Larian Studios
Posted By: Lar We're reading it all! - 25/09/16 07:11 PM
Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know that we're reading everything you guys write here and are picking up on ideas, even if we're not always commenting. We're really grateful you're taking the time to come here and give us so much feedback - it will result in an better game.


Posted By: Kindulas Re: We're reading it all! - 25/09/16 10:16 PM
Posted By: Littlebob86 Re: We're reading it all! - 25/09/16 10:58 PM
I was loosing hope, but it has been restoreded ;D
Posted By: LordCrash Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 01:44 AM
Posted By: Grondoth Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 04:01 AM
Even the dumb stuff? Cause I am not the greatest poster.
Posted By: Ayvah Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 04:16 AM
ESPECIALLY the dumb stuff. :P
Posted By: Swiftwynd Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 04:58 AM
Good to hear smile It would be fantastic if you devs, if you get some spare time, could arrange some sort of broad "road map" that you are working on.

Also, it would be wonderful to have "guided feedback" requests. Such as:

"We are reviewing the Armor/Magic Armor system. What do you guys like about it? Have you seen any bugs specifically toward it? Do you dislike it?"


"What do you think about the Primary Attributes? Do they feel equally viable with each other? Is one standing out as less useful? Does the system as a whole work well in your play through?"
Posted By: vometia Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 05:21 AM
I hope you read the bits about the game needing more cheese references.
Posted By: Scorpyon Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 08:13 AM
Awesome to hear that the feedback is being read and taken on board!
Look forward to seeing how it's implemented!

On a side note - any news on when the rest of the game is going to be unlocked to play?
Posted By: Ayvah Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 09:02 AM
At the end of Early Access.
Posted By: Linio Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 09:07 AM
It would be nice if all could be organised though.
I'm seeing a lot of things taking a lot of space whereas good ideas go down the drain.

Why not keeping alive the uservoice, or making up a new one now that the old one is probably digested? It could allow for people to vote on ideas and see where everybody think things should get going. Because we see a great number of posts about whether elves should be naked or not, that does not seem very productive...

Posted By: Ayvah Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Linio
Because we see a great number of posts about whether elves should be naked or not, that does not seem very productive...

I don't want to go off-topic here, so I'll just point out that that's your opinion and you're welcome to express it.
Posted By: Scorpyon Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 10:03 AM
I hear that there's a key-combo added in the recent patch that allows you to remove the visibility of naked elves in the game now.
It's "Alt-F4" or something like that...
Posted By: Dexord Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 12:48 PM
nice to see that you read it all, one thing i think you could do is post the kickstarter streach goals in the DOS:2 update forum thread so it will be easier to see what goals were reached so all players get a hum of what is to be implemented in the game.

sorry if it already is on the forums, if that is the case ive completely missed it
Posted By: AverageAtheist Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 02:42 PM
Please, read the criticism to the stat and leveling up system!! So far, its the only main issue in the game in my opinion.
Posted By: LordCrash Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by AverageAtheist
Please, read the criticism to the stat and leveling up system!! So far, its the only main issue in the game in my opinion.

Swen said that they read everything, so the criticism about the stat and leveling system is of course included. wink
Posted By: vometia Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 03:57 PM
I'm just hoping they're noting my criticism about the lack of cheese. A random cheese wedge perched on the edge of a viaduct just doesn't cut it. It doesn't even say what sort of cheese it is. D:

Edit: I would vote for Roquefort if it wasn't French, so I'm kinda torn. Stilton it is.
Posted By: AverageAtheist Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 04:45 PM
BTW, are we going to have a post with Larian comments of the ideas or some feedback? Just let us know what do you guys think about the ideas, what you agree or disagree. That would be really nice. smile
Posted By: Darxim Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 05:06 PM
I would just like to say that I am perfectly fine with additional delays if it means that the game will be better. I'd rather wait longer than feel less enthusiastic about the game. If you guys say "We're pushing back the release further so we can implement some feature requests" I will be quite happy.
Posted By: Nemorosa Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Darxim
I would just like to say that I am perfectly fine with additional delays if it means that the game will be better. I'd rather wait longer than feel less enthusiastic about the game. If you guys say "We're pushing back the release further so we can implement some feature requests" I will be quite happy.


This is so important!

I'm in no hurry.
Posted By: Dark_Ansem Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Darxim
I would just like to say that I am perfectly fine with additional delays if it means that the game will be better. I'd rather wait longer than feel less enthusiastic about the game. If you guys say "We're pushing back the release further so we can implement some feature requests" I will be quite happy.

Posted By: LordCrash Re: We're reading it all! - 26/09/16 10:56 PM
Larian never announced any firm release date, so it's pretty hard to push something back that doesn't even exist yet. hahaha
Posted By: johnny5111 Re: We're reading it all! - 27/09/16 12:12 AM
cool! I was wondering.
Posted By: Cloudrunner Re: We're reading it all! - 27/09/16 07:52 AM
I sincerely hope you're reading more than just the initial post. Because there's been a lot of posts that have been vehemently disagreed with by the other users, so it should be taken into consideration what the majority of your audience seem to want. Not that I feel I need to tell you that, but there's been a lot of developers giving into a vocal minority these days and I don't want to see you falling into the same trap.
Posted By: Tuco Re: We're reading it all! - 27/09/16 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
I sincerely hope you're reading more than just the initial post. Because there's been a lot of posts that have been vehemently disagreed with by the other users, so it should be taken into consideration what the majority of your audience seem to want. Not that I feel I need to tell you that, but there's been a lot of developers giving into a vocal minority these days and I don't want to see you falling into the same trap.

While I see your point, I don't think the appeal at popularity is necessarily the best approach.
There are ideas that make sense even when just a guy is advocating for them and others that can be awful even when there's a loud group screaming they want them in the game.

If we were going by popularity, Skyrim would be the model of perfect RPG design, when in fact there is hardly any of its mechanics/subsystems that I would save after a close examination.
Posted By: Ayvah Re: We're reading it all! - 27/09/16 09:20 AM
Skyrim is a popular game, and that means it must be doing some things right, even if it's just marketing.

But the "popularity" of a thread isn't very meaningful for gushing the popularity of an idea. Those of us in the forum are a very small fraction of the overall audience. While it would be foolish to ignore us, they need to look at the bigger picture, consider the broader audience and answer the questions:

What choices fit the vision of the game they want to make.?

What choices will allow them to reach a larger audience and keep that audience happy?

What choices will enhance (or maintain) the profitability of the game?
Posted By: Lar Re: We're reading it all! - 27/09/16 09:47 AM
Hello again,

So just to give you a heads up on how we handle the feedback - these are the things we're doing:

1. We go through pretty much everything that's written on D:OS 2 all over the internet on a daily basis. For me, it's literally the first thing I do in the morning and I'm not the only one in the team. That gives us the trends. That we don't react to everything is just because we're only human and still need to make the bloody game too. Personally I wished I had the time because I'd love to react to everything but those days are unfortunately over for me.

2. We put a lot of new systems in there, some more subtle than others, and so one thing that we're particularly interested in is seeing if they are working as intended and if not, why. While we look at what people are saying about these systems or their experiences with them, we do have a lot of quantitative data we can look at too. When people agree to send reports, we get information on where they put their points, the dialog options they select, where they go on the map etc... Together with the opinions, this allows us to figure out if certain things are really broken or not.

3. How we fix things that we see are broken is a different matter. We certainly read people's opinions and allow ourselves to be influenced by them when we think they make sense and fit the vision of the game. But if they don't fit the vision, we don't take them into account. An extreme example of this is for instance people telling us to make the game real time. But there are less extreme examples too. Certain stat or system suggestions just don't fit what we want to do so we ignore those too.

We think of early access as a developer's playground where we can experiment with things with the goal of making a better game. That means you can expect plenty of sometimes radical changes over the coming months. Those changes will almost all be based on the insights we're getting from early access players followed by discussions we have in the team about what to do with those insights.

