Larian Studios
Posted By: Vaelth Need some help... - 11/05/10 01:11 AM
For the past few days I've been stuck trying to do the little bit of quests I have so I can lvl and reach the other parts of the zone without...dieing so

I've explored most of the map I'm on, except parts that have lvl 9+ mobs that I can't take on just yet at lvl 7. I have nothing but quests to get the xp i need to lvl and can't finish ANY of them.

Lovis Loot - Can't find the artifacts.
A hunting we shall go - cant find all them, only 1 so far is done.
Looking for Lovis - Can't get in yet.
A greater hunter - no idea what to do on this one.

I've explored alot of the dungeons/underground routes many times. I still don't know what else to do, any help would be great.

Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 01:46 AM

At level 7 I was able to use a bow to take out the level 8 skeletons at the main (locked) gate of Lovis' tower (switching to melee when they got close), with several strategic retreats to heal behind the large tree down hill. As long as you get one or two of them each attack, the next approach will be easier. After that I continued south east to clear the level 6/7 goblins, and the first couple level 9 bandits.
The bandits were too tough in large groups, so I went west of the place you meet the dragon knight, and up the northern path through the mountains (and level 6/7 goblins). Farther west I cleared partly towards the passage to Maxos temple (at level 8 or 9 I could take out the level 11 black ring members one or two at a time), then decided to leave that area and clear out the derelict tunnel (the two goblin entrances already cleared above ground). After that I finished off the skeletons around Lovis's tower. I kept exploring, though, and did a fair bit before actually entering the tower.

Lovis' loot can be found near the top of Lovis' tower.

For 'a hunting we shall go', Hallorn is in the derelict tunnels, Yup'ik and Viper are in the far south east area, and Jagon is in the bandit camp (also to the south east, but not as far south), near the quarry. The greater hunter quest can be solved near the quarry (a little west of there). You can go after Hallorn now (take out the goblins first, if you have not done so yet), but I think the others will require you to be another couple levels higher, at least.

Welcome to the forum. wave
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 02:10 AM
Thanx for the Welcome. After I posted this I found the entrance to the direlect tunnels, and completely cleared it out. Lvled right before tho since I had to fight my way there. Lvl 8 now but the bandits give me the hardest time, im going the wizard/mage route which i like, still some range attacks. I've been up to the front door of the Lovis tower, I didn't really look But I'll go back and do that, as for the bandit camp, i can't make it there yet, no idea of a tunnel entrance to that either.

I just killed Hallorn in the tunnels, got some good stuff from him. Thanx for the help, I'll keep that in mind.

EDIT: I also came across an NPC on a bridge that was selling properties and such. Anyone know anything about that.
Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 02:31 AM

I used Hallorn's ring for quite awhile, delaying turning that quest in until I had a better ring to replace it with.

You'll meet Willy a couple more times, either trying again to sell you a house, or get more money out of you; he is a con artist.
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 02:46 AM
lol, Thought so, lost 500g to him...slick little bugger. I'll try and make my way to the bandit camp, since I don't know what else to do atm since the dilect tunnels.

Also, I keep seeing tips about having runners/servants to do things for u. No idea what thats Also when do u get to change into a dragon again? I did it for the quest then I can't anymore. Either way I'm enjoying the game, just run into road blocks sometimes.

Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 03:02 AM

Once you finish off Broken Valley (specifically Maxos Temple) you will gain access to sentinel island, where (after some exploring and quests) you will be able to take over the battle tower there and become a full dragon knight. The servants / runners come with the battle tower; once fully upgraded you can use them to gather gems/minerals to use in enchantments or sell (malachite ore and diamonds being the most expensive), so 'wasting' 500 gold isn't a big deal.
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 03:22 AM
Yeah I know but at the time I needed the I got like 3k gold now, so no worries..rofl I still got alot b4 that happens, be nice if I could actually finish the

Thanx for your input tho...back to the grind stone.

EDIT: I still can't find the artifacts by the tower, iv'e searched at the top and at the bottom near the shrine and around it.
Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 03:34 AM

When you get up into the tower, keep an eye out for levers to open the gates (some are on the ground, some are on ledges you need to jump up to). As you climb up the tower, you will eventually get to 4 dragon statues with pressure plates that need to be activated to open a gate. After that the path splits; keep left to spiral upwards to where you can find a skeleton blacksmith and Lovis' loot, or right to go down a bit to another ladder down to a small platform where you can jump down to the section that contains the door to Lovis' chamber.
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 03:54 AM
Sweet thanx, i just ran into the mine, with the burnt down camp, exploring that atm. I'll go back after I'm done.
Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 03:57 AM

After the mine, you might want to return to the necromancer in the mountain cave north of the destroyed chapel (in the starting section of Broken Valley) first.
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 04:02 AM
Ight, I got plenty of body parts but I haven't done the quest from him yet to find the missing zombies.
Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 04:16 AM

I thought you were in the mine with the missing undead? (west of Lovis' tower, a bit south of the fortune teller)
I didn't use the creature all the time, but for the rest of Broken Valley I just automatically used a warrior head. In the fjords trying to take out some level 21 imps at level 17, I found the creature much more helpful with a level 2 ranger head than a level 6 warrior head (didn't have a mage head at the time, but I switched as soon as I found one).
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 05:18 AM
Yeah thats where I was, I completed it and turned the quest in to the necromancer guy. To bda I can only choose 1 I could really use 2 of the rewards...:( I might use it if I make one just to help me when i need it, and change out the pieces like u siad.

