Larian Studios
Posted By: ratbaby Multiplayer Act 3 T-Posing and Crashing/PC - 12/12/23 06:36 AM
I’ve seen this issue posted on the forums before but never with a solid answer as to what causes it or how to fix it. This thread is intended to be a record of an ongoing issue that multiple players are experiencing, hopefully to bring attention to it and finally get it fixed.

My partner and I have started multiple playthroughs on PC that always end in the Lower City area of Act 3. We are able to play together pretty much flawlessly up until this point, but when we enter the Lower City, it’s only a matter of time before the Guest player starts experiencing partially rendered environments, missing UI elements, T-posing characters and NPCs, or crashes in the loading screen. The Host player is able to load this area with no issues. The crashes seem to happen whenever there is a loading screen, like going from Camp to the city or leaving the sewers or a building basement and entering the large, main Lower City area.

Here is what we have tried, based on others’ suggestions and some of our own ideas, none of which has worked for us in the long-term:

-Uninstalling and reinstalling the game.

-Updating graphics drivers.

-Playing on LAN, Online, and Direct Connect.

-Launching the game with both Vulkan and DX11

-Bypassing the Larian launcher/Launching through the Larian Launcher

-Turning on Slow HDD mode, both individually and at the same time for both of us

-Lowering graphics settings for both the Host and the Guest

-Launching the game through both the BG3 Mod Manager and Steam

-Having the Host launch the game with all party members in camp, and then having the Guest join and 1.) leave camp through the "Leave Camp" button, and 2.) Fast travel to a Lower City waypoint. Neither of these methods seem to work.

-Having the Guest join the Host's game, and also having the Host invite the Guest to play via Steam

-Sending the Host’s save file to the Guest, and having the Guest load in first as the new Host. (This just ends up swapping who is having the issue. The Guest who was initially experiencing the issue can load and play with no problem, but the problem starts occurring on the original Host's computer if they load in as a Guest.)

-Having the Guest load the Host’s save file, then be invited to join a game using the same save file on the Host’s computer.

-Inviting the Guest to a save file in Act 3 that had previously been played exclusively in single player. The Guest will eventually still crash in Lower City.

Our Situation/Specs

-Both of our computers are capable of running BG3 in single player at maximum graphics settings with no issues whatsoever. I am usually the Guest when we play in multiplayer, but I have beaten the game with no similar issues whatsoever in single player. My partner as the Host has no issues loading this area on his computer, and his computer is newer/faster than mine.

-We play sitting next to each other on the same internet connection, same network etc. We don't play with a VPN enabled.

-In our most recent playthrough, we did play with mods enabled, but we have experienced this exact same issue with 2 separate playthroughs that had no mods. When we did play with mods, we made sure that we had the exact same versions of the exact same mods installed with the same load order.

We’ve been experiencing this issue since the game launched, sinking hundreds of hours into these playthroughs we can’t finish. Every time a patch comes out that promises to improve Act 3 performance, we hope that we will be able to finally finish the game together, and will usually start a new playthrough instead of loading up old “broken” saves. So far, nothing has helped and the issue persists.

Thanks for reading. If anything has worked for you that I haven’t mentioned above, let me know! We are desperate and will try anything at this point.
Just to give it a push.

My brother and I do have exactly the same problem. We didn't try all the things the OP did, but it seems it wouldn't help anyway.

The game did run very good until we reached Lower City BG. In all the hours before we only had one or two game or synch crashes that affected both of us.

But now I (as the guest player) get stuck in the loading screen (loading status number showing 100%, no loading art, only black, loading circle not moving) when joining his game. It mostly works when task-killing the game and start again, but when I emerge from the sewers or a cellar, I get stuck again or the game loads and I see a little bit around me, but my avatar and party member, almost all textures and UI is missing. The game gets stuck very soon after.

