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Posted By: BladeDancer Forgotten Realms Chronology 3.0 (Part 2) - 29/07/22 04:25 AM
Here I go with the next updated list of all the Forgotten Realms novels, comic books, tabletop adventures and video games set in chronological order leading up to Baldur's Gate 3 and potentially Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves, if there is something in the film that hints what time period it is in. I know it is in present day Forgotten Realms D&D, but is it before, during or after Baldur's Gate 3, I don't know yet.

Forgotten Realms Chronology 3.0 (Part 1)


"Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear" ends in early 1369 DR

"Chapters 1: The Hunting Party", "3: A Death in Suzail", "5: The Abraxis", "7: Alusair", "9: Cordials", "11: In the Shadow of the King", "13: Affairs of State", "15: The Common Room", "17: Meetings", "19: Ches", "21: Spells and Politics", "23: Encounters and Expeditions", "25: Lies, Spies and Assassins", "27: Deals", "29: Treachery", "31: Loyalties", "33: At the Brink" and the Epilogue of "Cormyr: A Novel" (1369 DR)

"The Grand Tour" Pages 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 (1369 DR, sometime after the end of Cormyr: A Novel)

Fun fact: When Elminster and Preston arrive at this time period, Elminster reveals to Preston that the king of Cormyr, Azoun is not well, he is on his deathbed, which could mean they arrived in a time after Azoun got poisoned during the abraxus affair. And the fact that Elmister and Preston meet Volothamp Geddarm during these pages when he has not gone to the Dalelands yet to start writing "Volo's Guide to the Dalelands" means he had just finished writing his book "Volo's Guide to Cormyr".

"Prelude: The Coming of Darkness" chapter of "Evermeet: Island of Elves" (10 Alturiak (February 10th) 1369 DR)

"Fire is Fire" (Best of the Realms, Book 3, Story 10) (Ches "March" 1369 DR)

"Star of Cursrah" Chapters 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17 are in 1369 DR, including "The Shadow Stone"

"Into The Nest Of Vipers" (Dungeon Magazine #75 Adventure) (By Matthew G. Adkins, artwork by Fred Rawles, cartography by Craig Zipse) (1369 DR)

Story synopsis: In the Vast, Calispar Delgorth, a priest of Talona has concocted the deadliest poison for the Vipers bandit gang from their hideout in the Brynwood to test a magic-resistant poison on the people of the hamlet of Sevenecho. Adventurers are asked by High Priest Randolph dul Umast of the local temple of Tymora, The Lady's Favor, to brave the Brynwood and seek a cure for the poison.

"Spine of the World" ends in 1369 DR

"Rising Tide" of The Threat from the Sea Trilogy (By Mel Odom) ((Release date: January 1st, 1999), (In-universe date of novel: All chapters after the prologue are in 1369 DR))

story synopsis: From the murky depths of the Shining Sea rises a prehistoric menace who commands a rising tide of invasion to crash over the shores of Faerûn.
Iakhovas has plotted for long, bitter years to regain the powers that were torn from him by an angry goddess. Now, nothing will stand in his way, and the face of Toril will never be the same again.

Oblivious to the growing danger of the undersea civilizations, the surface world is about to awaken to a new horrifying threat from the sea.

"Under Fallen Stars" of The Threat from the Sea Trilogy (By Mel Odom) ((Release date: January 1st, 1999), (In-universe date of novel: From Ches 30 "March 30th" to Flamerule 24 "July 24th" 1369 DR))

Story synopsis: The sea war rages up and down the Sword Coast, leaving the busy harbor of Baldur's Gate in flames. Following his mad quest, the evil Iakhovas has found a gateway into the protected waters of the Sea of Fallen Stars, and now no coast is safe from his marauding armies of the deep.

Fun fact: The ancient wereshark Iakhovas, who is the antagonist in this novel, attacked the harbor of Baldur's Gate on the 4th day of Kythorn (June 4th), ruining trade between Baldur's Gate and Maztica. This event happens a month after the story of Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn begins.

"Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters" (By Ed Greenwood) ((Release date: December 28th, 2004), (In-universe date of novel: 1369 DR))

Story synopsis: Rise, and be not afraid. Widespread and many-tentacled is the evil that threatens Faerûn. Before its heart can be found, all of the Seven Sisters will play a part, and all too much blood will be spilled...drow blood.

"The Glass Prison" (By Monte Cook) ((Release date: 1999), (In-universe date of novel: 1369 DR))

Story synopsis: Vheod Runechild - half human, half fiend - flees from the Abyss to find his human nature on Toril, only to discover that the dangers from the nether region respect no worldly boundaries.

"The Black Pits 2: Gladiators of Thay" (A side game in Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition developed by Beamdog) (Sometime before Mirtul 1369 DR, many months after The Black Pits and apparently after Siege of Dragonspear)

Story synopsis: The six adventurers who survived Baeloth's Black Pits, defeated him and cast him out to the surface have enjoyed many months of celebration. Now, they are magically summoned to a new fighting arena somewhere in Thay. Once again, they must fight for their survival, and this time, the fights are much harder than what The Black Pits offered.

This mini game's story will not make any sense if you are using a completely different group from the ones you used in the prequel

"Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad" of The Avatar Series (By Troy Denning) ((Release date: February 24th, 1998), (In-universe date of novel: 1369 DR)

Story synopsis: Cyric the Mad.
Who betrayed his friends Midnight and Kelemvor and sought to destroy them.

Who ascended to godhood and now spreads his lies and intrigues into every corner of Faerûn.

Who is the Lord of Murder, the Prince of Lies... and insane.

"Master of Chains" ends in 1369 DR

"The Accursed Tower" tabletop adventure (By R.A. Salvatore and The Seven Swords) ((Release date: February 1999), (In-universe date: Tarsakh "April" 1369 DR, not long before before Sea of Swords))

Story synopsis: A group of adventurers in the port city of Luskan are hired on by a caravaning merchant to perform guard duty for the long, dangerous journey over the Spine of the World Mountains. Eventually, they reach the small town of Targos, where they hear rumors of a dead mage's lost tower out on the tundra. In order to find it, the adventurers must overcome numerous obstacles but may find allies in the peoples of the Ten-Towns region, including a barbarian prince, a sly halfling (Regis), and a unique ranger (Drizzt). Not all is as it seems, though, nor can all smiling faces be trusted. Can the heroes separate the truth from the lies, locate the Accursed Tower, determine all its secrets, and survive?

Fun fact: Drizzt and Regis make a cameo in this game. I don't know where or when, but if they show up in Luskan, which is one of the locations that can be explored in this game, that means they haven't reached Icewind Dale yet and it is Spring, which corresponds to the first chapter of Sea of Swords which starts off in the Spring, and Bruenor and Cattie-Brie aren't with them yet. If Wulfgar made an appearance in this game, I'll have to consider this tabletop game not canon because it would contradict something major in the story of Drizzt and his companions that I am not at liberty to reveal.

"Sea of Swords" of the Paths of Darkness (By R.A. Salvatore) ((Release date: 2001), (In-universe date of novel: Begins in Tarsakh 1369 DR, after The Accursed Tower)

Story synopsis: "It is good to be home. It is good to hear the wind of Icewind Dale, to feel its invigorating bite, like some reminder that I am alive."

The Dark Elf

When the mark of the great warhammer Aegis-fang is found branded on the back of a vicious outlaw, Drizzt can no longer merely hope that Wulfgar is safe. The dark elf and his companions set out to find the barbarian once and for all. As they discover pieces of the puzzle their friend's life has become, Drizzt grows only more determined to locate him.

The Barbarian

As his friends search for him, Wulfgar sails with Captain Deudermont in search of the stolen Aegis-fang, now in the hands of the vile pirate Sheila Kree. But the pirate isn't willing to sit around waiting to be caught. She has other plans.

Fun fact: In the first Baldur's Gate game, if Gorion's Ward meets Drizzt and no hostilities are made (I'm talking about all of you who decided to attack him to steal his scimitars!), he tells Gorion's Ward that he is on his way back to Icewind Dale, but the bandit attacks caused by the iron crisis are slowing him down. In this novel, Drizzt's opening monologue expresses how happy he is to be back in Icewind Dale, which goes like this: "It is good to be home. It is good to hear the wind of Icewind Dale, to feel its invigorating bite, like some reminder that I am alive.", hinting that the novel takes place a year after his brief cameo in the first Baldur's Gate game.

Most people believe that Drizzt's optional appearance in the first Baldur's Gate game is nothing more than fan service, but after reading into everything, I can say they are dead wrong, this is all connected like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. When you realize that Sea of Swords is the first R.A. Salvatore novel to have Drizzt in the story since The Silent Blade which is set in 1364 DR, there is no telling what Drizzt has been doing in the years between The Silent Blade and Sea of Swords. He could have been in Calimshan, keeping a close eye on Jarlaxle who he unwittingly let have Creshinibon, and when he heard that Jarlaxle and Artemis finally destroyed Creshinibon, he decided to head north back to Icewind Dale, going through the Baldur's Gate's region of the Sword Coast and possibly meeting Gorion's Ward during the events of the first Baldur's Gate game.

"BALDUR'S GATE 2: SHADOWS OF AMN" the game and novel (The game was originally developed by BioWare, the Enhanced Edition version is developed by Overhaul Games of Beamdog, playable on PC, Android and with BG:EE in the console releases) (Novel version written by Philip Athans) ((Release date (Original): September 21st, 2000, (Novel): September 1st, 2000, (Enhanced Edition for Microsoft Windows): November 15th, 2013, (Enhanced Edition for iPad): January 16th, 2014, (Enhanced Edition for Android, iPhone and Linux): December 16th, 2014, (Enhanced Edition for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One): October 15th, 2019), (In-universe date of game: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 is in 4 Mirtul "May 4th" 1369 DR))

Game story synopsis: Captured. Tortured. Endless pain. Jon Irenicus, the mysterious mage who had been stalking Gorion's Ward since Siege of Dragonspear has captured him/her and Imoen, Minsc, Dynaheir, Khalid and Jaheira after they were forced to depart Baldur's Gate because the authorities figured out Gorion's Ward is a child of Bhaal like Sarevok, and also, Gorion's Ward was accused of a terrible crime he/she did not commit. Now Irenicus is performing painful experiments on Gorion's Ward and Imoen. What does this Jon Irenicus want? How does he intend on getting it by torturing a child of Bhaal and a normal human girl? First they must escape his lair and find out where they are in Faerun. Where they go from there, nobody knows.

Fun fact: If you are trying to romance Jaheira, you'll notice there is a personal side quest of hers involving a rogue Harper boss named Galvarey who wants to imprison potentially dangerous people like "Gorion's Ward" to promote himself and become a local herald of Athkatla, making him and those working with him traitors of the Harpers, though they try to play mind games on Jaheira to make her believe she is the traitor for siding with a dangerous person like "Gorion's Ward". According to the Lands of Intrigue sourcebooks, in 1370 DR, the true Harpers promoted a young bard named Ankem Nhrill to be the local herald of Athkatla, most likely to prevent the rise of other dangerously ambitious Harpers like Galvarey and Jaheira's former mentor Dermin Courtierdale, because a true Harper does not violate the freedoms of an individual for the sake of a promotion or gaining power of any kind.

Fun fact #2: In the game version, Drizzt and his friends Wulfgar, Cattie-Brie, Bruenor, Regis and Guenwhyvar show up in the game during Chapter 6, which is problematic in regards to canonical events because in 1369 DR, they are still going through the "Sea of Swords" novel's story by the time Shadows of Amn starts. Plus, they come nowhere near Amn in any month in the year 1369 DR during the Sea of Swords story. The only way Drizzt and his companions could come to Amn and have an encounter with Gorion's Ward and his/her companions without contradicting the stories and timelines of ANY of R.A. Salvatore's novels is if the final half of Shadows of Amn and all of Throne of Bhaal take place in the year 1370 DR, sometime after Sea of Swords ends and before The Hunter's Blades Trilogy novels begins since Shadows of Amn begins on Mirtul (May) of 1369 DR, and there are TONS of side quests to kill time on until the year ends, and locations like Athkatla and Trademeet are actually further apart than the game depicts, meaning instead of taking a day or two to reach Trademeet from Athkatla on foot, it would actually take 20 days to get to Trademeet on foot (unless you have a horse) because you'd have to pass through cities Crimmor, Purskul, Imnescar which are miles apart, and then The Small Teeth mountain range to get to Trademeet, so it is possible for a lot of time to canonically pass between the start of Shadows of Amn and the start of Throne of Bhaal.

Plus, if you talk to the town criers in Athkatla at any point in the game, they mention exiled Amnian families coming back to Amn in the Year of the Tankard (That's the name of the year 1370 DR, and Book #2 of the Lands of Intrigue sourcebook which is set in 1370 states the exiled Amnian families come back to Amn on Hammer (January) of 1370), even if the journal that keeps up with your progress on side quests and the main quests is still in the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, which means the Shadows of Amn story is canonically supposed to extend to 1370 DR, rather than stories of Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal all being crammed in 1369 DR, which wouldn't make sense. In other words, it took Gorion's Ward six or seven months to complete Chapter 2.

Fun fact #3: I use "Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate 2" for more accurate D&D lore and maps of locations in Amn like where this and that is in Athkatla for my personal Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of Amn novelization. Here is the link to the Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate 2 that I mentioned:

Fun fact #4: According to Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate 2, Nalia de'Arnise's family and home fortress which is not far east from Athkatla officially existed in Amn during 2nd Edition. Volo states that the de'Arnise family have been professional warriors for some generations, and they are one of the few rich Amnian families who are known for their hospitality and well prepared food, and they allow adventurers and common folk to stay as guests in their fortress home for two silver pieces each day.

Fun fact #5: AVOID THE NOVEL VERSION OF SHADOWS OF AMN LIKE THE PLAGUE! It's worse than the official Baldur's Gate 1 novelization! I'm glad the novel releasing ahead of the game did not ruin the game's reputation.

Fun fact #6: The list of familiar characters appearing in the novel is much shorter than the prequel, only Jaheira, Minsc, Yoshimo and Imoen appear alongside Abdel, and Minsc is just unceremoniously discarded, as if Philip Athans did not want to include him in the novel, but was forced to because of the game's story. Personally, I think that he did not like ANY of the characters that appear in the Baldur's Gate 2 game, only Jaheira.

Fun fact #7: In the Adventurer's Mart in Waukeen's Promenade, there are portraits of Hank and Bobby from the 1982 Dungeons & Dragons cartoon show and The Grand Tour limited edition comic book. The portraits reveal that Hank, Eric, Bobby, Sheila, Diana and Preston were recently killed by Tiamat, possibly eaten alive.

Fun fact #8: Viconia DeVir sometimes uses extremely vulgar words in the Drow language that can't be said in English in a rated "T" for Teen computer game. When she scores a critical hit on an enemy, she says "Vith'os", which means "F*ck you" in the Drow language. But if she makes a critical miss, she exclaims "Vith'ir", which means "F*ck off" in Drow.

Fun fact #9: Did you know that in the original draft of Shadows of Amn, BioWare was going to have Yoshimo and Tamoko be siblings? And that Yoshimo's original reason for coming to Amn was to look for his sister, and the reason why he allied with Irenicus taking the geas is because Irenicus told him that Gorion's Ward killed Tamoko whether that is true or not? If they kept Yoshimo's relation with Tamoko in the game, it would make a lot of sense given Tamoko's backstory written in Dragon #262. Before she met Sarevok, while she still lived in Kozakura, Tamoko was trained to be a ninja, and she was tasked to assassinate a high ranking "wu jen", which are Kozakuran sorcerers. Tamoko's target knew she was coming and during their fight, the sorcerer sent her flying into a portal that transported her to Athkatla in Amn. Coincidence? I think not!

Fun fact #10: Artemis Entreri was originally going to appear in the game, fighting alongside Bodhi if you agree to recruit Drizzt and his companions to help you take down Bodhi's vampire guild, but BioWare cut him out of the game at the last minute for some reason. He can be put back in the game using an old mod named "Unfinished Business".

Fun fact #11: Originally in Shadows of Amn, the male version of Gorion's Ward has three romance options: Aerie, Jaheira and Viconia. A female version of Gorion's Ward has only one romance option: Anomen. The Enhanced Edition gives the extra male romance options: Neera, and Dorn Il-Khan. The extra female romance options are: Rasaad, Dorn Il-Khan (he is bisexual) and Hexxat the vampire.

