Larian Studios
Posted By: Sil Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 21/09/17 07:42 PM
I'm trying to save the friendly sorcerer but so far I've restarted 4 times and all 4 times the fight just devolved into the entire area being covered in necrofire... Any advice on how to save him, and/or deal with the endless oil / cursed blood covering everything?

I tried teleporting / spamming armor on him but it's useless because he keeps moving and taking chip damage from it and eventually dies. There's not enough source in the world to keep blessing it, and well if it's cursed rain doesn't help either. I'm stumped. Help!
Posted By: Duckling Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 21/09/17 07:50 PM
I just kept teleporting him to the farthest corner possible, away from the fire. My mage has Far out man so I could send him pretty far away. There's a slope that will make him run for few turns before he could get to the fire so keep sending him there. Also if you have 2 characters that can teleport, send a weak enemy there with him too. He will then attack that instead.
This fight is so annoying, but you can teleport your entire team away from the fire and let enemies run to you. Most of the time they will hurt themselves pretty badly before even get to your team.
Posted By: Rowy Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 21/09/17 09:18 PM
Stay in the middle at the top of the rig... you're going to have to just stand in the fire.

Use the Dome of protection/soothing presence/mend metal so that your armour and magic armour are regenerating.

Your guy should be smart enough to stay in the dome. Make sure you have a couple of characters who can cast fortify, and maybe magic shell.

Slowly but surely you should be able to pick off everything.
Posted By: HybrideZalm Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 21/09/17 09:23 PM
You can always leave that Magister next to you alive so that friendly sourcerer will focus on him and not run away to attack other enemies.
Posted By: Sil Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 21/09/17 10:37 PM
I'll try with dome of protection, didn't occur to me. I tried spending all my source on blessing, but ... that went nowhere. They rly should make blessing turn cursed fire into holy fire, or just remove fire if it's cursed. One hit on an enemy and it's back to necrofire.. =/

Also will try to not kill the magister, I did notice that they tend to switch focus to the globlings once they come, but didn't want to chance keeping them alive. Will be interesting to see how it goes with them around for longer.

Thanks for the tips!
Posted By: SpunNTF Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 21/09/17 10:58 PM
Here is how I did it...

Basically I threw Gwydion in a tent with teleport and locked him in with a box. Kind of cheesing it but in my opinion it was "clever use of game mechanics."

After that I just did this...

(Ignore the *sounds* I was quite pleased with myself.)
Posted By: Sil Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 22/09/17 12:51 PM
The tent trick worked. He broke the crate a few turns in but I just put my party near the lowest barricade at the magister dig cave so he couldn't leave, and used archer / mage / 2 bone widows to kill voidlings as they trickled in. Thanks for the tip! It made the fight much easier, if a bit boring as I just ended 4 turns without doing much of anything while voidlings moved to me.
Posted By: SpunNTF Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 22/09/17 09:57 PM
Yeah, I had to figure something out as I wiped on it for roughly 8 hours and was pulling my hair out.

Happy it worked for yah.
Posted By: xmojo1 Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 30/10/17 10:12 PM
Teleport Gwydian off the platform while he's still strung up and being interrogated. Talk to him; at the end of the conversation the quest updates to saying that Gwydian has escaped the magisters. At this point, no fight has started. Now you can tackle the magisters, and with Gwydian off the platform before fighting starts, NO oil blobs spawn.
Posted By: Marc54 Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 30/10/17 11:55 PM
Hint: Delay turn is your friend (if you can survive the 1st round).

Its really not that bad to just stand in the fire. I did it twice on tactician and my 1st run was with a non-optimal group. The 2nd time it was a cake walk with high dps characters. Ignore the fire and heal the idiot and he should be ok. Dont waste time trying to put out the fires (unless you have tornados). Its better to just crowd control or kill enemies.

In my 1st game, all 4 character could summon something so I used those to keep the archers moving around (wasting AP's) and to block the stairs/ladder going up to the top. I had 2 mages, each them had heals & teleports and one had ice (other was partially useless with fire spells).

The trick, I think (to any battle with a lot of enemies), was to try and clump them together so you can aoe them to death quickly. Its harder said than done because the archers can retreat but they also have little armor so you just need to watch the attack order to make sure you tp and knock them down before they can act. Hint, delay turn is devastating if used correctly. Basically, delay your melee AoE members then tp as many as you can in a line, near your big hitters and slaughter them all with AoE melee. Its much easier if you can do this in round 2 after you summon stuff for even more damage.

