Larian Studios
Posted By: ForkTong Thank you - 30/06/14 08:46 AM
At the dawn of the release day, my heart is filled with different emotions and my head is filled with a million thoughts and ideas and entries on a mental to-do-list.

However, I am taking a five minute break from all that to thank this forum, and our Kickstarter backers.

You may not always have noticed it, but we have been reading your comments, criticism, suggestions, bug reports, usability reports etc. Raze has been gathering them every single day and sent them along.

Even if we didn't always reply, and even if it's not immediately clear, a lot of stuff in the game is the way it is, or has changed, thanks to you guys.

Even a lot of things were ideas or suggestions from one of you we almost literally implemented. It often takes a fresh mind to spot solutions. We are often held back by "but that's impossible because..." even if only in the back of our heads.

Know and realize that without you, this game would not be in the state that it is in now. Today, you can be as proud of this creation as we are.
Posted By: oXis Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 09:02 AM
Thank you for your work, thank you for your commitment and thank you for bringing us this awesome game. I'm waiting for this game since the first announcement, and now, here we are smile
Posted By: 4verse Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 09:11 AM

please give the team our regards. (at least mine ;-) )
Posted By: warg Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 09:29 AM
You are the best guys! I'm so proud I was able to support you on KS and hope you will give us some more such great games just like this. hehe
I hope you get some rest after release.
Posted By: Texoru Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 09:48 AM
Thank you for everything ForkTong and Raze really nice job!

Larian Studious, have made me motivate to report bugs, give feedback and suggestions. You almost have used all of my suggestions as well, that really be needed for this game!. First time supporting a developer team and so far I'm very impressed that I have especially a developer that actually listened to the community.

Forktong, I hope you got my last message from support message (Yesterday), it was about Robert getting arrested, than one of the characters will not move at all forcing to use your last save. - I've send a saved game with it too smile

Thanks again!
Posted By: Aramintai Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 10:03 AM
Yea, reporting bugs and giving suggestions was a strangely fun thing to do for this game. Maybe because it was nice to see alot of given feedback actually being implemented later on. So cheers to you, devs, for listening and making this game better for all of us wave
Posted By: Mikus Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 10:57 AM
Thanks for allowing us to be a part of making D:OS, and for all your hard work - it shows. Congrats!
Posted By: Windemere Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 11:38 AM
Glad to hear that the alpha and beta releases were useful to you. I've participated in some where it was obvious that the developer was going through it because they had to and not so much because they really wanted to. It was clear from the beginning that this has been a labor of love for Larian in addition to a business. I hope you all enjoy a well deserved day of celebration and very successful release. I also hope Larian reap many years of future enjoyment from adventures developed by the community with this little gem of a sandbox you're providing. Congrats, and thank you for a great journey!
Posted By: oxxgen Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 12:01 PM
No, thank YOU! smile Your game is fun!
Posted By: Maesius Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 01:04 PM
Thank you for your game !

H-4 !

Posted By: Noinert Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 01:13 PM
Thank you, Larian. The openness of your development process and your tired-less integration of community feedback into the game has instilled in me a larger-than-life sense of comradery. I'm excited to play the game, but more excited to see your studio thrive.

Here's to hoping there are very few needed hotfixes so you all can get the R&R that you deserve. I'll see you in a few weeks! smile
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 01:37 PM
I was glad to be a part of the process. I really did feel like my contributions, ideas, suggestions and such did make a difference, and you could see how the game changed in response to the forum feedback.

Looking forward to the full release.
Posted By: Beyond Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 01:52 PM
Admittedly I joined this forum a bit too late in the game to see the development, but still - congratulations to everyone involved and great job on the release and on sticking by your release date! Hopefully we'll continue to see updates and improvements and this can grow to be a superb TBS!

Posted By: eRe4s3r Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 02:08 PM
Well, I am glad to have backed this project ;p It grew an unbelievable amount since the KS alpha (my god was that ROUGH back then) and it polished up so nicely. On to many user created campaigns!
Posted By: Gyson Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 02:57 PM
Thank you for wanting to make a great game for all the right reasons, and I hope it brings the team at Larian some much deserved success. smile

Get some rest!
Posted By: Hiver Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 05:18 PM
Congratulations guys.

Hope it all goes well for you and the game is great success.

Posted By: Tanist Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 05:21 PM
Superb job folks!!! I wish you guys all the success in the world!
Posted By: Elsunny Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 05:33 PM
No Larian, thank *you*! laugh

And congrats!! <3
Posted By: mfr Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 05:38 PM
Well done, and I hope you get some R an R time. I haven't had time to do much yet, but when I first heard my characters speaking I nearly jumped out of my seat. An exceptional game just got better!

Hope tomorrow's game goes well for you.
Posted By: nstgc Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 06:04 PM
I'm glad to be able to participate in a financial model other than publisher-developer. I don't think that it leads to the best games, just the highest budget. There are some problems that can't be solved by throwing money at it (says the guy who threw $65 at Larian; "shutup and take my money!"). I find it commendable that you guys at Larian Studious bought up the rights to your own games, and then built on your success.
Posted By: Frédéric REMOND Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 08:16 PM
Thank you Larian Team ! From Kickstarter to release, that was a real journey.
Posted By: AlrikFassbauer Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 08:23 PM
@Larian : Thank you. smile *bows*

This was the second (with Dragon Commander) game where I didn't participate in its discussions [with Dragon Commander only a tiny bit in its beginning, same with D:OS) - but you clearly made the game I was really longing for so long ! smile

If my feeling I have right now proves to be true, then you'll have done a real milestone. smile
Posted By: krist2 Re: Thank you - 30/06/14 09:22 PM
Thank you, it has been a wonderful journey!
Looking forward to seeing what the road ahead brings laugh
Posted By: Eronel Re: Thank you - 01/07/14 01:36 PM
I just wanted to add my thanks to the Larian Team for a fun game! I didn't spend too much time in the Alpha/Beta as I don't like to spoil the game for myself.....there is nothing better than a new and exciting computer game to me! wink I salute all your efforts and hard work, and also a big thank you to those of you who made such a commitment to play testing the game. I know it is a lot of work along with the fun.

Again, thank you and I will back you again with future games!
Posted By: LightningLockey Re: Thank you - 02/07/14 06:49 AM
Your welcome, glad to help! It has been a very interesting experience seeing the game grow the way it did. In all previous beta testing, I've only seen bugs squished and virtually no content being changed, that wasn't the case here. Had time been more on my side to play the game, I would have invested more into it.

I'm looking forward to the next Kickstarter Campaign on the Divinity: Game to Dwarf Them All (D:GDTA I guess we'll abbreviate it to).
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