Larian Studios
Posted By: czinczar please directx10 compatibility - 08/11/15 07:47 AM
I have been really unpleasantly surprised to discover that the enhanced edition is not compatible with dx10 video cards. I have bought and played the vanilla edition but I stopped in the middle of the game. I saw that there was a enhanced edition and I said to myself that it would be a great opportunity to play the game again, and the upgrade is free ! How come it is suddenly not compatible with my video card ? Why ? Is there anyway I can make the EE run with directx 10, even if I have to disable some features (I really don't care). Maybe there is a patch coming which will make it compatible with dx10 ?
Thanks for reading.
Posted By: realdead_man Re: please directx10 compatibility - 09/11/15 06:32 AM
Please answer the following questions:

What Windows do you have?

What GFX card?

Has you tried to start the EE version of the game?

If not, try.

What errors do you get?

PS. No, you can bet tthey are NOT going to make a DX10 patch. Sorry.
Posted By: czinczar Re: please directx10 compatibility - 09/11/15 05:51 PM
Win7 64bit, Geforce 250gts, and yes I tried to launch the game and it says I need directx 11, but this video card doesn't support dx11.
Posted By: manonboard Re: please directx10 compatibility - 09/11/15 07:42 PM
Just for info, I had this problem, i got around it by getting a better GFX card. However the reason for post is that upon researching more intot he issue.

It turns out DX10 had terrible multi threading potential. Its needed for any modern game to play well. DX11 however has good multi threading abilities.
It would be impossible for them to release a patch (from any kind of business sense) to go back and redo multi threading using a DX 10 framework. Its just not possible without loads of work and testing. Like extreme amounts. Its too fundamental to the core game system.

I just thought i'd mention it incase the information offers any peace of mind.
Posted By: czinczar Re: please directx10 compatibility - 09/11/15 07:53 PM
The thing is DOS vanilla doesn't need dx11, and I really doubt they have recoded everything from scratch.
Posted By: LordCrash Re: please directx10 compatibility - 09/11/15 08:25 PM
If yóu want to continue your previous game session you have to play the old version of DOS no matter what. You can't load savegames of the original version with the Enhanced Edition. wink
Posted By: Stabbey Re: please directx10 compatibility - 09/11/15 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by czinczar
The thing is DOS vanilla doesn't need dx11, and I really doubt they have recoded everything from scratch.

The changes to the enhanced edition improve game performance greatly, and it now requires a DX11-compatible video card.

And to put it bluntly, Larian is NOT going to revert the engine back to DX 9/10-compatability even though some people aren't able to play the EE on their current system. The EE also no longer supports Windows XP even though the vanilla game did.
Posted By: nstgc Re: please directx10 compatibility - 09/11/15 09:18 PM
Isn't that cute -- a Windows user complaining about compatibility.
Posted By: InViz0 Re: please directx10 compatibility - 09/11/15 09:28 PM
I have been really unpleasantly surprised to discover that the enhanced edition is not compatible with dx10 video cards. I have bought and played the vanilla edition but I stopped in the middle of the game. I saw that there was a enhanced edition and I said to myself that it would be a great opportunity to play the game again, and the upgrade is free ! How come it is suddenly not compatible with my video card ? Why ? Is there anyway I can make the EE run with directx 10, even if I have to disable some features (I really don't care). Maybe there is a patch coming which will make it compatible with dx10 ?
Thanks for reading.

WHY are you asking the developer to commit hundreds of hours of development time for your 8 your old video card? I am not even exaggerating it, your card IS EIGHT YEARS OLD.

You should spend $100 a new one so that the developers don't have to spend $100,000-$350,000 to patch it, make sense? Sure as hell should.
Posted By: xxswatelitexx Re: please directx10 compatibility - 09/11/15 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by czinczar
I have been really unpleasantly surprised to discover that the enhanced edition is not compatible with dx10 video cards. I have bought and played the vanilla edition but I stopped in the middle of the game. I saw that there was a enhanced edition and I said to myself that it would be a great opportunity to play the game again, and the upgrade is free ! How come it is suddenly not compatible with my video card ? Why ? Is there anyway I can make the EE run with directx 10, even if I have to disable some features (I really don't care). Maybe there is a patch coming which will make it compatible with dx10 ?
Thanks for reading.

