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Will new Stretch Goals delay the release date of D:OS2 ?

Release date could now be 2017 or 2018...?!
Generally, yes. I wouldn't count on DOS 2 being on time. End 2016 is just a placeholder anyway. My bet is on a 2017 release. First alpha or maybe even beta/Early Access could very well be released in 2016 though.
It's [INSERT GAME DEVELOPER NAME HERE]. A delay is pretty much guaranteed.
i would even bet money on a delay grin
I bet US$150 on 2100. wink
Originally Posted by Stabbey
It's [INSERT GAME DEVELOPER NAME HERE]. A delay is pretty much guaranteed.

Unless it is obsidian. They release games half finished rolleyes . (hallo KotoR2)

Ok, there are many other games of different companies that feel quite unfinished.
Originally Posted by Madscientist
Originally Posted by Stabbey
It's [INSERT GAME DEVELOPER NAME HERE]. A delay is pretty much guaranteed.

Unless it is obsidian. They release games half finished rolleyes . (hallo KotoR2)

Ok, there are many other games of different companies that feel quite unfinished.

I always felt bad for them. They have been cursed with making follow-ups of famous licenses, trying to improve the formula, but failing because either they had bad, BAD programmers / QA, they were pressured into releasing the game half finished, or both.
Alpha Protocol though was their own IP, but it was still buggued and lacked polish like crazy.
Originally Posted by Madscientist
Originally Posted by Stabbey
It's [INSERT GAME DEVELOPER NAME HERE]. A delay is pretty much guaranteed.

Unless it is obsidian. They release games half finished rolleyes . (hallo KotoR2)

Ok, there are many other games of different companies that feel quite unfinished.

It wasn't Obsidian, but their publisher in the case of Kotor2...

PoE was pretty stable and finalized for video game standards once it was finally released.
Originally Posted by LordCrash

It wasn't Obsidian, but their publisher in the case of Kotor2...

PoE was pretty stable and finalized for video game standards once it was finally released.

PoE had several game breaking bugs at release:
- item stacking bug: When you equip items that change your stats and you save and load the game, the stat bonus stacks with itself to infinity
- double clicking bug: when you double clicked on an item to equip it, you could lose talents.
- Sanitarium bug: At some point of the main quest it could happen that all people become hostile, making you unable to finish the quest.

Because of this I had to stop my first playthrough. Obsidian solved those bugs. When I started again (version 1.04) I was able to finish the game without game breaking bugs. But there and in later playthroughs I reported tons of bugs. With every new patch, some bugs are solved but new bugs are added.

When I played D:OS I did not encounter any obvious bugs ( though some things seemed to be strange, but I was not sure if it was intended)
Originally Posted by Madscientist
Originally Posted by LordCrash

It wasn't Obsidian, but their publisher in the case of Kotor2...

PoE was pretty stable and finalized for video game standards once it was finally released.

PoE had several game breaking bugs at release:

Like every other RPG PoE had some issues at release.

When I played D:OS I did not encounter any obvious bugs ( though some things seemed to be strange, but I was not sure if it was intended)

Others did though.

Just don't mistake your personal experience with how think were on a broader level. wink
To me the point is always that we are paying for more development time. I'd hope that these stretch goals would push the release date back, for it to do otherwise would be unusual as it would mean that they weren't stretch goals at all but what they were already planning to do in disguise.

Though a very likely scenario is that they will release the game and then release SOME of the stretch goals as free DLC. I see that being the case for GM mode.
Every video game I've backed on kickstarter has been delayed. Personally I'm looking at December 2016 as a goal. I'm really hoping we can make it. However I won't be shocked if we are delayed.
I had previously read somewhere that Larian will hire 2 Developers for the Stretch Goal "Dedicated Mod Support"

They may hire more Devs for the remaining Stretch Goals wink
Regarding delay, my favourite example in Zelda ocarina of time.
It came one year later than planned, but it was one of the best games for N64.
(OK, other people say it was the biggest hype in gaming history, but I loved it.)
Originally Posted by LordCrash

When I played D:OS I did not encounter any obvious bugs ( though some things seemed to be strange, but I was not sure if it was intended)

Others did though.

