Larian Studios
I'm not sure if I'm late figuring all of this out but I was super excited when I got combat and dialogues working while also having the characters set to global. Here's what I did:

1) Create a new mod with the Main data-pack and a dependency to Main

2) Go into the story editor and do "Generate Definitions and Build." This creates a "Story" folder within "<main game folder\data\mods\<your mod>"

3) Navigate to "<main game folder>\Data\Editor\Templates\Story", there you will see a huge list of .txt files. Copy all of those text files to "<main game folder>\Data\Mods\<your mod>\Story\RawFiles\Goals" and then rebuild the story (not sure if you have to but I'm paranoid like that)

4) Now all of the Scripts in the story editor will no longer be grayed out, but you wont be able to make a new script that isn't "read-only" and you wont be able to drag new scripts under "_start" like you are required to. To circumvent this, navigate to "<main game folder>\Data\Mods\<your mod>\Story\RawFiles\Goals" and make a new text file and name it what you want.

This is what you want to put in the newly created text file:

Version 1
SubGoalCombiner SGC_AND




You should now (or upon closing and reopening the editor like I did) be able to see your new script, move it under "_start", and begin editing it.

ALIGNMENTS (for combat to work):

For alignments and combat to work, copy the file "<main game folder>\Data\Editor\Templates\Alignments\Alignment.lsx" to "<main game folder>\Data\Mods\<your mod>"

A basic way to get two characters to fight each other is, after setting both to global (at least I did, not sure if you have to), set the enemy's alignment to "Evil NPC" and the players alignment to "Good". For more information about what other alignments are available just open the "Alignment.lsx" file in notepad(++).

I hope this helped but let me know if you figure out anything else or if you find an easier way to do things.
Thank you Kyneric!

Geez, I hope Larian make things a bit easier in future. But big thanks for sharing your discovery with the community smile
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