Fun fact #12: There are several references to Siege of Dragonspear in the Enhanced Edition of Baldur's Gate 2 even though it was released a couple years before Siege of Dragonspear did. For example, in Neera's dialogue banter with Jaheira, she reveals that while she was stuck in Bridgefort (the small fortress near Boareskyr Bridge, the site of Bhaal's death), Khalid made some soup for her. Neera tells Jaheira this to show her that she is sincerely sorry to hear that Khalid died, and that she really liked him.

Fun fact #13: Some of your companions may try to flirt with each other. For example, Korgan tries to flirt with Mazzy, Hexxat tries to flirt with Viconia and Aerie (though Aerie will be uncomfortable with it, and Viconia will try to politely brush Hexxat off), Haer'Dalis and Aerie will start dating each other if the male Gorion's Ward hasn't proceeded deep in Aerie's romance route. Haer'Dalis' interference in the romance can also lead to a love triangle. Dorn also tries to flirt with Hexxat (but Hexxat rebuffs him every time), and Anomen tries to flirt with Neera.

Fun fact #14: According to the "Grand History of the Realms" book, eight years ahead from 1369 DR, in the Year of the Haunting (1377 DR), a minor earthquake off the coast of Amn will disrupt Spellhold on the island of Brynnlaw (where the Cowled Wizards take Irenicus and Imoen during this game). Several of the deviant magic-users inside manage to escape, vowing vengeance on the nation that imprisoned them.



"Prelude: The Fall of Twilight" of Evermeet: Island of Elves" (13 Mirtul (May 13th) 1369 DR)

"Scream of Stone" of The Watercourse Trilogy (By Philip Athans) ((Release date: June 12th, 2007), (In-universe date of novel: Story begins in 1369 DR))

Story synopsis: When the true mission of the Thayan Enclave is revealed, the richest man in Innarlith decides he wants to be the most powerful too, a once promising young man is transformed into a twisted undead assassin, and a quiet genius finally makes his stand, the explosive fury of decades of boiling rage explodes from the heart of a city at war with itself.

"Hard Choices" (Realms of the Deep Story I) (Written by Lynn Abbey) ((Release date: November 1st, 1999), (In-universe date of story: 1369 DR))

"Fire is Fire" (Realms of the Deep Story II) (By Elaine Cunningham) (1369 DR)

"Messenger to Serôs" (Realms of the Deep Story III) (By Peter Archer) (1369 DR)

"The Place Where Guards Snore at their Posts" (Realms of the Deep Story IV; The Best of the Realms Book II Story XIII) (By Ed Greenwood) (1369 DR)

"Lost Cause" (Realms of the Deep Story V) (Written by Richard Lee Byers) (1369 DR)

"Pool of Radiance: The Ruins of Myth Drannor" video game and novel (The game was developed by Stormfront Studios, playable on PC Windows) (Novel version written by Carrie Bebris) ((Release date (game): September 24th, 2001, (Novel): September 2001), (In-universe date of game and novel: Summer of 1369 DR))

Novel story synopsis: A malevolent pool. A diabolical cult. A horrific plan. A dracolich and his sorcerous queen have seized control of the Mythal, the ancient magic that once protected the war-ravaged elven capital.Once the elven ruin is completely in their thrall, the cult intends to expand its domination one city—and one soul—at a time. The fate of all Faerûn lies with four reluctant heroes: Kestrel, a thief. Corran D'Arcey, a paladin of Tyr. Durwyn, a fighter. and Ghleanna Stormlake, moon elf wizard.

Game story synopsis: A dracolich and his sorcerous queen have seized control of the Mythal, the ancient magic that once protected the long abandoned elven city of Myth Drannor. Once the elven ruin is completely in their thrall, the cult intends to expand its domination one city — and one soul — at a time. Four heroes are sent to Myth Drannor by Elminster to stop the dracolich and the sorcerer queen from using the power of the Mythal to conquer Faerûn. They must travel to all areas of Myth Drannor, from the dungeons below the city, to the city itself, the catacombs beneath the city, et al, in an attempt to stop the evil from taking over the region.

Fun fact: The game version is not canon, but the novel is. Know why? Because in the game's intro, the narrator reveals that the game is in the Year of the Gauntlet (1369 DR), but the events of Pool of Radiance happened "NINE SUMMERS AGO", which means this game assumes Pool of Radiance happened in the summer of 1360 DR! That can't be true because that would mean Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades and Pools of Darkness are all set in 1360 DR and possibly a couple years afterwards. If that problem isn't big enough for you, remember that Bane, the god of tyranny died in the Time of Troubles, and he needs to be alive to play his vital role in Pools of Darkness game version's story, otherwise the timeline of events would be screwed up.



"Changing Tides" (Realms of War Story IX) (By Mel Odom) (Flamerule "July" 1369 DR)

"Forged in Fire" (Realms of the Deep Story VI) (Written by Clayton Emery) (1369 DR)

"One who Swims with Sekolah" (Realms of the Deep Story VII) (Written by Mel Odom) (1369 DR)

"The Crystal Reef" (Realms of the Deep Story VIII) (By Troy Denning) (1369 DR)

"The Patrol" (Realms of the Deep Story IX) (Written by Larry Hobbs) (1369 DR)

"The Star of Tethyr" (Realms of the Deep Story X) (Written by Thomas M. Reid) (1369 DR)

"Persana's Blade" (Realms of the Deep Story XI) (By Steven E. Schend) (1369 DR)

"And the Dark Tide Rises" (Realms of the Deep Story XII) (By Keith Francis Strohm) (1369 DR)

"The Burning Chalice" (Halls of Stormweather Story I) ends. (1369 DR)

"Honest and True" (Dragon magazine issue # 245) (By Troy Denning) (1369 DR, sometime after Crucible: The Trial of Cyric The Mad)

Fun fact: This short story is written from the point of view of Malik el Sami and tells of how he tries to publish an alternative account of the events that happened in the novel "Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad".

"The Sea Devil's Eye" of The Threat from the Sea Trilogy (By Mel Odom) ((Release date: May 1st, 2000), (In-universe date of story: Begins in 1369 DR after Under Fallen stars ends)

Story synopsis: Iakhovas has been the cause of more destruction than any force since the Time of Troubles, and his true objective has been a mystery... until now. When a young sailor's journey is complete, and an aging bard's final song is sung, an explosive climax sets all of Faerûn reeling.

"Pool of Radiance: Attack on Myth Drannor" tabletop adventure game (By Sean K. Reynolds) ((Release date: November 1st, 2000) (In-universe date of adventure: 1369 DR, sometime after The Ruins of Myth Drannor game and/or novel)

Story synopsis: Evil Reigns in the Elven Ruins... Where elves once built the shinning city of Myth Drannor, demons and devils now prowl in search of prey. Ancient Evil slumbers beneath mossy stones, waiting for those foolish enough to venture within its grasp. Bold swordsmen, stealthy rogues and skillful wizards have all met their end within the walls of Myth Drannor. But the lure of the city's magical treasures still draws heroes and villains alike to tempt death—or worse.

Drawn by the dream of limitless magical power, the Cult of the Dragon has carved out a secret stronghold in the heart of the ruins. Using power of a corrupted pool of radiance, the Cultists stand poised to attain their goal of subjugating all of Faerûn.

Unless a group of brave heroes can stop them first…

Fun fact: This game takes place after "Pool of Radiance: The Ruins of Myth Drannor" game, but it can be regarded as a stand alone or tie-in story.

Fun fact #2: Ren 'O The Blade, one of the protagonists of the Pool of Radiance novelization appears in this tabletop game.

"The Honor of Two Swords" (Dragon magazine issue # 260) (By Kate Novak-Grubb) (1369 DR, after their previous story in Dragon #247)

Fun fact: This short story features Priam Agrivar and Ishi Barasume from the old D&D Forgotten Realms comic books

"The Innkeeper's Secret" (Dragon magazine issue # 266) (By Troy Denning) (1369 DR, sometime after Cormyr: A Novel)

Story synopsis: This short story follows the adventures of Tanalasta and Vangerdahast after the present day events of "Cormyr: A Novel".

"The Shadow Stone" ends in 1369 DR

"Undermountain: Stardock" of the Dungeon Crawl tabletop adventure game trilogy (By Steven E. Schend) (30 Eleint "September 30th" and 1 Marpenoth "October 1st" 1369 DR)

Story synopsis: "Had I not seen the chaos that ensued, I would never have believed the tale Shadowdale's sage wove for me that day... Who would have believed that anything had the power to rip Halaster Blackcloak bodily from his Undermountain? Who again could predict the maelstrom of dangers that a dungeon gone mad would unleash upon an unsuspecting Realms? It is thanks to the brave and noble souls who dared reach into the villains' clutches to save the life of Halaster the Mad Mage that we all rise to greet another sun."
– Gamalon Idogyr, starfaring mage formerly of Llorbauth

Fun fact: Stardock, also known to the githyanki as Crèche K'liir, is the birthplace of Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate 3.

"Sword of the Dales" of the Randal Morn Trilogy (a tabletop adventure game) (By Jim Butler) ((Release date: June 2nd, 1995), (In-universe date of adventure: 1369 DR))

Story synopsis: The Sword of the Dales, an icon of the Dalelands symbolizing the unity and strength of the people, has reappeared! Created by Shraevyn the weapons-mage hundreds of years ago, the lost Sword had become nothing more than a fantastic children's tale—until now.

A group of warriors led by Randal Morn, rightful ruler of Daggerdale, rushed to the Sword's resting place to recover it, but dark forces awaited them, and Randal and his men fell to an ambush. Only one man escaped, yet he brought hope with him that Randal Morn yet lives. Resolved to rescue his leader, that lone survivor turned to Elminster of Shadowdale for aid.

But Elminster is gone, off plane-hopping while the fate of Daggerdale hangs in the balance. Hence, it is up to Lhaeo, scribe to the old mage, to find a group of heroes who have mettle enough to face down the menace which claimed Randal Morn and his hearty followers...

"The Secret of Spiderhaunt" of the Randal Morn Trilogy (a tabletop adventure game) (By Jim Butler) ((Release date: August 1995), (In-universe date of adventure: 1369 DR))

Story synopsis: The infamous Sword of the Dales has always held a certain fascination in the eyes and hearts of the citizens of the Dalelands. Thus, it was no surprise when Randal Morn, rebel leader of Daggerdale, led an expedition into the crypt of a long dead wizard to recover the weapon.

Shraevyn the weapons-mage had created the Sword long ago, and it stood to reason that the blade would be waiting in his tomb. Perhaps the Sword of the Dales would allow Randal Morn to rule Daggerdale once again. But Randal Morn never returned from the fated party. Only tales of terror told by a lone survivor held any clues as to Randal's fate. A brave band of heroes accomplished what Randal Morn's group failed to do in part one of this trilogy The Sword of the Dales.

Battling through the tomb's undead inhabitants, those heroes reached the burial crypt of Shraevyn. There, resting in the center of the coffin, was the Sword of the Dales, its azure glow filling the chamber. However, there was no sign of Randal Morn.

Only a note signed by his hand held any clue as to his fate. "Seek me in Spiderhaunt," it proclaimed. "The fate of Daggerdale is in your hands."

"How Burlmarr Saved the Unseen Protector" (Realms of the Dragons II Story V) (By Kameron M. Franklin) (Uktar "November" 1369 DR)

"Planescape: Torment" the game and novel (By Black Isle Studios, the Enhanced Edition is developed by Beamdog) (Novel written by Ray and Valerie Vallese), ((Release date(original game): December 12th, 1999, (Enhanced Edition Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android): April 11th, 2017, (Enhanced Edition Switch, PS4, Xbox One): September 24th, 2019, (Novel): October 1st, 1999), (In-universe date of game: possibly 1369 DR))

Game story synopsis: "What can change the nature of a man?"

You are the Nameless One, a hulking figure covered in scars and tattoos collected over the course of countless lives—none of which you can remember, but are now coming back to haunt you. You are prodded awake by Morte, a floating skull and keeper of secrets, to embark on an adventure taking the Nameless One from the dirty streets of Sigil into the mysterious Outer Planes and even into the depths of Hell itself.

Fun fact: One of the deviants of Spellhold in the Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of Amn game named Aphril claims to have seen a vision of the Nameless One trying to talk to the pillar of skulls, a landmark in Avernus of the Nine Hells. With this in mind, the storyline of Planescape: Torment runs almost concurrently with Shadows of Amn.

Fun fact #2: In the novel version, the authors decided to give the Nameless One a name, and his name is: "Thane". Giving the Nameless One a name destroys the reason for why he doesn't have a name, which makes the novelization as terrible as the official novelization of Shadows of Amn.

"The Return of Randal Morn" of the Randal Morn Trilogy (a tabletop adventure game) (By Jim Butler) ((September 1st, 1995), (In-universe date of adventure: 1369 DR)

Story synopsis: In part one of the Randal Morn trilogy, The Sword of the Dales, the legendary leader of Daggerdale, Randal Morn, was captured by unknown assailants as he sought to regain the great weapon for which that adventure was named. A stalwart band of young and enthusiastic heroes was recruited to ride to his aid, yet all they recovered was the Sword itself and a message: "Seek me in Spiderhaunt Wood." In the second part of the trilogy, The Secret of Spiderhaunt, those same adventurers found Randal and freed him briefly, yet he was almost as quickly torn from their grasp by an agent of the evil Zhentarim, seeking to end the threat of Randal Morn's return to power.

In this final episode, the heroes must follow the kidnapper's trail and rescue Randal Morn before the Zhentarim finish interrogating him and the axe falls upon his neck. Armed with the Sword of the Dales and aided by a powerful magical spirit that lives within the weapon, the heroes must march into the heart of Zhent-occupied Dagger Falls, free Randal Morn, and save the city from utter destruction. The job is dangerous—perhaps more than the heroes can handle—yet those who would live in songs and legends cannot concern themselves with living to a ripe old age!


"Sea of Swords" of the Paths of Darkness series ends sometime in the Winter (1370 DR)

"Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn" game version canonically ends sometime in the Spring (After Gorion's Ward spent all of 1369 DR on Chapter 2 doing all the side quests available and collecting gold, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 (the chapter when Drizzt and his friends finally appear after their adventures during the Sea of Swords novel), and the final chapter, Chapter 7 are in 1370 DR)

BALDUR'S GATE 2 (part 2): THRONE OF BHAAL" game and novel (The game was developed by BioWare as an expansion story to Shadows of Amn, the Enhanced Edition version is made by Overhaul Games of Beamdog) (Novel version written by Drew Karpyshyn) (Release date (Original): June 22nd, 2001, (Novel): September 1st, 2001, (Enhanced Edition version released inside BG2:EE), (In-universe date of game: 1370 DR (sometime during the first year of the Sothillisian War), (Novel): 1368 DR???))

Game story synopsis: Not long after saving the elven city Suldanessellar from the vengeful wrath of Jon Irenicus, Gorion's Ward and his/her companions are once again pulled into another adventure. This time, Gorion's Ward must contend with more of his/her siblings, other children of Bhaal, especially five Bhaalspawn known as "The Five", the half-elf Illasera, the half-fire giant Yaga Shura, the half-drow Sendai, the half-dragon Abazigal, and a human (I won't reveal his name) are so powerful, the gods themselves fear their strength, collectively known as The Five. This bloodshed between siblings in the nation of Tethyr, south from Amn, is all for competing for the right to ascend to godhood, becoming Bhaal's successor... Or so they think. Can Gorion's Ward escape his/her destiny? Or will he/she embrace it?

Fun fact: Confusing, isn't it? Why is the novel version of Throne of Bhaal set in 1368 DR? I'll explain, because I've read it (with a grain of salt). The prologue of the ToB novel is set in 1368 DR, but after the prologue ends, the author somehow forgot to make it clear that the rest of the story takes place in the "present day", therefore the continuity of the Baldur's Gate novelization series is seriously thrown out of order, Throne of Bhaal is before Shadows of Amn even though it should be the other way around, because in the novelization Jaheira is killed by Abazigal, and Imoen is killed off by Sendai, and in the Shadows of Amn novel, Jaheira and Imoen are alive and healthy, except for Jaheira, because she had been recently brought back from the dead from getting killed by Sarevok at the end of the first Baldur's Gate novelization. Another reason why the Baldur's Gate games are more canon.