Just don't mistake your personal experience with how think were on a broader level. wink

You got a point there.
When you look at the forums, you see many people reporting bugs. And you thing that the game is completely buggy and unplayable.
But people who do NOT have problems with bugs do not report that they have no bugs. Because of this we will never know the ratio between people who have problems and those who have not. All we have the the minimum number of people who have problems (I mean, everybody who posts has a problem, but not everybody who has a problem reports it in the forum.)
Originally Posted by Madscientist
Originally Posted by LordCrash

When I played D:OS I did not encounter any obvious bugs ( though some things seemed to be strange, but I was not sure if it was intended)

Others did though.

Just don't mistake your personal experience with how think were on a broader level. wink

You got a point there.
When you look at the forums, you see many people reporting bugs. And you thing that the game is completely buggy and unplayable.
But people who do NOT have problems with bugs do not report that they have no bugs. Because of this we will never know the ratio between people who have problems and those who have not. All we have the the minimum number of people who have problems (I mean, everybody who posts has a problem, but not everybody who has a problem reports it in the forum.)

It's pretty easy to find that out though. Take the amount of copies of the game sold, and subtract the amount of people who complained about bugs.
We are all human. Human make mistakes. There is no way anyone can do a prefect game without any bugs. Just a matter, how serious is the bug and how fast the game studio rectify it. That is why we are and anxious to try out the game via Alpha and Beta access. To give Larian the best possible feedback and get them to rectify to the best of their abilities by the launch date.
Originally Posted by Haleseen

It's pretty easy to find that out though. Take the amount of copies of the game sold, and subtract the amount of people who complained about bugs.

Easy peasy, just count every post on the internet wink
I don't think many of the issues will be a problem.

The Modding Stretch Goals are being done by a separate team.
So there shouldn't be any issue with delays in that sense, and considering GM mode requires a unique tool set - it is probably made by the modding team as well.

So the primary cause of delays would be skills \ romance \ mask \ hall of echos.
Personally I wouldn't mind if the Mask + skills + romance was delayed as a post release update.

After all it would give a reason to play the game again a few months later down the line.
Also allowing the content to be released earlier then later.

The extended relationship system is something that needs to be written from the start. Balancing the new skills would also be much easier if that is done all at once, rather than developing most of the skills, then adding more and balancing them again.
also, add Swen's quest for "the rpg that dwarfs them all" ... hehe


maybe it will not be too much of a delay, since DOS1 actually "only" took about 2 years of dev time according to Swen:
Originally Posted by Madscientist
Unless it is obsidian. They release games half finished rolleyes . (hallo KotoR2)

Yeah, that was all LucasArts fault though... I can talk to you about that all day (and more);

Originally Posted by Dr Koin
I always felt bad for them. They have been cursed with making follow-ups of famous licenses, trying to improve the formula, but failing because either they had bad, BAD programmers / QA, they were pressured into releasing the game half finished, or both.
Alpha Protocol though was their own IP, but it was still buggued and lacked polish like crazy.

And still it was Awesome! I rather have awesome buggy games (Like Alpha Protocol, KOTOR2, D:OS, Vampire: Bloodlines etc.) than polished forgettable crap.
Originally Posted by Madscientist
When I played D:OS I did not encounter any obvious bugs ( though some things seemed to be strange, but I was not sure if it was intended)

Yeah, no bugs in D:OS... noooooope.
2016 smile
i really hope that D:OS2 will be released this year wink
More content = more development time

Take a wild guess.
Hi all,

any new about the release date?
Unfortunately no. Larian has been especially Scrooge-like with information.
My guess is that they are saving the big surprice for the upcoming gaming convention.
I think they bitten more than could chew now.

I would be glad if they release a first chapter on autumn.
about 15 hours of game play.
No GM mode, no editor.

Next chapter in 6 months.
That would be way too far away!
What about PAX or E3?
Any News?
2016 or 2017?
Honestly I think even Larian doesn't know when the game will be released.
Originally Posted by gGeo
I think they bitten more than could chew now.

I would be glad if they release a first chapter on autumn.
about 15 hours of game play.
No GM mode, no editor.

Next chapter in 6 months.

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