Larian Studios
Posted By: NuttiKrust Auto-save interval - 18/09/17 05:23 AM
Hey everyone,

First post. Got the game yesterday and have been really enjoying it. :)

I lost all my gear on that dreaded Fort Joy card game and that forced* me to reload a save that was half an hour old.

*I say forced because it wouldn't be safe for Fane to be found nekkid in the middle of Fort Joy. :horsey:

I did look in the options, but it's possible I missed it. So as a first question, is there a way to change the auto-save interval?

( I would try to remember to save myself, but I get so engrossed in what I'm doing that I forget... frequently, lol )

Posted By: Kalrakh Re: Auto-save interval - 18/09/17 05:27 AM
Auto-saving happens at specific locations, not in intervals. Therefor it could be hours between auto-saves.
Posted By: Ced Re: Auto-save interval - 09/09/18 05:27 AM
Larian really should change this, by giving us the possibility to auto-save each "interval time" 10 mn for example, or each time we enter a new area, or each time we begin a fight ...
The game is on PS4 now, and we need this functionality ...
Posted By: Stabbey Re: Auto-save interval - 09/09/18 12:54 PM
You should get into the habit of making manual saves and quicksaves regularly. This is a game which can have unexpected consequences for decisions later on. Do not rely on autosaves.
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