Larian Studios
Posted By: tx3000 Items that cannot be upgraded in Divinity: OS - 01/08/14 03:25 PM
Before everyone jumps the gun and say they can .. let me clear up what I mean by CANNOT BE UPGRADED I don't mean the items listed below aren't ABLE to be upgraded, I'm saying they cannot be upgraded because there are no instructions on HOW.

1. The Drag and drop doesn't work for a Wetstone, an Anvil, and a Furnaces like you do everything else in this game.

2. Other than a Wetstone, an Anvil, and a Furnace, there is no place in the game that I can find that you can drag and drop these items into which is how you upgrade metal weapons and armors.

3. There are also no instructions anywhere (Including the crafting guide on this site) that explain HOW TO UPGRADE any of these item types. It doesn't matter if you know what ingredients you need to upgrade an item if you're never explained how to use those ingredients in order to get the item upgraded.

Any leather items
Any Cloth items (Robes, hoods, belts and such)
Any wood items Such as Shields and clubs and Staffs
Any Rings, and amulets

So yeah as it stands now the items on the list above cannot be upgraded because there are no instructions on how to get them upgraded.
I haven't tried it, but I understand you use scraps of cloth/leather/iron/steel/whatever to upgrade certain equipment items.
Originally Posted by EinTroll
I haven't tried it, but I understand you use scraps of cloth/leather/iron/steel/whatever to upgrade certain equipment items.

Since the topic was obviously way too complex for you're understanding. I went ahead and edited it so people like you can comprehend what's being talked about, so that way there you don't piss off the person by posting things that have nothing to do with the topic.
Originally Posted by tx3000
So yeah as it stands now the items on the list above cannot be upgraded because there are no instructions on how to get them upgraded.

If you want to be rude about it, so can I. The above quote makes NO SENSE, you somewhat unintelligent person.

But seriously, sorry for misunderstanding what you meant. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention, maybe it wasn't worded properly.

Oh, wait, you lack a functional sense of logic and your first response to a misunderstanding is to be an a-hole.

So before anyone jumps the gun and says I'm being unreasonable, they first have to explain to me how not having the instructions on doing something makes doing that something impossible to do. Not knowing how to do something doesn't mean it can't be done.

EDIT: you're = you are (noun + verb). your (pronoun) != you're (noun + verb)
Isn't it just drag + drop within the inventory? Like if I want to add fire damage to a weapon, within my inventory I would drag the Fire Essence icon so that it is on top of the weapon icon, and if I have the correct levels the combo window would pop up.
You make no sense! You took what I posted and totally butchered and reworded it. What i have written above is very simple to understand.

I specifically said UPGRADE not adding damage

There are no instructions on how to boost the base damage and durability on any wooden weapon like a club or staff like you can to metal ones

There is no instructions on how to boost the base defense and durability on a WOODEN Shield like you can to metal ones

There are no instructions on how to boost the base armor rating and durability on any leather items like boots, armors, helmets, bracers like you can on metal and chain ones

There are no instructions on how to boost the base armor rating and durability on Cloth items like Hoods, robes, belts, and shoes.

Rings and amulets I guess don't ever upgrade but have things added

Now do you get the problem
Originally Posted by tx3000
I don't mean the items listed below aren't ABLE to be upgraded, I'm saying they cannot be upgraded because there are no instructions on HOW.

You mean this? That's a contradiction. Just check the verbs.
Originally Posted by EinTroll
Originally Posted by tx3000
I don't mean the items listed below aren't ABLE to be upgraded, I'm saying they cannot be upgraded because there are no instructions on HOW.

You mean this? That's a contradiction. Just check the verbs.

No that's called you have no comprehension it's worded perfectly fine for the context it's used in. Try going back to school.

Something that's Able to be done (Which means it's possible) doesn't mean it CAN be done (Can in this context means to succeed).

So that context that sentence is in, actually says this:
Just because something has the possibly of being done, doesn't mean you will actually be able to do it.

Again go back to school because you somehow think words only have one way of being used.
You missed the point.

Or if you truly believe that it's worded perfectly fine, then I think your credibility is gone, never to be seen again.

