Larian Studios
I like easy mode smile

I have not finished the game yet, but it seems a little biased towards magic. Others have played through with multiple characters and could offer a more qualified opinion. Playing a strength based warrior (concentrating on normal damage) I have not had any serious problems, though, that couldn't be solved by adjusting my strategy or exploring another area first.

In the starting area, talk to each of the trainers and try out various classes to see what suits your style. Any class can do well, or you can mix and match skills as you see fit.

You will have access to a necromancer creature you can summon a little way into the game (about level 10 or 12). I found it much more useful as a ranger (Fireball) than a warrior (Rush Attack / Fatality), and best as a mage (Magic Missile / Magic Blast).

Character Optimization

So: warrior, mage or archer?

The official "ULTIMATE MAGE" guide

Welcome to the forum. wave
yeah i use warior but i still use my skill in mage and priest so i can summon a undead that can help me fight
As Raze seems somewhat biased toward magic, Having played all 3 main classes i would rate them as follows 1. Mage, 2. Ranger and 3. Warrior these were all played without using any priest class skills at all. I played my very first character with summoned creatures and realized very soon that my skillpoints could have been used more wisely in my main skills rather than in uncontrollable summoned creatures. Having said that, put together a creature with a Mage head and wow its literally a BLAST lol Ive tried the ranger head and it takes too long for its SINGLE spell to recast and a warrior head just didnt seem to benefit me nearly as well as the mage head.

I have also found that its more efficient to spend points in 3 or 4 main skills and not spraed points out and have alot of mediocre powered skills...of course magic based skills NEED (mana efficiency) and (destruction) maxed at 5....lockpick at 5.... i had +2 wiz necklace...and carried the +1wiz bow on my mage for more experience.

There are many combinations but i felt the Mage is the most powerfull and the Ranger is awesome too once it gets Explosive Arrows built up!
All the classes can be powerfull if you dont spread the skillpoints all over the board!!!!! biggrin
I would say Ranger with explosive arrow maxed out, you just AoE everything in your way.
I'm finding the game incredibly easy so far and don't have a single magic skill, other than a few points in charm but that is a priest skill.

If any 'tough' mobs survive the first blast then a stun/poison and backflip gives time for another explosive arrow and I rarely get hit.
Not many mobs survive that. biggrin
The warrior isnt that bad. I am lvl 26 and I am using the lvl 20 rivellon warhammer with 66 magic damage and 66 regular damage. I found firewall to be a very useful skill. Also the ghost helped me a lot till I got to lvl 23. Firewall then whirlwind is an insta-kill on every mob I come across (except the "dragon terror squad"). I found a combination of all status types works very well for me. Rush attack is also a very useful skill. Just saying that a warrior isnt as bad as every1 thinks. Duel Wield FTW!!
Ranger gets stronger and stronger as the game goes on until you practically one-shot every group you see with explosive arrow.
If you wanna be overpowered then a magic missil focused mage is the way to go.....I have magic missil maxed out and I do about 1000 damage per missil and I shot five of them making an easy 5000 dps.....nuff said lol
Originally Posted by Namelessnoob007
If you wanna be overpowered then a magic missil focused mage is the way to go.....I have magic missil maxed out and I do about 1000 damage per missil and I shot five of them making an easy 5000 dps.....nuff said lol

yap it is true
im a warrior lvl 30, lvl 30 bosses and creatures barely hurt me at all, its actualy quiet fun to just stand there while all of them are doing only 20 - 40 damage on me, i have summon demon at 5 so i bring him up only when i want to do things quick, im able to do the fortresses with out a summoned ally, i got a bow but its mainly for shoting the annoying running clerics and archers
I'm currently only level 19-20 and took the option to re-do all my skills.
I maxxed out the following :
Dual wield 5
Lockpick 5
Ranger Strength 5
Fireball 5
Life Leech 4
Heal 2
Regenerate 2

I rarely need to use my limited healing potions so far.
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