Larian Studios
Posted By: eRe4s3r Death Knights in the Mines.... - 02/07/14 10:08 PM
I think I must have missed something fundamentally here...

I kinda "skipped" the mines a bit and.. well, you know how it goes, killing spider queens here, and cultists there...

so.. they are immortal and kill you with 3 hits... what am I supposed to do here?

I unlocked the mining office and got into a shuffle with the inhabitants there, which sort of ended up with everyone dead (goblins et al). I killed the necromancer totem and the cultists there too and got the temple password (Not quite sure what temple they mean though)

So basically everything left in this mine is the death knights... and I would really like to walk about without them.. how?
Posted By: Oathed Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 02/07/14 10:57 PM
Rumour has it that there's plenty of parts in the game that you need to walk away from, and come back later when you're bigger and tougher and the older kids can't push you around anymore.
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 02/07/14 11:40 PM
Figured I might as well do the White Witch quest first.. something else I apparently skipped. Wonder if this brings me any closer to being able to kill void enemies though.. since my homestead is kinda under attack right now ;p
Posted By: Deyve Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 12:35 AM
If you already destroyed the Bone Totem in the mines, you must have missed your characters reaction.

They say that with the Totem destroyed, the Necromencers should have lost their control upon the miners.

You should go talk to those miners smile

Tips : Go back to the mines entrance
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 12:44 AM
Yeah I talked to them, they talked and what not then they all died... but I am stumped what to do after that. I did this quest really badly out of order it seems (I was even so far as to fight in the Forest, which triggered the homestead attack ~.~) when I remembered that I completely forgot the mines and the white witch to boot.

Basically, because I did things so out of order, I am not really sure where to go and what to do now.

I really need a idiot proof hint here. Even if it involves "Do White Witch quest first"

(but then, where the heavens is the cave of that mage?) I just killed the fungus around the forcefield so meh, but my confusion increased ,P

Also funnily I am level 15, makes the battles in there a bit easier, thankfully. But it also means I must have missed a real huge part of the game when I skipped mines and white witch (apparently the entire fairy land)
Posted By: Deyve Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 12:55 AM
Yeah still didn't do the Witch ... Unable to find the scroll-that-destroy-the-barrier thing ...

For the miners, they tell you the password to open the big gate South-East in the mines (To the east of the second encampment of Immaculates).

Don't know if you remember but the password begins by a "S" (can't remember the rest though, it was answer nï½°4 i think).
Posted By: Sarcen Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:06 AM
I was putting them all in jail, not exactly sure how i was gonna progress beyond that point tho.

Was just hoping it would buy me enough time to figure out how to deal with them :P

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Deyve Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:14 AM
What an awesome idea ! x)
Posted By: LockeMurdock Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:15 AM
How did you manage to destroy the bone totem in the mines? All of the paths to it seem to be blocked off for me.
Posted By: Deyve Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:19 AM
What is blocking your way are destructible Cave-in, just Ctrl-Clic your way through smile
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:20 AM
Woah.. that is a really huge feat you managed there. But that can't possibly be the intended solution? Or can it? How many dozens of times have you died there?

The scroll that destroys the barrier... yeah. Haven't found that either, and I really looked. Funnily the fight against the fungi can be very dangerous if you have elemental weapons, just a heads-up. I actually died there (once) ;p

This doesn't seem like the intended solutions to EITHER quests though. Putting them in jail is something I contemplated... untl I saw how far they can run and how far my mage can run, and seriously.. my mage can tank, but he can't tank 3 attacks doing 250 dmg ;P

It's all very embarassing, I did not run through the game in a "In a hurry" mode at all... but I skipped the mines because I saw these knights and the white witch because I didn't want to kill the fungi.. and I literally completely everything else there, and found solutions to neither... stumped
Posted By: Deyve Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:28 AM
The walkthrough of the mines is as follow :
Destroy Totem -> Talk to Miners -> Slip through the Death knight to the big door at the extreme South-East -> Talk to the door and give it the password learned from the Miners

Make sure to do every side quest / fight before going through the door.
The Mines seems to automaticaly Cave-in at the end, so you won't be able to kill/talk to anyone in there.
Posted By: LockeMurdock Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:28 AM
D'oh! rolleyes

Thanks for that tip, sir. I assumed the cave-ins weren't selectable, or were made out of the same material Ornate Chests are, thus making them invulnerable.

Also, I agree about the White Witch quest not directing you terribly well. I wound up doing tons of higher-level stuff before I wound up getting annoyed and retracing my steps.