But it's good that you figured the need to rephrase yourself a little, even though you missed a little error in the clean-up.

Do you really want me to spell out the contradiction that you are trying to prove is a logical association of words?
Go back to school and get yourself some education before trying to dictate things to someone else.
"Upgrade" is a very amibiguous term.

OP: It sounds like you're basing your complaint on the idea that if you were able to upgrade a piece of equipment in a certain way (" you can to metal ones"), that you should be able to do the same with every item. That's a big assumption (in this conversation) and I don't think it's necessarily true. In other words, I think it's probably the case that the statistics/attributes of some items cannot be upgraded at all.

This comes from my non-spoiler approach to crafting, which means I know I haven't discovered all the crafting methods yet, so I could be wrong. It could be the case that all attributes for all equipment can be upgraded in some way.

For example, leather chest armor can be improved at a mobile kitchen (camp fire + cooking pot). The "instructions" for this are found in an Adventurer's Field Guide (AFG). Doing so improves the armor value of the piece, whereas improving metal armor at an anvil improves its movement speed.

Whetstones drag and drop onto metal weapons in my inventory (I get the "not enough blacksmithing" message).

According to an AFG, moonstone chips can be added to wooden weapons (and possibly shields?).

As for cloth items, I haven't figured out how to improve these items, but I know there has to be a way. I have a feeling they cannot be upgraded statistically (i.e. more armor, more speed) but can be magically enchanted.
Did you read all the recipe books in the game? Because you can find answers in them for these problems.

For example:
Weapon damage upgrade for staffs - add moonstone to the staff (need at least 3 or 4 level on the crafting skill), the first or the second blacksmithing book tell this or the adventurer's guide book.

Shield upgrade - currently inactive (one of the recipe books said you can combine them with metal, you can also use the shields on an anvil, but you must have a high blacksmithing skill)

Armor boost for leather armor types - use them on a mobile kitchen (combine the two), combine them with cup of oil to lower the movement penalty (this works with all armor except cloth types), and IIRC they can be combined with metal fragments/scraps for extra defense (if you combine a leather armor with scales, you can make a scale armor), and finally, you can use them on an anvil (not all of them but some)

Rings/amulets/other things (helmets, belts, bracers and so on) - can be combined with elemental essences for additional resistance, some parts can be combined with ruby

For cloth armor upgrade... I don't know. Never used them, so I don't care.

Some other items (like tormented souls, bow strings, telescope, magical animal parts) can be combined with specific items for additional effects (like extra Str and Dex or extra damage or extra Perception).
These things can in fact be done, however I haven't found any documentation in game explaining how it's done. This was a source I found online.

If this information exists in the game I've yet to find it.

Edit: guilty as charged looks like I need to read my books more carefully.
Ok, numbskull, here's how it goes:

First, let's take a look back at your initial assertion:

"I don't mean the items listed below aren't ABLE to be upgraded, I'm saying they cannot be upgraded because...".

You start off by saying that X is non-zero (removing the double negation, you say that "the items are able to be upgraded") and then you say that X cannot be non-zero ("they cannot be upgraded").

X cannot be 0 and non-zero at the same time, hence contradiction.

Later on, you go saying the following:

"Just because something has the possibly of being done, doesn't mean you will actually be able to do it."

Let's take the important parts step-by-step.

"something has to possibility of being done" roughly translates to "X can be done", which means X has a non-zero probability of happening.

"doesn't mean you will actually be able to do it" roughly translates to "X is not guaranteed to be doable", which means that X is not 100%

What you just said in this one sentence is that X is neither 0%, nor 100%. In summary "X can, but is not guaranteed to happen", or in context "items can, but are not guaranteed to be upgradeable"

By this point, you have contradicted yourself.

But that's just the contradiction part. The real comedy gold came from "they cannot be upgraded because there are no instructions on HOW.". Which is why I said that just because YOU don't know how to do it, doesn't meant it's not doable. It just means you have yet to figure out how.

Why must we go about comparing our education levels? What does that have to do with being wrong about something?
Why are you keeping to ask the same questions after people have answered them a dozen times already?

