Larian Studios
Posted By: Lar_q Divine Divinity new version coming up - 18/09/09 02:13 PM
Hello all,

Don't take this as an official announcement, but more as a bit of a heads up for you very much appreciated people still active in these parts of the forum. We've quietly been working on remastering the original div for release through digital distribution, upgrading it to work well with Vista/XP and supporting higher resolutions. Time permitting we'll probably even modify a couple of things, so here's the question. If you could choose only one thing, what's the thing you'd really like to see changed in the game code ?
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 18/09/09 05:44 PM
Fix the broken skills.

Last I heard, Crossbow Mastery didn't add the damage it says it does, and True Shot just plain doesn't work.

I think that there's also an error with the Deadly Gift's Death Scorpions, they start at Level 100 and go up to 500. I think that's supposed to be level 10 up to level 50. Right now, they kill things fast, can follow you with Aura of Command, and practically never die. All the player has to do is collect the loot afterwards.

The Divine Eye doesn't remove the fog of war, so it can only explore areas you've already explored, or else you just move it blindly in a field of black. That's worthless.

(Maybe not broken, but questionable)

The Ranger's Sight skill is redundant and inferior to Elven Sight, and it requires a much higher level to put points into it despite its inferiority. Either swap the sight bonus of ELven SIght and Ranger sight, or give Ranger Sight a bonus, perhaps a bonus to bow/crossbow damage?

The Freeze spell only works on enemies below a certain spiritual resistance, but when that spell is on a weapon, it ignores that requirement and always freezes.

Resurrect is awesome because when you leave an area, enemies you resurrected turn back into regular enemies, letting you farm them for XP and items. (I don't mind this so much, it's not much different from the Heaven's Blessing skill). Is this intentional? I'm thinking it isn't.

All other weapon masteries seem inferior to the Sword and Mace Masteries, which add percentage-based, not fixed bonus damage.

Withering Curse would be good if not for the problem that most enemies you want to use it on have high spiritual resistance, and are thus immune. That may be intentional, but rather seems to defeat the point of using that spell.

Bug Report: When you rapidly open and right-click to close a container you've never moused over, sometimes extra items appear inside it. I discovered this in the vampire cave, although I didn't try doing that elsewhere. I was able to repeat it, but I haven't tried on other chests. It didn't really produce anything super, but it did produce extra free stuff. I know because that chest usually only contains just the boots and a Medium Strength Charm.
Posted By: KnightPT Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 18/09/09 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Lar_q
Hello all,

Don't take this as an official announcement, but more as a bit of a heads up for you very much appreciated people still active in these parts of the forum. We've quietly been working on remastering the original div for release through digital distribution, upgrading it to work well with Vista/XP and supporting higher resolutions. Time permitting we'll probably even modify a couple of things, so here's the question. If you could choose only one thing, what's the thing you'd really like to see changed in the game code ?

Nice iniciative! the game realy deserves a polish!

Things i would like changing:

- Better Hot-keys speed-use, it felt clunky the right-click mouse to use when we wanted to use a lot of abilities (i normaly sticked to 2-4 because of it was boring to change a lot)
- Inventory - Some kind of sorting button / Organizer and remove the gold icons
- Better hero animations
- Higher resolutions (i dont except 2009 graphics ofc, but a little polish would be nice)
- Potion hot-keys


Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 18/09/09 07:09 PM

You can sort things into multiple chests, or other containers, if you wish.
There are already hotkeys for potions, just open the potion menu, hover the mouse over the potion icon and hit a function key.
Tutorial-Changing F1-F12 hotkeys to different keys

Other than bug fixes (parts of the Tingalf quest can get broken if it is done too much out of the expected order, weight bug, etc), I'd say the main thing would be game balance. The game tends to get easier as it progresses, and gold becomes readily available. Perhaps if the range of potential stats was narrowed a bit for higher end items (dragon set, etc), some people would be less likely to reload to get the best possible equipment / loot, so would not end up overpowered and very rich at the end of the game (though that is only part of the problem). If you are not going to add stuff to the wastelands, its size could be cut down (at the beginning of the wastelands I was in the mood for some hack and slash, but in the Black Ring dungeons I started running past stuff I didn't have to fight to get to the main buildings).

The game could use a couple more non-sword unique weapons consistently in the game, for those not playing warriors, or not wanting to look like standard warriors.

minor things:

Add a loading screen tip about right clicking on the menu bar interface to minimize it to 3 lines (for health, mana and stamina), and right clicking on the lines to restore the full bar.

Add a warning when first entering the place of sacrifice to not open the tombs, or put a password on it so you need the book from the cursed abbey to get in.

Posted By: KnightPT Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 18/09/09 09:03 PM
Raze, i know that, but using the function keys is very slow, i am more refering to keys like "q" or "r" or "t" or "1", "2", "c". I mean more choice of keys to bind to abilities wink
Posted By: Arhu Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 18/09/09 10:56 PM
Mmm.. Language packs would be nice, comparable to how it was done in The Witcher Enhanced Edition:

You can download free language packs for the game and then play it in different voice over / subtitle combinations -- for example, Polish voices and English text, or French/French or whatever you fancy. Perfect for learning new languages.
Posted By: Arhu Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 19/09/09 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Lar_q
If you could choose only one thing, what's the thing you'd really like to see changed in the game code ?

More replies trickling in here:
Posted By: MysterD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 19/09/09 01:22 PM
Since a lot of people suggested stuff already, I'll suggest something different...

I want to be able to manipulate the camera more so -- i.e. be able Zoom In and Out on the action (like in Beyond Divinity).

Oh, a SDK would be nice, too.

Crap, I just mentioned two things, eh? :P

Other thoughts -- hmmmm, is there any way you could sell a Divinity Box that comes w/ Divinity 2 and Divine Divinity: Remastered?

What channels are you planning to see DD: Remastered?
GOG, I hope, right? wink I prefer no DRM in my games.
Hmmm...What about selling DD: Remastered on Impulse? Steam? Direct 2 Drive? GamersGate?

If possible, I'd like to see the evening colours back.

As far as I can remember, I think the "fading" was taken out due to some incompatibilities with Windows XP or so ?

There would be more to think about ...

Personally, I'd just love to see the blocked areas to be free smile , but I doubt this would be possible.

I never understood, by the way, why some of the highest hills (in the mountains) were not accessible ... I think, opening the blocked areas would be some kind of fun to explore. smile

Two more points : If possible, I'd like to see the "Source" thing back (I think it was a quest, wasn't it ?), and I vaguely remember another cat there, who spoke quite lowly of Arhu, the cat ...

Another point is that there I think was a quest planned around a character called "Der Adler", who was depicted as an eagle on the very first anniversary wallpapers ... If I remember correctly, this was cut out.

Personally, if I was working on div it would rather be some kind of "restauration project" than anything else ... wink

Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 19/09/09 03:29 PM
NPC's and quests in the wastelands.

I've played this game a lot. I still play it. I've adjusted to the skills, the equipment, the balance, the bugs. But the final act is like a different game. It deserves some attention. Use old NPC models, write up some dialogue, whatever it takes. Make it a game worth finishing instead of "oh, I rang the gong," time to quit.

Alrik: by default the sunrise/sunset is inactive but you can turn it back on in the config file. I use it and never had any problems in XP.
Ah, thanks, flixerflax ! smile
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 19/09/09 06:20 PM
You know what would really rock, if Larian had this remastered version packaged with Divinity 2 in some kind of collector's box.
Posted By: yêpes Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 19/09/09 06:53 PM
Ah finaly the message I was waiting for. =)

Few suggestions:

- some quests/npcs in the wastelands. I love the fact, that the game does not end with the "gong cermenoy" but the wastelands were really boring^^
- an access to the mountains around the dwarf entrance ( I always wondered what's up there... wink )
- fixing some borrow/crossbow abilities that do not work yet
- balancing Josephina (weaker) and improving the strenght of the Lord of Lies. (I'm not sure if he is called so; i played the german version wink ) He is way to easy in comparison to Josi.
- Balancing the scorpions (lvl 100?) and the frost (to easy with this ability, especially at a weapon).
Thanks a lot.