Fun fact #2: The only lore contradiction the Throne of Bhaal game makes is a tavern bartender NPC telling you a rumor that Sythillis or Sothillis, the ogre mage leading the Sothillisian War against the southern regions of Amn is a Bhaalspawn and crossed paths with Bhaalspawn fire giant Yaga Shura and got killed by him. Again, that is just a tavern rumor in the Throne of Bhaal game, and rumors are not always true. Truthfully, the game was wrong about Sothillis. Officially in Forgotten Realms lore, he was NOT a Bhaalspawn, and he and Yaga Shura never crossed paths because Sothillis lived to see the year 1374 DR, holding the city Murann, which is directly west from Trademeet captive even after the war ended.

Fun fact #3: Sothillis, the ogre mage the game's lore mistakenly labeled as one of the children of Bhaal started a war against Amn during the events of Throne of Bhaal with the goal of recovering the lost Armory of Nedeheim, that lasted over four years, from 1370 to 1374 DR. He and his wife Cyrvisnea led an army of kobolds, goblins, hill giants and ogres, supported by Cyricists in an attack on Fort Ishla and Esmereltan in the Year of the Tankard, 1370 DR. Both attacks were resounding victories, due in no small part to their superior numbers and the defenders being distracted by the secession of Riatavin to Tethyr. The ogre magi were dismayed to not find the armory in Esmereltan, but found documents hinting that it had been moved to the city of Murann. Cyrvisnea led part of the goblin and kobold sections of their army, aided by their Cyricist allies to Imnescar and sacked it. Sothillis meanwhile, left a hill giant garrison in Esmereltan and went through Trademeet towards Murann, laying siege to it. The pirates of the Nelanther Isles blockaded Murann's port and the siege continued until the fall of Winter. The monstrous army dug in and fortified its rear flank, capturing several Amnian watchtowers in the northern foothills of the Small Teeth and building several more west of Trademeet. When spring came, Sothillis' forces conquered Murann and looted the trapped ships filled with Maztican gold. However, the ogre magi found absolutely no trace of the armory they had been searching for. The monstrous force ceased their advance as its leaders pondered on what to do next. Meanwhile, the Council of Six bickered over how much to spend on the army that would fight the Empire and which city they would attempt to retake first. It wasn't until the church of Selûne pledged their considerable resources to the war effort in order to reclaim their temple in Murann in the spring of 1372 DR that the army really mobilized. The Selûnite crusaders retook Imnescar and set up a new abbey in Hydcont Hall while the Amnian soldiers halfheartedly garrisoned Trademeet and besieged Esmereltan.

In the Year of Rogue Dragons (1373 DR), the blue dragon Iryklathagra, likely maddened by the Rage of Dragons, attacked the Twin Towers of the Eternal Eclipse, the Cyricist base of operations. She collapsed the eastern tower before retreating, injured to her lair. The Selûnites took advantage of this event and reopened the pass through the Small Teeth, cutting off the supplies to the Sothillisian Esmereltan garrison, making them easy pickings even for the weak-willed Amnian army. The city was recaptured and in turn freed up men to create a new front line along the Trade Way. The Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR saw the hostilities break out in full force. The Sothillisian Empire was restricted to the western Small Teeth, Murann, and the plains between the area west of the Trade Way and the Wealdath. They looked to be a much easier target, but were very well dug in so would be hard to dislodge. Also, the elves of the Wealdath refused to lend their help to the Amnian forces until they accepted Tethyr's sovereignty over Riatavin and Trailstone. Sothillis and Cyrvisnea continued to fortify their positions in order to make a full-scale assault too costly for Amn, offering amnesty from attacks to wealthy Amnian merchant families in return for regular tithes of weapons and gold but refused to move from Murann until the armory they'd been looking for was found. On Ches 15 (March 15th) of the Year of Lightning Storms (1374 DR), the Selûnites mounted an attack on the western tower of the Eternal Eclipse but after inflicting minor structural damage they were driven off. Four days later, a prior of Hydcont Abbey was assassinated, probably in retaliation.

House Tanislove refused to bribe both the Amnian commanders and the Sothillisians and its caravans were attacked by Sothillisian raiders, forcing them to redirect their caravans through Brost, which cost them time and money. When a Tanislove caravan dared the Trade Way a tenday later on Mirtul 3 (May 3rd), it was immediately attacked by a band of ogres. The caravan was a decoy though and warriors of the Flaming Fist in the employ of Tanislove defeated the ogres in the Battle of Broken Wheels. Nine days later, a farm belonging to House Gheldieg, allied to Tanislove through marriage, located near Kalathtyr by the southern banks of River Specie, was attacked, breaking a de facto truce that had existed along the northern flanks of the Small Teeth. The next day an elite company of adventurers (supposedly led by the half-ogre bastard son of Sothillis and based in the western tower of the Eternal Eclipse) freed a dozen ogres captured after the retaking of Esmereltan underneath a temple to Loviatar called the Black Spires of the Maiden. One of the ogres reported that the Armory of Nedheim was definitely under Murann, but in the Shanatar ruins of Xothaerin deep in the Underdark. The Army of Three Stars conquered the Western Tower of the Eternal Eclipse after a fifty-day siege and learned though clerical interrogations of the dead about the location of the Armory. This information quickly reached the ears of several adventuring parties and Sothillis promised to trump any other offer given to those who sought it. Reports soon surfaced of Xothaerin being occupied by stingers who demanded the return of all the treasures taken from Maztica. By Eleint 5, the Council of Six and the Sothillisian Empire, along with the Army of Three Stars and the survivors from the Eternal Eclipse had come to an uneasy truce and joined forces to create the Swordbelt Alliance and battle the tlincallis of Oaxaptupa. This marked the end of the Sothillisian War, but the beginning of another war.

Fun fact #4: After the events of Throne of Bhaal, there are only two children of Bhaal left who not only still live, but also have Bhaal's essence with them. One of them is Viekang, the man you helped escape Saradush before Yaga Shura's attack and before you departed to the Marching Mountains to destroy the heart that is helping Yaga Shura be unkillable.

Fun fact #5: If your Gorion's Ward have decided to romance Aerie in Shadows of Amn and you refused to have sex with her in Shadows of Amn, but decide to have sex with her in Throne of Bhaal, she will become pregnant, and if you wait long enough, she will give birth to her child during the game's story.

Fun fact #6: The only romanceable companions who end up having a child or two with Gorion's Ward are Aerie and Viconia for the male human, elf (not for Viconia), half-elf, gnome (for Aerie), halfling or half-orc (for Viconia) Gorion's Ward, and Rasaad who will romance any race of the female Gorion's Ward. Jaheira, Neera, Dorn, Anomen and Hexxat do not have children at any time with Gorion's Ward, not even in the epilogue of Throne of Bhaal.

Fun fact #7: While on the subject of romanceable companion characters having children with Gorion's Ward, I've learned that drow are more fecund than most surface elves. That means drow have a higher fertility rate. If this is true, I wonder why Viconia does not get pregnant during Shadows of Amn or Throne of Bhaal like Aerie. My only explanation to my own question is that Viconia probably knows some birth control methods, maybe a cantrip that prevents unplanned and unwanted pregnancies.

Fun fact #8: In Imoen's ending epilogue, the text claims that Imoen did some traveling with Elminster and Khelben Blackstaff Arunsun. One might say that would almost be difficult for her to canonically do from simply knowing there are novels about Elminster and Khelben chronologically after Throne of Bhaal, and I would agree, but fortunately I know what happens to Khelben and Elminster in the years after Throne of Bhaal in deeper detail. Imoen would definitely partner up with Khelben first from 1371 DR to 1373 DR, because in 1370 DR he gets in some hot water with the Harpers. He got expelled from the Harpers after making a deal with Fzoul Chembryl, the cleric of Bane and leader of the sinister Zhentarim, in 1369 DR. In 1357 DR, Khelben gave Fzoul the Scepter of the Sorcerer Kings from the Catacombs of Orduli to earn his cooperation. See, Khelben was trying to take matters into his own hands when the Harpers ignored his story about learning about a very serious threat to Faerun in the unnamed distant future from one of Alaundo's prophecies in the year 816 DR. Fzoul then used the scepter to destroy the Banelich Faram Khaldan. Thirteen years later in the Year of the Tankard, 1370 DR, the Harpers found out about Khelben's actions and took him to trial. He admitted his guilt during his trial at Twilight Hall and quit the Harpers. Immediately after, he and his partner Laeral Silverhand set up the Moonstars as part of a plan that Khelben had been developing for many years. Also, Khelben dies in 1374 DR during the novel "Blackstaff". As for Elminster, Imoen could find time to partner up with him for a while sometime after Nightal 15 1374 DR. Elminster was too busy for Imoen to journey with between the years 1371 DR and 1374 DR, fighting to get out of the Nine Hells in "Elminster in Hell" novel, fighting the phaerimm during "The Summoning" novel, meeting his illegitimate daughter in 1373 DR, and fighting Sharran agents who wanted to steal the Ebon Diadem from Elminster's tower in 1374 DR.

Fun fact #9: The game's map of Tethyr is very odd. Tethyr's geography is slightly different from the official canon. The map's point of view is placed from the west, rather than from the south, meaning that Castle Tethyr, Myratma, Memnon, the Trade Way Road and the ocean is out of the map's view, many miles west (or from the game map's point of view, south) behind "The Oasis" and Amkethran. But that's not the only discrepancy in the map. The Marching Mountains should be where "Sendai's Enclave" and "Abazigal's Lair" is located! The Marching Mountains in the game is placed where the Alamir Mountains should be!

Fun fact #10: In the Throne of Bhaal novelization, Abazigal's Lair is actually located in the Alamir Mountains, which is where the game's map mistakenly placed the Marching Mountains, and Amkethran was nowhere near the desert of Calimshan, it is 6 days south from Saradush (From the game map's perspective of Tethyr, 6 days east from Saradush), between the Forest of Mir and the Alamir Mountains. But since Amkethran looks to be a town very close to the deserts of Calimshan in the game version, this error can be forgiven. Besides, the Throne of Bhaal novelization and its prequels is no longer considered canon.

Fun fact #11: Sendai the half-drow Bhaalspawn's voice actress, Vanessa Marshall, is known today as the voice actress of Hera Syndulla from the Star Wars tv show "Star Wars Rebels" and the game "Star Wars: Squadrons".

Fun fact #12: According to the "Grand History of the Realms" book which covers events in Faerun not revealed in novels, comic books or games, in 1346 DR, baseless rumors spread that some 80,000 drow dwelled in the Forest of Mir, both surface and underground, triggering massive panic in Calimshan and Tethyr. Folk from Calimport ventured into the Muzad under the city, aiming to wipe out any drow they could find there. Others entered into slave-trading deals with actual drow agents and grew rich. Based on this information, I believe that Bhaal in mortal form must have been among the folk from Calimport who went to the Muzad and met the drow woman he would impregnate, giving birth to Sendai as the result.



"The Magehound" 1st book of the Counselors & Kings Trilogy (Written by Elaine Cunningham) ((Release date: April 1st, 2000), (In-universe date of novel: 1370 DR))

Story synopsis: Some are born with magic. Some without. Matteo, un-magical counselor to the mighty of Halruaa, has devoted his life to the truth - until he finds that he may have a hidden spark of magic after all. Now, with only a street waif for a companion, he's on the run from the mysterious Cabal. In the dismal Swamp of Akhlaur, Matteo will seek his own truth while battling a creature out of his nightmares.

But something even worse is on his trail: a relentless persecutor of magic. The Magehound.

"The Sea Devil's Eye" of The Threat from the Sea Trilogy also ends in 1370 DR

"Sea of Fallen Stars" (a sourcebook tabletop game campaign expansion) (By Steven E. Schend) (1370 DR)

Story synopsis: For years beyond measure, folk of Faerûn have sailed and swum the Inner Sea from the Lake of Dragons to the Alamber Sea, but few believed there was more here than a vast expanse of blue water filled with fish, a few sea monsters, and ever-present pirates. Come, take another look and discover new worlds above and beneath the sea. Once you enter the Sea of Fallen Stars, you may never want to go home again.
Atop the Waves: Examine life on the Inner Sea from the major ports and common superstitions to the goings-on in the Pirate Isles.

Beneath the Seas: Discover the worlds within the Sea! Visit Serôs, an ancient land. Meet the enigmatic shalarin, a magical sea people from unknown oceans. Join the mysterious Dukars, magical defenders of the depths.

Myth Nantar, City of Destinies: Wrapped in a magical mythal, the elven city of Myth Nantar is the perfect place to make the transition to the world under the waves or to begin a complete aquatic campaign.

Fun fact: The events of this tabletop game include and overlap some of the events from "Under Fallen Stars" and "The Sea Devil's Eye", this game is set after those novels, revealing some spoilers of plot elements from those novels, so before playing this game, read the novels first.

"The Wyrmskull Throne" Tabletop adventure game (By Steven E. Schend and Thomas M. Reid) (1370 DR, alongside the "Sea of Fallen Stars" tabletop adventure, but can be a stand-alone game story)

Story synopsis: The Wyrmskull Throne - the ruling seat of the great dwarven nation of Shanatar - has been lost for five millenia. Now, rumors have surfaced that it has been found, and there are sinister parties that will stop at nothing to claim it. But the path to finding the throne is long and twisted, leading from a small village in the remotest regions of Tethyr to the bottom of the ocean! Those who follow it had best be prepared for the strange and wondrous - as well as enemies on every side - for it is no journey for the faint of heart.

"The City of Ravens" of The Cities series (Written by Richard Baker) (1370 DR)

Story synopsis: The City of Ravens. For the first time, Jack Ravenwild's designs exceed his talents. His ambitions plunge him into the middle of a plot to destroy the city, a noble quest to find a lost hoard, and a conspiracy to seize the reins of power through the nobility's Game of Masks. Worse yet, Jack must choose between a life of freedom and saving the city he doesn't even know he loves.

"Calimport" sourcebook (By Steven E. Schend) (1370 DR)

"Beyond the High Road" (Written by Troy Denning) (1370 DR)

Story synopsis: The Seer Alaundo prophesied that seven scourges would sweep Cormyr away in ruin. For centuries the royal family has stood watch against that day and devoted their lives to the protection of the realm.

But in a time when their ancient guardians slumber and their most loyal servants disappear, when a terrible evil prepares to sweep down upon their home...

Who will protect the royal family?

"The Thousand Orcs" of The Hunter's Blades Trilogy (Written by R.A. Salvatore) (1370 DR)

Story synopsis: One dark elf. Two enchanted blades. One unknown enemy. And a horde of invaders.

It's been a long time since Drizzt Do'Urden has had to fight alone. When a ravaging mob of vicious orcs overruns the North and his friends are washed away in its evil tide, he must take matters into his own deadly hands.

"The Lone Drow" of The Hunter's Blades Trilogy (By R.A. Salvatore) (1370 DR)

Story synopsis: Alone on the battlefield. Surrounded by death. Cornered by enemies. And ready to die.

Drizzt Do'Urden has become the Hunter, the bane of the orc hordes still ravaging the North. Cut off, alone, convinced that everyone and everything he ever valued has been destroyed, all that's left is to kill, and kill, and kill until there are no enemies left. But there are a lot of enemies, and even the Hunter is just one lone drow.

"The Vilhon Reach" tabletop accessory book (By Jim Butler) (1370 DR)

"The Two Swords" of The Hunter's Blades Trilogy (starts in 1370 DR after "The Lone Drow" ends)

Story synopsis: Drow stalk the shadows. Trolls infest the marshes. Orcs rule the mountains. And time is running out. Mithral Hall is under siege. Nesmé is overrun, and even powerful Silverymoon braces for war. Through it all, Drizzt has fought alone, but as the conflict draws to a bloody conclusion, the hunter will have to find allies both new and old, or die along with the rest of the civilized North.

"The Jewel of Turmish" of The Cities series (Written by Mel Odom) (1370 DR)

Story synopsis: Alaghôn – The Jewel of Turmish Preserving the balance of nature is a way of life for Haarn Brightoak, no matter what the cost, but even his dedication to the customs of the druid is put to the test when a long-dead evil returns to the world of the living. As this vile creature gathers its undead army, Haarn must decide if he will compromise his way of life to defend the city that has never welcomed him.

"The City of Splendors: A Waterdeep Story" of The Cities series (Written by Elaine Cunningham and Ed Greenwood) (story begins in 1370 DR)

Story synopsis: In the streets of Waterdeep, conspiracies run like water through the gutters, bubbling beneath the seeming calm of the city's life. As a band of young, foppish lords discovers there is a dark side to the city they all love, a sinister mage and his son seek to create perverted creatures to further their twisted ends.

