Larian Studios
So we all have this picture in our head of what we want this game to be. We have played Original Sin and seen what they've done with the EE (for free!!), and now our brains are running wild, thinking if they can make competitive question maybe they can make... Yeah, here it stops because the rational part of our brains kicks in and sets us straight.

But let's pretend that ours craziest dreams could become a reality? What would you want this game to do?

Here is mine:
Destructible environment with physics and realistic npc reactions. So not only is ash and dust flying everywhere when you throw a fireball, but bricks and tiles too. Wall crumble as the fire spreads and npcs run screaming after buckets of water. Three houses burned down after one of the worlds most powerful sourcers released his wrath on the town. But all hope is not lost for the unfortunate families of these houses.. This is a tightknit community... A week later the everyone is fast at work rebuilding the houses.

Let your dreams fly free!
Taming my own little Dragon and seeing how it grows up, just to be eaten by it when it is an adult stupid
Yeha, destructible environments would be great !!!
Detaching SP completely from MP, making it a traditional narratively dense SP experience with good moral choices and real, lifelike companions.

Basically a Bioware game in good... rolleyes
Maybe you should browse in the ideas section? You can vote there or place new ideas:
The point of this is voicing some of our more unrealistic ideas. It's not meant to be about serious suggestions smile
Here is my crazy dream:

No generic NPC's like "a citizen" or a "skeleton" or "a guard". Every (I mean really every!) NPC should have a personality and unique dialogue lines. Depending on your charma you can then talk and take up quests from zombies/ghouls etc.
unrealistic ideas you say?

How about...

*Children* in D:OS 2 wink
Originally Posted by Elwyn
Here is my crazy dream:

No generic NPC's like "a citizen" or a "skeleton" or "a guard". Every (I mean really every!) NPC should have a personality and unique dialogue lines. Depending on your charma you can then talk and take up quests from zombies/ghouls etc.

One of the things I liked about Oblivion was the almost total absence of generic NPCs (well, other than the random mobs of marauders etc that would pop up) and it seems that nearly all had something unique going on with them.

I tried to do the same in a rather overly ambitious mod I never finished and probably had the most fun of all creating unique NPCs with their own schedules, living spaces and so on; and since voice work was out of the question I'd leave odd letters and other randomness around to indicate some sort of life and personality.

That wasn't what eventually killed my mod, though: well, it was the mission creep really ("add a few NPCs to the castles!" someone suggested, but it wasn't so long before the cities were starting to have entire new districts added to them). It was the cluttering. Clutter fatigue really is a thing.
Originally Posted by eRe4s3r
unrealistic ideas you say?

How about...

*Children* in D:OS 2 wink

This made me "laugh" a bit. I'll talk about my last job here just because of that.
Just before joining Larian I worked on AC Syndicate for 2 and a half year.
For those who don't know, that AC game is set in London during the industrial revolution.
One important part of that time period was kid orphanage, child labor and so on. There were a lot of topics concerning children. So we were mostly forced to add children in the game; which was never done before. Adding children to the game costed a lot of ressources. New animations, new skeletons, new rigs, new model, etc, etc.
Adding children to a game is, really, hard if you haven't planned for it and it's still pretty hard even if you have planned for it. For DOS it would be even harder because you would need, dwarf, lizards, elves, human and undead children. That's just insane...
Also, children break games. What I mean is that, in games, you can't kill children. It's just not right.
In DOS, one of the core system of the game is that you can kill every single NPC and still be able to finish the game.
Adding children, in my opinion would break that core concept because it would just be so wrong to be able to kill them...
So yeah, that one is a dream for sure, haha.
My 2 cents ^__^
Things I want which are never going to happen?


How about a romance option between the randomly put-together player character and a companion, which hits various character beats to create a genuine and meaningful romantic relationship which you can see build up over time?
Some great ideas I would love to see all of them. Especially the kids thing and the unspoken reasons why. So dark!

I just remembered a big one. Day and night cycles with npc schedules. I would erase all the stretch goals, except for modding support, for this one. It would immersive me so much in the story to feel like time was passing as the story evolves. It would also make the cities and npcs feel so much more alive.
Originally Posted by norD
Also, children break games. What I mean is that, in games, you can't kill children. It's just not right.

