Larian Studios
Posted By: Lynn Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 07:17 PM
We have just released the English version of patch V1.42. For anybody playing with versions 1.4 or above this is a must-have patch. To all other players, we strongly advise getting this patch.

For more information follow this link.
Posted By: gamedame Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 07:24 PM
Just to be safe, I'm going to uninstall the game and reinstall with this patch. Am I correct in understanding that this new patch 1.42 also includes all the previous patches (so I only need to use one patch on the clean install)?

Larian - Thanks for being so patient with such demanding gamers! I know we all really appreciate the HUGE efforts you all take to get the problems fixed in a very timely manner! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kissyou.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Warhammer Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 07:28 PM
Lynn, I have already restarted thrice now, and I only have 1.4 -> 1.41 savegames. Could you please clarify what are the bad things that will happen, later in the game if I continue ?
Posted By: Yann Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 07:30 PM
Just to be safe, I'm going to uninstall the game and reinstall with this patch. Am I correct in understanding that this new patch 1.42 also includes all the previous patches (so I only need to use one patch on the clean install)?


yes just d/l the 1.42

Have fun
Posted By: Yann Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 07:31 PM
Lynn, I have already restarted thrice now, and I only have 1.4 -> 1.41 savegames. Could you please clarify what are the bad things that will happen, later in the game if I continue ?


If you install 1.42 nothing bad will happen, so I strongly recommand that you install 1.42 before you continue to play

Posted By: Telemachos Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 07:57 PM
Sorry if I'm being a bit slow but..

You write that for technical reasons it's not possible to completely upgrade savegames from 1.4 to 1.42 - some items on the ground might loose magical properties.

Is that *all* the problems with this approach? I mean, I have some 1.4 savegames that I would very much like to continue with (game was started as 1.4) and I don't think I have any important items lying around on the ground.

So if possible I would like to continue playing with 1.4 savegames but since I'm still in Act1 (although close to the end) I would rather restart the game now than getting some game-stopping problems later because of patch 1.4...

- Telemachos
Posted By: MrTeatime Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 07:58 PM
If I load my save games from 1.4, you say some items lying on the ground will lose their magical properties... do you mean items in the immediate vicinity of the player? All items that are on the ground everywhere in the game world, whether I put them there or not? Items from dead enemies? Thanks
Posted By: Oblivion Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:05 PM
so apart from loosing item stats on the ground, it should be safe to update from 1.4 to 1.42?

will it actually take effect without starting the game over (as new game..) so i cant continue with 1.4 made save?
Posted By: Tiffin Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:06 PM
Same question about the rather confusing note:

"There was a problem in patch 1.4 with the regeneration of the inventories of traders. Because of this problem after some time the game crashes. Patch 1.42 fixes this but because of a technical issue it's impossible to totally upgrade savegames made with version 1.4. As a result, some magical items which are lying on the ground might lose their properties when applying patch 1.42."

Does this mean objects I placed on the ground, objects in areas I have already been in, all objects on the ground for the remainder of the game or what?

Trying to decide whether to restart or not, and I'd rather not, but I certainly don't want to never have a magic object on the ground again.

Posted By: MonkehmaN Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:08 PM
I just installed the patch. All my saves were 1.41 and everything I had a problem with is now fixed. Wonderful job, I can even hear lots of music tracks i've never heard play before.

Battlefields are fully exitable in Act 4, stocks regenerate and so far (I keep respawning to check) I haven't seen any "Rat's tooth" in merchants inventories (which is meant to be full plate armor).

I can now finally tackle the final enemy with some potions, updated skills and some new armour.

Here's hoping everyone has as much success with their bugs. Great job.

Posted By: Oblivion Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:11 PM
mm yes
it would kinda suck not getting any magical items anymore...
some clarification please?
Posted By: MrTeatime Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:12 PM
Well my saved game from 1.4 was in the middle of fighting a death knight in act 1. With 1.41, when I loaded the game, the death knight had no sword and was trying to punch my character to death. Now in 1.42 (from the 1.4 save), he has his sword back but is still doing tiny crushing damage - i.e., from fists - even though he appears to be attacking with his sword. Even if the knight manages to hit me he does next to zero damage.

EDIT: a save and reload solved the problem
Posted By: MonkehmaN Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:13 PM
mm yes
it would kinda suck not getting any magical items anymore...
some clarification please?

Merchants sell magical items to me in Battlefields. I just tested it and bought a magical full plate (+4strength +40 vitality) and saved. Item is still there when I reloaded.
Posted By: Warhammer Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:17 PM
Don't quote me on this and don't take my word for it but I think that with 1.42 you'll be fine nevermind coming from 1.4 or 1.41
Posted By: Oblivion Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:21 PM
mm yes
it would kinda suck not getting any magical items anymore...
some clarification please?

Merchants sell magical items to me in Battlefields. I just tested it and bought a magical full plate (+4strength +40 vitality) and saved. Item is still there when I reloaded.

aye but still

one of the biggets parts of such games for me is finding magical items myself, not just buying them of a merchant...
so i must really be assured that i can still go scavenge hunting <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

and if i choose not to patch, 1.4 > the game crashes after a while,is this a sure thing? cuz playing since 1.4 is out, and not having real problems infact...
Posted By: MonkehmaN Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:23 PM
mm yes
it would kinda suck not getting any magical items anymore...
some clarification please?

Merchants sell magical items to me in Battlefields. I just tested it and bought a magical full plate (+4strength +40 vitality) and saved. Item is still there when I reloaded.

aye but still

one of the biggets parts of such games for me is finding magical items myself, not just buying them of a merchant...
so i must really be assured that i can still go scavenge hunting <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

and if i choose not to patch, 1.4 > the game crashes after a while,is this a sure thing? cuz playing since 1.4 is out, and not having real problems infact...

Haha sorry, I totally missed your point originally.

Yeah I understand. So did 'on the floor' mean in chests/boxes/barrels too? I thought it meant dropped stuff, sigh. I'm a bit dense tonight, dont mind me. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Oblivion Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:26 PM
well i actually ment drops of monsters as well...
+ boxes

sometimes monsters (or bosses) drop crazy magical items, would be kinda sad if they'd drop things without any stats now wouldnt it?
Posted By: krathax Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:31 PM
Loaded 1.42 then loaded a 1.4 savegame, still having the 'exiting battlefield' issue in Act4. None of my save games work in terms of defeating the act4 battle field bug. Well, I finished 60% of the game, not bad. Starting over is not an option as I would quickly get bored treading the same ground, I never play games twice for that reason. You got my cash this time Larian, it will not happen again...buyer beware I suppose.

Posted By: ekb Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 08:42 PM
Or should we even bother? I mean, I downloaded 1.41 last night - and on my 56k modem it took a good long while.... so now I have to download 23MB again tonight and then again on Monday?! Larian, is this the last patch for awhile?
Posted By: lynch03 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 09:41 PM
Wow people complaining after not only a developer takes responsibility for the bugs and keeps in contact with the people that bought the game, but does their best to fix them. I've seen alot of games released full of bugs and no patch was released for a few months and not a word from the developer. Stop whining.

