aramintai
Not sure if it's a bug or lack of barter skill, but I can't seem to balance the trade with some vendors - the inital balance is set, but when I click on trade button I get the message that the offer insults them and they raise their side by a few coins. And it continues indefinetly - they alays raise their side.

This happens randomly to people. But if they raise the price that means their opinion of you is lowered. To offset this you need to give more than is requested for item.
Posted By: Aramintai Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by lokitrixter
Originally Posted by Aramintai
Not sure if it's a bug or lack of barter skill, but I can't seem to balance the trade with some vendors - the inital balance is set, but when I click on trade button I get the message that the offer insults them and they raise their side by a few coins. And it continues indefinetly - they alays raise their side.

This happens randomly to people. But if they raise the price that means their opinion of you is lowered. To offset this you need to give more than is requested for item.

Interesting, it is random indeed. Sometimes they accept the inital price, sometimes not. Too bad that there is no indicator as to how high they want the raise to be, would have been more easier if the balance button autoraised the player side to the sum that vendors would find acceptable.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 01:07 AM
I've had it go up by about 500 to 1000. I had saved after first fail and kept adding money till it took. I eventually killed all of the NPCs with the exception of two guards who didn't take damage and Arhu and got my money back.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 01:18 AM
Right, if they tell you your offer is insulting for no reason you need to give them a LOT more than what they're supposedly asking before they will accept the trade. It also seems to be random who this happens with, I've seen people report this bug occurring with several different NPCs. Not sure what the cause is.
Posted By: Ebu Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 01:24 AM
Imagine that you're in a room with some NPCs with higher lvl than your characters, but you want to kill them anyway. The way to do it without any scratch is quite easy. Build a barricade made of boxes/crates/tables/chairs, so there's no way through it and initiate a fight (throw a box on them).

Since NPCs don't know, that most of these objects are destructible, they'll just stand in a fight position and won't do anything. So the last step is killing NPCs with some ranged weapons/spells.

Let's give these poor inhabitants of this cruel world some intelligence and possibilities how to manipulate with enviroment.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Bittereinder
Finally, here's a screenshot of my two main characters after they were teleported to the Character Creation screen when they exited the Black Cove. This is reproducible and I'm surprised I'm the only one to report it so far. That's not supposed to happen, is it? Note how it's night, by the way.

This has been reported in previous builds. I have a video in one of the bug report threads showing this and that if you run far enough to the right then you will be returned to Cyseal start. Thanks for the update that it's still an issue.

Originally Posted by Aramintai
4. Arhu is selling something weird with exclamation sign

Explained a way to acquire this in earlier post.

Originally Posted by Aramintai
7. Flowers did not move with the pot

Also seen and reported in earlier post. Thanks for the screenshot though.

EDIT: It would appear that the infinite Exploration XP and the bugged dialogue at the cook's are due to the change in coding for the companions. In the previous build (the following is speculation but fits with what has happened) they were coded as part of the game, thus enabling them to travel over the alpha line. The 2 mains were coded differently and that is why certain triggers activated and why they were returned to the beginning of Cyseal if they crossed the alpha line. Now companions have a similar coding as the player created characters. They are triggering things like players, yet not being flagged as having triggered it. Hence why crossing the lines for exploration trigger when companions cross and why the cook's dialogue keeps triggering.
Posted By: Texoru Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 05:04 AM
The "offer is insulting" is a bug as one of the item is 480 and they keep refusing, when I load the game, the item is now at 780 (same stats, description) and they accept it. Its a strange bug that causes the item to not show their full price.
Posted By: SniperHF Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 05:15 AM
I left clicked in the middle of Esmerelda's shop to walk there from the eastern edge of town and my characters walked right through 2 of Esmerelda's locked doors instead of entering in the front. The doors remained locked afterward.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by SniperHF
I left clicked in the middle of Esmerelda's shop to walk there from the eastern edge of town and my characters walked right through 2 of Esmerelda's locked doors instead of entering in the front. The doors remained locked afterward.

Yeah this is caused by the door not rendering at a distance and so it seems as if the way is open. Also your lead character will run the straightest way there, running through solid objects. If you take your party upstairs (or downstairs) at the Inn or the Mayor's then you will be able to free your stuck character.
Posted By: DonkeyWorld Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 07:21 AM
A few random bugs that I found while playing:

- During the fight with Evenlyn, a cultist cast charm on an already charmed Roderick. He resisted and became uncharmed.

- I quicksaved (which I will add I'm not fond of as feature) in the middle of a battle with Evelyn which resulted in a now corrupt save.

- When I die nothing happens. My characters are laying on the floor like it's possible for them to get up, but I don't think it is!

- Bouncing fire (I forget the actual name of the spell) does not highlight who the fire will "bounce" to. Effectively it's an AoE spell with an undefined area.
Posted By: rainy nights Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 01:19 PM
Sadly, the issue with follower "detaching" himself is not corrected. Every time I load a game or invite my friend jahan (or madora as well) starts to follow me and not him. So we have to fire him and re-hire at the homestead.
Moving his portrait has no effect at all, the chain won't link him to the player that is not the host.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 04:44 PM
The book Metalurgy made Easy is misspelled, it should be Metallurgy (It is spelled correctly inside the book). In the same book it says "To man an Iron Bar". It should be To Make an Iron Bar.
Posted By: mithrandir Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 04:46 PM
Two "obvious" bugs I encountered:
- sometimes in the bench just after Cyseal entry, if you stand-up after having sit on it, you can not move anymore the character because he/she stand-up between the bench and the wall. You can fix this situation by moving the bench though

- in the same area in the story, I talked with the citizens just after the gate near the crates, then with the other one who is owning the "Nine inch nails", and this second time the camera zoomed incorrectly on the first citizens each time I tried to talk to him

- during the Orc Battle on the beach at the beginning of the game before Cyseal, some guards popped up from/outside view in the middle of the screen, even if they were clearly in the same area.

And it might be great to have an option not to zoom in during dialogs. The "problem" now is that the camera zoom change for each character who talk. I agree that it's not a bug, but I'm not sure that it's better that the previous situation. I had personally no problems to identify with whom I was talking to wink
Posted By: moparluv Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 05:34 PM
In the library just at the top of the stairs, I was trying to click on the book shelf and somehow ended up clicking on the stool in front of it. Now Scarlet in stuck setting on it. She won't move, and I can not use anything in my inventory or teleport . I even tried starting a fight but she just sets there.

Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by moparluv
In the library just at the top of the stairs, I was trying to click on the book shelf and somehow ended up clicking on the stool in front of it. Now Scarlet in stuck setting on it. She won't move, and I can not use anything in my inventory or teleport . I even tried starting a fight but she just sets there.

Take your party downstairs. She should be forced to follow.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 05:38 PM
Finished almost all of the remaining content today. Issues I noticed:

- The Billeh Ghar conversation triggers over and over if you run around in his room, no matter which character(s) you're controlling.
- A floating message 'Trophy Unlocked' appeared when I quickloaded in the Black Cove. I looked at the Trophy Screen and there was nothing there.
- It was impossible for me to
move the painting to find the secret button in the Black Cove. I had to use Whirlwind to destroy it.

- The crabs in the Black Cove don't fight back.
- You can use AOE spells to highlight hidden landmines:
[Linked Image]

I'm actually fine with this since I'd get blown to bits otherwise, but I'm not sure it's intentional.
- My game crashed as I was landing the finishing (melee) blow on Pontius Pirate.
- During my second attempt, I decided to provoke combat with the ghost pirates before the conversation with Pontius triggered. The game treats them as neutrals and it just slightly lowered their attitude. Eventually, most of them turned into zombies, combat finally got triggered, and then this happened:
[Linked Image]

Yes, Lily the ghost pirate is fighting on my side.
- There is an exclamation mark above Madora's head after sending Desdemona to the lighthouse, but I cannot talk to her. First time I ran into this problem in this build.
- When Sam goes to see Maxine after you've solved his quest, she tells him 'you are tom of means after all'. That should be a 'a tom of means'.
- Sam's collar is still in your inventory after you solve his quest.
- Example of current item values being out of whack: a huge diamond that I picked up in the Black Cove is worth less than five times more than a fish.
Posted By: moparluv Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 05:41 PM
Don't work I even killed her and when she came back to life she won't move.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 05:44 PM
Can you screenshot it and put it up under spoiler tags, so as to not make the post unnecessarily long. I will try to replicate this using the picture and see if I can find a way out of it.
Posted By: mithrandir Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 05:52 PM
Another small bug, during the first Orc fight before Cyseal. I used a spell on an Orc to make it fight for me, he dies before the spell effect vanished, and then the spell "icon" was forever floating above his corpse.
Posted By: moparluv Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 06:16 PM

The other members of my group are all down stairs.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 06:48 PM
I was able to duplicate this by sitting down and then trying to take something from the book shelf and being seen by Charlene. I was then stuck just as you said. I'm assuming there was some dialogue between Scarlett and Charlene as the camera focused on Charlene. For a while I was stuck with my view on Charlene. I was able to fix camera issue by talking to Victoria. I killed Charlene in hopes that would free me, nope. I used the homestead button but upon asking to make a choice with Scarlett by ZixZaxx the game crashed. I was able to enter Black Cove and she was rejoined with the party.
Posted By: awilde Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 06:50 PM
Bought a copy for me and my buddy last night, played up until you get teleported/transported to that other "realm"(?) because the level becomes invisible. You only see a faint outline of some lighting and the rest looks like a star map. It's probably for the sky background but right now it looks as if I'm floating in space. Reloading doesn't seem to help either.