Thank you for creating this extraordinary game. =) It's one of my favourites. You can explore so many areas and find funny easter-eggs.

p.s. sorry for my english xD

Posted By: fastica Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 19/09/09 07:14 PM
Wooow... great news!! I just want support for higher resolutions, compatibility with new OS and bugs fixed.
Posted By: Rain Koor Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 20/09/09 07:42 AM
Saw the linked post on RPG watch and felt the need to chime in, because i really enjoyed DD back in the day and would snatch a remastered version from digital distribution in a heartbeat. That said, i hope the digital distribution service in question is GOG or alternatively Steam because most others suck really bad in my experience.
As for what should be changed in the code, i would say:
1. Add higher resolutions
2. Improve compatibility
3. Release SDK
I am not saying that known bugs and balance issues should not be looked into. I am saying, that if you give fans the SDK, these will be non-issues pretty fast. These days many great oldschool RPG-s like Arcanum, Fallouts, Baldur's Gate games, Planescape Torment etc. see fixpacks and unofficial patches, but SDK or at least a reasonably moddable engine is a strong requirement. DD has neither so far.
Posted By: scalla Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 20/09/09 05:36 PM
- a desert filled up with some side quests (I think I read in an interview that Larian hadn't had time to make them, so that's the occasion)
- the possibility to do the source quest

And... I don't know really, but at least something to give me the impression I did everything I had to.

If you can't change the scenario, just improve the stability and hunt the bugs smile
There are a few more comments here ... :
Posted By: SIannah Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 20/09/09 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Lar_q
If you could choose only one thing, what's the thing you'd really like to see changed in the game code ?

In the game code? Nothing. But I'd rather like to see it appear on then Steam or any other DD-site - does that count, too? smile
Posted By: Chihaya Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 21/09/09 02:42 AM
I hope that the remastered version will be compatible with saves from the original game. I'd buy it but I'd like my 60+hours partial playthrough with a Fighter not to go to waste.

And yes, I agree too. Please, please, please, release this on GOG with some goodies. I hope CDV will allow you to release this DRM-free.
Posted By: Elwin Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 21/09/09 06:16 AM
Original game already was almost perfect; if we get some additional bugfixing and few more goodies, then it would be absolutely perfect!

I vote for SDK (unofficial mods\patches are always sweet) and wasteland expansion.

And yeah, release on a GOG is quite high on my personal dream-list smile.
Posted By: janggut Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 21/09/09 07:11 AM
i hope it's available on CD/DVD so i get to keep it. also i don't subscribe to Steam or whatever online game distributors as i don't have a credit card & i never like online transaction.
I'd like more areas and the possibility to scroll in and out on your character. The speeech/subtitles thingy sounded cool too..

And I'd like to buy it on DVD. But none of this locked in limited install shit or DVD protection. Games using this kind of limited installation/starforce etc, I just drop from buying. No matter how good.
Originally Posted by janggut
i hope it's available on CD/DVD so i get to keep it. also i don't subscribe to Steam or whatever online game distributors as i don't have a credit card & i never like online transaction.

Same here. I'd love to see it as a low-budget release later. smile
I would like:

- the ending part of the game to be revamped.

Now, Josephine's fight was very cool yet extremely tough and tough but I'd wished we'd a bit more warning in advance. In particular, I wouldn't mind if the lair of the Black Ring was more tough and more cunning with more traps in-waiting and much more cruel foes. I mean, it's their headquarters after all! In particular, that "part" felt too easy and I was even able to resurrect and enslave all the Black Ring members I'd killed, to fight against their former compatriots. (Serves them right for crossing my path! :D)

- better tinkering with certain spells
The "desert" part felt very empty and boring. Many of the later DemiGod spells also could do with more tinkering so they'd be more useful.

If Larian is aiming for a higher level of enhancements:

- a bit more background for the Black Ring members
I've never liked characters being "evil" just because they "looked evil/were supposed to be evil". Instead: why did they choose to follow this way of life/personal principles that brought them into conflict with Zandalor and the others? Or something else? It could be something as simple as total allegiance to one's rescuer, forced enslavement or even something else.

Same for some of the other "good characters". Why did they choose to save the people? Was it 'cos they were tired of endless blood and violence?

- rewriting of some of the dialogues?
Some of the dialogues had a lot of punctuation, grammar and other linguistic errors. In particular, I'm hoping for a better level of fluency.

- better voice-acting?
Meh... I doubt this will be redone but if this is ever touched upon, well... I hope that the voice-acting is better this time round.

What I wouldn't like:

- please, no remaking it into full 3d? I think there is a need to preserve the original charm of the game. Besides, it was utterly beautiful and I felt like I was in some awesome gorgeous world with colours. Not that full 3d is bad but I think the original game experience of the "Sword of Lies" needs to be preserved. wink
Posted By: MysterD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 21/09/09 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by ARabbitofHabit
And I'd like to buy it on DVD. But none of this locked in limited install shit or DVD protection.


Originally Posted by Chihaya
And yes, I agree too. Please, please, please, release this on GOG with some goodies. I hope CDV will allow you to release this DRM-free.

Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 21/09/09 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Rain Koor
Saw the linked post on RPG watch and felt the need to chime in, because i really enjoyed DD back in the day and would snatch a remastered version from digital distribution in a heartbeat. That said, i hope the digital distribution service in question is GOG or alternatively Steam because most others suck really bad in my experience.
As for what should be changed in the code, i would say:
1. Add higher resolutions
2. Improve compatibility
3. Release SDK
I am not saying that known bugs and balance issues should not be looked into. I am saying, that if you give fans the SDK, these will be non-issues pretty fast. These days many great oldschool RPG-s like Arcanum, Fallouts, Baldur's Gate games, Planescape Torment etc. see fixpacks and unofficial patches, but SDK or at least a reasonably moddable engine is a strong requirement. DD has neither so far.

I changed my mind and completely agree with this post. With the SDK, there will be fans willing and able to fix and modify this game themselves for the good of all.
Posted By: janggut Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 22/09/09 04:42 AM
Oh yeah, that desert part needs some loving for sure! laugh

oh & if Kirill has some music lying around which didn't make the cut when DD was 1st released, maybe they can be included in the reloaded version? would be so sweet!
I don't think there'll ever be an SDK.

That game was developed waaaaay bevore the common release of SDKs became common !
Posted By: Rain Koor Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 23/09/09 05:28 AM
Oh yeah? Here are just some RPG-s, that had an editor and were released BEFORE divinity: Fallout 2, Arcanum, Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Gothic.
I don't know anything about an Editior for Gothic.

And there were more than enough games without editors as well: Blizzards D2, Sacred, Nox, Daggerfall, Ultima, Might & Magic ...
Posted By: Rain Koor Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 23/09/09 02:06 PM
You can download Gothic editor from world of gothic for example. Obviously some tools and documentation are in german, as are decompiled scripts included with it, but by now there are also english scripts available.
I guess we could keep exchaging game lists, but that was not really my point. An SDK, while in itself seemingly worthless to most people, would open door to a whole new dimension of Divinity - modding. Modding usually means strong fan communities, and that can only raise the worth of an intellectual property. If Larian would really want to add value to Divine Divinity and Divinity universe, releasing an sdk would be one of the chepest ways to do it. Unless of course parts of it contain licensed code.
Posted By: Aasgaard Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 23/09/09 09:05 PM

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for as well.
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 23/09/09 09:10 PM

Some of the tools Larian used with DD were proprietary and not redistributable, while others that they created they just didn't feel were user friendly enough for general consumption. It is possible they could program their own tools to replace proprietary ones, but there are time and resource limits to consider.
Yes. I don't want to be confronted with a kind of SDK like in Star Wars Battlefront ... The main program has no help, nothing at alkl, and is clearly intended fopr the experienced modder, not the casual one.

I would have many, many ideas for good maps for Star Wars Battlefront 1, good ideas, but I just can't cope with a program that isn't designed for the story-teller, but for the techie instead.
Posted By: Rain Koor Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 24/09/09 01:03 PM
Dromed (the editor for Thief games) for example is notoriously buggy and not exactly n00b friendly. It has strong community developing with it and supporting it however. There are plenty of fanmade tutorials available. If you take a look at the content produced with this editor, i bet your jaw will drop through the floor. There is stuff out there, that easily rivals and even surpasses original looking glass levels.
Yes, but it needs sooo long until one can create new content, and the learning curve is usually extremely steep.