Another thing a lot of people will cry and whine that a release date is pushed back so than when its released faster but full of bugs they cry and whine more saying 'RUSHED OUT OF DOOR WANTED MY MONEY GOT IT THEYRE HAPPY THEY DONT CARE GAME PLAYS LIKE CRAP BUYER BEWARE!!!111'

Another thing people don't understand is that some problems are technically impossible to fix immediately and take alot of recoding to make sure this fix doesnt break that ect. These constant patches showthat Larian is trying to fix the game ASAP so people can play it without making them wait for a few months.

Larian is doing their best, chill out.
Posted By: fable Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 09:52 PM
Did someone unlatch the troll door, again? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Tiffin Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 10:05 PM
Wow people complaining after not only a developer takes responsibility for the bugs and keeps in contact with the people that bought the game, but does their best to fix them. I've seen alot of games released full of bugs and no patch was released for a few months and not a word from the developer. Stop whining.

Another thing a lot of people will cry and whine that a release date is pushed back so than when its released faster but full of bugs they cry and whine more saying 'RUSHED OUT OF DOOR WANTED MY MONEY GOT IT THEYRE HAPPY THEY DONT CARE GAME PLAYS LIKE CRAP BUYER BEWARE!!!111'

Another thing people don't understand is that some problems are technically impossible to fix immediately and take alot of recoding to make sure this fix doesnt break that ect. These constant patches showthat Larian is trying to fix the game ASAP so people can play it without making them wait for a few months.

Larian is doing their best, chill out.

Well, let's see, I see a whole bunch of posts, not complaining, but trying to better understand the limitations of the patch. Are you complaining about those?

Another, as well as some not here, complain about downloading patch after patch and the time this takes on a dial up modem. Not exactly utterly unreasonable. I am sure Larian regrets putting up patches that really don't do what they are supposed to do.

Another explains the patch doesn't solve their problem. Surely feedback worth having.

I smell serious fanboy/fangirl tendencies in this post.

Posted By: fable Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 10:08 PM
I don't have any problems with people who complain about a buggy game's status, or those who think the game is great. I guess my problems begin when the ones who love the game tell everybody else to shut up and stop questioning things--especially in a Tech Problems thread!--while those who dislike the game hurl epithets at those who enjoy it.

Seems to me like everybody can be right, from their own point of view. We don't all have to resemble apes, you know, and throw certain substances at one another. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: DiAnna Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 11:25 PM
LOL! Gotta love it. I've had the game less than a week, and have spent 14 hours downloading patches for it. The result so far? My current game, in Act 3, is so screwed up that I doubt it will ever be salvaged. Half of the loot dropped is misnamed, i.e. the image of armor with the description of a battle axe (of course you cannot use or sell this stuff, since neither merchants nor your character recognizes what the hell it is). The other half of the loot just has a generic name, i.e. Quiver 20... again, unrecognizable and unusuable. New quests are recognized in my journal about 20% of the time. The game now CTD's about once every 10 minutes, compared to... well, no CTD's when I first started playing the game with the initial 1.32 patch which didn't fix half of what the ReadMe said it fixed, but at least the game would run even if half the Battlefield dungeons were empty.

So we come to the technical forum to tell our tale of woe, and find out if we dare try yet another patch since the prior patches have been a pretty steady downhill spiral... and we're told to shut up and quit whining.

Just. Gotta. Love it.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: krathax Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 07/05/04 11:58 PM
Wow people complaining after not only a developer takes responsibility for the bugs and keeps in contact with the people that bought the game, but does their best to fix them. I've seen alot of games released full of bugs and no patch was released for a few months and not a word from the developer. Stop whining.

Another thing a lot of people will cry and whine that a release date is pushed back so than when its released faster but full of bugs they cry and whine more saying 'RUSHED OUT OF DOOR WANTED MY MONEY GOT IT THEYRE HAPPY THEY DONT CARE GAME PLAYS LIKE CRAP BUYER BEWARE!!!111'

Another thing people don't understand is that some problems are technically impossible to fix immediately and take alot of recoding to make sure this fix doesnt break that ect. These constant patches showthat Larian is trying to fix the game ASAP so people can play it without making them wait for a few months.

Larian is doing their best, chill out.

Can it fanboy. What I -expect- is for my hours put into the game already to not be obviated by dirty patches. My time -is- actually worth something, and backtracking to the start of the game just so I can play it again as intended is simply not acceptable. The responsiveness by Larian to the community, while admirable, is irrelevant in light of these issues, it also does not dismiss or justify the fact they have wasted alot of people's precious time already by unintentional bungling of patches. Also, to make implied comparisons of Larian to other less responsive developers, is also irrelevent to this situation. This is not to say I do not accept or acknowledge bugs, I do. However, when the 'fixes' turn out to erase hours and hours of work put into a game, gimme a break, I -am- gonna be pissed. With that said, this -is- the intended place to ask questions and vent our frustrations.

Posted By: lynch03 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 12:23 AM
You got my cash this time Larian, it will not happen again...buyer beware I suppose.


FYI, this is the comment that set me of. (Although the guy wondering whether he should bother downloading the patch or not sounded like 'Larian is trying TOO hard to fix the issues') .It doesn't bother me at all to see people complain about problems they have with the game so Larian can see it and try and fix it and it doesnt bother me when people simply vent their frustrations but acting like Larian is some scam company releasing a broken product and running a way is not quite accurate. Your buyer beware comment was a bit out of line. I guess you buy games from a VERY small list of developers if you expect a bug free ride right out the door.

Had Larian not addressed the issues id be agreeing with you right now, but the fact is that they are. I can understand being annoyed with having to start all over, but do you think there's some kind of big red button Larian could press right now and fix all your issues right away? They're doing their best.

PS-I've only played 5 minutes of the game to see what it was like and dont plan on starting for another week or so to avoid the issues people are having right now.
Posted By: Tiffin Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 01:37 AM
Of course, what we still lack is an answer from Larian as to a basic simple question--What exactly are the problems if one installed patch 1.40, and is this a reason for starting over.

This is the question I would actually like a simple answer to--and I think a lot of others are curious on this issue.
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 01:52 AM
the moral of this story is that you will never satisfy anyone. they'll find something else to complain about. bah.

just shut up and download the new patch, and appreciate their hard work, or go away.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 01:56 AM
thank you. that is what irritated me. why is it necessary to *hate*. stop wasting more energy over one of the most frivolous and superfluous activities out there: a video game. nothing productive comes of it except one's personal gratification. that is the lowest form of productivity.

so, accept what is, stop fighting over something silly, and be constructive and positive in your criticism rather than taking the whole thing as a personal affront by Larian to YOU!!!!!!

Get over it!

Yay! Next!

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 02:00 AM
if you haven't been there yet, then it hasn't been generated.
if it hasn't been generated, it cannot be a corrupt magic item.
therefore there shouldn't be a problem, except for maybe the current unexplored area of the map you are currently on.

the technical difficulties is the layman's way of saying that they ran into some coding problems that, if they tried to explain, unless you are a programmer you probably wouldn't understand anyway, so they simplified it for us and ask us to have a little faith in them.

I can appreciate this, especially since they have been so timely in correcting the issue. One game I had similar issues with, Prince of Qin, it was weeks and even months before a patch was finished to address a game breaking issue.