This is no fun. frown

We will try to go to camp when saving and sending me out first and try to pursue only the main quest, to bring the run to the end. But if this doesn't work reliable, we will have to stop the run, which would be a real shame, because we had so much fun until now and the game is so great. ;_;
Same exact issue for me. Tried many "solutions" to no avail.

I am completely stuck on 2 play throughs at this exact point and am extremely disappointed that we haven't seen a fix for this issue in such a long time.

I'll be watching this thread with great hope and interest.
Any hope for a fix before the end of the year? Vacation time dwindling away and can't play this with friends with our time off.
Same issues here during our play through with a friend. Has completely halted our progress in the lower city. The first load into the area is fine but if we load into any of the other areas and back the issues start (t-posing npcs, assets not loading in, cant cast any spells and just generally not loading the game and crashes). No issues whatsoever up until the lower city. Pretty annoying to say the least.
I hope to play with a friend or two soon, and it sure will suck if we get to act 3 and this happens... Did y'all submit official bug reports via the link they give?
I did submit a bug report months ago, but didn't receive a reply. It was kind of a pain to submit, but I pulled the crash reports, included screenshots, etc. I think this was back in September-ish when the game was still fairly new, so they were probably flooded with reports. Might be worth trying again.

It's definitely not a new issue -- I've been researching this since the first time we hit Act 3 way back in August and seen it posted by others both here and on the Baldur's Gate 3 subreddit, but none of the patch notes or hotfixes that have come since address this issue specifically. My partner and I started playing on launch day and still haven't beaten the game (:
I submitted a bug report about it on November 2nd, and on November 6th got a response:


Thank you for your report! I've passed this on to the team to investigate.


I haven't heard anything else on it. I might submit another one at some point so that they know it still hasn't been fixed with any of their patches yet. This has been such a frustrating blocker. My wife and I have multiple playthroughs that can't move on to Act 3 together. We have resorted to hot-seating one of the playthroughs, switching who is playing while the other watches, which kinda works to some extent, but is not nearly as fun of a way to do it.
My friend and I have the same bug. We couldn't progress at all.
The only temporary fix we've found so far is to teleport back to camp. (Leaving the camp and walking through any door/portal makes the bug appear again.)

Have any of you received a reply from Larian so far?
No reply at all so far. Pretty disappointing to say the least as this has completely halted our play through for pretty much a month now. Have submitted a bug report through the form as well but haven't received anything apart from a generic connection issue troubleshooting guide which obviously isn't what this issue is about.
Same problem here, I saw this bug in the first few weeks of the game's release and it still exists, it's so critical but so far no fix.
Same, friend and I had no problems until we got to Lower City. I'm the guest and always crash when loading into any part of Lower City, sometimes loading in but with half the assets disappearing and mostly everyone T posing while I can't move my character. The only temporary fix is host sending me to camp and teleporting to Lower City from camp. It's mostly a gamble though. Disappointed that this seems to have been a problem for a while, I thought it was just a recent bug. Both can run game at max so I know it's not a performance issue, no mods, yada yada. Particularly frustrating since it's an honour mode run. Patiently waiting for a fix.
I've found a solution that worked for us.

H-> Host
J-> 2nd player

1. H have to stay at direct X11 at all times
2. H loads the game then moves all characters to one party, dismisses all summons, go to camp with all characters.
3. H starts a conversation with NPC with main character of J.
4. J load game with direct X11.
5. J joins by steam friend list.
6. J leaves camp.
7. J TP with any kind of portals/doors/etc. that changes location.
8. J Bug appear (Missing walls, no walking animations, T-pose NPC)
9. J Using portals/doors/etc. that changes location ONCE MORE to stay at loading then alt + F4
10. J launches the game with Vulcan
11. If white screen at the start, WAIT. Do not click anything, just wait (this one took us 8 minutes - I guess the time could be lower, depends on pc)
12. J Joins by steam friend list when H chooses the dialog option.
12a. When J loads his character MUST BE MID dialog.
13. J might have graphic Artifacting - when loaded wait until (in our case black squares) they disappear.
14. Fixed

Now you can move 2nd character to your partner.
I don't know if it'll help everyone - it helped us.