And why does no one protect me from trolling like this and bans the spammers? ;-)

If you click on a user's name and then 'View profile' there is an option to 'Ignore this user'.
Spammers do get banned, and there are security upgrades planned for the forum, which will hopefully limit the problem in the first place.
The OP is the same person who brought you this gem;

Total freakout since D:OS uses British English rather than American English. Need help text to explain a green V box. Needs to be told to click an enemy?

Also, makes it totally obvious he's a gigantic troll and we should ignore all he says...
Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
The OP is the same person who brought you this gem;

Total freakout since D:OS uses British English rather than American English. Need help text to explain a green V box. Needs to be told to click an enemy?

Also, makes it totally obvious he's a gigantic troll and we should ignore all he says...

I actually watched the entire video. I then spotted his channel had EIGHTY - FIVE (85) others.

Comedy gold moments:

1) Not understanding American vrs British english spelling differences

2) Not understanding Skill vrs Talent. Hint - talents do things skills do not. e.g. Pet Talk. Glass Cannon. Lone Wolf. To break it down: skills are numerically incremental increases (e.g. 10, 20, 30%) while Talents are one-off unqiue effects (e.g. +50% situational damage, talking to NPC animals, etc etc). There, he is enlightened in 10 seconds of mouse over their names.

3) Ranting about a tutorial box not disappearing when it has a huge green check mark to click to get rid of it. Seriously. A huge green button to click. Must be un-American.

4) Complaining that a body, covered in blood, with an obvious scroll next to it requires the developers to announce it... because your character voicing a "look at that body!" could be generic back story about orcs. Yes. Oh Yes.

And so on.

And, comedy gold - here is him complaining about being banned from another community for his antics. Here he got banned from Steam. Then went to a lawyer. I think Steam banned him after the Van Helsing community banned him & he went postal, but the nasal tone and aspergers prevents me from delving deeper.

The farce is strong here. But seriously, laughing at mental illness is not ok.
Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
The OP is the same person who brought you this gem...

Damn good catch!
Can't take credit... I saw it posted on another board (where apparently he's also recalled as troll, heh) and watching it went 'hey, that username sounds mighty familiar... THIS EXPLAINS A LOT'...
Haha, that video is comedy gold. Knew this guy had mental issues from his earlier posts,
Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
The OP is the same person who brought you this gem;

Total freakout since D:OS uses British English rather than American English. Need help text to explain a green V box. Needs to be told to click an enemy?

Also, makes it totally obvious he's a gigantic troll and we should ignore all he says...

I ... Wow. What a curse filled rant. Expecting a text heavy game to be available in American English rather than British English is a bit much. His rant about the customise scream is hilarious, particularly as he is ignoring the green minus signs. I see a little about what he is trying to say regarding Action Points and such but equally it was very intuitive and you could see everything on screen that you needed to understand it (unless your colour blind I guess) and I'm incredibly curious if he bothered to read the manual. (Queue "I'm a modern gamer you can't possibly expect me to read the manual unless it's included in the game, and even then I need everything spoon fed to me")
Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
The OP is the same person who brought you this gem;

Total freakout since D:OS uses British English rather than American English. Need help text to explain a green V box. Needs to be told to click an enemy?

Also, makes it totally obvious he's a gigantic troll and we should ignore all he says...

That video made my day! BLOOD PRESSURE is definitely my favourite!
Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
The OP is the same person who brought you this gem;
He represents a rather extreme element of the "hold my hand with explanations/tutorials" crowd. Extreme to the point of being frequently wrong. However, since the game is designed with somewhat the opposite mentality, I feel there are a few occasions where he's actually right: the game doesn't quite hold the player's hand enough.

In that video, at 6:40 or so, he starts going on about how Action Points aren't explained. Although of course he goes overboard, I think that first combat screen should include a mention that the green bubbles on top of the skillbar represent Action Points. I'm just talking about adding one sentence to the dialog box, explaining what you're looking at when you look at the combat interface; I don't think it's necessary to explain that you click on monsters to attack them.