You mean it's not right that we can't kill them right?

Adding children, in my opinion would break that core concept because it would just be so wrong to be able to kill them...

I guess the rule could be bent just to accommodate children, maybe. I loved the mod that added kids to Oblivion, it had them on permanent run and rather cleverly, they just had one line of dialogue (though voiced for both boy & girl and for the different races) which was "sorry, I'm not allowed to talk to strangers"! laugh

I thought there were some children in D:OS, though admittedly not many: wasn't there at least one in that family who had to be rescued from that basement?
Can somebody explain this: Why is it OK to kill hundrets of adults in a game, but the death of a single child is something unthinkable? (not specifically regarding D:OS2, but games in general)

In PoE you can kidnap and sacrifice a baby.

on topic:
- free movement: jump, swim and fly around.
- dig tunnels to find hidden treasures or bypass the collapsed entrance of a dungeon.
- Use Objects to build bridges. Build a tower of crates to jump on a roof top. Throw a door (or something similar) over a chasm to cross it. In half life 2 you could do it and sometimes it was even fun.
- I like it when every NPC has an individual name and his daily routine. This was one of the few good things in (the otherwise horrible) oblivion.
- an alien invasion (and you thought the divine order was bad)
Originally Posted by norD

Adding children, in my opinion would break that core concept because it would just be so wrong to be able to kill them...
So yeah, that one is a dream for sure, haha.
My 2 cents ^__^

I never understood the convention that it seems to be perfectly okay to "kill" innocent "humans" in video games, but when it comes to children it'll be regarded as severe violation, taboo-breaking.

I never like nor bother to play (complete) evil characters (like the "chaotic evil"-alignment in D&D), so I wouldn't slaugther kids even if possible. Well, not true - in "Crusader Kings 2" I *do* murder children, if they're nasty heirs to the throne and I'm directly behind them in succession... *evilgrin*

Whatever, so why do people regard child murder worse than "normal" murder? I think they're both as vile as possible, the victim's age doesn't matter.
Originally Posted by norD

This made me "laugh" a bit. I'll talk about my last job here just because of that.
Just before joining Larian I worked on AC Syndicate for 2 and a half year.
For those who don't know, that AC game is set in London during the industrial revolution.
One important part of that time period was kid orphanage, child labor and so on. There were a lot of topics concerning children. So we were mostly forced to add children in the game; which was never done before. Adding children to the game costed a lot of ressources. New animations, new skeletons, new rigs, new model, etc, etc.
Adding children to a game is, really, hard if you haven't planned for it and it's still pretty hard even if you have planned for it. For DOS it would be even harder because you would need, dwarf, lizards, elves, human and undead children. That's just insane...
Also, children break games. What I mean is that, in games, you can't kill children. It's just not right.
In DOS, one of the core system of the game is that you can kill every single NPC and still be able to finish the game.
Adding children, in my opinion would break that core concept because it would just be so wrong to be able to kill them...
So yeah, that one is a dream for sure, haha.
My 2 cents ^__^

Hey Jeff! You know, there were children in Divine Divinity and you could even kill them (or rescue them from the blood suckung vampires^^) And even in D:OS 1 there was a troll child whom you you could kill...
Originally Posted by Lord_MacLeod
Well, not true - in "Crusader Kings 2" I *do* murder children, if they're nasty heirs to the throne and I'm directly behind them in succession... *evilgrin*

Haha ;-) It reminds me of a very evil thing which I did in CK2. I, the mighty King Ragnarr of Sweden (still unreformed norse pagan though) have one (pretty decent) son who is to be my heir and only daughters otherwise. That is pretty good since I still have access only to the elective gavelkind. I am already 72 years old and preparing for the Walhalla. Suddenly, my third concubine (who is already 42) gives birth to a son... Damn it! I can't plot to kill my own children, so I cold-heartedly imprison my 2 days old son and execute him... Hmpf, needless to say that I felt really bad afterwards. But otherwise I always try to go elective in order to get my dream heir to the throne.
Originally Posted by Lord_MacLeod
Well, not true - in "Crusader Kings 2" I *do* murder children, if they're nasty heirs to the throne and I'm directly behind them in succession... *evilgrin*

CK2, teaching you what really matters. Murder, regicide, misogyny, incest, adultery, polygamy, Paganism - all for the glory of your family.
Originally Posted by Elwyn
Suddenly, my third concubine (who is already 42) gives birth to a son... Damn it!