Don't worry, be happy.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: ekb Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 02:31 AM
Although the guy wondering whether he should bother downloading the patch or not sounded like 'Larian is trying TOO hard to fix the issues'

I'm the girl (well, technically, 'old lady') who asked if another patch was coming out again. I wasn't trying to be a smartass or dissing Larian. After all, I went out and bought the game as soon as it came out because I loved <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" />. I really just wanted to know if it would be better for me to wait as it really does take awhile (I've been downloading for 1:25 and I'm 82% complete). I don't understand why anyone who isn't a Larian employee (Note to Larian Studios: I still enjoy this game and will look for other Larian releases in the future), would take such offense at what I think is a legitimate question posted on the board created for such questions/comments.
Peace <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Raze Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 02:56 AM
Without any tone of voice, etc it is relatively easy to misinterpret things online. Even without that, it is possible to allow emotions from another post or even influence the reaction to a different post.

Anyway, to not answer your question, I have not seen any time frame hinted at for the next patch.
Posted By: lynch03 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 03:11 AM

I'm the girl (well, technically, 'old lady') who asked if another patch was coming out again. I wasn't trying to be a smartass or dissing Larian. After all, I went out and bought the game as soon as it came out because I loved <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" />. I really just wanted to know if it would be better for me to wait as it really does take awhile (I've been downloading for 1:25 and I'm 82% complete). I don't understand why anyone who isn't a Larian employee (Note to Larian Studios: I still enjoy this game and will look for other Larian releases in the future), would take such offense at what I think is a legitimate question posted on the board created for such questions/comments.
Peace <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I didn't really take offense it just didnt make sense to me. Sorry if i mis-interpreted. I'd also like to know if another patch is coming out soon or not <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I wanna get started to! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Tiffin Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 04:16 AM
the moral of this story is that you will never satisfy anyone. they'll find something else to complain about. bah.

just shut up and download the new patch, and appreciate their hard work, or go away.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />

Oddly enough, I and a number of other people simply want to undestand exactly what the patch does and does not do if one has patch 1.40 loaded.

But apparently asking such a simple straight forward question shows we are inappreciateive fools, and should just "shut up and download the new patch".

After all, why should some one who has paid good money for a game have any right to ask a question? They should just shut up and accept what they are given.

Frankly, I rather admire Larian for their efforts--I do not admire people like you who want to tell anyone who does not accept whatever they are provided that should "just shut up"

Posted By: krathax Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 05:17 AM
the moral of this story is that you will never satisfy anyone. they'll find something else to complain about. bah.

just shut up and download the new patch, and appreciate their hard work, or go away.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />

You must be kidding. Is this the attitude you take with other products you buy? "Well, the product doesn't work as intended, oh well, thanks for trying to make it work, all the effort to get it to work -after- I purchased it absolves you of the fact that it doesn't work! Please, sell me more crap!" You son, are a chump if this is the case.

Also, if you had read my entire post, you would see I am still screwed even downloading the latest patch, sheesh.

I buy product, product is broke, your damn right I am gonna be pissed. Guess what too, I am definitely going to come to a forum where the people responsible can hear me bitch about it. Nuff said.

Posted By: krathax Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 05:22 AM
[quote] PS-I've only played 5 minutes of the game to see what it was like and dont plan on starting for another week or so to avoid the issues people are having right now.

Then your opinions are moot. Re-read what I said. I stated v_e_r_y simply, that bugs are ok and I expect them, but having to restart the entire game is not. Again 'other developers' are eluded to, that is apples and oranges and has nothing at all to do with this situation.

Posted By: lynch03 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 05:34 AM
PS-I've only played 5 minutes of the game to see what it was like and dont plan on starting for another week or so to avoid the issues people are having right now.

Then your opinions are moot. Re-read what I said. I stated v_e_r_y simply, that bugs are ok and I expect them, but having to restart the entire game is not. Again 'other developers' are eluded to, that is apples and oranges and has nothing at all to do with this situation.


What 'opinions' are you talking about? I simply said crying 'Buyer Beware' when the developer is obviously trying their best to fix the issues is a bit out of line. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with how long I've played the game.
Posted By: krathax Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 05:57 AM
PS-I've only played 5 minutes of the game to see what it was like and dont plan on starting for another week or so to avoid the issues people are having right now.

Then your opinions are moot. Re-read what I said. I stated v_e_r_y simply, that bugs are ok and I expect them, but having to restart the entire game is not. Again 'other developers' are eluded to, that is apples and oranges and has nothing at all to do with this situation.


What 'opinions' are you talking about? I simply said crying 'Buyer Beware' when the developer is obviously trying their best to fix the issues is a bit out of line. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with how long I've played the game.

Sure it does. Also, the next time you feel compelled to express your opinion, please drop it off in the toilet where it belongs.

People with your attitude, where they act like the developer is doing us all some great favor by supporting a product WE PAID FOR, just perpetuates and positively reinforces the vicious cycle of crap in the gaming industry.

Krathax *pats naive poster on head* 'Now go play the game'.

Posted By: Chroniss Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 07:33 AM

People with your attitude, where they act like the developer is doing us all some great favor by supporting a product WE PAID FOR, just perpetuates and positively reinforces the vicious cycle of crap in the gaming industry.

Krathax *pats naive poster on head* 'Now go play the game'.


Well said, and I agree 100%. Fortunalty Larian is supporting BD, and I have no doubt that all the bugs will be squashed out.
Posted By: lynch03 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 07:48 AM
PS-I've only played 5 minutes of the game to see what it was like and dont plan on starting for another week or so to avoid the issues people are having right now.

Then your opinions are moot. Re-read what I said. I stated v_e_r_y simply, that bugs are ok and I expect them, but having to restart the entire game is not. Again 'other developers' are eluded to, that is apples and oranges and has nothing at all to do with this situation.


What 'opinions' are you talking about? I simply said crying 'Buyer Beware' when the developer is obviously trying their best to fix the issues is a bit out of line. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with how long I've played the game.

Sure it does. Also, the next time you feel compelled to express your opinion, please drop it off in the toilet where it belongs.

People with your attitude, where they act like the developer is doing us all some great favor by supporting a product WE PAID FOR, just perpetuates and positively reinforces the vicious cycle of crap in the gaming industry.

Krathax *pats naive poster on head* 'Now go play the game'.


Once again, no it doesn't. Please explain why the fact that I've only played the game for 5 minutes has anything to do with my realization that Larian is working on the issues?(Awaiting the typical 'im not gonna bother' response <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" /> ) I don't need to be in-game to see patches being released.

Also, I am not naive, you're just ignorant.

And last, please quote where I said anything along the lines of "Larian doesnt have to fix these problems so theyre doing us a favor!' Once again, all I said was, because of their support, they do not deserve being tagged 'buyer beware'. If Larian wasn't addressing and working on the issues right now, I'd be pretty annoyed to.
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 08:54 AM
well the bottom line is that for all your moaning about it, the old games may still be irretrievable. so you may have to start a new one.

sorry, i was tired and cranky this morning and became annoyed with all the pointless bitching.

anyway, i just ran across something even more annoying, because not only did the pyramid disappear when i stumbled across it in the small mushroom forest, after patch 1.42, BUT, my summoning doll doesn't work anymore. it just crashes the game. So if i'd like to play it through it seems for the moment, while they investigate this, I'm forced to restart. oh well. no big deal. 2nd time through takes less time because you already know where everything is and having had some experience, it becomes easier, not to mention, you distribute your skill points more intelligently, knowing what to expect.