And across it sprawls the great city itself: brawling, drinking, laughing, living life to the fullest.

Even in the face of death.

"Empires of the Shining Sea" boxed adventure set (By Steven E. Schend and Dale Donovan) (1370 DR)

"Lands of Intrigue" boxed set (By Steven E. Schend) (1370 DR)

Fun fact: I use this boxed set and Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate 2 as references to more accurate D&D lore in my Baldur's Gate 2 fan fiction.

"For Duty & Deity" tabletop adventure game (By Dale Donovan) ((Release date: May 19th, 1998) (in-universe date: Marpenoth "October" to Nightal 24 "December 24th" 1370 DR))

Story synopsis: For over a decade, mystery has surrounded the fate of the lost goddess of trade and wealth, Waukeen. The Golden Lady disappeared during the Time of Troubles and has not been heard from since. Now, in Marpenoth in the Year of the Tankard (1370 DR), a young prophet suffers from disturbing, divine visions that reveal a beautiful, golden-tressed woman imprisoned on a far plane of existence by some great evil.

The leader of Waukeen's church believes that these visions mean Waukeen is alive but trapped in the deadly and dangerous Abyss. A party of adventurers is dedicated to peeling back the mystery of the Golden Lady's fate. Their route takes them to the plane-spanning Infinite Staircase and beyond, to the Abyss, the home of the demonic tanar'ri. The heroes must brave the dangers of the Abyss and rescue the lost goddess from the clutches of one of the most brilliant and dangerous of all Abyssal lords.

Fun fact: This adventure is very important to the Forgotten Realms D&D lore because it involves the rescue of Waukeen, the goddess known as the Merchant's Friend, who has been absent ever since the Time of Troubles. Because of her absence, clerics that worship her could only cast Level 1 and 2 clerical spells. In Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of Amn, during Mazzy's personal side quest about curing her poisoned sister, the head cleric of Waukeen in Trademeet named Overgold says that several of his fellow clerics have given up on worshiping Waukeen because of her absence, not knowing whether she is dead or captured by someone. The latter was the answer. Grazzt had kidnapped her.

"Living Forever" (The Best of the Realms, Book II Story XIV) (1370 DR)

"Temple Hill" of The Cities series (By Drew Karpyshyn) (story begins in 1370 DR)

Story synopsis: Among the dark streets of the city move thieves and cutthroats. And they don't like independent operators like Lhasha Moonsliver. But when she hires the town drunk as a bodyguard, she gets more than she bargained for. Together they'll have to battle the thieves' guild, the Cult of the Dragon, and other, darker foes. And a fallen man will have to remember the proud warrior he once was.

"A Tall Tale" (Realms of the Dragons II Story VI) (By J.L. Collins) (1370 DR)

"Chase the Dark" (Realms of War Story X) (By Jaleigh Johnson) (1370 DR during the Sothillisian War)

"Bones and Stones" (Realms of War Story XI) (By R.A. Salvatore) (1370 DR)

"The Halls of Stormweather" short story #1 "The Burning Chalice" (Written by Ed Greenwood) (1370 DR)

"Song of Chaos" (Halls of Stormweather Story II) ends. (1370 DR)

"Night School" (Halls of Stormweather Story III) (Written by Clayton Emery) (begins in 1370 DR)

"The Price" (Halls of Stormweather Story IV) (Written by Voronica Whitney-Robinson) (begins in 1370 DR)

"Thirty Days" (Halls of Stormweather Story V) (Written by Dave Gross) (begins in 1370 DR)

"Resurrection" (Halls of Stormweather Story VI) (Written by Paul Kemp) (begins in 1370 DR)

"Skin Deep" (Halls of Stormweather Story VII) (Written by Lisa Smedman) (begins in 1370 DR)


"The Floodgate", 2nd book of the Counselors & Kings Trilogy (By Elaine Cunningham) (1371 DR)

Story synopsis: After a fight, some warriors seek to return home. Others seek revenge.

The battle of Akhlaur's Swamp is over, and its heroes part ways. One becomes a wizard's apprentice and tries to unravel her mysterious lineage. Another hero returns to his queen, only to find that all is not as it was.

Hidden from them both, the Magehound broods. She cannot forgive those who drove her from power, and she will stop at nothing to be avenged. Her bitterness ensures that Akhlaur's Swamp was only the beginning for them all.

"The Wizardwar" 3rd book of the Counselors & Kings Trilogy (By Elaine Cunningham) (1371 DR)

Story synopsis: Defeat breeds anger. Hatred breeds revenge.

Once again, the counselors of Halruaa have beaten back an attack by the wizard Akhlaur. Once more, the kingdom has been saved from its enemies.

But victory comes at a terrible price. The aged king is weakened, his powers diminished. His chief counselor Matteo is torn between his duty and his heart. Tzigone, the hero of the battle of Akhlaur's Swamp, has been hurled into a dark world from which she may never escape. And at the edge of time, Akhlaur and his ally, the Magehound, plot their final revenge.

"The Two Swords" end in 1371 DR

"Comrades at Odds" (Realms of the Elves Story V and The Collected Stories: The Legend Of Drizzt) (By R.A. Salvatore) (1371 DR)

Story synopsis: Tos'un Armgo finds himself without any allies since his three drow companions are all dead and he has become an enemy of King Obould Many-Arrows because of Kaer'lic Suun Wett's attempt to kill the orc while Obould and Drizzt Do'Urden were fighting. Tos'un knows that he cannot survive the journey back through the Underdark alone. Feeling helpless on the surface world, he lets out his rage by attacking orcs with the powerful sentient blade Khazid'hea.

Meanwhile Drizzt Do'Urden and Innovindil search for the body of Ellifain Tuuserail, the moon elf girl that Drizzt saved from being killed during the drow raiding party during the Homeland novel, but she eventually grew up wanting revenge, believing Drizzt along with his brethren killed her mother and friends, and crossed paths with Drizzt again in Sea of Swords, dueling against him and resulting in a draw. Ellifain died while Drizzt was healed even though he tried to beg Bruenor to heal her first. However, they find that the orc hordes have not yet disbanded after the (so Drizzt and Innovindil believe) death of King Obould. Upon inspection, the two elves find that the orcs are building a gate upon a trail further fortifying the orc kingdom. Realizing there is nothing they can do, they continue their journey objective.

Fun fact: This story takes place not long after "The Two Swords"

"Prelude: The Edge of Twilight" of "Evermeet: Island of Elves" (1371 DR)

"Prelude: Shadows Deeper" of "Evermeet: Island of Elves" (1371 DR)

"Prelude: Nightfall" of "Evermeet: Island of Elves" (1371 DR)

"Epilogue: Dawn" of "Evermeet: Island of Elves" (1371 DR)

"Death of the Dragon" (Written by Ed Greenwood and Troy Denning) (1371 DR)

Story synopsis: Seven scourges—five long gone, one of the day, and one soon to come—open the door no man can close. Out come the armies of the dead and the legions of the devil made by itself, to sweep all Cormyr away in ruin, unless those long dead rise to stand against them.

—The Prophecies of Alaundo

The realm has endured a thousand years and more.

For all that time, an Obarskyr has sat upon the Purple Throne.

But under the tearing talons of dark magic, fell foes, and a dragon more vicious than any ever encountered, how much longer can the royal family of Cormyr endure?

Or the kingdom herself?

"Night School" (Halls of Stormweather Story III) (ends in 1371 DR)

"The Price" (Halls of Stormweather Story IV) (ends in 1371 DR)

"Thirty Days" (Halls of Stormweather Story V) (ends in 1371 DR)

"Waylaid" (Realms of the Dragons Story VIII) (By Thomas M. Reid) (Marpenoth "October" 1371 DR)

"Resurrection" (Halls of Stormweather Story VI) (ends in 1371 DR)

"Skin Deep" (Halls of Stormweather Story VII) (ends in 1371 DR)

"Shadow's Witness" of Sembia: Gateway to the Realms series (Written by Paul S. Kemp) (1371 DR)

Story synopsis: Erevis Cale, loyal servant to the Uskevren family, can't keep his secret any longer. From the nobles in their towers to the gangs in the streets, in the city of Selgaunt power belongs to the bold and no one's position is certain. When a thieves' guild attempts to eradicate a rival organization, something unspeakable breaks free—and it's hungry.

With Selgaunt in chaos, Erevis Cale must return to the shadowy life he left behind, to protect the family that has made him one of their own from the horrors of the Abyss.

"The Summoning" of the Return of the Archwizards Trilogy (Written by Troy Denning) (story starts in 1371 DR)

Story synopsis: From the depths of the Demiplane of Shadow comes a new magic so mysterious it confounds even the Chosen of Mystra.
From beneath the dune seas of Anauroch escapes one of Toril's most powerful and ancient evils—the phaerimm.

From Evereska, the last elven refuge on comes word of invasion.

From nowhere appears a group of enigmatic sorcerers determined to destroy the phaerimm and save Evereska... for purposes known only to themselves.

"Into the Dragon's Lair" 3rd edition tabletop adventure game (By Sean K. Reynolds and Steve Miller) (1371 DR, a few months after Death of the Dragon)

Story synopsis: Great Riches Await – And Great Danger!

As war-ravaged Cormyr tries to rebuild, a host of eager seekers—expert adventurers, hardened mercenaries, scheming wizards, misguided patriots, covetous rivals, and more—scramble to find the dragon's treasure.

Will your band of heroes venture across the dangerous landscape of the Forest Kingdom to secure Cormyr's future, or will they seek the hoard for themselves?

Fun fact: This tabletop adventure takes place after The Goblin War of 1370-1371 DR, so Cormyr in this game is still in bad shape after the war.

"Black Wolf" of Sembia: Gateway to the Realms series (Written by Dave Gross) (story begins in 1371 DR)

Story synopsis: Talbot Uskevren's problems are his own business.

The second son of Thamalon Uskevren would like nothing more than to be free—free to pursue a life in the theater, free to socialize with whomever he wishes, free to keep to himself in his tallhouse in the city.

But everything changes when a hunting accident leaves Tal infected with lycanthropy. All those wishes and most of Tal's problems are suddenly insignificant compared to controlling the dangerous beast within him. The priests of two gods keep offering him answers—for a price—and every night he delays may cost more lives than his family and friends have to offer.;qid=1562646964&s=audible&sr=1-1

"City of Splendors: A Waterdeep Novel" ends in 1371 DR)

"The Long Road Home" (The Best of the Realms, Book II Story XV) (1371 DR)


"Silver Marches" sourcebook (By Ed Greenwood and Jason Carl) (1372 DR)

Story synopsis: Haunted by malicious dragons, hordes of orcs, and other ferocious creatures, the relentless cold and unforgiving terrain of the Silver Marches promise undiscovered riches and unspeakable danger to those bold enough to venture there.;qid=1565025595&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"The Book Dragon" of Realms of The Dragons 2 story #7 (By Jim Pitrat) (Sometime in mid Hammer "January", 1372 DR)

"Pool of Twilight" (Written by James M. Ward and Anne K. Brown) (1372 DR)

Story synopsis: The holy hammer of the Church of Tyr was captured by the evil god Bane two decades ago. When Bane was destroyed, the relic vanished. The legacy of recovering the lost item was granted to a paladin before his birth. Now the young warrior Kern Desanea must fulfill his destiny and return the enchanted hammer to the forces of good in the land of the Moonsea. Danger, deception, and loyal friends will accompany him on his fateful journey.

Fun fact: This novel is related to the Pool of Radiance series, and it is another reason why the Pool of Radiance novel is considered canon over the game version, because the main character is the son of Shal Bal and Tarl Desenea, unless you've created those characters in the Pool of Radiance game, that is.;qid=1562647131&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"The Summoning" ends in 1372 DR

"The Siege" of the Return of the Archwizards Trilogy (By Troy Denning) (1372 DR)

Story synopsis: For Evereska, the last elven refuge on Faerûn, it's a battle for survival.

For the Chosen of Mystra, it's a potent rival for their goddess's dominion over magic.

For the human realms of Faerûn, it's a permanent shift in the balance of power.

For a lost race of powerful archwizards, it's a flying mountain they call home.;qid=1562647179&s=audible&sr=1-1

"Elminster in Hell" (By Ed Greenwood) ((release date: May 2002), ((in-universe date: 1372 DR))

Story synopsis: Hell hath such fury.
On the world of his birth he's all but a god, but when an ancient evil banishes him to the depths of the Nine Hells, he's just another lost soul.

Elminster, Sage of Shadowdale, Chosen of Mystra, faces his most desperate struggle—to survive, to escape, to cling to his very sanity—and all the forces of the inferno are rallied against him.

Captured by a powerful demon, the Forgotten Realms legendary wizard is imprisoned in hell and tortured for his most prized and valuable possession—his mind. To resist means certain death, but to give in means absolute madness.;qid=1562647210&s=gateway&sr=8-2

"Astride the Wind" (Realms of Shadow Story VIII) (By Philip Athans) (Alturiak 7 (February 7th) 1372 DR)

"The Shattered Mask" (By Richard Lee Byers) (1372 DR)

Story synopsis: Shamur Uskevren isn't who she seems.

The matriarch of Selgaunt's most powerful family is renowned for her elegance and restraint, but the Lady Uskevren who the peerage of Sembia envies and respects is nothing but a mask. A lifetime ago, Shamur abandoned the adventurous life of a thief to save her family, taking the place of her murdered niece and marrying Thamalon Uskevren.

Now a series of clues point to the man who poisoned her niece and shackled Shamur to a life she never wanted: Thamalon Uskevren himself. Revenge might be too messy for the Lady Uskevren, but deep down, Shamur's no lady. Yet in her anger, Shamur has forgotten few things are as simple as they seem and the Uskevren have made many dangerous enemies.;qid=1562647251&s=gateway&sr=8-2

"Temple Hill" ends in 1372 DR

"The Fallen Lands" (Realms of Shadow Story IX) (By Murray J.D. Leeder) (Ches 19 (March 19th) 1372 DR)

Story synopsis: An adventurer tries to join the forces gathering to aid a besieged Evereska, but his company is attacked by mesmerized orcs and killed before they get there. He is saved by a clan of Uthgardt barbarians who allow him to attack the orcs and their controller. Along the way, he learns to question his preconceived notions about the values of magic.

"The Twilight Tomb" tabletop adventure game (written by Greg A. Vaughan) (1372 DR)

Story synopsis: Stand Against the Coming Night! Shadows in the forest deepen as an oracle among the Yuirwood's half-elf inhabitants foretells the reemergence of the Duskwalker, an ancient and corrupt star elf wizard. Missing travelers and lost goods all point to a circle of standing stones within the forest. Perhaps, like its counterparts elsewhere in the Yuirwood, this stone henge allows for travel to another place—but where? And what growing darkness awaits those bold enough to find out?;qid=1562647306&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Neverwinter Nights" (A PC game developed by BioWare, playable on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Enhanced Edition developed by Overhaul Games of Beamdog, playable on PC and current gen consoles) ((Release date (Original): June 18th, 2002, (Enhanced Edition): March 27th, 2018), (In-universe date of game: Tarsakh (April) to Mirtul (May) 1372 DR))

Story synopsis: A deadly sickness has struck the city of Neverwinter known as The Wailing Death. No medicine or clerical spell can cure it, unfortunately. A plague that cannot be cured cannot be natural, so Lord Nasher Alagondar, Aribeth and the Neverwinter Academy have started training young men and women of various humanoid races who seek, fame, glory and gold to be adventurers trained to combat whoever is behind spreading the Wailing Death. However, only one of the students is destined to become Neverwinter's hero, and it is up to that hero to find the people responsible for spreading the plague and stop them.

Fun fact: Canonically in the Forgotten Realms' Dungeons & Dragons lore, the Wailing Death plague started on the 30th day of Tarsakh. Also, I learned that the only time all of Faerun was a jungle and had an ice age afterwards was LONG BEFORE the Age of Thunder, more than ten millennia into the Forgotten Realms' past starting from 1372 DR. Though the game states that ten thousand years have passed since Morag's empire existed, which would make the time they were around way back in -8628 DR, that's a problem because it mismatches with D&D's lore! The Forgotten Realms' Ice Age that wiped out her empire, forcing her to hide in the source stone canonically happened far longer ago before -8628 DR, even further back than -35000 DR, before any part of Forgotten Realms history was recorded! So, setting the record straight, the Age Of Thunder is after Faerun's Ice Age ended, meaning Morag's empire must have canonically been around in a time long before the first recorded historical details of the Forgotten Realms was made, like during the Shadow Epoch, when the Faerunian gods were at war against primordials like Dendar The Night Serpent who swallowed the sun, starting Faerun's Ice Age.