I really love the depth of this game, it's amazing.

I once had a perfect heir, great attributes, a bunch of green traits, nothing red. The old king was in his seventies and my designated heir was in his early 30s - a perfect age to become a wise and beloved new ruler.

The old king passed away and this paragon of virtue succeeded to the throne. Both peasantry and nobility loved him, the clergy smiled upon the anticipated continuation of a great reign. Everything seemed perfect.

Well, until fall came. When the leaves turned golden, my glorious young king decided to host the annual royal hunt, as his father did and so his grandfather did before. On the day of the hunt, he rode out into the royal forest, being confident to bring down a majestic stag on his own.

Too bad, he ran into a big brown bear.
He got maimed and never recovered from his severe wounds. He died shortly after, having sired no heir.

His mischievous, ever-scheming uncle then took over.
End of story.


Originally Posted by ravensRblack

CK2, teaching you what really matters. Murder, regicide, misogyny, incest, adultery, polygamy, Paganism - all for the glory of your family.

Thank you. I have learned so many new words today.
Now I need to practice them in real life. evil
Ohkay dokay, modified off from a 2009 post of mine:

Let there be a small but secretive handful of demons who aren't too interested in fighting.

Their motives could range from "sick and tired of fighting for over a few thousand years", to "they've got human lovers", to "not very convinced that resurrecting Lord of Chaos will be the best for the demon populations(Fear that their culture could regress? Or demons also die in huge numbers in order for him to achieve his goals, etc.)", etc.

Yeah, and maybe also throw in "demons" as a faction. :P

Perhaps that could happen in the next game. wink I'd really love this to happen as it could allow writers to subvert oh, so many stereotypes about demons and add another layer of complexity to the game.
Free form physics based combat system
I would like to see a game which included the kind of AI, that Larian wanted to include since the founding of the company. They one with day- and night-cycles and NPC's that sell objects again, after they bought it from the npc's.

But if this would be possible, Larian would work for the US-Government and not in gaming industry^^.
Originally Posted by BoTToX
Yeha, destructible environments would be great !!!

This is something I would like to have myself A LOT.
Complete voice acting. It's one of the main reasons I am looking forward to D:OS EE.
Originally Posted by ravensRblack
Originally Posted by Lord_MacLeod
Well, not true - in "Crusader Kings 2" I *do* murder children, if they're nasty heirs to the throne and I'm directly behind them in succession... *evilgrin*

CK2, teaching you what really matters. Murder, regicide, misogyny, incest, adultery, polygamy, Paganism - all for the glory of your family.

How I would love to start new game of CK2! No time for that though, D:OS EE is coming laugh .
day night cycle
Originally Posted by norD
Originally Posted by BoTToX
Yeha, destructible environments would be great !!!

This is something I would like to have myself A LOT.

I suppose this would be a nice challenge for a level designer, wouldn't it?
Originally Posted by Lord_MacLeod
Originally Posted by norD
Originally Posted by BoTToX
Yeha, destructible environments would be great !!!

This is something I would like to have myself A LOT.

I suppose this would be a nice challenge for a level designer, wouldn't it?

Well, they could make every NPC partying all day (and night) long. Like themselves at Larian laugh .
Originally Posted by norD
Originally Posted by eRe4s3r
unrealistic ideas you say?

How about...

*Children* in D:OS 2 wink

This made me "laugh" a bit. I'll talk about my last job here just because of that.
Just before joining Larian I worked on AC Syndicate for 2 and a half year.
For those who don't know, that AC game is set in London during the industrial revolution.
One important part of that time period was kid orphanage, child labor and so on. There were a lot of topics concerning children. So we were mostly forced to add children in the game; which was never done before. Adding children to the game costed a lot of ressources. New animations, new skeletons, new rigs, new model, etc, etc.
Adding children to a game is, really, hard if you haven't planned for it and it's still pretty hard even if you have planned for it. For DOS it would be even harder because you would need, dwarf, lizards, elves, human and undead children. That's just insane...
Also, children break games. What I mean is that, in games, you can't kill children. It's just not right.
In DOS, one of the core system of the game is that you can kill every single NPC and still be able to finish the game.
Adding children, in my opinion would break that core concept because it would just be so wrong to be able to kill them...
So yeah, that one is a dream for sure, haha.
My 2 cents ^__^

Hehe, yeah, I actually know the problems from the art side. When I modded Fallout 3 and later Skyrim I realized children couldn't just be a different mesh, they had to be, if you wanted to do it properly, an entirely new *race* aka, different skeleton, equipment, animations, rig and when you get non-anthropomorphic races you have that problem all over again. And that is HUGE cost and time factor.