Right now, we're already at work on a few system changes that should address several things that we saw were not working that well, so you should see that come in your direction in the not so distant future.
Posted By: Dark_Ansem Re: We're reading it all! - 27/09/16 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Lar
Hello again,

So just to give you a heads up on how we handle the feedback - these are the things we're doing:

1. We go through pretty much everything that's written on D:OS 2 all over the internet on a daily basis. For me, it's literally the first thing I do in the morning and I'm not the only one in the team. That gives us the trends. That we don't react to everything is just because we're only human and still need to make the bloody game too. Personally I wished I had the time because I'd love to react to everything but those days are unfortunately over for me.

2. We put a lot of new systems in there, some more subtle than others, and so one thing that we're particularly interested in is seeing if they are working as intended and if not, why. While we look at what people are saying about these systems or their experiences with them, we do have a lot of quantitative data we can look at too. When people agree to send reports, we get information on where they put their points, the dialog options they select, where they go on the map etc... Together with the opinions, this allows us to figure out if certain things are really broken or not.

3. How we fix things that we see are broken is a different matter. We certainly read people's opinions and allow ourselves to be influenced by them when we think they make sense and fit the vision of the game. But if they don't fit the vision, we don't take them into account. An extreme example of this is for instance people telling us to make the game real time. But there are less extreme examples too. Certain stat or system suggestions just don't fit what we want to do so we ignore those too.

We think of early access as a developer's playground where we can experiment with things with the goal of making a better game. That means you can expect plenty of sometimes radical changes over the coming months. Those changes will almost all be based on the insights we're getting from early access players followed by discussions we have in the team about what to do with those insights.

Right now, we're already at work on a few system changes that should address several things that we saw were not working that well, so you should see that come in your direction in the not so distant future.

I am more impatient about the mod tools than anything else.

Still, it's good to know that someone is reading us.
Posted By: Ayvah Re: We're reading it all! - 27/09/16 12:28 PM
Thanks for explaining in detail. smile
Posted By: kingcrowley Re: We're reading it all! - 27/09/16 09:19 PM
Looking forward to improvements.
Posted By: Swiftwynd Re: We're reading it all! - 28/09/16 02:49 AM
First off, thanks so much for the reply! You guys run a great business so just know that we all appreciate your team so much and we have loads of trust in you to do well.

Originally Posted by Lar
Hello again,

So just to give you a heads up on how we handle the feedback - these are the things we're doing:

1. We go through pretty much everything that's written on D:OS 2 all over the internet on a daily basis. For me, it's literally the first thing I do in the morning and I'm not the only one in the team. That gives us the trends. That we don't react to everything is just because we're only human and still need to make the bloody game too. Personally I wished I had the time because I'd love to react to everything but those days are unfortunately over for me.

Have you considered hiring a person or volunteer whose sole job is strictly that? If not, this might be a great time to consider such an option.

Effective communication from a community manager during Early Access can provide a wealth of assistance for a development team, and can certainly put a lot of customers at ease know they have a familiar face they can talk to to relay their biggest concerns.

This person can also provide a more "condensed" list of hot topic issues or suggestions from the community, and can facilitate "targeted" feedback when necessary. Having worked as a QA with other game companies before, I know I personally found this extremely useful.

Originally Posted by Lar
Right now, we're already at work on a few system changes that should address several things that we saw were not working that well, so you should see that come in your direction in the not so distant future.

I look forward to it! If we might beg for more information, any hints as to want systems are being looked into now, or things we should especially focus our feedback efforts on?
Posted By: Stabbey Re: We're reading it all! - 28/09/16 03:46 AM
Swen, as people are giving feedback to various systems, that naturally leads to theorycrafting on how some things might be changed. However, a lot of that theorycrafting is inevitably going to be flawed because of a lack of information.

For instance, there's a lot of feedback on the power of Abilities, and if they should give bonuses for reaching various ranks. It's clear from the changes (1 Ability point/level, only 1 ability point is required to increase a rank) that Abilities work differently.

It might help people perform better theorycrafting - which means more thought-out feedback - if they had more information, such as:
  • Approximately what character level do you see players reaching by the end of the game?
  • Will players still get only 0.5 Civil Ability points, 1 Combat Ability point, and 2 Attribute points per level until the end, or as their level increases, will the amount of points they gain change?
  • It might even be helpful to know what does an average level 20-25 characters stat sheet look like? How much of their Attribute points comes from level-up points, and how many from their gear?
  • (Obviously taking a character legit from 1 to 25 can't happen, so to simulate you could do something like put a chest with LOTS of gold and a bunch of merchants with random gear of various quality levels and buy the best. It won't be completely accurate, but it'll be okay for a guesstimate.)
Posted By: BemusedBear Re: We're reading it all! - 28/09/16 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by Lar
Right now, we're already at work on a few system changes that should address several things that we saw were not working that well, so you should see that come in your direction in the not so distant future.

Thank you for being an amazing design team and listening to community feedback! I am very eager to continue to test the new changes you incorporate and seeing how this game improves over the coming months.

Once more into the early access my friends, we have more data points and feed back to provide. Guinea Pigs unite!
Posted By: Kradical Re: We're reading it all! - 28/09/16 07:10 AM
That's awesome! Keep it up and thank you for your hard work! I'm really excited and can't wait to play the whole game and see all the surprises you have for us.
Posted By: Skallewag Re: We're reading it all! - 28/09/16 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by Darxim
I would just like to say that I am perfectly fine with additional delays if it means that the game will be better. I'd rather wait longer than feel less enthusiastic about the game. If you guys say "We're pushing back the release further so we can implement some feature requests" I will be quite happy.

Posted By: dlux Re: We're reading it all! - 29/09/16 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Darxim
I would just like to say that I am perfectly fine with additional delays if it means that the game will be better. I'd rather wait longer than feel less enthusiastic about the game. If you guys say "We're pushing back the release further so we can implement some feature requests" I will be quite happy.

They should take their time and just release it when it is done. Just not "Duke Nukem Forever done", because that would take too long. grin
Posted By: K-Money Re: We're reading it all! - 29/09/16 11:25 AM
Come on day/night cycle!

The weathering is lacking a little and the camera angles when around trees is annoying (not enough transparency?? - similar issue with the rocks not enough transparency to see what is going on).

The blood splatter when an elf eats a limb/head/etc is so over exaggerated but it definitely grossed me out the first few times it happened. Different effects should happen on the age of the limb (less healing), the contents within the limb/how that person died (poisoned, frozen, burnt, etc.), and the major storyline content should have a tranced effect on them followed by a cut-scene?

Elves should have (like dinivity 2 - but not the class) a similar ability of mind reading/manipulation.


The Dragon knight's part should a lot more involved in this story. It should start the cycle up again where the dragon knights come back in a hard way! Pre-cursor to what is to come, a world full of peace with a undercurrent of some evil the knights cannot see and just when they thought all would be saved a horrible act of injustice, evil, and malice explodes out of the depths (think LOTR #1 dwarven halls - demon).

Massive (I mean huge!) enemies, demons in disguise of angels, Poison Anaconda's, etc should be something we can look forward to in the future (maybe not this game...) Twists in plots, saddening (actually heart breaking) tales to live out and murderous backstabbing friends that you never know what will happen with should be something that we can look forward to (not knowing whether to trust them or not is awesome). If there is a character on your party that dislikes you there should be a random choice he/she makes when in battle to participate whether mid-battle/beginning or end! That would be so frustrating and potentially devistating for the party (though being random if you died and came back he/she could change their minds to help).

ANyways, just some ideas!
Posted By: K-Money Re: We're reading it all! - 29/09/16 12:32 PM
Sorry for double post, but I tried in DOS 1 EE and I couldn't but we NEED to be able carry an anvil! smile
Posted By: Hassat Hunter Re: We're reading it all! - 29/09/16 12:37 PM
This isn't exactly the location for suggestions itself.

Also, thanks for listening Swen (and rest of Larian) and looking forward to what things will be changed, hopefully for the better, in the future. There are a lot of unclear elements currently with statistics, and hopefully by release all will be clear to all users.

