Larian Studios
Posted By: BLACKHOLE Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 12/11/10 12:26 PM

I have a unique problem with Raze the general in his HQ, I can't see him, he is invisible and I can'tt see any lvl 27 there at all, which lvl he actually is.

Before I step in his room I can't see him either from a distance.

Do u problably know what the problem is, I used the latest patch and all upgardes that are on the net. Even the whole texture package and it still didn't work.

Can anyone give me a solution ?

Best ragards
Posted By: Lar_q Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 12/11/10 12:33 PM
If this problems persists after loading a savegame again, then we'll need to have a look at what's going on. If you are playing on PC, could you send us perhaps one of your savegames ? Please contact
thnx : )
Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 12/11/10 09:03 PM

A couple people have had this problem: The Alchemist's Apparel quest is bugged in DKS.
Posted By: itay Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 12/11/10 10:32 PM
i have the same Problem!

When i enter the room theres a black screen "Text" thingy and i cant see Raze i only can see the dialog when hes saying its so cold in here lol.

any way i cant see him even after the scene i can only see in the room two "items" that i can close the cold air in the rooms and the spawning skeletons ...and thats it , i over killed them like 10000 times lol tired.

any way please help me ...if a save game is needed let me know how to upload them to forum.

Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 12/11/10 11:09 PM

You can email saves to, with a description of the problem and possibly a link to the relevant topic.

In XP the saves are in the folder

C:\Documents and Settings\ %username% \Local Settings\Application Data\Divinity 2\Savegames

or in Vista / Win 7

C:\Users\ %username% \AppData\Local\Divinity 2\Savegames

You may need to set Windows Explorer to show hidden files and folders (XP, Vista, Win 7).
Posted By: itay Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 12/11/10 11:20 PM
some how i cant find the saves game folder , even tryed with the serch windows obtion.

found it , but i see only Shaders folder and none save gave
Posted By: itay Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 12/11/10 11:28 PM
found it , and i notice another bug when i went out side near the golblins area theres a dialog with two slayers and one of them is falling into the sea while hes in the dialog secene lol

i had so much fun playing this game but theres too many bugs.

Same problem here. Running Vista64 and I'm using Steam. Sent saved game to the e-mail.

Currently stopped playing the game until this bug is fixed... sad
Posted By: itay Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 13/11/10 10:41 PM
yeah i did the same , im waiting right now for respawnd too , i cant continue play with those bugs , im so sad this happend to me with my epic pc lol , this game is one of the best ive played.

hoping they will fix my problem .
there is the same problem with Rayhun also.raze isnt much problem because he isn't part of any side quest,rayhun is an i wan to finish all side quests.
Same problem here.
Posted By: zelllog Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 16/11/10 05:03 PM
Same issue here with Raze. Black screen , dialogue & then Raze is simply not there.
I'm playing with the steam version. It's annoying because I want the Ulthring set

It's not the first annoying bug I encounter. If I try to play in 1680*1050 , I have a black screen.
Posted By: Lynn Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 16/11/10 05:13 PM
Please send your save game to and refer to this forum thread.
To ensure the fastest service possible, please mention "Raze's Headquarters Bug" in the subject.

Thank you,

For the location of your save games, please see the post of Raze (the "other" Raze, or maybe not smile )

Originally Posted by Raze

You can email saves to, with a description of the problem and possibly a link to the relevant topic.

In XP the saves are in the folder

C:\Documents and Settings\ %username% \Local Settings\Application Data\Divinity 2\Savegames

or in Vista / Win 7

C:\Users\ %username% \AppData\Local\Divinity 2\Savegames

You may need to set Windows Explorer to show hidden files and folders (XP, Vista, Win 7).
Same thing here. I can't see Raze, he is invisible. I have a black screen when he talks to me, I can only see the dialogs.

I already had a bug with Isabelle (Xanlosch's pet) : she was also invisible. Which means I cannot complete Ulthring's set anymore. Fantastic.

I'm using the steam version.
Posted By: Dahbee Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 16/11/10 07:38 PM
At first (in Raze's) I thought it was an issue with Steam since they have to install games to their retarded proprietary folder only, (sigh game companies put up with too much shit from Steam install politics), then I restarted the game several times and even tried rebooting my computer. Now after seeing other people having the same or similar problem, its clearly due to Captain Craptastic finding its way to Larian Studios to strike all the deadbeat programmers who were prolly whipped to type faster by LariaT Studios management. LOL Sorry but it just shows lack of (insert anything sarcastic).

