Larian Studios
Hello everyone,
So here yesterday during the live gaming session session with Jim Sterling from Destructoid on Twitch TV a few of us (backers) come up with the idea to include KIRILL as a voice actor and NPC in the game.
It would be nice to have him playing piano in an inn or tavern somewhere or a crazy place. We could also perhaps have a small quest around this. Like finding a partition lost somewhere or helping him in creating music or something funny. What would be great is that we could also include when he plays piano the update song.

We also would like to be able to have his hairstyle in the game!

So if you are interested in the idea you can support us!

I support this!
Yeah, the players will spend hours upon hours on searching for the long lost Sheets of Remarkable Music of an ancient, wonderful symphony. And when they have finally collected all pieces and present them in reverence to Master Kirill, a candle falls over and burns the sheets to ashes.

"NOOOOOOoooooooo!!" cries Kirill (and the players).


"Oh well, who needs sheet music anyway," Kirill says, and starts playing by heart as usual. smile
God yes.. and ofcourse when you talk to him and ask him "update?" he sings the update song...
thats required XD
it'd be great to have kirill have his own NPC in game and perhaps a quest is given hint of in one of his songs that you have to discuss with your partner so like say a song about some lost tomb or as said above quest for the lost sheets of remarkable music in a few towns that our dear bard kirill went to before and once you complete it we get to see kirill dance and sing maybe ^^
...hope they do watch the forums and the kickstarted comments and make the kirill npc with hairstyle etc i think it'd be awesome to see in the tavern...maybe after a lost sheet music quest he also gets a full orchestra in game hehehe
also forgot to say that in Divinity 2 he had a role. Someone from Larian told me that yesterday at some point.
But we also really need his hairstyle + superpowers!
Kirill Hairstyle = controling animals or something like that!
Originally Posted by worri3db3ar
it'd be great to have kirill have his own NPC in game and perhaps a quest is given hint of in one of his songs that you have to discuss with your partner so like say a song about some lost tomb or as said above quest for the lost sheets of remarkable music in a few towns that our dear bard kirill went to before and once you complete it we get to see kirill dance and sing maybe ^^
...hope they do watch the forums and the kickstarted comments and make the kirill npc with hairstyle etc i think it'd be awesome to see in the tavern...maybe after a lost sheet music quest he also gets a full orchestra in game hehehe

I love this!
Originally Posted by Arhu
Yeah, the players will spend hours upon hours on searching the long lost Sheets of Remarkable Music of an ancient, wonderful symphony. And when they have finally collected all pieces and present them in reverence to Master Kirill, a candle falls over and burns the sheets to ashes.

"NOOOOOOoooooooo!!" cries Kirill (and the players).


"Oh well, who needs sheet music anyway," Kirill says, and starts playing by heart as usual. smile

Nice and dramatic!
i sadly havent played the previous games but after watching all the updates so far im glad i mentioned the thought last night ^^
simply touched by kirill singing in slavic(?).....missed out on the live twitch feed of kirill on 18th T.T
hehe kirill is an amazing composer and i think itll be a cool hats off to him ^^
Or just like in D2 where he was the musician in the Dragon Tower he could be in the House at the end of time.
hehe that would be cool
haha, I was thinking he could be an npc at the Shelter Plane that would be playing music at your residence and talking to him would change what song is being played in the background while there.

Oh, and he'd automatically play the Update song tune if your book has an update that is waiting for you to check out. smile
maybe we can have both at the tavern and at the home thats at the end of time ^^ and add a line of kirill giving a quest for parchment for new song ideas even hehe
I suppose he could give you a quest to get the lost music sheets and then he joins your house at the end of time with a full orchestra. smile

But I think it would be great to have him as an NPC in game as well.
+1 for in game Kirill!
YES! We need Kirill in the game. And whole Larian team as well.
Heh, the Larian team could be found in Divine Divinity and Kirill was the musician in The Battle Tower in Divinity 2.

So why not again? But I'd prefer him to be in a tavern. The whole of Rivillon should be able to hear his music.
+1 demonic
Originally Posted by Zozie
Oh, and he'd automatically play the Update song tune if your book has an update that is waiting for you to check out. smile


I want the update song as my ringtone :p
Originally Posted by Jenga
I want the update song as my ringtone :p

thats a good idea!
nice 914750! and 78 minutes to go!
I think having Kirill as an NPC in the Homestead playing music is awesome.

And he can have a side quests where you have to find the legendary lost music sheets! With every sheet found, a new song that can be played in your place is unlocked, and if you find them all, something special happens! laugh
Let Kirill play in taverns and we can put gold in his jar on piano to request a tune.

Kirill is currently playing in the live feed.
Kirill live!

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Originally Posted by Zozie
Oh, and he'd automatically play the Update song tune if your book has an update that is waiting for you to check out. smile

I'd rather not go slowly insane, thanks.
Why didn't you post print screens of the people mooning the camera? :P
It was like a sudden idea:)! On the spot.
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Stretch goal : David as a bard, singing along with Kirill.
Originally Posted by Asyreon
Stretch goal : David as a bard, singing along with Kirill.

This needs to be done. I'm dead serious.
Just registered to approve of Kirill and David as a bard duo rocking out in the game! Larian, this has to happen.
Originally Posted by Noragd
This needs to be done. I'm dead serious.

Of course I am also serious about it!
That's why I think we need lot's of support and a few good ideas for small quests.