Veel success met jullie nieuwe game! smile
Posted By: CinnamonFox Re: We're reading it all! - 29/09/16 05:18 PM
After playing 1 hour of divinity: original sin I loved it to the core and bought second game in pre sale. After playing early access...I love it even more <3 Keep up the good work guys. I hope my words will be as inspirational as your game is for me :D
Posted By: Darxim Re: We're reading it all! - 01/10/16 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
This isn't exactly the location for suggestions itself.

Posted By: Seelenernter Re: We're reading it all! - 01/10/16 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem

I am more impatient about the mod tools than anything else.

Same here.

Nothing can offer a wider range of customer satisfaction than a nicely supported DIY-Job.

Posted By: Ellary Re: We're reading it all! - 01/10/16 06:43 PM
Thank you for making this thread Swen ♥ Larian is the only game company I personally buy from where I feel like my thoughts matter, even if they don't make it into game. It's nice to be heard.

Keep up the great work Larian Studios ♥

..oh and, thank you for adding in a softer female face option in this one ^_^ and the long hairstyles. Love that she doesn't look always annoyed now. Makes playing a gentle type character possible for the RP nerds in some of us.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Kalrakh Re: We're reading it all! - 04/10/16 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Ellary
Thank you for making this thread Swen ♥ Larian is the only game company I personally buy from where I feel like my thoughts matter, even if they don't make it into game. It's nice to be heard.

I could name you at least two other indie devs, who are really open minded and active responding to feedback.

But back to topic it is the main reason, why I backed the second game as well. And I can imagine caring about all the feedback can be really tough to deal sometimes. Mainly because not every feedback is nice, there are always some fanatics who hate everything new just out of principle. But also if you thought of something new, but it doesn't get appreciated as hoped.

You can never make everyone happy, you can only try your best to make the best game you could think of.
Posted By: Ballmeister Re: We're reading it all! - 04/10/16 07:48 AM
I dont know if this is the right place to post bugs and impressions, but here goes!

Crackling thunder - i found myself in a bug, where a crack of thunder would play quiet often, even if i was inside a house or somewhere thunder and rain should not appear (:

Summon fire elemental (totem) - i can summon this, but it has next to zero animations, and attacks dont register (no dmg, but ap i consumed)

Location markers do not dissapear.
I got markers all over the map (pirate tresure, hidden cave) even though i visited and got what i needed these places.
I think the problem occurs because im learning about these locations (quests) after i've already visited them.

Completing quests - im playing with a friend, and only he can archive quests ):
Completed quests are not automatically archived?

Bugs / impressions

Gargoyle maze is quiet a mess it seems. I stumbled in there on accident, and without a quest for it. I had the baccus ring, so i got teleported to the tower (with no way of getting back out!!!) [Well i did have teleportation spell learned, but i might not have!]
Inside the tower the 2 undeads playing cards was bugged the first time i encountered them - finishing dialog sent me to "FIGHT", but the fight was cancelled right after. Attacking them manually would not trigger a fight either.

After some tingering, i got to the burning dude in the middle. who for some reason had -45 attitude against me from the get go, making it impossible to have dialogue until a gave him stuff ):

I had no idea how to put out the fire too.

Appart from these minor hiccups, i had a blast playing and cant wait for the final release!
Posted By: vometia Re: We're reading it all! - 04/10/16 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Ballmeister
I dont know if this is the right place to post bugs and impressions, but here goes!

There's a handy bugs topic here, just for future reference. I've left your post here though, moving it would just confuse matters; in particular it would confuse me. biggrin
Posted By: Madscientist Re: We're reading it all! - 11/10/16 01:02 PM
So you are reading it all.
While I think this is great I also feel kind of sorry for you.
Most of the post here are good but some threads were so annoying that reading just 2 posts gave me a headache. Fortuanatly you finally locked some of the most idiot threads.
Posted By: Stimwalt Re: We're reading it all! - 31/10/16 10:08 PM
Take your time. Make us wait. On the day of release, I want to be able to uninstall Pillars of Eternity and never look back. Make it happen.
Posted By: JxxV Re: We're reading it all! - 13/01/17 08:30 PM
*wrong thread
Posted By: Sampicpic Re: We're reading it all! - 03/02/17 05:29 AM
if larian read it all then lets try out something , what happen to the skill of lohse ? hail strike ? I remember when i first try the game that skill had only one circle that rain ice , it was so awesome it was one of the reason why lohse was one of my favorite character, it feels so powerfull! now the skill looks really bad three circle that drop one huge ice block ? I don't know why they have changed it, can somebody explain me why ? the animation of the skill was so much better before...
Posted By: Stabbey Re: We're reading it all! - 03/02/17 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by Sampicpic
if larian read it all then lets try out something , what happen to the skill of lohse ? hail strike ? I remember when i first try the game that skill had only one circle that rain ice , it was so awesome it was one of the reason why lohse was one of my favorite character, it feels so powerfull! now the skill looks really bad three circle that drop one huge ice block ? I don't know why they have changed it, can somebody explain me why ? the animation of the skill was so much better before...

The big problem with the first version was that the displayed radius was very inaccurate, and when you thought you were safe, you could injure and kill party members and allies. It was also too powerful by far (and only for 1 AP!), so it was nerfed from 4 projectiles to 3. Now the actual damage radius matches the preview radius.

This is also an alpha and things change.
Posted By: Morbo Re: We're reading it all! - 03/02/17 06:30 AM
Not to nitpick but could you change the forum banner so the gog icon is also there.
Posted By: Sampicpic Re: We're reading it all! - 03/02/17 04:02 PM
thx for the reply ! now i got a better understanding !
Posted By: Kalrakh Re: We're reading it all! - 05/02/17 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Sampicpic
if larian read it all then lets try out something , what happen to the skill of lohse ? hail strike ? I remember when i first try the game that skill had only one circle that rain ice , it was so awesome it was one of the reason why lohse was one of my favorite character, it feels so powerfull! now the skill looks really bad three circle that drop one huge ice block ? I don't know why they have changed it, can somebody explain me why ? the animation of the skill was so much better before...

The big problem with the first version was that the displayed radius was very inaccurate, and when you thought you were safe, you could injure and kill party members and allies. It was also too powerful by far (and only for 1 AP!), so it was nerfed from 4 projectiles to 3. Now the actual damage radius matches the preview radius.

This is also an alpha and things change.

If I did not get it wrong you can still be affected slighlty out of the circle.
Posted By: Sortune Re: We're reading it all! - 18/04/17 07:43 AM
Just did my 3rd playthrough, and I'm still discovering new things ! Well, it's still an alpha, I can see somethings are still WIP.

Is that possible to have a thread that keep us inform about known bugs / next improvements in next iteration, etc. Just a roadmap if possible laugh

That being said, if I can say something to Larian.. I love the job you do guys. DoS 1 was the best game ever played, I just see the alpha of the 2nd opus and I just wait for the next patch to get into another run laugh.

Really, go on Larian
Posted By: Braxx Re: We're reading it all! - 20/06/17 11:12 AM
Are there more streach goals ? Or was Game master mode the last one ?
Posted By: krakenmoth Re: We're reading it all! - 02/07/17 09:05 AM
In desperation, since its a looong time til DOS 2 finally hits my PC I have started to play DOS:EE again. Two things strike me - how much I prefer the updated UI of DOS, and that I liked most (not all) companions in DOS 2 whereas I loath then on DOS:EE.
Oh I am so looking forward to the final product, thank you for all your hard work and good luck!
Posted By: TheRedKissyFace Re: We're reading it all! - 26/07/17 12:52 AM
Are y'all giddy to read about the exciting tales of The Prince and Me? Starring, The Prince and Me? Cause he better be everything I fantasized him to be otherwise my fanfictions shall suffer.