Of all the ideas here, I think "properly implemented children" you know, with correct growth simulated and all that, are the biggest pipe dream of them all. Until we can somehow generate humans procedurally this will literally never be done. I have to give kudos to Bethesda at least, since they do have teenager meshes too. But it gets really weird when all you see is 12 year olds and 16 year olds (for example). Throws you right back out of the immersion -> Little Lamplight in Fallout 3....

It's funny, but I think this entire "growth" problem in RPG's is something that is very hard to solve all around not just for humans but also for animals. It is one of these last immersion barriers that just don't seem to be falling anytime soon.
Originally Posted by Lord_MacLeod

I suppose this would be a nice challenge for a level designer, wouldn't it?

It would just be so great to create level with destructible environments. So many possibilities.
- You can use a catapult to throw yourself into the city (In case you cannot convince the guard to let you in.)

Edit: Or maybe a cannon. I still remember the fast travel from secret of mana.
Originally Posted by norD
Originally Posted by Lord_MacLeod

I suppose this would be a nice challenge for a level designer, wouldn't it?

It would just be so great to create level with destructible environments. So many possibilities.

That sounds like fun! :3 Like for example: the tree falls apart or a rock breaks into pieces. Still, after combat has ended, how are we gonna navigate around the map if parts of a building have fallen off, a tree is now blocking the bridge, etc.?

Are you gonna put some limitations so that certain larger items(building, rock, tree, bridge, etc.) can sustain only partial damage and not completely affect the game? 'Cos ya know, if there's a large fallen tree blocking a bridge and no one can cross over it, it's gonna be an issue if the bridge is currently the only way to a certain map area.

As I recall, all the NPCs in DOS could be killed and it'd be a problem if say, you're fighting and start a fire which spreads and burns down a shop(and its occupants), that's important to a quest.

Edit: I hope people can understand this post 'cos I'm half-asleep atm.
Originally Posted by Brys Beddict
Complete voice acting. It's one of the main reasons I am looking forward to D:OS EE.

I'd hate that. VA is what restricted the narrative in games for more than a decade now...
@Drunken, I would like to be able to answer that but since it's just a dream for me it's not something that will mostly happen in the game. ^__^
Day and night cycles with npc schedules. I'm actually pretty surprised they're not showing up in D:OS 2 considering they were once on the table for D:OS (and they have more time to focus on development now since many of the tools and assets for creating the game are already at least partway there).
Originally Posted by norD
@Drunken, I would like to be able to answer that but since it's just a dream for me it's not something that will mostly happen in the game. ^__^

I find your lack of faith... Disturbing.
- One huge map without loading screens.

I admit that D:OS1 had very big maps and very little loading screens (compared to PoE for example) and I liked it. I like that you can enter buildings without a loading screen.

The best game in this regard is risen1. The entire game is one big map. There are 3 towns, lots of houses, many ruins and dungeons, but you can play the whole game without ever seing a loading screen (maybe except one time when you enter the harbour town for the first time). Of coure these teleporter orbs you get later saves you lots of running but they cause loading (I guess, its a long time since I played it).

Loading screens are immersion breaking because they remind you that this is a computer program.
I don't mind loading screens that much, but it 's pretty excessive in Pillars for at 2015 game. It's almost like they put them there to cater to the nostalgia.
A bad game !

Wait, that's not what I want.

Still it's not gonna happen... Probably laugh
For me, it would be self generated quests. According to what the npcs need or want, they would auto generate some quests for the players to complete. I would love to see that in a rpg some day.
Originally Posted by BoTToX
Yeha, destructible environments would be great !!!