Without help, one is dromed, err, doomed.
Posted By: Sektor Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 25/09/09 11:55 AM
Thanks for the feedback so far everyone! I'm your friendly neighbourhood div remasterer, and I have a couple of questions and remarks about the suggestions you guys (and girls) have made:

- Raze, can you elaborate a bit on the 'weight bug' you mentioned? What exactly is the problem and how can I reproduce it?

- Chihaya, would it be possible to provide me with a savegame of yours? That way I can test and make sure the compatibility is not broken.

- I can happily inform you that resolutions are no longer limited: you can play the game on any resolution that your video card supports, and I must say that it looks freakin' awesome!

- A number of skills have already been fixed or rebalanced, and some tooltips have been made a little clearer (for example, the tooltip for damage on the stats screen now shows a more elaborate breakdown of everything that contributes to your damage).

Please keep those suggestions and bugreports coming in!
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 25/09/09 12:40 PM
I guess I can give some more feedback:

The Summon Skeleton spell is pretty underwhelming compared to Skeletal Wall. Rank 4 Summon Skeleton is available at level 15 and lets you summon 4 level 16 corpses. If you wait one more level, you get Skeletal Wall which summons 5 better skeletons. There's no reason at all to take Summon Skeleton Level 5.

The final boss is seriously way too easy, especially compared to Josephina. Since defeating Josephina is required to beat the game already, you can afford to buff up the big bad some more (you can probably also tone down Josephina some, too).

Only the Wizard's Spellbooks are available on bookshelves. It would be nice if you could also get Warrior Tablets and Survivor Scrolls from bookshelves as well, although I can understand for realism reasons why only the books are available.

Not all the Wizard's skills are available in Spellbook form, too. Many spellbooks have the wrong name. The "Elemental Bolt" book is called "Sparks" and actually increases "Elemental Hail". The "Magical Might" book is called "Heaven's Blessing".

Spellbooks ignore level requirements (not that I'm complaining, it's nice to have Rank 5 Elemental Hail [Required level: 48] at only level 11).

While not a problem, it would be nice if your Mana regenerated slowly. Perhaps it could be balanced if Mana only regenerated when you have full stamina (and it doesn't regenerate when the game is paused, obviously). That might be too unbalancing, though.

Some tooltips or loading bar tips might be helpful here: With the 'Know Creature" skill, you can see the target's Offense, Defence, and Chance to Hit. That's fine, but I don't understand what the Offense numbers mean in terms for the enemy's chance to hit me and I don't know the difference between the Enemy's Defense and my Chance to Hit. Providing those numbers doesn't mean anything to me without explaining what them mean in layman's terms.

The final boss is seriously way too easy, especially compared to Josephina. Since defeating Josephina is required to beat the game already, you can afford to buff up the big bad some more.

Bug: The bookshelves in the basement of the Merchant's guild are linked together. There are several bookshelves and chests which all point to the same container. If you mouse-over each linked bookshelf, you still get a chance to spawn a new item, though.

Bug: The Poison Cloud spell can be cast near friendly NPC's to kill them without turning them hostile.

Bug: You will fix the broken portal stone to escape the Secret Developer Area, right?
Posted By: LzK Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 25/09/09 04:03 PM
Well..more quests to wastelands and it would be nice to have oportunity to start the game again and keep the items you had, but enemies are stronger and items they drop are with better quality meh
Posted By: deoren Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 25/09/09 04:56 PM
Please release on! smile

Since one of the members there found this thread, quite a bit of interest in the game has been generated.
Oh and forgot to mention this: given that the game is prone to all sorts of freezing and crashing at times, may I suggest that some sort of log be created whenever some "abnormal" issues are detected or when the game crashes/locks up?
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 25/09/09 07:28 PM

weight bug and disappearing chests (broken links are fixed in a reply, and the screenshot links re-fixed in another)

Is the camera view 'zoomable'? In Beyond Divinity I couldn't play above 1152x864 because the text size started to get a tad small in higher resolutions. For DD opening the automap would rarely cause a crash in 1152x864 (rare enough I would forget to save first), so I stuck with the maximum supported resolution.

While the Demon of Lies is too easy, I didn't find Josephine that difficult (especially in the wastelands).

There are a couple different spell books that can teach either of a pair of spells.
spellbook heaven's blessing doesn't work / How to recognize spell book ?.

There are several sets of connected containers in the game, not just in the merchant's guild, so I assume that was a shortcut rather than a bug.

Several people have had crashes when getting back their inventory after it is removed (dwarven throne room and bar fight). If they have a recent save usually reloading and dropping excess loot somewhere first avoids the problem, but a couple elected to simply bypass the dwarven guards by killing them with Poison Cloud. If Poison Cloud is 'fixed', then the inventory return procedure should be looked at (if it hasn't already).

Speaking of which, it would be nice if when the inventory is returned, everything went back where it was originally, and if opening the chest in Iona's dungeon replaced everything at once. This isn't a big deal, but if it is an easy change it would save a bit of annoyance for people carrying a lot of loot.

I don't know if this is a bug or a bonus, but with one level in Sword Expertise or Augment Damage (the starting skills for the male warrior), if you save the game and reload you will have level 2 of these skills. This works for other class and gender combinations, as well, but they have to put the first skill point in each skill themselves.

Some people have had trouble getting the password out of the dwarven mayor, though that isn't a big deal as fighting the guardian in the mines is easy and gives more experience than using the password. However, with the dragon breastplate a few people have had trouble getting Grisha to upgrade it, or had trouble getting the quest started with Sir Patrick (generally, talking to the king, Grisha and/or Sir Patrick again several times would be enough to trigger the speech option to continue).

When mixing passive sight bonus skills and equipment skill bonuses, there can be problems with the sight range calculation when the combined skill level is (IIRC) 4 or higher.
A couple recent examples: Dwarven Halls black fog problem.

I don't know how much time there is to look into rarer bugs, but:

Hostile traps / summoned / resurrected creatures


For the person in the GOG topic who avoided Beyond Divinity due to Starforce, the latest (English) patch removes it (don't know what kind of copy protecting the digital download version uses).

Welcome to the forum. wave
Posted By: fastica Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 28/09/09 01:54 AM
Another suggestion, although not game related: sell it also via Steam! I live in South America and is the only way to buy this kind of games. Thanks!!!
Originally Posted by Raito
Oh and forgot to mention this: given that the game is prone to all sorts of freezing and crashing at times

? I don't remember that behaviour ... At least not when I was playing it, on my Win98SE machine ...
Originally Posted by LzK
Well..more quests to wastelands and it would be nice to have oportunity to start the game again and keep the items you had, but enemies are stronger and items they drop are with better quality meh

Like in usual Action-RPGs ? No, thanks. I like div the way it is. wink
Posted By: meme Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 28/09/09 05:24 PM
This sounds really good; my only real complaints with the current game are the graphics (hard to spot items at times due to the way images are textured (I have the same complaint with bg2)). There were some other minor issues; at time it would be nice to slow/speed up combat (but i think this game had that option); and if you add more screen sizes it would be nice if the font size is independent of resolution. Could set text size and resolution independently; but I'm not sure how you all implemented it and it seems like a lot to ask if it takes a big effort.

The one full play I did was on warrior and it seemed not too hard; I started a mage about 2 months ago (and then moved; and put it down). Was going to pick it up but if you are going to redo the graphics (which is my one real complaint with the game); I'd just assume as wait and play when you're done.

Is this a multi-year project or will it be out soon ?
Divine Divinity is awesome. A couple of bug fixes and widescreen/high resolution support would be great, as would a GOG release!

I'd really like to see this out soon, got an itch to play it.

Go Larian!
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 28/09/09 08:55 PM

From the original post I would assume it will be out 'soon' (though that is software development soon, not regular soon). Just for marketing purposes I would think a release around or a bit before the English D2:ED release would be preferable.

Welcome to the forum. wave
Posted By: geamandura Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 29/09/09 08:59 AM
Hello. I already own Divine Divinity (in a box). Will you release a patch for our boxed versions that brings these improvements? Or will we have to buy the digital download?
Posted By: geamandura Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 29/09/09 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by flixerflax
NPC's and quests in the wastelands.

I've played this game a lot. I still play it. I've adjusted to the skills, the equipment, the balance, the bugs. But the final act is like a different game. It deserves some attention. Use old NPC models, write up some dialogue, whatever it takes. Make it a game worth finishing instead of "oh, I rang the gong," time to quit.