We are on the same network, he's on a suffice laptop and I'm on a beefy gaming rig(game looks great with everything max!).
Posted By: Raze Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 07:40 PM

And you both have the same problem?

Click and hold the mouse button down to direct your character, and you should be able to find your way to the observatory waypoint (straight north east of where you start in the homestead) and then the exit waypoint (again, straight north east). If the map / mini-map are ok, that should give you an idea of where to go.

Can you see the waypoints? A couple other people have run into this problem at the homestead, but were able to get out, so you should at least get a highlight of the waypoint when you mouse over one.

Please email, with a description of the problem and the file generated by the D:OS support tool, for both systems.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Bittereinder
Originally Posted by rainy nights
Also there's something in eglandaer's room, I was there before meeting him (crushing the door to steal some things) and when he returns to that room my characters are stuck outside.

Even though there's no door anymore ('cause I destroyed it) I cannot pass and go to him.

The same thing happened to me in the lighthouse. As far as I can tell the debris of a destroyed door can block your path, but only if you first go to a different area and come back later. I tried it with the door in the warehouse and it happened:

[Linked Image]

Obviously a pretty serious bug.

Update: I came back to the lighthouse hours later to finish the Desdemona quest, and this time I was able to get in and out through the doorway without any problems. So it seems that this is a problem that occurs shortly, but not immediately after you destroy a door, and it goes away after some time for mysterious reasons.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyWorld
- During the fight with Evenlyn, a cultist cast charm on an already charmed Roderick. He resisted and became uncharmed.

Yes, it seems that if you successfully make your saving throw against something that you already had a status effect of, the status effect will be canceled. Major combat bug. This is also why Hail Attack will result in an enemy being frozen much less often than you might think, because it's only the final projectile that matters.

- Bouncing fire (I forget the actual name of the spell) does not highlight who the fire will "bounce" to. Effectively it's an AoE spell with an undefined area.

Pretty sure this is WAD to introduce an element of randomness and risk. But yes, perhaps a good compromise would be to highlight the characters that the fire could possibly leap to. Only problem is that I don't know how you would make it clear that this is a mostly hypothetical AOE, I think players would get confused.

I also forgot the name of the spell even though I used it constantly in my latest playthrough...
Posted By: Regnox Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 08:41 PM
So my little list of bugs in this version :

-After being attacked by the 3 guys on the beach that are supposed to drop the staff of Perrgamon and killing them the staff did not drop.

-Even though I have the sheep corpse I can not do anything else when I talk to the sheep owner and she reacts as she would if I hadn't discovered the corpse yet.

-I've used the remote control to self destruct the ahru sparkmaster 5000 but my journal isn't updated and still says that I have to take care of it.

-At one point I had the human and the cat ahru in the same room at the same time. The cat didn't have anything to sell though.

-once I entered the butcher shop with the chicken inside the dialogue started each time a character came in (since I had the 2 companions it started 4 times) and 2 times once I came out. So I ended up with 6 points in compassion.

and a last point. I found the infectious flame to be quite over powered as it sometimes dealt as much as 4x49 damage and one shoted several ennemies.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 08:43 PM
For the Arhu Failed Experiment you may need to
so to the jail and speak to Yoranus. He will thank you for saving him from the machine

EDIT: Pixie Dust + Paper = ??? Shows animation but nothing happens
Magic Needle and Thread + Leather Scraps = ??? Shows animation but nothing happens (assuming it makes magic based Leather Armor)

It would appear that the pressure switch that starts the Another Crazed Mage does nothing apart from triggering Billeh Gahr. Stepping off doesn't trigger the explosion. The hidden button under the rug cannot be interacted with.
The pressure plate triggers the conversation with Billeh Gahr every time it is stepped on.
Posted By: mithrandir Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 02/02/14 10:45 PM
Another two small ones:

- When entering dialogs, the tooltips for object names pop on top of the dialog box

- And you can sit on a stool with already someone on it without any problem it seems. I made Roderick sit on the stool with the chicken on the market place in Cyseal wink
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 12:46 AM
- The second ship that was lost in the attack on the harbour is moss-covered, like the wrecks. Since it was in use, it should not look like a wreck abandoned for years.

- If you have the inventory window open, your Movement is not updated if you switch between Sneak and normal modes.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 03:00 AM
Found an exploit with the four demons:

- I triggered the Earth one by a Poison Dart scroll on the platform, but the one who shot it was so far away that combat didn’t start. I had to move closer first. I might have been able to summon all four from far away and watched them kill each other, then picked up the loot after killing the weakened survivor.

EDIT: Nevermind, I tried this, and with three demons out, they just stood there. No one tried attacking each other until I was in range for combat.

- Nice to see the prison economy working so well. The guards are letting Esmerelda run her shop from jail!
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 02:04 PM
- Enemy healing spells are still the old, weak versions the players had in v102.

- All polearms/spears have the “Staff” model.

- When you ignite a poison surface with fire, you can get green clouds that look odd, but do not actually do anything (I think), even though they persist after combat ends.

- Poison surface left by certain enemies when the die doesn’t go away on its own after combat ends.

- I managed to destroy a table... but all the things on it stayed floating in midair.
Posted By: Fedayin Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Regnox
So my little list of bugs in this version :

-After being attacked by the 3 guys on the beach that are supposed to drop the staff of Perrgamon and killing them the staff did not drop.

No they dont drop it...
Evalyn has it. you should have read her diary

-When one of your characters is down, and he/she levels up in that state his health will go full, but he will remain dead.. teleporting just brings along his grave... resurrection scroll cannot be used.... so If you level up in battle make sure both characters are alive till patch.

- When you pick up an item at esmeraldas shop, and say no just looking ect.. Esmeralda is acting very suicidal. She gets the standard NPC script and one of those also says I think her wife esmaralda should be hung...

- I Dont know if this is a bug or not. but when confronting the duke about the letter. everyone in the INN starts attacking you, when you do flee and come back you will have -40 attitude with everyone in that room..

When you have Evelyn's pouch and try to right click it you see inventory_like_barrel pop up for a half a second with a key in it but it closes so fast automatically that you cant pick it up

Posted By: Tomcat18 Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 03:21 PM
I don't know if these two bugs have been postet yet.

- If I click on a skill while being in fight the icon flickers (fades from black to the icon) while it is active.

- The journal button next to the minimap is sometimes black too. When I click on it the journal opens as usual and the icon is displayed for some time. Then, the icon is missing again until i click on the black box. EDIT: It seems that the icon is missing again as soon as the journal is updated.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 03:49 PM
I was able to barter for the staff from Dietmar and then killed him and got my stuff back.
@Fedayin are you trying to open it in the room you found it? There is an issue with picking up barrels, containers, etc and opening them away from where you picked them up. To solve this drop the item, pick it up, open it. Should work. Hope they fix this as I like to carry containers and such to hold my stuff and better manage my inventory.
Posted By: Buzkill Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 08:47 PM
I've found that when I trade with most of the vendors around the market place, and sell some junk that I've picked up I don't get any gold in return. yet the items are no longer in my inventory.
I've been able to duplicate this in several new games, and with different characters initiating the trade.
Posted By: Tomcat18 Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by Buzkill
I've found that when I trade with most of the vendors around the market place, and sell some junk that I've picked up I don't get any gold in return. yet the items are no longer in my inventory.
I've been able to duplicate this in several new games, and with different characters initiating the trade.

That's not a bug, it's by design. You have to balance the trade, there's a button which adds the required amount of money if you buy oder sell items.
Posted By: Buzkill Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 08:57 PM
Thanks *facepalm
Posted By: Xerolith Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 09:03 PM
Deleted my original post to move to this topic.

While playing yesterday for quite some time, I noticed 2 things that seem to be an issue, that I tested multiple times to make sure.

First: When using the spell "Water Shield" (I think it's called) on my Cleric, it was not properly giving me the tooltip amount of +49% HP for the duration. Instead it was reducing my health by 49%. I tested this multiple times, checking the character stats screen and never did my maximum health go beyond my default, instead my health would drop to 49% of my maximum. I will post screenshots when I get home from my steam files. So I would have 160/160 before using it, and after using it, I would be down to 82 HP out of 160, instead of 160/238 (if they chose the route that you don't get the full Hp after buffing)

Second: When using my ranger character, when trying to use the skill that shoots multiple arrows quickly (forgot name - at work) and any type of special arrow (ie: Fire Arrow, Poison Cloud arrow) it would load the animation, and then she would "shoot" her bow, but I would not lose action points, and the enemy would not get hurt nor there be any elemental effect. When going out of combat I was able to shoot the ground using a Fire Arrow and Poison Cloud arrow without issues.