Fun fact #2: The orc king Obould Many-Arrows, the very same Obould from The Hunter's Blades trilogy novels appears in this game. In The Hunter's Blades Trilogy novels, Drizzt battled him, but he did not win because of Obould's very tough body armor. In fact, Obould almost killed Drizzt in their duel, too. The fact that the Neverwinter Nights protagonist managed to defeat Obould in a duel, something Drizzt could not accomplish, is amazing to me.

Fun fact #3: The protagonist of the Neverwinter Nights game canonically spared the orc king Obould Many-Arrows instead of killing him after their duel, and the protagonist canonically does not fight and kill the red dragon Klauth, but instead trades a dragon egg with him for the Word of Power (You should see how big Klauth really is, this game does not do his appearance justice, he is MUCH bigger than this game depicts! Weakening him with a poisoned dragon egg would not be enough to fight him because of his sheer size!!!). Being unable to avoid killing Obould Many-Arrows and Klauth would make the entire Neverwinter Nights game not canon because these two Dungeons & Dragons characters must live on after the year 1372 DR because Obould canonically dies from old age in 1409 DR, and Klauth appears in the "Storm King's Thunder" tabletop adventure game which is set little more than 120 years after Neverwinter Nights.

Fun fact #4: Also the two High Captains of Luskan, Baram and Kurth do not get killed off by the Neverwinter Nights protagonist or anyone else, they live on because they appear in R.A. Salvatore's "The Pirate King" novel.

Fun fact #5: The moon elf sorceress, Valindra Shadowmantle, who you might encounter in Luskan's Host Tower of the Arcane is a major antagonist waiting to happen. Four years later after the events of Neverwinter Nights, the Host Tower of the Arcane gets destroyed, and Valindra was one of the people who died in the explosion, which led to her becoming a lich and 100 years later, becoming a major enemy of Neverwinter during the first several quests of the Neverwinter MMORPG.

"Neverwinter Nights: Pirates of the Sword Coast" NWN premium module (By BioWare) ((release date: September 2005), (in-universe date: Mirtul "May" 1372 DR))

Story synopsis: An adventurer is a freelance sailor sails aboard the Midnight Rose merchant ship, to the city of Neverwinter (Likely after the Wailing Death incident) to gather supplies before a long trip south. A most peculiar course of events follows, slowly unraveling a plot of whale-sized proportions.

"When Shadows Come Seeking a Throne" (Realms of Shadow Story X) (By Ed Greenwood) (Kythorn 1 (June 1st) 1372 DR))

Story synopsis: In the wake of the revelation of Shade Enclave's role in climatic troubles in Cormyr, they are banished. A phaerimm takes the opportunity to reach out to noble families banished in the wake of the last attempted coup. Meanwhile Caladnei is just beginning to learn how to act as the new Mage Royal and a Malaugrym is loose and unnoticed in the palace.

"Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide" (An expansion of Neverwinter Nights developed by Floodgate Entertainment and BioWare, Enhanced Edition developed by Overhaul Games of Beamdog) ((release date: June 21st, 2003), (in-universe date: begins on Kythorn 1, 1372 DR))

Story synopsis: In a tiny settlement near the southern foothills of the Nether Mountains, west of Ladypeak called Hilltop, a dwarf wizard/cleric of Mystra named Drogan Droganson who has recently retired from adventuring, operates a school for adventurers. Only four students attend his school, Dorna Trapspringer, Xanos Messarmos, Mischa Waymeet and one certain student who is regarded as his best student, and is a hero waiting to happen, especially when kobolds attack the settlement. What follows is an interesting adventure for Drogan's star pupil, one that takes them to Anauroch.

Fun fact: For story continuity purposes, the main character of this story should be a new protagonist, not be the one who saved Neverwinter from the Wailing Death.

"Neverwinter Nights: Dark Dreams of Furiae" Enhanced Edition premium module (Developed by Silverstring Media and Phantom Compass) ((release date: March 24th 2020), (in-universe date: 1372 DR))

Story synopsis: In the fallen city of Furiae ruled by devils and despots, a quiet war wages for the hearts and minds of the people. Into this chaos, a new arcane substance is smuggled called "Worldwine". Worldwine is deadly to devils, and turns mortals into dream-addled fanatics. It is up to one citizen of Furiae to take a stand and fight to save Furiae from its devil oppressors.

Fun fact: Though this adventure is 100 years before Baldur's Gate Descent Into Avernus, the adventure coincides with it, with mentions of Zariel and such.

"King Shadow" (Realms of Shadow Story XI) (By Richard Lee Byers) (Kythorn 11 (June 11th) 1372 DR)

"The Shifting Sands" (Realms of Shadow Story XII) (By Peter Archer) (Kythorn 13 (June 13th) 1372 DR)

"Neverwinter Nights: Darkness Over Daggerford" the first expansion for NWN Enhanced Edition (Developed by Ossian Studios) ((release date: June 1st 2018), (in-universe date: Kythorn "June" 1372 DR))

Story synopsis: Pwyll Daggerford, the Duke of Daggerford has been mysteriously killed, a new power has taken over the town, bandits rove the Trade Way unhindered, and mysterious things stir in a fabled ancient citadel, yet all is not as it seems. A darkness is fast descending upon this sleepy town near Waterdeep - will the adventurer destined to stand against this darkness be able to stand against it?

"Freedom's Promise" (Realms of the Dragons 2 Story VIII) (By Ed Gentry) (Kythorn (June) 1372 DR)

"Heirs of Prophecy" (Written by Lisa Smedman) (starts in Kythorn (June) 1372 DR)

Story synopsis: In a household where everyone has a secret, why should the maid be any different? The unacknowledged daughter of Thamalon Uskevren, Larajin is a half-elf who finds herself embroiled in a bitter war between elves and humans. In an effort to bring peace to both Sembia and the Dalelands, Larajin will have to confront a twin brother she doesn't know and save a half-brother whose fate hangs in the balance.;qid=1562647842&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"The Sorcerer" of the Return of the Archwizards Trilogy (By Troy Denning) (Flamerule (July) 1372 DR)

Story synopsis: In the blasted ruins of Tilverton, demons stalk the shadows. In Evereska and Cormyr, alliances crumble. In the sun-baked desert of Anauroch, an empire of darkness is established. In the soul of a tortured elf, the future is decided.

Fun fact: This book is set approximately two months after the protagonist of Neverwinter Nights saved Neverwinter from the Wailing Death because the ruler of Neverwinter, Nasher Alagondar appears in this book.;qid=1562647624&s=gateway&sr=8-1

Dragon magazine issue #304 "Haunted, A Tale of Sembia" (By Dave Gross) (the parts set in Flamerule 23 to 24 (July 23rd to 24th) 1372 DR)

"Queen of The Mountain" Realms of The Dragons story #10 (By Jaleigh Johnson) (middle and end half of the short story set in Flamerule 25 (July 25th), 1372 DR)

"Possessions" (Realms of the Dragons II Story IX) (By James P. Davis) (Flamerule "July" 1372 DR)

"Dissolution" (By Richard Lee Byers), "Insurrection" (By Thomas M. Reid), "Condemnation" (By Richard Baker), "Extinction" (By Lisa Smedman), "Annihilation" (By Philip Athans) and "Resurrection" (By Paul S. Kemp) of the War of the Spider Queen series (all begin and end in 1372 DR)

Dissolution story synopsis: The city of Menzoberranzan is being subject to the Silence of Lolth: priestesses no longer have access to their clerical magic. Many drow males have apparently discovered this fact and run off. After an accident that kills several of his students, Pharaun Mizzrym, a master of Sorcere, is assigned by the Archmage of Menzoberranzan to track down those renegades to "redeem" himself. He convinces his friend Ryld Argith, a master of Melee-Magthere who is bored of his position, to help him in this endeavor.

Insurrection story synopsis: A hand-picked team of the most capable drow adventures begin a perilous journey through the treacherous Underdark, all the while surrounded by the chaos of war. Ther path will take them through the very heart of darkness, and the Underdark will be shaken to its core. If the powerful dark elves falter, the world below is open for Insurrection.

Condemnation story synopsis: The forces aligned against Menzoberranzan begin to take shape, and the threat to drow civilization is more terrifying than anyone has yet imagined. From the impenetrable shadows of the Underdark to the remote corners of the no less unforgiving World Above, the path toward the secrets of Lolth's silence is as unpredictable as it is deadly. Joined by two drow who might be the last survivors of Ched Nasad, the explorers from Menzoberranzan have learned much, but for every answer they find, a thousand new questions arise. They must seek out a rival priest, in hopes that he can speed them on their way to the goddess herself, but can one dark elf ever trust another?

Extinction story synopsis: Lies, Faith, and Oblivion. The Queen of the Demonweb Pits may have turned her back on even her most faithful servants, or she may now hang lifeless in her own hellish webs. For one priestess, the only course left open to her is to discover the truth, even if she must return to a place from whence few have returned even once—a place where souls of the dead go to serve for eternity. For another priestess, the prospect of an afterlife without the Spider Queen drives her into the arms of another goddess, shattering the tenuous alliances that have brought the drow to the threshold of the Abyss.

Annihilation story synopsis: Menzoberranzan in Ruin. For enemies of the drow, it would be the ultimate triumph. If the City of Spiders were to find itself buried by the uncaring sands of eternity, thousands would dance upon its grave, including more powerful enemies than even its most suspicious inhabitants have ever imagined. But Gromph Baenre, Archmage of Menzoberranzan, will not let that happen. When the time comes, he will risk everything to save a city and a civilization he loves more than any drow would ever admit. While Menzoberranzan fights for survival, a dwindling company of would-be saviors travels the multiverse in search of a goddess who could be dead, or could have simply turned away from them. They might just survive the trip, but can they possibly survive the Demonweb Pits?

Resurrection story synopsis: The devastating War of the Spider Queen comes to an end, giving birth to the greatest horror the Realms has ever known. The Spider Queen lives again, but something is different—something her priestesses can hear in the winds, feel in their spirits, and see with their own eyes. The Demonweb Pits, removed from the Abyss to take its place among the lower planes, is more horrifying than anyone has ever imagined. Teeming with feral spiders bent on ripping each other to pieces—killing, eating, and killing again—the blasted landscape of Lolth’s personal hell is still forming. Quenthel Baenre, with the tattered remnants of her expedition continuing to plot against her, crosses that spider-infested killing ground in hopes of answering the call of her reborn goddess. If she can make it to Lolth’s side, can she even imagine what plans the Queen of the Demonweb Pits has had for her all along? Danifae Yauntyrr—a former battle-captive of House Melarn—has followed Quenthel into the Pits, but even the hellish conditions cannot distract her from her true mission: kill Halisstra Melarn. While Danifae contemplates vengenace, the very target of her burning hatred is not far behind, following her own hidden agenda. Halisstra holds the fabled Crescent Blade, a sword she believes will grant her the power to kill Lolth herself—but only if they find her before she fully completes her own mysterious resurrection.

"Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark" (The third expansion for Neverwinter Nights developed by BioWare, Enhanced Edition developed by Overhaul Games of Beamdog) (release date: December 2nd, 2003), ((in-universe date: 1372 DR, sometime after Shadows of Undrentide))

Story synopsis: During the Silence of Lolth, a female drow who calls herself the Valsharess, has gained great power and influence after the binding of Mephistopheles, one of the Archdukes of Hell, and using the devil in her service. She was originally just another matron mother, and it is not known how she managed to bind Mephistopheles. With the help of the devil, she managed to conquer much of the Underdark during the Silence of Lolth. After this, she even went on to imprison Halaster Blackcloak and plans on attacking Waterdeep through Undermountain. But first, she learns what surfacer adventurer will be a great threat to her plans, and it is none other than Drogan Droganson's star pupil. Can he/she stop the rise of the Valsharess?

Fun fact: For story continuity purposes, the main character in this expansion should be the same one from Shadows of Undrentide, and this expansion's story takes place sometime during the War of the Spider Queen novels since the Silence of Lolth period was still in effect.

"City of the Spider Queen" (Tabletop Adventure module game) (Created by James Wyatt) (1372 DR)

Story synopsis: The Fate of Faerûn Lies in Shadowy Darkness! Daggerdale is reeling from a sudden series of murderous drow raids. As a grave threat to the entire surface world develops in the war-torn dark elf city of Maerimydra, intrepid heroes must discover its source and destroy it, if they can.;qid=1562647714&s=gateway&sr=8-2

"Unapproachable East" sourcebook (Written by Richard Baker, Matt Forbeck and Sean K. Reynolds) (1372 DR);qid=1565024340&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Black Wolf" ends in the month Mirtul

"Sons of Gruumsh" tabletop adventure game (By Christopher Perkins) (1372 DR)

Story synopsis: None can escape the wrath of Gruumsh! Trouble brews in Thar as orc tribes converge on the ruined fortress of Xûl-Jarak, flocking to the banner of a charismatic warlord. What are their wicked intentions, and what connection do they have to the six missing nobles from Melvaunt?;qid=1562647785&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Bladesinger" ends in 1372 DR

"Sacrifice of the Widow" of The Lady Penitent Trilogy (By Lisa Smedman) (1372 DR)

Story synopsis: Halisstra Melarn, convert to the cause of the goddess Eilistraee, was sent to the deepest depths of the Outer Planes to kill the demon goddess she once worshiped, but instead was transformed into a hideous creature bent to the vengeful will of her former mistress. For the Queen of the Demonweb Pits not only survived her Silence but evolved into something greater than she was before—something that no longer needs to share the domain she calls her own. Could it be that the War of the Spider Queen has just begun?;qid=1562648073&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"The Orc King" of the Transitions Trilogy (By R.A. Salvatore) ((Release date: September 2007), (In-universe date: The chapters between the prologue and epilogue are set in 1372 DR))

Story synopsis: An uneasy peace between the dwarves of Mithral Hall and the orcs of the newly established Kingdom of Many-Arrows can't last long. The orc tribes united under Obould begin to fight each other, and Bruenor is determined to finish the war that nearly killed him and almost destroyed everything he's worked to build. But it will take more than swords and axes to bring a lasting peace to the Spine of the World. Powerful individuals on both sides may have to change the way they see each other. They may have to start to talk. But it won't be easy.

"Standard Delving Procedure" (Realms of the Dragons Story IX) (By Lisa Smedman) (Eleint 7 "September 7th", 1372 DR)

"Sands of the Soul" (Written by Voronica Whitney-Robinson) (starts in the month Marpenoth "October" 1372 DR)

Story synopsis: The only legitimate daughter of the wealthy Uskevren family, Tazi has suffered blow after shattering blow to her body and her spirit, some at the hands of her most trusted allies. Even as she struggles to mend her fractured soul, Tazi finds herself on a journey that will take her from the safety of Stormweather to the darkest alleys of Selgaunt and the shining heart of the Calim Desert. There, the ever-shifting sands hide an old foe who holds the key to Tazi's salvation—or her doom.;qid=1562648048&s=gateway&sr=8-2

"A Little Knowledge" (Realms of Shadow Story VII or The Best of the Realms, Book III Story XII) (By Elaine Cunningham) (Marpenoth 19 (October 19th) 1372 DR)

Story synopsis: Set in Halruaa after the events of the Counselors & Kings Trilogy. A diviner finds his ability to actual be a curse. When a shadow adept attacks his friend, he assents to a wizard dual for his powers.

"Queen of the Mountain" (Realms of the Dragons II Story X) (By Jaleigh Johnson) (Entry isn't dated, possibly takes place in 1372 DR)

"And All the Sinners, Saints" (Dragon magazine issue #297) (1372 DR)

"Haunted, A Tale of Sembia" (Dragon magazine issue # 304) ends in 1372 DR


"The Yellow Silk" (By Don Bassingthwaite) (Hammer "January" of 1373 DR)

Story synopsis: He told stories... he told even more lies.

He told people what they wanted to hear... he told himself he wasn't doing anything wrong.

He told the mysterious stranger from Shou Lung that he'd help him...

He told the most dangerous man in Altumbel that he would deliver a fortune in gems...