I basically had 5 magisters within whirlwind/knockdown range and I simply knocked them all down at the end of every round. I was able to CC them nearly the entire battle as my team focused on other things. Between 2 warriors and summons, they really stood no chance. As for the blobs, they are all susceptible to magic. Charm and TP works great on the big ones to help delay them while I re-position and heal up.
Posted By: Undesirable Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 31/10/17 04:11 PM
Respeccing to hydrosophist works well because the flame monsters are weak to water, plus you can heal and restore magic armour to the ally.
Posted By: Sharp Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 31/10/17 05:03 PM
What I did was I threw the magisters next to the slimes and then used spin web to prevent everything from being able to move. I let the magisters do all the fighting for me while I sat at the top of the tower and kept everything locked down. The stupid npc didn't even take damage.
Posted By: Undesirable Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 31/10/17 05:42 PM
It's different on Tactician difficulty, where the magisters get annihilated and the fire elementals nuke you. Making fire resistance potions and casting ice on them works well. Casting fire and earth not so much, and you might get destroyed if you get close enough to melee them.
Posted By: Sharp Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 01/11/17 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Undesirable
It's different on Tactician difficulty, where the magisters get annihilated and the fire elementals nuke you. Making fire resistance potions and casting ice on them works well. Casting fire and earth not so much, and you might get destroyed if you get close enough to melee them.

I play on tactician/honour mode and I had no problem with that tactic. just need to maintain the high ground and keep them away from you. Kill the ones that get close and CC the ones further away. Spin Web (the polymorph skill) gives you 3 turns of guaranteed CC. Stick it on every char in your group and you should have no issues controlling the battlefield. This is how I did it and I play solo lonewolf (as in, only 1 char) if it works for me it should work for everyone else.
Posted By: CreepyCrawly Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 22/01/20 03:48 AM
I used a couple teleports to position Gwynne through the palisade gates. Used a third to teleport the magister Jonathan near the gates and he ran through the gates to fight Gwynn. We wrecked Jonathan and by that time the magister knight got to the gate entrance. Wrecked him there. Pushed Gwynne further away with a teleport and froze him with Cryogenics while the rest of my party ran to finish up the magister ranger. Done. Long as Gwynne keeps that chain lightning on that side of the gates, no issues.
Posted By: caninelegion Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 23/01/20 02:58 AM
I set my team up near the mine entrance (with the trader/guard magistrate) and let them come to me in small groups. Surprisingly, the magister there disappeared and I was able to enter the mine without fighting her.
Posted By: Raze Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 23/01/20 05:33 AM

The magister there will run away when the voidwoken show up.
Posted By: BananowePole Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 14/02/20 05:37 PM
For me it's all about luck and maybe our characters build. Gwydian movement choice is totally random, therefore even if you will heal him a lot and keep giving him armors, he's gonna die if he does a few wrong moves.

I've saved him without any problem on my first playthrough, but second time with Lone Wolf talent i've loaded the game like 10 times until i was able to save him.

On my third playthrough i just... ignored him totally, later i've robbed Hannag and then also killed her and got a lot of cool books off her corpse. Yeah i know, i became so rude on the third playthrough laugh But i didnt like the fact that she takes away Pet Pal upon teaching, so i just used other teachers to get more source points and Hannag became kind of useless at this point though.

Love the freedom of D:OS 2.
Posted By: WINoodles Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 14/02/20 11:31 PM
You can avoid losing Pet Pal.

1) Simply refuse when she offers to teach you more source. If you already have 3 source points, you don't need any for Hanag and this also saves 3 bears lives. Hanag will still give you a source skill book.

2) Mirror Mirror in the Lady Vengeance. There is a way point right by Hanag. It only adds about 2 minutes to your game time to pop back to the Lady Vengeance and remove the Talent. Then go do Hanag and let her kill the three bears. Not sure if Alice is suppose to be Goldylocks. smile Anyhow, after doing everything with Hanag just go back to the mirror and get Pet Pal talent back.

Posted By: BananowePole Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 15/02/20 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by WINoodles
You can avoid losing Pet Pal.