I will try again when I get home to replicate these issues, and come back here to post screenshots for the Water Shield skill bug.

edit: Third: It seems that quite a few Legionnaires that I attack, or even NPCs etc, do not engage in a fight when I attack them. They just keep spouting their phrases but stand there and take the beating. That cannot be as intended. It really takes away from the game when I decide I want to murder someone, and they stand there and just take it! smile
Posted By: Freakydemon Bugs/Suggestions - 03/02/14 09:55 PM
  • Ives & Vinnie, fishers at the harbour, don't seem to care if their fishing poles are stolen or thrown around.
  • Lockpicking one of Evelyn's doors isn't seen as thieving behaviour while the other is.
  • Deer don't react to being shot.
  • If player A talks to person X and player B is trading with person Y, A gets the ability to trade with Y. This is especially obvious when both players are dealing with different traders.
  • The other player's character and companions leave floating gear at random points when leaving view.
  • It's possible to throw items in- and outside buildings with enough strength under certain circumstances.
  • I assume the auto-resurrection is in the alpha to ease testing because it's a horribly boring mechanic otherwise.
  • The quest with Euliander and the Orc Feud: The quest gets stuck in scripting limbo if you kill Euliander during a conversation with him or just killing him. It never resolves or adds journal entries on his death.
  • Companion assignment in mulitplayer bugs out when characters get charmed (and other such spells/events I assume) where upon control over the characters is switched around.
  • Rebinding companions to the other player is impossible.
  • Loading a game results in player 2 losing control over his companion.
  • Every character seems to be triggering exploration XP multiple times. It's very easy to farm XP by just running in the trigger zones.
  • Dagger + Branch, results in a spear and the dagger remaining in the inventory.
  • It's still possible to use items on themselves for crafting.
  • Certain spells cause self-damage on the caster, including the firefly and the tornado.
  • The sparring legionnaires in Cyseal absorb all damage if you attack them, making them immortal to at least melee damage.

  • A master volume slider for audio would be nice.
  • It would be easier to follow conversations between one player and a NPC if the player's questions/responses would be shown in floating text as well.
  • Part of the previous suggestion, after a conversation between the player characters you don't see the last response, instead immediately the window closes and the trait increases are shown, making you guess on the response based on the trait.
  • An end turn hotkey would be nice.
  • Portrait casting for heals and buffs would be pretty handy.
  • Stretchable grid inventory or a button to show more rows would be appreciated, if you carry a lot of stuff around it's annoying to scroll in the inventory.
  • More combinations with dough would be nice (fruits, vegetables, etc.)
  • If the crafting with the forge/anvil and metals will be expanded it might be of interest to add a drop down menu to allow other items being crafted. Only getting an axe or a sword from a certain material would be rather wasteful.
  • A flee system or morale system for low level/heavily wounded/unarmed enemies might be interesting to add. It's kind of odd to start a murder spree in town and see the civilians throw their life in the fray together with the legionnaires versus overpowered PCs.
  • Combat seems to be a lot easier (a bit to easy) in the latest patch compared to the last. Mages deal tons of damage now and their power increases exponentially with better spells and intelligence increases.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bugs/Suggestions - 03/02/14 10:01 PM
- For some reason, Aureus just refused to talk to me after I loaded a saved game. This was after I finished the main quest of the murder, if that's any help. My co-op partner also couldn't talk to him. I loaded in non-co-op and got the same result.

- Already reported, I'm sure, but if one person is talking to a vendor and a second person tries to talk to a vendor, the second person sees the first person's screen/inventory.

- When entering the Black cove, my partner reported losing their skill bar. It reappeared after leaving, though.

- The Source Abomination is susceptible to Charm effects, and it probably shouldn't be.
Posted By: Gandaldwarf Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 10:07 PM
Hi, this is my first bug report, sorry if there are any double posts.

- When focussing on something when you pick up a shovel, camera bugs. The camera sometimes shifts away while in conversation/cutscene.

- When sitting on a chair and looting anything while someone sees u made me bug out

- We could enter the lightjhouse but could not get out anymore (magic lock)

- Firefly Spell (mage) does damage on the player itself when casting (maybe the intent)

Greeting from Belgium

Posted By: ToxicHaze510 Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 03/02/14 11:47 PM
When playing with my bro we found a glitch that allows you to collect unlimited experience allowing you to level up as much as you want in the early game. This is done by following the murder quest you get in the beginning and following it up to the cave were you fight the big robot skull thing. By playing with a friend have one stay in the beginning of the cave then by having you friend go in and out of the cave you will get 1008exp for everyone every time he enters the cave so by doing this you can gain a lot of experience over time and is a bug that I would like to report. So please Fix asap so people do not take advantage of this.
Posted By: Buzkill Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 04/02/14 09:55 AM
The bookshelf above the desk in Evelyn's house needs to be looted from outside the house
Posted By: siziyman Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 04/02/14 10:42 AM
- When you agree to escort Wulfram to Cyseal, go to Abandoned Basement after that and quick save there, Wulfram doesn't go to town after load(dialogue isn't available anymore, he just stands in building and tells you pharse which appears when you escort him).
- You can kill both guards in Barracks prison, and everyone outside Prison stays friendly. Not sure if it's OK.

One more(maybe mentioned by someone already): when in combat you select skill and then select another without cancelling first selection, will-be-used AP(red AP dots) count is incorrect.
Posted By: Buzkill Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 04/02/14 09:09 PM
I was escorting Wulfram back to Cyseal and was half way there, did a quick save but happened to press it just as Wulfram got into combat.
After loading then finishing the combat, he no longer runs back to town, he just stands there.
When you click on him he just says, We can talk when we get back to town.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 04/02/14 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Buzkill
I was escorting Wulfram back to Cyseal and was half way there, did a quick save but happened to press it just as Wulfram got into combat.
After loading then finishing the combat, he no longer runs back to town, he just stands there.
When you click on him he just says, We can talk when we get back to town.

It's another example of (quick)loading messing with the AI's scripted routines. This is going to cause a lot of problems for unsuspecting players if it's in the release version, so I hope it's not too difficult to fix.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 04/02/14 10:51 PM
- Using Flare on an Ice surface does not work properly: It produces a fire surface, instead of a water surface like it should.

- If Enemy1 is charmed, and is attacked by Enemy2, then the charm wears off, Enemy1 will retaliate against Enemy2.

- A “Maul” has the icon and model of an axe. It also does slashing damage, so maybe the name is wrong? I thought Mauls are blunt weapons, that do crushing damage.

Originally Posted by Bittereinder
Originally Posted by Buzkill
I was escorting Wulfram back to Cyseal and was half way there, did a quick save but happened to press it just as Wulfram got into combat.
After loading then finishing the combat, he no longer runs back to town, he just stands there.
When you click on him he just says, We can talk when we get back to town.

It's another example of (quick)loading messing with the AI's scripted routines. This is going to cause a lot of problems for unsuspecting players if it's in the release version, so I hope it's not too difficult to fix.

Oh, it's probably going to be worse than that, thanks to Teleporter pyramids and the Homestead button. If the coders haven't taken those into account or disabled them in selected places... what a headache.
Posted By: mithrandir Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 01:29 AM
Not really a bug, but when you enter the Harbor warehouse, you can go inside the room at the back if you persuade the chief of the guards there. If you steal things and the door is opened, one of the guards will see you and they will fight, but you don't even need to divert their attention if you close the door behind you. You can steal all you want and the chief won't bother providing he don't see you directly.

He should at least follow the player character if his attention has not been diverted by the argument between the two guards. Maybe it could be a generic behavior, the dialogue shows that he does not trust the player completely, in that case he should at least follow the character.
Posted By: Buzkill Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 07:44 AM
Not sure if its a bug or just rotten luck with the saving throws, I was walking my party across some ice (after combat) and Rod kept failing the saving throw for knockdown after every step, ended up taking 5-6 tries to cross the ice.
Rod's a rogue with 8 DEX, and all the other 3 made it across the ice without any issues, and they have the normal 5 DEX.

Couldn't find this one listed anywhere else.
Posted By: Gwizzz Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 08:50 AM
Great game! I'm looking forward to more updates. Here's a couple of suggestions and issues encountered so far:

1. Make the “zoom-In during conversations” an OPTION. Not everyone, including myself, likes the new zoom effect and an option to turn it on or off would make everyone happy.

2. Make the RIP graveyard headstone effect an OPTION. D:OS has great graphics. Why spoil it with some cheesy headstone? The corpses are enough of an indication that something died.

3. Make the sneak bush effect an OPTION. Great crouch effect, tip-toeing across the ground, everything is greyed out when “hiding in shadows”. But then there is a bush moving around inside of houses and shops. The bush is an immersion breaking effect.

1. Make it so the mouse wheel will zoom in and out the view on the world map.

2. Create hot-key remapping for ALL commands. Not everyone plays WASD. (Pretty much an industry standard)

3. Allow primary AND secondary hot-keys for all commands. I may want to have close all windows/open main menu as the ESCape key AND my 4th mouse button. Also, support mouse buttons as hot-key triggers.

4. Increase the number of ability points earned each level or eliminate the linear progression of skill point requirements. It is very difficult to master several skills when each skill level the number of points keeps increasing. 1,2,3,4,5,….. In order to increase my Elemental Fire skill to 5, I had to save points earned this level to add to the ones I’ll get next level so I can have enough to increase it to the next level. I can’t imagine being both a master Fire and Water mage, and master crafter. If the post-alpha cap is going to be higher than 5, this problem is only going to get worse. How many levels will I have to horde ability points until I have enough to get to Fire level 10? Hmmm, that would be 55 points. At 4 points earned per level that would take over 13 levels just to get to level 10 if I don’t put points in anything else. By time I max out at character level 20 I’ll be an awesome Fire mage and suck at everything else. Also once some points are assigned, remove the level up arrow indicator as points currently have to be saved between level-ups.

5. Make the Lockpick skill also Disarm Trap skill, ie. Lockpick/Disarm as they both require finesse and you shouldn’t have to blow up a mine to get past it.

6. Add more loot on NPC corpses, especially crafting materials.

7. (Suggestion) Add alternate variations of items found on corpses depending on how they were attacked:
Damaged by fire, contains “charred” robe, or parchment.
Damaged by electricity contains “pitted” armor and weapons.
Damaged by melee, contains “worn” or “damaged” armor, broken bow, crushed cup, etc.
Damaged by crossbow/bow contains "pierced" items.