Location where we ungliched (spoilers ahead):
We did it in Ramazith's Tower.
Who we talked with (spoilers ahead):
Lorroakan post talking with Dame Aylin telling her the truth
As of Patch 6 it looks like this is still not fixed.
I am having this exact same issue in the coop game I am playing with my partner, however this has only begun since Patch 6 for us and we fine before hand.
Have tried using both Vulcan and Direct X but have similar issues.
Direct X causing missing textures and T-posing when changing areas.
Vulcan will simply fail to load into the new areas.
This needs more attention! I have been experiencing the same problem, exactly the same as OP, this seems to be a multiplayer Co-op issue that only affects the guest. I've tried pretty much all of the same methods too and nothing seems to fix it. I can also confirm with OP that this is still a problem even with patch 6, I only started and experience this at the tail end of Patch 5 Hotfix 17 and this was always only in Act 3 Lower City.

Larian please look into this, I love this game but we have 2 playthrough that have slowed to a crawl because of this. But for those that, if they can deal with constantly closing the game (P.S this works for me not sure if this works for you too.).

A temporary solution to get through Act 3 is to always send the guest player to camp before they join the game. For some reason I've been able to play through Act 3 by having my friend sending my character to camp, and when I join the game and leave camp, I can go through the lower city until I enter a new area and reenter the Lower City. You will need to do this every time you enter the lower city, and make sure that the guest Alt+F4.
Our game would sometimes work if we continuously restarted, but the loading screens were so long and it would only "fix" the issue sometimes that it didn't feel worth it.

We did try different variations of host loading in first with the whole party at camp and then the guest joining. I usually didn't have issues (as the guest) loading into camp (either the Lower City outdoor camp or the Elfsong camp) but leaving camp was a mixed bag. Hitting "Leave Camp" would usually make the issue happen and the game lock up, fast traveling to a waypoint in the main city area like Basilisk Gate or the main Baldur's Gate waypoint would work sometimes.

Ultimately it's just so disruptive to the gameplay and we spend more time restarting/reloading than actually playing that it just doesn't even feel worth it to play.
On Patch 6 launch day I sent in another support ticket to Larian with screenshots, my game save files, and all the text from my original post included. They actually wrote back this time!

No definitive answer yet, but the first time I submitted a ticket, I didn't even get a response.
Yeah I totally get what you mean, it really sucks but me and my friend really wants to keep going so this is how we are dealing with it and we at least are getting through Act 3 but it is so tedious and ridiculous. The fact that they wrote back at least is hopefully a good sign that we get an answer for everyone that has had to deal with this problem!
Yeah I am all for a workaround, but I don't think that sounds very feasible. I have basically given up on the coop game right now and I am just going through so solo campaigns until this is resovled and I can play with my partner again.
Posted By: chia Re: Multiplayer Act 3 T-Posing and Crashing/PC - 29/02/24 11:01 AM
god ive been having the same issue from the moment we entered act 3... we've been playing for a week non-stop and it breaks my heart knowing i cant play for the time being because of something thats completely out of my control... are there any, and i mean ANY workarounds that helped at least one person? i really dont wanna give up on this playthrough we spent 60 hours in it and im just devastated... i tried of course verifying steam files to no avail, i also tried the sending my characher to the camp method but it didnt work either. it sucks because ive been loving this game so far, it started becoming one of my favorites of all time and id hate for a bug to just ruing everything...
Posted By: phoub Re: Multiplayer Act 3 T-Posing and Crashing/PC - 29/02/24 02:12 PM
Issue has persisted over the past few patches. Would be nice if it was ackowledged by Larian. Easily replicatable, happens only in Act 3 on the client side.