This reminds me of the N64 game blast corps.
You had to destroy buildings with all kind of vehicles.
It was really fun.

I played the game together with a friend. One level had the goal "destroy all targets". You had to do it in 45 seconds to get the best rating. I sat in front of the TV, the controller in my hand and I always said: "45 sec, 45sec, 45sec, . . ."
This way we developed our motto: "He had the time record in his face and destroyed all targets."
Well we are german so it was "Er hatte den Zeitrekord im Gesicht und zerst?te alle Ziele."
I always remember this sentence and I have to laugh when I do.
Originally Posted by LordCrash
Originally Posted by Brys Beddict
Complete voice acting. It's one of the main reasons I am looking forward to D:OS EE.

I'd hate that. VA is what restricted the narrative in games for more than a decade now...

Well, I am a fan of VA. Especially after Dragon Commander.
Originally Posted by Dr Koin
A bad game !

Wait, that's not what I want.

Still it's not gonna happen... Probably laugh

hahaha, nice one!
A very well balanced game, with a clean concise storyline, with a UI that is slick, where each move is focused on "How can I do this in one click?" and if not possible, two.

I think we'll get a fair try at all, but my guess is each can always be better. The secret juju is in UI design.
The World of Lariancraft ;-)
total interactive environment in turn based combats together with more moving (jump acrobat fly) skills:
e.g. click tree branch and character jumps up part of tree climbs rest of it / or falls to lure there for next round to jump attack (or you saved enough AP to even do everything in the same round)
Customization for the PC that's more than just hairstyle, and potentially the face. I'd really like some more body types like 'skinny', 'muscular', 'large', that really define how my character looks (like how it was in Beyond Divinity).
Yeah, I wished they would do it the Skyrim way and make your gear adjust to the body instead of making completely new gear for everybody type, which is the reason why we aren't gonna get it frown
Originally Posted by Tiggerdyret
Yeah, I wished they would do it the Skyrim way and make your gear adjust to the body instead of making completely new gear for everybody type, which is the reason why we aren't gonna get it frown

Ah, that brings back memories. D: It was especially fun having to do the two meshes before Blender had a working Skyrim export facility.

Still, it was less fuss than modding the armour in Ego Draconis, considering it wasn't properly supported by anything much. But being the bloody-minded type, I still managed to get it working. I think I viewed it as a challenge and it's not something I'm in any hurry to repeat! It wasn't just the lack of modding tools, having to do three meshes (different numbers of vertices depending on draw distance) also added to the fun.

Excuse my inane whittering, I'm half asleep today.
I do not think we will get it but I still have hopes.

- really interesting companions (like in PST or MotB)
I had an idea. Near the beginning of the game you meet somebody. He is strong, good looking and nice. When you let him join your party, he will help you to find other sourcerers and to evade the divine order several times. Then he leads you to a location.
There many soldiers of the divine order await you and he tells you that he is the grand inquisitor who uses this body via some remote mind control. All the sourceres that you found have been purged and now you will be executed because you know too much. When the fight is over, the spirit of the inquisitor has left the body and all that remains is a person with no memory or personality at all.

If you choose to take him along, you can become his teacher:
- You can teach him to be a good person. When you have done this enough, he will complain when you steal something and he will leave the group when you start a genocide.
- You can teach him to be evil. He will get powerful source magic. He will complain if you help others and if you are not careful he might try to backstab you and run off with your money.
- something in between.
- You become the new lord of betrayal. (hallo Kreia wave ). You lie to him, blackmail him or torture him to make him your slave. If you are good (well, i mean really evil devil ) he will jump into a pit of fire when you say so, and he believes he wants it himself. Maybe you can sacrifice him to a demon lord to get power.

I fear I have to wait for torment (the game) until I get something like this.
Hehe, your idea fits your name wink
A moveable/lockable camera to play from any perspective we like. Also with driving keybinds.
A city/colony building mechanic, with 4X elements built around the multiplayer questing idea. With a focus on having opponents that will actually do stuff of their own.

Essentialy, you settle in some wild teritory, and slowly build up a little town. There was a game that did that called Hinterlands. sadly it did nothing else and as a result wasnt all that great.

Additionally, i would propose having rivals, maybe a local empire or the divine order, activeley trying to invade your territory, build outposts of your own that you can raid. Stuff like that.