Also, when you describe his lips, can you make them cherry flavored? I like to imagine suckling on his cherry flavored lips.
Posted By: Ipomcea Re: We're reading it all! - 30/07/17 11:24 PM
Nvm, they already did it...
Posted By: Ipomcea Re: We're reading it all! - 02/08/17 08:34 AM
I think a very useful thing to have would be setting a hotkey to add items to wares, because when you have like 30 or so items in your inventory it's annoying to right click and then click add to wares when with a hotkey you could just move your cursor while tapping the hotkey and add it all to wares like 3x more quickly.
Posted By: Party Starter Re: We're reading it all! - 14/08/17 07:37 PM
But are you reading this?
Не го читајте ова.
Posted By: Dark_Ansem Re: We're reading it all! - 14/08/17 07:57 PM
Probably not
Posted By: Namea Re: We're reading it all! - 15/08/17 07:07 AM
Oh great and powerful devs of awesomness...
May we please get the ability to move with wasd and use the mouse for camera like most games? Pretty please?
Posted By: KConn Re: We're reading it all! - 16/08/17 11:26 AM
Good to see the voices are being heard. Will post some ideas here soon.
Posted By: Dark_Ansem Re: We're reading it all! - 16/08/17 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by KConn
Good to see the voices are being heard. Will post some ideas here soon.

Don't get too excited. They read, but rarely answer.
Posted By: vometia Re: We're reading it all! - 16/08/17 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem
Don't get too excited. They read, but rarely answer.

Raze answers lots of stuff. :p

But possibly not the stuff you had in mind.
Posted By: Dark_Ansem Re: We're reading it all! - 16/08/17 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by vometia
Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem
Don't get too excited. They read, but rarely answer.

Raze answers lots of stuff. :p

But possibly not the stuff you had in mind.

What did I have in mind, according to you?
Posted By: vometia Re: We're reading it all! - 16/08/17 04:01 PM
Definitive responses to stuff he can't comment about. biggrin I'm acutely aware I'm talking about the community manager and he's watching me doing it. D:
Posted By: Dark_Ansem Re: We're reading it all! - 16/08/17 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by vometia
Definitive responses to stuff he can't comment about. biggrin I'm acutely aware I'm talking about the community manager and he's watching me doing it. D:

Ah, I see.
Posted By: Raze Re: We're reading it all! - 16/08/17 10:12 PM

Speaking of which, I meant to reply to Namea yesterday, but got distracted...

I think adding WASD controls for movement is unlikely. The controller UI has that type of movement, though the rest of the UI and controls are also geared for controller use, which may or may not be suitable to your tastee.
You may be able to get it working using Autohotkey (to map mouse position and button presses to the WASD keys) or Headsoft's VJoy Virtual Joystick Driver (in the controller UI, to map the left stick to the WASD keys).
Posted By: Zec Re: We're reading it all! - 30/08/17 12:09 AM
Remapping WASD in the options and for example rotating camera putting on Q and E would be quite ok, while I personally do like playing this on controller (I would never ever thought that I would like to play proper RPG on controller) I gotta say that menus for mouse in Divinity Original Sin look much much prettier for eyes :)
Posted By: LostSoul Re: We're reading it all! - 02/09/17 08:51 AM
I know you are busy getting the game ready for release. Later could you consider how best different players could meet to play.
We need one place where All players know to access. It should include option like: game preference (gm, standard coop. Mod, time you can play, experience in playing games) . Free text to include type of character you want to play. If need 1 or 2 players to join your game. Whether you play er 'competitive' coop or 'friendly' coop. There is reddit. Steam. This forum. A few discord options. One discussion forum to 'rule them all' would be beneficial to so many players. If such a thing already exists please let us know!
Posted By: Egon84 Re: We're reading it all! - 06/09/17 02:25 PM
hallo ich habe divinity original sins 2 allerdings auf englisch gibts das auf deutsch?bzw kann ichs umstellen?
Posted By: Kein Re: We're reading it all! - 07/09/17 09:33 AM
Is that so?
Posted By: Irons Re: We're reading it all! - 07/09/17 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Egon84
hallo ich habe divinity original sins 2 allerdings auf englisch gibts das auf deutsch?bzw kann ichs umstellen?

Deutsch in eine der unterstützten Sprachen. Die Sprachausgabe wird aber mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit nur in Englisch verfügbar sein.

Posted By: Neonivek Re: We're reading it all! - 07/09/17 05:59 PM
I just hope you guys don't take my ventings or frustrations too seriously.

I don't really couch my opinions a lot of the time and I understand I am speaking rather aggressively or even antagonistically. I write things out the way they are in my head a lot of the time.


I do think this is an amazing game.
Posted By: michaelgalt1984 Re: We're reading it all! - 09/09/17 01:09 AM
Pretty please release the full skill and ability trees. Got a couple builds planned, would just like to have an idea of what my full possibilities are, before the full release.
Posted By: HQSykes Re: We're reading it all! - 10/09/17 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by michaelgalt1984
Pretty please release the full skill and ability trees. Got a couple builds planned, would just like to have an idea of what my full possibilities are, before the full release.

anda full list of all environmental effects, i mean, someone asked me if there was acid rain in the game or if we could create it for a custom GM Mode game and i had no idea what to answer
Posted By: LordGodSatan Re: We're reading it all! - 12/09/17 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by michaelgalt1984
Pretty please release the full skill and ability trees. Got a couple builds planned, would just like to have an idea of what my full possibilities are, before the full release.

I concur, that would be useful. I raided Humble Bundle's sale to bide me over, but to be honest I'd rather be planning an optimal build/interesting build.

I'll probably go Elf, maybe Undead-Elf, if I go Undead-Elf I'll likely go for a full Death-knight comp on the main character, namely Necromancer + Retribution for Sustain-Tanking.

Either way I was considering going a full-tank build, where everyone has a different specialization (hydro, necro, pyro) so that we have all the magics, but are focused primarily on defense and survival.
Posted By: michaelgalt1984 Re: We're reading it all! - 12/09/17 02:28 AM
Nice! My plan is an elven conjurer/ranger/polymorph. He is basically a ranger/druid, true neutral. He controls the battlefield with his summons, and always seeks the high ground to best snipe his enemies and protect his allies. I only played to level 4 in the EA... just want to know what is the progression I can make with him. Was working amazingly, but who knows what will get changed/elimimated/rebalanced?

Not going to lie- Larian has been amazing with this game... just kinda shocked at how little information we have gotten with only a few days to go. No official word on pre-loading, nothing on when it will be playable (1 minute after midnight Friday morning?), nothing official on the skills and abilities, nothing official on what has made it into the game which ISN'T in the alpha.
Posted By: LostSoul Re: We're reading it all! - 12/09/17 02:46 AM
Hi Larian
Great game. Great dev! The best.
My personal suggestion :
Less videos more information please about release time, size, all critical info about the 14th
Hope to hear from you soon!
Posted By: TraceChaos Re: We're reading it all! - 12/09/17 05:08 AM
IF you're reading it all ; please either make Bless last forever again (ONly on surfaces, as it was before), or make it not cost a source point. As it is now, it's become worthless AND impossible to use for certain quests early-game.
Posted By: Deadknight Re: We're reading it all! - 12/09/17 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by TraceChaos
IF you're reading it all ; please either make Bless last forever again (ONly on surfaces, as it was before), or make it not cost a source point. As it is now, it's become worthless AND impossible to use for certain quests early-game.

I would be surprised they did not change the quest.
Quest in the early game like the pigs would probably not require more than once cast (only one pig to save?).

And hopefully the rewards would be substantial.

And to be fair there is only one important pig to save, as you know as I am sure you completed the quest.
Posted By: Forgy Re: We're reading it all! - 14/09/17 07:25 AM
I'm writing it all!

!Grats on release day! cheer
Posted By: Tyler Smith Re: We're reading it all! - 16/09/17 04:42 PM
well there's like 1k of us not playing due to awful shipping and refusal for steam codes just saying!
Posted By: Hiver Re: We're reading it all! - 18/09/17 12:57 PM
Ive just started playing the full game.

I noticed we can now find some crafting recipes right away on the ship and through early Fort Joy, which is great. Prisoners are now without weapons until the stuff goes down, also great. Presets are better, finally we have a pure fighting build to start with, the Knight - but the Ranger still gets one point in Pyro... and there are a few bad Civil skills choices.

