Larian Studios
Hello, i pre ordered D:OS from a local retailer, but it will include two Steam keys and i don't want to use Steam. Larian promised to allow backers to reedem their game on GOG or Larian's Vault instead of Steam if they wish. As there's probably some players that will redeem the key on Steam, i would like to know if someone would agree to switch to a GOG key and swap the GOG collector key for a Steam collector key from the pre order. Both collector game key from backers and pre order should have the same digital bonus if i'm not wrong.

I can exchange the two collector steam keys for two collector GOG key to the same person, or one with one and the second with another. If you backed for the collector and plan to invite a friend using steam while you use GOG for yourself, it may work too.

My retailer estimated shipping for the july 3st 2014, will take a photo of the box and its content as soon as it arrive as proof and validate the exchange with however accept to give a hand with this.

Some may tell "Cancel order and buy on GOG", and it would indeed work for the game itself, but not for the map, cards and the CD that will hold awesome music from Kirill.

Thank you for taking the time to read, even if you don't exchange with me smile

Little note, i got a green light to post this exchange thread, in hope the forum won't be filled with these later. To keep things clean, if other are on the same situation, using this thread on a "first asked first served" could work to don't pollute the whole section and keep everything centralized here. To avoid miscommunication, @username should be used in any case smile

EDIT : To make the hassle a little bit more interesting for other, if i can get at least one key exchanged for a GOG collector, i accept to exchange the second with a non collector GOG, meaning you can get upgraded to digital collector on steam (and me, upgraded from Steam to GOG, point of view).
I don't think that'll be necessary, if I'm reading this quote right:

Why make Steam mandatory?
Originally Posted by Lar_q
We use Steam because it's the best digital delivery system we have at our disposal. When a better one will pop up, we'll use that. Our focus is on developing the game and not on developing all the logistics it would require to come up with an alternative. We *cannot* develop this game if we can't patch and I frankly think the way we're doing it now is vastly better than the way it used to be where it was a rare thing for people to actually get your patches. Now at least the large majority (i.e. everybody except those who refuse to connect) get the best version of the game.

All Kickstarter backers have the option to use a Steam or a GOG key, even if they have a box in their tier, they will still get that option. Steam currently has better services than GOG and D:OS will use those, hence it makes sense we offer a Steam version to our retail customers. Digitally, you can make the choice yourself.

If this is not sufficient, I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do, so in that case you are better off asking for a refund and we will give one. We want people to have fun, not feel like they're being taken advantage off.

If I'm not mistaken, then you are, Stabbey. He's not a Kickstarter backer himself (or her, possibly?), so that quote does not apply to him.

And no, I myself am not interested in Steam keys either when I can have gog. Glad to have another gog fan around though!
@Stabbey I would love to be a Kickstarter backer, but i didn't had money at that time. I have pre ordered my box from a retailer when i had money.

@Lotrotk And other backers will probably think the same... Will be hard for me.
Originally Posted by Stabbey
I don't think that'll be necessary, if I'm reading this quote right:

Why make Steam mandatory?
Originally Posted by Lar_q
We use Steam because it's the best digital delivery system we have at our disposal. When a better one will pop up, we'll use that. Our focus is on developing the game and not on developing all the logistics it would require to come up with an alternative. We *cannot* develop this game if we can't patch and I frankly think the way we're doing it now is vastly better than the way it used to be where it was a rare thing for people to actually get your patches. Now at least the large majority (i.e. everybody except those who refuse to connect) get the best version of the game.

All Kickstarter backers have the option to use a Steam or a GOG key, even if they have a box in their tier, they will still get that option. Steam currently has better services than GOG and D:OS will use those, hence it makes sense we offer a Steam version to our retail customers. Digitally, you can make the choice yourself.

If this is not sufficient, I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do, so in that case you are better off asking for a refund and we will give one. We want people to have fun, not feel like they're being taken advantage off.

You are right....every backer no matter the tier has the option to pick a game key for whatever platform they wish including GOG.
Sorry, my mistake, I didn't quite read the post right.
CDPR offers interesting solution for their Witcher 3 regarding similar situation - every steam key for W3 works on GoG.
Originally Posted by Kein
CDPR offers interesting solution for their Witcher 3 regarding similar situation - every steam key for W3 works on GoG.

That may possibly be only because CDPR runs GoG and so they get the money either way. GoG may not have any motivation for accepting Steam keys on GoG for a game they won't see nearly as much money from .
Guess I was not alone.

As for the free GoG copy of the Wticther series, it must be GoG's campaign to direct Steam customers to their distribution services. An interesting tactics, indeed, but the purpose is obvious, I think.
I can switch a key with you if you haven't found somebody else yet smile
@Kaya86 Would be a pleasure ! I will send you proof as soon as I get the box and you'll confirm me it's still okay for the switch !

Thank you very much !
Alright smile
As soon as i get my gog key i get in touch with you smile
Originally Posted by Kein
CDPR offers interesting solution for their Witcher 3 regarding similar situation - every steam key for W3 works on GoG.

really good idea indeed !!
From the update 62 video, it seems collector content and game key itself are not linked, will make things easier for a trade !

Since the key are separated, it means colelctor or not is not important for the trade of the game key itself. It also seems the second key doesn't benefit any collector bonus at all. As i've found someone to trade a collector key, the second key must be traded to a non collector as it doesn't have the collector stuff anyway.
My second key is still available to trade, if there's a kick starter backer that plan to go on steam anyway, you can make someone happy and play your game as intended !
If someone wish to exchange my second key for a gog one, i will hand out a key for a divity game (i already have them all !)
hope it'll encourage someone for the trade smile


(Video : )
There are still keys to exchange on my side, if someone is interested on trading steam keys to gog keys.

Proof here

Thank you !
Hello, i traded one game + DLC key with a user outside the forum, there's one Steam key without DLC available for trade.
Originally Posted by Kein
CDPR offers interesting solution for their Witcher 3 regarding similar situation - every steam key for W3 works on GoG.

Not applicable. CDPR run GOG, so any purchase of a game made by them earns them a profit regardless. A purchase of someone else's game on steam earns them no profit, so why should they supply their services for free?
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