For everyone looking for a cave to find the barrier scroll, spoilers:

STOP looking for a cave. The scroll can be found on the heavily trapped hill right next to the drunk goblin area. It's in a hidden, buried chest at the top.
Posted By: Deyve Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:34 AM
Woot, thanks a lot, I never would have searched there ... Already looted the chest and all ...
I got it all wrong, I was trying to pass through the Troll King Cave ... Well I suppose that that's what goes next anyway ...
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:57 AM
Oh wow.. then the dialog should seriously stop talking about a cave ~.~ that confused the hell out of me...

Well so I will try to run to that door then.. I scouted around and didn't actually find it before though... so yeah ;p
Posted By: LockeMurdock Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:58 AM
Oh, quick tip: Careful on how you destroy the bone totem. Apparently you can one-shot the area with so much damage that the quest doesn't update. First time I did it, all the miners were still enchanted, but the totem was gone. -_-

Posted By: n3m3c1s Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 03:47 AM
re LockeMurdock's spoiler .. anyone know what perception level you need to see this? I'm at 9 and walked all over without spotting it.
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 04:09 AM
Ok.. I guess I can amend some things to this topic (since I started it) before going to bed

1) That scroll remains mystery to me as well, I got per 9 and don't see a digging place (which is why I completely missed this?)

2) Mines... OK everything got clearer after I found that door, completely MISSED it before, after some crazy sneaking... still missing her blood though. Gonna assume that involves later quest, either way, mines blown up. But... I am still confused... the log said "ancient magic" can kill them, so I guess they mean the spell I have now with her blood... well gee! Could have mentioned that in your log-book mr. dead immaculate dude in the mines ;p

3) The White Witch... that area is easy* after you figure out the barrier... and I rescued her after a nifty boss battle which was FAR easier when you outlevel the boss by 3 and have teneberium weapons..., now I have doubts whether I broke some quest by being this far ahead.. let's hope not... wink I think I have been everywhere in Lucca forest except the area thats on fire and has void creatures ~.~ (I wonder if that spell can then kill THEM as well?)

So basically, I still don't know how to kill void creatures to end a rain of fireballs in my homestead (good news, now it actually heals me half the time ,p) ~.~
Posted By: n3m3c1s Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by eRe4s3r

1) That scroll remains mystery to me as well, I got per 9 and don't see a digging place (which is why I completely missed this?)


3) The White Witch... that area is easy* after you figure out the barrier

so did you just dig until you found it?
Posted By: LockeMurdock Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 06:22 AM
Hm. I don't think I had anything too crazy back then. Most like anywhere from 9 to 11 in PER. I do recall that I read a piece of paper that was sitting on top of a box before my character spotted the mound, but I'm not 100% if they're linked or if it was just odd timing.

If you see a wooden crate with a note on top of it, read the note. That may trigger it.
Posted By: Aramintai Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 06:51 AM
There's an achievement called Time to Kill - "You have created a spell that makes Death Knights vulnerable". So this means there's a way to kill them.
Posted By: Deyve Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 10:43 AM
Leandra's Blood :
It's in the bloodied room in the hidden place beneath the Altar in the Immaculate kind of Cathedral thing, where you kill those two huge demon (A Fire and a Poison one).

Void Aura :
They are invincible, you should split through them until you reach a huge Blood Stone.
As stated by Zizzax when he told you about invading Void demons, only Tenebrium damage can hurt the huge Blood Stone.
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 12:48 PM
Thank you for your help, so just sneaking by then and hoping for the best.. only one of my lads has Tenebrium skill anyway wink So this should be easy, if teleport pyramids work, that is.

I know this seems like an odd issue, but I already discovered temple/immaculate village and everything else to boot. It's extremely confusing to have to retrace steps (and the game doesn't really seem to account for this all that much, since Arhu is constantly elsewhere, and does have different dialog depending on where is (which further confuses the issue)

Ps.: With per 8 now checking again, the ditch appeared... weird found scroll.. phew ^^
Posted By: Deyve Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 12:59 PM
Yeah I was having a hard time dealing with Spiders & whatnot while I was level 11.
A 3 level difference is somewhat of a handicap....

Now I'm 15 and fighting my way through level 11-12 mobs for the Witch quest ... No wonder I had problems.
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 01:29 PM
I don't think Larian planned for us to 1) Not wanting to kill fungi and 2) not understanding that "cave between 2 trolls" a hidden chest on a mound with dozens of traps wink Also, I found 3 trolls so the more i looked the more confused I got... ;p

I am lucky I didn't enter the temple ahead of time It seems... only now I found the "trick" to the temple hidden door...
Posted By: n3m3c1s Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by eRe4s3r
Thank you for your help, so just sneaking by then and hoping for the best.. only one of my lads has Tenebrium skill anyway wink So this should be easy, if teleport pyramids work, that is.