Alrik: by default the sunrise/sunset is inactive but you can turn it back on in the config file. I use it and never had any problems in XP.

This sounds excellent for an improvement in this version.

Can the sunrise/sunset be set somewhere in-game like in the options menu?
Not that I know of.
Originally Posted by Raze

From the original post I would assume it will be out 'soon' (though that is software development soon, not regular soon). Just for marketing purposes I would think a release around or a bit before the English D2:ED release would be preferable.

Welcome to the forum. wave

Thanks! Looking forward to this release; I own the original release of the game, but would love to see it get a little TLC before D2:ED. I've never actually finished it.
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 29/09/09 05:55 PM

Can the sunrise/sunset be set somewhere in-game like in the options menu?

The dawn/dusk effect can sometimes be gained/lost by re-installing the game or by installing a patch. There is no in-game option to fix this (you could try re-installing the patch).
Edit the '..\Divine Divinity\Run\config.lcl' file in notepad (or any other text editor), add the line "splotchproblem 0" to the end, hit enter (the game expects the last line to be blank) and save. When you start Divinity and load a save, the dawn/dusk effect should be restored.

Welcome to the forum. wave
Rimmer's Beer should be more distinguisheable (right spelled ?) in the inventory.

I think many people just mixed his beer with other beer, which resulted in getting problems with the acess for the Easter Egg area (if I remember that correctly).

One shouldn't be able to mix Rimmer's Beer with any other beverages.
Posted By: Stargazer Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/10/09 03:55 AM
I'd add a vote for a GOG release also - at least use it for a minimum-cost patch for existing DD owners. Please *don't* restrict it to Steam or any other service using online activation since these systems can leave purchasers in the lurch if they shut down (or worse, impose a maintenance fee to keep accounts open).

As for changes, fix the outstanding bugs (the sight range bug mentioned by Raze above is one I particularly remember frown ) and flesh out the Wastelands more (perhaps even provide a way to return to Rivellon for some new quests).

And please remove the disk check as well - legitimate purchasers shouldn't have to rely on third parties for this.
Posted By: smegy Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/10/09 10:00 PM
This is a bit of a long list so I apologise, but I had recently come across this thread after I had started playing one of the greatest RPG games again :P So I had to sign up and post my thoughts also I know some of these may already have been suggested but if they have its because I agree with them:

- SDK - I totally agree with having a SDK, I don't know if it would be possible but some of the greatest content can come from the user base and always creates such a great community where people are sharing tips and such and generally improving the game in many different ways.

- Spell bar / Hotkeys - The idea of this is to have something similar to most rpg games, just a bar that has specific keys bound to each block such as the number keys where spells/abilities can just be dragged and dropped making spells a lot easier to access but the problem I saw with this is the UI could get a bit crowded, but if you made a similar way of minimizing the bar (if there is one) as with the current UI it would mean that its always easy to access whilst not being in the way. (The way I visualise this is like not the hotkeys that cast the spell, but they just swap the spells around. For example: I press 1, it allows me to use restoration when I right click, but if I press 2, I'm now able to cast fireballs).

- Compare Item Tool tip - Just a little tool tip when you highlight an item so you can compare it with what your currently using.

- Multiplayer support (or at the very least, LAN) - Not a necessity but I liked the idea of taking on the story with friends and having to bail them out all the time (come on, we all feel were the greatest when were playing, having downed a mob that was giving you trouble :P).

- Pin windows - There has been many times where I've accidentally moved the minimap so it would be handing if there was a way to pin it to the UI so it can't be moved until you un-pin it.

- Continue at the end - I know that all great stories generally must come to an end, but it would have been nice to then just be able to explore with your original abilities, find those items that you wanted, or just play around as a frog. :P

- Auto pickup of teleport stone - Not really sure how this could be implemented, but there has been loads of times where I've accidentally walked off without my stone only to have to go find it. xD

- Further camera angle - Not really something I want but on occasions its nice to see a bit more of where your going.

- Scroll map - On the main map it would be nice for the mouse wheel to be able to zoom the map instead of having to press the buttons.

- Windowed Mode - Pretty self explanatory. :P


- The way the skeletons are summoned - I'm not sure if this is a bug but when you spawn skeleton, there is the odd times where you want to summon them again just a little further as there may be some mobs there, and if you are able to spawn more than one it will generally just destroy and re-summon the latest skeleton as opposed to destroying them in the order they were made.

And finally! (Sorry for the very long post xD)

- Weight difference - In the last floor of the catacombs during the first part of the game (Freeing Mardanius) there is a few chests dotted around the outside of the center story part, and when they are open instead of being 600 units of weight they drop to 0.

Anyways thanks to whoever reads this post as I know its probably taken some time to read :P So these are my suggestions, oh and before I forget, is a very good suggestion for distribution laugh You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this re-release :P
Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
Originally Posted by Raito
Oh and forgot to mention this: given that the game is prone to all sorts of freezing and crashing at times

? I don't remember that behaviour ... At least not when I was playing it, on my Win98SE machine ...

Well for some reason... the game does that sometimes on my P4 3.2 ghz machine. It's a random effect, too.

Oh and "Embrace shadows" seems to have some problems. Sometimes when I use it, my character disappears and I can't even see him even after I move into areas with light. And yes, the enemies can see him too.

And ah right, I wish this game was better at protecting quest items.
Posted By: meme Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 03/10/09 03:54 PM
Is it possible that your machine does not have enough memory (i.e, does the disk light go on when it freeze ) ?

if this is the case it is using virtual memory. Btw the game never froze on me and I had an early version from way back - my biggest complaint back then and now were with the graphics. Most of the other issues are just minor tweaks.

Originally Posted by Raito
Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
Originally Posted by Raito
Oh and forgot to mention this: given that the game is prone to all sorts of freezing and crashing at times

? I don't remember that behaviour ... At least not when I was playing it, on my Win98SE machine ...

Well for some reason... the game does that sometimes on my P4 3.2 ghz machine. It's a random effect, too.

Oh and "Embrace shadows" seems to have some problems. Sometimes when I use it, my character disappears and I can't even see him even after I move into areas with light. And yes, the enemies can see him too.

And ah right, I wish this game was better at protecting quest items.
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 03/10/09 08:14 PM

There are already hotkeys to switch between skills in DD, though unless you do some manual file editing it is limited to the function keys.

An extra column in the stat window, or tooltip description, would make it easier to compare new stuff with your current equipment.

If Larian wants to leave the ending of the game at least somewhat open, they can not really allow playing after defeating the Demon of Lies. I suppose they could let Zandalor teleport you back and forth between the wastelands and Council Hall, but there would at the very least need to be dialog changes with many NPCs to reflect the increase in Black Ring activity (I don't recall if anything was mentioned specifically about how much time had past, or what had happened to areas in Rivellon that you had access to).

You can hold the shift key down to move the screen focus away from your character. DD is a 2D game, so it is not possible to change the camera angle.

Welcome to the forum. wave
Originally Posted by Raito
Well for some reason... the game does that sometimes on my P4 3.2 ghz machine. It's a random effect, too.

Has it ever occurred to you that your machine might be too fast ?

I wonder.
Posted By: smegy Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 03/10/09 10:04 PM
I didn't actually know about the hotkeys, lol I'm gonna have to start using them :P

I understand the story may not allow for an open end but they are all really just suggestions as its just fun to go running around exploring all the places you haven't been, or setting up a random home :P (BTW I haven't played in a while so I'm not 100% sure how the game ends, but ill soon be finding out again xD)

I wasn't on about the camera angle, just the distance from the character height-wise, it wasn't really a vital thing as you can see enough already but again just a suggestion :P.

And thanks laugh
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 03/10/09 10:42 PM

Since the revised game can be played at any resolution supported by the video card, there may have been enough changes made with the interface, etc, that it might be possible to zoom on the fly. If not, you will at least be able to play at a higher resolution in order to see farther.
If the view isn't zoomable, I hope the text is, or can be adjusted independently of the game resolution.
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/10/09 02:09 AM
Same here Raze. I'm forcing the 1920 X 1200 resolution now and it looks awesome except the text is so tiny!!
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/10/09 03:34 AM

There is a third party font enlargement patch for DD (and another for BD).
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/10/09 07:03 AM
Oh yeah, I remember when that was posted. I'm using it now and the text is definitely bigger, but not much easier on the eyes since the letters look less crisp...kinda blurry and jagged. That may just be a result of my having altered the resolution though.
Posted By: aarne Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/10/09 01:21 PM
hmmmm.....*Wonders about DD on BD game engine*
Posted By: MysterD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 06/10/09 01:37 PM
From the Podcast from GameCentral.
... to other digital distributors, as well.