Now, i reported these things, but I can either waste time and energy ranting about it endlessly, or i can deal with it, like a mature adult, and start over, to satisfy my curiosity as to whether or not the patch fixed these old issues, and see if the (a) the pyramid will stay, (b) whether the summoning doll will work {which is the first thing that i'll find out given the order of things}. THIS seems to me to be a better use of my time and energy after reporting the bugs, rather than bitching about it pointlessly, threatening to take it back, badmouthing them as if they were thieves, etc. I'm sure they hear it enough. Furthermore, the timely fashion they released the patches is rather impressive, considering i've experienced games from similar smaller game companies that have been broken by patches released as well, and they took weeks or months to release a fix, leaving me in limbo.

now almost all software is in need of patching. i have yet to run across one that doesn't, for an upgrade or to fix a problem that was missed in QA. Further, please take into consideration Microsoft, a multibillion dollar empire who beta tests their stuff on the public. Look man, if they can't get it together when their software has problems (lest we not forget initial builds of Windows ME, XP, and several other titles), how do you expect a small company whose product line is restricted to entertainment to be able to successfully afford the prohibitive costs of manhours of QA? And then coordinating that with the developers. I'm sure they try darn hard and have caught several issues that were worse than this. Remember we aren't in their offices. We don't know what they go through to bring these things to us. BUt I can tell you this. Writing code is not easy.

You try putting yourself in their shoes. All I was saying is cut them some slack, and rather than taking such a negative bent, how about looking at it from a different angle. Be glad they fixed the problem so quickly, and that they are willing to do so. Some companies just let you hang in the wind. Especially if you cannot pay them for support. Like Microsoft for example. if you bought your OS 2nd hand, or the warranty period has expired, have fun getting technical support. And if it was pre-installed on an HP, well, don't bother calling Microsoft, you'll be wasting your time.


Enjoy hehe


Now who's the chump? .:heh:. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Here, have a beer.

Posted By: BenWright Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 08:55 AM
Oh my god. It's just like the Patriot Act. No one can criticise. You are either with America or with the Terrorists

(heh heh, that will put the cat amongst the pigeons)
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 08:58 AM

somebody call in the GOON squad!

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 09:07 AM
hey someone tell Microsoft will you?
they need to be supporting the stuff i buy for free too.

unfortunately, in the real world, there is money to be made in technical support and help desk. as Microsoft well knows, and capitalizes on. therefore we happen to be very lucky that Larian didn't decide to start charging. They could have. however they are interested in developing a loyal fan and customer base for their product. Something Microsoft doesn't have to do because they've already flooded the world market. When Larian starts following Microsoft's footsteps, then perhaps one has more room to be upset about a few bugs, but right now, why waste your energy downing Larian, instead of just reporting and moving on. you realize all the time you spend bitching about how much they "stink" etc is time you could actually be making progress on a new game, right? either way, you aren't doing anything productive in the real world so you cannot complain about a waste of time or money here, because you either CHOOSE to start over or you CHOOSE to rant in the forum. either way, you are engaging in something completely superfluous and frivolous, which you CHOSE to do, and no one is at fault for your wasted time or money but YOU. (and the money is only wasted if you DON"T start the game over if a patch cannot be built.) So, there *smirk* how's that for *romperroom antics*

No one is making you do it. Larian is really only at fault for some less than thorough QA apparently with regards to the patch. But you CHOOSE how to react. just like you CHOOSE what to do next... which I already know you've CHOSEN to remove the game and never play it again, and give Larian the what for, right? .:heh:. predictable. anyway. next.

Does being a *hater* really solve anything? it certainly won't change what's already happened.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> [color:"green"] [/color]
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 09:41 AM
actually i was cranky and tired when i wrote that. for inquiring minds that want to know, and aren't tearing larian's proverbial head off and *#$%ing down its throat, great, i'm all for it. I'm curious about the details too. I was mostly venting my frustration at those who insisted on spewing *hate* all over, blackmarking Larian as thieves and scoundrels, accusing them of being shoddy and uncaring and generally behaving in the most ridiculous and childish fashion of blaming others for the time they end up wasting on the forum, ranting because of a glitch in some software.

i've experienced game breakers before. when one puts things into perspective, and realizes just how frivolous and spurious the game actually is, and the time we CHOOSE to spend on it, one realizes what a ridiculous amount of time and energy is spent on negativity that could be re-channeled to a positive pursuit. like restarting the game if necessary... or going outside... or taking the time to formulate something more mature and less derisive that does the job of communicating more effectively than railing on the developers for a bug that resulted from an attempt at fixing other problems people were complaining about.

they could have just left well enough alone and said "tough... deal with it. we'll get around to it when we do, but they didn't."

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Brightblade Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 01:45 PM
Ok, for anyone who's interested, here's my two cents' worth:
Before I get started, I should point out that I absolutely loved DivDiv and, although I don't like some of the changes that have been made for BeyDiv, I think this sequel is potentially a great game, too

Someone in the thread said "bugs are ok" and words to the effect of "I don't mind them". Well, sorry, but they aren't and I do. To explain them away by claiming that all software is released with bugs just shows how well many of the gaming public have been brainwashed by games companies into believing that second-rate is acceptable.
And before anyone starts ranting at me: I work in IT, developing globally-released bespoke software systems for major corporations. If I released software that had bugs that caused it to crash or display false results I would be fired. In the (unlikely) event that my client was forgiving enough to let me try to fix things BUT MY FIX MADE THINGS WORSE I'd probably never get work in the industry again. Why? BECAUSE I GET PAID TO DELIVER A PRODUCT THAT WORKS. If it doesn't work, I've not done my job properly and (frankly) deserve to be fired and should find a job doing something else. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE "TESTING" AND QA.

What has obviously happened here (as with so many other games) is that software has been released without being comprehensively tested (and remember, these aren't hardware compatability issues,(which, IMO, can be forgivable, given the near-infinite variety of PC configurations) they're coding errors). The developers who so many of you are praising for trying to fix things are actually the ones responsible for your problems in the first place - if a careless driver runs you down in the street then dials 911 / 999, do you thank him & tell everyone what a nice guy he is for not leaving you to die or do you sue his a$$ off?
What makes things worse is that having metaphorically run over us in the first place, the developers have, (via their bugged patches) reversed their car over our still-twitching bodies, and followed this up with the friendly advice to go home, restart our trip, come back, and try crossing the road again (with the latest patch) - although there's no guarantee, (although they ask us to trust that they've got their driving under control), that they won't smear us across the road yet again.

Having paid out our hard-earned cash for what was supposed to be an entertaining piece of escapism (isn't that what computer gaming is supposed to be about?), we find we've bought ourselves hours of annoyance and frustration instead. Is there any wonder that we get angry?

It's about time the gaming industry (in this case, Larian) started treating their customers with some respect instead of fobbing us off with shoddy product. It's not enough to just have a great concept, you HAVE to deliver it properly, or you might as well not bother.

Larian, clear your desk, you're fired!