The biggest problem in character creation seem to be talents which are preselected, and inability to know in advance which Talents and Civil skills any build will have, which usually result in spending points on something a companion will have already - depending on a build/class we choose for them. (also, Rogues-scoundrels should have thievery and Shadowblades sneaking, not the opposite)

Since those points are rare in the game it would be much better if those were not preselected but left to players to decide on. All except a single starting talent which is Origin or race specific. There also should be info on when we get new talents in the game available in character creation so the players can make informed decisions instead of googling it or choosing blindly.
Companions should not level up automatically when we get them. But if i decide to ditch a companion and get a new one there is no automatic leveling up. Thats how it should be. Especially on Classic and Tactician modes.

The Ai is really good, a huge improvement over the previous game and all other games i know of.
Unfortunately the new armor system works against it, especially the bloat in Tactician mode, but ive said a lot about that already and will do so in other threads.

The story and plot are really good, writing in general is much better. Hope it keeps up in other parts of the game too. Void enemies are much better and the whole deal of misguided Magisters good intentions woven into the greater plot is very, very nice. Especially the visible, palpable consequences of that we can experience through many NPCs and smaller side characters, even animals.

The voiceovers are a disappointment. None of them fit the characters as i had them in my mind and are too much of "english" cliches. The voice actors did a good job but the choice could have been better.
Its not their fault - its your fault.
I turned off the horribly unnecessary (and huge cliche) narrator immediately and it seems i will turn off all voiceovers soon.

I know, none of this is a big concern since the game is selling like a hot crack laced cheese, which is what i expected.
Congratulations on a big success.

It is very deserved considering all the effort that went into creating all of the game humongous content and its features, the co-op, GM mode and the editor. I am enjoying a lot of things in the game and consider it one of the better ones ive ever played, even if mass market features require me to consciously block them out which i cant do entirely because they affect the gameplay a lot.

Hopefully the future patches and mods will minimize the mass market features and make it a true great RPG.

Posted By: Stabbey Re: We're reading it all! - 18/09/17 01:12 PM
Um, Talents and Civil skills can be seen and changed on your starting character.

If you mean for Companions, there's a Guide which details all the presets, which can help you decide what you want your companions to be, and give you the information to know which Talent a Companion could possibly have so you don't have to duplicate it.

I am not close to that point yet, so I cannot verify the details, but I'm told that there is a free, reusable respec for all party members available after Act I, so you can tweak them. (I would have preferred to have full control at recruitment, but this is at least something.)

I also agree that companions should not auto-allocate their points when they level up to match yours after recruitment.
Posted By: Hiver Re: We're reading it all! - 18/09/17 01:49 PM
I can only choose one talent.

The two which are preselected seem to be related to the race and class.
So leave the racial one, like Elf Corpse eater, Dwarf guile or Lizard Spellsong and give me the choice of two at the character creation.

Because talents are so rare. If we were getting talents every two levels or something that would be different.

Yes i can see my civil skills and chose one, the problem is i dont know in advance what skills the companions will have.
That requires either restarting the game and going through the tutorial-intro fifty seven hundred times, or going out of the game to search for info. But it could be solved in the game itself very easily.

1. By providing basic info on when we are getting the Talents.
2. By allowing players to choose two talents at the start.
3. By allowing the players to level up companions - including their two starting talents - except the racial one.

This would quickly solve the problem of choosing stats that companions already have. And remove the need to exit the game to find info about it.

Is there any imaginable reason why humans have to be Thrifty? Why cant i have a thrifty Dwarf, Elf or an Undead? Why cant i have a sturdy Undead? Or a Human, or an Elf? Is there any reason why any of them cannot be Ingenious? Is there some cosmic law that demands this must be so and no other way?
Its not like those talents bring anything but meager +1 in basic attributes.

Posted By: Darth_Trethon Re: We're reading it all! - 19/09/17 02:20 AM
Sooo I'm having some issues with the digital edition I was rewarded for my Kickstarter pledge. I backed at the $125 Kickstarter Collector Edition(the one with 2x DOS II keys, not the one with 1 DOS II and a DOS EE), here are the three PMs I sent to Larian on KS about what I'm seeing as wrong here:

I have a problem.....I redeemed my GOG key for the "Divinity: Original Sin 2 Digital Collector's Edition Download" as soon as you guys made the keys available long before release except that now that the game actually released my game on GOG is just a regular edition and I do not have any of the content from any of the higher editions......can you help or am I just screwed now?

I just noticed that there was a second key for a second collector's edition I could claim and this one was a Divine Edition....which to be honest leaves me feeling kind screwed.....because I thought the digital collector edition was the highest edition and if it's not then the KS tiers and rewards were not clear there would be a higher edition that I'd miss on and I am left with no upgrade options at all because my only way to get the Eternal Edition would be by paying $89.....there is literally no way for me to pay $30 to upgrade....and one of my so called "Divinity: Original Sin 2 Digital Collector's Edition Download" keys was actually just a regular edition......that leaves me VERY bitter just about now.

Now granted the Eternal Edition contains things not included in my tier like the original DOS and the other Divinity games but I already own all of those and this basically locks me out forever from being able to own the other digital goods like the soundtrack and the various artbooks exclusive to the eternal edition......which ARE things listed are rewards for my tier....and you are painting me in a corner because you give me no upgrade option and if one existed I'd still have to pay again for four games I already own and digital rewards that ARE part of my tier. So I have one question: WHY?! Are you trying to force our hands to buy extra copies?
Posted By: Hiver Re: We're reading it all! - 19/09/17 06:13 AM
Why were those cool animated effects for the mysterious magical healing surface that appears after a few specific fights removed? It use to be really pretty, with animated effects and flowers. Now its a dull blue circle on the ground.

And Void Salamanders would leave the cool animated surface after you would kill them, but now its just their bodies.

Why would anyone remove those effects?

Posted By: SloPrimus Re: We're reading it all! - 19/09/17 10:36 AM
Is there ANY way to make my UI / HUD smaller? Im really anoyed that this featuer is left behind, since it was implemented in D:OS1....
Posted By: Tyler Smith Re: We're reading it all! - 19/09/17 09:10 PM
still nothing on shipping of CE, lol almost want a refund now :P
Posted By: Raze Re: We're reading it all! - 19/09/17 09:35 PM

Shipping started Wednesday and (for the CE boxes) finished on Friday. Some more tracking numbers went out yesterday, and this morning the person in charge of this at Larian was going to contact Happy Shops about the remaining issues.

If you have not received a tracking number, checked your spam folder, if applicable. It should come from the address 'Happyshops Fullfillment <>', with a German subject line of the form 'Ihre Bestellung 1234567 vom 08.09.2017'.

If you have received it, it will take some time for the tracking information to be updated.
Posted By: Linio Re: We're reading it all! - 20/09/17 06:50 AM
To be back on topic : how does Larian handle the "read all" aspect these days. A lot of topics are created now, and, although some are about modifying some systems as a whole, some are about serious bugs, and no responses is never given by the team. Some of us can't play or have a hard time doing so, I know a patch has been made already but could us players have a better overview of what's coming in terms of fixes and changes?

(I realise my post may come as blunt, it's not the case, it's a genuine question not a rant)
Posted By: Iceborg Re: We're reading it all! - 21/09/17 02:00 PM
im glad you are reading but please take the time to read my topics aswell i will be updating them alot with fights i deem need a cheese and i will put how to cheese them and i also think thievery is very much broke.

EDIT: after much testing i actually now dont think thievery is broken, you only have access to a certain number of recruitable npc's including the base recruits that are also available on the start screen. not like there is a infinite amount of them and you can only steal once per char there is 14 npc recruits from serg Zrilla nothing more, that in my eyes means you can steal at times you need to and not abuse it to the point of a game breaking bug.
Posted By: GrzeskoCzesko Re: We're reading it all! - 22/09/17 02:34 PM
You are quite right, but I would introduce some patches to the game
Posted By: chrtes Re: We're reading it all! - 27/09/17 04:31 PM
Hey all! I was a big fan of the first game and I wasn’t even aware the new one had already come out. I've been checking it out but I'll admit I was a bit disappointed about the origin characters. Not that they're bad but I kinda feel like there was a small step backwards in terms of character customization in this game from what I've seen so far.

