Larian Studios
Posted By: Elder Zidane Lucian Crypt Issue - Spoilers - 19/09/17 02:35 PM
So I'm have some issues with the lever part, right after the pipe puzzle and what not (which btw you can use flesh sacrifice by the grate) but yeah I know the levers are Righteousness and Honesty (i think anyways) I get the messages saying something happens but barrier doesn't drop. So then I'm stuck fighting infinite lives of source puppets.
Posted By: KamikazeKrieger Re: Lucian Crypt Issue - Spoilers - 19/09/17 05:59 PM
you can permanently kill the little bastards by using Source Vampirism. Then carefully read the Quest discription again to know which levers to pull.
Posted By: Elder Zidane Re: Lucian Crypt Issue - Spoilers - 19/09/17 06:23 PM
Omg really? If so I fucking love you! But okay thank you very much man.
Posted By: Sarkhan Vol Re: Lucian Crypt Issue - Spoilers - 19/09/17 06:38 PM
How did you solve the pipe puzzle? The final block isn't letting the blessing on the blood pass for me.
Posted By: Elder Zidane Re: Lucian Crypt Issue - Spoilers - 19/09/17 06:47 PM
Just act like your moving the pipes or what not so the lines go back to start then get blood down there, then bless the blood and start the flowing. But I still can't figure out which levers I need to pull. Nothing in my journal says anything. Besides righteousness.
Posted By: Stormbender Re: Lucian Crypt Issue - Spoilers - 19/09/17 07:01 PM
I've been messing around with these for quite some time now.

The "correct" levers seem to be:


I'm quite sure this is all of them but I have no clue in which order you need to pull them or if you need to do something else.

If you know, please do tell as it's getting annoying!
Posted By: Shade_Strand Re: Lucian Crypt Issue - Spoilers - 19/09/17 07:15 PM
Did you saved Arhu ?
Because he will tell you what lever to pull and in wich order.

I used one character for the puppet to follow in a corner of the room and with another one push the levers :)

It was funny :D
Posted By: Thresk2K Re: Lucian Crypt Issue - Spoilers - 19/09/17 09:52 PM
Have you tried pulling the potency lever as well?
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