Larian Studios
Posted By: antonius Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 06/10/17 04:17 PM
I completed the All in the Family quest and Tarquin was on the boat for the longest time. Now that I want to leave and move on, Malady says he is not on the ship, and a new waypoint called "Tarquin's Whereabouts" appeared by the graveyard (not where I originally found him to get the All in the Family quest). He still gives me the same dialogue about a few more items and I can go back to the ship, but he said that after I finished the quest when he was still on the boat earlier.

I presume he is supposed to be on the boat when I move to the next section, because I tried it and he was not on the boat anywhere. Anyone have any ideas on how I could get him back to the boat?
Posted By: Itzal Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 06/10/17 05:32 PM
Same problem(
He was back on the ship, but for some reason today he decided to walk around the graveyard again (also updated today, maybe that's the problem?).
I'm having the same issue. Everything was fine before the update, and now he's suddenly back at the graveyard and I can't leave Reaper's Coast without leaving him.

Same problem as well.
Same here, I really don't know what to do...
I'm having the same issue. I brought him both parts at the graveyard and now he just tells me to wait a while, but I've done everything else in reapers coast so nothing will trigger him to go back.

Edit: Just wanted to add that Gareth isn't back on the boat either, even though I completed his quests as well.
Same here... Quest finished but he just won't go back to the ship. I'm afraid that I might lose him forever if I proceed to Act 3...
Well I finally just advanced to the next chapter and he was nowhere to be found, so I guess I lost him. That was a major bummer bug. Oh well.
I went to Bloodmoon Island first and picked up the second piece. Then I went to the Graveyard, met Tarquin, and got his quest. I then picked up the first piece and returned to Tarquin and turned in both pieces.

But he just says he needs a few odds and ends before returning to the ship and just walks around. I'm all done and want to sail away but Malady says Tarquin is not present on the ship and nothing I do has been able to make him get back on board the ship.
dam this suck if it is a bug, my first playtrough i never met him, then i saw streamers having him on ship, intend to get him this time. But reading this gives no hope
I can confirm that Tarquin is still wandering around the graveyard and wont go back to ship, saying his "i just need this and that bla bla bla".
I guess i will cease playing untill it's fixed, hopefully soon.
Apparently I'm not alone on this. Since giving him both pieces, I've been consistently going back to Tarq to attempt to forward the quest but he constantly says he just needs a few more items. Skull powder, illweed, etc., all of which are not items you can acquire... so he just wanders around in front of the graveyard gate. The Quest "All in the Family" is completed with the last entry "We gave the pieces of Anathema to Tarquin" and that's it.

Lovely bug... holding out hope someone will find a solution or there will be a patch.
Yep. Me too. Tarquin just waltzing around the graveyard, prattling on about skull powder or some such. Reckon I can't teleport him to the boat, so what's the plan, Larian?
I'm having the same issue too! Gave Tarquin both parts. Now he's stuck in the graveyard, and nothing will move him on. I've got nothing left to do in Act II.

Malady warns he wont join the ship if I leave like this. (I tested; if I leave he indeed does not join the ship.)

Hopefully this can be fixed! Feels super broken not to be able to carry a main NPC with me as obviously designed.
Same problem, trying to complete act 2, finished "All in the Family" and now he's still roaming the graveyard entrance saying,

"Let me think. A sprinkling of skulldust. A vial of dog's drool. Dried illweed. A few more odds and ends and I can get back to the ship."

only option is to end conversation.
Posted By: mxadd Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 09/10/17 05:31 PM
Same problem here ...