Now that was a complaint from the first game I am aware of. Some people didnt like that there was a lack of "content" with the companion characters which I didnt mind so much. But one thing I loved about the first game is that you had a customized companion and had a story with them, its still one of the most unique things I've ever seen in a game. That and they had a story with your other companions too.

Well I see now you can only have your custom character really have interaction with the origin characters. So female lizards and dwarfs and the like cant be your companions, other than buyable npcs, and be a part of the story, which was a cool feature of the first game even if they were only human. I understand the direction of the origin characters, they give a lot more content for the story and stuff. But they do feel restrictive in the sense that there are alot more characters now and that look interesting too but you cant really interact with them.

So I purpose a future idea for content if you dont look at this and completely dismiss this as stupid. But maybe for like future content dlc or something, it would be cool if you could maybe create a custom companion, maybe like you create them, any race, gender, etc and they show up in the game as a quest and they could become your companion and have story, romance, etc. They could just have text dialogue too but I just thought it was a cool feature in the first game, of creating a custom companion, that was understandably lost to improve the content of the game. Im sure many people already hate and this idea already lol.

Posted By: Lebrucht Re: We're reading it all! - 29/09/17 10:14 AM
Posted By: CollaSama Re: We're reading it all! - 29/09/17 05:32 PM

It's killing team diversity, it's killing mages utility !
Ofc mages can complete the game, but it's tedious, it's cheesy.

On my first playthrough, I used cheap pussy tactics to finish tough fights, with full oil and teleport assassination.
Cheese is not tactic, cheese is a cheap way to win.

In the end, to play without cheesing too much --> physical team with 1 mage support.
To play though the game like a breeze --> 2 lone wolves.
Posted By: xenustehg Re: We're reading it all! - 01/10/17 01:59 PM
Larian doesn't care about game anymore.
You've bought it.
Critics gave it a high score.
Potential GOTY.
There is no need to waste additional money and resources just to make it playable.

And ofcourse Larian DOESN"T read it all.
Posted By: Sanctuary Re: We're reading it all! - 03/10/17 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by xenustehg
Larian doesn't care about game anymore.
You've bought it.
Critics gave it a high score.
Potential GOTY.
There is no need to waste additional money and resources just to make it playable.

And ofcourse Larian DOESN"T read it all.

This is such an odd thing to say considering the changes that happened between the intitial release of the last game and the Enhanced Edition version. The game is kind of a mess in some ways right now, but it's stuff that can (and most likely will) be fixed. As far as the way certain skills and spells (e.g. Taunt) work with the not-so-great armor system though, no idea if they will relook it. Seems mostly like a PvP oriented problem though that should not have been a factor for the non PvP experience that the majority will most likely play exclusively.
Posted By: Leroy32 Re: We're reading it all! - 04/10/17 02:36 AM
Hahaha. Brilliant.

I wouldnt read everything
Posted By: Endarire Re: We're reading it all! - 04/10/17 09:18 AM
Thanks for reading stuff! I offered many suggestions so far!
Posted By: BoTToX Re: We're reading it all! - 04/10/17 05:46 PM
Where is my CE+hoodie ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Posted By: Vraelas Re: We're reading it all! - 04/10/17 07:34 PM
Ok to start off i love this game. Unfortunately how much i love it doesnt make it run properly. I am able to run EVERY current game on ultra, this one crashes at: Auto Saving, Loading in general, In Game, COMBAT, Gamemaster mode. I'm running a GTX 780 and it works perfect for EVERYTHING else. Ok this situation has me very upset as I have 2 requests with Larian Studios asking if there is ANYTHING i can do to actually play. Steam will not refund it and i CANNOT get in contact with them at all. I do have 58 hours of gameplay since I am unemployed currently. I was only able to get that playtime through and im NOT JOKING---> HUNDREDS of crashes. Ive spent DAYS trying every fix i can find including: Reinstalling OS(absoluotely absurd), deleting ALL nvidia driver files and reinstalling, Reinstalling the game, Verifying the game files, removing ALL 3D settings, upping GPU power management to Performance, Lowering EVERY damn game setting to lowest, BIOS OC Settings modded. I am at a loss here as I cannot play this game without it crashing within minutes or upon loading anything. The error that I get maybe 1 outta 10 crashes is the Nvidia Kernel error where the card recovers but the game crashes before it does and a dump log is generated. Again this is 1 in 10, the HUGE majority everything locks up and I can't even get to the task manager and requires a restart before you can use the computer again. I am Hoping/Praying that ANYONE has found something to fix this. As I said Steam will not refund me because of the high play hours and wont talk to me at all. Having 58 hours of gameplay I BARELY got off the starting island as more than half of this time I spent troubleshooting and crashing. I was able to play maybe 10-15 hours on the first day i owned the game, just enough to fall in love, before it started crashing every few minutes. PLEASE somebody figure out how to fix this. I am out of 60 dollars while being unemployed with ZERO STEAM OR LARIAN STUDIOS SUPPORT. THIS IS A REPLICA OF A POST I AM PUTTING EVERYWHERE IN ANY ATTEMPT TO GET IT WORKING.
Posted By: SonOfNitrous Re: We're reading it all! - 06/10/17 10:48 AM
Are you sure it's gpu trouble? If so - have you checked gpu temps while playing?
What cpu and which amount of RAM do you have?

I have 4770k oc 4.3, 32gb 2133 ram, gtx 780 and 2k monitor, all ultra - 50-55 fps. I had only 2 or 3 crashes to desktop. With no oc on gpu I have around 68-70c temps, with oc to 1.2 it hits 75-76c very fast with 80% of fan speed.
Posted By: SourceHunter Re: We're reading it all! - 12/10/17 11:08 AM
Planning on fixing the formations anytime soon or should we wait for the Enhanced Edition to come out?
Posted By: Sir Flash Aron Re: We're reading it all! - 12/10/17 11:15 AM
we want to leave the island NOT WITHOUT him, as we have finished his quest already !!!

Really a lot of us are waiting, even it isn't gamebreaking BUT IT IS A JOKE not to fix that, as it could be easy done ... just give us an option to send him NOW to the ship, IF we have given him the parts !
Posted By: SinowSieg Re: We're reading it all! - 17/10/17 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Sir Flash Aron
we want to leave the island NOT WITHOUT him, as we have finished his quest already !!!

Really a lot of us are waiting, even it isn't gamebreaking BUT IT IS A JOKE not to fix that, as it could be easy done ... just give us an option to send him NOW to the ship, IF we have given him the parts !

I've seen people complaining about Tarquin being bugged as early as Sept 17th and how he's not fixed yet leaves me in confusion.

I just encountered this stupid bug yesterday where I'm trying to turn in the items for the All in the Family quest and move on to Arx but Tarquin is nowhere to be found in Stoneheart graveyard or Lady Vengeance. How has this not been fixed?
Posted By: PacManPolarBear Re: We're reading it all! - 18/10/17 12:05 PM
I'm just as frustrated with a few bugs and issues, like Tarquin, as many others. But I also understand why the Larian team took a much deserved vacation after the last big patch. (Which they did for anyone not following things). They deserve a break after years of hard work and no end of up to the wire crunch. They'll get to our complaints and grievances. I'm sure they'll be building another big patch as soon as the team returns. I definitely want to play RIGHT NOW, but I'm ok waiting. DOS1 was supported well and there is no reason this one won't be.
Posted By: Malax83 Re: We're reading it all! - 25/10/17 06:59 PM
Hello, i m new here and i hope as the last message some patch and addons will be done.

I m particulary interested with the game master mode which seems not so hard to use. Many other members may have asked you if there ll be a way to modify the skills in terms of duration and damage (so i hope it s not hard coded). I could be unhappy in asking to my players to not pick this class cause i think some spells or skills are overpowered. My experience in terms of balance in DOS1 is quite poor but i know each games can t be perfectly balanced, that s why i won t blame you for trying ;D

I was watching on you tube a video on the game master mode and an option as "party chest" for trade inside players could be good. I m happy you have done some clean in the crafting and i really supprt you to develop the GM mode. Thanks,
Posted By: nadalito Re: We're reading it all! - 31/10/17 12:16 PM
Guys, serioulsy..
Please fix disapearing spels from interface for second player after loading.