I know this seems like an odd issue, but I already discovered temple/immaculate village and everything else to boot. It's extremely confusing to have to retrace steps (and the game doesn't really seem to account for this all that much, since Arhu is constantly elsewhere, and does have different dialog depending on where is (which further confuses the issue)

Ps.: With per 8 now checking again, the ditch appeared... weird found scroll.. phew ^^

dont suppose you can post the x/y coordinates for the ditch? i potted u p to per 10 and couldn't locate it.
Posted By: n3m3c1s Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 02:03 PM
okay, how do you get out of the chain of green mirror portals in the temple?

I get options for Library, Crypt, Entrance Hall, and Office
Posted By: Deyve Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 02:08 PM
Entrance Hall -> Go South -> To the Sun option
Posted By: n3m3c1s Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 02:11 PM
ya just found it. had to really look at the map to figure it out :P
Posted By: yadedya Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by n3m3c1s
okay, how do you get out of the chain of green mirror portals in the temple?

I get options for Library, Crypt, Entrance Hall, and Office

Same problem but i dont have Entrance Hall options
Posted By: Deyve Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 02:33 PM
As I recall, each mirror takes you to different places...
I'm not sure if it is exactly like that but it should be something close to :

Crypt leads to Entrance Hall or Library

Library leads to Crypt or High Priest room
Posted By: n3m3c1s Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by yadedya
Originally Posted by n3m3c1s
okay, how do you get out of the chain of green mirror portals in the temple?

I get options for Library, Crypt, Entrance Hall, and Office

Same problem but i dont have Entrance Hall options

Crypt offers Entrance Hall option. head due south from there.
Posted By: n3m3c1s Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 02:37 PM
so on a somewhat related and hilarious note ...

After exiting the mines i saved and grabbed a bite to eat (exited the game).

Came back and my save loaded but everything was black, char portraits and screen (minus the UI). Loaded a previous save, and exited the temple again.

This time, my entire map was unexplored and as I headed to grab the scroll for the witch quest, I encountered goblins who I had killed previously. Looks like the entire zone has respawned on me!
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 02:52 PM
If you still have the save that you loaded where it was black, you should probably send that to Larian ;P I wish things would respawn on me, heh

Ps.: The ditch is to the right on the mound, right of the chest... i just drank a potion of perception and it appeared instantly, so YMMV

But I honestly have no clue how you'd find that if you follow what's said in the game. I think larian should maybe change "cave" to "hill" and "between 2 trolls" to "trapped" wink

So basically, a trapped hill. That would have INSTANTLY guided me to that place. ;p I looked for a cave for nearly an hour before giving up and just killing level 15 cultists (which by the way, are extremely hard to kill on level 12 ,p)
Posted By: Lar_q Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 02:54 PM
We would very much like to see that savaegame - it sounds as if files were not written away.
Posted By: n3m3c1s Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 03/07/14 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Lar_q
We would very much like to see that savaegame - it sounds as if files were not written away.

Sadly I deleted the save. At this point I've been making quick saves at every turn since I first had issues on launch day in this zone.

Accessed that file 3 times and each time same thing.
Map black, tool bar icons = black, entire screen outside of UI black.
Posted By: Ozymandias Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 04/07/14 02:26 AM

Thanks for revealing that location. I would have NEVER found that scroll without your help. How in the bloody world would anyone ever know to dig there?

The note on the box/barrel did not help btw.

The spell was indeed buried near the bush on top of the hill guarded by many drunk goblins and lava traps.

Live long and save often!
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 04/07/14 02:39 AM
Yeah the scroll thing is something larian really needs to somehow improve in a patch. Just changing the dialog of the mushrooms ought to do it. Seems like a tiny thing, but after the riddles (which were very "Larian" ;p) players don't expect to be mislead by a red herring.
Posted By: CWagner Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 04/07/14 09:31 AM
Oh, quick tip: Careful on how you destroy the bone totem. Apparently you can one-shot the area with so much damage that the quest doesn't update. First time I did it, all the miners were still enchanted, but the totem was gone. -_-

That's what happened to me. I thought I had missed something else that I'd find later.
So essentially the main quest is broken now? No way to cheat myself past the gate?
Posted By: Wdude Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 04/07/14 08:40 PM
it seems i messed up with the totem.... im stuck and im not going back to an earlier save... spent to much time looking around...
Posted By: strange Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 06/07/14 02:05 PM
does anyone know how to get to the miners after you destroy the bone totem? my path is blocked by a cave in.
Posted By: Kabada Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 06/07/14 10:44 PM
I can't find any bone totems. Nobody mentioned where that thing is even supposed to be...
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 06/07/14 10:49 PM
It's to the left when you enter the mines, behind a wall that you can attack (hold ctrl) and the miners are right there, at the start of the mine after you destroyed the totem (you can talk to any group though)
Posted By: Kabada Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 06/07/14 11:11 PM
Thanks. It's pretty fucking ridiculous that those cave-ins are destructible... Would never have found that. And now I have to sneak by the Death Knights? I've tried a dozen times and I never get too far... Or is there another option?
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 06/07/14 11:26 PM
You have to sneak wink to the extreme South-East .. there is a giant door where it asks for the password you get from the miners, and you are gonna need luck.. or invisibility potions.
Posted By: Bluestone Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 07/07/14 12:19 AM
I have the invisibility spell on one of my main characters, she went around looting everything.

