Larian Studios
I am playing with one other person, and we each have an AI companion. Whenever dialogue comes up where every party member gets to voice their opinion, my 'avatar' character is skipped.

Example: [spoiler]In Trompdoy's dungeon, at the end with the soul jars, every single soul jar initiates a group dialogue about what should be done with it.[/spoiler] No matter which of us initiates the dialogue, my friend (the host) goes first. After he chooses his dialogue option it'll display it and his character will say it aloud. It then prompts me to voice my opinion, but as soon as I select an option it does not display it, does not voice it and skips directly to my companion's opinion, and when we hit continue it then voices my friend's companion's opinion.

This really sucks because it makes it feel like my character has zero say in the story or anything, like the game is just skipping over her existence in the narrative entirely. It is also a very repeatable bug: we have not had any instance since getting these companions where my character (Lohse) doesn't get skipped in the deliberation dialogues. This bug also occurred during early access (I was the Red Prince back then so I guess it's not a character issue).
You mean it ignores your choice or does the dialogue just immediately show the next response? In EA if you scrolled up in the dialogue it should've shown what your response was.
Yes! I am having the same issue with a friend of mine. We have been looking everywhere to see if anyone else is experiencing this. The voice of my friend's character sounds like they are about to speak and then skips it and goes straight to the non-player created characters.

Can we please get an official response on this?
Got the same exact issue. Sebille keeps stealing my main's thunder haha. Only way to stop it so far is either disbanding the NPC, or tucking them far away in those group dialogues. If you disband them, the problem returns once you hire them back.

Hope this issue gains some visibility. Took me a while to find people with the same problem I was having.
Same here, it basically goes along the lines of:

If there are three human players (PCs), and one AI companion: First person speaks and we hear the voice, second person speaks and we also hear the dialogue, third person selects his line but the game skips it and voices the AI dialogue.

It's the same thing for two PCs as well, whoever is going to speak last before the AI gets skipped over and it really feels bad, like your existence in the game is just removed. Sure you're there, and it shows your dialogue as being selected, but it just feels really bad for those who want to feel involved in the story.

This is also with or without mods on two completely different games.
Same problem here. It's infuriating. Any official response from Larian?
Haven't seen any response so far. Is there an official bug report submission thingy, or is this forum it?

Really hope this gets looked at in a patch. Makes my character feel like some whimpy mute :(
There's an official support email and my friend is packing up a couple of appropriate saves so I'm going to send those to them alongside a link to this thread. Should hopefully be enough to get them on the trail!
i thought this was by design..a design i didnt like still as designed
Same thing happens here. Any fix yet?
There was an update today, but I didn't see any mention of it in the patch notes.
Sent a support email with an appropriate save file to Larian, hopefully get a reply soon!

Additionally, I've noticed that it doesn't require another player to be present in the game, just for there to be more than one 'avatar' character and at least one AI companion.
In the newest patch release from today, quote:

"Fixed several dialog flags"

End quote.

Did they fix it? I can't check until Saturday. Really appreciate if somebody could chime in.
where are the patch notes?
Will they ever fix this? It's annoying. I don't wait to wait months before this crucial thing is fixed.
Same issue in a file with 3 Player Avatars and 1 AI companion. We tested the bug by attempting to change the speaking order in Fort Joy Dungeon, under the Fort Joy Square waypoint.

After a fight surrounding a dying NPC, you get a key to unlock a nearby door. Opening this door immediately initiates a group dialogue and, as always, the character who speaks before the AI gets cut off as soon as they select their dialogue option and the AI instantly voices theirs. We created a quicksave right before this door.

The only "fix" we managed to find was our Host taking control of his companion to initiate the party dialogue. This allowed all of the Avatars to select their dialogue options and have them voiced successfully, but the AI companion says nothing.

The issue seems to be due to the fact that AI dialogue options are selected and voiced instantly. Players can cut off other players' lines by selecting their dialogue option too early/during the dialogue option that's currently being voiced.

Some possible fixes:

1. Force AI companions to always speak first

2. Disable AI dialogue (not great)

3. Add a (continue.) option while player dialogue choices are being voiced to prevent the AI from auto-skipping whoever ends up speaking before it

4. Find out why AI dialogue options being instantly selected and voiced functions the same as a player selecting their choice while the previous line is currently being voiced.