I can't continue my game with a friend... He has no spells, no skill points now.
And look this screenshots...
Posted By: lorderon Re: We're reading it all! - 30/12/17 11:02 PM
Honour mode. Just finished it and had to restart 4x times. I played the game blind (never finished it before) and had a hell of a good time.

Except this one time when I took the boat and all my party died...I almost destroyed my mouse and keyboard. Please dont do that again smile
Posted By: BowieFunes Re: We're reading it all! - 02/01/18 05:33 PM
I feel so incredibly disappointed with DOS2, it's sad. Are we going to have an enhanced edition in the future to fix, well, the game, so it feels more like an RPG instead of a shopping simulator?
Posted By: bikerbongy Re: We're reading it all! - 12/02/18 06:01 PM
Hy - again short request, you have any idea how/when the mouse cursor problem will be fixed? Too often the cursor is impossibly visibly, especially in fire, dust, when "glowing stuff/pixels flying through the air..... but also in many normal circumstances already. It makes it worse to "navigate" - not only in fights!
Posted By: meme Re: We're reading it all! - 15/03/18 09:04 AM
Oh well I suspect they are not reading it all frown
Posted By: Lostsheep Re: We're reading it all! - 31/03/18 02:09 PM
We killed Roost and the lone wolves and told Corbin Day to go to the Lady Vengeance, then traded in Driftwoood. When we went to the ship he wasn't there, back to the sawmill and he's still there and now there's no option when talking to him to send him to the ship. Has anyone else had this problem?

Posted By: Kalrakh Re: We're reading it all! - 31/03/18 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Lostsheep
We killed Roost and the lone wolves and told Corbin Day to go to the Lady Vengeance, then traded in Driftwoood. When we went to the ship he wasn't there, back to the sawmill and he's still there and now there's no option when talking to him to send him to the ship. Has anyone else had this problem?

Posted By: Lostsheep Re: We're reading it all! - 01/04/18 07:56 AM
Thanks again.
Posted By: greentlemann Re: We're reading it all! - 04/04/18 10:54 AM
Here's the thing, Larian: you said that I can play your game through however I want to do it, but some features are kinda buggy.
For example: how can I escape with Saheila from Lone Wolves? Maybe I need to boost my stealthiness, because I can't get out fast enough to not to be seen. Fair enough, yeah? So I teleported at Lady Vengeance, went down into the hold and guess what? Saheila appeared right in front of me, because she linked with my character. Then she disappeared, and I got my achievement.
Posted By: watcher Re: We're reading it all! - 07/04/18 09:59 PM
Wait when you said that you are reading what is written here you meant written on this specific post or on every post including the ones in the suggestion category?
Posted By: ous Re: We're reading it all! - 23/04/18 07:47 AM
Hello friendos,

I like Larian games, but I didn't play DOS2 yet because I play Larian games only when they're getting to GOTY or GOLD editions.
I wanted to know if DOS2 will be released as GOTY edition and when it will happen?
Posted By: Velcroboy Re: We're reading it all! - 17/05/18 05:22 PM
I really, really, really hope you make this version compatible with current saves. I've already put 100 hours in and I'm barely off the boat and exploring the main world. Now I want to put the game on hold and wait for this but I simply do not have the time to start over from the beginning.
Posted By: grampakitty Re: We're reading it all! - 27/05/18 05:22 AM
I tried looking for something similar to what i will post but did not find it. There are 2 issues i would like to address: 1) An NPC should NOT know that an item, that isn't theirs, has the stolen label on it. It doesn;t make sense. 2) Glass Cannon, great talent. Why is it that NPC's know who has it, targets them every time and abuses them ridiculously? Any feedback would be appreciated.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: We're reading it all! - 27/05/18 12:47 PM
1) NPC's probably shouldn't know, but it's not unreasonable that guards might get reports of thefts.

2) You can Examine enemies at any time and see their talent list. It even shows spoiler things like "Undead" on enemies who are apparently alive. You can see enemy Talents, they can see them on you.
Posted By: grampakitty Re: We're reading it all! - 27/05/18 06:57 PM
thanks for replying stabby. i have pickpocketed people in 1 area, equipped the gear, went to a new area, pickpocket that person. send the gear to a toon of mine far away so the, " i have been robbed search doesnt bear fruit, then had them attack me because i have a stolen item on from someone else on the map. it doesnt make sense
Posted By: Kaya86 Re: We're reading it all! - 28/05/18 12:52 AM
Hey, so you read it all. Can you answer me the question about Sir Lora? Will there be a way for Pc players to get the squirrel companion too?
Posted By: Stabbey Re: We're reading it all! - 28/05/18 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Kaya86
Hey, so you read it all. Can you answer me the question about Sir Lora? Will there be a way for Pc players to get the squirrel companion too?

That could depend on how strongly Namco Bandai (the console publisher) feels about the exclusivity of the DLC.
Posted By: Ryhu Re: We're reading it all! - 16/06/18 10:48 PM
If you are reading everything, then please, make a portuguese-BR translation to this game!
The Brazilian Community need this!

Also, spanish =/= portuguese.
Posted By: Jsbandit Re: We're reading it all! - 17/06/18 10:44 AM
Does anyone know if you can do 4 player co op but use 2 ps4s with two people on each i know it has not come out yet on ps4 ?
Posted By: Skeletaur Re: We're reading it all! - 17/06/18 02:14 PM
Please, please, PLEASE, add cosmetic slots for gear. It's literally my only request, definitive edition or no it's really the only thing that I want. I understand the argument of this having an edge over other players in a PvP setting, but what about players who aren't interested in that and just play for the campaign? Could we just have cosmetics for single player only? Or maybe even a way to just inspect a player and their gear/stats? Please consider this, I know I'm not the only one who would welcome this addition let alone requesting it, people are even doing their best to mod this feature into the base game already.

Playing this game for 100+ hours and having to switch out cool looking gear for ones you dislike aesthetically, but have better stats is a real bummer for weirdos like me. Sorry if a bunch of people have posted this exact thing in this thread already.
Posted By: crazyowl Re: We're reading it all! - 01/07/18 03:05 PM
Can we have a quest to save those poor souls in Arx sewers (except dewouring them)? I mean... its pretty sad to see even little child is trapped there. And that woman who asks to devour her... heartbreaking :(
Posted By: Alucard_86 Re: We're reading it all! - 10/07/18 07:06 PM
Hi, i have a question. If I play divinity 2 definitive edition on ps4 with a friend online will both get the ps4 trophies? Seems very unfair if that wasnt the case.
Posted By: Yegodz Re: We're reading it all! - 19/08/18 04:02 AM
It is too late for this DOS2, but in the next game can we please, please, please have proper necromancy (and summoning)? The spells we have don't really feel like a necromancer, they feel like blood spells mostly. Necromancy should involve summoning skeletons, ghouls, ghosts and other types of undead. Something I have really wanted to see is the ability to reanimate enemies remains so they will fight with the same ability/skills they had in life (no different from a dominate mind skill really, except they are undead, maybe give them immunity to poison). Would be cool if we could store them and use them for later. I know that we the reason to limit/reduce the number of summons was to prevent the game being bogged down, so what about during battles you are limited to one summon until a creature dies, but whenever an enemy dies a new summon slot opens up and you can summon another creature (limit is based on level and skill set). This way the total amount of characters will not increase more than the original battle. For necromancy you could have it require a corpse to turn into various undead creatures. So each new corpse, means a new summons.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: We're reading it all! - 19/08/18 12:29 PM
The reason for limiting summons is not for performance reasons, but for balance reasons. The more characters on the player's side, the larger the advantage they have. Enemies only usually get 2 "standard actions" per character. If they spend those actions onto a disposable summon, which only costs AP to summon, That is a victory for the player, because it's actions not spent attacking them.

This is one reason why Summoner is considered a powerful archtype. Those Totems are all weak, but when properly placed, they either stick around to add extra damage, or the enemy attacks them, wasting their own actions for a totem which you can replace the next turn.

