Larian Studios
Posted By: Xzanron First hour with Beta 1.0.231 - 04/04/14 12:59 PM
I've run into a crash I cannot work around and have to restart.. so here are the notes I made so far.

Issues Encountered In Beta
  • Character portrait doesn't match character customization
  • When Evlyn used the stone I was teleported to Zaxx and had ! marks on characters, but I couldn't get them to talk.
  • The conversation mini-game seems stuck on tutorial mode, I cannot press space nor select my "weapon".
  • Clicking on a different character portrait doesn't change inventory
  • When I right click on my money in the cyseal market the nearest merchant tells me to stop touching his stuff.
  • Identifying doesn't seem to work. I have 1 lore-master and a magnifying glass, I get the progress animation but nothing is identified.
  • The orc says I can take books from the library, but if I try she tells me not to touch them.
  • Option "ESC closes all windows" does not work for conversation dialogues. It should pick the "I'm leaving" option.

Missing Features (just my opinion of course):
  • Can we put the teleport stone destination in the Rift Travel menu?
  • Need a way to sort the inventory
  • Would like a recipe book for things I know how to craft.
  • Walking speed seems a bit slow... "move already!!".
Posted By: Xzanron Re: First hour with Beta 1.0.231 - 04/04/14 01:04 PM
It would also be nice if keys that have been used successfully are made different from keys we don't know about yet. I have 3 ornate keys and no idea which opens what.
Posted By: Oztrich Re: First hour with Beta 1.0.231 - 04/04/14 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Xzanron

[*] Need a way to sort the inventory
[*] Would like a recipe book for things I know how to craft.

I'd second both of these.

Over time I'm accumulating blank squares in my inventory screen as it refuses to re-sort after I lose items. It's also a shame that some of the crafting specific items (e.g. a knife to cut various items) don't appear on the ingredients screen. I understand why this logically is the case, but certain crafting actions then have to take place in the all items view, along with dragging items around so they appear in the same screen...and all the blank squares. frown

I'm keeping a text file with recipes as I go, but it would certainly make sense that after you've crafted something once it becomes learned and appears in a crafting screen somewhere. Either for reference (another tab on the map/secrets screen?) or as an actual crafting interface to one click if you have the required ingredients.

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