Larian Studios
Posted By: Razor483 [SOLVED] Divinity Engine 2 - Compiling - 28/06/18 11:26 PM
Hello everyone, I have to apologize for this very long post, but I desperately need help from the developers.
I've kept this as short as I could.

So this is a bug I've encountered with about a month ago, unfortunately after talking to many people on the discord channel and trying literally "Everything" we haven't been able to find any permanent fix.

First off, I'll explain the problem.
I have a GM campaign called The Last Contract, we'll call it TLC from now on, I've also made a seperate mod for TLC, this mod includes many things from NPCs to Spells items etc.

I've been playing and testing the TLC campaign from week to week with friends and improving it with updating it's mod, however, almost about a month ago when I hosted the game everything worked perfect on my side (GM) and many stuff were missing on the player's side.

After trying many things (swapping the GM/Players) (compiling the mod on other player's pc) (deleting everything, reimporting all data on a freshly downloaded engine and compiling again) and many many many scenarios we came to this conclusion:

"Certain changes made after the patch 8 update (the one where a blue fog appeared on the engine) and after are not being compiled properly"

This means that unless the "raw" files are available on the engine, the compiled mod (aka the .pak) file, won't be able to load it's data properly, here are two pictures, first one is from a computer with the raw data files on the engine, the 2nd one is from a computer without the divinity engine.


As you can see the unit Tyrael has it's portait missing, alongside with it's actually HP/Armor, also when the player attacks Tyrael, no damage is done (not visible either on GM side or Player side)

According to another modder which I talked to on discord, he mentioned that Larian has changed the way that the engine saves files (something like .txt to .stats or vice versa, he suggested that this can be causing the problem, not confirmed though)

The only fix as of right now is asking people to download the engine, the raw files and then using the mod.(believe me, everything you can think of we've tried it)

P.S this is not just restricted to this mod, another mod of mine, Overlord Necromancy 2.0, which is currently on steam, any newly added content will have the same problem. (you can see many people reporting missing items, or that "all of my shields are fish now", all these random problems cause the stats are not being compiled correctly)

Thank you for your time in advance.
Posted By: Larian_KVN Re: [BUG] Divinity Engine 2 - Compiling - 29/06/18 09:23 AM
Hi Razor,

I'm currently using the files you linked during your testing on Discord and am not getting the described errors.
The reported character (Tyrael) has correct stats and a portrait with the pak file as well as with the raw files.
I also looked through the raw stats vs the pakked stats and they are identical. As far as I can see, there is nothing wrong.

I'm contacting you on Discord so we can look at this further smile I'll post the slution here as well.

Posted By: The Composer Re: [BUG] Divinity Engine 2 - Compiling - 29/06/18 12:40 PM
It sounds a lot like the issue I had testing with a partner on our Dev team. We started up the campaign and met a map missing a lot of items, started with different skills than we had selected, and both were stuck as walking barrels on the 2nd players screen. Everything was working fine for the host.

There may be some leftover residue files from either part who as touched modding, plausibly in the stats folders. If you decide to do another reinstall (do backups!), uninstall both DOS2 and the engine. While uninstalled, browse through the /Data/ folder and see if any files remain. Move those away to a second backup location then reinstall.

If your issue is a de sync issue in similar manner, that may fix it. Provided your friend isn't using any mods or additional files that may interfere. Someone on the forums a while back were desperately trying to recreate a bug that one of their subscribers had reported. The subscriber later realized his 84 other installed mods may be conflicting but had insisted he's not using any other mods. 😅
Posted By: Razor483 Re: [BUG] Divinity Engine 2 - Compiling - 29/06/18 01:18 PM
Thanks, contracted you on Discord as well.

@The Composer
Hey mate, I remember we were talking about this back then as well laugh I've tried all of this back then and now, on with 3 different people, hopefully going through it once with Kevin will give me a final answer.
Posted By: Tinkerer Re: [BUG] Divinity Engine 2 - Compiling - 29/06/18 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by The Composer
The subscriber later realized his 84 other installed mods may be conflicting but had insisted he's not using any other mods. 😅

Hey, that sounds like some of the official support cases we get as well smile
Posted By: Razor483 Re: [BUG] Divinity Engine 2 - Compiling - 30/06/18 05:01 PM
Thanks ya'll for the help, especially Kevin who took the time to help me personally. the problem was fixed for me and anyone else using after downloading the game again, apparently some corrupted cache or some residue files left from updates or god knows what, but a complete wipe was the solution.
Posted By: The Composer Re: [BUG] Divinity Engine 2 - Compiling - 30/06/18 09:36 PM
Glad to hear it 😁
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