Thats the stuff dreams are made from. And thats why it wont happen.

On a secondary note:

The Hall of Echos looking like something out of Kill Six Billion Demons
I'd like a sci-fi first-person-shooter section in D:OS 2. Sure, it's a completely different genre, but that hasn't stopped anyone else.
I want to eat the soul of people who are still alive. (like MotB)
Well, at least they are alive until I do it, maybe they are zombies afterwards (= bodies without soul)
Originally Posted by Madscientist
I want to eat the soul of people who are still alive. (like MotB)
Well, at least they are alive until I do it, maybe they are zombies afterwards (= bodies without soul)

i think thats a skill that they showed is in the game.
I think we can only eat souls of the already deceased but maybe I missed something =)
afaik there is a skill that consumes a source point that rips out someones soul and the body becomes a zombie or something.

pretty sure that was a skill that could be seen on the skill bar in one of the videos.
stronghold and build your own home, similar to Pillars of Eternity and Baldur's gate 2.

twin\triple techs ala Chrono Trigger, which is just a perfect match for this game.

Summon magic would also be pretty neat.
Or maybe even a city builder like in fallout 4, where you had to quest to gather resources for building your city/stronghold. Never never knew there was stronghold mechanic in baldur's gate 2. Played a ton as a kid, but wasn't smart enough to get past the first act. Played it years later on my mac and game the started some serious crashing in the beginning of act II. I just haven't gotten the will to play the first part for the 4th time. Maybe I'll try getting into the game again, when I've finished PoE and D:OS EE.
Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem

Summon magic would also be pretty neat.

you can already summon elementars, animals, undead in DOS1
Playing as Commander Shepard, even if the game is set in an entirely new galaxy...
Wait, wrong game! laugh
Another one here chiming in for day/night cycles and NPC schedules. I'm sure DOS2 will be great as it is, but if they had the time/funds to implement these properly, it would really have pushed up the greatness a whole order of magnitude.
Originally Posted by 4verse
Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem

Summon magic would also be pretty neat.

you can already summon elementars, animals, undead in DOS1

I should have specified, something similar to Final Fantasy X
I want to be able to turn invisible, so I can sneak into people's homes and steal everything they own, then turn around and sell it all back to them for double profit.

Wait, you meant in-game? I thought we were talking about real life here.
capes and cloaks :'(
I would love to see:

Environment that responds to your actions. For example, there is lack of water because the water source (well / river) has been blocked / controlled by the Evil Boss.
Depending on your actions, water will run free. Fallow fields will be green again, trout are to be found in the rivers, etc.
- Much better modding tools.

- Much more complex character building... hundreds of new skills, spells and other things open for customization.

- Morrowind style enchanting, spell making, and crafting.

- Homes! Morrowind mod style (like Mori Mountain Estate or similar... sorting chests, alchemy jars, armor and weapon stands, mannequins etc).

- Hard mode in this game is not hard... at all. EE tactician is slightly better than the original game but not by much. Also, less cheese like enemies spawning out of thin air behind you while you have near max perception lol. Id be for more enemies with better tactics.

Im so sick and tired of the dumbing down of games trend, that I want a game that is ridiculously complex just to counterbalance the pathetic excuses for RPG's being peddled by everyone else (yes Im looking at you FO4).
I would like to see rogues become fun again....I know, I know - not going to happen (:
Equipment Socketing!
Regular Gems(+Strength, +Dexterity, etc.) and gems with unique abilities akin to Diablo-like action-rpgs.

For example, attach a gem that has a chance to trigger chain lightning on hit. Or a gem that has a chance to cause a poison explosion on hit. Or life on hit.

I really disliked having to replace a piece of equipment with a unique ability in D:OS because I found something that dealt more damage or gave better stats.

4 Party Local Co-Op

I really want a 4 player split screen Local Co-Op of the game.
I totally loved how D:OS allowed the 2 player split screen no disruption between players when interacting with their skills / inventory etc...

This was the first game that ever allowed you to do this! Diablo and such had only 1 character take control per inventory clearing and skill allotment.

D:OS 2 should allow 2 people playing split screen to play with 2 other people split screen.
Originally Posted by Raze

D:OS 2 should allow 2 people playing split screen to play with 2 other people split screen.

