Larian Studios
Posted By: DebateMe My love and frustration! - 09/03/16 09:32 PM
I thought long and hard before posting because the bottom line is that D:OS is an awesome game. Period. I hesitate to post criticisms because us gamers are a whiny lot and are seemingly never ever satisfied and I don't want to discourage the development of more games like this one.

My main complaint is couched inside of features I very much enjoy and in D:OS, quite fleshed out and interesting. Further, the PC UI is a dream come true in some respects, while contributing to some of my criticisms. I'm so humbled by the fact that a developer actually took the time to create a proper PC UI part of me screams don't ruin it, don't criticize...

Ok, so I'll get down to it. I love the crafting in this game. It's a lot of fun. BUT... it is also very cumbersome. Getting the right 'thing' in the right place at the right time is a bit of a chore and takes more time than I want to put into it, and though the PC UI is otherwise praiseworthy, doesn't help much in the way of keeping it all organized.

I'm the sort of player that wants to put maybe 20% of my time into ancillary activities such as crafting, and the other 80% into combat and adventuring. But crafting in D:OS requires more of that time than I'd like... with most of that 20% of time not really crafting, but getting the right thing at the right place at the right time.

For example, I want to make the Legendry Gatchet of time (made this up). I need 'Thingy A,' an anvil, and 5 points in Crafting. Now where is Thingy A? I look through my inventories, nope not there. Go to my guy in the Hero Hall who crafts and holds stuff for me, hmmm not on him. Oh yeah, it's in one of my bedroom chests... oh darn not that bedroom, the other bedroom. Now I need an anvil. Go to the anvil and ready to craft. Oops, crafting with the wrong person, move the stuff over to the right guy. Ooops he can't craft, I gotta switch his gear up to get his crafting to 5. Ok, so now I finally have all the right things at the right place at the right time and I can craft. It's all a bit cumbersome and delays to a great extent what I really want to do... which is combat and adventure.

I won't pretend to have an answer because the answer is going to take a team of programmers to really sit down and think about this creatively. But I can suggest an end goal. That goal should be the player's ability to have the right thing at the right place at the right time rather conveniently. Part of the answer lies in the UI's ability to help organize better... but really, I don't want to say much more for fear of becoming uselessly prescriptive.

Thank you for the great game, really enjoying it. If it had a fully simulated world that met or exceeded U7 it might have replaced U7 as my all time favorite. But it's been decades since anything has offered up the kind of gameplay D:OS does and I'm humbled and thrilled to be here to play it!
Posted By: Aenra Re: My love and frustration! - 10/03/16 09:14 AM
Then be content with the fact that this game does not necessitate your crafting, ever, and call it a day maybe?..

You don't like overly complicated, respected. Others however do smile
It all being optional, you do your thing, i can still do mine. We go your way, i'm left out.

For someone naming his avatar 'DebateMe', one'd have thought the above would be self evident. For someone named 'DebateMe' who ALSO happened to have played and liked U7, i'd consider the above at best superfluous, if not..

You want convenience, have a look in the last two decades of shit being sold as RPGs. Do please not come here asking for it.
Posted By: DebateMe Re: My love and frustration! - 10/03/16 07:54 PM
What a nasty reply.
Posted By: FireWatcher Re: My love and frustration! - 10/03/16 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by DebateMe
What a nasty reply.


I don't mind all the switching of gear to get to Crafting 5. However, that leads me to MY biggest pet peeve of the game ... the Inventory system.

I don't know where it was, but in reading reviews of this game, one of them said DOS had a bad inventory system. I thought hmmm I wonder what that could mean.

Well, I found out. The constant clicking ... the never-ending clicking to re-order the inventory is awful. Why can't the game remember how I just had it 5 seconds ago?! I agree with that review, it's the worst inventory system I've ever used. And it doesn't have to be that way.

Nobody's perfect, no game is perfect, however Baldur's Gate 2 came close. That game kept a record of the total damage each character did to enemies and also the toughest creature each had killed. I like statistics and I really liked that info. It let me know just how much better my main character was versus the companions. smile This game should have included this. It would have increased the sense of accomplishment and fame-factor of the characters.

That said, I really like the game. Can't wait to play it every night. What makes it stand out is the combat and environment-altering spells. You can use multiple strategies to defeat your foes. Music is great, too.
Posted By: Aenra Re: My love and frustration! - 10/03/16 08:40 PM
Re-reading my post and still failing to grasp on what exactly you'd consider as nasty. Why nasty? Because it is given sans the politically correct/SJW friendly adjectives and nouns? As you'd so deem them fitting in any case?

Or because someone reminded you that liking U7, but condemning a love letter to U7 is a touch.. off?