After getting to the Reaper's coast I'v first met with Tarquin (after defeating void scam at the bridgekeeper house), and accepted his quest about artefact.
Then I'v met with Jahan, and traveled to the bloodmoon island, accepter the Advocate quest, killed black ring scam, then killed the Advocate.
Back to Jahan, found archive, where I'v got second part of Anathema and learned demon's name.
Then on my way back (at that point I'v already had 3 source points) I'v did the ritual for the second time in the Meistr's house. I'v killed Ryker, have tablet to the Almira, then fetched first part
of Anathema. After that I'v talked to Tarquin, gave him both parts of the sword and agreed to wait for his tinkering with it.
After that I'v done the remaining quests on the Reaper's coast, and traveled to LV to go to the nameless issle - but the Tarquin did'nt make it.

The problem seems to be related to the order of getting anathema parts, as my friend also play this but he first got the first part of anathema, then talked to Tarquin and then the got the second one, and Tarquin is on LV.
Posted By: wcisu Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 09/10/17 05:48 PM
For me it was not related with the order of getting those parts. Also, I did this quest after the latest update - don't know if this is important here.

Tarquin got stuck just after giving him the second part from Bloodmoon Isle. Right now, I also have the marker "Tarquin's Whereabouts" and he is not moving anywhere. There are no dialogue options.

I don't want to finish Act II without him, so I will wait for any news/hotfix...
I am also having this problem.
Tarquin is just wandering around in front of the graveyard even after being handed both pieces of the blade.
Also, Gareth just kind of vanished off to somewhere after I finished his parent's quest, and Malady notes that both are still missing from the boat

I didn't have this problem on my first playthrough.
What are the similarities between people having this issue? For example, the save file I am currently playing on where Tarquin/Gareth are broken was created before the patch hit, and also before I got to act 2.
Whereas the the save file I didn't have any problems with Tarquin/Gareth was created before the patch.
Are people who have started brand new campaigns since the patch running into this problem? Or is it just people who had campaigns already made when the patch hit?
No one found a solution for this yet, huh?
Posted By: Jamlam Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 10/10/17 02:12 AM
Yup, seeing this too
Same issue here. I'm on my 1st play through so I really don't want to leave him behind (not sure what all I'll miss later in the game).

He's located in the graveyard and says the following :

"Let me think. A sprinkling of skulldust. A vial of dog's drool. Dried illweed. A few more odds and ends and I can get back to the ship."

The only option is to "end" the conversation.
Encountered the same issue.
Have done pretty much anything on Driftwood area aside from butchering the whole area. Tarquin never arrives on the boat. Did the All in the family quest line too.
What happened different from my last playthrough, is that he started fighting with one of Ryker servants. Not that i have any idea if it could start this bug.
I hope it will be fixed so you could send him back to ship after you already gave him 2 parts of the sword.
Posted By: mrv Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 10/10/17 05:49 PM
Larian devs, please fix this! I've hit the same issue: All in the Family completed, Tarquin remains at the graveyard saying he just needs a few extra ingredients, only option End, but proceeding to Nameless Isle leaves him behind.
Hope this makes it into the next big patch.
Tarquin bugged for me as well stucvk saying "let me think. A sprinkle of skulldust. A vial of do's drool. Dried Illweed. A few more odds and ends, and I can get back to the shit. and I am ready to get off this rock for christ sakes
Same here ... he already has the two parts !
even was looking for that "ingredients" for him ... but as expected , not in the game ...
even I have some side quests open !
Posted By: Yun Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 11/10/17 10:33 PM
IF you didn't want to wait that LARIAN is willing to solve that bug,

I tried to teleport him away from his standing position ... but he attacks at once
you could kill him to get your parts back hehe