We don't ask for a huge quest but would be nice for backers.
So all support is welcomed.
Yes! David and Kirill as Bards would be great!
I'd love that too. As someone who spends quite a lot of his time in pubs in real life, I'm always struck by how lifeless they seem in RPGs. Usually there's 2 people in there and it's totally silent. So not only are Kirill and David awesome in general, it'd be great to have actual music in the inns and taverns to really give it some atmosphere and life.
Originally Posted by Kingslayer
I'd love that too. As someone who spends quite a lot of his time in pubs in real life, I'm always struck by how lifeless they seem in RPGs. Usually there's 2 people in there and it's totally silent. So not only are Kirill and David awesome in general, it'd be great to have actual music in the inns and taverns to really give it some atmosphere and life.

They have NPC scheduling in the game now, so maybe they could schedule a concert tour of the Epic Duo through every tavern and pub in the game? And if you manage to be there for every single event, you get to sing with them in the end of the questline. laugh
Well I'm not a big fan of the night thing but I like the idea of them running to shelter when it begins to rain smile
I wonder what the guards will do if you make a ran cloud upon them ?
@Koveras: Yes, great idea! That's exactly the kind of fun thing Larian put in their games that set them apart. Also, if they do achievements, there could be a Groupie one for that.
Originally Posted by meme
Well I'm not a big fan of the night thing but I like the idea of them running to shelter when it begins to rain smile
I wonder what the guards will do if you make a ran cloud upon them ?

Nah, I think that they will continue to rock, regardless of the weather. laugh
It was said about 50 times on the comments:

Originally Posted by meme
Well I'm not a big fan of the night thing but I like the idea of them running to shelter when it begins to rain smile
I wonder what the guards will do if you make a ran cloud upon them ?

They will continue their duty (if they are loyal) or search for shelter (if they are a bunch of lazy bums).... hahaha
Originally Posted by dlux
It was said about 50 times on the comments:


They could have parapets by their posts that they go under when it's raining. When it's clear, they'll march around out of cover.
Originally Posted by dlux
It was said about 50 times on the comments:


<3 yep! +1

(and Kirill turns out to be some sort of Weresheep leader if you bark him up the right way)
I'll just leave this here. Kirill could likely turn this into an epic piano song, and I somehow think the band would approve if you ask them...
Originally Posted by theBlackDragon
I'll just leave this here. Kirill could likely turn this into an epic piano song, and I somehow think the band would approve if you ask them...

Ah the bard song is great. As for the band approving who knows, they did appear in Sacred 2 though...
Originally Posted by Ragnin
Originally Posted by theBlackDragon
I'll just leave this here. Kirill could likely turn this into an epic piano song, and I somehow think the band would approve if you ask them...

Ah the bard song is great. As for the band approving who knows, they did appear in Sacred 2 though...

I do think they enjoy RPGs, who knows, maybe they even pledged, I wouldn't really be surprised if they did tbh... smile
I think there should be an NPC schedule for him to accidentally flood a tavern out wanting to take a bath. Maybe a spell went wrong?

Veterans here will know what I'm talking about.
Originally Posted by geekoo
Hello everyone,
So here yesterday during the live gaming session session with Jim Sterling from Destructoid on Twitch TV a few of us (backers) come up with the idea to include KIRILL as a voice actor and NPC in the game.
It would be nice to have him playing piano in an inn or tavern somewhere or a crazy place. We could also perhaps have a small quest around this. Like finding a partition lost somewhere or helping him in creating music or something funny. What would be great is that we could also include when he plays piano the update song.

We also would like to be able to have his hairstyle in the game!

So if you are interested in the idea you can support us!


I support this!
Kirill and David as travelling bards.. Make it happen! laugh
Kirill was in a previous Larian game hahaha
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C'mon Larian team... we need an official word on this! laugh
Originally Posted by ekster
C'mon Larian team... we need an official word on this! laugh

Pretty sure they're all still passed out after the kickstarter. They sure deserve to be if they aren't...
Last time I saw Swen he had a bottle of wine in his hand. So yeah, they will probably need a day or two to recover. ^^

But a drunken Swen answering this would be way more fun.

Plus who knows what else he'll promise in his drunken state. :p
Originally Posted by Ragnin
Ah the bard song is great. As for the band approving who knows, they did appear in Sacred 2 though...

Originally Posted by theBlackDragon
I do think they enjoy RPGs, who knows, maybe they even pledged, I wouldn't really be surprised if they did tbh... smile

Blind Guardians are well known for being utter geeks, so they're definitely into good fantasy RPGs. smile
Sounds like a really cute idea to me. So I'm +1 too smile
thanks for the support!
Lets give Swen a few days to recover!
I am willing to go to Gent and bring him a few bottles of beer if it helps the matter!
Originally Posted by geekoo
I am willing to go to Gent and bring him a few bottles of beer if it helps the matter!

Beer ALWAYS helps matters. Any matters. laugh

Btw, if this does get implemented (Kirill and David rocking out in a tavern), it just HAS to include one moment where Kirill rocks so hard, his instrument falls apart and everyone helps him put it back together before the party continues. laugh seems like a deja-vu smile
Originally Posted by Koveras
Originally Posted by geekoo
I am willing to go to Gent and bring him a few bottles of beer if it helps the matter!

Beer ALWAYS helps matters. Any matters. laugh

Btw, if this does get implemented (Kirill and David rocking out in a tavern), it just HAS to include one moment where Kirill rocks so hard, his instrument falls apart and everyone helps him put it back together before the party continues. laugh

I smell an idea for a quest... cheer

Also your name mangling doesn't fool me Koveras! There can be only one! And our father's realm is MINE!
Originally Posted by dwelfusius seems like a deja-vu smile

And an inside joke. Nobody who did not watch that livestream and experienced that horrible moment of uncertainty will understand what's going on in that quest. laugh

Originally Posted by theBlackDragon
Also your name mangling doesn't fool me Koveras! There can be only one! And our father's realm is MINE!

Pfff, you're a million years too early to challenge me for the father's throne, boy. I chewed on dragons and spit their bones out while you still struggled to break out of your egg. laugh
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