I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure this feature has already been announced.
I'm not impressed on suggested skills for the second Skill-tree...

My suggestions is to add some Astral magic/Astral plane/etc which Astral Master could visit/look/interact with.

But it's a much bigger than just skill tree – it should be a whole additional layer for the game, with own creatures (spirits and so on), own quests, and much more cool new things.

Hey, Larian Guys, please tell me you have seen this my idea (even in case if you won't add it to the game – just to know your opinion about such things)
I did the voting at the Larian Vault and I want the "something else" answer back.

But there is one vote where you could have gotten a different result than "something else". When asking about whats your favourite RPG, you forgot Planescape Torment.
Originally Posted by Ayvah
Originally Posted by Raze

D:OS 2 should allow 2 people playing split screen to play with 2 other people split screen.

I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure this feature has already been announced.

I think I've played this on the demo.

I'm lucky. hehe
Originally Posted by norlin

Hey, Larian Guys, please tell me you have seen this my idea (even in case if you won't add it to the game – just to know your opinion about such things)

Anyone posting gameplay ideas on Larian forums can rest assured that we'll read them. We even have an archive with fan-submitted ideas, that we frequently look through for inspiration. smile
Originally Posted by norlin

Hey, Larian Guys, please tell me you have seen this my idea (even in case if you won't add it to the game – just to know your opinion about such things)

Yes, we "see" everything smile
I would like more Strength and Dex trees with synergies within themselves.

Which apparently we aren't getting this time around. O_o
Not D:OS2 related, so i really shouldn't, but fuck it, will type it.. smile

a-la Ultima Underworld 1&2/Arx Fatalis magic use. Runes, real-time drawing them, the lot.

am secretly hoping that:
a) the as of yet unannounced Larian project 2 is a first person RPG
b) that the above will be in it

..and then i woke up..
Less cartoonish graphics, more armors and weapons (not more colors for the same armor piece to make people think it is a different armor), more balance for crafted and unique items to make them more powerful than trash loot (I can finish the game with purple gear, not even crafted a single weapon), a more mature storyline, more NPCs, Bosses and a more challenging combat. Pretty much more of everything it already has and DOS2 will be a must for every rgp gamer.
Originally Posted by Caabal
Less cartoonish graphics, more armors and weapons (not more colors for the same armor piece to make people think it is a different armor), more balance for crafted and unique items to make them more powerful than trash loot (I can finish the game with purple gear, not even crafted a single weapon), a more mature storyline, more NPCs, Bosses and a more challenging combat. Pretty much more of everything it already has and DOS2 will be a must for every rgp gamer.

Well, I know some of the stuff listed here is happening smile
I have some ideas for feats/perks/talents in D:OS2

vegan warrior
+ healthy: You get a bonus to your hit points, because you eat healthy food.
+ food adaption: You get a bigger effect from food made of plants and from potions made of herbs.
- You cannot use food or potions that have parts from animals.
- You cannot equip items that have parts of animals (leather armor, bowstrings are made of animals, . . .)
- You get a penalty when fighting animals, people or other things that are made of "meat" because you don´t want to harm other lifeforms.

And the opposite of this:
+ Eating muscles makes you strong. You gain 1 strengh.
+ bite: When fighting animal, people or other things made of meat, you can bite it to cause damage and gain some health.
+ food adaption: You get a bigger effect from eating meat.
- You cannot drink potions and you cannot eat plants.
- You are a savage. Civilized people do not like you.

Maybe your source powers have turned you into a plant
Dryade (need to find a name for the male version)
advantages and disadvantages:
+ Photosysthesis: You regenerate health when being outside in the sun. There is no effect when you are in the shadows, you carry a lamp or you are near a light source (lamp, torch, . . .). But you will constantly lose HP when you are in a dark place.
+ You get a bonus when you are wet, but you get a penalty when its too hot.
+ You can root yourself in one place and gain extra power from the earth (+1 to each attribute). You cannot move when you do this. When you stop the effect, it takes 2 turns until you can move again. You take lots of damage when the ground gets poisoned. You get extra damage when something forces you to move (like teleport spell).
+ You are weak against fire bacause your skin is like wood.
+ You can talk to plants.
Originally Posted by Madscientist
I have some ideas for feats/perks/talents in D:OS2

vegan warrior

And the opposite of this:

Maybe your source powers have turned you into a plant
Dryade (need to find a name for the male version)

Lol. For better or worse, these are some suggestions properly fitting the theme of this thread. smile
Randomly generated dungeons. Too bad, they'd work with GM mode: you set up how many rooms you want, tileset (indoor, outdoor, cave etc) and poof? every time a new dungeon!