still want him back on the ship ...
Didn't they literally try to fix this in the most recent patch? I don't get why it's still broken :/
Posted By: oPlaiD Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 13/10/17 09:23 AM
If they fixed it they didn't do a good job, since I have this problem in a playthrough after the last patch. Guess I'll just leave him behind...
Same issue for me . He got the two parts, the quests is not anymore in the log book and when I try to depart from the island, got the mesasge thta someone is still missing on the boat. He is also hanging around the cemetary, commenting on some ingredients and the dialog options are to end the conversation. I don't want to go to the next lsland without this character and I need this sword :p
This may not be fixed for awhile. Reading the Larian News in an interview with Swen Vincke on October 9, he said the team is on holiday after completing patch 3. No telling when they'll be back. It'd be nice if there's at least a skeleton crew who can fix this problem. I've cleared absolutely everything I can find and at a dead stop because I can't leave for the Nameless Isle without Tarquin, still broken.
Posted By: Skolia Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 13/10/17 08:15 PM
I'm having this same issue, "All in the Family" is completed, but he just stays at the gates of the graveyard muttering about this and that ("let me think. A sprinkle of skulldust. A vial of do's drool. Dried Illweed...").
I thought LARIAN is reading all and still NO REACTION ...
a joke, at least some comment why the last patch, which should have solved it, hasn't done it
and WHEN we could really get a workaround or solution ...

at LEAST give us the console command to move that npc on the ship !
Read Larian news. They're on holiday
Try this:

Teleport to Lady
Use the BOAT to go to the main land.
Then use the same BOAT to boat the lady.
Tarquin should be right there with you when you back on lady.

This work after you finish All in the Famalady.
Posted By: ciapm Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 15/10/17 02:25 AM
i could not get this to work for me
I had tried it and still did not work :(
I went on without tarquin and its blade
Too bad as I am quite a completionist and do my best to get the quests done and if I miss a quest I don't mind , it will be done on the next run but if I don't get the completion of a quest because of a bug, I feel fustrated, as something not being right :'(
I hope on my next run, a small patch fixing this would have been applied.
+1 on the bug frown
I have this bug too, how much story/quest content do you miss if you leave without him?
I am towards the end of the game...and I would say we need tarquin on board...
this I trully hope will be fixed or at least hotfix...
this is impacting part of the ending...
Also broken and waiting to play until fixed. Any update on this?
Also having this issue - does Larian at least know about this? Do we have confirmation they are working on fixing it?
Posted By: wcisu Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 18/10/17 02:44 PM
Yes, they are working on this.

The answer I have received after sending a ticket with save file:

"Thanks for writing in and I'm sorry for the delay getting back to you.

The issue with Tarquin not returning to the Lady Vengeance is a known issue and is currently being investigated. We hope to have a fix for it soon.

If you have any further issues, please do let us know.

Kind Regards,

-Larian Support Team"
A hint for those who also got this bug as I did and being afraid what kind of impact it has on the final fight. Without Tarquin returning to the Lady Vengeance I nevertheless went on playing and just was able to finish the game.

Just before confronted with the whole gang of Lucian, Dallis etc. Tarquin appeared again and performed the praying with Maladie, Gareth and Almira. So - at least you don't lose the advantage of using source skills for free. (No consumption of source points).

It is? Will Larian really take weeks to fix something like this?
My father is very sick and in my day to day one of the few moments that really was happy and distracted was when he was playing Divinity 2 ... it is sad not to be able to continue for something that 30 minutes you would solve.
PS: I am a developer so I know that this specific BUG is not something other than a minor correction
Posted By: Beyond Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 20/10/17 10:44 PM
Getting the bug as well. Means that essentially I can't play anymore if I'm interested in his entire quest line.
Larian please fix, it sounds like this has been around forever!
Posted By: Gregz Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 23/10/17 02:09 AM
Time to fix what's broken...
Posted By: revitz Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 24/10/17 03:33 AM
So should I just stop my play through until this is fixed? Such a bummer.
ONE little fix? please Larian fix this so we can continue playing!

how hard is it to release a small hotfix?
Posted By: wcisu Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 24/10/17 03:05 PM
I hope it will be fixed this week...
Any news on for a patch ? this bug is really killing my vibe frown

I don't want to continue without tarquin.

