Larian Studios
Posted By: Shidiwen Problem with AI Grid (Fixed it D/W) - 07/07/14 11:32 PM
My AI Grid keeps going under my map whenever i reload or whenever i toggle on and off the AI grid menu. Anyone know a fix?
Posted By: Control Re: Problem with AI Grid - 07/07/14 11:39 PM
Have you tried regenerating it?
Posted By: Shidiwen Re: Problem with AI Grid - 07/07/14 11:42 PM
If i regenerate it works temporarily but once i reload it goes back under the map, Never mind everyone i fixed it... lol
Posted By: Tiqon Re: Problem with AI Grid - 08/07/14 04:40 AM
You fixed it? Do you mind telling us how? In case anyone else runs into the same problem smile.
Posted By: Levaunt Re: Problem with AI Grid - 18/07/14 05:27 PM
I'm having this problem as well. To me it looks like the AI Grid keeps going back to the default height of the terrain. Anyone know what solution works?

I have an AI seeder with Global checked, and I've reloaded the level many times, and regenerated the grid. Nothing works so far.
Posted By: Feared Re: Problem with AI Grid - 18/07/14 05:31 PM
please tell us i am having the same problem.
Posted By: roguelike Re: Problem with AI Grid - 19/07/14 05:02 AM
Looks like something (the latest patch?) broke generating AI grids. It should be saving to mods/(your mod name)/levels/(your level name)/Ai instead it's saving to mods/(your mod name)/Ai. So when you load a level, you'll always get the old generated ai grid, frozen in time forever, unable to change.

Or at least, that's what started happening to me. As a workaround, after you make changes and save, you need close the editor and copy the from where the editor is saving it to its correct location.

Hopefully they will fix this soon since if you don't have an, your mod will immiediedly crash when you load it. To get around this, you have to generate ai the first time you make a level, then go and copy it over, manually creating the ai folder for your new level.
Posted By: Spaceman Re: Problem with AI Grid - 19/07/14 06:35 AM
Aww yeah, i just moved my AI folder to the supposed right place and now i can reload without crashing. Thanks man. This got rid of the black screen when trying to "preview" my level with the editor. Gotta pass the word.
Posted By: Tiqon Re: Problem with AI Grid - 19/07/14 07:19 AM
And indeed Spaceman did smile. Thanks for roguelike for the workaround!
Posted By: antonowitch Re: Problem with AI Grid - 19/07/14 03:01 PM
#Fixed indeed
Posted By: CoIIide Re: Problem with AI Grid - 19/07/14 09:06 PM
Thanks roguelike! This resolved my problem as well! Hopefully Larian will release an official fix for this soon.
Posted By: BlizZarktica Re: Problem with AI Grid - 20/07/14 03:50 PM
Can anyone maybe show, how to fix that, please. Would be nice, cause I don't know, how it works laugh
Posted By: Tiqon Re: Problem with AI Grid - 20/07/14 06:18 PM
Like Roguelike said:

"It should be saving to mods/(your mod name)/levels/(your level name)/Ai instead it's saving to mods/(your mod name)/Ai.... As a workaround, after you make changes and save, you need close the editor and copy the from where the editor is saving it to its correct location."

Posted By: Rymdkejsaren Re: Problem with AI Grid - 26/07/14 02:06 PM
Have my paths right and still nothing works. It worked for a while then broke again, now I get a black screen when loading a level and if I reload I crash. frown
Posted By: Vashie Re: Problem with AI Grid - 27/07/14 03:58 PM
I tried messing around with the editor today and was almost giving up because of crashes, black screen when trying to switch to game mode. It would be great if this could be fixed.
Posted By: Mipsy Re: Problem with AI Grid - 27/07/14 04:14 PM
AFAIK it's not totally fixed but the solution given earlier works just fine. Cut the AI file from your mod folder and put it into the Ai folder of your level instead.
Posted By: Hiver Re: Problem with AI Grid - 28/07/14 09:12 AM
Im having the crash too now, but im not sure if i broke anything before, actually.

Im seeing double folders of everything in the engine directories... ahem.

But anyway, a few questions about Ai grid.

I applied it once after i already changed a lot of terrain, made canyons, mountains, etc - then applied the grid. It applied looking like aproximately correct patches of green and red areas, but it would be necessary to add more smaller paths with the painting tool, which seemed to work.

SO im guessing the same happens if you do it early, then reload level (and it works) - then you go altering terrain and the Ai grid is changing with it - right?

And then you have to add more handpainted paths as necessary?

just checking...
Posted By: Mougwee Re: Problem with AI Grid - 05/08/14 07:13 PM
I started the editor for the first time today and only created a mod and level like described in larians recording.
The Editor crashed after reloading the level (the reload after the AI grid generation).
Now I thought roguelikes workaround should work.
But i've got only the Mods/(your Mod)/Levels/(your Level)/Ai path.
Either I'm completly misreading roguelikes post or I have only the correct path.

Anything else I could try?
Posted By: Noaloha Re: Problem with AI Grid - 05/08/14 07:30 PM

First thing I'd try would be to delete the 'AI Path' folder, open the Editor back up (it shouldn't crash), create AI grid again with Full Generate, then save and close the Editor. At that point, check the whereabouts of the new AI Path folder, make sure it's in Data/Mods/MODNAME/Levels/LEVELNAME, then open the Editor again, see if it crashes. Basically, see if it's replicable or simply a weird one-off.
Posted By: Mougwee Re: Problem with AI Grid (Fixed it D/W) - 06/08/14 03:31 PM
If I delete the AI path folder I can load the level again.
but after generating the grid again (witouth that reload level thing) I get the "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt"-Error like 10 times in a second while loading the level.
the path is again the same. it's still located at the correct location. (Data/Mods/MODNAME/Levels/LEVELNAME)

I've got the same error when I first entered the data paths wrong (and it disappeared after relocating it) but this should be right:
[Linked Image]

(I have Windows installed on my C drive and the game/editor on the D drive)

Other things that distrub me a bit (maybe connected to the same problem) are:
- Since placing a character on the first level the messagepanel tells me "Character MalePlayer_000 doesn't have an alignment"
- the RessourceManager shows me all folders two times

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Blablabla Re: Problem with AI Grid (Fixed it D/W) - 07/08/14 05:27 AM
I gave my player characters the "Hero Player1" and "Hero Player2" alignment in the sidebar. I found it in "alignment.lsx" at "Mods\Main\Story\Alignments" if you have unpacked the data.
Posted By: Noaloha Re: Problem with AI Grid (Fixed it D/W) - 07/08/14 05:32 AM
The double folders thing is troubling. It shouldn't be like that.

Did you use LSTools to unpak the folders? And did you place the unpakked files into your main game directory? If so, that might be causing the doubling issue, as the game may read from both the .pak file and the unpakked files. I don't know enough about it to say so with any certainty however. Maybe someone else could offer a bit more reliable insight.
Posted By: Mougwee Re: Problem with AI Grid (Fixed it D/W) - 08/08/14 11:26 AM
Thanks for the help so far guys. =D
I didn't unpack anything. I was really using the editor for the first time and the double folders were already there.

I was reinstalling the game and editor (the download is still running) when todays update news came up.

Editor fixes

AI grid generation fix
It's now easier to add new scripts
Fixed a number of crashes
Improved error reporting when there's an issue with file copying
Remove Perforce status icons if you don't have perforce

after i install and update both I give you anothe rupdate if theres any change to my problem.

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