Larian Studios
Posted By: Tuco About the Definitive Edition - 18/06/18 10:43 AM
I expected this topic to be discussed a lot more, but weirdly enough there's hardly anything about it in these forums.

I have essentially one question: WHEN are we going to get a detailed list of the changes this new version is supposed to introduce?
All we got so far are some vaguely handwaved hints at "improvements in the last acts", but I'd be more curious about any tweak to the stat and skill system, rebalance in spells, itemization, etc.
Posted By: UnderworldHades Re: About the Definitive Edition - 21/06/18 07:30 AM
There really hasn't been much shown or talked about to the general public. Most of the places only discuss what you've said about third act and etc, but on this article:

On the very last paragraph "Larian Studios will be releasing a detailed list of all the changes to Kickstarter backers "some time before E3", according to a developer USgamer spoke with. The list of changes is apparently 45 pages long in Larian's internal documentation, so expect that novella sometime soon."

So e3 has already happened, does that mean the backers already got it? I mean if they have and the general public hasn't seen anything so maybe they aren't allowed or something, im not sure. BUT if it is 45 pages long or so, that's a HUGEEEE list with tons of changes.
Posted By: Windemere Re: About the Definitive Edition - 21/06/18 10:24 AM
They didn't get the info out before E3 as that article claimed, but the Kickstarter update on the DE is scheduled to come out today.
Posted By: Janissary Re: About the Definitive Edition - 21/06/18 07:16 PM
Just saw the KS video. I'm not the kinda guy that evokes the term stoked, bit I am wholeheartedly -STOKED- for this edition.

The epilogues are getting reworked to be more reactive to player decisions?

Beast is getting more Act III content?

Be still the raging cockles pf my heartfire <3
Posted By: Lostsheep Re: About the Definitive Edition - 21/06/18 07:36 PM
Where can I find that please?
Posted By: miaasma Re: About the Definitive Edition - 21/06/18 08:46 PM
here's the video talking about the definitive edition

i really appreciate larian's transparency and motivation in making this game as good as they can. it's something i don't often see from developers and it's behaviour i think we should incentivize. despite whatever issues we've had with the game here and there, i think most of us can agree that this game is, overall, terrific and has continued to get better and better with updates

the upcoming definitive edition is proof that larian is continuing to do the best they can, and i'm grateful for it
Posted By: Tuco Re: About the Definitive Edition - 22/06/18 07:19 PM
I'm a bit bummed by that video, frankly.

One one hand it's clear that Larian is going out of its way to improve things.
On the other one it feels like a misguided effort, since they are either being dodgy about listing some features or literally ignoring some of the most heavily criticized aspects of the vanilla game (soulless itemization, poor initiative system, questionable armor system, insane stat inflation, weak/unexciting perks, etc).

I would take improvements in any of these areas above an additional questline with a squirrel, frankly.
Posted By: Kalrakh Re: About the Definitive Edition - 22/06/18 11:47 PM
Sounds like they are doing the same, that turned D:OS1 combat into D:OS2 combat, far of the rails. Revamping the fights does not make much, if the mechanics themselves stay that flawed. *lol*
Posted By: Kalavinka Re: About the Definitive Edition - 23/06/18 12:58 AM
As it stands, Divinity Original Sin 2 is a flawed gem that I love more than any game in existence. If it became less flawed, I'd be more than content with that.

I would love to see fixes for exactly these complaints you've mentioned, though.
Posted By: UnderworldHades Re: About the Definitive Edition - 24/06/18 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Tuco
I'm a bit bummed by that video, frankly.

One one hand it's clear that Larian is going out of its way to improve things.
On the other one it feels like a misguided effort, since they are either being dodgy about listing some features or literally ignoring some of the most heavily criticized aspects of the vanilla game (soulless itemization, poor initiative system, questionable armor system, insane stat inflation, weak/unexciting perks, etc).

I would take improvements in any of these areas above an additional questline with a squirrel, frankly.

Yup. They didnt say anything about the issue with talents, the health and stat inflation, the fact that you have to buy gear at every level bc of it, round robin combat. Obv story is also a big flaw (but the problems I saw don't seem to be getting fixed since it takes place a bit before arx and then it leads to arx, idk, hard to say if its getting fixed but i doubt it since its a huge turning point).

Also the whole "source" spells, where the source spells are pathetic should not just be linked to class, but should have their own unique source tree, but I've talked about this before multiple times in other threads, so w/e.
Posted By: miaasma Re: About the Definitive Edition - 26/06/18 09:28 PM
they didn't specify about much of anything. i'd love to see a list of changes too but i doubt that'll happen this far from release

there's no reason to assume crash positions with so little to go off of, but that would be par for the course on this forum

i mean there's even a part of the video in which they specify reading this forum
Posted By: Fandarin Re: About the Definitive Edition - 27/06/18 01:21 PM
Nothing on GM Mode so far. If they missed this opportunity to change the mode and fix some of the systems I would be quite bumped. For me that was the big selling point and its the mode I almost spend 250 hrs in.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: About the Definitive Edition - 27/06/18 02:22 PM
It's unclear if there will be many changes to GM Mode. It wasn't a priority because it proved impossible to port to consoles and still be a smooth-playing experience.
Posted By: Bukke Re: About the Definitive Edition - 30/06/18 12:45 PM
Larian released a change log the same day as DOS1's enhanced edition was released (Link) so I assume they'll do something similar for the release of the definitive edition. Until then I imagine we'll mostly hear about the general improvements and changes rather than the specific details.

Originally Posted by Tuco

it feels like a misguided effort, since they are either being dodgy about listing some features or literally ignoring some of the most heavily criticized aspects of the vanilla game (soulless itemization, poor initiative system, questionable armor system, insane stat inflation, weak/unexciting perks, etc).

I would take improvements in any of these areas above an additional questline with a squirrel, frankly.

I agree, but I think I'll wait and see before I pass judgement. They're likely too far into the development of the definitive edition to make any major changes anyway.
Posted By: KPolice Re: About the Definitive Edition - 03/07/18 09:54 PM
I'd like to know if the Original Edition is bundled with the Definitive Edition. I already owned the OE of DOS1 when the EE came out, and liked having the option to play both.

Would that be available if the Definitive Edition is bought without prior ownership?
Posted By: Stabbey Re: About the Definitive Edition - 04/07/18 01:37 AM
I'm not sure. What I do know is that for Larian's two prior games which got enhanced editions on Steam, Larian stopped selling the prior version.

So if you want both, I can say for sure that getting the original version now will give you access to both versions.
Posted By: KPolice Re: About the Definitive Edition - 04/07/18 02:03 AM

Hello everyone btw.
Posted By: Bukke Re: About the Definitive Edition - 04/07/18 08:32 AM
I believe that if you purchase the original game's enhanced edition on Steam you also get the classic version even though the latter isn't available on the Steam store. I'm not sure but I wouldn't rule out the possibility of being able to play the original version of OS2 if you buy the definitive edition once it comes out.
Posted By: Wolfenring Re: About the Definitive Edition - 25/07/18 04:31 PM
So now I have to really something going on, I really think larian so the games manufacturers have very little contact here in the forum to their customers, I see nowhere a employee of the position here or on their questions received, think that's real
Posted By: Tuco Re: About the Definitive Edition - 27/07/18 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfenring
So now I have to really something going on, I really think larian so the games manufacturers have very little contact here in the forum to their customers, I see nowhere a employee of the position here or on their questions received, think that's real

This has to be the most auto-translated thing I've read in a while, but somehow I think I more or less got the gist of what you were attempting to say.
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