8. Damaged items can only be partially repaired using the repair skill in the field:
Only allow X% of weapon or armor durability to be repaired “in the field” depending on the repair skill level. The remainder has to be repaired by a craftsman in a town or by the PC at an Anvil in a town.
A sword has 100/100 durability. After several fights it is reduced to 70/100 and loses 30% of its total damage ability. You have repair skill of 1 and can repair 10% of the damage or 3 points. The sword is now at 73 of 100. That’s not a lot at level 1 repair. If you had put a point into the Grease Monkey talent, you could double your repairs, or repair 20% at level 1 repair, or 6 points of damage. If you were level 4 repair with Grease Monkey you could repair 80% in the field, or 24 of 30 points of damage. The remaining points would need to be repaired by a master smith in a town or city. Once you repaired the item in the field the unrepaired damage could not be attempted for repair in the field again. So the sword would have stats of 94/100/6. If you kept fighting with it and it took another 30 points of durability damage, you could repair up to 87/100/13. The 13 unrepaired points would have to be repaired by a master smith. A level 5 repair could be considered a master to allow full repairs in the field (I’m not sure if there is a skill level cap post alpha.)

1. The Control Option to reassign the IE_ToggleInGameMenu does not work. The reassign dialog box does not open, and the key assignment automatically changes to “o”.

2. Grieving Orc
There was no armor set in the graves after killing the Grieving Orc. I didn't initiate the fight dialog option but after the conversation was over he got a little angry when Scarlett started poking around with her shovel. The grieving orc died and the unearthed orcs that were dug up were empty.

[update] I just read the grieving orcs brothers’ grave is really not marked by a totem and if you choose not to persuade him to show you where his brother is buried, you can never obtain the armor set as the quest is concluded. This goes against being able to solve a quest by different means. What if I tell him I’m not going to look for it, but stumble across a fresh mound and dig there on my own??? That’s the way it should go. And really, if he is THAT upset, he would be sitting right next to his brothers’ grave, and there WOULD be a totem as he said he made one out of wood.

3. Dead orcs bodies are containers. Create a corpse or skeleton container shape for dead corpses. Call it, “corpse”!

4. 7th Level Giant Orc Trooper
further down the beach never fought back. I killed him at range with a fire/water mage, water/air mage and ranger. Madora just stood there looking pretty as she had no ranged combat to use. You would think the AI would respond to being shot and advance or react or something?

5. A level 4 water mage summoned a level 5 Water Elemental. The tool tip says the elemental is capped at the casters level, but it isn’t.

6. Obedient and Independent traits both add to Willpower which is a mage skill. How about something like Obedient adds to constitution, Independent add to Dodge instead? Skills that all class types could benefit from.

7. The Save game time is missing a leading zero. It shows 3:8:10 instead of 3:08:10.

8. The NPCs in the warehouse do not move from where they are standing. They do not react to being picked up by teleport and tossed around like a rag doll. When they take damage from falling just throw a heal spell on them and they will be right as rain. You can toss them right out of the door, close the door, and ransack the warehouse without any opposition.

9. Also in the warehouse, you can blast the locked door until it is destroyed, but the magic lock remains hanging in midair.

10. There is a recipe book in the magically locked room in the warehouse that should be moved elsewhere. Not everyone is going to play the role of a thief and break into that room. Those that don’t will never see the recipes in the book.

11. In the locked room
you can only grab the scimitar by the tip of the blade when it is on the weapon rack. Ouch!

12. You can take (steal) fish from fishing racks, fishing poles from pole racks, can loot containers and baskets at will with no one raising an eyebrow? If the AI can SEE you taking these things they should consider it stealing.

13. Basket type container should have a label of “basket”, not container.

14. The gold prices for items are crazy overpriced. 11 gold for an empty cup? 360 gold for a sash that has no armor or magical attributes?

1. The Blitz Bolt electrify effect and the water elemental ice wall ice surface effects are too overpowered. I stood on one side of a pool of water and cast Blitz Bolt at the surface. As the orcs entered the water they were stunned for several rounds. I was able to recast the Blitz Bolt as soon as the electricity on the waters’ surface dissipated. Either increase the cool down of the Blitz Bolt so the NPCs have a chance to move. Or give the NPCs increasing levels of resistance per round. 5%, then 10%, then 15%, etc. The longer they survive the more they can resist the attacks.
The ice surface is the same way. A water elemental can cast the ice wall on NPCs and freeze them in place. Once the ice wall is destroyed a huge ice surface remains that causes the surviving NPCs to continually slip and fall.

1. Fix the Star Dust/Pixie Dust recipe.

2. Make it so the containers stay open when opened while in inventory AND they close if you have them opened on the ground and walk away. These should not be mutually exclusive logic states.

3. Can’t remove items and abilities from the action bar. Can only replace them with something else.
Posted By: Omnihut Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 09:30 AM
I'm not sure if its a bug or not but it does seem to be game breaking:

When you get Madora or when you get Way of the Warrior 3 and learn Phoenix Dive you can use it to dive into rooms/buildings that are locked and would normally require keys without opening the door. Then you can loot as you please and then Phoenix Dive back out. I have not found anywhere that I cannot use, i was able to use in every room throughout town.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Gwizzz
Great game! I'm looking forward to more updates. Here's a couple of suggestions and issues encountered so far:


2. Make the RIP graveyard headstone effect an OPTION. D:OS has great graphics. Why spoil it with some cheesy headstone? The corpses are enough of an indication that something died.
- I'm not a fan of the headstone either, but this is not the right use of an option. Maybe just make it a glowy ethereal corpse if the monster got splattered into tiny bits.

3. Make the sneak bush effect an OPTION. Great crouch effect, tip-toeing across the ground, everything is greyed out when “hiding in shadows”. But then there is a bush moving around inside of houses and shops. The bush is an immersion breaking effect.
- Oh come on, it's hilarious. Anyway, I think they're planning to have a different stealth effect in urban areas of a moving barrel. Not a case for an option.

1. Make it so the mouse wheel will zoom in and out the view on the world map.
- Agreed.

2. Create hot-key remapping for ALL commands. Not everyone plays WASD. (Pretty much an industry standard)

3. Allow primary AND secondary hot-keys for all commands. I may want to have close all windows/open main menu as the ESCape key AND my 4th mouse button. Also, support mouse buttons as hot-key triggers.

- Agreed again for both 2 and 3, but this is alpha and those options are probably coming later. The options screen is still in the Dragon COmmander style.

4. Increase the number of ability points earned each level or eliminate the linear progression of skill point requirements. It is very difficult to master several skills when each skill level the number of points keeps increasing. 1,2,3,4,5,….. In order to increase my Elemental Fire skill to 5, I had to save points earned this level to add to the ones I’ll get next level so I can have enough to increase it to the next level. I can’t imagine being both a master Fire and Water mage, and master crafter. If the post-alpha cap is going to be higher than 5, this problem is only going to get worse. How many levels will I have to horde ability points until I have enough to get to Fire level 10? Hmmm, that would be 55 points. At 4 points earned per level that would take over 13 levels just to get to level 10 if I don’t put points in anything else. By time I max out at character level 20 I’ll be an awesome Fire mage and suck at everything else. Also once some points are assigned, remove the level up arrow indicator as points currently have to be saved between level-ups.
- This is one of the things I'm concerned about as well. With an attribute cap of 5, you can run out of things to spend points on not that far into the game, but with ever-increasing point costs, a cap of 10 would mean you could run out of points well before you run out of things to spend them on.

8. Damaged items can only be partially repaired using the repair skill in the field:
Only allow X% of weapon or armor durability to be repaired “in the field” depending on the repair skill level. The remainder has to be repaired by a craftsman in a town or by the PC at an Anvil in a town.
A sword has 100/100 durability. After several fights it is reduced to 70/100 and loses 30% of its total damage ability. You have repair skill of 1 and can repair 10% of the damage or 3 points. The sword is now at 73 of 100. That’s not a lot at level 1 repair. If you had put a point into the Grease Monkey talent, you could double your repairs, or repair 20% at level 1 repair, or 6 points of damage. If you were level 4 repair with Grease Monkey you could repair 80% in the field, or 24 of 30 points of damage. The remaining points would need to be repaired by a master smith in a town or city. Once you repaired the item in the field the unrepaired damage could not be attempted for repair in the field again. So the sword would have stats of 94/100/6. If you kept fighting with it and it took another 30 points of durability damage, you could repair up to 87/100/13. The 13 unrepaired points would have to be repaired by a master smith. A level 5 repair could be considered a master to allow full repairs in the field (I’m not sure if there is a skill level cap post alpha.)
- I agree with having the Repair skill only be able to repair items partially until you max it out, but if you max out Repair, you should be able to do it in the field - having to go back to town is just needless busy-work. I'm also not sure that having damage dip quite so rapidly with durability loss is a good idea either, that could be very annoying.

3. Dead orcs bodies are containers. Create a corpse or skeleton container shape for dead corpses. Call it, “corpse”!
- Yes, maybe make it a tombstone-shaped container so it can serve as a generic "dead thing" container.

5. A level 4 water mage summoned a level 5 Water Elemental. The tool tip says the elemental is capped at the casters level, but it isn’t.
- Still needs balancing work, and the tooltip is a work in progress.

6. Obedient and Independent traits both add to Willpower which is a mage skill. How about something like Obedient adds to constitution, Independent add to Dodge instead? Skills that all class types could benefit from.
- Swen said that the Trait system is due for an overhaul and they'll be changing a bunch of things.

