Larian Studios
Posted By: AussieKSU Death Wish Possible Bug - 04/10/17 06:23 PM
I make a physical attack with a 2 hander. I deal X damage.

I think i have a firm grasp on how the necro spell deathwish is intended to work. I am at 1 health, 99percent missing. I cast deathwish on myself. I see a buff on myself stating I am dealing 99 percent increased damage.

I then make a physical attack with the same 2 hander. I deal X (+ or -a small margin) damage again.

Seems like deathwish is broken, or I am mistaken? Anyone confirm? I am certainly happy to post screen shots, and my combat log.

Please do tell me if I am mistaken.
Posted By: AussieKSU Re: Death Wish Possible Bug - 04/10/17 11:08 PM
Investigating this a little futher... it seems I am receiving an increase in damage, albeit no where near what the tooltip suggests. Opening my character sheet, I see my damage is 303 - 322. Applying deathwish at 1 health buffs me to 400 damage, roughly a 30 percent increase. Since the spell costs 2 AP, this is hardly worth it even in the extreme case of 1 HP. If this is the way the spell is intended to function (which makes no sense), then the tooltip and spell text are misleading.

It seems it is only adding 99 percent from my BASE weapon damage, which makes this talent underwhelming to say the least (and incredibly misleading, when you have a 99 percent DAMAGE increase, you would think your damage would increase... 99 percent).
Posted By: AussieKSU Re: Death Wish Possible Bug - 04/10/17 11:30 PM
Not to mention, and i digress here... but since the turns have been "compacted" by reducing the total AP (compared to D:OS), and AP is shrunk down to max 6, it makes skills which add a buff much more underwhelming if they only last 1 or two turns... what good is it to use 2 AP to buff myself 25 percent increased damage (and make 3 attacks)... when I could use that AP to.... make a 4th attack instead... derp. I understand AoE attacks give you more total damage, and buffing say whirlwind by 100 percent is not apples to apples with my 3rd/4th attack. Skill as it stands needs to last 3 turns MINIMUM.
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