Larian Studios
Posted By: gandalfiscool Character armour - 29/09/17 08:54 AM
hello everybody,

I was just writing this post to ask whether it is possible later in the game to acquire the armour that is shown when selecting classes in the character creation screen.

I know that it might be a silly question but aesthetics is always something i like to take into account when playing roleplaying games.

Posted By: geala Re: Character armour - 29/09/17 09:22 AM
Theoretically it is, practically only on Explorer and a certain degree Classic perhaps. All the armors shown are in the game as far as I noticed but some are low level and some are lowest level without real stats. For example the elf Wayfarer wears normal civilian clothes which would be a bad idea in the later game.

There are some nice armors in the game but unfortunately for me, the higher the level, the worse they look, more or less. The heavy helmet at about lvl 12 looks fine on my male elf warrior. The higher level helmet looks so stupid that at lvl 17 I still use a low level one. Terrible is also the mage armor, nice at about lvl 10, disgusting at about lvl 17.

Of course all is personal bias, others will see it differently.
Posted By: gandalfiscool Re: Character armour - 29/09/17 09:37 AM
i noticed that you said that it was only practical on explorer and classic. why is this as i am planning to play on either tactician or honour mode. Also i am just checking, but you are saying that the actual armours shown in the creation are actually in the game and are avaliable?
Posted By: Lady Cassandra Re: Character armour - 29/09/17 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by gandalfiscool
i noticed that you said that it was only practical on explorer and classic. why is this as i am planning to play on either tactician or honour mode. Also i am just checking, but you are saying that the actual armours shown in the creation are actually in the game and are avaliable?

I think he is saying that you will not be viable at level 17, with gear you acquired at level 10.

The preset class gear is not available late game. And the early/mid game armor is not going to work in tactician or honour mode.

I think this is what he was saying, disclaimer: I am ending act 1 atm.

As for helmets, you can always hide them. There were/are mods for DOS:1 that allowed you to transmog your armor. I would think that also exists in DOS2, if not now then coming soon.
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