1) Simply refuse when she offers to teach you more source. If you already have 3 source points, you don't need any for Hanag and this also saves 3 bears lives. Hanag will still give you a source skill book.

By robbing and then killing her i got like 7-8 source skill books... maybe it was inhumane but quite useful ;>

Anyway thanks, i will try your advices when i will play for the 4th time. Maybe even very soon, because i feel like there's still a lot to discover and test various builds, even if i've finished the game 3 times. (twice before DE, once with DE).
Posted By: caninelegion Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 17/02/20 03:31 AM
I have yet to save that guy. Even blocked him inside a tent to prevent him from "making mistakes" but the blob attacks destroyed the crates and he got out.
Posted By: WINoodles Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 17/02/20 05:30 AM
Time to think outside the box.

D:OS2 is open world. NOTHING is forcing you to do anything in any specific order. Have you tried delaying the fight? If you have been good about getting at getting XP, you should be level 13 or 14 for the fight. HOWEVER, at level 13, you just need a character with good persuasion to talk to the elves to get the quest to save Seheila. Now you just need a character with good persuasion to talk your way into the lumber mill with the Lone Wolves. Pop spirit vision. There are several quests you can do without getting into a fight. These should give you 30k XP which should get you to level 14 if you weren't already there. Some other nice free XP can be attained on Bloodmoon Island. Avoid demons, the Advocate and the tree in the middle. Make you way to the north-west corner of the island. Use Spirit Vision to find the Druid who will tell you about the academy on the island. Hop down into the academy, loot the place and pick up an extra teleporter pyramid and some free XP. At level 14, gear up and clean out the Lone Wolves. As long as you are careful not to proc them all at the same time, they aren't too difficult. Get Saheila back to the elves and then head out the back side of the lumber camp to the caravan. The only difficult fight in the area is the one with the creature causing all the decaying. The rest of the fights are fairly easy. Start the quest chain with Almira. This should get you up to level 15 or close enough to level 15 that either of the demon fights on Bloodmoon Island should get you the rest of the way. Now gear up to level 15 and go back to the pits and murder those puny voidwoken AND keep Gwydian alive. FYI : As an example of delaying things to a later level, my last couple play throughs I have skipped Wreckers Cave until level 14. That way I can kill the voidwoken that ambush you and split your party up. It is only an extra 15.5k XP but the challenge of it is fun and I enjoy getting away with something I shouldn't. smile

Other things I have found that help are to teleport magisters down to the bigger voidwoken to keep them distracted. Have some teleporter scrolls ready if the magisters try to keep getting back to the top of the oil rig. Cryogenic Stasis is a good way to prevent Gwydian from doing something stupid for a round. Feel free to cheese the encounter a bit as well. Before combat starts, buff Gwydian. Another cheese that can help is to put crates at the top of ladders so magisters can't use the ladders. It forces them to deal with the voidwoken, which is basically doing some of your job for you. In short, do your best to make it a two way fight instead of a three way fight. If both you and the magisters focus the voidwoken, they are annoying, but don't gang up on Gwydian enough to kill him.

Worst case, just chain Living on the Edge on Gwydian. It has a 5 turn cool down, so if you have 3 characters that take turns keeping it applied, Gwydian will be effectively immortal. I haven't had to resort to this, but it "theoretically" it should work.
Posted By: WINoodles Re: Advice for Blackpits oil rig fight? - 20/02/20 03:47 PM
OK. Had to do a new play through to see if this would still work. It does, but not as well as I remember.

Fire blobs have a weakness to water. If you strip their physical armor and get them wet (Rain, water balloon, etc) they get the decay status which means you can heal them to death. Wet only lasts 1 round in all that fire, so you have to keep applying wet if you are going to use this tactic. It can be highly effective if you group has skill in Hydrosophist.

I seem to remember that while they had the decay status the fire blobs would take damage traveling through fire. Perhaps that was classic edition or perhaps I don't remember correctly. Either is equally likely. smile

Another trick would be to abuse rupture tendons and teleport the blob as far away as you could. It should kill itself trying to get back to you.

While it is "technically" a level 13 fight, given the level of the creatures, if you are playing on Tactician, wait until level 14 to make it go easier due to better stats and better gear. If that doesn't work, then delay until level 15 (already mentioned) and you should be able to stomp it.
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