The changes are not based on just a few special effects. But the changes rely on how the game it self is rendered. dx10 was pretty much a failure in terms of features. Which is why its pretty much not used at all. During the period of time almost all games still came out as dx9c and never bothered in adding dx10 support. dx11 started picking up the trend since the changes were significant enough to warrant the upgrade.
Posted By: realdead_man Re: please directx10 compatibility - 09/11/15 10:53 PM
After some research, I have decided the above posts are right:

Spend 100$ on a card if your pc can take it. You will be happy!

And of course, EE game are not compatible with regular edition
Posted By: Waltc Re: please directx10 compatibility - 10/11/15 01:30 AM
You shouldn't be surprised as I don't think Larian has made it a secret that the EE version is a D3d11 game. DX10 was fine, a minor improvement over d3d9, but D3d11 is better, and D3d12 is much better, still. If you bought a GPU in the last few *years* it will be compatible with d3d11 and support D3d11 in hardware.

Windows supports d3d10 & D3d11, and d3d12, not to mention everything from d3d7 up to d3d 9--so the problem is that the EE is not compatible with your card. The original game will run on your card, but if you want to play the EE version you have to pony up for a new GPU--(Here's hoping you aren't stuck with a non-upgradable laptop...!) If you wisely invested in a desktop you can buy D3d11 cards starting @ under $100--you can buy 4GB d3d12-compliant GPUs right now for ~$200...! (R9 380 4GB, for instance) D:OS EE will not be the only game that your card won't support...soon it won't support most games that are coming out.
Posted By: Waltc Re: please directx10 compatibility - 10/11/15 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by nstgc
Isn't that cute -- a Windows user complaining about compatibility.

Except that it's the owner of an old nVidia GPU who's complaining about compatibility of the game with his card...;) He has no problem with Windows. People often seem to think time should stand still simply because they don't want to upgrade their hardware. He's not the first and won't be the last, I'm sure. Heard it all before...
Posted By: Obbu Re: please directx10 compatibility - 27/12/15 12:17 PM
This doesn't effect me directly, but will prevent some people in our multiplayer group from being able to run the game, so regardless:

DX10 compatibility would be greatly appreciated.
Posted By: Waltc Re: please directx10 compatibility - 30/12/15 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by czinczar
The thing is DOS vanilla doesn't need dx11, and I really doubt they have recoded everything from scratch.

Yea, they pretty much upgraded the game engine to dx11 support. You can run the original game but not the EE with < than d3d11 support but > than d3d8 support. (If you had a d3d8-hardware card you would not be able to run the original game or the EE.) It's difficult to see the problem as you can buy nice d3d12 cards with ~2x the power of the PS4 for ~$200 (R9 380 4GB, for instance)...and that card will let you play every game ever written as well as the d3d12 games coming up for release. D3d12 will be with us for a long time--possibly longer than d3d9. It's the price of progress. D3d 9/10 games have been around since 2001, maybe a bit earlier. D3d9 has been frozen since d3d9.0c, supported by ATi/AMD since 2001, IIRC. If you are interested in newer games getting a new card is required. Don't kid yourself about that.
Posted By: Obbu Re: please directx10 compatibility - 30/12/15 06:42 AM
Regardless of how cheap things are, some people are minors or do not have any income. Some people use laptops which have to have the whole system replaced in these types of circumstances.

15-16% of the market still runs non-DX11 cards according to the November steam polls. Most games that run DX11+ still provide a DX10 option.

As I said, it does not affect me directly, but that's still a pretty decent chunk of the playerbase. If you look at a cross-section of 10 players who own Divinity, assuming they fit the norms, then 1-2 will be unable to play as a result of this requirement.
Posted By: Luckmann Re: please directx10 compatibility - 30/12/15 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Obbu

15-16% of the market still runs non-DX11 cards according to the November steam polls. Most games that run DX11+ still provide a DX10 option.


Those polls are extremely misleading, though, since they only count those that do Steam polls, which is likely a fraction of the market and easily the upper percentiles too.
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