1. The Blitz Bolt electrify effect and the water elemental ice wall ice surface effects are too overpowered. I stood on one side of a pool of water and cast Blitz Bolt at the surface. As the orcs entered the water they were stunned for several rounds. I was able to recast the Blitz Bolt as soon as the electricity on the waters’ surface dissipated. Either increase the cool down of the Blitz Bolt so the NPCs have a chance to move. Or give the NPCs increasing levels of resistance per round. 5%, then 10%, then 15%, etc. The longer they survive the more they can resist the attacks.
The ice surface is the same way. A water elemental can cast the ice wall on NPCs and freeze them in place. Once the ice wall is destroyed a huge ice surface remains that causes the surviving NPCs to continually slip and fall.
- Doing something in this area seems like a good idea, it is a bit easy to lock enemies down forever using magic.

Posted By: X-tasy Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 03:10 PM
Well i am not sure if it is a bug, but after i solved the philosphers quest (with 5 times quickloading) there spawned a chest, which looked differently from most of the chests in the game. So i was excited toopen it, but there was only 4 gold in it. I know this is alpha(blablabla) but it was like "oh a supermagical chest" and i expected like at least 400-500 gold and then there are only four goldpieces in it. It was superdisappointing but still a bit hillarious.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 04:28 PM
- Rangers start with "Tactical Retreat", which lets them teleport while leaving behind a smoke cloud.
You can buy the "Tactical Retreat" book in the market from the arrow seller, but it's second name is "Scorched Earth", and its description is that it leaves behind a fire surface. That is correct, it does indeed leave fire behind, and so you can't actually get the same skill as Rangers start with.

- Also civilians don't mind if you use that skill to set them alight.

- Firefly says that the fire radius is 1 meter. Yeah right, more like 4 meters. That's so freaking huge that it's more of a hazard to your teammates than a benefit to them.
Posted By: Cromcrom Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 04:36 PM
All those bugs are really scary.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 04:55 PM
It would have been scary if they had stuck to the February 28th release date. But if they manage to fix even just the most important bugs by whenever it comes out, it's already going to be a fantastic game.
Posted By: Louis Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 09:27 PM
When i Click on PNJ 1, I talk to PNJ 2. I can't talk to PNJ one.

[Linked Image]
image a telecharger gratuitement
Posted By: Vladimir B Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 10:27 PM
Hidden Crypt X:751 Y:303
experience gives many times bug
Posted By: Wir3dW0lf Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 10:44 PM
Found an invisible wall. It was by the wagon in front of the Cook's House.
Posted By: Wir3dW0lf Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 05/02/14 10:49 PM
After going with Zixzax to the Weaver. I was unable to talk to anyone. Interact with 90% of everything. Couldn't finish the murder after I went into the murder scene. I got the two extra companions. Can't do anything.
Posted By: Louis Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 01:21 AM
Each time i'm going in this room i get XP.

Posted By: Raze Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by Buzkill
I was walking my party across some ice (after combat) and Rod kept failing the saving throw for knockdown after every step, ended up taking 5-6 tries to cross the ice.

Was Roderick farther away, so he was trying to run, while the others walked?
Posted By: Buzkill Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 06:50 AM
Rod was the active character at the time.

I cant remember if he was trying to run or walk at the time.
Posted By: Gwizzz Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 08:10 AM
@Stabbey I appreciate your feedback on my feedback. But, I have to disagree about not including options for the sneak bush and the RIP headstone. The point of making this franchise is to make money so you can continue to make more titles in the future.

Creating Options may take a little extra coding but they make for a larger audience of happy players. Happy players recommend the game to their friends. Word of mouth sales is HUGE in gaming. I would make the game as configurable as possible to attract the widest audience possible.

Just think of some of the longer running titles; Baldurs Gate and the Elder Scroll Series. They have lots of options and the ability to change the game though mods.

Divinity Original Sin has all the makings for being a classic title that is talked about with fond memories years from now. It just depends on how much time and effort the devs want to invest in game features and content. From what I've seen so far they are very open to ideas that make the game appealing to both new and hard core RPG players.

Options could be configured on the fairly empty options screen on in a config file. Either way works as long as the ability to make the desired changes are there.
Posted By: xardas22 Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 09:30 AM
When entering the cook's house I keep on getting the question whether the chicken should live or not, I keep on getting compassionate + 1.
Posted By: hydraxos Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Louis
When i Click on PNJ 1, I talk to PNJ 2. I can't talk to PNJ one.

[Linked Image]
image a telecharger gratuitement

can confirm this one.
what i did:

  • walked first time in city
  • spoke first with npc 2
  • DONT spoke with 1 (not 100 percent certain)
  • fire breaks out
  • rainspell to extinguish it
  • spoke with npc 1 but view and dialog from npc2 was shown
Posted By: Loadrunner Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 10:19 AM
- You can't confront the mortician with the fake sheep body if you talked to him about "jakes body" prior owning the death sheep.

- You cannot give the sheep ownerin the 100 Gold you got from the mortican as repay for killing her sheep. (maybe it's intended this way dunno)

- Arhu's stash gets duplicated multiple times. I guess it happens everytime he shifts from human form to cat form and vice versa.

- You can trade with Dietman before the fight. He will eventually drop everything you gave him except gold.

- I let Jack 'the chicken that got away' live but couldn't talk to him because i hadn't got the petpal perk yet and planned to do that later. However in the meantime he walked into one of the tents (the one where barrels are standing in) on the opposite side of the mess and was unreachable there, because you can't turn the camera to a degree where you can look inside the tent.

- The spell 'Minor Flare' is a standard spell of the wizard. Strangely i could buy and LEARN this spell again (from Arhu or the fireelemental in the homestead not sure anymore). What happend then the Spell 'Minor Flare' got added to the Skillbook again and the original Spell turned into another Spell 'Initiate's Flare' with the same effect but with lower ap cost and less damage. At least that's what i think was happening because 'Minor Flare' in the action bar got automatically replaced by the other spell. Other theory is that the book is titled wrong and that the action bar got confused by two spells with the same name randomly choose one.

- I found stacking and non stacking 'Empty Potion Flask' stacks (pun intended). Had a stack of 15 stacking flasks and one with 3 but couldn't combine them. Maybe they are different but accidentally share the same title.

- I happend to have a non reachable item in the inventory. What does that mean? The inventory grows and shrinks with the amount of items you find. I had so many items in the inventory so it got pretty big and one of the last items was a sword. When i selled alot of that stuff (i forgot the sword though) the inventory shrinked back to a normal size and the sword got inaccessible in the inventory. I wouldn't have noticed if the trade window wouldn't have showed me a big scrollbar for my inventory. I scrolled down and found the sword but couldn't place it in the trade window. Looked into my inventory and saw there wasn't a sword. I forced the inventory to grow by placing items at the bottom of it until i reached the row with the sword.

- The killing of enemies by allied forces doesn't yield any experience.

- The door at the lighthouse got destroyed during the fight but the magical lock remained intact. I could guide my party through the door but couldn't get back outside.

- You can carry crates and other containers in the inventory and you can open them from there too. At least you can do that for a certain time after putting the container in your inventory. After a while or reloading you can't open them anymore. You can see the opend container for a millisecond before it close automatically. To fix that issue you have to drop the container on the ground put it back into your inventory.

- Sometimes the leading (and therefore talking) person switches without my doing e.g. when you get teleported to the homestead the first time or use the teleporter stone in the inventory for the first time. My active character was always Roderick but after the teleport and the automatic engaging conversation it was Scarlett. Bad if you have to use reason, intimidate and so forth and that character is bad in that particular area.

- You can phoenix dive jump over the closed gate in the black cove that leads to the big crab.

- Dualdialogs between Roderick and Scarlett seem to trigger just once per installation (sounds stupid i know)?. For example the conversation about the guy who jumped of the cliff, the fleeing chicken or the guy who burned his house. This dialogs never occured again for me. Not when reloading not in a new game.

- Had a rare bug where all ingame text lost its position even the buttons of the menu were affected and therefor unlabeled. This bug was triggerd by an action in the inventory but i don't know what exactly. Alt tabbing out of the game and back fixed that issue.

- The teleportation mechanic that keeps the player inside the alpha boundaries somtimes had the effect that the teleported character was shown at the new and the old position. Just in case this mechanic is used somewhere elese.
Posted By: touvez Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 12:19 PM

Here are different bugs i have found during the last version.

- Get stuck in the light house the first time i get in (unable to get out of it via the entrance)* On the second play it did the same ( i broke the door and had to tp on my way out ; wasn t able to get out or in the lighthouse)

- Same thing happened when i went i went in Esmeralda room( the one lock) unable to get out.
- Like said in the upper post , the phoenix dive jump allow us to get over the black ominous gate ,and in any other locked room ( can get in any locked house via this trick) (i think it s ok if you can jump over a river , tree or any other element but not in a house or room via the roof)

- Water fall after the first cave(where we find the kind of robot) is a lot higher than the river.(x=92 y=322)

- Key shortcut 0 isn't working ( no problem for the number 1 to 9 but 0 is not selection the spell)( tried in azerty and qwerty)

- If i wait too long to resurrect my partner , his/her body disappear in the ground and can t resurrect him/her because there is no more body ( also is a healing spell was applied before the death , it will keep healing him/her, maybe it thinking the character is alive and remove the body from the ground ?)

Sorry if some of this as already been wrote)
Sorry for my english.
Posted By: Wristan Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 12:37 PM
This is my first post for Divinity Original Sin and it's 4am in the morning as I post this so if their is any spelling mistakes it due to being tired.