My friend and I persisted through a save to the end but it would happen so frequently, no fixes or workarounds besides hoping for the best when loading into a different area within Lower City.
We've started a new save without any issues throughout Act 1 and 2, but the exact second we stepped into lower city for the first time in Act 3, the client-game (I'm hosting) stopped working.
Posted By: phoub Re: Multiplayer Act 3 T-Posing and Crashing/PC - 02/03/24 11:00 AM
Me and my daughter just progressed to Lower City and had this same problem: my game started with some of the characters sliding around, but on her screen people were just standing with their hands to the sides and even the UI failed to load completely. When I (the host) tried to engage in a conversation with an NPC, the game became unresponsive. On a second try, I attempted to return to the upper city, but the loading screen just never went away.
Posted By: phoub Re: Multiplayer Act 3 T-Posing and Crashing/PC - 06/03/24 11:52 AM
Same here for our multiplayer campain.

First happend when exiting the sewer, now it's on 70% of the loading in this area. The client T pose and can't interract anymore forcing an Alt+F4 quit.

When the host is in a stuck loading screen, client quitting the game seems to unstuck the loading.

We tried :
- Slow HDD mode (seems to help, at least not happening everytime since active)
- Swapping the save to change the host. On the very first load get T-pose.
- DX11 to Vulkan.
- Praying to multiple divinity.

Nothing seems to work. It is our first run and we don't wan't to spoil the third act with single player campain aside.
Posted By: phoub Re: Multiplayer Act 3 T-Posing and Crashing/PC - 13/03/24 07:36 AM
Larian pls
Just an update about this --

I have a reddit thread going as well for the exact same issue that's gotten a little traction, and it got a reply from one of Larian's Community Strategists. If anyone here is interested, here's how you can send your info to Larian so they can get more information and hopefully fix this one:

Hey everyone,

Larian Studios' Sr. Community Strategist here!

The team are eager to look into this issue and would like a few individuals to send in their savegames so it can be investigated further.

If you're experiencing the issue on this thread, please follow the steps in this link to obtain your savegame file, and email it to

Thank you in advance!
Thanks for the update. Just sent my save to them. The instructions to get your save are here: under "Saved Games". Remember, it should be a .lsv file. I had to ask my host to follow the instructions and send me their save, for me to send to Larian. Please do so while the the iron's hot and they're taking an active interest in this issue

EDIT: Here is the reddit thread for anyone interested, where you can also see the Sr. Community Strategist's response:
Posted By: Tcmac Re: Multiplayer Act 3 T-Posing and Crashing/PC - 13/04/24 04:16 PM
Just to bump, I am also having the exact same issue on Multiplayer. The game was almost flawless until entering Lower City in Act 3.
I use an M1 24" Mac with 16GB Ram and latest OS and have been playing primality with three friends (all on PCs) in multiplayer since game launch. I have a very solid 500MB ethernet connection to my ISP. I have not run any mods.

Many of the hot fixes over the last several months have precipitated problems with BG3 crashing during the load process, especially in outside environments. When patch 6 was released we(I) had one of the best gameplay experiences where graphics all worked perfectly. Then hot fix #25 landed this week and I could not load in multiplayer at all, regardless of inside or outside environment. Always stalls at 100%. In this case we were in Act 3 in Lower City.

Hard to hazard a guess as to what is causing this problem, but I sure wish hot fixes would be tested among a cadre of users in multiplayer before the hot fix is released. This has been a very frustrating ride. Game is awesome, when it functions as advertised. But really sucks when it doesn't.
Posted By: Salo Re: Multiplayer Act 3 T-Posing and Crashing/PC - 22/04/24 10:18 AM
Just to confirm here the team is aware of this issue and they are currently working on it!
Thank you! This is such incredible news.
Posted By: Ofab Re: Multiplayer Act 3 T-Posing and Crashing/PC - 03/06/24 05:03 PM
Awesome news! Hope you’ll find the solution, we can’t complete the campaign for 6 months because of this bug.
Originally Posted by Salo
Just to confirm here the team is aware of this issue and they are currently working on it!

Any update on this?????? It has been nearly a year and still haven't been able to finish my first playthrough.
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