He should have kept his mouth shut.;qid=1562648302&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Neverwinter Nights: Tyrants of the Moonsea" the latest NWN Enhanced Edition premium module (Developed by Ossian Studios) ((release date: August 21st, 2019), (in-universe date: Begins Alturiak 2 "February 2nd" 1373 DR))

Story synopsis: The harsh frontier land known as the Moonsea is besieged by demons. A mysterious cult has arisen, bent on death and destruction. Amid the chaos, war is imminent between the powerful city-states and their tyrannical rulers. Accompanied by the dwarf merchant Madoc, an adventurer approaches the town of Voonlar just as the worst snowstorm of the year hits. He/She soon discovers that only he/she can prevent the total annihilation of the Moonsea at the hands of a legendary and ancient evil...

Fun fact: Ren o' the Blade and Shal Bal, two of the three canon protagonists of the Pool of Radiance and Pools of Darkness novel are mentioned in this expansion.

"An Icy Heart" (Realms of the Dragons Story X) (By Voronica Whitney-Robinson) (Alturiak 16 "February 16th" 1373 DR)

"Penitential Rites" (Realms of the Dragons Story XI) (By Keith Frances Strohm) (Ches 6 "March 6th" 1373 DR)

"How Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth" (Realms of the Dragons Story XII) (By Dave Gross) (Ches 25 (March 25th) 1373 DR)

"Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone" (Developed by Stormfront Studios and Zono Inc., story written by R.A. Salvatore, playable on Windows PC, PlayStation 2 and Xbox) ((Release date: November 16th 2004), (In-universe date of game: 1373 DR))

Story synopsis: Three adventurers that have met by chance, Zhai, Rannek and Illus find the Demon Stone, an ancient prison, just as it breaks before their eyes. The contained evil is unleashed and two wicked spirits, one a githyanki woman named Cireka and the other a Slaad lord named Ygorl once again threaten the world.

Fun fact: Although this game's realm year isn't exactly confirmed, I have narrowed down the possibility of this game being set sometime after The Hunter's Blades Trilogy and the chapters between "The Orc King"s prologue and epilogue, and before "The Pirate King" novel's story, and I have fairly strong evidence to believe this. Rannek, one of the main characters in this game, had a cameo appearance in "The Two Swords" novel as a member of the Riders of Nesmé, the city Nesmé was overrun by an army of trolls in 1370 DR during the book's story, and Rannek was the only survivor who is a member of the Riders of Nesmé. In this game during the stand at Mithral Hall with Zhai, Illius, Thibbledorf Pwent and Drizzt against the troll army, Rannek found the chance to avenge Nesmé and his fallen friends who was fellow members of the Riders of Nesmé by slaying the troll king.

"Lord of Stormweather" (By Dave Gross) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: The heir to the Uskevren fortune never expected to inherit so much so soon. After a sorcerous attack on Stormweather Towers cuts the family in half, Thamalon must learn to lead the survivors before a deadly assassin finishes the job. Too bad nobody seems willing to follow his lead. Worse still, some of them want him dead.;qid=1562648452&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Twilight Falling", "Dawn of Night" and "Midnight's Mask" of The Erevis Cale Trilogy (By Paul S. Kemp) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: The shadows grow long on the mean streets of Selgaunt. The sun sets on one man’s service to Sembia’s merchant lords. The day’s end finds Erevis Cale serving a new master, one who is beyond the petty accumulation of wealth. After all, what is gold to one who trades in souls?;qid=1562648489&s=gateway&sr=8-4

"The Sapphire Crescent" of The Scions of Arrabar Trilogy ends in 1373 DR

"The Alabaster Staff" ends in 1373 DR

"Mysteries of the Moonsea" (tabletop game) (By Thomas M. Reid, Sean K. Reynolds, Darrin Drader and Wil Upchurch) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: The Moonsea region is full of wealth and peril. It is home to the nefarious Zhentil Keep, the merchant city of Melvaunt, and the mysterious Ironfang Keep.;qid=1562648644&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Beer with a Fat Dragon" (Realms of the Dragons Story XIII) (By Don Bassingthwaite) (Late Tarsakh 1373 DR)

"The Prisoner of Hulburg" (Realms of the Dragons Story XIV) (By Richard Lee Byers) (Mirtul 1 and 2 1373 DR)

"The Strength Of The Jester" Realms of The Dragons 2 story #11 (By Murray J. D. Leeder) (Mirtul 1373 DR)

"Neverwinter Nights: Wyvern Crown of Cormyr" NWN premium module (By BioWare) ((release date: March 27th 2018), (in-universe date: Kythorn 1373 DR))

story synopsis: A lone adventurer has returned to Cormyr, the land of his/her birth, in the hopes of rebuilding his/her family’s fortune. Though peace seems to have finally returned to this troubled land, outlaws still lurk in the wilds and a strange silence has descended over the Hullack forest… a silence that warns of encroaching darkness.

"The Crimson Gold" (By Voronica Whitney-Robinson) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: She wanted out.

She wanted a new life.

She wanted a trophy worthy of a master thief.

She wanted to find the source of the treasured crimson gold.

She wanted to face an undead emperor on his home ground and live to tell the tale.

Careful what you wish for.

Thazienne Uskevren leaves behind the streets of Selgaunt to challenge the Red Wizards of Thay, but even the priceless Crimson Gold might not be reward enough when all of Thay rises against her.;qid=1562648775&s=gateway&sr=8-2

"The Black Bouquet" (By Richard Lee Byers) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: He thought it was a game.

He thought no one would get hurt.

He thought he could trust a tanarukk bandit.

He thought he was hired for his skill and cunning.

He thought it was just another victim, just another mark.

He thought he could do his job without turning the entire city against him.

He was wrong.;qid=1562648800&s=audible&sr=1-1

"Son of Thunder" (the full story) (By Murray J.D. Leeder) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: It was the best thing that ever happened to him.

It was his god's blessing.

It was hell.

Vell was content to be a mere warrior in the Thunderbeast tribe, staying behind on the hunt to guard the camp.

But then something alien awakened deep within him, the spirit of a behemoth that he could not control. With it came attacks from the sky, visitors from far lands, and a mysterious command from their ancestral totem: Find the living. And this time, no one was going to let him just stay behind.;qid=1562648830&s=audible&sr=1-1

"Mistress of the Night" of The Priests series (By Dave Gross and Don Bassingthwaite) (Kythorn to Eleasias, 1373 DR)

Story synopsis: This story is about two priestesses—one of Shar, the other of Selûne—and is set in Yhaunn in Sembia.;qid=1562648898&s=gateway&sr=8-2

"Queen of the Depths" (By Richard Lee Byers) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: I will bring my people again from the depths of the sea. That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies, and the tongue of thy dogs in the same.;qid=1562648939&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"The Rage" story ends in 1373 DR

"The Rite" (By Richard Lee Byers) (1373 DR after "The Rage" ends)

Story synopsis: Rampaging dragons appear in more and more places every day. And if the soulless lich Sammaster gets his way—and there's every reason to suspect he will—the disaster has only just begun.

But then all the dragons have to do to avoid the madness that drives them to kill is trade their immortal souls for an eternity of undeath.

The knowledge of that unavoidable truth may cause more madness among the dragons of Faerûn than the curse itself. For the dragonslayer Dorn, a dragon is a dragon whether or not it has skin. But what if it wears the skin of a woman he may just be falling in love with?

It's shaping up to be a difficult year for Dorn Graybrook and his companions, a year that will bring all of Faerûn to the edge of cataclysm. The Year of Rogue Dragons rages on.;qid=1562648964&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"The Ruin" (By Richard Lee Byers) (1373 DR after "The Rite" ends)

Story synopsis: Rogue dragons become heroes when a millennia-old curse is revealed. But knowing the cause of a disease and curing it are two very different things.

And when most of the victims of the curse would rather not be cured of it at all, it gets a whole lot harder.

Far up in the frozen wastelands of the bitter north, a ruined citadel holds the key to the Rage, and dragons alive and undead, sane and mad, good and evil, converge there to decide the fate of their mighty race. For a half-golem dragonslayer ending the curse has become less a mission of duty than of love, and that only makes it more vital that he succeed.

It's been a difficult year for Dorn Graybrook and the allies but before it's over more blood will be spilled. The Year of Rogue Dragons draws to a close.;qid=1562648995&s=gateway&sr=8-2

"The Ruby Guardian" of The Scions of Arrabar Trilogy (By Thomas M. Reid) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: The Ruby Guardian

A forbidden alliance solidifies, an army marches, and an ancient society begins to crumble.

Vambran and Emriana have survived assassination attempts, family feuds, arranged marriages, and monster-guarded secrets. But now things are starting to get really dangerous.

The Scions of Arrabar

Heirs to a legacy of blood and steel struggle for control of a nation of mercenaries at odds with its neighbors and at war with itself.;qid=1562649028&s=gateway&sr=8-2

"The Emerald Scepter" of The Scions of Arrabar Trilogy (By Thomas M. Reid) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: From out of the deepest forests comes the most unlikely ally in a war for a city's heart. Sides have been chosen, traitors have been revealed, and masks have come off the most secretive of Arrabar's elite—friends and foes alike. All that's left is to find it out.

"The Gossamer Plain" of The Empyrean Odyssey Trilogy (By Thomas M. Reid) (starts in 1373 DR)

Story synopsis: Kaanyr Vhok's ears popped again, and the whole universe turned upside down.

The half-demon master of the Scoured Legion still stings from his defeat in Menzoberranzan, and he's turned that anger on the human city of Sundabar, and onward into the Plane of Fire.

Aliisza's head swam. She could remain alive, so long as she was a good girl. But it seemed too easy, too simple. The alu-fiend knew there was a catch.

She's been consort, spy, and soldier, all in support of Kaanyr Vhok, but when he sends her on a mission she only thinks she understands, she finds a secret inside herself, and the unlikeliest allies a demon could possibly imagine.;qid=1562649084&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Venom's Taste" of the House of Serpents Trilogy (By Lisa Smedman) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: Hlondeth

A city populated by the humanoid serpents known as the yuan-ti, and ruled by

House Extaminos

The powerful House of Serpents, and the ultimate target of

The Pox

A human cult whose members worship the goddess of plague and disease, and who begins to work the deadly will of

Sibyl's Chosen

A dangerous cabal of yuan-ti who will turn every human in the city into a freakish tainted one, unless


A yuan-ti halfblood, can stop them all.

"Viper's Kiss" of the House of Serpents Trilogy (By Lisa Smedman) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: Arvin

A mind-mage of growing power sets off on a secret journey to the barony of


A human realm crawling with yuan-ti, where he encounters


A yuan-ti half-blood who in turn has her serpent's eyes set on


Scion of the powerful Extaminos family who is said to hold the fabled

Circled Serpent

An ancient artifact of such immense power, it could well destroy the world.;psc=1&refRID=T5KGBMDN981P3FXS2SD7

"Elminster's Daughter" (By Ed Greenwood) (1373 DR)

Story synopsis: A woman scorned.

All her life, Narnra of Waterdeep has wondered who her father is. Amid the squalor of the streets, through the danger she faces daily as a thief in the City of Splendors, she speculates on whom the mysterious wizard might be who left her mother to raise a fatherless child. Now she's discovered that it's no less a person than Elminster of Shadowdale, mightiest mage in all Faerûn. And her anger is as boundless as his power. Like a silken shadow, the thief Narnra Shalace flits through the dank streets and dark corners of Waterdeep. Little does she know that she's about to come face-to-face with the most dangerous man in all Faerûn: her father. And amidst a vast conspiracy to overthrow all order in the Realms, she'll have to learn to trust again—and to love.

Fun fact: Narnra Shalace is a half-dragon, but she looks like a normal human. Yes, all this means Elminster knocked up a dragon disguised as a human sometime in the late 1350's, Enough said.

Fun fact #2: Narnra's mother is neither a chromatic or metallic dragon, but a song dragon, also known as a weredragon, a type of dragon that lives among humans disguised as human women sometimes acting as agents for Corellon Larethian, Erevan Ilesere, or Selûne.

Fun fact #3: Narnra's conception was no accident due to Elminster and Narnra's mother having fun, it is because Narnra's mother WANTED to be impregnated by Elminster. But the problem she faced was that Elminster literally has conscious control over his fertility as a Chosen of Mystra, that means if "No Nut November" were a thing in the Forgotten Realms, he would be the undisputed champion. She had to personally ask Khelben Blackstaff and Mystra herself to allow Elminster to impregnate her.

"Tribute" (Best of the Realms, Book III Story XIV) (1373 DR)


"Tears So White" (Realms of the Elves Story VI) (Written by Ed Greenwood) (in Alturiak 12 "February 12th" 1374 DR)

"Ghostwalker" ends on Greengrass of 1374 DR (Greengrass is a festival to welcome the first day of the Spring season from Tarsakh 30 (April 30th) to Mirtul 1 (May 1st) 1374 DR)

"Forsaken House" ends in 1374 DR

"Farthest Reach" ends in 1374 DR

"Blackstaff" continues and ends in 1374 DR

"Bloodwalk" (By James P. Davis) (1374 DR)

Story synopsis: Lady of the Order of Twilight. Witch of the Gargauthans. Blood Magus.

Morgynn seethed for years under the yoke of ignorance her mother enforced. Then death came for Morgynn, and after embracing it she was reborn with frightening powers of incredible strength.

When a wandering ghostwalker and a seer’s hubris provide the perfect opening to expand her dominion, she seizes the opportunity. But the ghostwalker is proving more trouble than she had bargained for...;qid=1562649343&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Darkvision" (By Bruce R. Cordell) (1374 DR)

Story synopsis: Exile of the Hidden City. Adept of forgotten mysteries. Sorceress of the Celestial Nadir.

Haunted by nightmares and driven by desire, Ususi defied the will of her people and ran away, venturing alone into the outside world her people abandoned centuries ago.

Now Ususi tracks down the relics that brought both prosperity and doom to her people. But when an old adversary finds her trail, she discovers the danger she thought past might only be beginning.

Bruce R. Cordell weaves a gripping adventure of mystery, magic, and eldritch horror.;psc=1&refRID=BYH560T4CFVZV9W6XW7B

"Frostfell" (By Mark Sehestedt) (1374 DR)

Story synopsis: Daughter of House Hiloar. War Wizard of Cormyr. Renegade.

Only fools find themselves at Winterkeep after the first snowfall. The cold alone can kill, if you live long enough, and dangers far worse haunt the ruined keep in winter.

But slavers stole her son. She would sacrifice everything to get him back. In the uncaring, frozen north, will it be enough?;psc=1&refRID=CZA0W72RTBK55GH6MFVV

"Sentinelspire" ends in 1374 DR

"Neverwinter Nights 2" (A PC game developed by Obsidian Entertainment, playable on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X) ((release date: October 31st, 2006), (In-universe date of game: Spring or Summer of 1374 DR))

Story synopsis: Bards sing of heroes in ages past, but they rarely mention those that are yet to become heroes. One such hero is a farmer in the small village of West Harbor. Raised by the elven ranger, Daeghun Farlong, as his own child, our hero will embark on a grandiose quest against the King of Shadows.

Fun fact: Though it is possible for the protagonist to be an elf or another race with a long lifespan, it will not add up with the game's basic backstory. Although no solid date is ever set for the first destruction of West Harbor, the age of several characters who participated, such as Dalren (who is a HUMAN) or Daeghun Farlong, allows for it to be inferred that the battle took place sometime between 20 and 30 years before 1374 DR, which doesn't add up with the fact that if you play as an elf or another race with a long lifespan, warlock Ammon Jerro will be Shandra's great grandfather instead of grandfather, which doesn't make sense because of Dalren being human and his participation in the West Harbor war. This makes any race with a substantially longer lifespan than humans, such as elves or dwarves to be ruled out as the canonical race for the Kalach-Cha, who was born during or shortly before the battle, which would make him/her canonically a race that would reach adulthood or at least sub-adulthood by the age of 20 or 30 like a human, half-elf, aasimar or tiefling.

Maiden of Pain ends in 1374 DR

"Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer" (An expansion for NWN 2 developed by Obsidian Entertainment) (1374 DR)

Story synopsis: Following the climactic battle against the King of Shadows, Daeghun Farlong's adopted child, known to the githyanki as the Kalach-Cha, awakens alone and stranded deep beneath the earth. Surrounded by a horde of spirits, the Kalach-Cha embarks on an epic adventure to Rashemen that reveals his/her true destiny.

Fun fact: For story continuity purposes, the hero character must be the same one from the main campaign, and the hero character must be either good or neutral aligned, or at least an evil rebel who has no intention of becoming an ally or servant of the King of Shadows so that the story can canonically progress to MotB

"Shadowbred" of The Twilight War Trilogy (By Paul S. Kemp) (1374 DR)

Story synopsis: The Lady has spoken to me.