Took me forever to find the bone totem and then I figured out the cave-ins could be destroyed.
Posted By: eFeX Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 07/07/14 08:27 PM
What if i.... accidently killed all the dead miners? any way to solve it?

And.. what if i had sell the spell to destroy de barrier of maradino?...

I should stop killing and selling everything i suposse.
Posted By: eFeX Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 07/07/14 08:41 PM
lucky me... there's a patch note in a table near the necromancers that has the secret word... fiug.
Posted By: Bartz Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 12:31 AM
I destroyed the totem, but the miners still are under mind control, now I have no idea how to proceed.
Posted By: LordCrash Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Bartz
I destroyed the totem, but the miners still are under mind control, now I have no idea how to proceed.

Don't destroy the totem with an AoE effect.
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 01:30 AM
I wonder if the last patch fixes this retroactively.... somehow I doubt it.. either way, the password is on a table in that same room. So you can still proceed.. afaik
Posted By: Bartz Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 02:02 AM
So short of starting a new game, can I complete the main Quest chain or am I sol?
Posted By: LordCrash Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by Bartz
So short of starting a new game, can I complete the main Quest chain or am I sol?

Try finding the password for the door in the mines. It's written on a letter in the same room where the totem is.
Posted By: Domibd Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Deyve
The walkthrough of the mines is as follow :
Destroy Totem -> Talk to Miners -> Slip through the Death knight to the big door at the extreme South-East -> Talk to the door and give it the password learned from the Miners

Make sure to do every side quest / fight before going through the door.
The Mines seems to automaticaly Cave-in at the end, so you won't be able to kill/talk to anyone in there.

I'm not sure which torem I'm supposed to destroy since I've wandered around so much looking for the mines. Could someone please tell me exactly where the totem is that I'm supposed to destroy so I can talk to the miners? Would appreciate any help you can give me.
Posted By: LordCrash Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Domibd
Originally Posted by Deyve
The walkthrough of the mines is as follow :
Destroy Totem -> Talk to Miners -> Slip through the Death knight to the big door at the extreme South-East -> Talk to the door and give it the password learned from the Miners

Make sure to do every side quest / fight before going through the door.
The Mines seems to automaticaly Cave-in at the end, so you won't be able to kill/talk to anyone in there.

I'm not sure which torem I'm supposed to destroy since I've wandered around so much looking for the mines. Could someone please tell me exactly where the totem is that I'm supposed to destroy so I can talk to the miners? Would appreciate any help you can give me.

It's in the first room on the left side at the very beginning of the mine. You have to destroy the rocks to get there.
Posted By: Domibd Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 07:28 PM
Thank you. I got through the door, talked to Leandra and now I'm told to run but I'm in combat and can't flee. What now?
Posted By: LordCrash Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Domibd
Thank you. I got through the door, talked to Leandra and now I'm told to run but I'm in combat and can't flee. What now?

The knights are slow. Just outpace them in combat mode. Walk away. wink
Posted By: Domibd Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 08:29 PM
Thank you but just where am I supposed to go? I can't find an exit.
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Domibd
Thank you but just where am I supposed to go? I can't find an exit.

You find an exit that is blocked by lots of crates and stuff.. just .. blow it all up? ,p
Posted By: Domibd Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 09:26 PM
Thank you so very much. I finally made it out of the mines and am going back to the city to rest, repair and heal a bit.

Once again I really appreciate the help.
Posted By: Bartz Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 09:59 PM
Any idea what to do if you destroyed the totem, the miners are still mc'd and there is no paper with the password on it in the totems room? I am assuming this is part of the main quest chain as it has to deal with leandra, do I really need to start a new game just to beat the game?
Posted By: LordCrash Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Bartz
Any idea what to do if you destroyed the totem, the miners are still mc'd and there is no paper with the password on it in the totems room? I am assuming this is part of the main quest chain as it has to deal with leandra, do I really need to start a new game just to beat the game?

Hm, seems like you can't do anything at the moment. Wait for a fix, I guess.
Posted By: Alix Re: Death Knights in the Mines.... - 11/07/14 10:39 PM
I Need to go back to the mines I think! I have to do something with leandras blood. But the teleporter only brings me down... is there no way back?
Somehow I had to finaly kill the Knigths, but how?
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