Yay yay yay!!

This has gotta be out soon.

Re: podcast, it would be nice if Arcanum was on GOG.
Posted By: ender140 Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 08/10/09 06:13 PM
I hope there will be polish language:)
Posted By: DeviRyuuD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 09/10/09 01:23 AM
I`m prolly late on this, but what i would like enchancing:
- On some computers the the movies don`t play, my guess would be that the movies are in such resolution that some newer monitors don`t understand.
- An additional act after you get sacrificed and before you appear in the wastelands. I Think that would be interesting.
- An option to modify your character sprite looks, or at least more choices for pictures.
That`s about it.
Posted By: allthumbs Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 15/10/09 12:10 PM
This is great news! What a developer - I simply can't wait!
Posted By: Gokyabgu Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 21/10/09 07:28 AM
It's good to see such a classic will come to life once again. For the digital distribution I hope you are planning to release it on I usually buy my games (mostly RPGs) from this site, because of the non-DRM method they're using.

Also, I hope you will add an editor to create our own adventures and levels.

I already have the boxed version of Divinity 1, but I definitely will buy it again if you will release it on gog.
Posted By: Lynn Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 22/10/09 11:12 AM
I have just started up my beloved div again and it still rocks!! laugh

But George is pissed on me, I have stolen his drudanea... ouch

And I need to unfreeze Lanilor, but how?... evil

Ok, time to move on! Bye! rpg005

Good luck Lynn ! wink
Posted By: MysterD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 29/10/09 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by lynn
I have just started up my beloved div again and it still rocks!! laugh

But George is pissed on me, I have stolen his drudanea... ouch

And I need to unfreeze Lanilor, but how?... evil

Ok, time to move on! Bye! rpg005

Lynn, will original owners of DD that bought it on disc be getting Patch 1.4A (to update it to Remastered Edition)?

Or will we have to re-buy this through one of the digital outlets?
Posted By: Lynn Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 29/10/09 05:18 PM
Let me find this out for you wink
Posted By: Zaypher Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 29/10/09 06:07 PM
drundana is marijuana of DD laugh
Posted By: Raven.rpg Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 29/10/09 06:43 PM
I never play divinity 2 so I am gonna ask for little better grapich
-resolution and textures

thank you
PS:I am gonna buy DD
Posted By: Stargazer Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 30/10/09 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by lynn
Let me find this out for you wink

I'd be interested too, but since the GOG version is priced at just $5.99 I went and bought that anyway...
Posted By: Smicallion Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 30/10/09 10:08 PM
I'd really be grateful for a downloadable patch too, I'd rather not not ever use a download service, nor would I do so for a game I already own.

Though I don't see it happening, it would be nice if the cd protection was removed too with the patch as some developers do when releasing an update for an older game. I hate playing with my cd in, so I'm in no way condoning piracy or anything of DD.

Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 30/10/09 11:16 PM
Yeah, ideally we could download it as a free patch, after the installer verified we had a registered copy of DD or something. I went ahead and bought it anyway, because the price is so low and it's a favorite that I still play. I now own three copies - original version, the 1.34 version that came with BD, and the new 1.4 GOG edition!
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 31/10/09 03:26 AM

There is a configuration file edit to skip the intro videos (see here).
With the latest CD/DVD game version (v1.0034A), this will also eliminate the need for the Play CD, except for a couple cases (the blessing ceremony, after hitting the gong late in the game, and at the end of the game). These are the same limitations as with the no-CD hack.
Posted By: MysterD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 01/11/09 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by lynn
Let me find this out for you wink

Thanks Lynn. smile
It's much appreciated.
Posted By: DMaarten Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/09 09:58 AM
Can someone post some screenshots in the 1680*1050 resolution?
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/09 11:22 AM
Sure. Divinity in 1680 X 1050:

Posted By: Lynn Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/09 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by MysterD
Lynn, will original owners of DD that bought it on disc be getting Patch 1.4A (to update it to Remastered Edition)? Or will we have to re-buy this through one of the digital outlets?
At the moment we don't plan to release a seperate patch for div

Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/09 12:01 PM
Here's a shot using the font enlargement pack. Compare it to the first pic from my last post - as you can see, it helps a lot!! I was too hard on the font enlargement pack before...I highly recommend it for these higher resolutions!

1680 X 1050 w/ font enlargement
Posted By: Smicallion Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/09 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by lynn
At the moment we don't plan to release a seperate patch for div

Meaning you want to shank those of us who already own a boxed copy and make us buy it again just to get proper widescreen support. No thanks. Even Blizzard has more consideration than that, they're releasing a new downloadable patch for a game older than yours - Diablo II.
Posted By: allthumbs Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/09 05:27 PM
Flixerflax, do you apply all of the font enlargements, as in "general, books, dialogues?" - I see there are 3 categories to choose from.
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/09 07:24 PM
Yes. Sorry I didn't show them all in my screenshots. The only ones that don't look quite so good are the dialogue/trade window fonts, only because they look a little cramped. Once you get used to it though, it's great, much easier to read.
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/09 10:24 PM

If you don't think the improvements in the remastered version are worth it, then don't buy it. It would be nice if people who bought the CD/DVD version in the last month or so could get a free downloadable version, but I can see where the extra administration this would require could be too much of a hassle.

If DD had been on the top ten PC games sales every month since it was released, and Larian was making a billion dollars a month from an MMO, then I'm sure they could afford the resources, money and bandwidth to offer lots of free updates and extras.
Posted By: Smicallion Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 03/11/09 04:13 AM
Come on now, "remastered version" is just a fancy name for the game being updated. 99% of the devs out there distribute update patches for free to their customers, regardless of them being a big company or not. Go look at the game "Scratches", which is very indie. They took the time to release an entire texture overhaul update and still support the game to this day despite being a small company.

You cannot use resources as an excuse, as Larian had the means to make a new version period. You also cannot blame bandwidth either considering they could just upload it to a site like filefront for download. Couldn't they simply use the code used for making this new version, and compile it to an .exe for us to use as an update?

I'm not trying to be rude here, but I'm rather annoyed by this. Why should I have to purchase the same game twice just to get proper widescreen support and some bug fixes? I also do not use download services as I like to own boxed copies of games and not rely on something online.
Uh, now you are argueing over an amount of less than 10 Euros ?


You must be in REAL financial troubles if you can't even afford a game costing less then 10 Euros !!!
Posted By: meme Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 03/11/09 02:11 PM
So is the GOG version the remastered version or a different version ?
Posted By: Smicallion Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 03/11/09 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
Uh, now you are argueing over an amount of less than 10 Euros ?


You must be in REAL financial troubles if you can't even afford a game costing less then 10 Euros !!!

You're completely missing the point here. This is the same as charging customers for an update patch. Can you honestly imagine if every game did this? Though Divinity is far from broken, this almost reminds me of the whole "Dungeon Lords" debacle and them releasing a special collector's edition which was essentially an updated version with fixes.

Again, for the last time; why should I have to buy Divinity twice, regardless of price, just for an update to finally get proper widescreen support? Seems rather cheap and unfair to me.
Posted By: allthumbs Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 03/11/09 06:12 PM
I originally bought the game new 2 years ago for $9.99. I played it alot. Now it is updated, and it cost me another $5.99. So I have $16 invested in a great game that the devs actually still care about/support. Hardly robbery here.
Posted By: Smicallion Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 03/11/09 07:04 PM
Turning a game update into basically DLC we have to pay for is quite robbery. Doesn't matter how much it costs, the same ethics apply. Why should I have to invest more money into a game I already own? I could understand if it was an expansion pack or if it added new content, but it doesn't. It's simply an update with fixes masked as a special edition.

Congratulations on spending $5.99 for something the majority of developers give people for free.

Funnily enough I've read on other forums how many others agree with this sentiment, seems the only people defending this are here in this topic.
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 03/11/09 08:02 PM

I believe one of the main motivations for releasing a digital download version was so the game would be available to people new to the Divinity series, brought in by D2:ED.
Distributors may have had a problem with an updated version of the game if they knew the core fan base would not be potential customers.

