Larian Studios
Posted By: morez [SOLVED?] Painted Instances Gone. All Levels. - 09/10/17 07:52 PM
*morez is shouting out*: HELP!

In my level i realized that all my painted instances are gone.
Then i realized, that my list of imported instances is empty.
Then i realized i cannot see any new imported and new painted instances.
Then i find out that this is for all levels. Older versions i didnt touch since before that problem.
I messed around by trying the instances visibility button and so on but haven't figured out any solution.

So i don't know, am I Slow-Joe-in-the-back-row or does my Divinity Engine have a serious problem?

Any idea anyone?

Posted By: morez Re: Painted Instances Gone. All Levels. - 10/10/17 10:15 AM
Okay, slightly different than described above but not less an issue:

The painted instances are still gone and the list of imported instances is still empty. I can though import and paint new instances.

BUT: loading the level with GM mode I see all recent updates made with the map but still the instances. (the GM mode save isnt that old and definitely newer than older versions of my map that suffer exact same loss of painted instances)

That means the instances are gone for good and i have to paint all over again (or any chance to restore it). There might be an inherent bug in the level (levels as more are effected) that will create future problems once i redo all the painting work?

There still is the possibility of not having a bug but that the stupid part is on myself (which i would prefer to be honest)?

Any HELP appreciated!
Posted By: morez Re: Painted Instances Gone. All Levels. - 10/10/17 01:05 PM
made another copy of the level and got back my painted instance, though i really have no idea how and why?
Posted By: Larian_KVN Re: Painted Instances Gone. All Levels. - 10/10/17 03:18 PM
Hey morez,

I'll note it down and take a look once I can. This is a rather strange bug and definitely not your fault by missing something obvious smile

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