Posted By: fable Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 01:46 PM
Guys, calm down. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> There's nothing wrong with complaining about game defects, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying the same game. If people would stop getting polarized into camps that do nothing but moan about how horrible <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> is, and how incredibly perfect it is, we wouldn't have these fights. I know there are some trolls out there who deliberately take one or the position on developer's sites just to provoke furious responses. Let's not give 'em ammunition. Frustration *can* exist alongside appreciation. Larian has a good product that needs work. Let's enjoy what we have, and help 'em make it better.
Posted By: LordMalis Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 03:15 PM
Someone in the thread said "bugs are ok" and words to the effect of "I don't mind them". Well, sorry, but they aren't and I do. To explain them away by claiming that all software is released with bugs just shows how well many of the gaming public have been brainwashed by games companies into believing that second-rate is acceptable.

Well, its not exactly "news" that most software is buggy. Especially gaming software. Knowing this, you still bought a game thats only been out a little over a week? And then rant about it? This isn't going to change. Deal with it or find a new entertainment source.

And before anyone starts ranting at me: I work in IT, developing globally-released bespoke software systems for major corporations.

I seriously doubt anything you do is as complex as making a game, and if it is, why don't you make games? Also, I've known a lot of IT people, this actually lowers my respect for you. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />

What has obviously happened here (as with so many other games) is that software has been released without being comprehensively tested (and remember, these aren't hardware compatability issues,(which, IMO, can be forgivable, given the near-infinite variety of PC configurations) they're coding errors). The developers who so many of you are praising for trying to fix things are actually the ones responsible for your problems in the first place - if a careless driver runs you down in the street then dials 911 / 999, do you thank him & tell everyone what a nice guy he is for not leaving you to die or do you sue his a$$ off?
What makes things worse is that having metaphorically run over us in the first place, the developers have, (via their bugged patches) reversed their car over our still-twitching bodies, and followed this up with the friendly advice to go home, restart our trip, come back, and try crossing the road again (with the latest patch) - although there's no guarantee, (although they ask us to trust that they've got their driving under control), that they won't smear us across the road yet again. and death versus buggy software. Not exactly an accurate analogy. People make mistakes, you included. What shows character is how you deal with those mistakes, and I for one give Larian a <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />. I play a lot of games, trust me, support like Larian's is extremely rare!

Having paid out our hard-earned cash for what was supposed to be an entertaining piece of escapism (isn't that what computer gaming is supposed to be about?), we find we've bought ourselves hours of annoyance and frustration instead. Is there any wonder that we get angry?

Well, as we've already established, games are usually buggy. You either play by the rules or find a new hobby.

It's about time the gaming industry (in this case, Larian) started treating their customers with some respect instead of fobbing us off with shoddy product. It's not enough to just have a great concept, you HAVE to deliver it properly, or you might as well not bother.

Like I said, its not gonna change and Larian is far better than most.
Posted By: ekb Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 06:28 PM
Oh my god. It's just like the Patriot Act. No one can criticise. You are either with America or with the Terrorists

You just made my day <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" /> I look forward to "Beyond the Patriot Act" when we will be banished for complaining.... I know, I know <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/offtopic.gif" alt="" /> but I couldn't resist....
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 06:55 PM
once again, i'm amused.

its all a matter of perspective. while i agree with certain points, the level of seriousness placed on this is just silly. its a *GAME*. yes i agree there is a level of quality that must be maintained. just the same, MISTAKES happen, and i have to again remind one of Microsoft, where these things do happen ALL THE TIME. what kind of experience at QA do these developers really have? shall we go ahead and EXECUTE them for making a mistake? feel fortunate that the fool that ran us over took us to the hospital. yes it was an accident that shouldn't have happened. perhaps closer attention should have been paid. but WHAT IS DONE IS DONE. after all, he could have LEFT US TO DIE IN THE STREET and hoped there were no witnesses. at least he's willing to take responsibility.

your metaphor that they backed over us is misplaced because that is an intentional act. Larian didn't INTEND for the patch to break something else. BIG difference.

we're all really just begging the question, and while i certainly agree that holding the developers responsible for breaking it in the first place is good in that one expects them to fix it, perhaps one might take the time to suggest that they not worry about rushing to find a patch because the said rush may cause another problem. Have you ever stopped to think that we are partly responsible for the problem because WE are the ones breathing down their necks about the problem in the first place and THEY are feeling a large amount of stress to get their labor of love fixed. yes. labor of love. they wouldn't be doing this if they didn't love what they did.

Oh by the way, all large corps aren't all they're cracked up to be. with many its more about politics and less about your skill or talent. well except your skill and talent at politics. which is true at least for the corporate entities i've worked at. those obviously aren't very big but are machining to be so, and the staff aren't doing it right. this isn't to say that i don't take responsibility for things that have happened to me. i do, before you go firing on me on that tangent. i'm being purely objective here. i'm simply pointing out that in certain cases, IT/QA positions like yours can and have gotten away with BSing their way past a mistake to get it corrected. I've seen it. its all about politics. hence the state of the world.

maybe Larian is trying TOO hard to please us and that is the root of the problem. if that is the case, part of me says: Larian, relax, and take the time necessary regardless of the malcontents of the world. and part of me says, people back off Larian and let them do their job. they are stressed enough already. Be willing to praise them for a job well done rather than focussing on the mistake. positive reinforcement will always work better than negative reinforcement. unfortunately as a society at large, for some reason we are always out for blood. what happened to compassion, forgiveness and love one another?

oh... wait... did i just open up another can of pandora's worms? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 08/05/04 07:02 PM
MWUHAHAHAHA begone thou foul complainer.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

hey i've done my share of complaining. i've realized there is a difference between complaining which is completely unproductive, and discussing which is productive. and there is a BIG difference, usually obvious by the tone the person uses. i have an issue with the complaining, not the discussing and reporting of something. one CAN be upset with a problem and discuss and report it, rather than complain. discussing is positive leading to a solution, complaining is negative and accomplishes nothing. discussion usually involves the thought process: I didn't like this. What can be done better next time or What can be done to correct this? Complaining usually involves the thought process: Great, now its broken. You SUCK!


I get tired of hearing complaining with no attempt at solution and recovery.

Oh wait, this is really all my fault because i'm even acknowledging the complaining in the first place.


<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Brightblade Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 09/05/04 04:16 PM

I get tired of hearing complaining with no attempt at solution and recovery.

So, having bought a game in good faith I should be the one to fix it when it doesn't work? Don't make me laugh!
Sure, mistakes get made, but, (in the cannibalised & updated words of Oscar Wilde) - to have one buggy software release could be described as misfortune, to have two can only be described as carelessness.

I also don't agree with the ridiculous assertion (made earlier in the thread) that the user base is somehow at fault for demanding that things get put right quickly, thereby leading to a rushed & untested fix - either the developers are competent and conscientious or they aren't. If they are, and the buggy first release was simply "misfortune," any fix would be properly tested before release, regardless of how long it took; after all, their reputation (and the trust and faith of their much-valued customers) would be on the line and a second failure would be highly embarrassing and potentially finacially ruinous. Events on <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> tend to support the view that some people at Larian are either incompetent and/or negligent or simply don't care enough about the users to make sure that they don't ruin the game for them. To be really cynical for a moment (surely not!) why should they try too hard when they've already got your money?