Anyway so I'm not sure if these bugs have already been reported or not, but I'll just go ahead and report them incase.

Bug 1: When using Phoenix Dive you can by pass lock doors with it. So if you can't pick that lock, just teleport on the other side. Sure surprised the wife in the mayor's house when i flamed teleported in knocking her and the bath tub back on the re-entry. end result was hitting her with giant two handed weapon.

So i don't think the ability was ment to be use that way.

Bug 2: When entering a place the rewards you experience for exploring you can get it over and over again. You just sit there and run around in the same location and it will keep giving you EXP. Though it stop sorta if you got into character inventory, but all you have to do is exit and re-enter to restart it back up.

Bug 3: This is just a minor issue, when you enter trade on a NPC you can't scroll one your back in the dialog box. This can be fixed if you click on any of the subjects there is to talk about. So nothing that can't be worked around.

Well this is about all i can think of at the moment, if i run into any other bugs I'll make sure to post them.

Now time for some sleep.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Gwizzz
@Stabbey I appreciate your feedback on my feedback. But, I have to disagree about not including options for the sneak bush and the RIP headstone. The point of making this franchise is to make money so you can continue to make more titles in the future.

I don't care for the RIP headstone either. However, Larian has said that they can't have options for everything or else the options page will be a mile long, and people have asked for options for everything.
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Loadrunner
- The spell 'Minor Flare' is a standard spell of the wizard. Strangely i could buy and LEARN this spell again (from Arhu or the fireelemental in the homestead not sure anymore). What happend then the Spell 'Minor Flare' got added to the Skillbook again and the original Spell turned into another Spell 'Initiate's Flare' with the same effect but with lower ap cost and less damage. At least that's what i think was happening because 'Minor Flare' in the action bar got automatically replaced by the other spell. Other theory is that the book is titled wrong and that the action bar got confused by two spells with the same name randomly choose one.

The Skill you get when you first create a Wizard is called Initiate's Flare. The Minor Flare teaches a more powerful flare. I would rather the Minor Flare take the place of Initiate's Flare instead of having two. But I don't know if that's the intention.

Originally Posted by Loadrunner
- You can carry crates and other containers in the inventory and you can open them from there too. At least you can do that for a certain time after putting the container in your inventory. After a while or reloading you can't open them anymore. You can see the opend container for a millisecond before it close automatically. To fix that issue you have to drop the container on the ground put it back into your inventory.

This is not a time factor but a location factor. If you move too far away from where you originally picked up the container, etc, then it will do the open/close thing, because they are coded to close if you walk away from them. Hence why dropping it and picking it up fixes the issue momentarily. You have given it a new location so now it will open if you stand close to that spot.

Originally Posted by Loadrunner
- Dualdialogs between Roderick and Scarlett seem to trigger just once per installation (sounds stupid i know)?. For example the conversation about the guy who jumped of the cliff, the fleeing chicken or the guy who burned his house. This dialogs never occured again for me. Not when reloading not in a new game.

That's weird. I just tested this as I thought it worked fine in my second play through of this build, and it in fact worked. I know there was some bleed over from previous saves before. I haven't checked to see if this is still an issue.
Posted By: teakey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 04:50 PM
First time making a bug report. I read through this thread so if these were noticed in previous versions, sorry, but I don't have comprehensive knowledge and am just gonna slap down what I noticed.

- I think this was noticed already, but you can teleport NPCs and they don't count it as attacking them. I thought I read something about it being fixed, but I can still do it. It makes sneaking by places and killing very easy. For instance, grouping up these fellows for slaughter:
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

On that note, attacking Evelyn before her dialogue made her upset, but not in a fighting mood, and doing it too much makes her try to run away and disappear. And
  • When you first enter the lair and meet the 3 cultists enroute to Evelyn, 2 of them are friendly if you click on them for dialogue. The right & left Black Cultists are happy to see you, the Source Hunter, and will talk. Only the middle one spits and starts a fight. Then the other 2 join in like they've hated you all along.
  • Evelyn's fight dialogue goes twice. Once when I clicked on her, and then the word "FIGHT!" flashed across the screen, and she said everything a second time.
  • I was able to just walk by Evelyn, without fighting, if I wanted to. I could just open the door to downstairs and everyone ignored me. When I spoke with Jake, the journal said I'd defeated Evelyn.

  • Cecil calling his daughter Vicotria was already mentioned. In case it helps, the exact line goes, "Yes, Vicotria's come a long way."
  • I haven't seen this one mentioned yet: when running on the beach near the orc camp, Roderick says, "Carefull, dead orc." There should be only 1 L in careful.

  • Sometimes when engaging NPCs in conversation, other people's dialogue choices would come up under the word (continue.). For example, when I talked to the Pincer crab at x26y345, the first time, I got: "1. (continue) mortician 2. Eglandaer 3. Let's change the subject." It looked like the mortician's name was under "(continue)", but only (continue) was clickable. So, Aureus' who-should-I-arrest dialogue choices appeared, but thankfully didn't do anything.
  • If you talk to the grieving orc on the beach, Bognard, as Roderick things go well. But there's a bug if Scarlett does it first. If you decide not to loot the bodies and to be kind, the two will go on about looting orc corpses anyway. The journal reflects things accurately, but their pop-up, white text dialogue - over their heads - says stuff about being eager to loot bodies.
  • There's a parchment stuck in a wall at about x176y81.
  • When fighting the pirates, I tried to have Scarlett cast chain lightning, and she got glitch-teleported to the chalky lever.
  • Already mentioned, but the crabs in the cove, near the levers, don't fight back. It felt like murder. They just kept going "Kriiii" and staring at me.

And probably the biggest bug I found, is that you can't exit to the beach the same way you came in. The Black Cove cave entrance lets you in, but if you try to exit that way, you go to what looks like a test area. I was able to run around a lot and check out the landscape. At one point I found a stretch of water and thought I was going to find treasure since it looked like a pathway. I followed it a long time. There was no treasure. (She's wearing her victory trophy, Bellegar's robes, hence the bikini look.)
[Linked Image]
Posted By: Singbird Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 07:38 PM
I was scrolling the camera when I was forced into conversation with the fish thief, and the camera didn't stop scrolling. It kept scrolling for the whole conversation and wouldn't reset even afterwards. A reload fixed the issue. I was probably using the fake fullscreen mode.
Posted By: Galaleo Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 08:27 PM
Few things/bugs I've found,

Item - Parchment, can't read or pick up/ stuck in wall CORD: x180 y82

Room with Billeh Gahr - Repeats question everytime you step on plate, Button under rug doesn't work, free exp if 3rd or 4th party member walks back and forth through doorway

Cave Central Office - Additional exp if you go in and out of hatch in floor, -x440/y147 lever teleports you to mound with no way of escaping (not sure if unfinished or bug)

Keys are not consumed when used on correct door (recommend either making consumable or key pouch w/unlim space

Rouge's Don't Duel wield even though they strike once with blade and again with empty hand
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Galaleo
-x440/y147 lever teleports you to mound with no way of escaping (not sure if unfinished or bug)

If you mean the one with the skeletons, I'm sure that's by design. You can return to the Homestead, or if you separated your party you could use the teleporter pyramids to get down.
Posted By: Buzkill Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 09:34 PM
Found another unlimited XP bug at x:102 Y:376, when heading to the chest there.
Posted By: Buzkill Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 09:38 PM
And another at x:27 y:358
Posted By: lokitrixter Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 06/02/14 09:41 PM
We know that the exploration xp is broken. It has been mentioned a lot. The change to the companions is the cause. Hopefully they will fix it with the new update.
Posted By: Mingnon Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 07/02/14 04:50 AM
Seems I have dug myself a bit of a hole with Esmerelda. I tried to haggle at first, but even with a few gold short, the message says 'Your offer insults me!' I tried to fix this, even by giving her a few gold higher than the asking price, and she continues to be 'insulted'.

So I decided, 'Geez, if she's going to be prissy', and killed her... and three other guys.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 07/02/14 04:51 AM
This is a cute one:

I had a pretty good magic dagger, but it broke. Without any working repair, I sold it to a vendor. I had to replace it with a normal version of the same type. I use that one for a while, and it's now down to 5 durability itself.

I go back to the vendor I sold my magic dagger to, and she still has it for sale - only NOW, it has 80/80 durability. Naturally, I bought it... only to discover that once it was in my inventory, it was in fact at 0 durability, not 80.
Posted By: Loadrunner Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 07/02/14 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by lokitrixter
Originally Posted by Loadrunner
- The spell 'Minor Flare' is a standard spell of the wizard. Strangely i could buy and LEARN this spell again (from Arhu or the fireelemental in the homestead not sure anymore). What happend then the Spell 'Minor Flare' got added to the Skillbook again and the original Spell turned into another Spell 'Initiate's Flare' with the same effect but with lower ap cost and less damage. At least that's what i think was happening because 'Minor Flare' in the action bar got automatically replaced by the other spell. Other theory is that the book is titled wrong and that the action bar got confused by two spells with the same name randomly choose one.

The Skill you get when you first create a Wizard is called Initiate's Flare. The Minor Flare teaches a more powerful flare. I would rather the Minor Flare take the place of Initiate's Flare instead of having two. But I don't know if that's the intention.

Your totally correct about that case i got fooled by the fact that 'Minor Flare' had the same AP cost, at the point i obtained it, as the 'Initiate's Flare' had at the beginning of the game, that the icons for both spell are the same and that the mage companion only had learned 'Minor Flare'. This only raises the question why you can't buy 'Initiate's Flare' from a vendor.