This game has been decent so far but not worth the 40 bucks so far, hopefully the HOV will be worth 30 dollars of game time that I normally get from my MMOs, so far not even GameBanshee has not even dedicated walkthru space for it. Hint Hint.

Posted By: zelllog Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 16/11/10 07:59 PM
I received an answer from Larian (Lynn). And there were good news in it:

Originally Posted by lynn

We figured out what's causing this problem and will do two things - make a fix for it available within the next update of the game, and try to fix people's save game’s.

Originally Posted by Dahbee
At first (in Raze's) I thought it was an issue with Steam since they have to install games to their retarded proprietary folder only, (sigh game companies put up with too much shit from Steam install politics), then I restarted the game several times and even tried rebooting my computer. Now after seeing other people having the same or similar problem, its clearly due to Captain Craptastic finding its way to Larian Studios to strike all the deadbeat programmers who were prolly whipped to type faster by LariaT Studios management. LOL Sorry but it just shows lack of (insert anything sarcastic).

This game has been decent so far but not worth the 40 bucks so far, hopefully the HOV will be worth 30 dollars of game time that I normally get from my MMOs, so far not even GameBanshee has not even dedicated walkthru space for it. Hint Hint.

  • Saying Steam installs games to a proprietary folder is a bit over the top. Steam just installs games to a folder other than the default one. I do the same thing as I hate sticking everything under "Program Files" This has NOTHING to do with politics and everything to do with organization. Seriously, if you have an issue with the way Steam installs games why are you using Steam in the first place?
  • All games are released with bugs. One more time, say it with me: ALL GAMES ARE RELEASED WITH BUGS. Getting pissy and throwing around derogatory statements does little, save to make you look like a whinny ass.
  • Divnity 2 is not an MMO. Did you mean RPG?
  • GamesFAQs has some excellent FAQS/Walkthroughs for Divinity 2.

Honestly, your post is little more than a thoughtless rant that does nothing more than take up space.
Originally Posted by The Blue Raja
All games are released with bugs. One more time, say it with me: ALL GAMES ARE RELEASED WITH BUGS.

As far as I know, this problem happens only in the new version of Divinity II. The first release of Ego Draconis did NOT have these bugs.
And it was released a year ago.
Posted By: Wabash Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 09:45 AM
Can't see Rayhun. It seem you got a bug with some npc ... I send my save game.

Huuu ! Can't see Geshniz too frown
Posted By: Daxx Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 12:09 PM
same here.
most of the ennemies in kali's flying fortress seem to be invisible and stuck in the ground too.
In the quest a guild without master, the guildmaster dont move and i can t speak to him to complete the quest
Posted By: Lynn Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 12:31 PM
Yes, please send your save game to and refer to this forum thread.

Thank you,
Posted By: Rhezuss Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 02:04 PM
Oh, didn't saw that post and made a new...

I'm gonna send support an email with my save and hope they can fix it.

Posted By: Lynn Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 02:05 PM
Yes, we can! wink
Posted By: Rhezuss Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by lynn
Yes, we can! wink


Seriously guys, having the best community on the interwebs is one thing, but Larian you are without a doubt the best devs out there. I never saw a support and moderators team like that since my first time with PC games.

Cheers to all!
Posted By: itay Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 02:47 PM
Well guys i just got a mail from Larian ..a guy named Bert just fixed my savesgame.

you guys should send them you'r savesgame and im sure Bert will fix it in no time !

Any way Thanks Bert for you'r time fixing my savesgame and i hope everyone that had the same problem as me will have it fixed in no time .

Posted By: Macbeth Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 03:00 PM
That's our Bert! meh
Posted By: Rhezuss Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 03:01 PM
Just a quick question...after you fix a savegame, we just copy it back in the directory and load it?

Simple as that?
Posted By: Macbeth Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 03:01 PM
Simple as that!
Posted By: Athis Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/11/10 07:19 PM
This is the mail system at host

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.

The mail system

<> (expanded from <>): host[] said: 552 5.2.2 <> Quota
exceeded (mailbox for user is full) (in reply to end of DATA command)

Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Original-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.2.2
Remote-MTA: dns;
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 552 5.2.2 <> Quota exceeded (mailbox for
user is full)

frown confused

plz fix my save file
Posted By: Lynn Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 19/11/10 09:27 AM
I did expand the mailbox quota, but apparently it's still not enough, my apologies for this.

