Larian Studios
Posted By: Poganin Not enough rabbits in X360 version? - 20/12/10 09:59 PM
Hi all, my first posting here. I registered to ask about this. I have just completed the ED and FoV and I came one achievement short, which I assume is for killing the white rabbit of doom. But the problem is, it never spawned in my game. I paid attention to kill all prancing rabbits in Farglow and then in the Broken Valley but it seems like there is not enough of the fluffy little buggers to trigger the event! And what's worse, there was not a single rabbit in Orobas Fjords to be found. Has anyone else had this problem as well?
Posted By: spif2001 Re: Not enough rabbits in X360 version? - 21/12/10 02:20 PM

I killed the killer bunny in Broken Valley. I think it takes about 30 rabbit kills before it spawns. And no, I don't think there are any rabbits in the Fjords. Sorry...
Posted By: vivaxardas Re: Not enough rabbits in X360 version? - 21/12/10 07:21 PM
No, it takes only 19 to kill safely, when you kill 20th - the killer rabbit appears. This clue is in the diary of the hunter in the Broken Valley.
Posted By: ACSS Re: Not enough rabbits in X360 version? - 22/12/10 05:06 AM
There is actually rabbits in fjords. You can find some in high hall.
Posted By: Poganin Re: Not enough rabbits in X360 version? - 22/12/10 07:11 AM
No, there are no rabbits in the Fjords in the Dragon Knight Saga release, at least not on X360. I read people's recommendations to look in and around High Halls and on the island opposite the waterfall cave. There was not a single rabbit there. If there is a sufficient number of rabbits in the Broken Valley then it means I either hit a glitch or missed some of them despite combing the area quite thoroughly.
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