Larian Studios
I'm having a rather odd problem that I haven't been able to iron out for the life of me.

Firstly, I should explain that I've followed this guide to a T

The problem I'm having is that on restart of the Divinity Engine 2, and likewise in the actual game, the Icons won't stick.

The error message will read "Couldn't load UI icon from texture atlas: ((My Icon))!"

Everything works otherwise once I've set it up as per the guide. I will check mark all that I've done so you can get an idea of my steps.

1. Created a .dds file with the two icons I wanted to add.

2. Successfully added the two entries to the Texture Atlas editor resource I created for the icons, all organized as it should be alphabetically.

3. I have correctly put the name of the two icon entries to the stat on the skills I wanted to add them to, so the skills should be registered to the icons correctly. Triple checked it at this point.

4. I have tripled checked that the icons are actually functional. Seeing the icons appear on the skillbooks I made for the skills and for the icons within the skill page and hotbar.

5. I have also checked that the resource in the resource manager is showing the correct preview of the .dds icon sheet.

6. I made sure that the PNG's I used to create the .dds file with and the entries for the resource was inside all my mod folders for extra assurance.

7. I have recreated the Texture Atlas files (XLS and .DDS) a number of times. Doing it as the guide says by leaving the .dds out before making the resource entry, then reloading the texture atlas XLS once I've added it back.

But try as I might, every single time I reload the divinity engine 2 or load up my mod in the actual game, the icons for the skills will

The resource preview in the resource manager when I load up a new Divinity Engine 2 instance (when the icons are not working) will show that the icons ARE there.

I want to emphisize how easy it is to fix it, because it doesn't make sense why it won't work even moreso because of it.

To fix it, all I gotta do is open up the Texture Atlas editor and load up the file that I made and that appears when I click "Open". The entries are there. Everything is there. Don't have to save anything. Doesn't let me save anything anyways. Exiting the Atlas Texture Editor permanently fixes the problem for the duration of the instance.

Restarting the Divinity Engine 2 breaks it again immediately. Loading it up in the actual game is just broken all together (since I can't open the Texture Atlas in the actual game :P).

It's incredibly frustrating beyond belief. It's like a wet sticker that JUST.WON'T.STICK.

Anyways... Here's the entire Error Message in the Message Log:

Couldn't load UI icon from texture atlas: 'Dragons_Frost-icon'!

Category: Art
Count: 1
Timestamp: 05-10-2017 19:54:10:928
Function: ls::UIHelper::UICreateIconMesh
Location: GameEngine\UIHelper.cpp (278)
Where is your atlas file located at? Did you put it under your mod's GUI folder? (Public/MyModName_GUID/GUI).

Also, your PNGs do not need to be included in your mod. They can be located anywhere - The reason we need them is just for the Texture Atlas editor, to add entries with the right names and in the order your texture was packed.
They could be blank image files and it would still work, because all it's using when you add an entry is the name of the PNG, and adding them all at the same time ensures it adds them in the right order.
Posted By: Reiganleaf Re: Need help adding UI Icons to Skills - 05/10/17 08:30 PM
Does it have to be under a file specifically named GUI? If so then that's my problem. I knew that the PNGs could be anywhere, I just wanted to really really make sure that every minute thing was in order. Yeah, adding the PNG's all at the same time works as it should. Alphabetized and in order from left to right. There is no distinct problem other than what I mentioned earlier.

Also, really awesome that you have a Final Fantasy Tactics portrait (if that is what I think it is)!

The mod I'm making is actually trying to add skills from one of the later titles, dragoon type dragon breaths.
Posted By: Reiganleaf Re: Need help adding UI Icons to Skills - 05/10/17 08:41 PM
Welp. That does it. I might as well tie a noose because something as simple as having a specific file name was the literal bane of my existence for four hours straight.

Self-deprecation aside... Thanks Leader for making me realize something as small as that is actually important.

All my other projects haven't needed something like this, and the guide didn't emphasize it either so I didn't think it would be a problem, but now I know.

Again though, thanks and awesome forum portrait.
Glad you got it working. I updated the guide to reflect that you do in fact need to place it under a GUI folder (I wasn't sure at the time of writing it).

And yes, my portrait is indeed T.G. Cid from Final Fantasy Tactics, haha.
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