You can try sending your file now again.

What also is an option, if you want to do this of course, is sending files with e.g. (free online file sharing) and there's no need to install software on your PC.
I just got a mail from Larian...

Savegame fixed and working ! Thanks guys, your support team is the best I've ever seen.
Posted By: Lynn Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 19/11/10 11:28 AM
Thank you TGeniale wink
Posted By: Rhezuss Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 19/11/10 02:10 PM
Same here, got it this morning!
You guys are awesome!
Posted By: Athis Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 19/11/10 05:54 PM
i got THE mail form you guys ...
fixed saved game and its also working

thank you very much guys
Posted By: Dymblos Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 20/11/10 12:10 AM
why they need ur savegame? they can´t spawn a monster in a savegamefile :s that is a problem of the game
Yes, they can spawn a monster in a savegame file. The patch for the game will come later.
Posted By: Phoynix Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 20/11/10 09:53 AM
ive found saving in dragon form is a bad idea... ground forces can end up appearing when you reload and disappear when you turn human.

you can still target them they are just invisable and dont fight back.. unless you turn into a dragon.
Posted By: Toksic Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 22/11/10 03:09 AM
Just sent an email with a saved game to I guess mail with the subject line "Raze's Headquarters Bug" is being redirected to Alex's mailbox? Received this error message right after the auto-reply message:

Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
<> Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full)

I understand it's weekend so no big deal... but do I need to resend when poor Alex has emptied his mailbox?
Posted By: Lynn Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 22/11/10 09:43 AM

Please send your email again to

Thank you,
No need to resend, it should have arrived in the support mailbox as he said. Just Alex didn't get it.
Posted By: Lynn Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 22/11/10 12:49 PM
@Toksic: I want to confirm that I have received your save game.
Posted By: Lynn Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 22/11/10 12:50 PM
To all: could you please mention the language you are playing in please?
This speeds up fixing the save games a little, thank you wink

For those who have send their files already: there's no need to send an extra email now, we'll manage.
I sent in my save file Saturday night and got it back this morning. The encounter is working great now (finally got my pants!). Thanks a lot for the great support. You folks are the best.
Posted By: Toksic Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 23/11/10 06:50 PM
Thanks, Lynn! After a couple of emails with Farhang, I've managed to finished Raze and can now move on to the next area. I'm extremely impressed by the level of support Larian provides!
Posted By: Daen Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 24/11/10 01:34 AM
Apparently, it's not just Raze. I just e-mailed a save file in where not only Raze was missing, but also the imp king ... and most telling, Moor and his cronies spawned in the bay instead of their proper spot (wherever that may be, the bay surely ain't it). It would seem once the bug bites, any number of triggered NPC's might spawn in the wrong location, some of those being spots that break the game.

Interestingly enough, Raze was OK the first time I visited him, but he kicked my butt so bad I went out and leveled up a bit before trying him again. It was only the second time he was messed up, and so were the other NPC's that I noticed couldn't quite be right.
Posted By: ALev Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 24/11/10 01:07 PM
Wow! Simply wow! I just sent my e-mail with my savegame before going to bed yesterday, and woke-up this morning with my patched savegame. Thank you Farhang Namdar. smile

I own 2 business, 50 employes, and I know how hard it is to satisfy every customers we have. We have to work hard everyday to keep our customers.

I'm playing RPG since 1984 (I'm that old, yes) to relax after all those hard days at work. And I encountered so many game breaking bugs over the years that broke your game, and you can't play anymore and simply have to stop playing since the companies often leave you there with your problem. Like Risen for exemple. Had to start from the very beginning after 20 hours of playing! frown

So to see a company fixing my savegame! Wow! Can't beleive it!

Thank you for this. And thank you for this great game. I have alot of fun with out. Easily in my top 5 RPGs of the last 20 years!

Sorry for my bad english, I'm french. I'm doing my best. smile

Chapeau les gars!

