Larian Studios
Posted By: ClaryKitty [Request] Actual Female Armours - 30/11/14 08:32 PM
I've been playing the game for quite some time now, but I have one issue with it: all female armours seem to be skimpy or not efficient at all. By this, I mean that -for me- they in no way count as armour at all; way too much skin is revealed and would ultimately lead to the wearer getting her stomach (the one body part that seems to be exposed at all times) lacerated.

I generally avoid most games that involve combat and have armour that wouldn't protect the wearer in any way, but Divosin, as I call it, is one of the few that has too much to offer for me to ignore it just for that fact.

So, in the end, I must ask: Would it at all be possible for anyone to create some true armour for us few female players out there who'd rather play as a warrior rather than just an over-sexualized doll?
Posted By: Burgee Re: [Request] Actual Female Armours - 30/11/14 10:13 PM
Ahhh fantasy gaming, where every artist thinks we want to see half naked women in our games with gigantic chests.

I find it annoying too.
Posted By: Anders K-R Re: [Request] Actual Female Armours - 01/12/14 08:56 AM
To be honest, everything for males and females is exaggerated, but that is just the style of the game. I mean, look at the male player character, he is bodybuilder bulk. He looks like a very fine tuned bodybuilder, and not someone who is strong because of combat training. Anyway, I can see why one would be distracted by this, but a modder would have to do a huge amount of work because almost all the characters are like this. I don't mind, because it is a fantasy world that feels themed around the idea of perfection and humanity, and it all fits together. I would suggest just playing with mages. A pure mage run is also very effective and fun.
Posted By: ClaryKitty Re: [Request] Actual Female Armours - 01/12/14 06:49 PM
I've actually been playing a mage this whole time, and have more or less avoided the other classes.

It honestly saddens me (no offence Larian) that, when a game is made and its armour models have little geometry, not many people have the courage to add on to them. Most people/modders tend to lean towards making mods that remove even more of the already lacking armour.

If I were a better modeler, I'd probably manage to muster the courage and model them myself, but alas, I can't model anything other than architecture.
Posted By: JecklynHyde Re: [Request] Actual Female Armours - 02/12/14 10:56 PM
Weird. I play a female rogue and her outfit consists of a leather vest, pants, boots and the loincloth thing over her hip ( My sidekick Madora's chestplate covers her whole torso and she wears pants and boots with only her face and hands showing ( The only PC mage outfit I've seen so far is the full-body bathrobe for both male and female characters.

Do you have a picture of the outfit that needs rework? The only aspect of any female outfit that has made me laugh so far are the ridiculous high heel boots they all seem to wear. Larian tried to address the scant clothing issue before the final release and I thought they did pretty well (

I'd like to help out but I'm not a very talented modeller myself.
Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: [Request] Actual Female Armours - 03/12/14 11:40 PM
If we could remodel armor then people would be doing it, you are not the only one who wants a more "realistic" approach to armor... though for me it's the absurd *male* character models, the helmets, the giant weapons. Alas, we can not, we can only swap existing models, not integrate new dynamic meshes. Larian used Rad Game Tools, which means you can change any static mesh with the tools we have available, but nothing in any way animated via bones/IK (Armor, Character Models, Hair, Monsters, Weapons)

This makes me sad ;(
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