Larian Studios
Posted By: chocolate cheats - 20/10/16 11:11 PM
Are there any console commands or cheats I can use to spawn npcs/experience/items? I'd really like to engineer some situations so I can find more things to complain about rather than just complaining about what I come across in my playthroughs.

I'll find everything eventually in the base game and complain about it either way, but it would be faster if I could spawn these things in.
Posted By: Kalrakh Re: cheats - 21/10/16 12:00 AM
Guess not before there is an DM-Mode?
Posted By: Kilroy512512 Re: cheats - 21/10/16 06:27 AM
There used to be a glitch, but it was fixed last patch. Think you're out of luck.
Posted By: chocolate Re: cheats - 21/10/16 06:31 AM
Could really use a debug mode while in alpha I'm sure the developers already have some version working on their side spoil me devs ill throw myself in the flaMES FOR THE GOOD OF THE GAME
Posted By: chocolate Re: cheats - 24/10/16 11:04 AM
im a cheap cheap parakeet gimme muh cheats cheep cheep


if you aren't a dev, only respond using these exact words:
im a cheap cheap parakeet gimme muh cheats cheep cheep
Posted By: GrumpyMcGrump Re: cheats - 24/10/16 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by chocolate
im a cheap cheap parakeet gimme muh cheats cheep cheep


if you aren't a dev, only respond using these exact words:
im a cheap cheap parakeet gimme muh cheats cheep cheep

No console commands that I can think of so far, but you can use Cheat Engine to cheat your way into the game. I know for sure that you can edit things like number of gold coins, skill points available and the like
Posted By: 4verse Re: cheats - 25/10/16 12:10 PM
type ALT+F4 (simultaneously). the ultimate destruction spell.
Posted By: chocolate Re: cheats - 25/10/16 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by 4verse
type ALT+F4 (simultaneously). the ultimate destruction spell.

im a cheap cheap parakeet gimme muh cheats cheep cheep
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