I have quite a similar story to tell as the previus poster. Went to sleep late this night after encountering the bug and when i woke up my savegame was sent back to me and working. Thanks! The bug reared its ugly head again after the fight with Divine & Co. though. The screen was black again when talking to Ygerna. At least this time i wasn't cheated out of any items though and am now starting FoV. Thanks for quick support still, but i hope all these little nags get patched out soon (i've had invisible enemies and NPC-s, music suddenly stopping while playing or simply after reloading, inventory full of obsolete quest items etc.).
No problem man you just enjoy your game and we're happy smile
wew so much problem with raze me also got problem ive mindread him afterwards only spawned armor attacking me and no raze to be found; is he invicible or maybe just a glitch hehheh pls help want to finish this raze problem so that i could continue the game... ive sent my savegame already and waiting for response... more power to you and your staff ....
Thank you my good man we feel more powerful already!!

Keep playing and remember to spread the word about the coolness of this game!!
Posted By: josé Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 15/12/10 09:52 PM
i have the same bug with RAZE (i have a black screen with the dialog and and i can't see raze)
i have send email with my save game

Posted By: Abiel Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/12/10 10:12 AM
I have send email with my savegame and also i recived the automatic reply from larian studios,my problem is with broken valley after Damian's conquest.Now I hope that my save game be available soon.
Thanks for the Avaliability
Posted By: Abiel Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/12/10 12:35 PM
I think that my problem with brokenvalley it's a problem of the expansion flame of vengeance because last year in my version of ego draconics worked perfectly,now to resolve my problem I use the patch for flame of vengeance and my version of ego draconics is improved a bit
Posted By: vometia Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 18/12/10 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Abiel
I think that my problem with brokenvalley it's a problem of the expansion flame of vengeance because last year in my version of ego draconics worked perfectly,now to resolve my problem I use the patch for flame of vengeance and my version of ego draconics is improved a bit

There's a known problem with Broken Valley (and some other areas) in the post Battle Tower part of the game when using ED+FoV, though it's fixed in the FoV patch.
Posted By: Uriel Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 26/12/10 11:24 AM
even with the newest patch i still cant see raze....
i think its because i went near his door once so even with the patch he wont show up...
i tried to save my savegame to but it sent me an error message that
"user is over quota"
i dont understand what this means.....

how can i fix my problem please i will be glad for any kind of help smile
btw even if razen cant be shown up i think its fine just to put the legging and raze's armor in my inv for the set and the quest :P....
Same problem here. Stuck at Raze's headquater. No image but black screen.

Tried send my savegame but get the same failure reply. I have no idea what's wrong.
Posted By: Lynn Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 29/12/10 01:36 PM

Sorry for this inconvenience.
Please send your save game to I can change my user quota when needed, I will keep an eye on my mailbox from home. However since our offices are closed for holidays at the moment, we will only be able to fix your save game on Monday 3 January.

Other technical issues can be sent to

Best wishes,
Thank you so much for your kindly response.

May you and your team a happy holiday~
Posted By: Uriel Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 01/01/11 06:57 PM
thanks a lot....
its okay i skipped this quest and continued with the game...
looks like in the expansion there is a lot of better equipments than the ulthring set and a LOT of skill points so its not that a big deal to lose them and 1 skill point from wesson's quest...

but thanks for your time and have a good year smile
Posted By: Salives Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 05/01/11 08:03 PM

I have the same problem with Razor, Rayhun and Gesnizh. There is only a black screen wgile they talk and they are nowhere afterward. With Razor you are strucked in Razor's Headquater.

My bigest problem is Broken Valley after you reenter it from the Orobas Fjords.
This part has several bugs.
After I speak with Williams I get the key direkt and I don't get out. Damians henchmen only came after I reload before I enter the tower and only kill the two at the bottom after I spoke with Williams. Williams only moves when an attacker is near and return to his old position after the fight. It's not possible to speak to him again.
Like with Razor I looked in the solution to see if it is important for the main quest.
Sadly it is and the map of the solution confused me because I hadn't any Generators or Anti-Dragon -Zones. I could fly directly to Rayhun's Headquater.
The new patch hadn't solve the bugs.
What now? There is still on savegame before I enter Broken Valley but after Razor and the other Flying Fortress. I wasn't in Aleroth yet. Is that the problem? Should I try Broken Valley after I was in Aleroth? The only Flying Fortress with Anti-Dragon-Zones was Stones by the way, the first I entered.
Posted By: Shaver Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 05/01/11 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Salives
...I wasn't in Aleroth yet. Is that the problem? Should I try Broken Valley after I was in Aleroth?...
No! Because I've never gone to Aleroth until after all the fortresses and Broken Valley (hence all the Generals) are done. You're having a different type of problem that I cannot help.
Posted By: bambii Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 06/01/11 11:15 AM
I have a similar problem with Stone. Can't see him (dark screen) and arena teleport is inactive. I am stuck. Will latest patch (I believe 2) fix that, or do i need to send in savegame as well?