Larian has released several patches for all of their games. In this case they may have put enough effort into the update that they consider it more than just a patch, or they would love to provide it as a patch but couldn't get download distributors interested doing so, or providing a patch could just be more hassle than they want to spend on this while they are still working on D2:ED.
If you don't think the downloadable version is worth it, don't buy it.

Funnily enough I've read on other forums how Windows 7 should have been a patch for Vista, Left for Dead 2 should have been a patch for Left for Dead...

All downloadable editions of the game are the remastered version.
Posted By: Smicallion Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 02:46 AM
It's not like I have a problem they released it as a digital download, especially if it brings interest to the game for new players.

I'm just not seeing any way to defend the company for not giving those of us who own the boxed copy of the game a simple update, if even to just get proper widescreen support. How is it such a hassle for them to package a patch for coding that's already been done?

I'm actually playing through Divinity now for I believe the third time and was expecting to see 1.4 released as a new update finally. To come here and find out it's only for those who purchase the game through a download service - you have to understand my frustration.
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 04:14 AM
I actually agree with you, as I've stated earlier, a patch for current owners would be best. I just think you're being a big baby about it. I'd pay 6 bucks to get widescreen support and bugfixes in DD, and I did. And it's worth it. There's not many other games I would do that for.

Raze acts like making the changes into a patch would require massive resources, and for all I know, he's right. Maybe not.
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 04:53 AM

I do understand your frustration, and I see your point.

Without knowing how much work had to be done to support higher resolutions, it could be argued either way whether the result was more of a patch or remastered version (with the change list certainly looking more like that of a patch). However, people that have been following the forum for years are less likely to assume that Larian has suddenly become a bunch of greedy bastards. Without some evidence or pattern of behaviour to the contrary, we would be more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it is legitimately a remastered version, or that they have some valid reason not to release a patch. Or at least more likely to figure US$5 or 6 is not that big a deal for an updated version, even if (in someone's opinion) it should have been a patch.

Making a patch wouldn't require massive resources, but given the fact that there was one person working on the remastered version, the additional resources it would take may not be considered worth it. I would guess the reason for not releasing a patch was less likely technical (or financial), though, than political or other.
Posted By: Smicallion Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 11:39 AM
Well, I really have nothing else to add here. All the excuses and assumptions can be made on behalf of Larian, fact of the matter is old customers aren't being supported apparently.

To me this seems more like a case of them forcing people into investing more money into an old game just for a simple update everyone should be getting that owns the game.
Posted By: ForkTong Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 01:26 PM
Creating a patch for all language versions and all different released versions is actually a lot more work than you would think. Most work would go into finding the differences between the new version and all the versions out there, then creating the patch executables (one for every language), and then lots of testing.

So if we do this for English, we'll have to do it for German and French too, and there's lots more than just those three languages who would come here and ask for their fix too.

At the moment, we don't have time or resources to put into that.

Putting together a GOG version as one big download is much easier than updating existing versions on people's machines. GOG is one big setup, not a patch. And GOG is English only. Creating a GOG version was actually less work than it would be creating patches out of it for all versions out there.

We are not forcing people who already have the game into buying this. That was entirely not the idea of releasing on GOG. We have Div 2 out, or it will be out in the near future for US. That might make some people want to play Div 1. Plus, Div has been a pain to get hold of for the last couple of years, so we wanted to reach people who didn't or couldn't pick it up the first time.
Posted By: meme Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 02:02 PM
Let me repeat the my question (which I think was lost in the above debate; is the version on GOG the 'remastered' version with improved/updated graphics ?
Posted By: ForkTong Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 02:22 PM
Graphics are not updated or improved or changed or touched smile Only code has changed. You can play it at higher resolutions now. List of updates:

- Feature: Allow more resolutions
- Feature: Recreated config tool
- Fixed: numerous crashes and freezes
- Fixed: encumbrance could make items disappear
- Feature: Tooltips of damage stats on stat screen improved

- Fixed: Spellbooks no longer ignore level requirements
- Fixed: All weapon expertise skills give percentile bonuses instead of static bonuses
- Fixed: True Sight damage is now actually used
- Fixed: Bow and crossbow expertise bonuses are now actually used
- Fixed: Divine Eye removes the fog of war
- Fixed: Deadly Gift's Scorpion Trap is less powerful
- Fixed: Resurrected enemies die after region swap
Posted By: Smicallion Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 02:25 PM
Well if it isn't possible due to resources, then I digress. What I had been saying is only how the situation appeared to me. I thought Larian had grown by now, especially with the release of Divinity 2 being multi-platform and all.

As for the availability of Divinity 1, there are actually two different versions you can buy off Amazon new. One is jewel case only and other boxed. Both of them are under $15 too.
Posted By: allthumbs Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 02:35 PM
shouldn't the fix list read "True Shot damage" in lieu of True Sight?
Posted By: KnightPT Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Smicallion
Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
Uh, now you are argueing over an amount of less than 10 Euros ?


You must be in REAL financial troubles if you can't even afford a game costing less then 10 Euros !!!

You're completely missing the point here. This is the same as charging customers for an update patch. Can you honestly imagine if every game did this? Though Divinity is far from broken, this almost reminds me of the whole "Dungeon Lords" debacle and them releasing a special collector's edition which was essentially an updated version with fixes.

Again, for the last time; why should I have to buy Divinity twice, regardless of price, just for an update to finally get proper widescreen support? Seems rather cheap and unfair to me.

Divinity is a 7 (?) year old game that wasnt touched for a longgggg time. Do you realy think a company will give support for a product for 7+ years? Not even the giant Microsoft gives support for older windows versions (windows XP will follow soon).

D1 is the same. They decided to release an updated version for people who are curious about a previous work the company did, and they did it at a very low price, its not that the original product ceased to work completely, they just wanted to re-release it again in a diferent channel.

You honestly cannot ask for a company to give support for a product forever. Look at antivirus that have 1-2 years payed updates for example.

What you are saying makes no sense. You are saying "listen, i bought a 7 year old stuff and i want it upgraded now for free because i'm entitled forever for updates ". Yes, you payed for the product at that time, and it worked.

Dont wanna be pushy in my speach here, but i'm quite baffled as to why people are arguing about € 10,00 on a game that is 7 years old and its not even obligatory to have in order to play, its not like your product "broke" or something and you want to activate the garentee...
Posted By: Smicallion Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by KnightPT
Divinity is a 7 (?) year old game that wasnt touched for a longgggg time. Do you realy think a company will give support for a product for 7+ years? Not even the giant Microsoft gives support for older windows versions (windows XP will follow soon).

Plenty of devs still support older games, read my previous examples. Better yet, here:

What you are saying makes no sense. You are saying "listen, i bought a 7 year old stuff and i want it upgraded now for free because i'm entitled forever for updates ". Yes, you payed for the product at that time, and it worked.

I made perfect sense. Patches and game updates should always be free, and this remastered edition is basically a patched version. Expansion packs and DLC are what should have price tags. Anyway, why drag it up again? One of the Larian people posted since then explaining lack of resources and I figured this was over. Move along and don't drag things back up please.
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 04/11/09 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by meme
Let me repeat the my question (which I think was lost in the above debate; is the version on GOG the 'remastered' version with improved/updated graphics ?

No, Raze already answered your question. Every downloadable version of Divinity is the remastered version.
Posted By: meme Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 10/11/09 02:52 PM
So this is not the remastered version ?

Originally Posted by ForkTong
Graphics are not updated or improved or changed or touched smile Only code has changed. You can play it at higher resolutions now. List of updates:

- Feature: Allow more resolutions
- Feature: Recreated config tool
- Fixed: numerous crashes and freezes
- Fixed: encumbrance could make items disappear
- Feature: Tooltips of damage stats on stat screen improved

- Fixed: Spellbooks no longer ignore level requirements
- Fixed: All weapon expertise skills give percentile bonuses instead of static bonuses
- Fixed: True Sight damage is now actually used
- Fixed: Bow and crossbow expertise bonuses are now actually used
- Fixed: Divine Eye removes the fog of war
- Fixed: Deadly Gift's Scorpion Trap is less powerful
- Fixed: Resurrected enemies die after region swap
Posted By: flixerflax Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 10/11/09 06:40 PM
Yes. It is. How many times are you going to keep asking that? There is no "improved/updated graphics" unless you count playing at higher resolutions. If you can download it (from GOG, Impulse, etc.) it is the new 1.4 remastered version.
Posted By: the_bean Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 10/11/09 10:50 PM
Since the game is available on download already.
it's a bit pointless to mention, But here it comes smile

There was a problem with the "sword of stone". if you take it out of the grave, and leave.
the ghost would kill al the major NPC in that entire area.
And you miss some important quests!