It has already begun.

Shadows move out of the shrinking desert, south to the rich and arrogant cities of Sembia.

"Be brave, little man," says the shadowman, and the boy thinks his voice is surprisingly soft. "Stay with your mother. This will be over soon."

The shadows swallow him and he is gone.

On the edge of a war that will change the face of Faerûn, the world will find that not all shadows serve Shade Enclave.;qid=1562649546&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Shadowstorm" of The Twilight War Trilogy (By Paul S. Kemp) (1374 DR)

Story synopsis: The archwizards of Shade Enclave have come out of the desert with a message of peace, and an act of war. Split by petty disputes and causeless feuds, the merchant realm of Sembia is wide open for invasion, and with no shortage of Sembians more than happy to sell out to the Shadovar, can only one man—even if that man is Erevis Cale—do anything to stop it?;psc=1&refRID=904MP6Q457QV8PW2MZ9Y

"Shadowrealm" of The Twilight War Trilogy (By Paul S. Kemp) (begins in 1374 DR after "Shadowstorm", and ends in 1479 DR)

Story synopsis: Cale inhaled deeply and fought back tears. He allowed that on at least one night months ago the village owed its safety not to Yondalla, but to him. He had killed a score of trolls while he had answered to Jak's ghost, while he tried to climb into the light.

But light was not for him. Not anymore. Not ever.

Fun fact: Mask, the god known as the god of shadows and thieves, relinquished his divinity and his life over to Shar to repay a millennia-old debt to her in the novel's story, and also because she is his MOTHER. Didn't know that? The portions of Mask's divinity also gets separated into equal portions to be taken by Kesson Rel, Erevis Cale, Drasek Riven, and Prince Rivalen of the Shade enclave. Erevis will also sacrifice himself to Mephistopheles in payment for releasing the half of the soul of Magadon that he ate, and in turn, Mephistopheles will absorbed the portion of Mask's divinity held by Cale. The events of this novel are relevant to "The Godborn" novel.;psc=1&refRID=HPR4BH078CJ2NDMS9HQ7

"The Howling Delve" ends in 1374 DR

"The Depths of Madness" ends in 1374 DR

"Vanity's Brood" of the House of Serpents Trilogy (By Lisa Smedman) (1374 DR)

Story synopsis: Medusanna

A priestess of terrifying power convinces the


A yuan-ti tribe from the distant jungles of Chult to serve her growing cult of


Merciless god of the serpent people who languishes in the foul plane of


Where a trapped and desperate Karell can only hope Arvin will find her before the

House of Serpents

Finally destroys their last hope for freedom.

"The Bladesinger's Lesson" (Realms of the Elves Story VII) (Written by Richard Baker) (in Flamerule 1374 DR)

Story synopsis: Daried Selsherryn an Elven Bladesinger of some nobility is commanding a defensive scouting party in his forsaken homeland of Cormanthyr against a Sembian invading force. The elven troop is small and posted there by higher command for fear of a stealthy flanking of the larger elven force that they are apart of.

"Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir" (An expansion for NWN 2 developed by Obsidian Entertainment) (1374 DR)

Story synopsis: The hero/heroine of this story begins his/her tale on a ship sailing for Samarach with Volothamp Geddarm himself as one of the passengers. when a severe storm hits the ship is destroyed and your party, with Volo are washed up on a beach in Chult and attacked by Batiri. Volo lives up to his reputation and the hero/heroine of this story eventually come into conflict with a militaristic group of Yuan-ti who are the followers of the interloper deity Zehir.

"Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate" (The final expansion for NWN 2 developed by Ossian Studios) (1374 DR)

Story synopsis: Welcome to the most infamous and corrupt city in the Forgotten Realms, the port metropolis of Westgate! Explore the secrets of this cutthroat capital of the Dragon Coast, where anything goes and everything has a price, and attempt to unveil its darkest mysteries before they consume you. Choose your allies wisely in this city of treachery, as you seek to encounter the rulers of Westgate's underworld, the deadly Night Masks.

Fun fact: Alias and Minsc get mentioned several times in this expansion's story. In Alias' case, it is because she has battled the Night Masks before six years ago, during the events of the novel "Masquerades", which is in the same year as Baldur's Gate 1.

Fun fact #2: The secret tyrannical rule of the Night Masks over Westgate began in the year 1353 DR.

Fun fact #3: Guess who finally drives the Night Masks out of Westgate? It isn't your player character in this adventure. It is a young human rogue named Gedrin Shadowbane who does it 10 years later. In 1384 DR, one year before the Spellplague happens, he had a vision in which Helm was killed by Tyr and Helm's godhood flowed into Tyr, restoring his sight. Later, Gedrin had a second vision in which Tyr was killed by Orcus and Tyr's godhood merged with Torm's. After the visions, Gedrin formulated the Heresy of the Threefold God and formed the Eye of Justice and drove the Night Masks out of Westgate.

"Maiden of Pain" ends in 1374 DR

"Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance" (A video game developed by Snowblind Studios, playable on the Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, XBOX One, XBOX Series S/X PC and Nintendo Switch) ((Original release date: December 4th, 2001), (Re-release date: May 7th, 2021)), (In-universe date of game: 1374 DR))

Story synopsis: Three adventurers, Vahn a human arcane archer, Adrianna a moon elf sorceress and Kromlech Bruenghor a dwarf berserker, arrive in the city of Baldur's Gate only to be robbed by the members of the new thief guild at war against the Shadow Thieves guild. Vahn, Adrianna and Kromlech resolve to find out who stole their goods and make them pay, however, they have no clue what they are getting themselves into. If the Flaming Fist and the city watch of Baldur's Gate can't do anything about this new thief guild, what can three adventurers do? This new thief guild might likely be part of an organized alliance of evil forces preparing to unleash darkness all over Faerun.

Fun fact: This was the very first D&D game I ever played on an old friend's PS2, ten years before I even grew interested in D&D and only knew of BioWare's Baldur's Gate games by reputation. And I feel the need to admit that I remember that I had a bit of a crush on the moon elf sorceress protagonist Adrianna (who is on the box art of the game wielding a sword), I always played as her in this game. I was going through puberty in 2003, even Elfsong Tavern's owner Alyth made my adolescent hormones go crazy.

Fun fact #2: The owner of Elfsong Tavern, the blonde half-elf woman behind the bar, Alyth, was in Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear as a basic NPC. In Siege of Dragonspear, the Chaotic Neutral bard Garrick tried flirting with her, but obviously she was not interested in him. However, a few years later after the time Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance is set in, Alyth will eventually have a son who will take over running Elfsong Tavern in the 4th and 5th Edition time frame of the Forgotten Realms, and his name is Alan. Who is Alan's father? Who is the lucky man who won Alyth's heart? No one knows for now, all that is known is he was likely human or half-elf.

Fun fact #3: A part of this game's lore has ties to the Icewind Dale 1 game. Remember the orc horde that destroyed the elven fortress Severed Hand and fooled the elves into thinking the dwarves of Dorn's Deep sold their weapons to the orcs? That orc horde marched south, besieging Silverymoon and Waterdeep, but they were beaten back and driven further south, and it was them that Eldrith the Betrayer and her armies fought against. Isn't that a funny how the lore of two different D&D games happen to be connected as if they were sequels?

"Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave" 3rd edition tabletop adventure game (By Richard Baker, David Noonan, Bruce R. Cordell, James Wyatt, and Matthew Sernett) (Autumn 1374 DR)

"Continuum" continues and ends in Uktar "November" 1374 DR (Realms of War Story I)

"The Knights of Samular" (Best of the Realms, Book III Story I) ends in 1374 DR

"Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2" (A sequel game developed by Black Isle Studios, playable on the PlayStation 2, Xbox, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) ((Release date (PS2 and Xbox): January 20th, 2004, (Switch, PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One and Series X/S): July 20th, 2022), (In-universe date of game: Begins in late 1374 DR))

Story synopsis: Not too long after Vahn, Adrianna and Kromlech defeated Eldrith the Betrayer, destroyed the Onyx Tower and were betrayed and kidnapped by Sleyvas who works for the vampire king Mordoc SeLanmere, who was Eldrith's disciple but now leads the dark alliance they have been fighting, five more adventurers arrive in Baldur's Gate, human cleric Allessia Faithhammer, dwarf rogue Borador Goldhand, human barbarian Dorn Redbear, drow monk Vhaidra Uoswiir and elf necromancer Ysuran Auondril come seeking more thrills and adventures that will lead them to fame, but eventually they will come into conflict with Mordoc and his remaining members of the dark alliance that Vahn, Adrianna and Kromlech have not defeated yet.

Fun fact: I never played this game before because back in 2002 to 2008 I never actually owned a PlayStation 2 (but my sister did) or the first Xbox system, or even the Xbox 360 during those years.


"Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land" 3rd edition tabletop adventure (By Richard Baker, Eric L. Boyd and Thomas M. Reid) ((release date: July 17th, 2007), (in-universe date: 1375 DR))

story synopsis: Shadowdale lies conquered! Who can free this oppressed land?

Zhentish soldiers, Maerimydran drow, and Sharran cultists have forged a dark alliance to subjugate the peaceful land of Shadowdale. Elminster's tower lies in ruins, Lord Amcathra governs at the sufferance of the dale's conquerors, and the very Weave of magic in this embattled land seems to fray with each passing day. The Zhentish yoke lies heavy over Shadowdale—but the Dalesfolk are ready to fight for their freedom, if only they can find true heroes to lead the way!

"Unclean" of The Haunted Lands Trilogy (Written by Richard Lee Byers) (story begins in 5 Mirtul, 1375 DR)

Story synopsis: The realm of Thay has long been ruled by the uneasy peace of an alliance of wizards, but all along there has been one who believes he is the true master. And when that one wizard, Szass Tam finally moves against his former allies, his homeland could be only the first of his conquests.

Fun fact: Homen Odesseiron, the Red Wizard who is likely the father of Edwin Odesseiron from Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 is in this novel's story.;qid=1562649954&s=gateway&sr=8-3

"The Depths of Madness" ends in 1375 DR

"Anauroch: The Empire of Shade" 3rd edition tabletop adventure game (By Greg A. Vaughan, Thomas M. Reid and Skip Williams) (possibly 1375 DR)

Story synopsis: Anauroch: The Empire of Shade offers PCs the opportunity to at last confront the ambitious machinations of the Princes of Shade, who have the power of Karsus himself within their grasp. The PCs must sift through history to determine what threat looms over the land, and then overcome the challenge of trekking through a hostile environment without the comfort of the Weave and its magic to aid them. To stop the shades from advancing their ambitions against the rest of the world, the characters must penetrate the very heart of the Empire of Shadow. Only by scattering the pages of the Nether Scrolls can they put a halt to the Shadovar scheme and prevent Shar from shattering magic forever.

"Sacrifice of the Widow" ends in 1375 DR

"Scream of Stone" ends in 1375 DR

"Second Chance" (Realms of War Story XII) (By Richard Lee Byers) (Flamerule 29 1375 DR)

"Expedition to Undermountain" (3rd edition tabletop adventure game) (By Eric L. Boyd, Ed Greenwood, Christopher Lindsay and Sean K. Reynolds) (1375 DR)

Story synopsis: No one knows what lurks in the depths of the mad archmage's halls... but you're about to find out. Day, night, I can no longer tell. Gargoyles carried off the wizard while we were roping our way down Belkram's Fall. Evendur the paladin fell beneath the axe of a blood-maddened minotaur two rests later, then Ironhewer stumbled into a magical portal and vanished screaming. We dared not follow him. It is said that these halls hide treasure beyond imagining, but even if we found Halaster's hoard in the next chamber, we are so hopelessly lost that I doubt I would live to spend a copper of it.;qid=1562650125&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Fall of Frostsilver" (Role-Playing Games Association module) (By Matthew Sernett) (1375 DR)

Story synopsis: A party of adventurers in Icewind Dale have discovered an ancient trail map that marks the location of a dwarven hold called Frostsilver. They are urged on to explore the site by a pair of dwarf brothers, who recognize it as their ancestral clanhold. Upon entering the place though, they find it occupied by goblinoids led by a pair of Underdark slavers.

Fun fact: This game was made on the 20th anniversary in honor of the creation of the character Drizzt Do'Urden

Fun fact #2: The cover art was a recycled image used on the cover of the D&D module "Scourge of the Howling Horde", which had been released before November 2007.


"Storm of the Dead" of The Lady Penitent Trilogy (By Lisa Smedman) (Begins in 1376 DR)

Story synopsis: Lolth always plays to win.

When goddesses sit down to play a game, the stakes are the souls of their worshipers, and their own immortality. Not even the other gods of the Demonweb Pits can resist the draw of that fateful game, and one has already fallen.

But there are mortals that can sense even the shifting winds of the Outer Planes, and not all of them are powerless, even in the face of the Queen of the Demonweb Pits. After all, it took a mortal to make Lolth what she's become, and it may take another mortal to put her back in her place.

But how many more gods will die in the process?;qid=1562650307&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"The Shield of Weeping Ghosts" ends in 1376 DR

"The Pirate King" of the Transitions (By R.A. Salvatore) (story begins in 1376 DR)

Story synopsis: Drizzt returns to Luskan, and the Realms will never be the same! The Arcane Brotherhood has long held the city of Luskan in their power, but when corruption eats away at their ranks, Captain Deudermont comes to the rescue of a city that has become a safe haven for the Sword Coast's most dangerous pirates. But rescuing a city from itself may not be as easy as Deudermont thinks, and when Drizzt can't talk him out of it, he'll be forced to help.

Drizzt is back in action again, and bringing more changes to the Forgotten Realms setting. This all new hardcover adventure will keep Drizzt fans guessing the whole way, with edge-of-your-seat action and plot twists that even the most casual reader of the Forgotten Realms novel line can't afford to miss!

"Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2" continues ends sometime in 1376 DR

"The King in Copper" of Realms of the Dead (By Richard Baker) (1376 DR)

Story synopsis: Set in and around Hulburg in the years between its repeated sackings and its rebuilding, "The King in Copper" follows the story of Angar Hulmaster, the harmach (lord) of Hulburg. Hekman Odelmor and Kindon Marstel, two former mercenary captains forced to flee Hillsfar when the Zhentarim invaded, had arrived in Hulburg two years previously. With their combined mercenary might, they force the young harmach to host them while they scour the ruins for anything of value.

"Stardeep" of The Dungeons series (By Bruce R. Cordell) (possibly 1376 DR)

Story synopsis: All Kiril Duskmourn does is run away—from guilt, from her past, and from her responsibilities. But she can't run any longer. She lost everything stopping the Traitor from loosing his unholy revolution, and now the bindings on his cell are weakening. She alone holds the key to his release or further imprisonment. But does she still have the strength of will and arm to make the right choice?

This story likely takes place after Kiril, the main character of the story helped Raidon Kane and Delphe stop a traitorous Keeper of the Cerulean Sign, Telarian. The synopsis of Stardeep claims Kiril lost everything to stop the traitor. I'm not sure if the traitor is the same one Kiril helped Raidon and Delphe defeat yet, but it is possible.;qid=1562650379&s=gateway&sr=8-2


Double Diamond Triangle Saga: ("The Abduction" (By Robert J. King), "The Paladins" (By James M. Ward and David Wise), "The Mercenaries" (By Ed Greenwood), "Errand of Mercy" (By Roger E. Moore), "An Opportunity for Profit" (By Dave Gross), "Conspiracy" (By J. Robert King), "Uneasy Alliances" (By David Cook and Peter Archer), "Easy Betrayals" (By Richard Baker) and "The Diamond" (By J. Robert King and Ed Greenwood) (All take place in 1377 DR one story at a time starting with The Abduction)

The Abduction story synopsis: It's the most important wedding of the decade—and someone has kidnapped the bride! As the nobility of Faerûn gather in Waterdeep for the marriage of Piergeiron the Paladinson, Open Lord of the city, dark and mysterious forces are at work, threatening his happiness. But be careful; for in this world, nothing is ever quite what it seems.

The Paladins story synopsis: Lord Piergeiron has fallen ill, but his loyal retainers prepare to rescue his abducted fiancée. But their quest lies far beyond the areas around Waterdeep, and in the uncharted Utter East.

The Mercenaries story synopsis: A shadowy figure hires a group of unemployed pirates to aid him on a dangerous mission. But the mission has a hidden purpose, and somewhere behind the scenes it connects to the kidnapping of a young bride from Waterdeep.