Even with a delay, best wishes for 2011.
Posted By: Greever Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 06/01/11 12:13 PM
For all these bugs I recommend contacting Attach a savegame if it needs fixing, and reference this thread in the mail.
Posted By: ALF Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 06/01/11 12:40 PM
Those issues are caused by a corrupt savegame. The patch doesn't fix the savegames. However, we can put back those characters if you send a savegame to detailing which characters you're missing.
Posted By: bambii Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 07/01/11 02:32 AM
Thanks all for the response. I just installed patch 2, so from the description, it is my understanding that it won't happen again. hehe
Posted By: ALF Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 07/01/11 09:36 AM
Just to clarify my post: The issue is fixed in the latest patch for NEW games. The patch won't fix savegames that already have missing characters in it.

If you run into a missing character, send a savegame to and we can put it back for you.

Just to report - I completed Vacca's quest (Sentinel Island) and he went back in his cave. I entered the cave also and Vacca was there. Then I just did some looting in the cave and meantime Vacca disappeared.

NB: I started my game from the beginning after applying the patch 2, so this seems to be a new bug.
Posted By: Rosen Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 20/01/11 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by itay
i have the same Problem!

When i enter the room theres a black screen "Text" thingy and i cant see Raze i only can see the dialog when hes saying its so cold in here lol.

any way i cant see him even after the scene i can only see in the room two "items" that i can close the cold air in the rooms and the spawning skeletons ...and thats it , i over killed them like 10000 times lol tired.

any way please help me ...if a save game is needed let me know how to upload them to forum.


I have the same problem!
Posted By: Lynn Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 20/01/11 05:25 PM
Please send your savegame to and we can fix the file for you.

If you are having Windows XP the saves are in the folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\ %username% \Local Settings\Application Data\Divinity 2\Savegames

If you are having Windows Vista or Windows 7 the saves are in the folder:
C:\Users\ %username% \AppData\Local\Divinity 2\Savegames

If the AppData folder doesn’t appear it’s because it’s hidden.

How To Show Hidden Files In Windows XP

How To Show Hidden Files In Windows 7

i got same problem here, i just send it with
i cant use yahoo cause everytime i attach the file it always get fail
Posted By: Allana Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 15/02/11 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by ALF
Those issues are caused by a corrupt savegame. The patch doesn't fix the savegames. However, we can put back those characters if you send a savegame to detailing which characters you're missing.

I understand that the patch won't fix existing savegames, & I have sent mine in to you to be fixed. My questions are:

1. Should I install the patch to prevent additional problems or will it mess up the existing save game? So far I've only had the problem with Raze (didn't have it with Isabelle), but have not yet reached the other NPCs that are apparently affected.

2. I also see that there is a patch for FOV ... will installing the FOV patch prevent me from using my final savegame from DKS?

I'm also curious ... if the problem is a corrupt savegame rather than a bug, how is it that the patch prevents it from happening?
Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 15/02/11 02:59 AM

You should install the patch. It will not cause a problem with existing saves, and in addition to bug fixes there are more graphics options, some balancing changes and a nightmare difficulty level added.

If you have D2:ED + FoV installed, then you only need to worry about the FoV patch (any changes to D2:ED are already included). If you have DKS, then it includes the remastered game and the add-on, so you only need the DKS patch.

If you have saves from D2:ED, you can load them and continue after FoV is installed. D2:ED saves are not compatible with DKS, so if you either have DKS or install the FoV to DKS conversion patch you will not be able to use any D2:ED saves.

I would assume the missing NPC problem starts off with the game itself, but if you save after it happens, the wrong location (or status, etc) gets written into the save file. The patch fixes whatever the issue was in the game that causes the problem, but doesn't check existing saves for the issue.

Welcome to the forum. wave
Posted By: Allana Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 15/02/11 08:27 AM
I do have DKS, so I will go ahead & install that patch, & wait for my savegame to come back, thanks! Great game, BTW. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
Posted By: Allana Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 15/02/11 09:23 PM
Just wondering how long it's taking the developers to turn around savegames submitted to be fixed for this problem right now. Some of the posts indicated it was much less than 24 hours, but that was last month, & I was wondering what the average is right now.