Unless it is the fact bothering you. Because if one -could- encapsulate the reason for RPGs being what they have been for the past decade and more into a single word.. that would be 'convenience'; ergo, what you came here to request.

Surely it cannot be the fact that this game, with respect to you, the player, allows you the option of abstaining from activities you may find so taxing.
Is that better? I can always try booking an auditorium
Posted By: Baardvark Re: My love and frustration! - 10/03/16 09:02 PM
One suggestion: you can move those homestead chests in the bedrooms anywhere you want by picking them up. Could place them next to the anvil or by the north gate rift. Yes, inventory management can be quite tedious, though as Aenra emphasizes, there is the balance of making it complicated enough that you are rewarded by staying organized, distributing items correctly, and using ingredients well, isntead of just a couple buttons to do everything for you.

Still, there are several things Larian could do to smooth out inventory/crafting management. A search function would be incredible for one. Also, I tend to dislike the need to equip items to get better at crafting (and other skills), which adds an extra step.

Crafting/blacksmithing is optional, though you're missing out on some very powerful bonuses if you ignore them, nevermind that it's fun.
Posted By: DebateMe Re: My love and frustration! - 10/03/16 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by FireWatcher
However, that leads me to MY biggest pet peeve of the game ... the Inventory system.

I was so happy to finally get a PC-centric UI that I really did not want to complain. I want to acknowledge and show my appreciation to the fact Larian created a PC UI.

But yes, it is not perfect (and again, but at least it's PC-centric). My inability to quickly sort and group in a way that helps me find what I need when I need it is perhaps why I don't craft more than I might.

Crafting itself, is fine. I love the trial and error. I love having to specialize a character in either blacksmithing or crafting. I love finding materials and it's a mini-thrill to find that one component you've been wanting for a while. I like the idea that gear can boost crafting stats... though I wish there were a way to have two sets of gear that you could quickly switch between - a combat gear set and a crafting/other gear set. There's far more that I like than dislike with all this.

It all just gets slowed way down with the item management part of the activity. That's what I wish could be improved somehow.
Posted By: DebateMe Re: My love and frustration! - 10/03/16 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Baardvark
you can move those homestead chests in the bedrooms anywhere you want by picking them up. Could place them next to the anvil or by the north gate rift.

THANK YOU for that info. I am going to do exactly that the very first thing I do next time I play! claphands

Originally Posted by Baardvark
Yes, inventory management can be quite tedious, though as Aenra emphasizes, there is the balance of making it complicated enough that you are rewarded by staying organized, distributing items correctly, and using ingredients well, isntead of just a couple buttons to do everything for you.

I don't mind the idea of 'staying organized' though I'd argue that the UI could help in that department by allowing me to sort and group in more ways. And the ability to label bags would be great too. I celebrate the idea of complexity and numerous items to mix and match along with rarity and careful use therof. But somehow, I want that UI to give me additional tools that I can take advantage of to help speed up the process a bit. I don't want a one-button solution. I don't even want to be prescriptive at all pretending I know a great solution to this. I just know that getting the right thing at the right place at the right time is a bit tedious.

And in order to offer perspective on this, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 10= game breaking disaster, this issue ranks at about a 0.5 with me. The UI comes so close to being perfect that I wanted to voice an opinion about it with the hopes that perhaps other Larian games will have ever increasingly robust UIs.
Posted By: Chrest Re: My love and frustration! - 10/03/16 11:41 PM
Your way of presenting your ideas is weird?

You are very wishy-washy, and you are very insisting on the fact you don't pretend to be a specialist or whatever. And that Divinity UI is the best ever (it isn't). It's bothersome to read.

You use unecessary complex sentences. "I'd argue that blablabla". "give me additional tools that I can take advantage of to help speed up the process a bit". (bolded part are useless words).

you can move those homestead chests in the bedrooms anywhere you want by picking them up. Could place them next to the anvil or by the north gate rift.

I think it has been fixed. You cannot move those chests anymore.
Posted By: DebateMe Re: My love and frustration! - 11/03/16 02:34 AM
I tested the chest idea and it does work (playing EE version on PC). Right click the chest and put it in your inventory.

Anyway, given how popular D:OS has been over the past few years, I always wondered why the thread count on these forums was so low. Mystery solved. @FireWatcher & Baardvark - thanks for the tips.
Posted By: Raze Re: My love and frustration! - 11/03/16 03:01 AM

A couple updates ago the chests were made not movable, since there was an issue that could cause a crash if they were right clicked while in the inventory, but with the latest update that was fixed and ability to move the chests restored.
Posted By: FireWatcher Re: My love and frustration! - 11/03/16 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by DebateMe
Anyway, given how popular D:OS has been over the past few years, I always wondered why the thread count on these forums was so low.

One reason is because most people post on the Steam Divinity forum.
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