Sub-races. Like NWN2. They were awesome.
A possibility to make own cult/sect in the game with blackjack and h.... eh followers.
So the followers can perform "dirty" missions and do whatever you command.

Sounds almost like Game Master Mode muhahahaha *evil laugh*
The ability to shape nature with spells. Meaning if these elements are present you can use them otherwise not.

- ie your in a forest grove and you can take control of trees and bind your enemies to the spot (via roots) or have them grab and crush your enemies.

- Shape the earth to create golems and bind them with the captured souls of your enemies. Or shape the earth to divert a river and cut off your enemies from pursuing you (or drown them) if there is a river present.

- Shape sand into quicksand by infusing it with a water element. Or create a sandstorm to blind your enemies.

- Create elementals from nature and bottle them to use on your enemies. ie. capture fire from a burning building and turn it into an elemental (store it in a bottle) etc

1. Level-free role playing system.
Character can earn points to improve abilities and learn skills or get talents for some achievements (e.g., being poisoned 30 times to get slight poison resistance), but his hp, damage and attack abilities (ratings) won't grow.

So you can go anyway from the start. And common skeleton in the beginning and in the end of the game will be rather equal enemies.

And legendary "Super Ultimate Divine God Slayer Broadsword", got at the beginning of the game won't be worse than common rusty kitchen knife found in the last town waste.

2. Accidental magical effects for low-skilled mages or for mage specialized on opposite mage schools (e.g., both fire and water)
Inspired by game "In Virtus Verbis" and wild mage from D&D

E.g., every mage can try to cast fireball (if skill learned), but mage with low intelligence (or fire magic skill) has chance to cast wrong spell (e.g. incinerate), or cast spell in wrong direction, or with some side effect.

Or mage with fire and water spells can cast fireball followed by rain

3. Character's appearance (and talents) change due to used skills. E.g., for continual skeletons summoning get charisma penalty and look like lich.

4. More strength and dexterity based skills
I dont think any of the cRPG titles is ever going to do scale as well as Final Fantasy does when talking about how grand and awesome spells and summons are. The way they are presented etc.

I mean look at this:
Originally Posted by velurian
I dont think any of the cRPG titles is ever going to do scale as well as Final Fantasy does when talking about how grand and awesome spells and summons are. The way they are presented etc.

I mean look at this:

I remember back in the day playing FF7. When you were summoning Knight of the Round with mimes and all this materia shinanigan. You could literally go take a shower and come back to see the last Knight of the Round summoned.
This is the kind of thing that you watch 5 times and that you just want to skip after because it takes way too much time.
How about the ability to climb or jump on walls through high dexterity rolls and perhaps to rappel or grapple as well along surfaces for thief or rogue/assassin class only???
One of the things in DOS that I really enjoyed is that If you didn't like the content of a chest, than you could savescum and get better or worst items than the last treasure you tried for. Until of course someone decided to whine about it and then it was patched to a worst method and randomly generated as you entered a map. I think treasure should go back to its original form.
Originally Posted by norD
Originally Posted by velurian
I dont think any of the cRPG titles is ever going to do scale as well as Final Fantasy does when talking about how grand and awesome spells and summons are. The way they are presented etc.

I mean look at this:

I remember back in the day playing FF7. When you were summoning Knight of the Round with mimes and all this materia shinanigan. You could literally go take a shower and come back to see the last Knight of the Round summoned.
This is the kind of thing that you watch 5 times and that you just want to skip after because it takes way too much time.

Thats why there is a short and a long version of the spell. It just builds soooo much scale and empowers the player IMO.
Fallout 2.
My 2 cents. ))
I'd love the ability to shapeshift into a dragon like in Divinity 2. Would work pretty well without too much extra effort in an isometric RPG since you can ignore the whole flying thing.
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