You (and many others here) just don't get it - you're still harping on about how everything is buggy on release & we should just accept it / live with it and let the developers sort it out. No, we shouldn't. We could and should lodge our complaints, rage, rant, moan and gripe and (where necessary) withdraw our patronage from those companies that treat us so badly until they improve their processes or go bust. The alternative simply perpetuates the current situation where many products (this one, Sacred and Temple of Elemental Evil to name just a few of the more recent ones) are released in unfinished / untested / buggy states and we have to suffer whilst the angelic, blameless, conscientious developers altruistically sort things out for us (or not, as the case may be). To claim that we should be helping them fix their mess instead of "complaining" is only really valid if you're talking about a beta release, not an allegedly finished product - these problems shouldn't arise post-beta as everything SHOULD have been tested. What you're really saying is that it's OK for developers to release a product that's not been properly tested, let the users find the bugs, THEN make the game work. Sure, I'll go for that, as long as I get the game for free AND I KNOW IN ADVANCE that it's not in a finished state.

It's also not true to say that all games are this buggy - I wonder why the Bioware forum doesn't have as many customers complaining about bugs? Could it be that they're actually testing & developing their products properly before release, because they'd rather not alienate their hard-won customer base?

As a consumer, I'll always exercise my right to complain as loudly as possible - it's an unfortunate truism that the louder you shout, the more likely it is that something will get done, and although it's too late in this case to get the game released in the state it should have been in, hopefully, next time, Larian will take a little more care over their software before release.

Of course, I don't expect you to agree - everyone has their own incompetence tolerance threshold, after all <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> - but these sorts of problems will persist (from some companies) until we force them to do something about it.
I certainly won't be buying another Larian game until it's been on the shelves for a while and I've checked out all the gripes on the forum to find out how buggy it is - they've lost the respect, trust and faith that led me to buy <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> on release day and will need to work damn hard to win it back.
In the meantime, there are plenty of other companies out there who don't treat their customers with contempt by serving up beta-standard software disguised as finished product.
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 10/05/04 01:28 AM
yes, this was done purely out of contempt for the customer.

once again, tunnel vision and ego reigns supreme. read my post here for my response, as i've already addressed this. you people are so wrapped up in yourselves that you completely fail to miss the point i've been making. or maybe i've just been too verbose.

everything is NOT buggy on release, but bugs do happen in spite of someone's best efforts. someone may have been negligent but we simply don't know. so we can sit and bitch and moan, or we can be productive intelligent adults and give the developers the feedback they need so they can fix it, instead of just railing on them about it and treating them as if they did it on purpose just to screw us. people with persecution complexes really should seek professional help, because the attitude that several of you, yourself included, are displaying, is that Larian as a whole just really doesn't care, and they did it on purpose to cause us grief, as if they get off on it. Please. Grow up.

when something unexpected occurs, the developers depend on the most important part of their team, us, the customer, to help them fix it by giving them the information, since we, as a larger group of individuals than they have the resources or capability to support in house, can actually perform the near infinite number of permutations it would take to reveal many of the bugs that a small number of people with limited resources may miss because of those limitations in spite of their best effort. if someone was neglectful, shame on them, next. lets fix it. is it really necessary to continue rubbing Larian's nose in a glaring mistake and then proceed to further accuse them of fraud, larceny and gross negligence.

i fail to see where life threatening comes into this.

please educate me o wise one.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Faralas Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 10/05/04 03:57 AM
... when something unexpected occurs, the developers depend on the most important part of their team, us, the customer, to help them fix it by giving them the information, since we, as a larger group of individuals than they have the resources or capability to support in house, can actually perform the near infinite number of permutations it would take to reveal many of the bugs that a small number of people with limited resources may miss because of those limitations in spite of their best effort.

Phew! This conversation is fascinating, especially if you're a consumer advocate (such as myself). It's akin to watching a close tennis match. With that said, I think, everyman, that your statement is expecting waaaaaay too much from customers. Why should the consumer be the unwitting *beta* testers for a product we purchased at full price? LOL That doesn't make sense and frankly, to even suggest that Larian would rely on its consumer base to *unwittingly* beta test their products for 'unexpected occurrences" because it's [the permutation factor] a lot cheaper than hiring QA testers is a little absurd! I know if I were a Larian employee, I'd probably take offense to your suggestion.

However, at any rate, everyone has made their points abundantly clear. Why should Larian be held to a different standard than any other software company on the market? Q&A, QC, alpha and beta testing -- they are all part of producing a product. And most companies would NEVER rely on their customer base to provide that information for them. Imagine if car manufacturers started adopting your 'permutation' philosophy? ROFL (Some manufacturers probably do work that way, but that's a whole different discussion, isn't it!?!) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

Customers have a right to complain if they feel they have been sold an inferior product. Whether that product was deliberately placed on the market too early or not -- customer feedback is vital to any company's success. As much as I like Larian as a company, I am and will continue to hold them to the same high standards I hold all of the other companys I deal with. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" />

Faralas <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 10/05/04 02:06 PM
of course it is. *sigh* reading way too much into the words i use is getting annoying. and you did contradict yourself by saying in one statement that Larian should be insulted that i even suggest that they rely on us for support. i didn't say they were relying on us as beta testers, but as a reliable source for feedback on issues that they cannot possibly duplicate because lets face it: the cost for every possible combination of computer system, hardware, operating system, is prohibitive, as is the manhours needed to test the various combinations of gameplay they have made available in the game. there are a high number of combinations possible with the skills, the characters, the items the interactions, etc. Nevermind they have other projects and cannot devote 100% of their time to this one product. Never did I say that they rely on us as a QA or beta test group. So, next.

Further, I never said that bug reporting is a bad thing. I am a customer advocate for a good product. I just fail to be constrained by blatant consumer tunnel vision. I recognize that with new ideas or projects there is bound to be some margin for error, as we do not live in a perfect world, per se. The consumer fails to understand what exactly it takes to create the end result. the average consumer simply sees the product on the shelf and says, neat I want 3 of them and they purchase it. If there is an issue, naturally, because the world is the way it is, they desire things to be hassle free because I'm sure they have enough to worry about. this is all fine and well. So they take it back or they contact the company for resolution. This is exactly what I advocate, do one or the other. DO NOT waste pointless energy (I mean if you really want to, fine, but you end up solving nothing by doing so) throwing around baseless accusations and hate. This is the thing I had a problem with and I repeatedly attempt to educate you on this fine point and clarify this with you people, and for some reason its like talking to a brick wall. You don't LISTEN. Instead you are stuck on the "I'm right and you are wrong" falacy. Which, by the way is not where I am at. Mine is one way of thinking, which in practice for myself I have learned to be particularly effective. I am simply trying to share the wealth. If the world at large chooses not to listen, I will still maintain my view and still share it. THis will not stop. I have tried the other way. I know from experience that it doesn't work and actually can work against oneself. Been there done that.