& yes, waiting with bated breath wink


Ok, haven't heard back on my savegame, so after I installed the patch, I went back and found an earlier save that didn't have the problem, & was able to finally see (& after much trouble) kill Raze. My question is:

Can I proceed with this savegame? From what I've been able to glean from the forums, as long as the patch is installed prior to a problem occurring, the patch should prevent them from happening. Is this correct? Or can I expect to find other problems in this earlier savegame & should thus wait for the fixed savegame to come in?
Posted By: PAXCS Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 03/03/11 05:58 PM
Hi guys,

I'm having the same problem with Raze too. I'm going to send my savegame for fixing.

Hope you can help me.

Thank you.
Posted By: Allana Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 03/03/11 06:07 PM
Just be prepared to be patient. I suspect they've been inundated, as it took them a few days to get the fixed file back. Also, save before any mindreading. Some of the convos were apparently reset in the process of fixing the file, & you may get charged the xp for the mindread, but not get any benefits from it. The good news is that everything worked correctly once I got it back. Don't forget to apply the DKS patch (which fixes the FoV portion as well) while you're waiting to get your file back, so you don't have any future problems.
Originally Posted by itay
some how i cant find the saves game folder , even tryed with the serch windows obtion.

found it , but i see only Shaders folder and none save gave

Also experiencing same problem. Can't see Raze, Rayhun, Geshniz, so want to send the save game file. Tried looking for it everywhere. Under Application Data, Divinity and Divinity 2 DKS folders I only see "Shaders" folder, no save game folders frown

Please help!
I can see hidden files and folders

(ps - what is the save game file extention? I can maybe try and search for that?)

Posted By: Allana Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 05/03/11 06:41 PM
You're looking in the wrong place (I did the same thing the first time I tried). Make sure you are looking in the folder with your user name on it:

Originally Posted by Raze

In XP the saves are in the folder

C:\Documents and Settings\ %username% \Local Settings\Application Data\Divinity 2\Savegames

or in Vista / Win 7

C:\Users\ %username% \AppData\Local\Divinity 2\Savegames

The savegames have the extension ".dxg"

for example: savegame32.dxg, where the "32" is the savegame no.
aaaaaaah, at last, thanks a million!!! hehe
Soooooooooo send a couple of email using hotmail. None work anybody willing to forwarding my Save game?
Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 13/03/11 10:32 PM

What is the problem, sending the email (there may be a configuration option you need to change to add attachments, or add ones with an unknown extension) or having it bounce back, or something else?

You can send it to me (, if you can not get any email to go through. Alternately, you could upload the save to a site like RapidShare or Megaupload, and then email them the link to download it (or send a personal message to Lynn through the forum). If the support mailbox is full, a text email may still get through where one with an attachment bounces.

It is after midnight in Belgium as I post this, so if you wait another 8 or 9 hours for them to get in to the office and check the email, you may just be able to resend the email yourself directly, if the problem was on their end.
Posted By: Dragone Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 13/11/11 11:18 AM
Three days ago I sent email with attached save. Some guys here receive fixed save on next morning, are you support after all?
Well, it's sunday. Don't expect them to work on sunday (or on saturday).

Also, it might be that the 11th of November is a holiday, as it is the end of WW1.
Hi sorry for talking in this year hehe ... but I started the game and I have same problem with raze it, the support is still available? I sent mail to expect an answer thank you very much
Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 28/02/12 12:23 AM

Yes, support is still available. If you haven't done so already, you should install the patch (and then the DKS DRM free patch, if you are so inclined).
ok, I have version, install DRM free DKS first patch and then install the patch 2 right?
starting the download thank you very much, I hope that is fixed with patches

Thank you very much for the attention, the truth I read this forum and you are very attentive and are very helpful.
from already thank you very much
Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 28/02/12 02:29 AM

First install patch 2. I don't recall what the original release and first patch version numbers were, but the second patch includes everything from the first patch, if it is needed for your release.

