Larian Studios
Posted By: Lynn [REVIEW] Two more reviews of DKS - 03/12/10 11:19 AM
Testing it on the Xbox360, Spanish gaming site Vandale Online posted their review of Divinity II - The Dragon Knight.

Rating it 88%, they had this to say:

"Divinity 2: The Dragon Knight is a game not only recommended for enthusiasts of the original, but for anyone willing to undertake a new role-playing adventure with a large dose of intelligent humor."


Strategy Informer meanwhile gave the PC version a shot, and rated the game 8/10. Their closing comments:

"This is definitely an improved version over the original, so kudos to Larian for the extra work they've put in. The game does do a pretty good job at fixing the technical problems, the extra content is welcome, and the pacing is improved so that you don't get stuck all the time. This is definitely a game for hardcore RPG fans, so if you haven't tried it already, this is definitely worth a go."
Posted By: Paris Re: [REVIEW] Two more reviews of DKS - 03/12/10 06:02 PM
Have I ever mentioned that I love this game? Xmas
Posted By: Endurium Re: [REVIEW] Two more reviews of DKS - 04/12/10 04:35 AM
I had the original game on PC for awhile but never played it past Farglow for reasons having nothing to do with the game itself. Then a couple of weeks ago I decided to give it a go once more.

One thing I love to do is modify games, something I've done since the 1980s. Divinity 2 doesn't seem too mod friendly though (texture mods seem to be the big thing) so when DKS came out I downloaded a digital copy from Amazon (I'm in the US).

The first thing I noticed when firing up DKS is that it runs faster. Since I like playing games at Ultra settings this is important. Of course, my old saved games were now obsolete so I created a new character.

Lots of fun, and I finally finished the original campaign today. I agree with the review's comments on the end-game. To me it was like being punched in the stomach, and I almost came here to vent about getting my satisfaction, or else! But then FoV started seamlessly (great job on that!) and the way my character arrived in Aleroth had me laughing out loud in recognition. Great job again! "Give me your clothes!"

I can understand why games featuring party members are popular, but if Divinity went that route I feel the rest of the game would suffer a bit for it. In party-based games the best writing seems to be between party members or between a party member and the player, while everyone else has so-so writing. Not to mention the logistics of carrying party members while in dragon form. I love to run solo in games, and if it's a game with party members I often leave them at camp while I go running around. That's just how I am, and it's a big part of why I enjoy Divinity 2 so much.

The artwork and modeling is excellent, I especially love Aleroth in FoV, my battle tower (especially the garden), Broken Valley, and Kali's domain. The music is mostly excellent, but the somewhat droning valley-general tune gets on my nerves. Love the dungeon music; could go spelunking all day. The voice acting is really entertaining, including the guy that sort of narrates, like when reading scrolls and "be welcome in your storage". smile

This is getting long winded so I'll end by saying this is a great game and DKS was more than worth it for me. Who needs entertaining party members when most of the people in Rivellon are entertaining?
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