Larian Studios
Posted By: JTWibble Abilities Above 5 - 13/07/14 07:23 PM
I've noticed that my 2 handed warrior gains additional damage beyond the 2 handed ability cap of 5 when boosted by items. Is this true of all abilities?

For instance does sneak become more effective above 5?
Posted By: LordCrash Re: Abilities Above 5 - 13/07/14 08:04 PM
Posted By: jayws Re: Abilities Above 5 - 13/07/14 08:45 PM
Crafting and Blacksmithing both cap at 5, you get no additional benefits by having higher points in those. And I also believe that Leadership caps at 6.
Posted By: hopelessly Re: Abilities Above 5 - 14/07/14 10:39 AM
Like jay mentioned, there are some abilities that gain no real benefits from raising above 5. What that list is, hasn't been made yet.

To answer your Sneaking question, yes. The cones of sight get smaller, but it's entirely unnecessary, because 1: the cone of sight is already ridiculously tiny, and 2: Sneak already costs only 1 AP, which is honestly the only reason why you'd spend 5 points into it anyway.
Posted By: eidolon Re: Abilities Above 5 - 14/07/14 02:23 PM
Leadership at level 6 gives all your other party members in sight an additional
+1 Bodybuilding
+5% Chance to hit
resulting in a total bonus of
+1 Bodybuilding
+1 Willpower
+10 Initiative
+10% Armor
+15% Chance to hit
+15% Damage
+2% Critical Chance
Immunity to Fear
Posted By: Hassat Hunter Re: Abilities Above 5 - 14/07/14 09:26 PM
I *think* Sneaking skill reduces the movement penalty when sneaking, which is pretty severe on 0, and makes it totally useless in combat for rogues.

Of course Invisibilty might render that moot... but I never really checked what that's spells requirements are or effects smile
Posted By: PeteNewell Re: Abilities Above 5 - 15/07/14 02:41 PM
Does Charisma above 5 do anything? Trying to decide whether Politician is a good offset for Know-it-all.
Posted By: Wayward Re: Abilities Above 5 - 17/07/14 07:15 PM
Anyone has any reliable data for this? I think it's a pretty important issue, wondering why not so many people are in the discussion yet.
Posted By: Hassat Hunter Re: Abilities Above 5 - 17/07/14 07:22 PM
I've been able to get my Lucky Charm to 8 (+2 from infinite intoxication item, but I can't really be bothered to use it before each chest XD). It does affect the offensive rating, as for drops... even with the general 6 they seem rare (and much crappier than beta :()
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