Very insightful, thank you. Doesn't appear to be fixable, to be honest.

This is very saddening, since I love the voice acting.
I have this issue as well :/
Damn, still no fix? There has to be some way we can get a dev's attention on this.
any news on this?
Nothing yet, I sent the support email with appropriate documentation/saves on I believe Thursday. I'm sure they have a massive backlog.
Hope they can do something about it.
There seems to be some issues with party dialogue in general :/

We managed to get another member and start a 4 person file in order to avoid the AI auto-skip issue. This worked for a short time...

We suddenly started to run into an issue where *nobody's* dialogue would actually be voiced during party deliberation. Everyone would select their option and the game would immediately skip each voice line.

Unlike the AI dialogue bug this is very difficult to recreate and seems entirely random.

This is really frustrating and depressing because the voice acting in this game is superb (especially the Origin characters). Even though you can read and select your dialogue it leaves you feeling empty; like your characters aren't actually impacting the story or sharing their thoughts.
bump. Please, Larian, fix this. It's immersion-KILLING.
Same problem here man, for some reason it keeps skipping... i hope larian fix this
In a game where a lot of time was [clearly] spent on quality voice work, it's frustrating to see such an easily reproducible bug go unaddressed - has Larian even acknowledge the existence this issue?

I sincerely hope this bug is fixed in the next release.
Originally Posted by Wruin
In a game where a lot of time was [clearly] spent on quality voice work, it's frustrating to see such an easily reproducible bug go unaddressed - has Larian even acknowledge the existence this issue?

I sincerely hope this bug is fixed in the next release.

Agreed without comment.
New patch is out. Can anyone confirm, if it has been fixed? Again I can only test this in a day or so. (work)


"Fixed several issues with nodes in dialogs not playing voice file"
Not fixed yet, but as of this afternoon, after the patch came out, I got a reply from Larian thanking me for the report. I can only take that to mean that it's officially on the radar for a potential next update. There is hope!
Thanks for your work, man. (sending them the bug report etc.)
did they fix it?
Just updating this thread to say that as of the last patch it is still an issue.
I have played over 500 hours with my wife (Both of us with controllers). This problem has existed since day 1 of release. Back then we only got my dialogue (As Player 2) and both companion dialogues.

A few months ago we suddenly thought it was fixed, but alas, now we only got Player 1's dialogue, mine got skipped completely.
Without any companions in the party it works fine.

We're about to start up a new campaign soonish and it would be awesome to experience the game with dual dialogue.

Would love to hear from Larian if it's something they're aware of and the scale of the problem.
This bug is really immersion-breaking, it always happens to a player and skips his dialogue.. it really sucks and personnally, i feel like it's refund worthy so i truly hope larian are working on it as the game has been released for a while

Are there any known fixes for it? Mods, settings, files or upcoming patch notes?

This will be fixed in a future update (no ETA). I don't know of any workarounds.
That's great to know, thank you for the update! Would it be fair to say the fix is aiming to be out by the time the Definitive Edition releases?

Still having this issue after the Definitive Edition's release. PLEASE fix it, it makes playing this co-op with my boyfriend incredibly frustrating. I am playing as Lohse and my dialogue is being skipped for my freaking quest line.

The NPCs, controlled by us, have a forced (continue) option to make it go to the next player in these dialogue, please patch it so that it simply does so for player characters too. Easy fix.
Would it be possible to get an update on how the fix is coming along? ^^ I really want to start a new playthrough, but if the fix is coming soon I'd rather wait until that's out so I can hear my character (Lohse) as much as possible!
We're still having this issue as well, and it really dampens the fun of the experience for us. I really hope you guys are still looking at this. I would rather have player dialogue play than listen to the npc companions if it came to that!
Wait, it's still not fixed with Definitive Version out? I specifically was waiting with the campaign for it as it made one of my players not really want to roleplay at all.

Can Larian at least acknowledge this?
This is still an issue on PC. Whoever speaks first during group discussions never gets their lines in. As others have said, its incredibly immersion breaking.
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