Crafting also is something which honestly isn't explained very well. I'm not talking about a huge tutorial or anything, just spending one second -- literally one second -- showing that dragging one item onto another is how you craft. It would be as simple as showing one drag-and-drop, but it's conspicuously absent from the game.

These are both moderate positions, together adding less than 2 additional seconds of tutorial to the game. I want to emphasize that I am not nearly as radical as tx3000 is when it comes to handholding, and I think most of what he has to say about the game's accessibility is counterproductive. But I also think the crowd here tends to lean slightly too much in the other direction, blinding themselves to problems which can be caused by a sometimes counterintuitive AI, a crowd which blames players for things which are sometimes the fault of missing or incomplete in-game tutorials. I feel the best way lies somewhere in between.

Two things genuinely bother me here: first, that the tone which someone uses would blind our community to critically analyze the content of his message; second, and more importantly, that someone with a good point or two would become an extremist with an excessively caustic demeanor.

Or maybe it's just trolling. Doesn't matter; good point's a good point, even when not intended to be. And surrounded by bad ones.
Far as I can decipher the issue raised around the AP bar, it looks like a question of "should the game draw attention to the obvious?".

A lot of people have had their first experience with the game, I've had my first time playing the game, back in beta (before the little tutorial screens were even made). And yet I could differentiate between foreshadowing, a humorous "that looks important" remark, and understand where the AP bar was and how it worked just by seeing what changes when a battle starts and noticing the bubbles going red as I planned my first move. I am willing to bet a lot of people did.

So I do ask myself, what is it that differentiates those of us that can figure the game's basic mechanics with just the short, but ample information the game gives in text, all the information it gives as feedback to your actions, and those that would ask the developers to make the game tell them what to do when new, previously unexplained information suddenly shows up on the screen.

And just to be clear, everything on the screen is information sitting in front of you. It's simply up to the user to interpret it.

Well, from all this, my personal conclusion tends to go towards "the issue is between the chair and keyboard" rather than towards the game not explaining enough. The devs said they want the player to think and make decisions, though the game at times sends a conflicting message.

In closing, I reiterate that this is just how I see things, and I suspect a number of others do as well. Am I utterly wrong, am I off the mark, am I too damn intolerant, am I onto something, I don't really know.
What I do know is that I fully support Larian's path of making the game challenge the player not just to beat it, but to also understand it.
The AP bar thing isn't quite obvious. It's deducible, I'll give you that much. But I think I was about level 4 or 5 on my first playthrough before I realized what it actually was and what it meant. I thought we were supposed to track available AP in our heads, which is totally doable using the character sheet but a little memory-intensive. It wasn't until a battle involving an oil barrel spilling on my characters (thankfully not ignited) that I noticed the difference.

And in terms of crafting, I read the recipe books and knew crafting existed, but I had no idea how to actually do it until I was multiple rerolls in.

This is a game with a lot of puzzles in it, and when it comes to those, I'm totally against holding the player's hand more. The UI itself shouldn't be one of those puzzles. There are some things which are truly obvious, but some things aren't. I'm also a tutorial minimalist -- really! -- but this doesn't mean I'm anti-tutorial. I believe in them, fiercely; I just believe they should be made as brief as humanly possible. I'm not talking about a slow walkthrough where you need to click multiple boxes as the game goes over everything as if you're an idiot. I'm talking about quick, painless explanations of simple things which can be missed otherwise.

One additional sentence added to a dialogue box which already pops up; one second of showing an item dragged onto another item and the crafting dialogue popping up. That's it. Maybe three seconds total of added "tutorial," because important second of the crafting demonstration might need a little bit of setup.

I think your key block here is that you realize the "issue is between the keyboard and the chair" and you immediately assume the game is explaining things enough. I'm not debating that Sherlock Holmes wouldn't need more tutorial; of course he wouldn't. But is it an "issue" that I'm not Sherlock Holmes? "Between keyboard and chair" doesn't mean everything is "obvious" and that the game shouldn't help the players out in certain occasions. Not everything is supposed to be a puzzle.
That video had me cracking up laughing. That guy is a complete moron. He hates turn-based games, so he bought a turn-based game? Oh, too funny.
This man's brain seems nonfunctional.
I don't quite agree on the AP-balls (especially now that they light up and have all kind of other indicatrors added since beta)... but crafting, sure.

