Larian Studios
Posted By: Naky Reaper's Coast loading Crash ?? need help plz ! - 19/09/17 10:46 PM
When malady teleport me ** not from save**

Reaper's Coast loads to approximately 70% and then the game crashes

I have tried everything at very low setting..all resolution reinstall the game..reinstall my nvidia card .. :( Since the beginning of the game I had no bug and the one simply loading crash no error back to the desktop
I think this is related to the 5th player bug.
Once a 5th player connects, the game crashes.
Is it?
i dont have 5th player only 4 after the boat battle story mode
I have the same problem and tried the same things.
At the first crash, a bug report told me that there was not enough memory. (i have 8gb)

Really hope will patch the game 60$ i cant play :( since 5 day now :S
These changes made me at least get past the upload screen...

I had to increase the Windows 10 page file (which I had deleted since I had just installed an SSD)
I just had to dedicate 1024mb of another hd and 512 of my SSD, reload the game and managed to get to the second act

Before I made these changes I noticed, looking at the system resources with the open game, which crashed when the bounded memory exceeded the limit.

By increasing the Page file the bound memory can stay within the limit and the game completes the loading.
Now I will play a bit and see how it will go.
But I'm afraid that on some occasions the problem will reappear.

For curiosity, I tried, from the second act, to reload the last save of the first one..
Memory usage drops considerably, so I think it's not a pc problem, but of the game.

I think I'll crash it again so I hope in a fix


I think it's a game problem because I've also tried it with the graphical settings to the minimum and the maximum.
When it finishes loading the second act, the difference in memory used with low and high settings is ridiculous.
There must be something else that consumes it in the wrong way

--------written with the help of google translate, so please excuse me------
nico tes francais?
Im having this as well expect it isnt crashing it just sits there loading forever. Anyone have any way of fixing this?
Same here, game crashes at 70% . The page stuff helped past the load screen but 1 minute later crashed again, saying that memory is low. Hope that gets fixed soon, because the game is unplayable right now for me.
Same problem! frown
Another thing I noticed is that the overall game performance dropped a lot, I cant load the game but it's pretty clear in the menu transitions.

Did you guys noticed that too?

Edit: Other question: how much RAM you guys have? 4gb here
Yes, the game are consuming more ram. I got 6ram. It runs on medium settings pretty reasoneable.
Patch is out, and nothing resolved... Same error, same load and crash, same memory insuficient message. I'm very sad about this.
Just did a game reinstall and loading still gets stuck at approx 70/80% bar. Also had to restart a save that wouldn't load, but i'm afraind this will happen again on other playthroughs when i reach Reaper Coast Map.
I haven't played in almost a week because of this and still no word. My save game manages to load after 15-20 minutes but the game freezes up so badly afterwards that it's pointless. All this after Reaper's Coast. Up to RC, everything went smoothly.
Same issue. Posted the problem in another thread and zero response for me either.
Heads up: I bought 4 gb of RAM today (now I have 8 gb in total). Everything is fixed. The loading times were reduced to normal (1-2 minutes) and there's no stuttering at all in Reaper's Coast. For me the problem was RAM. It looks like 4 gb were too few. I hope it helps.
there are many users with 4 /8 /16 gb ram, and still it isnt working :(

Maybe u got lucky somehow <3

hope it gets fixed soon, my mind is stuck in this game scince it stopped working.
Same issue here. Game crashes at loading. Larian help! ;(
WAIT 30minutes, and no I am not joking, and yes its annoying, just wait.

BTW forum policy with a post per 900sec, LMAO, terrible!
Oh it's true. I managed to load a save that seemed stuck, but the loading time was something like 30 minutes!! I had to leave the game in background loading while i was doing other stuff.
yep, now if they could fix the lower deck bug that would be great because its a game stopper.
for me it loads but its still unplayable. even if it loads game breaks, pc breaks, like a memory leak
new patch, no fix frown

Its me? 15 min load times, stuttering and lag, max ram usage, pc breaks
New patch, SAME error. Thanks Larian.
Do Admins on the technical problems part of the forum actually ever help or react to posts?
It doesn't seem so... :(
I solved my problem by taking everything out of the Lady Vengance stash. LOL
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