BEing proactive and providing information to the developers, which is exactly the same thing as the feedback you say they depend on can be done without shouting loudly, "you suck you f-ing thieves, you pulled a good one on me, and took my money, buyer beware etc etc etc." this solves nothing at all. If you want to think that way, fine, but you are being extremely closed minded and limited in the scope of your vision. The classic, "its not my problem, you fix it syndrome". By providing feedback without the expletives and blame-shifting, one helps the responsible party desire to shoulder the responsibility further: hey, i purchased this, and I'm a quite irate about this. Here's what happened, I need this resolved, I would appreciate a solution, etc etc.; thereby engendering a sense of community and working together to come to a common resolution. Now sometimes a solution is possible. Sometimes it is not. I know this is hard to swallow, because we live in a world of disappointment and one would like some form of escapism to work for them. But when you remember that you did choose to experience game, or whatever you choose to experience, try to remember that you have to take the bad with the good. its a part of life. Attitude is 9/10's of your reality. shifting that attitude will work wonders.

what part of this is so difficult for you people to comprehend? do you like it when someone gets upset when you make a mistake, and they choose to berate you and put you down, and behave in a generally abusive fashion, making you feel worse than ever for the mistake, no matter how small it is? Or would you prefer that they attempt to understanding why it went wrong, and offer a positive feedback and suggestion to make it better? All that the said negativity will do is create animosity and resentment, unless the recipient is broad enough in vision to think as Christ did when He was crucified: "Forgive them father, they know not what they do." Even then, such an outlook is not easy. I lived with this type of negativity growing up so i know first hand exactly how harmful it can be, but that is neither here nor there in this discussion. The point is: I have experience to back up my argument. Thus far I must point out that I'm the only person who has been able to consistently defend my position with sound logic drawn from this experience, while remaining as objective as possible.

enjoy <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

by the way, why is it that any given number of individuals have to take a mistake so personally and decide that Larian or any other company is out to get them?

Posted By: Faralas Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 10/05/04 03:29 PM
... *sigh* reading way too much into the words i use is getting annoying.

Personally, I don't feel that I read too much into your words. In fact, I had a bit of a struggle working through your sentence to get to the gist of the matter. However, that aside, if you perceive that I am reading too much into what you're saying, that's fine. I just happen to disagree. You stated the following:

... when something unexpected occurs, the developers depend on the most important part of their team, us, the customer, to help them fix it by giving them the information, since we, as a larger group of individuals than they have the resources or capability to support in house, can actually perform the near infinite number of permutations it would take to reveal many of the bugs that a small number of people with limited resources may miss because of those limitations in spite of their best effort.

I merely pointed out that developers should NOT rush a product out of the door with the expectation that their customer base will catch their bugs. Sure, customers are the best and largest group that will inevitably find errors in coding, but to suggest (as you clearly did) that software companies could or should even rely on its customer base for error feedback is not a sound business practice. I am not intimating nor did I in my last message that Larian even considered using its customer base in such a manner. I am simply pointing out what *I* consider a flaw in your logic. That's all.

And the fact that you feel misunderstood is a point well taken. Larian is not a company who is trying to fleece its customers. I never even suggested that possibility. However, I do know others have and you have taken offense to that claim. (Which is your prerogative). And the position you've taken is quite noble, (imho). I get the sense you are trying hard to defend a software company from having smudged reputation. That's something I understand. But I wanted to point out that Larian is quite capable of defending themselves, especially since their products are now being compared to developers like Bethesda, Interplay, Atari, etc. I say "welcome to the big leagues!" <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

Faralas <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 10/05/04 05:29 PM
well, actually, i'm trying to help people to understand that its really not necessary to be negative and destroy when the alternative is so much more appealing, to be constructive and positive. Our world would be in a better state if such was a world view. sadly it is not.

In this case, I get the added benefit of defending them, given the circumstances and the fact that i have faith in the integrity of the company as a whole, given their willingness to take responsibility. if i was aware of facts that supported the supposed negative light some were casting on them, and such accusations were true, i wouldn't take that position at all. i am not the type to prove innocent one who is blatantly guilty. one thing i don't believe in is allowing those that are guilty of some wrong doing to walk away from their actions without taking responsibility for them.

of course, i also didn't imply that they were using us or expecting us to find their bugs, just that this is the way things worked out due to certain realities at the moment. which hopefully will change. also, i do agree with you about rushing the product. or not as the case may be. i imagine that is more due to pressures of the market place and fan base, if it indeed was rushed. they made a promise and attempted to stick with it because they knew the public would react a certain way if they didn't. as it was, they pushed the North American release back 2 weeks because they were revising several issues that came up with the German version, as well as re-recording the voice overs. That doesn't strike me as overly rushed, does it?

i imagine that some of the reason certain individuals misunderstood is because of their own hotheadedness, leading to a certain blinding. i've experienced that before in my own hotheadedness, hence i've learned to curb that.

i appreciate the learning opportunity this discussion has presented for myself, and i hope that i have been able to widen other individual's perspectives on certain matters. and, i shall take a moment to testify of the beauty of Christ's sacrifice and love, and the truth of His gospel: Love one another. I hope that the world can understand these teachings for the simple truths they are, rather than get all bent about the politics of religion. For I know that each faith has this same message, and all he did was demonstrate his own love for all humanity by giving and becoming the ultimate sacrifice, and submitting Himself to the will of God, whose purpose was to demonstrate such Love. Amen.

but anyway, take these things on your own choice and faith, etc. I simply share a message as a footnote to this whole debate, given some of the thoughts it generated in my mind, and do not expect anyone to think like me or change who they are or even acknowledge the last statements of the above paragraph, nor do I desire to start a discussion or argument about it. so i would appreciate it if those who feel the need to attack or *hate* because of it, don't. I will not speak further of it in this forum. if you would like to discuss something with me personally, then you can send me a message, but i won't be party to forcing forum to witness a debate that has nothing to do with the forum itself.

hehe Enjoy. NOw lets get back to gaming!

and bug reports, of course.
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Madmixer Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 10/05/04 06:05 PM

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sad.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Raze Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 10/05/04 10:46 PM
There is a problem with some BF quests reappearing in the log, but you should still get the experience for completing them. There are multiple BF keys which you will need to find in the main game, to access additional dungeons in the BF.
Posted By: Brightblade Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 10/05/04 11:07 PM
everyman - I'm sure you're a very nice person, and you're certainly an entertaining (if, IMO, misguided) debater, but you come across in your posts on this issue as arrogant and condescending.
I'm expressing my views about a game, its developers and the gaming industry in general; you're expressing yours. As I said in a previous post, "I don't expect you to agree" - I respect your opinion (and your right to hold it), even though I disagree with the position you (and others) have taken.
What I find disappointing and offensive is your description of those who disagree with you as "haters" - on such labels is bigotry founded.
Equally offensive are your comments that you are attempting to "educate" (your word, not mine) those of us who hold a different view, as if you somehow hold the key to enlightenment that we (your implied inferiors) don't . The issues we're discussing are matters of opinion, not of fact, (nor, for that matter, of religious persuasion) and as such, there is no right or wrong view.

As for me, I've also said enough on this subject - I'm off to play a (bug-free) game of NeverWinter Nights until Dungeon Siege II hits the shelves.
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 11/05/04 03:01 AM
well if one comes across as arrogant, that wasn't meant that way necessarily. i do have certain character flaws i'm working on which sometimes slip through when i get annoyed. however, i never labeled those who were upset with the bugs as haters. I have been upset with bugs. those who i did label as haters, and perhaps i was wrong in doing so, were those who insisted on casting invectives and curses in the general direction of Larian, behaving as if Larian was some evil entity bent on subverting them into paying for inferior product.

