Larian Studios
Posted By: Kull1173 Human Warrior... - 10/10/16 04:26 PM
are Human Warrior type characters anything like the ones in Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition game?
Posted By: Cylion Re: Human Warrior... - 10/10/16 06:54 PM
Depends, wtf do you mean by that.
Posted By: error3 Re: Human Warrior... - 10/10/16 07:58 PM
I'd say they play pretty similarly. If you liked the style of warrior in the original, you will probably like the style in this game as well.
Posted By: Avilyss Re: Human Warrior... - 11/10/16 11:43 AM

*Several of the abilities in the original game have carried over to this game and some new ones have been added.

*Weapons more-or-less function the same way with differing degrees of reach and higher damage for two-handed weapons at the cost of increased defense from one-handed and shield.

*Strength is still the modifier for most melee weapons with Finesse handling spears and the smaller weapons like daggers.

*Positioning is still extremely important.


*The movement cost of AP has been changed to allow more mobility and armor doesn't seem to hinder it.

*Armor functions differently now. In the original game "armor" was used to give you a percentage of damage reduction against physical damage; the more armor you had, the greater your percentage of damage reduction. In this game, armor comes in two forms: physical and magical. Physical armor will absorb physical damage like a damage absorption shield until it "breaks," magical armor will do the same for magical damage. Physical armor will protect you from several physical ailments (like bleeding, knockdown and disease) while magical armor will protect you from magical ones (like frozen, burning and muted). When you run out of either type of armor and you can't restore it, you become vulnerable to CC and you begin to take Vitality damage (hitpoints).

*There is an increased focus on spell schools for Warriors (primarily Geomancer and Hydrosophist) in order to restore each armor type (Geomancer for physical, Hydrosophist for magical). However, this is offset by a change in the way skill points are acquired and spent, allowing an easier spread of skills than the first game.

Just a quick list off the top of my head. Not, by any means, complete.

EDIT: For some reason the "list" command doesn't seem to work, sorry for poor editing.
Posted By: Kalrakh Re: Human Warrior... - 11/10/16 02:01 PM
Heavy armor does hinder the movement, they reduce your movement speed, but you can counter it with strength.
Posted By: Darxim Re: Human Warrior... - 11/10/16 09:59 PM
I found warriors to be pretty worthless in the first game. In this game, they're death machines (unless you give them a shield, then they're still pretty worthless).
Posted By: Skallewag Re: Human Warrior... - 11/10/16 10:07 PM
How is a death machine worthless? It sounds like what you want to say is that shieldplay is lackluster, because when one of the available ways to build a warrior is "deathmachine" they are hardly worthless.
Posted By: Avilyss Re: Human Warrior... - 11/10/16 11:54 PM
I think he was more remarking about the fact that shields are so completely lackluster that they make even the potential deathmachine of a warrior into something entirely unimpressive altogether.

Though I hope I'm not putting words in his mouth.
Posted By: Doomblast Re: Human Warrior... - 13/10/16 06:40 PM
I just tried out a knight with pyromancy + geomancery for one of my teammates. Its hell lot of fun to blow up everything around you and fight woth your sword in the middle of the fire ocean. The deamon talent and some fire resistance + magic armor + phenix dive keeps you alive in the fire while everything just burns donw around you. Still not as effective as a mage but its extramely fun to play with
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