The DRM free 'patch' is an executable file equivalent to the patch 2 version, but without the copy protection, so the zip file download needs to be extracted into the DKS game folder after patch 2 is installed, replacing that version of the Divinity2.exe file.
I have already installed the 2 patches, but I still have the bug, just in case the mail send mail with the game knows. thnx
Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 28/02/12 03:25 AM

Unfortunately the patch can not fix this problem after it has occurred, but it will prevent it from happening again.
I saved this game before crossing the room door raze, something that can be done? that to the delete the previous games, I did not know that there is a bug in raze, for that reason do not keep one before entering the site.

but if I start again for sure will be true? that is a shame that is not raze, with the work that led me to reach my pj there ... thanks
Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 28/02/12 03:59 AM

Support will be able to reset General Raze's position and send the fixed save back to you (another 4 or 5 hours and they'll be starting their work day in Belgium). I don't know what the current response time is, but you can send another email if you don't hear back in a couple days.

An earlier save may have helped, but you do not know when the problem first occurred. Maybe a save before entering the headquarters would work, or from before starting that flying fortress, but without knowing how the bug can be triggered you could not tell which save would be sure to avoid the bug.

In your next game you should not have any missing NPC problems.
thank you very much, I just lifted the mood you get to lvl 35 ^ _ ^ I'll wait, thank you very much indeed for your help, I am more than grateful
thank you very much finally I could go on, I am more than grateful for the great help and support they provide, thank you very much XD
looks like I am not the only one and glad to know this, three years ago I finish DKS with skip raze and Xanlosch because of bug

hm.... want to play again sometimes with complete all quest
Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 27/07/14 08:04 PM

This shouldn't happen in D2:DC (and a bugged save in DKS should work properly in D2:DC).
although actually it's not big deal I think but yeah I want play it once more LOL well if I meet raze and Xanlosch bug again then looks like I am not lucky, my friend(neighbor) finis it with perfect although sometimes he meet the bug too but yeah just create lots of save game especially after you get your battle tower / when you start your adventure on orobas fjords.........

while patiently wait for divinity 3
Posted By: xmojo1 Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 22/08/14 08:05 AM
I've got the Raze bug. I downloaded the patch that updates the game version to, which supposedly fixes the bug, but when I run it my game version ( stays the same. I'm given to understand that before the patch was issued to address the Raze bug (and other issues), the devs would manually fix the Raze issue by requesting you send them a save game prior to encountering Raze. Would the devs still fix the bug in this manner, given that I'm unable to patch my game to the latest version?
Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 22/08/14 09:17 AM

Does the patch give an error, or anything, when run?

FWIW, your save would load fine in the Developer's Cut version of the game. When D2:DC was first released there was an upgrade offer with D2:ED / FoV / DKS for a download version from the Larian Vault. This was automatic on Steam (and eventually other digital distributors) and you could contact support about the retail version. See the topic Divinity 2: Developer's Cut and Anthology on Steam.
Posted By: xmojo1 Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 22/08/14 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Raze

Does the patch give an error, or anything, when run?

FWIW, your save would load fine in the Developer's Cut version of the game. When D2:DC was first released there was an upgrade offer with D2:ED / FoV / DKS for a download version from the Larian Vault. This was automatic on Steam (and eventually other digital distributors) and you could contact support about the retail version. See the topic Divinity 2: Developer's Cut and Anthology on Steam.

Clicking on the patch download gives me a file called InstallDKSLauncher.exe. When I run this file, it installs very quickly and at the end gives the option to run the game, which it does. So, no errors. I may have a look at getting the DC version. If I weren't so hung up on getting the last piece of Ulthring's armor set I would just skip Raze and move on.
Posted By: Raze Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 22/08/14 10:55 AM

I forwarded your support email to someone to fix the save.

For the Launcher.exe file, is your firewall blocking access? It should check for an update if it has internet access, and download the patch, otherwise it just starts the game.
Posted By: xmojo1 Re: Raze's Headquarters Bug - can't see Raze - 23/08/14 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Raze

I forwarded your support email to someone to fix the save.

For the Launcher.exe file, is your firewall blocking access? It should check for an update if it has internet access, and download the patch, otherwise it just starts the game.

Ahh, thanks for the reply, I checked Windows firewall and my anti-virus settings and gave the launcher file access. Lo and behold, the update downloaded, my game version was patched to and General Raze was there! Thanks for your assistance Raze, sorry I had to kill you and steal your armor

Guess you can close off the support ticket you sent earlier. Now I can move on to Aleroth.
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