I've installed the patch (#4) and Tarquin is still bugged for me. He's still talking about ingredients he's looking for. Porting back and forth between the graveyard and boat doesn't make him appear on the boat. Traveling back and forth between the boat and coast does nothing either.
I've stalled my playthrough waiting for this patch and I made an account just to make clear it still didn't fix it. I truly don't understand why this is so hard to get right for Larian and am starting to lose faith they ever will.
Omg, finally the patch and Tarquin still bugged, HOWWWWWW XD
indeed he is still bugged. frown
Can someone not using mods e-mail me their save with the disappearance bug? I want to check some things out.

E-mail: [my_name]
Posted By: wibou7 Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 27/10/17 04:44 AM
Got today's patch. Although it claims to fix that bug, it did nothing for me.
Tarquin still wanders in Stonegarden and there is no dialog to get him on ship.
Very frustrating.
same for me , i tried a old savegame and play the quest again but the same issue after i gave him the second piece. the questline is definitly not fixed. and gareth is also missing , i gave him the ring and then he disappear
Posted By: CatR Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 27/10/17 02:27 PM
Tossing my hat in: post-patch Tarquin does not appear on the boat, nor on the boat after travelling to the Nameless Island. Meanders around the graveyard.
Posted By: Vtec Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 28/10/17 12:08 PM
Confirming this is now fixed in
Posted By: CatR Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 28/10/17 02:55 PM
Confirming fix.
Still broken for me on He walks around muttering "Let me think. A sprinkling of skulldust. A Vial of dog's drool. Dried illweed. A few more odds and ends, and I can get back to the ship." -- But he won't go back to the ship. The related quest is finished/closed.
Also still broken for me on Tarquin still wanders near the graveard and doesn't return to the ship. "All in the family" quest has been completet and Tarquin got the 2 pieces.
I confirm this is no longer broken !
I can confirm this is still broken.
I can also confirm this is still broken. Also just says the line, "Let me think. A sprinkling of skulldust. A Vial of dog's drool. Dried illweed. A few more odds and ends, and I can get back to the ship."
Posted By: lx07 Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 30/10/17 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Virtus612
"A few more odds and ends, and I can get back to the ship."
He says this when he *on* the ship too.
Posted By: blurpo Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 31/10/17 02:40 AM
Yep, still broken after latest patch. Maybe they fixed it so it doesn't get broken anymore when you give him the pieces, but if he was broken he's still broken for me.
I just encountered this, fully up to date as of 31/10/2017 (NZST)

Anyone found a workaround or mod that will fix this yet?
Follow these instructions:

Originally Posted by Larian_QA
If you have issues with Tarquin after the hotfix, please contact with your latest save in which he is broken. Please also include as many details as you can about what happened.
Posted By: CatR Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 31/10/17 12:26 PM
Suggestion for people who haven't found this fixed. Does Tarquin travel with you to the Nameless Island? He did not change dialogue for me but did appear on the ship in Act 3.
[quote=CatR]Suggestion for people who haven't found this fixed. Does Tarquin travel with you to the Nameless Island? He did not change dialogue for me but did appear on the ship in Act 3. [/quote]

No he doesnt. He stays at Stonegarden. I travelled without him, just to check, and he's not on the ship when you reach the Nameless Island.
I sent my savegame file to Larian.

STILL not fixed in the latest patch. he remains in the graveyard
Posted By: AssFat Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 03/11/17 08:49 PM
of course it broken for me too. he wont get on the boat. just wandering in circles mumbling about dog spit. ill send my save.
wondering if TPing him to another zone might help wake him up. i TPed him to the square and nothing. he has been at the entrance to the graveyard since we go to reapers. i dont know if that is normal or where he should be...
i completed all in fam and it is closed
Posted By: AssFat Re: Tarquin not on boat when trying to depart - 03/11/17 11:43 PM
well.. i TPed him to the square.. restarted game,, he was still at the square,, set him on fire,, restarted again and reloaded with some mods to redo some fights while waiting for larian to get back,, removed mods and reloaded tarquin burning save,, he was on the boat this time..
fix? maybe, and i dont know which one or more of these things helped


it might have been that hotfix i just noticed
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