GAHHHH! I'm stuck in the room at the top of the I can't get out the door locked after i entered i guess. Room with Carlin the blacksmith..any ideas?
Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 05:35 AM

There are buttons in each of the rooms (beside wall murals/crests) that trigger various traps (one turns you into a ladybug for a few seconds, etc). The button in the room on fire opens the door (and triggers something to appear in the central room).
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 06:11 AM
Wow...I feel I found it, did the Lovis with the orb thing, nearly died, but i got it Everything is falling into place now, lvl 10 finally..:)

Thanx for all the help.
Posted By: Raven.rpg Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 11:55 AM
Keep exploring and you will find everything
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 05:13 PM
Ok so I finally got to the bandit camp, and Ragnor isn't where he's supposed to be. I can't find him anywhere, can't finish the quest without him. Also the Temple of there a way around the poison?
Posted By: Raven.rpg Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 07:56 PM
yes there is
Its called

Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 11/05/10 08:39 PM

Ragnar is only important if you want to mindead him to find the key to open a door in the temple of doom to get some crappy loot. The daylight robbery quest he gives you can find and complete yourself.

In the Temple Of Doom you can stick to the trail of blood and bodies to avoid the poison. Jargon may be a little tough at level 10, though.
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 12/05/10 12:14 AM
Well I tried to use the search feature *cough* Raven *cough*, but nothing comes up for what I'm looking for. I searched for Jagon in the title and the body of the text, just to clarify.

EDIT: Forgout about my minion, took him down with np.
Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 12/05/10 07:07 AM

The default search range is only a week, so increasing that can return more hits. Typos, forum glitches, etc, can also result in less than helpful results.
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 12/05/10 08:11 PM
Doesn't matter I figured it out...:P Some reason I can't find a post i've seen about the dragon scales. I need to find some for the quest but I'll keep looking.
Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 12/05/10 08:55 PM

The dragon scales are on the ground, on the path to the blood alter in Amdusias' chamber. He may or may not attack you from the air when you enter the chamber to retrieve them.
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 13/05/10 06:58 PM
Oh yeah, he attacked me He attacks me when I start to enter the room. I made it to the other end where the scales are and died the first time, but I'm lvl 14 now so it might be better.

It's the only thing I have yet to do while in the Maxos Temple. And a few quests but should get those done if I can get the scales without

EDIT: Ok so the dragon seems to be "glitched" in the air..which is I got the scale with np.
Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 13/05/10 09:18 PM

The Hide in Shadows skill could have helped getting the scales, if you had a skill point to spare.
In my game a couple ghosts wandered into that room after the doors opened; don't know if that was the reason, but Amdusias didn't attack me when I returned (he did when I first entered). Did you get any ghosts in there? If not maybe Amdusius just wanders out of range, and doesn't see you? At least one time I noticed he was circling around to the far left as you enter.
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 13/05/10 09:27 PM
3 Ghosts in there but I can see him up there, completely froze. Doesn't matter I made it through there, I'm at Sential Hill now...:)
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 16/05/10 05:47 AM
Ight so I took a break for a few days after getting to Sentinal Hill. Now I'm stuck in the room getting Sassans Ring...if that makes any sense. The zombie of Sassan turns up and then 3 mobs rise...the lvl 17 on is easy to dispatch, the first lvl 18 is ok but the last one always kills me, and I very nearly get him killed...:(

I've tried a lot of diff tactics some seem to work but he still kills me and all he needs is like a hit or more and he's dead. Anyway, for the fight I'm using a 1h weapon that does like melee 25-78 dps or something, so it's easier to kill them since it's a small space and I have to fight up close and personal. I'm lvl 17 but it's becoming a pain in my butt to keep dieing on that last

My gear and such is good, I've made sure of that. Just I can't seem to kill that last guy. Guess it only takes time and alot of
Posted By: Raze Re: Need some help... - 16/05/10 06:11 AM

Have you tried drinking a few temporary boost potions (whatever you have) before grabbing the ring and trying to leave?

Have you finished everything else on sentinel island? You could teleport back to Broken Valley to finish off anything left there, and head to fjords to level.

A similar situation: Orobas Fjords tribal chief problem.

Are you using the sword and shield expertise skill? That has a better damage bonus than the straight one handed sword expertise, and the animations are almost as fast.

If you are using your creature to help, or as a distraction, I found a ranger head much better than a warrior head when clearing the start of the fjords, and switched to a mage head as soon as I got one.
Posted By: Vaelth Re: Need some help... - 16/05/10 09:42 PM
Wow, once again...I show my stupidity. Forgot all about my zombie guy...lmao That will fix the problem for sure. I got so use to not using it that the idea escapes me sometimes.

Thanx again Raze...:)
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