I don't claim enlightenment. i claim experience, personal, in that i've behaved as i described, flinging invectives and curses at people or institutions for things that were beyond my control, that didn't go my way. i can tell you how ineffective such behaviour was. meanwhile, to behave in a more mature fashion, to attempt some form of resolution and change in a fashion that doesn't put people on the defensive, by discussing instead of attacking, by listening instead of assuming... these things are truths that work, provided people are willing to listen and put them to practice. perhaps i only have because others turned and decided to attack. now my frame of mind for the entire discussion hasn't been the same all the way through due to outside factors, and being an imperfect human, i am sure that the tone of my posts was influenced by these factors. this is something i was unable to control as i hadn't taken a moment to step back and view things from that perspective. frustration with things people and events can lead words to be used in a fashion that slants the tone of a writing in a fashion that isn't intended to accurate, when perceived by others.

in any event, do well to not make assumptions about my attempt at sharing a possibly better way of being as perceiving myself better than others or even that they should think as i do. if you don't, fine. some may think that attacking and conquering, subjugating others and forcing them to bend to their will is the right way to handle a situation. this doesn't make it right. remember earth, Hitler, 1942. However, those individuals are certainly entitled to their opinion. when a person's opinion starts to harm others, then perhaps it is time to step in and suggest or promote something different. casting curses and inventives and disparaging comments at people is emotional abuse and completely unnecessary.

and i apologize for coming off as arrogant. i didn't mean to. hehe
Posted By: Myrthos Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 11/05/04 02:47 PM
In my opinion the major thing the Larians did wrong was listen to the visitors here too much. They should never have implemented some of the changes they made and should just have focussed on removing the bugs from the released version, instead of adding changes/functionality that were in some cases buggy in themselves.
Several of the things that were apparently fixed in the latest patches weren't even bugs to begin with. They were design decisions that some people on the forum (or maybe even many) didn't liked.

I know of no developer studio who actually listens to their players to the extend the Larians have done and still do. I wish they changed that policy and stopped doing that, for the benefit of themselves and Beyond Divinity.
Posted By: Jurak Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 11/05/04 02:56 PM
Could you please clarify what are the bad things that will happen, later in the game if I continue ?

Don't you remember the story of the button that goes "BOOM"!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 11/05/04 03:02 PM
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 11/05/04 03:09 PM
you are right. that does create problems these problems. while i appreciate them being flexible, better planning is needed in that kind of situation.

btw, i apologize to the forum in general for being so passionate and to a degree, overbearing and insensitive with my frustration. retrospect made me take a 2nd look, along with the gentle prodding of a certain forum member who is older and wiser than i who was kind enough to point out certain missteps where-in i failed to be a better diplomat than I was. For I certainly didn't begin with the intent, and my humanity swallowed me whole and then spit me back out. i allowed certain perceptions of tone to set me off, due to different ways of feeling on different times off-board, and i think that made me a little crazy. anyhow, i hope there are no hard feelings, as i have none. i enjoy a good humility lesson now and again hehe. thanks.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shame.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Faralas Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 11/05/04 04:58 PM

That post took courage and I applaud you for posting it. Well done. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />

'For me, this is a dead issue.' (Wasn't that a line from Austin Powers 'Goldmember'?) <-------- loved that movie, btw. Saw parts of it again last night. Austin Powers' 'Faasha' <-------- still cracks me up! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" />

Faralas <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Blackjack Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 11/05/04 05:34 PM
In my opinion the major thing the Larians did wrong was listen to the visitors here too much. They should never have implemented some of the changes they made and should just have focussed on removing the bugs from the released version, instead of adding changes/functionality that were in some cases buggy in themselves.
Several of the things that were apparently fixed in the latest patches weren't even bugs to begin with. They were design decisions that some people on the forum (or maybe even many) didn't liked.

I know of no developer studio who actually listens to their players to the extend the Larians have done and still do. I wish they changed that policy and stopped doing that, for the benefit of themselves and Beyond Divinity.

Hear, hear! I couldn't have said it better myself. I've been thinking that for a while now, and I'm glad someone finally put it into words.
Posted By: Womble Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 11/05/04 07:52 PM
Hey I said that too! Sort of anyway! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

I think Myrthos put it more eloquently though. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />

Edit: I just read the whole thread. I will direct hoots of derisory laughter to the person(s) screaming 'I don't want to start again, my time is too valuable!' <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" />

Dude, you're playing a computer game, the best way to waste time in modern society. Unless you get paid for playing or developing it you have ALL the time in the universe to complete it. You are on some kind of mission or something?

I expect to be flamed for this comment but I care not. Seriously, chill out, have a beer and wait for Larian to make the effort to fix the game. Then start over bug free and laugh at the forces of evil because you know exactly what's round the corner! Mauhahahahaha! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Jurak Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 12/05/04 12:47 AM
I just thought I'd point out Mr. Womble.......

there is nothing in your teeth! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" />

i forgot what i came here for....... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/idea.gif" alt="" /> Oh yes,

patches....that was it...i hate to admit i'm having a tad bit of difficuly
gettin the sucker to run...

is there a page with all the patches listed for dwnld somewhere <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />
(all of them) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 12/05/04 02:44 AM


<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 12/05/04 02:46 AM
you should only need to install 1.42 from 1.0 install. perhaps you should list certain specifics that Larian may need to help you. what exactly is the issue you are running into. if you can describe in detail what is happening, to the best of your ability, it will provide some insight for us &/or Larian to be able to assist.

Posted By: Brightblade Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 12/05/04 07:03 PM
I'm with Faralas on this one. I'm seriously impressed by your response - max respect! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Jurak Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 13/05/04 12:49 AM
Does this mean we're all friends again..... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/stupid.gif" alt="" />

good everybody wave your arm like this... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kitty.gif" alt="" /> says "meow"
Posted By: Faralas Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 13/05/04 04:54 AM
Does this mean we're all friends again..... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/stupid.gif" alt="" />

good everybody wave your arm like this... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kitty.gif" alt="" /> says "meow"

LOL!!! Uh oh, a pot stirrer! <-------- (just kidding). And I won't wave my arm cuz you can't make me. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" /> B'sides, I don't hafta, if I don't wanna. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ---------> Neener, neener, neener. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Btw, Jurak - are you playing <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> yet? I'm lovin' every minute of the game. It's tee-RIFIC.

Faralas <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" /> of <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />'s

P.S. This message was <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/offtopic.gif" alt="" /> Apologies to the management. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> (For them, I'll wave my arm) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: everyman420 Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 13/05/04 05:26 AM
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> when did we ever stop being friends?

aren't the best friends the ones who are willing to go out on a limb for something they believe in, and share it? and then they can kick one in the behind for taking themselves too seriously? of course.

someone got an ice pack, my butt hurts.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Faralas Re: Patch version 1.42 online - 13/05/04 06:09 AM
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> when did we ever stop being friends?

aren't the best friends the ones who are willing to go out on a limb for something they believe in, and share it? and then they can kick one in the behind for taking themselves too seriously? of course.

someone got an ice pack, my butt hurts.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />

Wrong-o, EM! A best friend is someone who will take care of all of my problems, give me as much money as I want (whenever I ask), and drops everything they're doing when I call (especially at 3AM) to help me open a jar of pickles.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Odd, though. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> My friends haven't dropped in to visit for a while. *scratches head* I wonder why? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

Faralas <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />
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