Originally Posted by lokitrixter
Originally Posted by Loadrunner
- Dualdialogs between Roderick and Scarlett seem to trigger just once per installation (sounds stupid i know)?. For example the conversation about the guy who jumped of the cliff, the fleeing chicken or the guy who burned his house. This dialogs never occured again for me. Not when reloading not in a new game.

That's weird. I just tested this as I thought it worked fine in my second play through of this build, and it in fact worked. I know there was some bleed over from previous saves before. I haven't checked to see if this is still an issue.

I tested it again with a new game and surprisingly it worked for all three mentioned cases at least this time. However this doesn't change the fact that it didn't worked in my first playthrough last weekend. I still have the save games where the burned house and cliff guy dialog won't fire. I also checked the traits of the characters the first one is neither 'pragmatic' nor 'romantic' as it would have been if the first conversation was about the jumper.

I've recognized as well that some of the dialogs just fire for one character even though the other one stands right beside him/her.
Posted By: Samcay Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 07/02/14 11:59 AM
Hello ! There is some remarques (sorry for my english, I'm french).

It should be great if we can use our skil, like healing on big portrait of our team. Same for attaque skill on the ennemie portrait.

Is it possible to put some building name on the map ?

And there is big probleme for target the ennemie. sometime it's just impossible to do !

Thanks for this game it will be great smile
Posted By: Alix Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 07/02/14 01:01 PM
Yesterday I restard the game... all my wrintigs on the map from the last game are also in the new game.... dont know if this is a bug or a feature.
It's not so bad... I dont need to make new comments on my map (like "esmaraldas shop", or "taverne")

Posted By: Rothgar Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 08/02/14 08:52 AM
Trade Bug:
To Recap on a bug already reported for the devs to replicate, I wanted to get Ahru or whatever his name is in Cat form's exclamation mark weapon and I struggled to understand what the steps were.

You need to put any selectable item in the trade window and then drag that item from the trade window over the un-selectable item i.e. the exclamation mark item and it will swap places therefore allowing you to buy it if you have enough money.

Henchmen/Companion Battle Issues
If your henchmen person is not inside the room when a battle starts for instance and does not have line of sight it seems on the battle they do not participate. I killed one person in the doorway and then the henchmen moved and started participating.

Murder Quest Bug
We ended up in a battle in the Inn and killed all people in there and the guard died in the process, we got the key and when we went to the door, the dead guard attempted to stop us and when we said we had been granted access he said he would help but of course he was dead and not able to quite do so.

Killing NPC's
Sometimes NPC's do not seem attackable if they are in dialogue? maybe, not sure but once they move they become attackable. Not all the time but sometimes this happens.

Henchmen/Companion in Co-Op
There is a bug where if the host has picked up both companions they can't link one to a second player?

If the second player talks to the henchmen/companion it gets linked. However if the second player disconnects and reconnects the link is broken and we have not tested any further from there yet.
Posted By: Singbird Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 08/02/14 10:36 AM
The chicken scene in the cook's place triggered multiple times for me. First time I went in and camera scroll bug I mentioned earlier triggered, so I really had no idea what was going on. Then I changed back to my other main character after the game had auto-swapped them, and I triggered the scene again after walking in. Then I walked up to the cook and triggered the scene yet again. I talked to the cook and supposedly handed him the corpse or whatever (I don't know why; he's the one who killed the chicken). Then when leaving the house, I triggered the scene one last time.

I answered the heartless way every time.
Posted By: Rusty_TL Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 08/02/14 07:41 PM
Possibly Game Breaking
In the Market near Captain Jack, Roderick spoke to "citizen" who looks similar to Jack. Upon doing so, Roderick froze and fused with citizen. I could open inventory, skills menu, but nothing would change his frozen state. Madora and Scarlett were able to go on.

I saved and then quit game. When I came back in, it was resolved. Screenshot below of guilty citizen.

Unfortunately I don't have one of the fused state.
Posted By: Razzmann Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 08/02/14 07:46 PM
Ok, I just had the weirdest bug in DoS that ever happened to me. After the fight against Evelyn a random dog appeared in my "crew". I was not able too see him or was I able to look in his inventory/skills. There was just a picture of a dog attached to my other characters just like Madora etc.
Unfortunately a few minutes later the game crashed, but lucky me I made some screenshots. The pictures speak for themselves:
[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Rothgar Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 08/02/14 10:23 PM
Co-Op Waypoints
I am not sure if this should be in a feature request thread or here. When you are playing co-op and venturing in different directions, if one of you wants to use a waypoint everyone has to be there? Can this mechanic be changed for co-op to allow individual player teleporting (with any linked henchmen/companions) it is really annoying.

Some fights bug the game
There are certain fights where you end up with no action points, can't skip turn or flee (buttons are greyed). Tried using the "Enter" key also.

I've had this when killing the Legionnaires in the town near their training camp where I killed the two sparring ones and then after that battle walked a few steps and two other Legionnaires or guards ran in and started a battle but then it was in this bugged state and the only option we have found is to restore from a save.

We also had this when breaking in to Cecelia I think her name was house where she is in the bathtub. We were stealing stuff and she called two Legionnaires who came and we killed them, then my friend started breaking the door in her house to the next room and she became hostile along with two Legionnaires coming toward us from outside. Before the Legionnaires arrived he had one hit Cecelia while she was in the tub and then we ended up in this bugged combat state and again had to re-load from a save.
Posted By: Tegen Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 09/02/14 04:49 AM
Is the tornado spell suppose to attack the caster? lol. The spell also doesn't completely dissipate electrical clouds or poisonous clouds.
Posted By: Toone Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 09/02/14 09:27 AM
Not sure if this one has been reported before:

The Rush skill (Knight starting skill) allows me to enter locked houses without breaking or unlocking the door. My character just rushes into the house like there was no door at all.
Posted By: Rothgar Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 09/02/14 09:38 AM
Visual Bug
If you have for example a hammer on top of a barrel and then destroy the barrel, the hammer is floating in mid air.

Equipping Items during Combat (Co-op)
During combat I had no weapon equipped and used my turn and ended it, during my friends turn I was able to equip a sword without consuming action points/before my turn started.

NPC Combat Issue (Co-Op)
Not sure exactly how to replicate but if an NPC is talking aloud or if a co-op friend is talking to an NPC and you hit them, often combat does not start and you can kill them without any flag.

Arhu script bug
Arhu at the bridge was at the end of his conversation and about to teleport when I hit him with a sword and he flagged combat, after I died, we fled and he got bugged on the bridge and we checked he never arrived at his office.
Posted By: Razzmann Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 09/02/14 03:17 PM
Time for another bug :P
When casting the Air Elemental spell you summon (who would have thought that) an air elemental. Well, it works. Now the strange thing about it: When you summon elementals they disappear after a specific amount of time (when they are not in combat) but it seems like this does not work for the air elementals. They do not disappear but they stand still and keep looking in one direction. Also they leave a surface of electrified water under them. Here are some pics:
1 air elemental
[Linked Image]
5 elementals
[Linked Image]
aaaand another perspective
[Linked Image]
Posted By: SugarBooger Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 10/02/14 07:46 AM
I had a party of my two main characters, Roderick and Madora. I went to the lighthouse and on the stairs immediately before the lighthouse Madora just stopped moving. She doesn't move if I control her. She doesn't follow other party memebers.

The cool thing is that I haven't run into any other bugs yet, but I'll help report them if I find them.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 12/02/14 11:49 AM
Was there supposed to be a new update today or am I misremembering things? Kind of stoked to see what the changes will be.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 12/02/14 12:05 PM
From a thread on Steam:

Originally Posted by Lar
We're testing the patch now - it's looking pretty solid but we still want to test it tomorrow throughout the day. Expect it on thursday.
Posted By: SteamUser Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 12/02/14 01:02 PM
Bug - Content

Priority - Low

You can purchase the inn key off >old elf psycho< for 1gp without triggering him moving to the inn. This allows you to loot his room before he arrives - I forgot to check if this broke his script, something to check.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Low / Medium

Along with certain skill bonuses not working (+1 sneaking comes to mind), the romantic trait only gives +1 to luck, no matter how much you have in it. I currently have +2 romantic, and am capped at 5 luck [base:2 / perk lucky rabbit +1 / gear + 1 / romantic +1]. However, it does appear that luck is working on loot drops (yay!).


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

You can loot x2 smelly items from Cecil - boots from his room, his ring via the "swap trade items" bug [note: I assume that these criminal flagged items in inventory are there for pickpocketing when implemented], Jake only has one response for either. i.e. conversation flag is only triggered once. Not an issue, but might be if ring is stolen then sold and the boots not looted (?).

Cecil's Smelly ring doesn't appear to trigger Jake's conversation.

(Edit - scratch that; I had the ring in inventory on my pet-talking character, and it didn't trigger the option until I gave her the boots. Amended.)


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Medium

I took the assassin perk with a fighter - I cannot get backstab to work at all, even when starting fights behind an opponent; I'm presuming it isn't implemented yet. [It may be that backstab is also dependent on other skills? The fighter has luck 5, an attempt to max crits at the same time].


Balance - Mechanics

Priority - Medium / High

Int 10 giving +2 skill points is INCREDIBLY unbalancing. Non-mages are totally outstripped even by level 5 (+8 SP). By level 8, that's +14 SP. At the very least, Str / Int / Dex should give bonus SP only to certain skill classes. e.g. Str 10 -> +2 SP for Warrior skills, Dex 10 -> +2 SP for Survivor skills, Int 10 -> +2 SP for Mage skills.