Also i remember that the camp of like 30 soldiers got possessed by that evil Imp wizard
And you could kill them all of for the experience, or leave the camp.
but if you kill the imp later on, that spell is still on the soldiers!
Posted By: scalla Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 10/11/09 11:00 PM
Herm, from what I remember, you never kill that imp... he just changes his mind about the Black Ring.
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 11/11/09 12:52 AM

You got a warning not to take the sword from the stone if you walked/ran away, but not if you teleported. No essential NPCs would get killed.

I'm pretty sure the mind control spell was broken after you completed the imp council member quest.
Originally Posted by meme
So this is not the remastered version ?

Why are you so much hanging on to "improved graphics" ? Do you think you can't live without great graphics in games ?
Posted By: meme Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 12/11/09 07:10 PM
I purchased the game when it first came out and the one thing that annoyed me were the graphics. I often found that I missed hidden things due to the graphics. Having played bg 2, ice wind dale and other games of similar rendering; this was not an issue. Sure it would be nice if they were improved but functionally they did not interfere with play as it does for DD. I had sort of hoped that when the game was 'remastered' there would be an improvement in this area and was a bit confused by the gog release as to whether it was the full remastered version or a stop-gap addressing other issues.
Note that bg 2 (unlike bg) had a key to high-light objects (bg I had a problem similar to DD). ice wind dale the graphics were improve somewhat and this was not an issue (I don't remember if it had a similar key because I didn't need to use it in that game).
Please don't equate 'improve graphics' with modern 10 zillion polygons graphics as your post insultingly implies.

Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
Originally Posted by meme
So this is not the remastered version ?

Why are you so much hanging on to "improved graphics" ? Do you think you can't live without great graphics in games ?
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 12/11/09 10:05 PM

I never had a problem missing things due to the graphics.
Switch the darkness setting in the graphics options to 50 to increase the size of the light radius around your character, and bump the gamma up a bit to lighten the screen in dark areas (though you don't want it too bright above ground).

You can hit the Alt key in DD to highlight doors and loot, etc, though this will also set the inventory/stats of nearby chests/NPCs/equipment.
Posted By: geamandura Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 28/11/09 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Smicallion
I'd really be grateful for a downloadable patch too, I'd rather not not ever use a download service, nor would I do so for a game I already own.

Though I don't see it happening, it would be nice if the cd protection was removed too with the patch as some developers do when releasing an update for an older game. I hate playing with my cd in, so I'm in no way condoning piracy or anything of DD.

My thoughts exactly. I really, really wish for these 2 things, as I already own the boxed game.
Posted By: geamandura Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 28/11/09 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
Uh, now you are argueing over an amount of less than 10 Euros ?


You must be in REAL financial troubles if you can't even afford a game costing less then 10 Euros !!!

I'm sorry I have to remark out loud that your post was a very stupid thing to say to people. How the heck can you judge people based on some money criteria? The game is not meant to be sold only in the European Union and so if somebody from a country with a very disadvantaging currency parity made a huge effort to buy the game, then it would be another huge effort to buy it again. You really needed to have this explained to you like little children?

I'm generally lazy and therefore I will just fully acknowledge Smicallion's thoughts on this matter, after I have read through this thread from beginning to end. Developers fixing their own software should obviously release the fixes for free. I also love DD but I'm more realistic about it and thinking about this matter ethically (no matter the amount it's gonna cost, the fact is, it costs us *something* for their own mistakes).
Posted By: MysterD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 30/11/09 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by ForkTong
Creating a patch for all language versions and all different released versions is actually a lot more work than you would think. Most work would go into finding the differences between the new version and all the versions out there, then creating the patch executables (one for every language), and then lots of testing.

So if we do this for English, we'll have to do it for German and French too, and there's lots more than just those three languages who would come here and ask for their fix too.

At the moment, we don't have time or resources to put into that.

Putting together a GOG version as one big download is much easier than updating existing versions on people's machines. GOG is one big setup, not a patch. And GOG is English only. Creating a GOG version was actually less work than it would be creating patches out of it for all versions out there.

We are not forcing people who already have the game into buying this. That was entirely not the idea of releasing on GOG. We have Div 2 out, or it will be out in the near future for US. That might make some people want to play Div 1. Plus, Div has been a pain to get hold of for the last couple of years, so we wanted to reach people who didn't or couldn't pick it up the first time.

Even though I totally love GOG...

Are there any plans to released Divine Divinity: Remastered Edition on disc in North America? What about elsewhere around the world?

Or maybe even have CDV publishl a Divinity 2: Special Edition that also comes boxed w/ DD: Remastered?
Posted By: Lynn Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 30/11/09 04:35 PM
Hello MysterD,

Sorry, I can't help you with your questions at the moment.
Posted By: MysterD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 05/12/09 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by lynn
Hello MysterD,

Sorry, I can't help you with your questions at the moment.

Well, if CDV and (you all at) Larian does decide to re-release Divine Divinity: Remastered on disc OR say package some sort of special Divinity 2 box w/ DD: Remastered - and of course your publisher gives you the okay to tell us - please let us know! smile

I was really happy when you guys released that special package of Beyond Divinity coming w/ Divine Divinity that some USA stores - like GameStop - was selling. I missed out on DD, when it first got its release here in the USA - and when I say that double-box deal of BD and DD, I couldn't resist.
Posted By: allthumbs Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 21/12/09 09:21 PM
I am getting the same old static issue I had with the old version. Maybe they will take a look at that as well.
Can you guys get rid of the wastelands and fix up that whole mess? :p

I don't know about this. I still prefer my pre-patched version of the game where I can put as many charms as I want on an item.

I'll probably buy it when I get some more money, though, just to check it out and to support you guys.

Still one of my top games of all time smile
Posted By: igyb Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 24/12/09 09:30 PM
Haven't played in a long time- one annoying thing was not being able to remove a broken or maybe even a completed quest from the quest log (in the section where only incomplete are suppose to show). Maybe an option that forces to delete/hide a quest would be nice.

I would rebuy this on steam in a heartbeat. I really hate needing the cd in the drive -and love having all my games on steam.
Posted By: stubbie Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 25/12/09 09:43 AM
I'm sorry but I didnt read all the previous posts.

So this may or may not be relevant.

I have the original Divine Divinity on cd.
By doing a simple hack to the config.div file that I posted about here you can run the game in widescreen.
There is a problem with the marker flags though.

I think that it would be nice if Larian released a small patch to fix that problem so people like me that have already bought the game could then play the game again in widescreen.

But I realise there would be no money to be made by them doing that so I guess that's why I had no response to that thread.

So I suppose that if Larian does need to re-release the game though digital download then all I ask is that the game be suitable for widescreen (1680x1050) and be pretty cheap.

Because the game, as it is now, is about 90% suitable for widescreen perhaps they could just release an addon for a couple of bucks to make the original suitable and charge a bit more for a complete download. smile
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 25/12/09 08:08 PM

The digital download does support widescreen resolutions (or any resolution supported by your hardware / drivers), and is pretty cheap (IIRC US$5-6 on Impulse/GOG). There are a couple issues with it, though, and a patch should be coming out soon/eventually (some NPCs spin in place, particularly one involved in a cutscene in the church, and a few people have had problems with enemy magic causing crashes or not being able to pick up items or use stairs near one or more locations in the Dark Forest).

There was no patch for the CD/DVD version released due to the amount of extra testing that would have required for all of the different localizations, with each of the previous game versions. The download version was mainly intended for new people playing D2:ED, who might want to check out the first game in the series.
Posted By: stubbie Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 25/12/09 09:29 PM
That's good to hear about the widescreen compatibility Raze.

I will keep my eye open for a patch to be released.
If it can correct the issues you mentioned then I will definitely be buying the download at that price.

It was a great game. smile

Arh, what the heck. I registered at Impulse and I'm downloading it.
Hopefully a patch will be released sooner rather than later. grin
Posted By: Lynn Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 29/01/10 02:49 PM
@ Impulse customers: Please open your Impulse client and click on your “Updates” tab to find the patch for Divine Divinity.
Posted By: stubbie Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 30/01/10 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by lynn
@ Impulse customers: Please open your Impulse client and click on your “Updates” tab to find the patch for Divine Divinity.