The "horde of summons" wasn't as unbalanced in Diablo 2 because it was a different game, it was a battle of Horde vs. Horde with no limit on how many actions each side could take other than health and mana. In DOS 2, each encounter is fixed and limited to only a certain number of enemies, and the amount of actions which can be taken is strictly limited.

It would require a very careful design to make a horde of summons not unbalanced in a DOS-like.
Posted By: Try2Handing Re: We're reading it all! - 19/08/18 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Stabbey
This is one reason why Summoner is considered a powerful archtype.

True. In the Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale games summoning is the single strongest type of wizard, the most troublesome to play against. You can easily tank a lich who spams invocation or necromancy spells fairly early in the game, but a lich who summons demons after demons to aid him can be a nightmare, even late in the game. The "one summon at a time" mechanics greatly mitigates this problem in Neverwinter Nights.

However, personally, I'd like to at least have a wide *variety* of summons that I can choose from to adapt to different situations. I don't need to be able to summon hordes after hordes of monsters. The lack of variety is the one thing that kills the feel of being a *summoner* for me - you summon basically the same thing over and over. Giving him different abilities that are strictly tied to the four elemental schools doesn't quite cut it. I prefer different creatures, with varied appearances and interesting unique abilities that reflect their nature. Of course, they also have increasing overall combat capability to make leveling up as a summoner exciting.
Posted By: Kalrakh Re: We're reading it all! - 19/08/18 03:21 PM
Summoning was much more fun in the first game for sure. Though Summoner is also the only skill tree that awards dedication, pushing it up to 10 gives you something speical, but that is a different issue.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: We're reading it all! - 19/08/18 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Try2Handing
However, personally, I'd like to at least have a wide *variety* of summons that I can choose from to adapt to different situations. I don't need to be able to summon hordes after hordes of monsters. The lack of variety is the one thing that kills the feel of being a *summoner* for me - you summon basically the same thing over and over. Giving him different abilities that are strictly tied to the four elemental schools doesn't quite cut it. I prefer different creatures, with varied appearances and interesting unique abilities that reflect their nature. Of course, they also have increasing overall combat capability to make leveling up as a summoner exciting.

Summon Artillery Plant (Geomancer 3 [1 SP])

Raise Bloated Corpse (Necromancer 1)

Raise Bone Widow (Necromancer 2)

Totems of the Necromancer (Necromancer 5 [3 SP])

Summon Fire Slug (Pyrokinetic 3 [1 SP])

Summon Oily Blob (Polymorph 2)

Wind-Up Toy (Scoundrel 3)

Obviously you can't take points into all those schools, but you can pick a couple if you want variety in summons, and they all get benefit from summoning.
Posted By: Kalrakh Re: We're reading it all! - 19/08/18 05:04 PM
You could also add Ifans Wolf if you play Ifans as a summoners, though they are still inferior to the buffed version of the origin summon?
Posted By: Try2Handing Re: We're reading it all! - 19/08/18 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Stabbey

Summon Artillery Plant (Geomancer 3 [1 SP])

Raise Bloated Corpse (Necromancer 1)

Raise Bone Widow (Necromancer 2)

Totems of the Necromancer (Necromancer 5 [3 SP])

Summon Fire Slug (Pyrokinetic 3 [1 SP])

Summon Oily Blob (Polymorph 2)

Wind-Up Toy (Scoundrel 3)

Obviously you can't take points into all those schools, but you can pick a couple if you want variety in summons, and they all get benefit from summoning.

Eh I guess I'm just greedy but I find eight or nine is not plenty enough.

Also, what I have in mind is something like a progressive summon tiers within the Summoning area, instead of grabbing a bunch of summoning spells from a bunch of different magic schools. It gives the impression the player is a wannabe summoner, a cheap imitation, instead of one who actually specializes in summoning magic.

Basically I was thinking of something a little more focused and "systematic", but then you could say I'm too oldschool or too picky. That's fine.
Posted By: Yegodz Re: We're reading it all! - 20/08/18 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Try2Handing
However, personally, I'd like to at least have a wide *variety* of summons that I can choose from to adapt to different situations. I don't need to be able to summon hordes after hordes of monsters. The lack of variety is the one thing that kills the feel of being a *summoner* for me - you summon basically the same thing over and over. Giving him different abilities that are strictly tied to the four elemental schools doesn't quite cut it. I prefer different creatures, with varied appearances and interesting unique abilities that reflect their nature. Of course, they also have increasing overall combat capability to make leveling up as a summoner exciting.

Summon Artillery Plant (Geomancer 3 [1 SP])

Raise Bloated Corpse (Necromancer 1)

Raise Bone Widow (Necromancer 2)

Totems of the Necromancer (Necromancer 5 [3 SP])

Summon Fire Slug (Pyrokinetic 3 [1 SP])

Summon Oily Blob (Polymorph 2)

Wind-Up Toy (Scoundrel 3)

Obviously you can't take points into all those schools, but you can pick a couple if you want variety in summons, and they all get benefit from summoning.

Those still felt pretty weak and limiting. There should be a lot more variety for the summoner and undead classes.
Totems don't really feel like summoned creatures, more like a tool. As for the summons, most of the time you will summon the same boring creature that just has different elements since that is what they focused the design around. Thematically it feels very underwhelming. My two favorite classes in other games are my least favorite in this game because they are borked. There has to be a way to get the theme right and balance it.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: We're reading it all! - 20/08/18 11:51 AM
Well, fair enough. I can understand wanting more summons if you don't like the existing ones or feel they're not great.
Posted By: zraygo Re: We're reading it all! - 30/08/18 11:28 PM
Good Day-

I have a question about the Game Preview vs the new one thats coming out tomorrow. I purchased the game preview via xbox1. Do I need to purchase the new version when it drops tomorrow? Or will it be some kind of patch/upgrade/update to the current version i have already purchased?


Posted By: Tinkerer Re: We're reading it all! - 31/08/18 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by zraygo
Good Day-

I have a question about the Game Preview vs the new one thats coming out tomorrow. I purchased the game preview via xbox1. Do I need to purchase the new version when it drops tomorrow? Or will it be some kind of patch/upgrade/update to the current version i have already purchased?

You don't have to purchase the game again. The preview will indeed be upgraded to the full version.
Posted By: Lostsheep Re: We're reading it all! - 08/09/18 09:46 AM
The gamma slider seems to be broken, it only affects the UI leaving the gameplay screen too dark to see things in caverns, dungeons etc. Please can this be fixed asap, as it's making the game almost impossible to play?
Posted By: Ced Re: We're reading it all! - 18/09/18 05:54 PM
I would like to notify Larian DOS2 PS4 team about the long load time...
At the beginning of the game, loading a save is very quick, but arriving in ARX, loading a save is very very long...

PS : Please continue, i love all your games, and I would love to see a game like Divinity ego draconis (with dragon transformation), Himps, gobelins, on PS4...
Posted By: lx07 Re: We're reading it all! - 18/09/18 07:56 PM
If you are still reading it all, please update the "Latest News" section of this website with release notes.

There is nothing since June and there has been the DE and various patches since then.

You were excellent about documenting changes before the DE and now - absolute silence apart from vague descriptions on Steam.

Come on! This is your website - sort it out smile
Posted By: BowieFunes Re: We're reading it all! - 03/10/18 05:09 PM
Man, I read now the title of this thread and it's so sad. "They are reading it all" yet the Definitive Edition has the exact same problems that the vanilla game had, except now there's a squirrel following you.

A squirrel that loves to walk on fire also, and it's near damn impossible to keep alive for the entire game. frown
Posted By: Ced Re: We're reading it all! - 09/10/18 02:26 AM
It is not a problem if the squirrel is not alive, even dead he will follow you during the entire game as a ghost and will reward you some Skill book recipes time to time (each time you enter a new area)...
But as I wrote in another topic, this squirrel is a nuisance even as a ghost he block your team joining you when you climb on a ladder (he follow you, and can't climb a ladder), the other members of your team can't use the ladder to reach you because this %#@ Sir Lora is between them and the ladder !!!
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