This would go a little way to balancing this issue.


Balance - Mechanics

Priority - Low

Crafting a shield using rope + wooden lid only ever gives a wooden shield [not fully tested - level 3, crafting level 2 atm]. This is fine, however is an anomaly with regards to other progressing crafting skills. e.g. dagger + branch => spear that levels with the player level / crafting skill.

I don't think other shield crafting recipes are implemented atm; it might be the case that those "level up".


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Medium

This was noted in a prior build, but worth noting again. Playing around with the Conversation battles and attempting to force outcomes (e.g. using a charm:0 bonus vrs a rational:3 bonus to get the opposition outcome you'd like) often has the opposite effect. i.e. the player with the lower score wins the conversation battle. At the moment there doesn't seem to be any real consistency to the checks.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Low / Medium

Again, testing the social bonuses, I am unsure if/when they come into effect. The hostile bonus (+5% damage) goes white when it is higher than compassion (leading me to think it has come into play), however it is hard to tell if it's stacking. My fighter currently has +5 (+25% damage bonus) through abusing the chicken* - I'm attempting to check if this is a stacking bonus. If it is, boy is that one to :cheese:.


Rampant Sexist Nonsense Alert

Priority - Low / Medium

Having a conversation with the random woman in the market as a female character leads to the discussion over whether or not being threatened by males who approach to 'chat them up' in society is a rational response (HINT: YES IT IS, RAPE IS REALLY FUNNY BROS!), leading to...

A bold +1 or timid +1 bonus. Cut this shit out, it isn't clever nor is it funny. At the very least, a rational +1 / romantic +1 would be more correct in terms of correlation with the dialogue.

Oh, the bug? If you trigger this with a female character, you can spam the conversation bonus. i.e. multiple triggers.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - High

Over-all the social mechanics seem borked. Ones that effect Mage skills seem to work into the multiple regions (e.g. it is perfectly possible to get +3 to water magic) while those effecting Survivor skills seem either not to work (sneak), or to give only a +1 bonus (romantic seems capped at +1). Some seem only to work if the social trait is white (i.e. higher than its opposite) while some give both bonuses; this may be because some social traits don't have bonuses.

Over-all, the social traits favor mages to an extreme at this point, and need consistency to allow players to abuse the crap out of the conversation trees build a character they'd like.


1) Make it clear if being active (white) triggers the bonus or not. If this is the case, make it extremely clear to the player.

2) Stacking bonuses clearly favors mages, as their primary skills, as do the social skills benefiting said skills.


Bug - Content Omission?

Priority - Low

Given the amount of banter surrounding joining the 5 conversations (regarding loot / willing to be lead etc), it's strange that refusing to join the 5 (which is the entirely sane thing to do, given you are source hunters and they're quite clearly all poseurs) gives no bonuses. In fact, it cuts down a quest.

Suggestion: have a quest fork for finding Tom. e.g. "Proving the 5's incompetence".

*Now there's an out-of-context quote!
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 12/02/14 01:59 PM
Re: Traits - Someone complained about the same thing you've complained about, and Swen posted this in response.

(Trait) Bonuses for Conversation are Ambiguous
Originally Posted by "Lar"
We'll be going through the traits system shortly and you can expect changes. The assignment [of] boni so far was rather arbitrary and served more as a test of the dev pipeline. Your points are very valid btw & reflect the original vision more than the system as is.

Re: Backstab - I do know that Backstab with larger weapons via the Assassin Talent was possible in earlier versions, so it should still be working unless a patch broke it. I've found that the proper positioning of Backstab can be a bit finicky - it's not always clear where you have to stand to be considered in position for a backstab.

Re: Intelligence points granting more Abilty points:

Intelligence and ability points
Originally Posted by “Lar”
We removed the impact intelligence has on the ability points you get. The change will be in the next update.

Posted By: Raze Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 12/02/14 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by SteamUser
Suggestion: have a quest fork for finding Tom. e.g. "Proving the 5's incompetence".

You can talk to Tom's sister in the town hall and get a quest to find him.
Posted By: Bittereinder Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 12/02/14 08:47 PM
I just hope we'll be able to kick the Fabulous Five's asses later in the game.

Originally Posted by Stabbey
From a thread on Steam:

Originally Posted by Lar
We're testing the patch now - it's looking pretty solid but we still want to test it tomorrow throughout the day. Expect it on thursday.

Thanks, seems like Steam is the place to be if you want to stay up-to-date.
Posted By: SteamUser Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 12/02/14 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Stabbey
Re: Backstab - I do know that Backstab with larger weapons via the Assassin Talent was possible in earlier versions, so it should still be working unless a patch broke it. I've found that the proper positioning of Backstab can be a bit finicky - it's not always clear where you have to stand to be considered in position for a backstab.

I'm guessing you don't get a tool-tip change indicating you'll do a backstab then? Might be a nice GUI idea.

Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by SteamUser
Suggestion: have a quest fork for finding Tom. e.g. "Proving the 5's incompetence".

You can talk to Tom's sister in the town hall and get a quest to find him.

Yes, I'm aware you can get that quest - however, learning from >5 guy outside the tavern< that he sent Tom off to the cave doesn't update it - nor does finding Tom seemingly finish the quest (??). Edit - is Tom already dead? Is he one of the injured ones? The quest is reported as finished, but I don't think (?) there's an option to tell the poor woman about it to bring it to a narrative conclusion. i.e. It simply ends in the cavern, not in the Library where you'd assume it would. [My save isn't at the point to test this atm, won't have time before next patch to rush it]

Suggestion - might be an idea to have an interim Journal update to this quest on interrogating >5 guy outside the tavern< whether or not you decide to join the 5. i.e. flesh the quest available a little. e.g. "Journal Entry: We have learnt that Tom has gone off on some fool's errand at the behest of the '(in)famous five', we should investigate further..."

Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 12/02/14 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by SteamUser
Originally Posted by Stabbey
Re: Backstab - I do know that Backstab with larger weapons via the Assassin Talent was possible in earlier versions, so it should still be working unless a patch broke it. I've found that the proper positioning of Backstab can be a bit finicky - it's not always clear where you have to stand to be considered in position for a backstab.

I'm guessing you don't get a tool-tip change indicating you'll do a backstab then? Might be a nice GUI idea.

Actually, my idea was to have some kind of chevron in the circle under the enemy, indicating which direction enemies were facing. The only problem with a backstab tooltip is that you need to be in backstab position to see it, and if you aren't, you need to spend another AP to move into the right position.

Posted By: SteamUser Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 12/02/14 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Stabbey

Actually, my idea was to have some kind of chevron in the circle under the enemy, indicating which direction enemies were facing. The only problem with a backstab tooltip is that you need to be in backstab position to see it, and if you aren't, you need to spend another AP to move into the right position.

I've not looked into the underlying mechanics of "flat-footed", "flanked" and so forth. I suggest that without being in stealth, you shouldn't be able to backstab an opponent unless they've another toe-to-toe opponent (aka, why Dark Souls backstab is so broken).

Without knowing the exact bonuses the close combat effects give, it's hard to see if the mechanics are working correctly (i.e. perks are there to prevent being flanked etc).
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 12/02/14 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by SteamUser

I've not looked into the underlying mechanics of "flat-footed", "flanked" and so forth. I suggest that without being in stealth, you shouldn't be able to backstab an opponent unless they've another toe-to-toe opponent (aka, why Dark Souls backstab is so broken).

I am not sure how much you've played around with Stealth. That's one of the things I have looked at in v114.

Right now, Stealth is difficult to use in combat. Enemies sight range is reduced by only about 5 meters with 5 points in Stealth, compared to someone who has 0 points into Stealth. That's not much. If you enter a 'lit' area, you're almost certainly going to get seen, and once you're seen in combat, there's currently no feasible way to try sneaking again.

Plus, while in Stealth, your movement is greatly reduced. Getting into a blind spot is mainly done by separating the party, and having the party engage the enemy while the rogue goes all the way around the other side. It can take a lot to AP to get near a target while sneaking - more than you'd think, because since the enemy is facing your party, it'll move towards them and away from you, meaning you have to move farther. We're talking 2-3 turns just moving in Sneak mode to get into position.

You can get away with many backstab attacks while sneaking, but there is a chance for the enemy to notice that it's getting stabbed in the back, and turn around, at which point stealth is out the window. Once sneak is broken, it can't be regained.

A rogue's strength is high mobility - the Speed attribute. While that does improve how far a Rogue can move in Sneak mode, it doesn't help enough to make moving only in Sneak move fun. If a Rogue could only perform backstabs while in Sneak mode, I feel that it would render the class useless, because Sneak mode is not that useful to use for combat.

A backstab with a dagger is not such an overpowered thing that it needs to be nerfed.
Posted By: singo Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 13/02/14 07:25 PM
Some have probably already mentioned these bugs but i won't read trough all posts. So i just want to be sure they are noticed.

- I get "explorer experience" ( don't remember the actual name) from places more than once, if i come back later.

- While walking i can't sheath my weapon, i need to be absolutly still to do it.

- I havn't been able to repeat this, but once when i teleported my knocked down ally, he remaned knockdown and couln't do anything more than lay.

- The minimap in the cave of "arhus failed experiment" is just monocolored.

- And thing about the chiken in the messhall is buged.
Posted By: Weidan Re: Bug Reports for 1.0.114 - 13/02/14 10:55 PM
Bugs, that I see in the game, at the very beginning:
1. hair female character visible through the helmet texture (Fortifying bonnet)
2. inventory items do not fall into the categories (switching categories not working)
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