Larian Studios
Posted By: Cromcrom Zone/area transitioning - 23/09/17 04:57 AM
Could someone point me to/describe me the steps required to create a zone transition, going from an area to an other, either through stepping throuh an area, or using an item, like a door or signpost.
Should I use the teleport trigger ?

Beside, this editor is so powerful it is disturbing ^^. My old frontier mod port goes well, I figured out the random apparition of critters system.

Posted By: SniperHF Re: Zone/area transitioning - 23/09/17 05:03 AM
I had a post on this awhile back, here it is:

Not particularly detailed so let me know if you need some details filled in.
That post was aimed at going between two areas on the same level, not a level transition. But the principles are the same.

The Level you are teleporting to needs a point trigger on the other end that's global. I usually name them based on the level and function.

Generate definitions in the story editor.

The door needs an "OnUseAction" which is set to teleport. When setting it to teleport, pick trigger and select the trigger in the other level/area you placed before. Now you should be done.

Don't forget to do the inverse, door on the new level, trigger on the old.

EDIT: Oh sort of a tip, MAKE SURE that the object you are using for transition (door, sign, whatever) has indestructible stats.
Posted By: Cromcrom Re: Zone/area transitioning - 23/09/17 05:21 AM
I will let you know, thank you so much SniperHF, you are very helpful, and are one of the pillars of this very nice Community.
Posted By: Cromcrom Re: Zone/area transitioning - 27/09/17 04:56 PM
Ok, I can teleport within a level, but not between levels. My triggers are Global.


This works within a level, but not between levels. It seems that osiris is looking for a component.
ecl::CharacterFactory::Get() failed. Could not retrieve Component.

Any idea ?
Posted By: SniperHF Re: Zone/area transitioning - 27/09/17 07:13 PM
Did you register the trigger for players in the INIT section?
Are you trying to use the character creation dummy?

I gave it a shot myself, I'm having trouble getting the "Dummy" character to teleport on entering a trigger. But any placed characters with the player checkbox ticked are teleporting....

I've had no problems using teleport via an item, as all my levels use doors for area transition. So I hadn't tried a trigger to this point.

Have you tried using:

Or how about:

But just put in blank strings ("") for the movie and event).
Posted By: SniperHF Re: Zone/area transitioning - 27/09/17 07:19 PM
As an addendum, I was able to get teleporting to work using PartiesToTriggerWithMovie, but the dummy was still not being recognized as a player, one my hand placed temp characters had to do it.

I WAS able to get it to work for the dummy by using TriggerRegisterForCharacter in the INIT section. But that shouldn't be necessary, TriggerRegisterForPlayers should work.

Perhaps it's something wrong with the shared dummies.
Posted By: Larian_KVN Re: Zone/area transitioning - 28/09/17 08:30 AM
The dummies in shared only get fully registered for story after character creation is completed.
Up until then they only have the IsPlayer value set to true. Some player related story calls can indeed fail when working with the dummy instead of a fully registered player like the origin characters you get assigned instead when loading Story data.
Posted By: Reltzu Re: Zone/area transitioning - 06/10/17 08:09 PM
How about party members I added dynamically (using CharacterMakePlayer and CharacterAddToParty)?

When I teleport using CharacterTeleportPartiesToTriggerWithMovie these spawned party members are gone...

Maybe on a related note, when I enter a level with CharacterTeleportPartiesToTriggerWithMovie, all is reset. So if I killed an NPC there before, it's alive again... is this supposed to happen?
Posted By: Fiffin Re: Zone/area transitioning - 07/10/17 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by SniperHF
I had a post on this awhile back, here it is:

Not particularly detailed so let me know if you need some details filled in.
That post was aimed at going between two areas on the same level, not a level transition. But the principles are the same.

The Level you are teleporting to needs a point trigger on the other end that's global. I usually name them based on the level and function. Generate definitions in the story editor. The door needs an "OnUseAction" which is set to teleport. When setting it to teleport, pick trigger and select the trigger in the other level/area you placed before. Now you should be done. Don't forget to do the inverse, door on the new level, trigger on the old. MAKE SURE that the object you are using for transition (door, sign, whatever) has indestructible stats.

How do you change which direction the character faces after teleport? Rotating the trigger doesn't seem to have an effect.
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