My own suggestion was to add a locked door to the tutorial, 2 broken half-keys and the player should combine them to open the door... tutorial added.
I'm not sure how you expect the game to show drop & drag; nowhere does the game uses video-tutorials (like Divinity II, and those were a waste of resources mostly), so I hardly doubt they would start for crafting, would be too breaking...
The best part was in the comments.

They also fail to realize that game developers are not exempt from the law when it comes to product release..Yes it is a law all product no matter what they are are required to have 2 things on them...Warning labels AND INSTRUCTIONS...

Better get cracking on those instructions, Larian. Cause, you
Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
I don't quite agree on the AP-balls (especially now that they light up and have all kind of other indicatrors added since beta)... but crafting, sure.
I can respect that opinion. I figured out the AP-balls on my own much faster than the crafting; that should give some indication as to priority.
Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
My own suggestion was to add a locked door to the tutorial, 2 broken half-keys and the player should combine them to open the door... tutorial added.
I'm not sure how you expect the game to show drop & drag; nowhere does the game uses video-tutorials (like Divinity II, and those were a waste of resources mostly), so I hardly doubt they would start for crafting, would be too breaking...
If not a video, then a dialogue box, just like the ones the game already has (ex: "Press i to access your inventory"). A simple line of text such as "Drag and drop one item in your inventory onto another to craft" should do the trick.
Originally Posted by Mirza
This man's brain seems nonfunctional.
Take a look at some of the utter rubbish he's posting at the GOG forums.

The fun thing is that GOG's forums include a reputation score, and this loser has the lowest I recall (even spammers score higher) - maybe he's trying to get below -100. smile
I thought it fairly obviously with his first reply that he was nothing but a WUM.
Originally Posted by Stargazer
Take a look at some of the utter rubbish he's posting at the GOG forums.

The fun thing is that GOG's forums include a reputation score, and this loser has the lowest I recall (even spammers score higher) - maybe he's trying to get below -100. smile


Nah, this one is funnier;

You would expect how badly it's informed what Source is till rather late in the game... but no, it's about Sourcery being a misspelled British version of Sorcerory...
Yeah... it's as funny as it sounds.
He hasn't been replying to us. Do you think he finally gave up? That would be such a loss for the forum. We could use a town fool.
[Linked Image]

If he keeps this up he'll become a legend in the RPG community.

I hope he doesn't stop, his posts are too good, I always look foward to a good laugh.
What is most surprising to me is that that guy looks to be over 40 but behaves like a 12-year old. :S
Two things genuinely bother me here: first, that the tone which someone uses would blind our community to critically analyze the content of his message; second, and more importantly, that someone with a good point or two would become an extremist with an excessively caustic demeanor.

This may be the internet, but presentation still matters.
Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
Heh, well spotted. Thought I'd provide an appetiser and let someone else find the main course. wink

C'mon tx3000, get back online - the world needs more caped crusaders fighting for consumer rights - especially when that cape is a dunce's cap. laugh
I find it hard to find it funny. When I actually comprehended what he's like, I was filled with a strong sense of bafflement. I've seen stupid, dumb, outright idiotic. I've seen pathological retardation (literal mental retardation). I've seen trolling, I've done trolling (rarely).
But all that I have learned about the way a human being can be, well... broken... this guy just makes my mind scream for mercy. What machinations brought him into being? Unfortunate genetics? Trauma? Faulty Upbringing? I can't piece enough defects to form someone like him.

While he may set a new internet standard (more like minimum), I'd rather he not come back around here.

I think the root of his issue is that he needs information in a structured form to understand, but he doesn't actually ask for specific step by step instructions when needed. His arrogance and wilful ignorance greatly compound the problem.

Regardless, having half the topic consisting of people talking about him when he isn't around to defend himself (though he would undoubtedly do so arrogantly and with a lot of profanity) seems a little... unconstructive.
Fair point, Raze.
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