Errand of Mercy story synopsis: The paladins sent by the Lord of Waterdeep to rescue his kidnapped bride have arrived in a kingdom of the Utter East. The monarch seems friendly, but the kingdom is beset by menacing fiends. Before the ruler agrees to help the knights in their quest, there is just one small task they must perform.

An Opportunity for Profit story synopsis: The pirates hired to assassinate the kidnapped Waterdeep bride are hot on their prey. Having landed on the shores of the Utter East, they face great danger--all without knowing the identity of their employer. Now, as the pirates make their way across the eastern kingdoms, fate sets them on a collision course with another interested party.

Conspiracy: As the search continues in the Utter East for the kidnapped bride of Waterdeep, the forces of paladins and mercenaries converge. Now, for the first time, the dark secret behind the abduction is revealed, and the searchers realize their quest is only half begun.

Uneasy Alliances story synopsis: The paladins and mercenaries have joined forces to defeat an attacking army of fiends. Now a powerful new weapon, the bloodforge, comes into their hands. But some suspect that the leader's plans for the weapon are somewhat less honorable. Can they undermine his hidden motives, while holding off the fiendish army?

Easy Betrayals story synopsis: A mixed company of paladins and mercenaries race back to Faerûn after the object of their quest is revealed as a threat to peace and order throughout the Realms. But beware! The evil will lead them on a chase that ends in the last place any of them expected.

The Diamond story synopsis: 'It's the most important wedding of the decade—and someone has kidnapped the bride! As the nobility of Faerûn gather in Waterdeep for the marriage of Piergeiron the Paladinson, Open Lord of the City, dark and mysterious forces are at work, threatening his happiness. But be careful; for in this world, nothing is ever quite what it seems.

"The Abduction":

"The Paladins":;psc=1&refRID=KSVQ2M5DA3857ZHDR369

"The Mercenaries":;psc=1&refRID=YZ1C24CS0Y3PKS90EXYH

"Errand of Mercy":;psc=1&refRID=M9F0FFFKDESYHPFD63CS

"An Opportunity for Profit":;psc=1&refRID=21MCQH2PDWFXPZXD11PP


"Uneasy Alliances":;psc=1&refRID=69WDNRPCXVM98K0HSQ4J

"Easy Betrayals":;psc=1&refRID=V4ZC6F55K4YQ6FF7Y16S

"The Diamond":;psc=1&refRID=R2PBB0SR8JHBFVN888NQ

"The Fall of Highwatch" of the Chosen of Nendawen Trilogy (By Mark Sehestedt) (possibly 1377 DR)

Story synopsis: Highwatch has never been taken. The fortress has sat, undisturbed for over a century, high above Narfell's frozen plains. The line of the High Warden runs unbroken down to his seventeen-year-old granddaughter, Hweilan. It is a place of peace in the wilderness.

But one among Highwatch isn't at peace. Guric, the foster son of the High Warden, makes a pact with an ancient, evil spirit to resurrect his wife. The price: his family's blood. Highwatch falls in less than a day. The line of the High Warden is broken. Only Hweilan escapes, her father's unstrung bow in hand and her heart full of vengeance.

Vengeance enough to drive Hweilan to make her own pact with an ancient spirit: Nendawen, the Master of the Hunt, primal spirit of the shapechanging Vil Adanrath.;qid=1562650769&s=books&sr=1-1

"Storm of the Dead" and "The Pirate King" ends in 1377 DR


"Crypt of the Moaning Diamond" (By Rosemary Jones) (1378 DR)

Story synopsis: The Siegebreakers are a tight-knit group of eccentric mercenaries who boast they can safely bring down the walls of any fortress, and will do so for the right amount of coin. But when the walls of their latest job crash down on their heads, trapping them in ruins treacherous with magic, monsters, and ever-rising water, it's all they can do to stay alive. Undaunted, the Siegebreakers are determined to escape and finish the job.


"Ascendancy of the Last" of The Lady Penitent Trilogy (By Lisa Smedman) (story begins in 1378 DR and ends in 1379 DR)

Story synopsis: Is it the end for the Lady Penitent? Is it the end for Lolth? Lolth has come out of hibernation with a plan that may seem too ambitious even for her, and to pull it off she'll need the help of a drow who's betrayed her at least once already—a drow she's transformed into the demonic Lady Penitent. The shocking conclusion to a trilogy that will change the Forgotten Realms world forever.


"Final Gate" ends in 1380 DR


"The Fractured Sky" of The Empyrean Odyssey (By Thomas M. Reid) (story begins in 1384 DR)

Story synopsis: Kaanyr Vhok's howl of anguish and betrayal made Aliisza clamp her hands over her ears.

The half-demon who once led the Scoured Legion finds himself exactly where he wanted to be—in the heart of heaven—under exactly the wrong circumstances—bound by divine oath to the whims of an angel.

Aliisza laughed. "When all is said and done, I still serve one person only." Me, she silently added.

Tricked by her lover into a torturous imprisonment in heaven, the succubus Aliisza's learned the folly of depending on demons to keep her best interests at heart. Now she's looking forward to teaching him the same hard-earned lesson.;qid=1562650901&s=gateway&sr=8-2


"Undead" of The Haunted Lands Trilogy (By Richard Lee Byers) (begins in Hammer 11 (January 11th), ends on Marpenoth 19 (October 19th) of 1385 DR)

Story synopsis: The dead walk in Thay, and as the rest of Faerûn looks on in stunned horror, the very nature of this mysterious, dangerous realm begins to change What started as one wizard's ambitions to take over the ruling council has become a vicious civil war that breeds a monstrous array of undead. And while the undead have always been a part of life in Thay, after ten years of constant battles, they have begun to outnumber the living.;qid=1562650955&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"The Many Murders of Manshoon" of Realms of the Dead (By Ed Greenwood) (1385 DR)

Story synopsis: One of Manshoon's clones sets out to cleanse the Zhentarim.

"The Gossamer Plain" ends in 1385 DR

"The Fractured Sky" ends in 1385 DR

"Sandstorm" continues on to 1385 DR in Calimshan when the Second Era of Skyfire begins and beyond

"The Crystal Mountain" of The Empyrean Odyssey (By Thomas M. Reid) (No realm year officially revealed, but it is likely in 1385 DR since the main character tried but failed to prevent Mystra's death which caused the infamous Spellplague)

Story synopsis: What could bring heaven to the depths of hell? Aliisza betrayed her lover Kaanyr Vhok, her mentor Tauran, and her son Kael in order to try to stop the dark plot to kill the goddess Mystra. She failed. Now the goddess is dead, magic is malfunctioning, and Aliisza and her companions are trapped. Her only hope of escape lies is in convincing the angels and demons she just betrayed to trust her and work together—before they kill each other. What Aliisza has witnessed has changed her forever, but that's nothing compared to what happened to the multiverse itself. The startling climax will change the nature of the cosmos forever.

Fun fact: This should be obvious, but this novel explains how the infamous Spellplague started.

Fun fact #2: Mezro, the home city of the vampire Hexxat from the Enhanced Edition versions of Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal was "destroyed" during the Spellplague.;qid=1562651040&s=audible&sr=1-1

"The Ghost King" of the Transitions trilogy novels (By R.A. Salvatore) ((release date: July, 2010), (in-universe date: 1385 DR))

Story synopsis: When the Spellplague ravages Faerûn, old friends and foes alike are caught in the chaos. The blinding light released from the destruction of Crenshinibon burned out the eyes of the mighty Hephaestus, leaving him angry, sullen and defeated. A strand of Mystra's falling Weave released the necromancy of the ruined shard, reviving as apparitions the seven original liches that created it and giving sentience to the dead mind flayer Yharaskrik. Yharaskrik tricks Hephaestus into breathing onto Crenshinibon again, which transforms the dragon into a dracolich. Yharaskrik compels Hephaestus to smash Crenshinibon into his skull, binding them together. Yharaskrik's sentience then binds with Hephaestus/Crenshinibon, the three becoming the Ghost King.

...shook its head wildly, and Guenhwyvar went flying away. Then the beast swung its head back into the room with battering ram force at Drizzt, a blow that would have killed him had it hit him squarely.

But no one ever hit...

As the head swung in, Drizzt dived over sideways, just ahead of it. Still, the sheer weight of the glancing blow had him rolling in an attempt to absorb the force, until he ran out of room, coming up hard into the wrecked chamber’s side wall, a burst of embers flying up behind him.

Stung and a bit dazed, but hardly down, Drizzt rushed back at the beast....

Fun fact: Almost half of R.A. Salvatore's D&D characters died during the Spellplague. Cadderly (who made a cameo appearance in Chapter 6 of Baldur's Gate 1) sacrificed his life to defeat the Ghost King in the Shadowfell, and became the new Ghost King, forever reinforcing and guarding the ward containing the rift left by the original Ghost King. Catti-brie died too, never recovering from being trapped between the Shadowfell and the Prime Material Plane after being caught in the blue fire of the collapsing Weave. Regis died on same night as Catti-brie, having become similarly trapped after trying to revive Catti-brie with the ruby pendant.

Fun fact #2: Even Nasher Alagondar, the king of Neverwinter in the years before, during and after Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 died during the Spellplague.

"Plague of Spells" of the Abolethic Sovereignty Trilogy (By Bruce R. Cordell) (begins in 1385 DR)

Story synopsis: 29 Tarsakh, 1385 DR


Raidon Kane emerges from the Spellplague with a sapphire tattoo burned into his flesh, strange supernatural powers, and eleven missing years.

"The world had ended.
How could he forget that?"

His daughter dead. His home has been destroyed. His life is empty save for one thing.

"Everything faded to blue,
then to nothing."


"The Devil You Know" (By Erin M. Evans) (Part 8 is set in 1385 following Bryseis Kakistos's story)

Fun fact: Bryseis is the first Brimstone Angel, she is the ancestor of tiefling warlock Farideh


"Pieces" of Realms of the Dead (By Richard Lee Byers) (1386 DR)

Story synopsis: This story follows Bareris Anskuld and Mirror as they try to rejoin the resistance movement against Szass Tam. In the city of Amruthar, they discover the body of Urmas Sethdem, whom they question with the aid of Bareris's bardic necromancy magic. From him, they learn that he answered to Chon Vrael, an influential Kossuthan priest in the city who detests undead for the pain they've caused his family.


Realms of Infamy Story 2 "The More Things Change..." ends in 1390 DR

Story synopsis: In 1390 DR, we see Elaith as the renowned crime-lord of Waterdeep, with a daughter Azariah. He arranges for his girl to be trained by Arilyn Moonblade. The only thing he asks of the famed half-elf assassin, is that she teach Azariah the rules—and the habit of questioning them.

"Iruladoon" (Realms of the Dead and The Collected Stories: The Legend Of Drizzt) (1390 DR, sometime after the Spellplague started)

Story synopsis: Set in Icewind Dale, after the Spellplague, "a place without time" tries to claim the crew and passengers traveling across Lac Dinneshere. Two of the crew stumble across a duo long lost to the world.;qid=1562651128&s=audible&sr=1-1


"Plague of Spells" ends in 1396 DR

"City of Torment" of the Abolethic Sovereignty Trilogy (By Bruce R. Cordell) (1396 DR)

Story synopsis: Xxiphu, In the Sea of Fallen Stars


Anusha took the warlocks' sleeping potion to stay in her dreamform while she battled the great kraken.

"What do you mean?"

That potion that prevented her from waking in time to escape the kraken's trap.

"That relic sucked your mind into its heart."

He'd do anything to free her—even go to the City of Torment itself.

HE JUST HAS TO FIGURE OUT HOW;qid=1562651160&s=audible&sr=1-1

"Key of Stars" of the Abolethic Sovereignty Trilogy (By Bruce R. Cordell) (1396 DR)

Story synopsis: Citadel of the Outer Void

I know where to find the Key of Stars.

For centuries Malyanna has worked in secret, manipulating, killing, and researching in pursuit of the Key of Stars.

I'll use it in the Eldest's place to unlock the Far Manifold.

With it, she will unleash a realm of chaos upon the world.

But first, we must find my poor, long departed mentor.

Raidon Kane and his companions must find a way to stop her—a race that leads them to seek out a dangerous criminal Raidon had defeated once before.

The Traitor.;psc=1&refRID=J5EDE4CQTVN7R3RP37K0


"Wrath of the Blue Lady" (By Mel Odom) (begins in 1399 DR)

Story synopsis: A treasure hunter discovers a sunken ship beneath the Sea of Fallen Stars ... and the dark sorceress who sank it. Allying with the vilest monsters of Faerûn, she seeks to expand her empire beneath the waves and overcome the surface.;qid=1562651205&s=gateway&sr=8-1

"Hand of the Hunter" of the Chosen of Nendawen Trilogy (By Mark Sehestedt) (possibly 1399 DR)

Story synopsis: For generations we fought him, but he grew stronger, destroying our homeland. We fled....
The demon Jagun Ghen, the nemesis of Nendawen the Hunter, roams the frozen wastes, building an army. For long years, Hweilan, the last scion of fallen Highwatch and the loose end of the Defiler’s plans, has been missing.

In the Hunting Lands, Jagun Ghen almost conquered. Only hundreds of years of blood and sacrifice vanquished him. Here... in this corrupt world beneath its cold stars....Here... Jagun Ghen could become a god....

For long years, in the cold places of the Feywild, Hweilan has been shaped into a tool to bring down Jagun Ghen and a weapon to avenge her dead family with—the Hand of the Hunter. But even in the Feywild, Jagun Ghen has eyes.

There are far crueler things in these woods than me.;qid=1562651232&s=audible&sr=1-3
Man, that is a lot of research and reading. Kudos for the effort.

For the uninitiated, BG3 is stated to be taking place in 1492 DR or later, according to a few notes that can be found in-game.
I am not a PnP player so I just looked after the computer games I played and read some fun facts about them.

- Are Icewind Dale 1+2 part of the same universe?
I did not find them on those lists.

- Is Volo a bard like in BG3?
I thought he was a wizard when playing older games.
Plus wizards are known for getting very old even when they do not become liches.
Originally Posted by Madscientist
I am not a PnP player so I just looked after the computer games I played and read some fun facts about them.

- Are Icewind Dale 1+2 part of the same universe?
I did not find them on those lists.

- Is Volo a bard like in BG3?
I thought he was a wizard when playing older games.
Plus wizards are known for getting very old even when they do not become liches.

That's fine, it doesn't matter if you're a PnP player or not, I didn't want to leave any lore element out.

Now, to answer your questions...

- Of course they are! Icewind Dale 1 and 2 take place many decades before the Baldur's Gate games, even though Icewind Dale 1 released in the same year as Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn, and Icewind Dale 2 released in the same year as Neverwinter Nights 1. The reason why you don't see them in this list is because they are in Part 1, where I detail all the Forgotten Realms novels, comic books and games from the very beginning of Faerun's time to the year Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear is set in.

- No, I don't think so. In fact, I wasn't aware that he was ever a bard. Truth is, he is actually a wizard even though he never dresses up like one. In 2nd Edition he was a Level 5 Wizard, and now in 5th Edition he is a Level 1 Wizard. Volo ages normally, but Elminster does not, and the reason why is because Elminster is a Chosen of Mystra, not a lich. Volo is neither one of Mystra's Chosen, or a lich. The reason why he is in the 5th Edition era of the Forgotten Realms is because a few years before the Spellplague happened, he somehow got caught in an Imprisonment spell, and the spell held him for 100 years and released him a couple years before Baldur's Gate 3 during the tabletop game "Waterdeep: Dragon Heist".
Yeah, even in Baldur's Gate 3, I think Volo is listed as a Level 1 Wizard. People just think he's a Bard because he pretends to be one.

If you play as a Bard yourself, you get some fun banter with him.
Thank you

I am surprized to see Volo is a low level mage.
I thought he is a very old high lv mage similar to Elminster, just a little bit less powerful.
He showed up in so many games that I thought he is super old.

Does an imprisonment spell stop aging?
Originally Posted by Madscientist
Thank you

I am surprized to see Volo is a low level mage.
I thought he is a very old high lv mage similar to Elminster, just a little bit less powerful.
He showed up in so many games that I thought he is super old.

Does an imprisonment spell stop aging?

The difference between Volo and Elminster is that Elminster is the one who is actually "super old", being alive since the 1st century of the Forgotten Realms, being a Chosen of Mystra has stopped him from aging.

And yes, an Imprisonment spell stops aging, that's how Volo was able to appear in 5th Edition Forgotten Realms D&D.
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