Larian Studios
Posted By: Kal Spiro Random Efforts - Feedback - 13/10/20 02:00 AM
This is a list of things I've done and run into, some I felt should have worked but didn't, others shouldn't have worked but did still others just seem broken.

To start, reading books breaks Invisibility
Pickpocketing appears to have no consequences.
Stealth checks only happen against line of sight. It is effectively perfect unless they can actually see you. I was able to completely bypass the fight with the Hag because the interaction wouldn't trigger while sneaking. I then accidentally triggered the cutscene with my imp, but she was looking in the wrong direction and still didn't start the fight.
Touch spells can't be cast through familiar.
I got into a fight with the group that survived the gnolls. I managed to close the side door and put a crate in front of it to block the door, it did not block the door. They were able to open the door and then climbed over the crate. I was also then able to attack through the door while it was open but between two characters.
Every little thing breaks concentration, automatically, it doesn't feel like there is even a roll, it just happens.
Movement is constantly ridiculous. Having to constantly ungroup and regroup is a pain when I just want one person to do the thing they do, but I want everyone else to stay put. Constantly I will move one person and cause someone else to move to a location that sets off a trap, or puts them in harms way. They appear incapable of attempting to avoid it.
Shortbow and Longbow seem to have the same range.

I may add more in as I continue to explore the maps and try things.
Posted By: citrum Re: Random Efforts - Feedback - 13/10/20 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by Kal Spiro
Pickpocketing appears to have no consequences.

For me pickpocketing is not working: I try to "take all" or just to double click on one object - nothing is happening. But npc notice that I'm trying (and failing) to pickpoket them and attack me.
Posted By: Kal Spiro Re: Random Efforts - Feedback - 13/10/20 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by citrum
Originally Posted by Kal Spiro
Pickpocketing appears to have no consequences.

For me pickpocketing is not working: I try to "take all" or just to double click on one object - nothing is happening. But npc notice that I'm trying (and failing) to pickpoket them and attack me.

The few people I've tried to pickpocket have not reacted at all to me failing. Nor has anyone around them.
I don't think you can take all. You have to select the specific item you want to take, then click pickpocket so that you can roll to take that item. Then you do it again for the next one and so on. I stole every magic item out of a merchant's inventory. Eventually I turned the thief invisible because it was annoying having to avoid people seeing, but other than that it was easy and risk free.
Posted By: citrum Re: Random Efforts - Feedback - 13/10/20 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Kal Spiro
You have to select the specific item you want to take, then click pickpocket so that you can roll to take that item.

Oh thanks! They should make it more obvious. Anyway, I took the Hunt the devil quest from paladin Anders, then I tryed to steal his sword, he noticed that, attacked me and I had to fight him and all his companions. Then I just took the Sword of Justice from his dead body and helped Karlach. Ha!
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