Actually if you are new to Impluse (like me) to install the patch you need to open up the Impulse client and go to "My Games"
Right click on the Divine Divinity entry and click on "Verify Installation"
It will then tell you that you need to update. smile

If the game no longer starts (you just get a black screen for a couple of seconds) don't panic.
Just run the Divine Divinity config tool (either from your All Programs menu or in the Divine Divinity install directory)and choose your resolution.
The game should then run fine.
You may also need to re-adjust your ingame options as well.
Posted By: Moofly Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 09/02/10 07:24 AM
Little change for remastered version of Divine Divinity would be to recreate the game in Gamebryo 3D like Divinity II... =P
Posted By: DMaarten Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 11/02/10 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Moofly
Little change for remastered version of Divine Divinity would be to recreate the game in Gamebryo 3D like Divinity II... =P

How the hell is that a LITTLE change?
Posted By: uk_john Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 06/03/10 01:46 PM
All I ask is you make this patch/re-mastered version available to original buyers of the game for free, or you are asking us gamers that supported you in the early days, by buying this game at full price, to pay $6 for a patch - because we already own the game!
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 06/03/10 10:33 PM

As explained earlier in this topic, if they released the changes as a patch they would have to do so for all the different localizations, which would then have to be tested against all previous versions. As I understand it, there was pretty much one guy working on the download version, and Larian doesn't have the time or resources to release that many patches (which was why the download version is English only). It was intended primarily for people new to D2:ED who missed DD, and might be inclined to get it if it was available.

Besides, there is nothing wrong with the disk version. If you don't want widescreen support, or don't think it is worth $5-6, then don't get the download version.
Posted By: uk_john Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 15/03/10 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by lynn
Originally Posted by MysterD
Lynn, will original owners of DD that bought it on disc be getting Patch 1.4A (to update it to Remastered Edition)? Or will we have to re-buy this through one of the digital outlets?
At the moment we don't plan to release a seperate patch for div

Fantastic news for all us custoemr sthat bought DD at full price when it was first out, thinkiong we were helping a small publisher and now finding out all we are getting in return in a knife in the back! Way to go Larian - I already own the game, but your saying the next patch is going to cost me $5.99 and as a bonus I get the game free- again!

And you expect people like me to buy DD II at full price?! You have to be kidding!
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 16/03/10 03:01 AM

So, no free update for an 8 year old game is a knife in the back?

Can you name any 8 year old games that have gotten significant updates as a free patch? (excluding MMOs and Diablo, as it is still in the top 10 or 20 on sales charts every month)
Posted By: MysterD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 25/03/10 10:23 PM
Worth noting:
Divine Divinity: Remastered is $2.48 this weekend on Impulse to buy-to-download!
Posted By: Lynn Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 26/03/10 09:10 AM
Yep! woehoe

It is Divine Divinity's promo-weekend!
You can grab the game for only 1.86 euro or 2.48 USDollars.
If you or your friends didn't play the game yet, this is your chance! cheer

Download the game here

Posted By: MysterD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 26/03/10 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by lynn
Yep! woehoe

It is Divine Divinity's promo-weekend!
You can grab the game for only 1.86 euro or 2.48 USDollars.
If you or your friends didn't play the game yet, this is your chance! cheer

Download the game here

I don't like re-buying games I already own (I own DD on 3-CD set from CDV), but for the new features - high-res and widescreen support; and getting Version 1.05 bug-fixes and stuff - $2.48 is NOT much more to spend on a great game. smile

Plus, I like Larian and Impulse. That sounds like a winning combo to me.
Well, so does Larian and GOG, for that matter, too...
Posted By: MysterD Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 26/03/10 11:50 PM
Lynn, or anybody who has DD: Remastered...

Will saves from earlier versions of DD (version 1.03) actually work w/ the new and improved DD: Remastered (1.04A and 1.05)?

Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 27/03/10 12:40 AM

Several people have reported that loading a save from the disk version into the remastered version either causes a crash, or loads ok but the game can not be saved after that. I don't know if that is generally the case, or not.
I've loaded saves made in the remastered version in the disk version and was able to save normally, but that's not the typical direction people would wish to move their saves.
Posted By: Joram Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 31/03/10 11:59 AM
Can I buy the remastered version of DD on GoG or Impulse without a Visacard?

I haven't a Visa and can only pay cash, using a billnumber to overwrite the exact amount of goldcoints, euh.. I mean .. "Euro's" of course wink ... or with pc-banking.

I wish to play DD now with a proper version (1.05) without bugs smile ... my V-1.0034A isn't without many bugs ... Okay, I can play the whole game to the end, but it would be very nice and great to play now all over again with a new Remastered Version, wooow biggrin ...
I still love playing DD !!!!!

Or comes this Remastered Version 1.05 out on a DVD/CD-Rom? I think not, so I hope someone can help me out? Please.
Many thanks in advance of a great Divine Divinity Fan!! wave

Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 31/03/10 04:08 PM

Impulse takes PayPay, which can be associated with your bank account (so pretty much the same as pc-banking).
Posted By: Brod Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 01/11/10 09:37 AM
Will DD Remastered ever be released on Steam?
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 01/11/10 11:55 AM

I'd guess if DD isn't on Steam by now it probably will not be, but you could check when FoV and DKS are listed (assuming they will be) and see if DD is added as well. The publishers handled the digital distribution for D2:ED, but AFAIK Larian is dealing with them directly for the upcoming releases.
For now DD is available from GOG and Impulse, and will be available directly from Larian when they bring their digital distribution store online with the release of FoV / DKS.

Welcome to the forum. wave
Posted By: ThielHater Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/10 07:49 PM
Is it absolutely sure, that this remastered version won't be available in german? frown
Posted By: Raze Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/10 08:48 PM

When DKS is out and the demo created, etc, it is not entirely inconceivable that Larian could possibly divert some resources into other language versions of the remastered DD rather than get everyone working on Divinity 3 and their other projects. With Larian opening their own digital distribution store soon, it at least removes the need to find a German publisher/distributor, and may make a German version slightly less unlikely than it was before. AFAIK they have not publicly mentioned anything about a German remastered version, though, hypothetically or otherwise.
Posted By: scalla Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/11/10 09:28 PM
Well, it's a possibility, but I don't think so; I remember Lar telling they remastered a one-language version because it would be far too much work dealing with x different version for each language. Anyway, I know a fan made a "French-patch" for DD remasterized, maybe does it exist for German too?
Posted By: ThielHater Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 06/11/10 04:53 PM
Thanks for the replies Raze and scall, I hope there will be a german version in near future. smile

@scalla: I couldn't find anything about it. Would you please give me a link?
Posted By: Dundalis Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 21/11/10 04:36 AM
So if you already have Divine Divinity, do you just download the latest patch to get this remastered version?
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 21/11/10 06:58 PM
No, there is no patch, you'd have to get the game again. ($6.00 USD at Good Old Games.)
Posted By: ThielHater Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 21/11/10 10:08 PM
I got Divine Divinty working at 1920*1080px by using DirectDraw as renderer. It looks like the remastered version (yes, I bought it either) and doesn't crash as it does, when I use Direct 3D as renderer. smile
Posted By: Quazar12 Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 01/12/10 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Raze

I'd guess if DD isn't on Steam by now it probably will not be, but you could check when FoV and DKS are listed (assuming they will be) and see if DD is added as well. The publishers handled the digital distribution for D2:ED, but AFAIK Larian is dealing with them directly for the upcoming releases.
For now DD is available from GOG and Impulse, and will be available directly from Larian when they bring their digital distribution store online with the release of FoV / DKS.

Welcome to the forum. wave

I just paid a visit to the Larian Vault in order to buy DD and BD but they are not listed there. Did i miss something? if not its kind of silly that Larian's own games arent there for us to buy....
Posted By: Joram Re: Divine Divinity new version coming up - 02/12/10 07:16 AM
Indeed strange ... or maybe soon we see appear DD and BD on the Larian Vault ... and who knows what else more ? think

Larian ....
Can you imagine, anno 2010 almost 2011, 9 years after the release of div ... ,
.... gamers are still playing AND looking out for your great game ?

For me this sign says more than whatever I can write down "words of fame and glory" about div


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